or llllllllMI mt II no KlMu no llnmlnn ma Mnmlnl mum 1103 our nul memum Mum mellnAv MAI maqu no loo no no 1m Im In no rmlmon lllnnll flu Mull Wlllllm wm nmI wmn my NIIM Mano tTmo Wumlh sum mnmonu Maxi cl nu ma snu Im1 mm spam Nun me no Thu W01 Mln Human MAY luW 1m mu ml sluala ruly 40mm mum Nllo mnNunAv MAY 13 um sml IHII no Pepey Inly nun mm uummm Hound rmlmm Our quotable notables man or womans breed lnl Ls how they behavn In quamL George Bernard Shaw Proxperly note The Lido Cahnnn Club hm past In llgn Mnney hell not per mitted In lhe p001 Red welcome mat Soviet Russ In making bid or flu lnflmnlional lauds trade II had 800000 visitor Inn year 0MB WEI though you could cure Math Icha by running three time Imuud church without think In about 0L You think II easy Now that ynuve been lag see you can do NEW YORK AWThing columnls mlghl never know ll her dldnl open hll mall his heen estimated lhe mother of In lulu child work up 93 hours week Incidentally the average baby eflï¬smlla mingle gay The Giris Auxiliary Festivai was held in Toronto Mrs Laurie Gregory look ihese member there with her Kathy Taylor Susan Taylor Cathy Rubensan had We 13nd Maggot Pratt South Simeon deancry will he held May 29 10 mm lnSL Paull Anglican Church Breton Corporalo communion lar ah WA members will he held May as at 11 mm Mrs Peler lrnnl rend and conducicd discus lion an chapter in the study book Lunch huslcsscs were Mrs George Siunden Mrs Lann ie Gregory and Mrs Frail now Brownie pack and Girl Guides company are being form ed in Hell Ewart and district Uniiorms or both in all size are urgently needed anyone having any no in use is asked in phone Mrs Moisey 94 ring She wlll put you in louch wii buygr The Pluléltnl mo at lhu home Mrs Pratt wllh ls mutnbm and lwa visitors pm len The vice president Mm Huny Holdcmfl presided over the meal lnz Mr Frank Oakley read lheScriplurelcsson The Dorcas secretary asked that all articles Ihn am com pleted be handed In the June THE LIGHT TOUCH The girl enjoyed the churcli AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY ll yvur rm In no Inlnd In Inf Irnu rum an lltl uy KlMu rm mrl IlMa n1 rm ArtIll mumv Nun AM cm mu Minna To run llnmu THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICI Bun Around Kirk And Dont Be Foxy mvNqw mun rum mm llmnn Ilvul Human ml mm An VI lMlHrI 1mm lluany lumhl Mn By MRS PRATT TELEVISION Pnochm DRIVEYOURSNLF CARI AND TRUCK ST PAULS CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU VAllEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL By HAL sous PA 82433 mmm 3833 33 83353333 KIMn rm mum Nun hnm nu hm Inu Iow Iv um mu um MI 00 him Inflon Ihmv IIIAV Mr man Ilnmlno Mman Mlluim mu lluun Imluwl 0an anmdlr Mynn man mo null vm Gpaxll rum Mun women Tn ny lnl Dulchmln nun MAY 11 WW ml Tm mun Good Mamlnl mm 5mm mm was NW 00 llnmp Roam not reply Pam IX Nacn luvan Loo anl 1000 Wuhhulm um Itwu observtd Where all think nllke no nne lhlnk very much Dont worry too much your lmnll chlld fnquvmlly PM word Its normal and all chlldran dam But only level uul at every 1000 children be came Ilullerm no Including 20000 Frenchmen 1B 000 Brlton and 11000 Amer cnns Odd lelislallan New Jer sey town once undo min demeanor lor dog to lurk met In oclock at nlghl In Lnuls lllo la lllcnl ln 31 on curb and drink beer from bucket And lhere was llmc when you could be arrested In Wshlnglon DC ll caught Ishan whlla mated on horse Our crowded planet By 1975 or 1900 China may become ha wnrlda Hm nation to have 1000 000000 people Thu 0611 and Explorers rno thers Ind daughter held luc cessful banquet in the Unlwd Church hall Monday night the dinner mgram lol luwed with music nxlnx dial ogue and speeches given by the girls Also than was demonstration or he zlrll work given by the OGIT leader Mm Harvey Robinson Nixfund Mrs florman Conlsui Toronto visited their sisters Mrs Camelan Manse nnd Mn Mr urid Mn Cllllord flick worlh amended the resentHon and celebntlon or Ind Mn By MRS DUCKWORTH Min Kale McKavei Toronto is visiting im Iisieu iii Duckwarth and Mn Wliier Mciiiacknn Mr George Bridger and 1am 1ly Len0y vhlled her pmnu Mr Ind Mn Gordan Bulb service and later thu mu Churches from all over 0n were reprcsenled Mr Ind Mn Mel Row Elm vale called on Mr Ind Mrs George Stunden also Mr and Mrs Rusell Stunden Gary and ngren qnjundï¬y Mr and Mrs Clarence Smith Lois and Paul Oakland lull called on Mr and Mr Pm Sunday mun Ind Alln new In nnHlll mol Thu MM in lnolln AI runlmnr KIMn Nullaqu IIM mum Mrmm Nu In llmu Ila III In TORONTO Lu 1h lmu Mumn nlmnll Imy man rm unu llInM cm N0 lh lyorfl navln MIMI In Norm Auum roumry Iladown Tnu Zamrny Amhrou um Mn Anuna mum mun Lorllu vnm 1mm mmu mu Iovm hm BARRIE ANGUS lhnw ml The nppnrcm Ioscrn loaklnu all lnur hands an hum dlImond nnd club Ind lha problem lo cut all one hen loam Aclunlly declarer leum ha dismhullun 01 um Emch um ha mnkes MI uarmm Icqucncl plnyl II ha ha lo do Inlvo ha Emblzm on doublzdummy IIII Wul lid land In uully md Ilnxlotcn Dcclnm uku lho Ice Ind mlhu um hunrlI lcnrnlnu In In This deal was played In par content In England Sonlh wns expeded lo ruch live hurls on tho blddlnz Ihown and mnkn ho conlmcl blddlnx In 801th Want Norm Pu Pun 4m lul Openlnl lead lhrce Ipadu l1 Dunn Damn Inm Ami 51 It mm Then wu In error In th re port tho Trua Blue weekly euchm shnuld have read Mervin Fralick fur the most lone hands or he seasmr and Ev erell Rulman with Im highest pojgtsjor lhe yawn Mr andMr JohnAndtrson Ind Sherman Toronto spent the weekend with Charlle Bawdery 11 III II not Your mm 14 mm Connnlulnï¬ons In Mr and Mrs Grant Allen Norma Black on Una arrlval of son Mlchlel Roy at Ruyll Vlctorla Hospltll ll MR3 MONTE Mrs Herb Palmer spent law day with her brother and wife Mr and Mn Percy Hon bynol Torgnlo Veser Legmn member held their meeting In th neromstry lunch mm on Wednesday eve hlnz with eht members allemt Mr and Mn Mchnrcy nl Cooklvllle spent Friday with Mr and Mn Victor mld cogmmnon Dacrl and Maison of Bolton lpenl Thursday with Mr Mrs DAni DAILY CROSSWORD Amos nmmmltmnu tAcho chlMu In an taume do In ILTVI at mm WW nmm mm Dip out 11211 lull ul mur pnlx l0 Wnpl DOWN Jag um than of 80lck ll mm Olgamod JRb hm Irqu rumi new mm mum Innm nun Hex IL minim mvmlur I1 Herbert Barker New Lowll on their doth wedding annlvuu Iary Mr Barker farmer reeve Ind clerk Sunnldale Tawn shlp and exwardan Slmcoa cam Min Winnfrred Black 517 ha weekend wllh her varenu Mr and Mr Dnvld Black It Grand Valley Mr Ind Mrs McGregor of Lindsay and Mr and Mn Dean or Edmor Beach were gum vhuors with Mr and Mr and Mn Sun Woulsey Ind Edna Juan v11 ted their mother Mrs Earl Cnsey Tor nng on the yukend Thu Boy Scout Wen on owningume ove5tha waokend MRS 8E0 uncommon VIBES 1982 JWN Ens dealer Neither nldo vulnerable Mr and Mrs Halpcnny Ky MIDHURST STN KNOCK CONTRACT 3mm 182 mKas VO Noam 0A2 IAQM 03 61010 soum 6511an 7001 pun Hum ETIIII ll MRI Quinn JCllnl IM mo Ill ll By JAY BECKER Ibbr ll Lubricln umbln mur Id 21 ElmaInn 29 lun claimL mum 22 Ind a1 Ezfmsg at phpr 141111 call He nnw land lpld Ind dll cards dlnmand orclnl ch lodlscrd dlamond alw When Ens plnyl nnnlhcr lplldl do clnrcr discards dinmand unln putllnu West In Maillon whnro all he can do win rump Irlck and no more he rum he made dum my dhrurd club hi dll card dlumond dummy mn nnd lend the good dllmond ho ICan dub dummy rum Ind lend lha lood club Ah road land In Inevilnblc mull Tomomwx Th ellmlnlllou plly comermundan havlnl Iluled wtth slnxietan wade nnd three oururd will on the xlde Decllrer cllhe tha AK dlamonda nd another high club at which point Ihll become ha poslllan four Humps When ha the Um AK of clubs ho discover that Was Illa mrted with our club Saturday Vlsllon at lhelwma Mr and Mrs DAnglo were Mr and Mrs Mum Toronto and Mn Fairfax Tonenhlm Mn wlllllm mm 91 Bar rie nnd MI Cllol McNell and of Toronto were Sundly mum at the honAI of Mr Ind Mn Colllns RICH VEGETABLE 0n mediumlzzd um um lain all the vitamin mom mended or the diet of nor mally active person mer agent the weekend will men sun and Imllylohn Hul WEW Sympnlhy goes In ha family An Kellen Who died sud denly at his homeMondIy morning Wilfred Reid of Thnmbu has returned home after spend ng gale with his brolhur Victor Mr and Mrs Norman Campbell and Inmlly Ind Mrl Nurman llL CAmpbelI vlsllad Mlu Janie Guchrllt ln Torom lo last Sunday Mrs Campbell Sn remalncd or vlsIL John Ecruum has com leled his third yur It 0AC uelyh and in min employed It Bez zant Nurseries Mlsm Joan and Susan Enr Ihnlnmew Tornnlo visited Mr and Mrs kaer Caldwlll lul Sunday Gwen and Judy Madman 21 Wonder Valley visited Ivan Clarka in Sunday GUTllMEIIAWKESTONE YPU The YPU met in lhn United Church here with lair aiiend ante and Garry Gnu presid edi Misses Carol Bertram and Shirley Campbell condumd wor ship service on Firmly Week Miss Shirley Campbell ll flow ardship canvuier had lnviied Mrs or Lizhlhuurn ol Barrie In address lha meeflngi She gave talk on Making the But Your Liler up Ind MM CAMPBELL mu GUTHBIE ado VQI 161a vo nu ian Dry an lnddnnld himu runn VBoum VNorlh nkhum MESS tho mm mmam WAT WA swim no mmunm mm WWW GONNA mum H70 5i uzck Mow mum INch MCME wrm Mv uANDo oo GWOLLIN mom PomoN NV THE KARI EXAMINER WEDNESDAY MAY II ll UAzwooolWHAIARI you DOING Turk xwgwwm RN if MMIW COULDNY GET IIM rolcOkN cAcx