11m pth DUIflaulhouulrm um am It ML mm éin mama xluzcu wwmmx all mum llllll 0N TUBWALL NEAL QUESTION Lad yur v19 um mum unlrr Mme Ihe up lhn ml and llln ullm Mllvmy black upon mum on tho tumm Ill Emmy ANSWER UM only In luhlrr hm llwr mlnl nu Imrlv mm an yelth urnllo Minn mntnulrn ll up In In IIKIM mm Her In wnlor punl llmr nhmld he Inn uma all not HE lhnmuxh muth wllh My good drlrrurm and Ill Iumh lnllnwul IIy nmpln rlmflnu mmmi he ullllrlonl hlncn nppllrnnun Nymlnm rnry wllh xlllrrrnl alnln md nml Inflow um Illirl mlrucllonl urflully QUESTION unnl l0 pnlnl Um CIllcnli Hour In mlr limo mem Our luauo yrnu old nml It Inur hm nu much or wnlrr was What Hm pnlnl flmml HM and Mm In the prcr momle Mod npvcnrnnm rrromlnrnd two or lure lhin coal lnp qunllly lluur mint nr Hml run nch Thln hr in mm ncrnnl lnn In munufndurerl Inler In Ilrucllons ONUIIJT Ilnvo lhv Inor nnmlrd nnmalh and level lhrn up 11L llecnuxo Imprr ullunl In llw AhSWlIll Usually N0 floorlnu lmn lnrnc knuln nnd wr lnce lmpcrlcdlnm Any cracks lactween hunrdn tnn he IIIuI with plan wand or or ck llllnr nvnllnblc ll pnlnl nnd hnnlwnr glam nr me mixluro Inw dmL Mm 11an crnrka vnc uurp nldml nul mom wmu hum uvmd yum commend for Um nor ANSWER Use vinyl plus lulu pnInl which can be my plied to hem wood nnd masonry Iurlum Indoors nnd ouldonrx Fallow manufacturerl Instruc ion on In pnlnl cnnlulnnr cnrclully FINISHING ATTIC FLOUR QUESTION usnl N0 nlno flooring uhcn we pul In an llnnr morn yvnra no WM lrll rough and unnnlshrd Al lhnl 0mm Now we want In ll Xnan nucsl ANSWER the crnckls rc lallvely smnll 11 Inch lo 4h Inch use gmcolored cnulklng com pound to Ill the vpcn space he crack mnrc lhan l5 lnch decp HI wilh sand then put In the cnulklng mnlcrlnl For larger umrk brush out can wrllclcs mnlslcn he 51ch nnd pack tho splice wllh patchan cemcnl kccplnx he pnlch mols for about wcck lo nllow lluw mrlng PAINT FOR FOUNDATION QUESTION We have Im pnlnlcd concrcle block loundn llcn under our wood shlngxe house What pnlnl could we us that the loundullon would be lh gray as the hlnxlm CRACK DEVELOPS QUESTION crack has de velopcd between the house and the wlde concrcle Itep or land Ins In front at our hunst Haw can this he repnlrcdfl nwl am It war ml almpe aslgn Ic could be living space with cxccpï¬om built on very modest budget ally good traffic circulation FIRST AID FOR THE HOME but Forlls floor ma il offer In EXAMINER HOME OF THE WEEK FLOOII ROGER WHITMAN QUIJSTioi vo hnvo xrnni dud oi malniuro on nur kiichm wlndow durinn cold wuihcr winn wu hen it ciond 11d hm dripped down nnd blntkrn rd lho window Illl In ncvrrnl Ipuil Haw cnn wn remuva limo Ipni heiuru minihing lho Ilii7 ANSWER Apply wood blenril nr 11 imi Iniurnlul Iolulinn oi mnlir ncld ipniwnl Iihernliy In lim Lininrd nrm Ind nlluw io mnnin urrrnlnhi Ihm rlnu ihnrmmhiy with rim wnlrr Viwn lluy wood II riry mi lmuolh with 0000 Inndrnper Mill wlpo Mi nil dull Iiriin duiml il Ilw wood iml Men mlnlrd or Mnlnimi lilo pm rni llniil mm bu rrmoml ilrli iwlurr ircnllnl llm Ilflll Rug ml iminllinu nn unmul inn vmiNi in llw mildnnn In dmw rxcmlw molliluo rum II kiiriirni MnalrmnM Inullum GurINv mural Ihnl yum nllnw mm ol mrnllfl mlnulrl In rr II mm ml will MNIM Ilrnm will cnrn morn mlly ANSWER Dunnllcly yes You um unlly make klnd of port nhlu spmy boolh by pluclnl whnmr youru painting lmldo tlrnn rnrmgnlcd cnrdbunrd box hn kind lhnll nvnllublo emmy nl mpcrmurkcll clc wonhwhlln txlrn procnullon II pmrlnu the box on mm mm nl newspaper Iprcnd an tho floor QUESTIO nnJuy uslnz tho new normal In pninla but have lroubln hoping the palm aprny from Iurmundlnu objects nulls etc try pulllnz up plus IiL Ahvcllnfl bul Its hard make It May pm whnn youre pnlnllnx small things like plno mun Ihelll Imnnl boxes llvu In an npnrlmcnl nnd cnnl du my pulnunn outdoor whlch would mnke Illa limplrr Can yuu recommend nnylhlng Scrupulnusly uxnmlnu lhu seal between lub nnd walls In mnko mn thcm In no possiMO crack mhcrwlsc moldure rom thu Iub will work me the wall and come bank In cause lhu mlldcw AY PROTECTION the mold sng oil wllh clear wnlerl chr the bumer as well vcmlnlcd posslble la allow Ihe mols nl In rscnpc lnslnlllnx an ex nuusl Inn vcnlcd dlrcclly la the outdoors wlll help consldurubly numflul awnka sho Emmnlu PIlEE PICKUP AND DELWEIW lham IA mu ANNIE BullMm II nu luv mu NM Jill We molslurc Ir Illa molslure ls nnly from humld nlr In the bathroom the black spou can he removed by applying chlorine bleach solullnn plnl bleach per gnl lnn wnlcrl nllowlng to re vgnln nlmul llvvl mlqules la km umdLsï¬hiNe ANTIQUE AND M9053 WORK nnAiiyénn jw CITY Apnmuenl home or mm 50000 pmpiu mo in ho bulll ha mnr mlun Imhlltclu nlnmxl rampldnd lhu pInM Hut nnw conllnuu ln now up on Vlcnnnl mm and tom mm prnlctlcd mul Illc city will ml lhc mm whim melrh arnulnml In lhn mum The popular Iklinu nlupa In wlnlcr mud Invorno plncu or plcnlcl In nummrr hm been urrhnud by tho VHIIKI Kllcnluxtu Imn Plum mnh It pm ha vlllnn um hlvo led to hundmh nlpralcxu large ICE the art3 hn alrnndy been nncrlflcad la new nulnhnhn uhlch In he built ncron nlllx and valley 11 am hcuuly already In mnrrcd by ruins of now tamplclrd molarwnf which ll ler pmde In bu 1d whrn lho NEH ncgluplcd Auslxln In ma Thu counrll hm nu pnwer lo lmbid or mlrlcl lurlher bulld Ina In mu wands In any me most It In purl ho prov lnm or lower Auslrln UNSIGHTLY RUINS According clly council xcporl sum 40 per ccnl of lho urns and mm land In the wood is slrcndy owned by non lnrmcrs whu want to build them Many hundred news lhn rc an unyl have been baunhl spuculnlon who have npllt up the and and nnw nro winged ln pmmahle rcselllnfl VIENNA flculml The Vinnnusc nrc gellan worrlcd about the futurenl Ihnlrlumcd woods The Vienna waods from whlch Beethoven Momrt nnd Schubert drew Inspiration urn lhrenlcncd by lhn gmwlh the capital Unlch bulldlng slapped Immediately he woods la which Johann Strauss dcdl cnlcd no hls most hcaullful wnllzc mny shrink to tho alto at loolbnll Held AC lllxlg llnrrlol Doclnn lrcncrlpllonl Accurately lllledl PAIjOVN PA 688 Standard Builder Blueprint for his design Nu 608 cost $15 or the Hrst set and $5 In ad dillonal sets They are avail able In Canada by rclurn mnlL Onlnrlo rcsldcnls mus remll per cent sales lnxL Den could he used as no men gency bedroom Note protecled lronl entrance and dlrcct no on lo baseman rum scrvlce door Garage whlch ls shown as optional on the plan could be omitted House would then so on 501 lot The lllux Irollon shows from conslruc Ilon bul the blueprint Include complcle cooslrucllonnl delnlls or bulldlng ln brick veneer or solid hrlckl Vienna Woods Shrink l1 Celllar SHORNEYS GUILD OPTICIANS NEW OFFICE of loronlo ordona other key decl olvc spending policy The lnde endcnl Canadlnn Tax Foundnton has estimated the current years dollclt eb lwccn $000000000 and 5800000 000 on the has of exIsllnl taxes In recent Interview ha 51 yearold mlnlslcr nld tho Eav ummcnta most Important ask to solve the twin problem 01 unemployment and lnnalow ecynamlc growth mm The him Me In gov emmenl ï¬nance Ihu budg etary deï¬cit or last Lscnl year ended March 31 Koreans last Oct 22 by Canxnrvallve Fl nnnce Minister Gum Nowlan $510000000 mining 11mm That would seem to leave ll Ia or nothing In the way of IX cuts for Indlvldnal taxpay and this kind of cut wasnt among the Liberal election pmmLm in me campaign speech Prim Minister Pearson said indecision might have to be made with view puttinz main in order which would nnt make govemmant vary pngLuiaf in Ihe shnrjrterm Finance Minister Waller Gor don will unveil lhu declslon In his first budget speech expected around mIdJune From what has been aald ublicly It IP gears likely helpul most of emphasis on tax Incentive wllh some juicy carrot to urge Industry onward OIIAWA CHOne of tho toughest decision or the new Liberal government to mm halanca between two election promises lax Incentives to aklmulalobusiness and mu Inward balanced budgeL Liberals Have Two Tasks Now Budget Verus Tax Incentives IRE SIIOWDOWN BOOKLET VacchgynlCmudmnlumnn not Miami compulm Inch IM you PILI up your am noon Valiant wlpcdumu nu Ilm othcr comma with In 101 hp sumsu 110 5ym50000mlll pourruin wlmnIypvolmu you Inlmt nuke palm lmludlnl ule and Idiom um um uan IIAJI wllh III at to 1mm undoIn ulna Vllhnll In mlnnhqulpmcm nllmflk hcp your billuy Mly dxmcd Ind Bum nu pmch mm No other compact does so much for you Admit It uvo ncvcrhnd Iuch Iran rcnlmcntl But you dcscrvo be Ipo Mr Johnson Am you just bought your family mw aninnl tho but campm car on the mud lodny And Mr Johmunquurnchnlhnlflfll WilhiuslnmSixpowzcr lmnnlh Mml vu mm maulam puwcr IIIIDDIII Ktpcndlililc reomfon nnd llulfly moncymving ways 111i kind orvnluc likely In Ipoil you or my ulhrrcnr For good Your wlfo 10m Vllinnt loowe can ldL Shodtdnl open door WARN II rouowmo TV WOW IVMY WHK 0N ml MIWOMJ PLAVDAllUWMDAV erllHDAV wllh llml schedule here would be time enough 101 up prnvnl at he budge helm the summer mess hut not enough llme for passage of the nnw spendlng program Its llkcly lhe zovernmenl wlll ask or lnlerlm spendan nulhorlly to tide ll over until all when Iha expenditure wlll coma up or approval Item by Item Mn Pearson has Indicated that In new xesslon will lake summer adjanmmcnl about two months Alter mum and meet nnln In September to lin lsP work The last Parliament didnt get nround to voting approval oi any oi lust yenra rpandlnz uiimniu The gavemmlnt op eraled on temporary voles oi money supply until Pariinmeni dissolved Since then it has paid It hlllx throulh rpeclal Govep nwrGenerlln warrantsl iolal 312587235 ior tho iour months Fchmarszayl new Pnrlllmen also am Iome unflnlshed business In the mm at 13 yearl mend Ina nmgram nvgmass HANGING iiaundmtaod am the new Lihnrnl government early in he now Parliament openinl Thursday will Introduce this spending budget an it was writ ten reserving ihe right to main amendment inter Whan the 1m Parliament wax dissolved Feb the CamelVa Ive government hadnt yet pre neuter the blue book ol spend Ing estimate or Ihe 1963 ï¬scal year This had bean to ared but not yet mm In olh Enlllsh and French var nlnns the one aid of the coin to whey nobody beats FRENCH MOTORS youre spoiled Wale SERVED ABROAD Cnnndlnn Red Cross medical nurslnl and technical pmnnnel Inrved In The Congo Irnn Ml races and ï¬nish in ma In Mrs thbels Mr and Mrs Barber Butlala NY Mr and Mn Gabriel Ecru chcsne Mr and Mn Hurry Landry Tarnnlo and Peter King Camp Harden spent Illa weekend Theophlle Kinil and nltcnded the KlngHnrrlron weddlng In Midland on Saturday Sympathy ho communley on In Mr and Mn Ken Pol au who lost his brother Clar ence Mr Poltaga was holiday ing In Calllomla whzn he took Mal heart attack Funeral services there were allowed by crggnatlon Mu Phil Kin and Mn Enwley altandcd um region al meeting lha Calhoun Wm mgna Lgpguahelï¬ In Barrie Mr and Mn Jack Ban and lamily hava moved Colwaler Mr and Mrs Tom Douglas have rented lhe ann Iann Earlnad feeder catlla hava arrived at tho Ken Pou quarry Mr and Mrs James Barr spent day In Lindsay and visited Mm Barrs brolher who patient undslnyjospnalz Mr and Mrs George Gaunt vIsllcd durum the weekend at Frnwleya alter ramming mm lendny holiday at Rock Sound Elculhern Bahama where they were guests Rev PaulPen dqrgastLSnl Mn Phlle King and family attended the King Harrison wedding In Mjglnnd 9n Salurguy Conxrnlulnllon to Michael King SS Medonle who won several trophies at tho Music Festival Caldwmcr MOUNT ST Loiiï¬ By MR5 FRAWLEY 75 BRADFORD STREET lKlvmn engine on hbllmllmu anlnnl ulfInljmlinubmku1mm fur mo of mo other wmpxu or gxulcr ul anlanl mm min wllh SLIMSix ccnnnmy win 4000mm mm mm Ind 52000th lnlemll bzlvmn dmxl vuul rumlldl up unblo brake Ilnln ma Hun tn no nut Ilnndmi ulna In It dun am with In npllonal 141 hp unm for tho claim The fact Is aninnt win moxt people on Iho my ï¬rst rid which only gocs lo Ihow whn lmpclling good looks and polhhcd good mnnncrl will do for comma Hut Valium donnl Its on It flmImptcaslon hurcls Fiflylhanflnd mllcs Inlcrynuu ulllblcmhodnyyou boughlVMlnnlRnlnxnndcnjoyilMrJohmun Livo tho mo otRflay ll drich Valiant tool Iva been Insclnnled or long tlma wlth ï¬lm and wnnled lo pursue snmethlng have lven lot of thought to Iexplnr Um Amerlcan char acter llved Fort Lauder dale In Florida for alx months and whlle In no place to he rcllred wasntready lo re tire Iound had lo com to Hollywood because la the probably should have made the move Iva or ï¬x yam ago but was dnlng we show No for tho Money whlch the rnducm wanted to do In New ork Then was stuck wllh Va ahaw gr yang In the pmblams because Calllur Mas other advantages Ha ex flalned why he hadmoved his mm from MI eastern base 51ng WEI 3m Iigwcdu was coming to California Wasnt 50an to wear lie my more Just sgort ahIrls he IIld Thu ï¬rst In know run Into bunch dude in He and my Hulls So 309 Ire Ike em Arid tho drm among Call amlqy hancgntuscd Shrlncr Herb Shrine Says Hes Coniused California Has No Rhubarb Pie 11m humorist la aeltllng here and hes trylng to gel accus lamed to local living It hasnt been easy Fnr one thing Its awfully dmlcuit to ï¬nd any rhubarb pie In California he nld And If impossible In llnd nny sugar pie He explained Illa was an Indiana dish poor manl pin wlgh Alrgosl no llhll By BOB THOMAS HOLLYWOOD AP Look who has becomc Camnrnlan IndIInnI own Kerb Shrlnur BARnlE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY MAY 1m oANAbXï¬b QHHYSLEH for value WAX FIGURES ARRIVE MONTREAL CWBritish madc wax figures oi our in thcr oi Conicdnration arrive here by ship Wednosday en route to on Canadian wax goi iery in Ban Aila scheduled io open June The Tussnud organization oi London pro duced Lire iigure oi Sir John Macdanuid Sir Charles Tup ii Goorgcygtlcnne Car Er nnxi accrue Brawn Shrlneru Iulure ls stlll unset lled lle has done la 01 work on Ielevlslon show ho would cull Herb Shrlnera Wonderful Peoplegrass routs Amerlcnnu He would tour most of the year In hla land crulser lelllnu cuunly lulu and other evénu 01 Just lnlklng tn folks who had somelhlng to say Meanwhile he travel as Du ponta gnndwlll ambassador and lays highpaying dale at Elm air and expositions centre of the film business and could so Ihe thImzs wanted done hare