HOUSEHOLD 13 Mahogany Dresser Brass nod and Springs andLn Spool nod mallms Springs Trun at 1230 pm sharp The following CAIILE llnlsteln Cow years lresh coll at tool llol sleln Cow years old fresh enlt at loot llolsteln Cow ycnrs old call fool llolsteln Cow yenrs hmd to Ireshcn by dnte or snle Holstein Cow hred In freshen hy rlnlo Durham Cow years hverl In Iveshen hy dgle ol rule Durham Yearllm MI llellers Red Steers Slnrker Calves year old llolstein Toll lIcrelord Steer years llolsleln Sleer yeuvs Durham Steers years Gross Collie Yorkshire sows bved monlhs Yorkshire llnar 10 months 30 Yorkshire Pigs 10 weeks old 75 liens Vhile Rocks Le hnrns Iull production PlGS AND POULTRY IMPLEMENTS John Deere Combine No 12A complete wiln pickup ood us now anu In Plow John Deere Bnler square bales years old AI Jelm Deere Power Mower cm years old John Dem Hinder cut used only years It Trnetor PTO nmI rendition lnIernationnl llC Tiller IL Groin Bans lntevnnlinnnl Roller Bearing Rake 10 IL hcheerinz Side Delivery Rake Quantity Lum ber McDeerlnz llny Lander 2whrcl Trailer box Mc Deering Seed Drill 13 disc lood condition lnlernalionul Truelor Ilunure Spreader PTO International Tractor Tans orm Dise gnod us new lnter Mlinnul Truclnr Cultivator 17 Inollu good condition Internu Iional xIurvnw Traclnr Plow good condlllon Rulvher tired Wagon ltnek Cyclone Grass Seeder John Deere Hammer Mill years old 36 Endless Belt Illammer mllll Chicken feeders Set ï¬sectlon Dru llnrrows Chicken Fntlenln Crate Dodge Hon Truck with rocks complete Qnuniity Steel Slanehions many other Item Chains Forks Shovels other articles lInnc from an oxvrmlmmlly large Irlccllon Al lhla Iqurrlnl Inw Inw prlrn lhvw miln nro llylnl In krop you at ymlr mul nml unm Imlnhlu Imln11summerungfnnmllnn Inlltuml mm lurylcno lhny for maximum mlslnnw In creaslnu um nr unlvr Lllllu ur nu Irnnlng roqulrul Imusu mm wide range of plain and p1le In variety of culuurn Thm bub Inn xlnulc hmalcd mmlels In In hmps uml hlur purkvls OiImm Slack High Cinss Modern Farm Machinery Household Eiiccis Including Antiques The undersigned hm meived insiruciion imm ELWOOD JENNEKI in soil by public auction at the premises LOT 19CON Ii ESSA TVI miles Wm Highway 27 is mlie ernlnhi suuih vi Ivy Viiingo SATURDAY MAY 13 13 AUCTION cuss COOL COMFORTABLE Won Open Fvlday MI 9x00 pm AUCTION ALE mlnmor lung nnmll low you at yuur mul nml unn prln we miln xvrmlrmnlly large Irlocllon GEORGE TR Lot 22 Concosslon F105 Townshlp mHu aoulh miles must of Elmvnlo TRACE Auclinnecr Teleflmnc Elmvnlo Friday May 17 pm SALE farm slulk Implements and so ouschold mm or FURNISHINGS eds Springs muuressu 20 leaihcr plllmrs nnthuc corner cup bunrd walnut bullet Allwuy vnnuum clcuuer and attach mculs lnblvs und chalrs cau chcs cupboards Ice boxes lnrgu Ice box lsulahlc for camp olectrlc plum plcnlc lublrs dislms pots and pans and Iron trying pans cutlery lrnnlng board ouldour lnllcla pumps clslcrn wen quuullly budding Thisuis lm oppoxiunity snlc Ilxm nllclld SATURDAY MAY ll TIME RM Lash froprielor CARL KELLOUGH Selllnn at Earn Bench on Georgian Bay north Elm vale vnlnnblr corner bulldln lot lronlnao 140 depth 115 on maln road dulrable com mercial or summer mlde ailel BUILDINGS Frame barn 30 50 wllh leanlo 12 30 parlahlucnhlm lnpproxlmmn ly 16 Slngln Cnbln low buildings Io be re CASH AUCTION SALE or BEACH PROPERTY BUILDINGS Imd FURNISHINGS ï¬AIURDgY MAY 18 Nolhlng la has removed unlll sclllcd for Buyers from dls hmcc must prove lhelr ldenll llcnllon wllll the clerk Owner will no ho rcsponshle for my accldenl dny or sale whllu on hls properly lvy WA wlll serve lunch llurmnn Jcnncu Clerk JERRY COUGIILIN Auctioneer Phone Barrlo PA asm Couches Dresser anhslnnfl nullquuh Imn lied mulle springs Antique Vashstands Qullmd Femhcr Tick Oak Din lng Room Sulle Anllquu Tables has sponl legs Rockln chnlrs place Ches Icrllcld Sullo blue color good condlllan Oak Table chnlr lo mnmh Tnllel Sol Tnble chulrshulol In mulch Odd Dlshu Coleman Oll Burner good new Clacks Electric Sluvo Anthuu Lumps 511m wnm Gems em Imuquo Vnscs Quillan Frames Ple tum Frames Bumr Prlnu Labels ole Term bash Dellnllely no rcgpryq an arm sold AUCTION SALE Auctlonmr DONT PAY DIME PAY IT All ON TIME ART FAGON lol cancesflnn Madam Townshlp mlln west 55 mllo north of Coulson 0R miles west south at 400 Highway Sale of cattle horse awe and lambs arm mammary Impla menls furnlLurc nrnln me Terms cash arm sold CHAS THORNTON Aucllnnecr Phone mom Drillia WAS ACTRESS Nell Gwynnc the uclrcss with whom King Chzlrlcs Il loll In lnvc was In favorite of dlnrist Snmucl Pepys who cnllcd her prclly willy Nell 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTIBITSAIJE Saturday May 25 at pm Sharp lnr Thu awnkln uI suclnl nnd pulIlIcal conac ousnus In Iun dmds oI mIIlInns of ponpla mnkc nnccuury for new nnlluns In progress In lhu ncxI 10 ynurs as rapIdly as Western cIviIIzn Mon IM In 100 ha mm the clos Inn luncheon nI Ihn sprlnn cnn Icrcnce DI Iho Inslllutc at News paper Cnntrollcra and Flnnnco OIIlcm UEBEC CHOne Jim has urum necessiglu ul newly emerging Milan is an hunug Inlnrmatlve press CII nndian nubllsher Rny Thomson said Tuesday flu or that In happen at run breakneck pace snmcbudy Publishér Thomson Says Press Essential For Emerging Nations WHERE Youn was Ems ARE Wanna 517 oN yoUri NEXT puncunss MGSTYNS thl tho residents of these newly dcvelophg nnllans came In believe would hr dcclslve In the bnulu ol the cold war has cut to In and hem Mr Thomsnn sa In lhls gran new develnp memnulhlng In my nplnlnn mon neccssnry than he estab llshmcnl an honest lnrnrmn llvo nnd lrulhlu pressY allied wllh tulevlslnn alallons mnlzn zlnc and books nll lmbucd wllll lhcso same qualities of In tegrity Mr Thomson who rcccnlly visited Moscow and spent lwn hours tnlklng wllh Prcmler Khrushchev said he can COMPARABLE VALUE 4495 SIZE RANGE Shell 35 lo 46 Rnuularl 34 lo 46 vlnced Inn 19 Soviet Man Is slowly but surely turning lo wnrds medium term quL tallsm Or perhaps they would say toward llberallzcd arm communlsm Already the bnslc concept cnmmunlsm whmby every ln dlvidual trcnled alike ha Ing watered down Exlra re wards now are helm glven or exer or better service Mr Thomson said he can vInced that communism only my hpvgnot snclelles Up to now he Sovle Union hasnt had sufllelent essential supplies In go round and huro were no surpluses Under lhose enndillona stale rlnnnlnu and slate dimcllnn of ab vgere necessary hullcve nu nftlucnl socl sly develops It In incvllablc thy cynilallsqwlll evolv ssla hnd dcvnlopcd to Electric heating EllMlNllTES THE FLAME provides new standard of safety in home heating cannot create dust soot or dirt of any kind Its revolutionizing modern living and is within every familys means For more information contact your qualified electric heating contractor or LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY BARRIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IS BAYFIELD STREET PA 61825 SALE PRICE point where consumer chain woulr mun lu AvailIN Then rlvnl producers wlll publlclzc and sell lhulr good In opposlllon each other Surely this wlll brim some arm of ad vcrllslng and compellllnn or bellcr floods and he prnlil mo Juan arrlck =Â¥YLSHWS SIZE RANGE Shell 35 lo 46 Rnuularl 34 lo 46 Tallz 37 lo 46 Nlluuln llmlun Slm SHAMPOO AND SET 19 PHONE PA K4651 ASK FOR THE BUDGET SALON om Evmmas 40412 DUNLOP 51 WEST MENS WEAR Um wm develop lbelleva my will mnve closer to our system and this will become very evll dent in thc near future Youll In plused III the tanks l1 annn sheet Brnrflnrll Sim VIAU MOTORS CAR NEED TUNEUP