if 47 Vim ull lluhlrr Llnlflu loullry Farm in hrumhrd uul ll Mil nnw Inna nlnlllnu vm run In rnnlunrlm wllh lhl llul my 11m will ho mum In prparmy ul blllMinn In 1me mum ml at MIIL hr mm lha lul mun only rnnr lewml Um lun ulvmllnnl be unm um which lrm KIM WIN HI IM Um lmlnlllllnn MW at Um lllruu Iml le uh nl huh Nth uulml llw dmland lnr pul 1m Ilnlrd In In All of In mhlhu or rm and lhll IN my pew rgmbh nwfvl ll will Imludn up These shuwed rate of $1056 per mnmh for what Mr Bowen described as two ale phnnc and one extension plus $550 per month dlrcclory ad vzrusing Includlng black nee listings his business in about six nearby communities Then why the FUC beln Hlled pvgr munlh when nuu Hal mduulu lrnm Gmlpll unnaunwl rrunlly than he mun Ii 1m born nl Slmwl Int In mu Thnrnlnn Sunni olhrr mm fnunly mum pur In Im 1mm Inlclllr Lug punnle Mum Opernllng mm cl Innlflll anulhip exclusive bum prlmnry and strondnry Irhooh mll Inquire Iha levy TH mill lnr lho cnmlnl yur TIILI Includes 121m mills or Inwmhlp exprmcl Includlnl nlnrlm mmly purpose Mulch Inrludn um on mlll lo mvtr hoxpnnl gvnnu will re ulrn will we mllll polrc 47m mllll lnnl yrl tonnrmcdl And and mu mllll 11m mm In ml mm mm the mmmllnhle lam 291 mHIA And lhc mm markl mill nynupm mm HNNISPIL NOTES By RGS The nddiï¬on In North Calla Me will cost lnnkï¬l about pvr ml of lhe $145000 estimat ed to be the portlun Assumed by he munlclpllllics Thin would hd about 0000 whrn the cur rylnz mm are added am 10 yrqm ll will can lnnlxlgl ulc pzwm about 000 Annually Wen yur he Hm addlllnn uijl he made to laxu to cum lho dcbcnlure or lhe Crnlml IMillon lflRtlhtr wllh he ld ddionnl com null mlionnl com mt number he board has uld we are lurnlnn out nlu dmu like dnuxhnul mlchlnl Ynl hm mm no alternative hul In mnko he clulrmml nvnHblc With vocnlloml Irm luh bdrm Added In both hook II IIan pup will who bnller nun In Me GENERAL LEVY miller curiosity PUC ncmber scanned lhe phone cnk lo he PUC has more lhnn one IIIan In the Al lislnn dircdary or either of hp lwo llslings sought ware lurcnce commissioner Donald Graham commented Then why the FUC belng Hlled aver munlh when he only have one more men Ainn Ihan you have demanded Mr Mitchell Mr Bowen claimed the phone bill or his rzsidencc and busi ncu premise was nnly frac tion at Ihat levied alalnst he PUC To prove his point to skew Iical lellawcnmmissiancu he went home to EEK his ï¬ling fund er recent phan Abms Announcement these slalls tics sent commissioner Bowen on the warpalh He branded the present phone system waste of public money and demanded um the lntemm system be moved What he PUC now has phono Iysfem wah two tele phone the PUC office on an unlfsfed number one exten nfon of fhe PUC offfce Illd one extension of lhe well PUC manager Robbin sald the actual can of bf 52pr was $39 month plus 11 for In exfensfon at In well This var fed from Bed Telephone Co announcement at he flme of Insllllaffon nssurfng he PUC lha the basic monthly me woufx be use Include $1515 nully or base unit me PUC olf lce and one In the truck plu antennas and cable speaker and hand set and the labor in volved In hooking up the system Compared lo he present cast the phone lnlemm system Mr Mitchell estimated tho Iwn my radio would pay or Ilse indiavinxs war threeyear per ALLISTON Stallt Public Utililiee Commission members had In lei both their phone books and their phone bills out Mon dly night to settle dispute They were arguing the merits ot telephone lntercommunicat nu system vs Iwowny radio ookup Winner in the lengthy wrangle we the lwowny radio system described to the PUC by Pete Cameron Barrie who got the order to eupply the system Com miuioner Mitchell drew up the clinching motion alter repealing the xylem merit to Commissioner Stan Bowen who arrived late at the meeting al ter Mr Cameron had lelt TwoWay Radio Plan Wins AlliSton Dispute Innisfils Share Sixteen Per Cent Mr Fwd Welukr Inkrlnmh Inninhl while mm in In hnr homo union HM Innd died suddtnly lhll wok nurlnl will be In lhu crnuclery hr church In Finland memorial Lenka Ill be led ThuruIAy In 5L lnuII InnlxIIl Mme Mm Webster mu mrmhcr or mnny yum Wt have hem rnnInclnI Iuy mlnenl mur TulIman nIm IMII lhlfl IIIc poll cleanup guru an Mnlm nInImm would Include rlvnlo pm pcrly lhnl hlrlmm qunnlIlIu nI junk am an and Immune nn yum lo thcr mldrnu mm Grain mm helng xmwn exmuirdy on he arm and his work we watchcd Iour raw plnnlur at work undrr lhn mnnxcmcnl of my Sprlnx Inc or these machines Thls planter wlll low mlny urns my Thcy are proposian also In mupcrnle on hnrrcslcr and dry which will he oprrnml Juinlly the Hunter arm havlnz the drytr my IN ENGLAND 50000 chlclu or the ï¬rst year and mi may Intrme annually Order are being lukcn now or all dcllvery Discussion by du an weekcnds mum on he incl Um the practice had never been allnwcd here The men are of mm Friday aflcrnoon In New Some the unlon request ln eluded pay raises In the hourly rule pald Individual employees thrno week vacallon wilh pay after 12 ymm service um IS yurs and 15 days sick leave ptr year Instead 12 plus an Incrcasc jn m5 sungby we Also on Ihc PUC agenda Mon day night was long statement of unlon requests or its 1963 cunlract with he PUC It was nccnmpanicd by request hy 1hr union members for meet lng with the P118 to talk over thls contract and its terms Thu PUC passed motion agreeing to his mccung at whatever fu Iure dale proved mutually ac cepluble 30 lb two groups ay radio Mr Robbins said it would give PUC employees more mobility Now he said they waste lot at time and gas driving back to the phone extension iii the web to report in or make in quiries while repair Jobs are in progress with the radio hank up aii the men have to do is go to the truck and use Its inril Itivs to check with the PUD attire Meanwhile Mr Robbins ln slslrd that regardless of what changes were made in the phone connections the one unlisted phone in the building had to slay lherel want to he sure or having one oulgoinx line for free moiniennnce purposes all tlrgca lie explained The PUC owena mnllon that the Bell Telephone lnlercom system between lh upstairs and downstairs sec tions of the PUC building he removed Immediately Mr Mit chelll motion to buy the two my radio system came as Iohow primed In black me letters turned out both listings are prlgtedmlp Huh gaff Ipc runNr FIMVMV 1mm PEIUNIAS ASIEHS ZINNIAS SAVIA ETC TOMATOES CAHHAGHS ham un POTTED PLANTS In lulurinl In ulnmmnl MAYOR 11 NOW READY AT THE GREENHOUSE HILLCIIEST GARDENS BOXED PLANTS UC mnnnaer cln nrdcr wan study the nmcmrnl houndnrlu lram lhn wnlrr lnnk down In tho mnln on vmnm lluldcnls huildinz new home will conllnuu In my lha scrviu charge or Inslulllng water me lm lhqlr prcmlsci MMHIDMI lcndm vull he trul ed or rcdcmrallng lha PUC Hum nnd he pnlnm who nl rudy uxbmlllcd nn ullmnlo will be Allowed dlanfl his mm ho wnnl In 1M PUC conlnrm In rtuucsl mm own muncll lhnk In lawn lorrmnn he nalllcd whenever PUG wnrk lnvnlvu dlulnn lho lrctu 0n he olher hand It would he foolish nr Alllslon lo lry lo out use of rum surrounding municipalmu In lhls dny nnd age mayor Mitchell contended Wilhoul the surrounding areas he lawn wouxd be lot warm on lhnn la We cant he scal ed or from the ml of the world Thats whats warm in Hirminghnm Alnhnma and In Quebec yallh theFL Vrnpplnx up Is nflnln lhn PUC ruled on scvcrnl Hem sum mluml by Mr Robbins As mull Mnynr Milchcll assured the chairman he didnt lake It as such and that PUC member should ncvcr conceal their 0p inluns just because of his cum nectiin with luwn council If he taxpayer want In cum pnin llmn their target shomd be the lawn AlIlslon or Mr In town foreman who come Irom Harrie Mr Hawcs db dared Nothan the PUC has done rcmocly compares In this snuh lo nur ratepayers Mr Hnwcs hasllly explained to commlssioncr Mitchell that hn livlnl mean If as pcrson attack bearing In mind that Mr Mllchcll Is also mayor of Aldslon Commlssloner ayes chunlmd Why dont these lux pnycrs go complaining la the hospital ll they have beef The hospital buildian Project much lawn project as PUC allalrs yet there are men from all over the place warklng at lhe hospital all Chairman awn defended he PUCacllon HI sald the man In question hired for temporary plck and shovel job was he only me who would take he work at he tlme ll had In be done hi ed momm round of verbal fireworks by criticizing the hiring oi an out oiiown resident In do Impor ary manual wurk im the PUC dont think the PUC shnuld hire man imrn outside Allis lon when so many taxpayer here are out work in in slsled ive had Inxpnycrs com plnlningiuAme about lhis CRITICIZES HIRING brought re Icllon from PUC chairman Er nle Hawcs The town Ihamd never be wllhout lineman an weekends or holidays he In sistcd It would be bad thlng all of them went away or the weekend then some emu gaucy came up We shnuld pay extra to guaranlce that man will he avallahie I11 limes lurcase Minced In pa he PUC dnclded lo buy linemena nymn surely bell from now an hen Issue them to Incmen Jolning lhe ska For bequ already bought by linemen lhe PUC greed to pay $34 towards the cast or each wlth the balance oi the purchase prlce when appli cable bclnn paid by the Hm rnen concerned day momlngi Nune an cam polled Io slay In town over the weekend or emerxcncy duly the P110 was told Under the prasent regulations lineman nn weekend Ilandby duly wauld only let day no call came 11L Just try to hire baby alller or our hours or the much Mr Bowen sald qnmm CAA NAl IEHVICH FA lIIII Hepnlrl la n1 1mm can FIIEE Plrkun Dellvcry mm TU NO STEWARTS GARAGE nullrld MIC MMI lulu nnr mva BUTTER MARSHMALLOWS Jté JAMS COOKIES BARRIE CREAMERV NOI TOMATqucE SPHGHETTINI WESTONS WHITE OR COLDURED TOMHTBES MOTHERS APPLE RBERRY APPLE SBEkRY DARES PEAS hï¬ï¬kanms JAYS FANCY CATELLI PINEAPPLE MOUNTAINVIEW CHOICE SAUSAGE MEAT CULVERHOUSE CHOICE AYLMER LEAN SLICED LEGS or BREASTS LAMB CHOPS FRESH SLICED LEE SLICED RindleSs LEAN SHOULDER FRESH CUT CHICKEN FRESH MADE PORK LIVER GOLDEN VALLEY FRESH KILLED EVISCERATED rthH KILLED EVISCERATED 68 LB AVERAGE BONELESS RUMP on ROUND STEAK 16 DUNlOPSTrE SERVE HIM QUALITY noon ROASTS ACO 853° 24 OZ JAR 20 OZ TINS LB BAGS 2O 02 TINS 20 OZ TINS 48 OZ TINS 28 OZ TINS ILB BAGS 45c 6L8 LB AVERAGE LEAN DRESSES 29c PORK 39° LBS LBS $100 $100 ALL POPULAR BRAND CIGARETTES WIENERS PORK STEAKS TENDERLEAF LEAN SHOULDER CHOICE BYTHEPIECE BOLOGNA TEA BAGS CHOICE SKINLESS iiiiï¬fiiï¬ Green 0NIIINS LEMONS NEW BRUNSWICK NO POTATOES 50 tï¬c U5A NO NEW TABLE CALIFORNIA NO CANADA N0 FRESH HOMESTEAD BREAD 22222 90 LOAVES FRESH PRODUCE CELERY HEARTS 23 each TLUIHHA CHIRP TRENT VALLEY PKG OF I20 LB LB 19c CARTON OF 200 amzw GOLDEN lllll BANANAS 35 29c 79° LBS LBS $100 $100 29 09