Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 May 1963, p. 12

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By BOB GREEN Alsnclnlcd Press snarl erler One or these day someone gnlng get run 01 Ray Ho bcrl Sure they are But don Chlcago White Sex nu has not been scarred In our straight games and gives no In dlmlinn he Is palm In ease up 1H5 next schnduled nutlng wlll stnd Mm gains Alinncsolu muggllnx Nins whove been hlnnked six llnlqs lhlx Isunsnn rlghlhnnder rude ban couple at your an hut 204nm winner lust scn sun spaced six hlts in scoring Ills uurlh CDHSDCHUVC shutou Tuesday nighL 10 decision over Dnlrui Tiller Thu victory cnnblcd Hue Amvrlcnn League lcndlng While Sox to main their onesum lend over Kan sas City Athletics vlclors over Cluvclnng Indians York Yankees scored 24 triumph nvnr Mlnncsola bc lllnd Whllny Fords IVEhit pitching und Mcrnn Rohln Roberts won his first game lhe scasnn nner our lussu pllchlng nulllmnre Orioles lo duclslnn om Vnshingmn Scnmars The Lox Angclu AnA gels game Boslnn was ruined out SECOND ASEMAN PM Rnéo nt Clnclnnnll goes up In the Alt to nvold sliding Ken Hubbn of Chicago Cubs In the Sox Hurler Herbert Wins Fourth Shutout TORONTO CP Dave Brown 16yearold tennis plnyor from Ian Crcdll nnd rnnknd No buy plnycr in Onmrlo wlll mm lo the Unllcd Slnlu Davls Cup loam ul Kenyan CnIA Inge Ohin June for lrninlul and tunmnmh luur at UN American no tircull Arrangements were com thtcd Monday nigh by Rob lnlnun or Clcwlnnd 1wclmlr man at Um US Davis Cup cam mlllcc lunch Inlmlr nl Ouk vlllc president or the Onlnrln Lan Tennis Assoclnlinn and Eddie Cnmlnn 0th clmlr mun he Cnnmllnn Lawn Ttnnlx Auoclnllun junlur devol apmcnl commiucc nmwn he sun of Mr and Mn Russ Hmvm Ml mullwr Loulsc was innndlnn nullonnl Whmlns Uniler champion In 1051 nml mm playing unplnin the LllA ImIrmnycr wum tnx luun LUlnuchnu In British luurnnmrnls this who Ioins Cup Squad Ann 51 lfllfllllllmlk llnwn llmmh llhlcu HH HIE IInxr lnolhull uninn in IJJOx uu rcnnrllrl in Inlr mmliHmI In hol pilul Tummy nllcr mllrrlnn Alrokv Mnnhun Um Ol luwn quurmlr In Hklcrn drnmml the nmuln unit In Humln Immme ul lho Onllulu HMEW lnullnlll Union In lflll 11 II lnnnrr ulnnlr Hm lIH Tmph Hm II Huml Tmphy nunnlnl nnmmlly Ihr Vllu Fnur phyrr Mu hm uunhlnm tlrnn play wuhnuunhw ml nmmulhrn lmm whit Port Credit Boy Herbertfjust unnmcr awed MHHIUMDN IS ILL OTTAWA WIlAnlln MMIL 3995 Wholesale Prices anllllnl 1mm 00 llnnl hnlunlu mm um EQUIPMENT filmrw Cwnlyl ludlnl lpavlluu flood mllzl GARNERS WHOLESALE SPORTS journeyman pllchcr unlil ho was traded to Chlcngo couple seasons ago blossomed Into zognmu wInncr Inst scusnn ThIs ycnr hes sIancd oII wIlh Iive shuluuls In st dcclsluns Inur the blnnklngs In order Hes wIIhln om ol the mnIor league record or live In row by Dan VIIIle of Vhlle Sex In Ileh InnIng ycsIerdny play In which Rose sought to get double play but mIssod relay lo Hrs In IIme In RESORT OPERATORSX Hero II lllc Meal Ilcnlnl Crnfl Ind wu wlll Inmnnflmlo ll nn your doorstep Act now lho mum upon Ill month Have Fun This Summer SAIL IHE xcnmo cmmm Ready To Sail ONLY ugly Iml Mm lo npmrnl Eunmln ma Mud ol mnulm uul culmMmphlul Illcl Tunpom pull on any rump Immblu In 20 mlnulu mu migh ran 1mm BOX Call or wrlle or lllulluu MIME on man my 1m sun In 100 mm 1m 2J1 run ml optlnnal uln clocked II my RAY HERBERT Sawfish By Speed rah CATAMARAN SALES Tf 99500 CAnmnmrs 1904 Ill 36 cbnsccullvc score less Innings compare with tho record 56 by Wnllcr Johnson In 1015 llm Land guve him nll the hilung support needed driving In all the Chlcagn run on homer nnd lworun slnglc Knnsas Clly rushed in our iirsi inning runs two an blow double by Jerry Lumpe ihcn held Cleveland on he sixhil pitching oi Ed Rnkow In his last our slnrls hes allowed Inlnl 15 hlls flu slapped Enlllmore on four hits Wnslllngmn an Ihrce and New lurk on two Against Tigers ha slruck nul seven and walked nancl Ynnkecs Ford 50 the benefit an unturned run In wlnninz hl outh slrnluhk Hcclur La pcz xlnglcd 1n Ihu winning run In Ihc clghlh Innlng nflcr ho Minncsnm lnllfld had messed up In palcnllnl doublu plays qupnca of views Rose sum over Hubbs Play cummwhcn nan Snnln of Cub hi ground er to shortstop Lea Cardenas Roberts tossed ourhm or Ihe Orloles wllh hls shuloul bld spoiled by Larry Osbornul homer llomm by Jlm Gcnllln and Boo Powell helped hlm to lead in the third lnnlng oh WE 41671 dnnnnllntlnn NEW YORK AHThe base ball rule commlllce ofllclnliy dropped the oneSecond phrase mm the deflnltlnn of balk Tuesday as ruggesled last week by Commissioner Ford Frlak and the two major lengua pres ldcnls Chm1e Sonar secretary of baseball and chairman of HI rules committee decided to take lelegraphlc pull Instead wnlllni or the next mecllng In December The Vale of lhe nlncmnn committee was unnnl who rclgypd to for thg What constituted balk had been interpreted dliicrentiy by the two leagues The Nntinnnl Lengue ndhurlnz strictly to lhu hook rule insisted on the one second stop The American Dengue more liberally accepted stop with no time limit ni thnuEh the rules specifically said am second in qumns through Monday Ball Committeé tdiivi cébs wth K15 ere12holo Alters Balk Rule FIRMAN TEXACO 83 Dunlop St PA 85845 88 Dunlop St PA 86585 28 Dunlap PA 87128 GARF BINNIE TEXACO 336 Buyllold Sh PA 84225 BARRY SHELL 202 Blake PA 83006 FIRESTONE STORES BURNS GARAGE I4 Colllu Sf PA 875 TERRY HARRIS FINA SHELL FriSCOOPenSl Home tand With Victor By JIM HACKLEMAN Anocllled PMuSpoflI Wrfler Anrr plundering erremy ledl or th amazing success San Frincllco Glnnu have returned to Candresllck FIrknnd find home In lhn worsl place In ho world to he altar all Giant wpencd two week mnd at San anclsco mesduy nlght and squealed out de clslon over Plltsburgh Pirates with righthander chk Sunlord rezluerlnztllo mom vlctory MI Natloml Leaguo career National League umpire had calledm bulk to only 10 or the American The score was 9843 last week when Frlck or dated hulk H1 action aeoondad by Pres ldent Wanen Giles of the Na tional League and Joe Cmnln lhe American League In 11ch ended onemend mle 1an ever the cammluee had to vote to aka au lbs book Slnce Frlcks ncllon last week there hnvu been only six bulk culled in the National In game and two In due American in names Ihe height or the balk con lroversy major lealue rmrd was sol May when llve were charged ngalnsl Mllwaukees Bob Shaw ln am game Shawl elm balk already ur un son record ml the old league record ol 78 was passed long ago In two dlllerenl znmes total at seven balk were called Sager pointed out that the de letion the onesecond rule dld not chnnze the bash re ulallnn pltcper lln set poll nn gull must stop wllh men on bus but nu longer does he have In stop or one full second or least one second as Hue old rule read ONCElNAlIFETIME OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE MONEY ON THE ONE PASSENGER TIRE THAT OFFERS YOU RACE TIRE SAFETY AND PERFORMANCEI GET THIS of Somy EXTRA Margin and Mllaago Mlny ol lhn princlpkl uud In bulldlnl llm lur Iho ltmed Indianpull 500mm nu lo inla lhl udunud llrl lruly Cmdnl ll Iln RACK TIRE CDNlTfllLIION llrulnm unlunlv Aldo pllllnl mold mm ml lo III Inon mml Thu dud rlly hu bun plu 0d wllh Ill ulrl mu ludlan olomnu WIDE ALLMTHON TRIAD Dont Miss Out Ask one of those dealers Io make you an offer on the FIRESTONE Nyl 500 today In tunabqu for lhe dclcnd Luz champon slick hasnt been IIBPPY hnvun or hem lhl IBISOIL They wen remarkable 6121 there 1m year and only 4241 away lrom home This spring theyve won Ins lhan nne hall at Candlestick seven of 15 but have casted on the mad clip By winning Tuesday night Giant pushed games ahead in ihe league scramble Warren Spahn and Milwaukee Braves trimmed St Louis secondvplaca Cardinals 41 Chicago Cubs 21 winners aver Cincinnnti Red on Ker Hubha tworun homer in the eighth inning moved inlu virtual tie with Filisburgh Pi rate or third 1V game lbs pace DRYEDALE BEATEN In other games Phlladelphla Phillie heal Don Drysdnle on tha lint lime iq liva sensnns in 54 viciory avar Lu Angeies Dodgers and Houston Coil pasted Iheir sixth straight vic tory and dumped Nuw York into the cellar edging Mel 43 San Francisco mnnngcd only our hits at Bob Friend in the seven Innlngs he worked but hunched wnlk in Willie Mays singles by Willie McCovey and Orlando Ccpcdn an error nnd Joey Amaiiitnnos sacrifice fly Iulwo runs lnlho fourthr They added another nil Harvey Hud dlx in In eighth Sanford now allowed Just three hits helm being mind In the ninth alter 01mm slnglo by Bill Vlrdon Blhy Piercn then gave up to Bob Skln net but Bob Enlln not down lhe llnal Iwn Plralus wilhoul lur mer damage We Covlnglana olghh homer sunled Phil of award 20 land in the first Inning agmnsl Drysdale who had beaten PM ndelnhla 13 llme 1n row dat lng back Io September 1956 27 MONTH Wm GUARANTEE MOM ANII HUNGER COIN Moll ml uuvrn ll IM Inxlu rlmlom 1an wl lhln mm In In lmlM lwo morn Nrmhml Nylon cord per mm ml 141 mm my Cal McLlsh who wnn with fivebillet also re pod two duubles and scored lw ce whllu John Calllson bnlled In two runs will xlnglu and donblc Drysdulc 254mm wlnncr iasl year now Is McLlsh Braves who had lost lhree straight and ninu of their lasi 1n pulled on oi lhcir skid bc hind Spahn The izyunrvold uihpaw wizard was iuuchud Inr 11 hilsund was banned In hp abdomen by liner air Stan Musinia ha in the second inn ing But he stuck it out or his llilh victory this your and his mm averall Mllwnukce cashed ln lhrcu runs In thcvlhlrd against Car dlna starter Bob Gibson and Spahn himself delivered Ihe dc cldigg nml theaventh 5m line single Julian Javier hailed Spnhn or homer and lripie Cuba ended lasing iring at inur an iiubhs homer In in iasl oi the eighth it came against Cincinnati iciiy ino Nuxhailr ailer rmkie right fielder Ken Wnllura droppch pinch hiilcr Ken Aspmmonm fly hr lwrrbase error Nnxhall singled in Reds un lnlbe clglgll Calls matched club record vllh their sixth straight victory hut hadlto stave an another Mels whirlwind finishes chk Farrell had checked Mel on lhrcc hits nnd curricd 41 lead ian Ihe ninih than gal roughed up for two runs on Ron Hunts singe walk two urnund out and Jim iiickmans single be for gciling inc eigxivp inst on Ron John Bllumnns homer in lhe sixth snapped 11 lie ngnlnst ioscr Cnrilon Willey but it look Iwwun elzhlh against relievers Tracy Sinilard and Ken MucKcnzie to really clinch it or Coits OFFER boon UNTIL MAY 3lst TORONTO CPiiiarry Kim her president oi Toronto Maple Leafs oi the international League said Tuesday than is possibiiily the club may not perm nnxl year if it is found hut repair to it stadium no mo cxpgnsivei He said the autumn depend an Ihe results almclnrnl survey of Maple Leaf Stadium authorized Tuesday by the Tar onto Harbor Cnmmlsslun which awn the stadium Mr Klmhcr nlso chairman the hnrhur commlsflon suld utter lhn mecllnu um nhouH the survey rcvcnl lhat axle slvc work 15 needed lo th buildlng Inlu gnnd condil on the baseball club wnuld no he nbla Ia Alford it Leais May Not Operate In 84 epcnd on the out th repnlrs going to cost 5100000 or $150000 to put ll Into shape we cant do It The pur pose the survey is In Ind auL WILLIE RIcCDVEY

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