By JERRY GLADMAN CARRIED OVER FROM THE WEEKEND IT WOULD TAKE tool not to agree that the pitch Ing in the major leagues has improved to such an ex tent it wouldnt come as too much of surprise to see the hurlers replace the homcrun hitters as the heroes of 1063 Just take look at the action over the weekend and you can see just how well the chuckers are doing Sandy Koufax ing back to chalk up his second nohitter in less than year Theres no doubt this young fellow will go on to become one of the greatest pitchers of all time Then out of San Diegos Herbert Hoover High School comes handsome young rookie by name of Dave Morehead This 10yearold righthander toss Ing his third game for the Boston Red Sox carves out spectacular onehitter it was also his third win of the young season Major Rai Houk of the New York Yankees came up with anot er aceinthehole when he started Jim Bouton for the first time this term Bouton natural ly came through as only true blue Yank will chucking twohitter He retired lit batters in row before giving up safety to Baltimores ler Adair And how about poor mediocre Canadian orn Ted Bowsfleld tho hardluck guy of the Kansas City Ath ietics Working master ully for eight full innings without giving up hit Bowsfield was three out away from nohitter when Minnesotas Vice Power came to the late Power smashed hard rounder into centre ield and that was it Bob All son followed with another single before Bowsiield could end the ame Additional fair American League eriormances were turned in by Steve Barber of Baltimore in the losing cause against the Yanks and southpaw Sam McDowell of the indians Barber seeking his seventh win of the circuit turned back three Yankee threats only to tire to the ninth McDowell 20yearold sur prise for Cleveland allowed six hits in whipping De troit Tigers McDowell tossed couple of two and threehitters earlier this year to rovide the lndians with pitching strength they were adly lacking in spring training Morehcad earlier had shut out Senators 30 in his big league debut and has an earned run average of 113 Heading the list of im ressive American loop pitch ing this year is Ray Her ert Chicago White Sox ace chucker Herbert has knocked off tour victories in 1083 all shutouts including onehitter two hitter and pair of threehitters Aside from Koufaxs heroics against the Giants the pitching in the National League was rather quiet All other tight hurling was oiled by latelnning out bursts or couple of man trip ers Nevertheless in the light of al the one two three and fourehitters in the past few weeks the hurlers have ke the homerun sockers off the sports cs Should Is continue 1963 will definitely be the ear of the Pitcher SMALL CHATTER Max Steele Sn who is becom ing regular visitor to The Barrie Examiner turned up again yesterday morning to tell about his weekend fun down at the race tracks Friday night horse owner ltlarvln Graham of Elmvale saddled Avalon Javelon lloted by Keith Waples Max let it go by and We es brought Javelon home winner The next night Max couldnt be fooled when Aveion Jove ion ran again Max bet and sure enough the horse came through again Teams interested in playing In the invitational softball tourney on Monday lets not forget that the entry deadline is tomorrow Lets get move on fellas Just heard that old Su ar ilay Robinson signed for another bout this time th fellow in his own category Joey Giardcllo of Phila delphia Should be interesting battle of the old tlmers except that Robinson is 10 years Joeys sen crossed off as bust earlier came roar Top bowlers pictured above received trophies at the on nuai St Marys Mixed League banquet held at the Cedar Rail last night From left to right VANCOUVER CF Amer ican television interested in Canadian football but the inter est probably is not enough to sec anything more than the Grey Cup on United States network this year That is the crux oi report to be delivered to gcocral man agers of the nine Canadian Sootbuli League clubs here to try in interview Monday night Jake Gnudaur at Hamilton Tl gcrCats said CFL games on American TV are possible but not probable Nothing is Immi nent He said he had lust returned from talks with major nci works and organizations which would be involved There was high intercst in the Grey on game well rc cclved last year despite log that forced the last nine min utes to be played the next day in the front row Hatei Mur phy Mons Schultz and Pat Bergcron Back row Joe Ber geron Les Hooks and Lloyd McKee Hazel lliona and Pot The telecast was canch by ABC He said CFL clubs seek greater exposure American television initially this would aid recruiting of players considerably more dif ficult since establishment of the American Football League Guudaur said eventually it could mean more revenue for the league We have more exciting game than theirs it must sell itself Nearly every person we talked to who saw lilo Grey Cup game liked what they saw Asked what the next step would be he said We must play it by ear The general managers are meeting here for two days oi closeddoor sessions They spent much of their time Monday on precautions against gambling scandals such as the one that MARYS MIXED tracer took high average triple and single respectively in the gals division Joe had high triple Les had high average and Lloyd top single Examiner Photo Americans Interested But Not Quite Enough recently hit the National Foot ball League in the United States As result of the tails ClL Commissioner Sydney linlicr will visit each teamlikely dur Ing prevseuson gamesto stress regulations will point out how ex tremeiy careful players have to be In the light of what has hon pened across the line Halter said League regulations and player contracts forbid betting on the outcome of game involving membcr club frotcmlzlng with members of an opposing club during the season or fraternit Ing with known gamblers The contract can be cancelled if player agrees to throw game docs not report an at tempt io bribe or throw game or Is guilty of any con duct detrimental to the welfare of the league and football Palmer Goes Hoiné For Needed Rest LATROHE Pa fAllArnold inlmor dog tired and bothered by gainful cyst on his back cnme ome liionday to rest up and to find out whats wrong with his sagging golf gsme think what need most of all Is to get away from it for while the games ailtime trading money winner said For the next week wont do anything wont touch club ill inst plddie around the house Then next week iii start practising hit wont play any more tour naments until iustheiore the open itho National Open at Brookiine Moss June 2MB may play in the Buick Open June on at Flint Mich but lm not sure lll definitely play in the lhunderbird The Thunderbird Classic is scheduled at the Vestchcster Country Club in Rye NY Juno lalo the week before the open Palmer obviously was dis tressed over his poor showing In the Colonial invitation at Fort Worth Tex last weekend lie shot 299 and finished 21 strokes back oi the winner Julius Horns at Later it Was disclosed that Palmer played the tournament despite the nagging pain of cyst on his back its true have cyst and it gave me some trouble Palmer said when pressed on the matter saw doctor IIIch but there was no opera tion thought about pulling out but decided against it Palmer said he would have the cyst looked at by ids family doctor and would abide by the doctors decision An operation if necessary would be minor one and up parenhy would not interfere measurably with Palmers golf plans liiainlyvi lust felt lousy Palmer said have been in the habit oI taking time off from goli during the fallfrom September until late December But havent done this for the last four or five years Ive been too busy The rcsult Is We picked up some had golfing habits Im not hitting the ball well at all There are some bugs in my game must get rid of Simcoe Dumped By Consumers Consumers Gas of member mediate Softball League put to gotirer 10 bin to bomb Simcos Coops lol in an exhibition game at Queens Park last night The big gun for the winners was Peck field with single and double An oddity came about when Consumers used three pitchers Madge Perkins and Lacey and all three knock ed out hit All of Coops five hits come off singletons Les Jalliis stret ching his hit into the lone run nor swear DilDY Sweet Daddy Siki above will have the aid of Bulldog Brewer in the main event of tomorrow nights proicsslonal wrestling card at Barrio Ar ena Theyll takeoo the out standing pllr of Whipper Iaycees Lakeview Deadlock Ilt 66 Barrie Jaycces and Lakevicw Dairy both of the intermediate Softball League played to be its in an exhibition tilt at Queens Park last night The two teams will hook up again tonight at Shear Park Entry Deadline Drawing Near The entry deadline for the May 20th invitational Softball Tournament is day away and the schedule Is about four teams short Mrs Dorian Parker Sccrct ary Treasurer of the Mens Scnlor Softball League reports only four entries no for three local and one from Toronto The local clubs are Elmvole Stew arts and Mincslng while Robert Shaw turned up from Toronto The latter team also took part In last years Ioumey Were hoping for about eight or 10 teams said Mrs Parker Well probably get two from the intermediate League and we hops all the Senior teams will sign up Including Midland guess theyre iust waiting until the last minute The tourney will be held at Queens Park on Monday and any teams interested in signing must have their applications In by tomorrow which is the lath Latecomers are asked to con tact Mrs Parker at PMMIKII draw will be held during the afternoon of the tourney with we offered as first print and $30 for second Billy Watson and Billy Red Lyons Supporting card has Johnny Valentine pitted goinst Gentleman Jim ilsdy In the send final and Mike Valentino gnurling at lllio Di Paolo in the opener Grouting and groaning starts at Mo Close Battle Ill Kempview Only it plus separated the two top clubs in the Kempview Mens League this season Brass and Glenn had the extra 14 edging Music Centre These figures were released at the closing banquet and presen tation of trophies last week it was also noted that Armstrong Hardware was inst 49 points off top spot making the 1962 as finish the closest in many years The big club consisted of Leo Pledger Bill Hare Bud Knapp Bob Mallion Wes Perry Bcbb Melt Brass and Ross Pes cock Music Centre and Armstrong Hardware won group championI ships Top average for the season was are rolled by Bob Moilion Dick Barnes had the top single of tilt and Ron Armstrong top pod the triple score sheet with an 873 Plans for next year Include the participation in utrsm loop as well as sixieam ior league for bowlers with 180 or better average FIGHT RESULTS iiy 11iE ASSOCIATED PRESS 5i LouisAllan Thomas 171 Chicago stopped Sixto Rodri guez 176 St Anselmo Calif Hollywood Calif Thad Spencer 201 San Francisco knocked out Monroe Ratliff lootr Les Angeics It for SCISSORED SPORT ESKIMDS IlEIiUlLD VANCOUVER tCIiHdmon ion Eskimos rchuildlng job this your will he so vast the club us had to riouhio its coaching staff to handle the turnover Edmonton general manager Joe Ryan said in an interview hcre Monday that the Eskimos will take 20 new Imports to training cump in July for more ncw players than they have brought in since tingle Kcyl look ottr as head coach five years or llynn here for the Canadian Football League grncrni mnn sgcrs meeting Monday and In rluy snld Weve not It wall townli rebuilding ioh its both coming for years and now Its here lie sulri niicrnlte math 1an Jaruhs higgrst lab will be In developing quarterback Wail ill ricptndlng lot on Joran llnrl Wright lion lolly could be our man and we still Irnvn Ilm Walden on our rmtrr And well bring In two more quortrrirncks EMERSON UINIZT limit Altlloy Emerson rnukrd the worlds No nnm icur nml top needed In the lini isn icnnls tournnnrrnl WM no not IN MI IN Monday In the Irmiflnnll by tom Jovnnovie ni Vugorluvla tinsrodcd Msriln Mulligan of Australia advanced to file final with lad 01 In vittnry ovrr Nicola iillc of Yugoslavia In the other rrml final malrh The woods flnni hernmn an oliAuIIrallsn olrnlr when defending rhmplon Mur gsrcl limilh hrni another Ans Irniinn lsn Iwhsne IN MI and Inlay Turner rlrtrntoi Ann Iilydon Jones of Britain Li WINDIOR fliiil L08 LONDON ICIiF UIIJIII iiaycsrold Clllodiltl ten nil champion lost her ning match Monday in the my hunt court chain ionsth It suhurbalt liorhom on tilts tool in the mono round Io Iouimt Morris of Krnt or Min Urban Irom Windsor Ont had received urrtrmi on The Canadian girl arrived here Sni urdoy and plans to play in tour tournaments bcinrc competing in this summers Wimbledon Junior championships She may also ho member of the Can dinn team to mcct iiritaln In the first round oi the Federation Top new tilnation womens competition to he played in Lon don Mny 1110 EIGN NEW YOIIK iAPiFrcd Cor cornn tournament director of the international Golf Arsocin tlon rnld Monday that 34 room tries havo been signed for the annual Canndn Cup nnd Inter national Trophy mntrhrtl In Paris Orf iiTl Hvrrylhlng ll wrii orgnnlrrd Corrnran said The host country will pick the US players from list which hull submit to them Nrrd cu to say Arnold Palmer and Jnrlr Nirklnus are In tho low from at the moment RAFIHIUAIID iiiiXiJiH HALIFAX iCllAn orilnnlltt ilnn whose chief him Is to safe guard to rights of lmxrrs pouring In profminnnl houts Ni the Atlantic Provinces was and Jackie ilnhlnson first No VsrAas aria roa liLliBiiMll gucs receive bundle of Am crlrnn flags from Ihiindeiphll schoolgirl ilcicn Smith to bra ioro flying to rocinistriIotorn iormcr heavyweight chom pion Floyd Patterson centre gro to play in the motor ira llirmlnghnm last night Flags nro port of tho Looo which students of Philadelphia are sending to Youngsters of tilt minghnm iAl errphotoi Iln Dengue capped ycnr Saturday night lh hon qurt ot iloystolrl Lodge Mens Major Loop Close Out Season Motor to successful The iinrrlo Mc Division wcro Syds Sound Scr vico ills Denis iiiword Ilih iilrncon Ituslnru ill NONI iDti IIorcu Molnrl illi inviil Tmph wlhncrl in Division Whothld loJ Ahorrrmntrlo iiir formed hcrs during the week rmi Jnrk linyrlrn pl Htoliarton Nil Innucr Maritime lllhi wright rlram Ion was named pmlrlnnt of Alionllc iloxrrl and Manager Association The Mandolin plant in nuirt Ima and their mnnngrrs in nclo were on Donogtry with high average of lot Jim llnrrls with to triple at IlIrI Doug In with high Ilnsis of 13 top team was linildly ilnwl iHI composed of lion In irio Ilinnl Ihrug Arrrl Keith illi hsm and Ken lonnshy sclrle so amt Tho Outlaws 71 TIIY EXAMINER WANT Aim iintinl Iuruit with oral pro motrrs Monday he over the In Join and Oakland iloiderl wn vgilllmll in ltheheighb ram bonlllndtslo tiotlUmhy AFL dut Ihr wcetmd to give the ths and the holders charm to chorus players Irnm the other For lease ltogcr Woodward Ird thr av shooters In It lilvlrlon III 1M while Ioo Vlndcrllnrle inch high triple of and Ken hank coach and general In arm of Now York Jets ulri greatly pleased the American Football league to bolster the Duncan had lop single of 211 Iiyd Stark Iiolr tlmn Ken Illin can Vern hlcrie Jack Irem sldu and Chuck Trcmhisy made up llydl Bound service tum winners in this clan now can Iiitl truths pl tuakrs and rumirll rom pctliivn loin include nil rcpnlrl inmrnnrr lic ence and maintenance coninrt lsion hod Holiday with trailed Discount in iisrrll it its in itnrrls Auto Electric lcr rys TV ill Lekview Dairy Ill The final Itomlin in iilr lmsl on top Hammonds AVIS RENTACAR rlr looms will help us in our riiorlis lI livs N31 gab no rm til oolhlli club Christie Appliances til tools In insurmo titl Clifton ilairl imam and ours to til up order In lit PA 644i LOVE TO FIRII WIIITIIIIOIISH YT ICI Mrs loorgo McLeod of White Iner derives front onioyrnrnt from fishing Iihough her left arm has been cripplrd since she was to months old when she had polio MODERN INSURANCE SERVICE From Progr IIVI Organisation FIRE AUTO CASUALTY INSURANCE cn soft SARIEANT INSURANCE AGENCY Limited II Ilunlnp If IIIIVII must poll 90 rigid Every drop of Calvort Old Hyo quality control chock before leaving our distillery Your tosto Is the 97th chock Try light smooth Cnivort Old ityo OLD chitmum mt WNIBII Illtflidliltillli tilllll imlliltlt II Illt