You Still Cant Bth thural GAS THE CHILDRENS CORNER But lhey were In luck for may snw hlm dlwppcnnnx up Huh slum nnd hurried on When lhcy hm nulncd tho xcmnd Hoar they watched hreulhlmly an ho opened door lnrlhnr down Um hull and went Into room closing lho door behind hlm Suddenln an the xlrll worn on their way down no long corrldor toward the door hn cnmn out aznln but flopped than when he cnuzhl light or Gull and Brenda nnd reunlcrcd lho room Gall ahlvercd He mw us Wall lcln an an nnywny flrcndn Inslmd Ho hnnn mu btluro lhl They wnya kccplnz him In mm but trying lo appear as Incomple uous as possible thn he enm td large amco hulldlng lhcy gpccdcd up nnd want In nIlcr Suddenly Ihey flopped Com lnl dawn ho street towards them was he mun Ihcy culled Funk lhn one who had locked them In the lrunkl Ho paused helm ho Juwtllcry mm puer ed In he window at lhu dhplny rings and then walked an nLo CPIqu 109m at lynch olhcr Brenda wnfled unlll ho was hall Hook away lhcn said xcltcdly Gal Come on wire calm lo qllow hlr Lets nu lose him now Gglyglcd You know dont think lhnt Frank gnlnx to buy his ring lodny Brenda IBM In low volca to Gall When Muscle wu talking to Jon he said um Frank would buy It In low day maybo lomormw or Sal away So wern probably wast Tho lwa girls went away Io gather and alter aoklnl at brooches and plus the shop wlndow they stood walling near by You look at your Mr Mm Innncd and do my ahopp nu Be back here It the car In threequarters of an Imur That line Brenda rcspnnd ed eugcrly Wu meant lo look Jewellery yesterday and lab in upon Sumo Ihrce of them set on In tho car and In shun whllo lhgxnrglveld 13 the l9wn THE HIDDEN DOOR The followlng day which wu Thursday Brenda and Gail want In to lawn again with Brendas lather wont km long glrls Mr Morris warned us they bugged UMWPW THE MYSTERIOUS MESSAGE The lunnel ind II mild wooden door By CJM Mnsl lhcso urn on prop erty righla Brenda observed Tho olhm am an lnsuruncn wnr xnvlng bonds and thlnzl llku Ihul um Gull addcd mm of ham do concern Mu Tnlboll nouns and properly and lb lhlnu the WM bequaalhad when hnLllunbund dicd my put uvcrilhlnz artfully Lockedlho Po gluln lul mlcd lhls ald cellar look like 11 nuvcr been cleuncd out Ilnce Mn Talbot moved In Del than any lhlnvu hem lhl duml oven know ho hum They mwlcd aiaul In he durl In nxlnn lhlngl lo the dim They soon Irrlved at Mn Talbols house She welcomed mom cheerlully and It heir request to In her pnpen aha alrgedyl on In Incl Id Ilka you lwn to come over on Sumrdny Ind help ma sort lhcm lnln pllel have In thing In than lbs can lhrow uwny she handed Brenda he Illa key In the box and lhe lwo air ccndcd lhu sluln lo lho hm mnn below In low minute they had 1hr box opened and rmlcd lhmugh ho thick Ihcnl Maw Brenda was busy at lhe small dusty wlndow and succeeded In raisin Come on out lhll way aha cried to Gail Therca flre escape right past lhe window During the afternoon Gall lux Icled that may go over lo Mrl Tnlball and ask may mlgm look ll her documantl any papers What can do waned Gall banging on tha door with hcr knucklea The two of them scrambled out onto the Inn stairs Ind In low second wen back an the meet They did no ice the man nguln and rnlumed home wlth Mr Manla Molt Gall pointed out There door on the other side of the room Thoy ran over to try II but to Ihclr d1 mny lound lhul It wan locktd the name Inslant he door behind lhcnx slammed that Whether won the wlnd or person at ï¬rst they could not tell But mm of key In the lock told them beiore they run back to I05 the door that they war locked in the room But on lhrawlnz open tho door the small omen lnslde was din gy dark and very empty 47 450N DEPOSITS Cukvlulnd on mlnlmwn n4 Wed ball return helm Mn Tnlbok wonder when we no Brendadacldcd Io they closed the door and hurried back In lhglcellar Nut Week Th9 lllnl sn cellar ho exclaimed At least nol any more lts unnell Shu cllmbed In and Gill lal lowed It was most certaan true The tunnel conllnued on or distance then ended solid wooden door Gull puslnd on ll and It Iwung open on hlnzes 0n the aunt Ilde was pnmle Gall uld softly They lhlened lnlenlly The law mur mur of mm voice drillzd lnlnlly to them 1mm nomewheru Ll plan it we Gail Who finally dis covered what MemEd to be an old me cellar hidden behind the lam awkward Iumeee end concealed by ion call of me lint hung rum the ceiling end covered Ihe entire door Genin she opened it lo in ii Mn iaihul lllll kept her vegetable inside This root cellar Gull laid In Julprised lane volce Ive never teen them an llko hi balme are look down lho oil lamp mm the Illlr poll II wllh Lama matches that lhu found tho pocket of her Jacket and Ilooped Why aha said settler lhla the Ingest mo celnr Ivu over leenI Whll In In Brenda queried my lhq hagcment 1th the look of the IMF to examine Jul look At this bunumm rlclum Brand nld holdinl up and blowan the dust on II were cloned up It would be quite nlco She put back and went on 50mm thy else Ha said one merely dc lonned and mentally retarded chlld was Eu on walling In that would ave Involvad two Bruce Kerr lhu Bollaflllo Childrenl Md Sod ety told lha commute that his nency Ind been med the court In em or two ch ldren unlll they could be trunnioned to the Onlarlo Hosplml School ItVVSmllhxr Flu 350 chlld woltara workers shocked atorles at long wait lnl porl botoro dotorrned or retarded chlldran mndmttted to pmvtnclnl treatment cantrex voted unnulmourly Monday to rear tho Ontnrlo government or meadu In Ito comtrum tton program for such cenlm Delegates It Ihn annual con lerence ol the Ontario Health Auocllllon ul Chlldrena Md Socletle agreed to ask Health ltllnlmr Matthew Dymnnd to treat matm aturxent Welfare Workers Want Govt To Speed Aid For Retarded jrogzgym gmMam Vlhnn Cukvlu on mlnlmwn Milly bahmm Dartm vllflrwh Mm TORONTO CHCanadian Esklmu lend to he more Ill cepuhlc to cancer of lhe ul lvary ulnnd than lo other Vnrh les the disule he Natlunnl Cancer Institute Canada was told Monday Dr Wallace director or the Inilltules march uull at Iho Unlvcrally chlem 0n Iarlv In London reported lo the annual canvenllon on research In Canada on lhe causes can cer nmonl learanL emnlc groups ii you and cant mum an Admission 101 wud In omnio hospital school how would private citizen be Ibis lo arrange for Ill child Mr Kerr asked lho conioronca also ndopied resolution urging Walim lilinimr Louis Cecile seek legislative chums ihnl would pmvido children in ooun cm undar tho Child Welim Act with the ammo anonymity as children under lhe Juvenllo De llnqucnis Act Delegates tamed Emma and children should not idoniiiied publicly while In volved In court action under the Welinra Act Anolher menlnuy dermm teenam wnn ndmlued lo the lnxtllutlnn monlha alter court had commlllcd her lhoru and than only becauso pm iure by the Beiluvlllu Hen ML Kerr aald In 11th cases ha added the society was compelled lo mnku the children permanent wards alter Ilndlng It lmpouihlu la lo cola adequalu treatment nerv lccs Immedlnlely Yet Mr Dymond had unt him letter Mr Kerr laid saying in does not consider in situation cuts and that there no serious overcrowding In these Institutions Mpg mums year delay In admlulon ba cum lho Smith Fall Institute wan overcrowded Eskimos Suffer Cancer In Mouth GRAY coAcII LINES An old directory believed in hava been published about 1892 has been loud to us Ind it has tho name oi must resideniu living In lha townships and lawn It ihni timo This voluma hi the counties York Simon Ontario and Duiicrin listed and wax publishud by ihe Union Pub llshmz Company of inursoll Ii anrence Cumming 22 son oi Mn and Mrs Lloyd Cumming oi Strand who has been stu dent at tho University oi West ern Ontario ha uccepled position wiih the Ottawa City Board oi Educoiion and will teach English at one oi Iheir iilzh School He will be aiinnd In the opening oi Poruomcnl this week in which his ioiher had upired candidate tor the Social Credit group Lawrence will rclnrï¬ lo Lon don next week for the lraduallon ceremonial Huron Collage the ravirion oi the urea for tho Siroud Community Cen ire Rink the ineiueian oi Int 25 in iha Bib conceuion should have been mentioned In our ra port Wa stated that Let it war the boundary acrosl lha eaai and but but it included in the raviaion presented to tha Council Thia will be part oi the pro used area when the rev vised pan in presented to the Department oi Municipal Aflnlra or approval GRADUATE By ms come right on of the biuo laid Cirrile Lucas con cerning the no oi his soonero arm on lho 4th concession oi his own prlco and for cash lie also being retained as auri cuilural Idvirer ior lho pur chner West aermm hlduy irialisi who hor bounm savori other auricuiiurai proportlu on lying trip through Ontario Mr Lucas who has proper on lho Robrolu Fnrm Slmu will be building there as soon as the lenl delalln are com plnled an the ulo LOT 55 mcwoan INNISFIL NOTES Industrialist Buys Area Farm 10 BE DEPOMED WINNIPEG CPlOiio Schnl lcr aervlng lhree you in penitentiary or the lBGl aleamer Inxnk slaying or his roommate will he paroled and deported to hi natlvo Germany was disclosed Monday Schul lcr originally churned wilh murder was convicted on rc duced charge 01 mansiaughier in the damn oi Karaly Binder ilunznrlan immigrant Blndera body was mind in hurled trunk near Benconlal noth of Winnipez July 7a 1961 Churchill population 75 show postmuler James Sloane Ecmroso Brothers general mer chanla Brewster Hotel John Coulier builder Liluel physician William Mai comson boot and shoes Jame Scolt carpenter Slonn carriage maker and Wilson harness maker The viliam which an ilecd niphabeiicaiiy mention many places which today are not even on map There aro advertise mania oi banka which hovo rinco iaded out such as in Oniario Bank Aurora with capital oi 81500900 whose president was Sir iiowlandi Among Barrio advertise worn Stewart and Sproui barristers Owen Sixeel Jamar Sexmin insnr anca axani aim on Owen street Bell man lined with po ulaunn 150 menllom Webslor pollmuler and grocer Eden Anhur mason Peter Tremhlcy butcher Wallnce butcher Bramblny ma post ufllce mention John Gordon post master This place was on tho WI line the railway tucks also hu page or Idvarllslnn whlch mrlnlned lo cqulnmenl amaze and Implement mudu and wld thug llmo Mlny he lnmlllu mentioned In Iho nnlsfll llsl are null represented In Iha lownxhlp lhouxh name are not now known The basic probinrn mid Mr Waxgun is Ihis Cnnadn being lradiiionai exhiblior oi movies rather than producer has nr rnnzemcnu with many coun trial that provide 101 wiih holding tax on royalties Earned TORONTO CHWilhnul ax changes lhe Canndlnn lllm In dustry wlll nuver get of go ground In he lnlcmnllonal mar kul ha royal cummlsslon on law we ld hgoqdny re delenlcdhcforu stark snld Allan Wnrgnn cx ecullvo reducer Pled Plpcr Fug mllod If ellher taxevasion or In temnuqnall Inllugq ha and THE BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY MAY CanadianIilms Want Tax Changes WINDOW NEEDS BUILDING THIS YEAR FOR ALL YOUR FOR FREE ESTIMATE WITHOUT ODLIOATION 0R WRITE EDGAR ONTARIO MlTCHELLAIRE ALUMINUM SIDESLIDERS DOUBLE HUNG SEALED UNITS Woudan Framu all mu rum my ml wow IN on mm usuryMm In one country by movie from nnalher For Instance when an American movie shown In MI cuunlry Canada claim 10 per cent the Income In must case the rake In 15 per centthats what the us claims from Cnnadlan plclum nnd In Britain 3832 per can held from modemCanada product vmlxllnmd£¢uu In MI mm munm mum nu ma Hm lo mun hum mva runam mum Iran IMle In MXNNIII WM In nu mm yaw mum iqu Dill VMY Mb TM Mm ulldm IM Ix mm um um mm Iiffflvï¬ï¬‚nMWHWomen PHONE US PA 666 Rhé