3f hdmn ur will In 11 731 01 lm up VI mp In In nu mmmlllee fled lhll lll not will Mu Iwnr Ind Nlml ol III 17 03mm AM allu m1 mud pm Hammer uhcdulc lo bo mml mun lily 11m lg nrlwdule II In Clly Cmmcll Inl nlxhl Mapl mml at he Flnnm Cm mum wlvlch mnmmmdul llul mu Mm llnowr Nhnl ml CV Knmll he an mnlrd In lh Advlmy CM milrc or llw luulnz muan rrrlu IlHon pormlll III In won min In flu pm Tlma nun an upmlurl 1r lhe My kiwi numl wire rmllmuï¬ln IM Ily lhc pm md Inlomn noon lxc an mu hm hm dawn mm ur II an 01l duwn Am nu Ahluhl Allnml lumlnlum ni NH Anul Auu ml IL or Mont mm N3 mu mum llA on nc ram can 1mm Com can um CM CM 5mm cu cumin cum Pom CnnM um can mu Anon Amm run my amp th Mn fln Dnvmlln on than Cm ml Nam Dunltnn rhnkllh Ilkonblldll fllu In reviewing the year presid ent Mrs Feldmarn mentioned the new structure that has been uvolved or Home and School A5 rocations across Ontario it is home that it will assist in lini ran among the various branches and make the indlvldual mem bers mnro aware of the policies and aims of the movement she noted Service Stations Have Schedules Development Assntllllfln could much better advertise Barrie if they put up Man that Yeu An Travelljng on Ipdtutflll Land lmshaled rendillon of Mary Had LIlllo Lamb brought down ha hnusn when Ihe receiv er inally wnhed dont know where Mary woml Look nLMe Im Dancinl provide rousing ï¬nal the perfume hounctd and wlmd Wllh exhllernum abandon us guitar our pcrlnrmnrs harmanlscd an dllly hal ownd as much to Lewis Carroll as to the arm al the popular qunrlnt canremcd dragon whosn passing was ens mall bumoaAncd Sumo city council member got into hassle last night over encommendaiion oi the iinanoe cammilice regarding purchase Sol advertising in tourist map In lilo Gcorlion Ely Area as published by the Georgian Bay Dovaiopmanl Association Cost to Barrio would be $400 pm avlded or in the Budget qunniiiy of 00000 would be pub lished in 1963 When you coma In the end of he lollipop pop goes my haarl was Iccomlinnlcd by soundcl ocll Ind 16 sludenu mlll In around wonderfully evoked calmvpl mm9sphcre Md chawmn ma think both the lnduslrlll corn ESifl 1° WW The 75 members allcndlng the mccllng were entertained by the grade nix CHIS of Codrlngtan School under Ihe leadership ol Ross Caldwell They tang ievcr al lllllnx songs accompnnlzd by monologues dialogues and as wled hlJinks Clown perform ed curlwhcols dog was canled on slumand boy with bowl cr he pursued an unldcnliï¬ud Proper To Advertise Barrie But How For um payment of compos Ile lee 61 both parcnls ln lamlly wlll belong to lhelr local wociatlon the council the On nrlo Fedorallnn and the Camp dlan Federalion All member will rccclvc copy ol the na lional hulletln ENTERTAINED COUNCILS DILEMMA Oiiicm or the year 19631964 were instalicd at the third an nual dinner and meeting oi the BAHla and District Home and Schnoi Council held It Centrli United Lfnuich last night And Council Electsl Officers don think were emu Am can nu hum rm tunan IJnl mm 0quan MI mu Avuun lndumm dun III mm up IL UHMII down VI TODAYS STOCK PRICES Comvflrd by Flynn Dunlap 5t PL Ilmlo an in Dunn Illn Amu 14mm Immn Ilnlumu urmnm IL Mnlll Mlnmll Nulbn Mn rn rm Illn Vlllv nu sum ml mm Dom 5mm mm GL LI PIN Ill row lhmu rum III mam Ilaml lllld My Mln yup lm on In AmuL lnllnd Na xmr Nlchl lnlv uumlu Inmwnv rm lath Club mm INDUITIML MlNDm rm Nomlnnlcd are Lorne Caner and Cord Condor president Pclcr Home and AI Froam vlu president Ross Burwell and Ken Hurllcy secretary Don Cordy and Syd Shlpley lrrnlurrr Frank Crosslcy rezlstrnr and Mel Ems hulldln editor Ron Abrnmsv Bab Burns Dunc Ellll Ed Laws Jack MIKM Fnrls Slnclnlr and Garry Tamblyn directory The panic Kfnsmcn Club wlil hold Mcflons tonight under llge 13 unshly John Jules pie VAralalc 21 name has bcjhn presenlcd 11 new count cxecu was lndurlcd by Mrs Pilchnr Am vicermch of Lhc Barrie unn Dlslr ct Home and School Assoclnllon The member of lhe assoclnllun voted to have me new council ixl vacuums on he execullv at their own dim cretlon Mam of the council exe culhe are przsidcnl Mu Feldman executive vlcaprcsl dent Mrs Bushell mrrcspo ding secretary Mrs Rue treasurer Mrs Immw ex exullve members Mrs Smith John Lewh Mrs SllIs No Leadership Trulnlnl Camps will be convened at Lake Couchlchlng from Jun 69 MI The Council Camp will be held from Jun uls Arrangements are helng made through local ussoclallons uld Mn Feldman EXECUTIVE The presidents and vlca pre sldcnts conference will he held on June 10 at me Prince of Wales School Tha spclal guest will be Mrs Glaubllz provinclal we nident the Home and School Associatlan Kinsmen Elect Officers Tonight haplylng lo the counclla thank Ros Caldwell xald that he was pleased Ihal tho cauncll nw ll to provide an opportunity or thirhlldrulllo qerlorml Am Reborn There was also $2000 mm to the Industrial Cammlulon One hun dred Id 59 industries mtqu last year and In Ban1e our the same thing year Ald Mills We to the Chamber of Commerce Inst yen and they neglected to 5° EEYhJ enouflh far our $400 would to get across to the public the asscls we have here This the gateway In Ihe north III the am space they hnva said lhe same lhln twine he said refgrlnu to Imgp He was relcrrlï¬ lo 1m mag Kid Newton Ald Theydid nmn my Inn vnnv xm ns In Mb 53w Nor om NIL Mao Carp Md lnm Yulfl TIM smwmlun am at cm To Born In Unlon Wu GLW llnl Nu Mom Nmmn Namul youngI 1m AM Synnpnln Tha disturblncl whlch hrnuxhl cloudy miny wcnlher lu Onlnrln Monday ll IHI slvlnx umxllad wmhrr lo unlnl And wulhern Onlnrln AI he lyxlem mom ennlwlrd Mm Quclm lhcro wlll be xrldull clurlnl Iklcx om Ontarln wilh narlhcrly wlndl Ipnndlnl cooler Ilr me In pmvlnre In lhu cool air mnu mIdnncrnoon lemperalurts on Wtdnuduy wlll mm mm Hus 50 In lhl Iaulh lo he to In lhe nflrlh Hnlum Ah Onllrlo Ill buvl sunny wllh cloudy pe rlodl Ind room Wrdnudly narlhqu ll lcnlyhl Lake Clnlr Windnur wm mudy mIInly Iunny nnd III llo cooler Wlndl norlhcrly Wulnudny Lnku Lake Huron um ancrn Lake Omnrln mulhrm Genulnn nay Humil lon lmdm Thoma Sunny wllh cloudy mind And cnolrr Wtdnndly Wlndl narlhrrly ll Wtdnudn Nonith mu vrllun nay Tl Alum Nnnh flay Barrio will make an mm In luvs ha was Ontario mm ConInrcnce held In this cily Clly Council In nigh vmlnd unanimaully lo who the On lnrlo Tram Cammflm lo hold End of lhe leaned was fined £20 and $1250 cast by Hugh lralu Pollen Charlu Tully Ba Won ley Sh Barrie cnuaed madam an to the other car In col Ilslnn The car that Hill yaulh wn driving Incurred dunmu to In men $5 Na youth were convicted In Maglstnlel Cour yulerdny on separate but idcnucal chara at havlnu alch to yield lhu right way At an Intersection Normerudd 17 of Angus was accused driving car that did 50 damau lo car which had the right oi way at he iniersrciiun ni Anna sine and Essa mad Tho car which ihe accuud was driving lumin Id dlmnn In ihe giant of $1000 Eracebridle Provincial Police said no charges have been lald but the Incldanl 51111 under wistlxnllon by Constable AccnniInz to 531 Andrews Enrrle OPP who oblalned some Information The boy apparent ly turned of tha was shoulder and Into the palh ha car It has not yet been decided whether an inquest will be held Coroner IA Dr Boughan Gravznhursl Barrie Applies For Conference lzyearoid paper boy was klilcd yesterday ailemoan when struck by car one mile suuih oi Gravenhursi while delivering the 1m paper on his muie Leonard Holmes son Mr and Mrs Ler Holmes Gravenhnrsl wu cynllnu south on Highway 11 when he was struck by mulhAbuund car driven by John McGralh 13 108 Puget 51 Battle motion to luv the recum mendauon tabled until the Bar section the 1963 map was ready or pm reading wn hated Ald MI is WII an the budget It wan all right Ihen why wasnt hraulh up then Ala mamï¬ma Mills wax in hurry to let horn Ald Milli Oh no Md Wlfllnml We cant ah org notuto gdvenkapur clly Youths Given Similar Fines share wu very mull name llmes wonder whether we go nverbomi we had large In view nl people travelling thway 400 lmvfure marl Cyclist Killed On Paper Route EIEATHER FORECAST Wlndsnr St Thom London Kilchaner Vlnxhnm Human Sl Cnlhnrine Toronto Pclrrbornnih Trenton Klllnloe Mulknlu Sudhury II Malnly clur Ind cookr lunlxhl and Wednudly Wind mrlhcrly 15 Huh Md Rubens you do or arm you hava to do or Mhm 1M Arum Commlssion is expected not Io 1m money It you expect than nal In 1m Foggy yï¬u haw lo run ll Ald Labelu Would you care lo xlvu the ml the Irena has quoted yam Mr Henry ILI 1mm 10 am lo 11 pm and think it wax 375 or lh round lor parking and 25 or lhu mn II 111th or he dance Md Smllh bcjng my In the orchestra Yu Approxt Mthehiyflm money vs mak goes the Omucmeml gï¬anl HomI in Richde an alher or nlnllonl hive 1123 pgy In put or use of prfynrgq Io pa lilo expenses Ciiy Council Ias nlghl turned ï¬mmbl dawn on request by lhe Loyal Orange India Iar per mission In use the Barrie Arena hnld dance and the ground mungyin free sham HenFy Viabpearlng Eéfore council on bchnfl Iha Ladle Inc may answered council Couniing oi Examiner read ra is underway Marr Chicago iield auriiior he Iiudi Bureau of limitations check Tim Examiners cir cuintinn records with Michel Donneiiy tho newspaperl circulation mlnager Audit Bureau in nonprofit cwpualive association pub lishers advertisers and ad variislng agenda The bureau Council Refuses Dictate Io Arena AND COMiANY LIMITED Hull Dunlap ll YMRNE Hum PA Ill Munm Wm Fomnl nmprnlurn Tonllhl lllzh Wed ESBIIT THOMSON bum In Inmmm Ilu hmrm ml urviu An lnqulry don not nhlllm ynu In any way Im lull amn emuu nu am holnw ynn my uldlly llh lilynun nl our Innu menrlnvvluhymlll Ianullhlilhcd lml Inwlni In rnpnllvlly you MI Irrvlco Mm qudiml In cvuy pull III rummy ulmlenml munch um hi on mun Invmmml Imnlllu lluhd luy Ilmliu Ind IImlinn our lllllth lleIlllllull ll IIINHN Invulmu with nlnlmlllnm nunHon Ind pmllnlln lull 3n mum EXAMINER rumhr MAY YOURE BEING ICOUNTED Flro mule nnhy Irwin uld that Hm hrlrk kII mm me back yum Mlmllrld when an Illdl on In Mn tonxlrutltd Ind nipped lho alarm allinu hrlrk Icl all ma alarm Mnnnflcld Huhhcr nhorlly nflcr 10 oclock ml morning la yun lha youngest loldirr In the loyal Cumdtnn Army Service Corps Camp Bardcn dcdlcalu Wuth nu RCASC Carp Memorial my my 12 He II Private Appnnllro Anlhany Hnl Falling Brick Sounds Alarm Ald Newton think would be most unwise for lho council to dlcme to the Arena Com mlnlan aiier nndlting each mcmher rubjlcaiiona records ai renu ar intervals issues report aiaiing the accurate veriiied paid circulation Thus adver ilsera know exacily how mnny people buy line publication carrying their advertising and where these copies are distri buted The Examiner is longtime member oi ABCEx aminer Photo No Muller You Live Where YOUNGSTER REPRESENTS SCHOOL Walk Measured Mile And Preservef Health Md if wnmn golng to do walking Mayor Cooke 0h ye Barrla have measured mile sign posls and Mayor Coaka has pledged himself In do mile nil beglfmlnl today City Council last nlghl granred permlsslon to the Barrie Ys Mens Club to erect measured mlle lzns Slarllng ram Um Five Points on Dunlop street west on Dunlap street east on Hayï¬eld street north and on Bradford street ram Dunlap street west The permission granted or sixvrnanlh purlod mun who plum wreth me CASE School cenouph on Mm ol lhc corporal nnd privalu hl corps Ilc llalmnn ls Inkinz his hlgh lltk hoped that many resi dnnts baung andold will step oflalang the mile mule mark ed alt by the YMYWCA Doc tor and physlcal Illness expert recommend walking as 51m ple but effective form of exer There will four measured mllea lald out he sald one along Bradlord StreetY one up Baytleld and one each way along Dunlap Eachmlle will be marked In quanar miles so ll an necessary In walk the mlla all In one directiongo half mile one way and relum la Ih startan Various dignitaries lnclï¬ding the mayor representatives council ire department police department medical assoclntlon and her grnups will gather Bulleld and Dunlap street at 1215 and from hr paint will stride all measured IWe achievement ribbons will be presented In hue commun ity leaders on mmpietion their walks said All Dick measur ed miia chairman Banlo Ys Mens Club will nlflclnlly launch measur ed mile or Walk fur Hanlth prqgrafn lnrgnrrpw at noon Mile Day Isl Cookes Way Savings this Week at DA llSTERlNE Antiseptic 1401 98 77c KODAK FilmVP127 VP620 or VP120 for We CREST Tooth Pasie 109 size 89c PEPTOBESMAL 401 67c 801 106 16oz 173 CORICIDIN 25s 129 109 DETTOL Aniisepiic 125 size 109 BANDAID Shear Siiips compare a153c 47c OZONOI 79c size 73c TOILET TISSUE Thus SPECIAL PRICES End May 18 Angu CALDWELL DRUGS LIMITED 66 Dunlap 50 PA Em Rand HI Pondno Sim The streets proposed or phah paving in he 19m program are Anne Street from liflln tn Jacobl Terrace Anne from am happy With this and think It would be unwise to project beyond It when we dont know the full Impact thn beginnlng the live yenr program It was In cover the greatest area the lowest passlhle task Counch was able to flu his and look forward to seeing more asphalt street in th cil uhool ulumlinu Ilunz wllh his Army lrainlnz nl Cnmp Bordenl Royal Cunndlnn Army Suvlco Carp School Nallon Al ILmm Iholo Commenting on the program Mayor Cooke said did feel the wists lhlng was no to press fur lhreeyur program as luck II gives pattern of asphalt sheets throughout the city Some are planning to walk alone norm as lamlllcs and other lndlvlduals or clubsl When other laxups plan walk ll the llallliEdl wlll he 12de lo the news medla and the number par Cly Council has adopted an asphalt paving program or 196 In cover more lhan nine miles at cos $9229141 elsebu 100 many us have got out the habit of wnlk lug The measured n1er an effort In restore lhis health ful habit said Dr Bill Evans presldent of the Ys Mens Club The program is being con ducted ininrmniiy There are no regLsunilnn ice or required number of miles or time limits except those each person acts for himself This mean real walking shlding out not Just strolling 310nm Dr Evans cautioned The more briskly you walk he nnre good ItldagAlyou Paving Program Costs $9229148 ALLANDALE DRUGS LIMITED HARPERS PHARMACY ROSS DRUG STORE IDA Bland tall for ll lchdcr price are below es timated the lullawlng slreds will be dune untll budget Item of SOLMMZ ls uscd Dalton lram rcronln to Baylield Dnnnld trom Eccles In Welllnglnn Duckworlh lrnm Amelln la Mcl rose Letitla lmm Sunnlda¢ In Anne PM from R050 to Vcll mgnn Toronto from Welllnxlon to Grove Vancouver lmm Steel to Naplcr Vllllam lram Gowan lo BurtmL Puget from Blake to Shanly Bay Road Vincent from Rose to Shannon Shanty Bay mad from Puget to make Shir ity street from Sunnldale lo Mada Sunnldale road from Wel Unglon tn Lellun Victoria Irtcl lmm Brndlord In Canadian Na tional Railway and 1mm InnIs 10 Bradford Velllnxkon mm from Sun dale lo Barri Plan Amelia 1mm Dundonmd lo Duckwonh Innlslil street from Frederick to Perry from Frederick to Brock and from Brock to We ercoursc John street from Brad ford to Anne and ram Anne to Highway 400 Johnson slreel rum Blake to Shanly Bay mad Maple Ave from Ross to Sam Ia Milburn from Burton lo Gownn Mulcasler from City Hall lo Panemng Napier um from St Vincent to Puget Pene tung from Mulcasler In St Vln rent Berczy street ram Paneling to Queen Clapperton street tmmWorsley to McDonald Cod rington street from McDonald ta Puget Cumberland street from Milburn to Essa Dundonatd street rum Therm to Amelia Davtdsnn street from Grove to Rose Eccles street tram Dunlap to Welltnglonz Grave street from Drury Lane to Feel and Irom Peel to Davidson Holgate street from Reid to Wllflamr We cannot supervise the measured miles at all Ihe time they will be used Mr Dick atated But if those who walk their mile will report it to the on an honor sysicm within 24 hours along with the time it took it will be recorded Small achievement award will be pre sented on the completion oi each 10 miles and plaque will be awarded to those reporting so mileat We also expect to have Wallmiis between those re porting the best times Mr Dick said The main thing though is that you and and everyone else be encouraged to get out and walk We can compete against ourselvesand end up healthier or it Mr Dick con Cluded coh Io Centre street Anne from Centre street to Essa road Lidpanl and best lime will 51 so be reported mags PERMANENTS SE99 OPEN EVENING PIIDSE PA H601 nunum MLbN All For The PA 02901 PA IMOY PA um 449591