Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 May 1963, p. 12

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sowing Time Is Here Plant we Ad And Reap Resultsl PA 82414 ll ANNOUNCEMENTS For Flowers And Plant Cell BEZZANTS PA 60247 MINESING MOTORS NOW LOCATED 01h Con Vespra Twp Mile North of Hw 26 TELEPHONE MINESI 118 BIRTHS rNrEnasrtNo runny Ntstorlu can as written with pplngl from out Dally Nswsl the Inn Evanu oIn rhotoo ME and WEDDINGS Natlcu Ior thud Ivlnll In Dill LSD nrtas them to Ills Csssltlsd Counter or role Dons ra Ettltltlntr PA All ATKINSONMY IIIR Atklnxon tote asnmu sm II SOPHIA EIHIC wlth to announce Ia Ith at their son Clayton James on Sllulslny May ll ID IL llII hum Victoria Hospital smarts and Mrs William Miles on Coohstuwh entsrtb In to ransom the birth at lltvlr osumm on Prtsiay Mly I17 Ines It Inc lloysl Victorla Roy pttst Darrle TA the TI llelpitll DInlr Onllrlo on Mon day May Is ml to Mr and llllm tr Ins ssrlssnt momma Oauno son DEATHS WEDSTER All MaudPassed svuy suddenly on Monday May It Inst the ad at her nephew Allrcd Little Newport Enrllnd Allcu Maud Little be loved wlIe at In late Frederick Webtor nl Simud Ontlrlo LII her Illlh Loving mother pl Trd Webs ot Itrocltville Mrs Darla Uoolh llirs IIII erllnt Ind Jack Vchllcr DI Euwd Funeral srrvlra Ind Interment to Newport England Memorlsl vice to he held St Plull All gllrsn Church Innlatll on In day May III at pm Flowers grhlrtully clincd MrAU nrhms Dorothy At hot it 11a IIsytIsld st rtsrrto Monday May Is my ltebms Dorothy daughter or the and llcbecca MeAulay lttvlrtrr or Msydso tlttrs Grorgo lllwl huttns st th lethlck Funeral Norm HT ltay Ilrld st Dlrrlc servlcr In th thspcl Vrdnudsv at gas In torment st Paull Cornmy In hIIIIL IN MEMORIAM MURPHY1n Iovlnl memory Mer Robert John who psmd away May It MI The IIIIII hand llllll Iovlstg hurt ll Itllt IILIII loll tun mt ta btu Too chrly Imd to tunnel by Mother Dad and sum Chatmains MURPHY In loving rumm brano DI our grindson Mark Murphy who passed away May rm SUI RI lltlll children to come unto Ml no or such Is In Klnlflom at ltrs You Always numbered by lrsnd Ina Inan Murphy IllUTtPIlYIn Iovlnl memory of dur nephew Msrlt Mar hy who passed sway May It ltl They shalt ho hum ssttn lhl Lord at Iloell In that day when nuke up Ily trolls nmernbertd by Aunt VIctanl late Jam TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA Mtll COMING EVENTS COFFEE PARTY ALLANDALES rtnsr Wednesday May I5 930101130 am ET GEORGES PARISH IIALL llotncnrhtln Raking Nattysitting Scrvlce Admit Evening Guild ANNUAL MEETING oi the IlAIIlIlII SKATING CLUII ulll ho hrld TUESDAY MAY 28 II pm at tho CIMMIINITV HOUSE All tlllllllltrl and guests are Imllrd to attend iillAWillleRY1 FESTIVAL ma SALAI ILAIE llctlttosrlnv June 21 llAXTlilt IIIIISIIVIICIIIAN CIIUIICII IIogrntn AllltllSlltll ll null 7II AIINIIIIIR IAllll All the Organ hull RARRIE LIBERAL ASSOC ANNUAL MEETING Tuesday May 14 pm BARRIE LIBRARY HALL Everybody Wolcomo run aanITIu EXAMINER MAY ms REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE IL Nut door to the Imprill TITam 45A DUNLOP ST PA 66481 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY 0000 Full Price buys thls thriving yearround business $10000 Down Payment Owner will consider house as trade Rarrle area Modero Restaur ant and Garage plus excellent living quarters located on end oI Hwy 400 Call Russell Car PA 06401 evenings PA DALSTONI Close to new school 10 roomed house lovely double let All In side conveniences Call Irena $112M PA 06m evenings Om EDGARI Ultramodern solid brick bung alow with attached garage Ex cellent location Ior school teach cr Phone lrcne Forbes PA 6431 evenings Ora 1713 RETIREMENT HOMEI on new wltlt nlco bungalow and all conveniences with law Down Payment on paved Righ irI from Ilarrle Make oltert Call Ralph Rooks PA mill evenings PA 60803 SERVICE STATIONI on Illghway ll thls 2yearlold Gas Station with big Illiil over must be soldl No Mort gage on this Statlon Vendor will take back First Mortgage Coll Ralph Bookc IA E6401 Shell Gas Evenings PA 60303 WORKINGMANS OPPORTUNITYI $4500 Iull price Ior this roomcd unfinished home ahout eon Srr It Includes extra large modern kitchen and Livintt area hedtooms bath room and utility room on large lot 80 300 on ltlll over looltlng countryside Just out side Rorrie Coll Illll Ilamlllon PA 646th evenings PA 05325 MUST SELLI on account oi transfer nttrnc tlve aabedroom brick bungalow with attached corogo 1th home is only about ZI years old Call Dill IIItmllton PA url evenings PA b5325 2STOREY BRICK 011000 Full Price 32500 Down Paymcnt buys this excellent Iomlly home rooms or re creation room replace Ilur age it block Irom Itchoal Call Russell Carson PA noun ClErl logs PA 0am PAINSIVICKI lriIevol abrdroom bungalow Excellent buy at 811000 terms Phone Irene Forbes PA total evenings are lTlS ReautIIIIl SREDROOM ertk Ilungnlow with attached garage Very low tarts lust mlIltIdO ttto city trhaol one block Chll lioppy PA 08th evenings PA llulta GOOD INCOME PROPERTYI One oi the hotter double hmtsu In Rnrflc very central See It nowl Call llnplly PA Mm evenings PA olm 511500l Largo brick house near Rarrle Post nlticr Chll Norm Syn nolt IA dun evenings PA 2535 some Attractive bungalow on large landscaped lot all Norm Syn nott PA ostal evenings PA Hill LOTfii In tlte city and just nutslde the city Call IIUPPY PA MAIL evening PA Hlul PROPERTIES FOR RENT IIImNt 01 Ram Olllstrl Keith Marshall ntAL uIArs nhohln PA SAT591 II FLAPIIRTON nAnntn rnANK NEIL IA ram 700 DOWN PAYMENT Modern our bedroom brlrk intngnlnw clone to schools and shopping area cnrrlrl Ior lot no monthly on one mortgage Itunm hmts n4 DMIIII la rd DALTORA llonm Puma Itustnrstts RORERT HODGES REAL ESTATE IIROKEII It DUNIDP RT IIAIIRII Phone PA Opposite Md SIOII FRASER LIE REAL ESTATE IlROKER mu outrun st 1mm farm Suture Iroprttisr Romeo Ilusinutu Appslulu Represented by ARCHER COLWILL Burris Phone PA 000 Hits 533nm an oath mum mm Altmlm but I£llt tent on Row an wt to an Pr ltm Is sleds Arline Must REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE ROGERS CONNELL PHOTO REALTORS DUNLOP STREET EAST PHONELPA 85568 Sava Mlles Wm Our Photovllles 23 PRATT RD OWNER TRANSPERRED QUICK POSSESSION MUM Ah exceptionally clean tidy Ebedroom brick bungalow built In 19in and still to gleaming new condition the house has larger front kitchen and dinette that III II universal favorite and the cup boards are In natural finish Ilas tlnely landscaped lot and tully teaced rear yard Phone PA 05566 Photo ltth Ind ABOUT $2000 DOWN ALMOST NEW SOLID BRICK BUNGADOW AIIACHED GARAGE 014500 An excellent buy with only can mortgage Oheleo East End loca tion with so It lot near schools and the Shopping Plaza This most attractive Itome leatures large dinette Is very special kltehen wlth rxtra cupboards double sinks exhaust tan with canopy ole Rraernent Is dry high and bright with achtlnished recreation room Quick possesson available owner is tronslerrcdl PA asssa anytime to Inspect 05 DAVIDSON STREET FACING NORTH COLLEGIATE GROUNDS 0121500 very uttrscttve 3bedroom hrlek bungalow NRA 87 resale oneewner home as years old and In tlnest condition Has unusually largr llvnz mom and blg Inmll aired kitchen with loads oI cupboolds Only $2100 cosh Is regu red to lot mortgage carrying at 390 complete EVENINGS CALL Mrs It It MoorePA Mlbt RogersPA Hm ConnellPA 80765 MEMBERS DARRIE AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD SMITH CAMPBELL REALTOR 32 HIGH ST PA 60241 Home PA 87309 142 CUMBERLAND STREET Three bedroom bungalow on Icnccd lot with driveway and garage Living room dining room kltcheII utility bathroom maker compltte living accommodation II and Ipiece this nicely kept home The pricn Is $8000 wlllt $1500 down COUNTRY LIVING See tth modetn oromr stucco home an paved highwoy south oI Rhltlc Iull basement oil furnace pressure system Two bed room and large room on second tour About acres at land with wit trees Ltsted price lust $10800 BUNGALOW IN WEST END Flvr room bungalow IIIII basement oll Iurnnce and garage Lot Is It by 132 lose to Shopping Plitm Owner icavlng city FOUR ROOM EUNGALOW VIiI iplcce trth garage Just outside city limits $4000 wlth $800 down FARMS From 50 to 325 acres Joan LungPA M761 Contact this oltice Chnrles RoodPA 32317 IM ColePA 84937 Mrmbn st amt sud nlsutct Rut ansts Uosrd Emory MILLER PHOTO REALTOR It COLLIER ST PA sIsat WELLINGTON EAST 312500 Attractlve three bed room brick bungalow Large living room kitchen with din lng area recreation room pnlcd drive MIA terms that carry or $75 monthly Ito eludes Iorcs Call Rlla Sunn drctt COOK STREET 1000 Cozy two bedroom brick bungalow separate IIIII lag room twocar garage Must be sold Tcrml II desired Coll Rita Scandrett COUNTRY ESTATE Modern three bedroom home with 70 acres partly wooded Highway Ironthgc Vell locat ed wlthln thm mlch oi Dorrie HOME WITH CHARACTER Largo trrcrl lot An attractive modern twmtorey home fen tral clty locntloa at right price MCDONALD NEAR MULCASTER Roomy iourbrdroom hrlclt home In good control locatloa Sopnrhts dining and living rooms Terms Coll Emerson Swain and too thus COUNTRY HOME REDROOMS thrnlly lnIlIl city tactlitlrs on lthll lore In Mltlllllrlt area Only 01500 dawn Owners morb gage at too month Call any Miller Salesman now IZVENINGS CALL Illta Erhndtatt PA Hutu Percy Ford PA 07010 Emmott Swain PA one 1er Marshall PA 00911 Illrlt llrndrrton IA nun Illtl leme Ivy TII OorI Iwrrr PA ntnoo EIIIory Miller PA 00503 GARVEY Real Estate Broker RR RARRII TELUIIONI DAV 0R NIGHT IA HI CORle REAL ESTATE limiter IImns PA nuts Ihtnlop 51 Hutun Men An hie Mann Manama rA our our untu rw sun If MI trausv sous III It LAN llntrtd alt Ian Irtr tum Motown llmltn rI IIIsltlrl nmI mt ooIl ml 311 pluo sonbu dun mount It Mtus Lunmyn ts lvlnl mo fllnlng rl hllhredlt Indium mmtlan mm In but MI Altmltnun II tantrum hut In ILottm row It mt Rtnnl IIAROLD FORSTER AND COMPANY Photo ILLS Realtors Mortgage Funds Available 60 oi Value llsfit interest Na Bonus No Hidden Fees TIP AMONG THE FIRST TO IlllS lthIEl bedroontt attached garage paved drive broudloom and many other ex tras Ior only 3500 Reltcr Investigate thts one at once Owner pald $3000 more DONT RIDE WALKI Dtb lhrgo lomiiy home recently rc novatcd ls close enough to down town to walkl Only 0000 Ior rooms Cull Dorls Nutty cembo IA H453 An appoint ment ls lust 10 minutes away WE HAVE THE ZYS IM MEDIATE POSSESSION POSSI BLE Onc Ior H000 IIan one tor Illghtly Iru Rrhnd new Davlrs built homcs Call now to see them OLDER INCOME PROPERTY Owner wlll totto land to trade and balance on very my terms Contrnient to cverythtng Around coran Irom St Marys Church Nowa the time to dial PA 65453 COTTAGE TLIOU WOODS IIIO IIAI POINT Reduced from Home to 011500 ier nultlt snlel bedrooms dlnhwhrher air comlltloncr dock Ila qulclt to Act on this special Vlhthn CALL Curly Klonlllvm lA Iltlt hla thawsrt Us lam Olhrla Kb PA um sehn IL Whlll PA In IIAVFIEIJ ST PA MM ANYTIME many at nut bttuImI pathlnl arltlshls NO DOWN AYMENI lo Itcspoaslhls Employed Iurrhhsus Your Choice 409 Illaks 51 Ilnplex mort gage halo 011000 NH Illan NI letrl lots tomttwrrllt 150 no acres and Itnttnlslwd llouso close to tth Oro um PA OIIJII ILIT Iletlrnttnt Nrnr srlmols rvltvl paid NEW lllrtrvplnl Ht IIT NEW 0300 now runs tlttlltll paytttrul IIIII llllt Mm Ammlntttltnt PA lIIIIUII It Itmm wslhln Ivamutt llll Itstnlro all mum lm turn stmo dawn M0 mnnlltl rA Illll IKIIIIA Irlurt tom hulll Imm lrlrtmll thm NAtnnm trimsluv wIth Alnlnl mm tunmm room lIh Au IAndwltOd let double and but III Io nIumd mutt clAllan yum mam um dtlusur Imd ysrd hsratns mu new nurttttlnw wlth Imty tlu thus Mdrmm Ilvln dlnlnl tann lush um helull Ill deII vuplmstds dun st Islroan IA REAL ESTATE STOUTT AGENCIES LTD 10 COLLIER s1 BARRIE PA Iml Central Ontarios Largest Realtors Member at Blrrll Ind Dlllrlcl Roll 1th Board CUSTOM BUILT ranch style brick bungalow In It section where every street 1s plcturo ol loveliness Attached garage natural birch Hanover kitchen Just one 01 Ills many leaturcs Close to schools and shopping Maire appointment to Inspect VANCOUVER STREETPriced to sell bedroom bungalow on lovely landscaped lot Living room dining area kitchen Close to schools and shopping centre Asking 311000 and carries tor $00 PIl See this one tor voluol HANDYMANS SPECIAL $50000 down storey home south ol Barrie new can be lived In needs IInIahlng touches Lot almost two acres Only £8500 Call Itlra Drown 50 ACRE FARM all miles south oI Darrlc room brick home with all modern conven Iences good barn ll spring led streams Cali Alcx Duncan Ior Iurthcr details Evlnlllll Ellll Merv or Dd Gould Ore llld Dru Drown PA Mill Lloyd er FIDrLI lIoclllyPA Hill Alix Duncan PA Woodward an Id INCOME ll Modern thre bcdroonl hu wlth lollcom Illned basement Iplrtmrnt For lurlher lnlormlllon telephme PA leW alter lIx oclock SEVEN ROOM Drtck IIMIII In Town or Stayner Large coroar lot nclr bullncll acctlon modern blthroom bulltln cupboards nll lorccd Ilr hullttl Apply Pordl Restaurant slsyn PRIVATE bungalow with ed drtvs Con vtnlrnt to schoos Ind park Car rlcl or In monthly Drlnclpll Intercsl taxes bmltlcs tsr cosh In 000 NIIA mortr Tell phonl PA MI PRIVATE IALEI Four bedronml two bathrooms spsclous lltchen Marty rlIral Plnesplnlllod reen stlon room and blues Paved driveway Clt port WIII land lclprd Owner Irsnstsmd Clos Io publlc leparltl schools and downtown Ap ly 17d Welllhsloo Rt Int Ilep one PA WWI LOTS FOR SALE ITAVNIR Lola Ior llle hllhs dry lrnund water In and road tln Ishrd One block on Highway so on IlstnIIIon Drle ntt Loutn at Apply Ray Hlmlllon Sterner now AusAanr L0 as Iss Iob tsnhsm town mm and water woo ma or war trade In on hoflu and scr let undar VLA wllhln to mllu at Toronto Toto one onsnlt was fluemulls Ontario PROPERTY WANTED room hum call lItll Illmlllon PA eMIII Ive nln PA S5310 II on Rul ll WANTan nv rrttrcd couple ntn Iy am home In load Immy close to downtown or In hauntI am No suburbs Tam brdrnom tsunllalow or storey and run or poavlbly duplcl uIIh large llrst ttbdr Iplrlmrnt Ilrrpllcs sood Irln painted and In par SNOW no Parry Sound MON EY TO LOAN PRESCRIPTION FOR PAYING BILLS Pay cm oil with lowcost IIIeInsurcd SCOTIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE lat It 2nd Mortyla Loon An where II INAUI III IIOHM AND IAIIMA LOW MONT PAVM LITI II YOU MONEY lTa cnnoelldl dabll llllnl morllsgu nml lmprovsmlntl n1 worthwhllo rsuu Write or ItIona PA 60061 Mortgage Funding our Sim SOIISESOMI DINI0I IT Member ontrtd ttnrtsm MOVING For mtttplelr nutvlng service salrr htul caster call COOKE CARTAGE £1 STORAGE LTD VOUII ALLIED VAN LINES Atllim 110 ANNE RT PA HAO INsuaANEIT MOVING Dont target to Infill your INSURANCE end It you need extra rovmgs of any ltlml SEE STEVENSONS II Ilttnlnp IA ll IMI tilt mm mm Aoi Three bedroom hflek REAL ESTATE BUS OPPORTUNITIES IIIVICI STATION or II wlth good prdht potcnUIL LtvuIl guan tltI Mludsd Rcmunlrltlm duh tns two waslt trslIIIn vcltrnlnt I1 ulrld lllnlI lntll Mr RENTALS OFFICES STORES RENT ADOUT 100 IT 0ch Splfll on end floor at modern build Itll CDILIM Stxlll Nltunl van lil lnl ml bullnul hours dun HOUSES FOR RENT rIInha Daoneosl ltouu tor not AIggytuxlseéslaRa or tsmlutznleh on Iran lsllpttons oh man ovenlnll or THREE BEDROOM Drlek DMHII law VIII nd near Dlrrll Shop IItchdIn buck ITI July Tlllphonl lltl Box 00M two stony house Central OII Larl find Telephone PA III Dundttnlld Illul ItlllnuuM Hot In Allllton Iulvlnl dlnlnl room ltllcllcts And bathroom For further dltllLl HI III AIIIIIDII EVEN Ihle Mly IS CcntrIL Two wlth tull auto and blwmsht Hot It all hulcd NIWIY duontld Telephone PA 88354 WW telschons two bed room tomd IN MI hcltlnl monthly Jun pomlllon Loca ted on Shattly my R0 Prod Slundctl Rell Ella M112 le nooM horas In country Plva bedroom Illllnl room In kitchen Runntnl water EPICI IVIIIIbIl Telephon ellnl 121 or my until tllll TIIRIE BEDROOM hrkh atl hlstcd homo th mile from Elly llmltl on lllshwsy II Tweclr arm and all soavsnlsncu Talc tatlone PA fill IvInInll PA TllRlll DIDRDDM hrtclr bunn low In Oakley Park dIIlrlct lllfi monthly PlrtItIoncd of reared Ilon room and ulrl bedroom Fenced bdcl TIIIDRDDI WI suynu IAIALL Ielnldellthcd houu Mo dern Intel realm Ind hath park tltl Queens Park Now IVIIIIDIO month Icr In Iuded Telephone PA 371 utter mo APARTMENTS FOR RENT TIIRII ROOM Apartment IurnMI ed and hunted Adults only Tllr phone PA oases sttsr ll pun rwo ttltnnoutl eruIa 7M Includlnl anltor sta nus stop at door Ichonl Tollphcnl PA MOTH trnrnt to rent Iyuandle Iyt Stu an or tuphons PA all or PA Ht PUNNIIIIID Us Drlv enlnnc led aw lurnlluu Central lsprc Islly sultsb Ior Iwo atrtl Apply Klnxts PA usol ROOM APARTMENT tor nnl runs and retrliultor suppltcd downtown location TIlehths PA dIIOO Ior All rats phone anilt nttolt naturals Ilttllt tor at Set Front and rur sarrs bedrooml Ccntrllly to phone PAN conlslnad mom lenlrlncl9ure monthly rad Around on In In room barntar mum ramplellly Illnrd UIIIIIIH pl Avntsbts ImdenI cation TIIODMH sInnaaN Anni no and trItlllt or Inn Hy Inl room dlnlnl Ir Iwo rooms and bath ImmdllIsI II III room ront ground llo PIIVII ltlnrl Ind blltl Vsry lltrll no monthly lnrludsl lights and Ian tar nawlywm or Duo Inl nuvll PA I60 two nlnnnoM Apartment It tstmsrbr Inn and dry sr Ishllor new bulldtn clots to nutty tsaItIIIss Tu phone lA sous LAlttll Untutnlrhtd thm hl nd rplttd Tel hone PA TIInss nomt alt smrImonI with Irllnl Immsdtuulr TIL nulllhsd Immodlhtslrt NO and mu In Mdronrn apart sad that hot lot apron md pull to or and on DItllttml hulsd on truth tIoot ta to plus RIIIIIHIIM sad monthly Avatlshle lltmt ruA Ills yntcrnd when nlntmt noes Ansrlmnt un tutntnmt ultrentalnod Ihm ltIl Mlhtnonl monthly II hImI Au this IM Iv Trlsptmn rA Ilm or Monsaw In My gonad tlunt ltnml In It hit dmn not not Illlllnl WIIN mm Ihlfllrllll PaItI Auunn June PA my humM ultra slant Ihm sums hulod armmnt yum me or PA sItI lot touhu Is rm at ya lvhnhls run In aIldmr 7A Hm Mann ttuod can fly turn lrhnl lpltlmm mm to and diam ttlvd an Inn at mm and nt um um uy mmmt Ihlr Jult annammd rt In Ansnth duh rmva hitsm IA ems am nelson sst ebuns ln LAROI Ilou hccpllll Room rm RENTALS APARTMENTS FOR RENT Ind bath Larga nd Wit supplied Monthly 11 Apply It Collier SI eleplsonl PA Ml ULTRA ODIRN bachelor Iter LITA snub ms Tssphone PA soul THRII ROOM ground lloor lplrtr mint Gloll to Hotel church and Nlco Ior DID one Also or Aosrtrnsnt and on bod roam TIIrphanI PA MI Doom LARDII BEDROOM IIVIIII room Ind lllchen Nlccly lumllhad Autnmlllv dryer and washer PrI vats vsrsndsh and ampls htas Tcllphonl PA WII even PA HO runNtnllm In new hump room hitch modom lPlIIIIItIIE uvun room Ind 2nd Avn phone PA TWO ultimo Basement Apart Inutl Immodlllu vollemon Hy dro water Ind helllnl sup ltsd Stall Ind Rllllarllol 0M onll III weekly Fred Slunderl Real Estate PA M111 sourcommon Aplflmant rooms and bath wlth Drlvsta no and vmndsb on heated preferred Immsdlste Allandsla dtnnn elm PA um rwootoostao Furnllhcd Bush to Avlrtlnellt Stilt one or two cools Includes hssl wstsr lllht rllrtllrltur and stove liens Int location Avstlsola Immedlltr 1y Telephone PA VII AT BAIT IND PI vorlooltinl Dly Modern unturntshsd hcltcdr Imm apartment with tour Rclrlgcratwr IIOV drapes It desired Sopn at nm Laundry wan dryer nu door 01s monthly PA Hm bedroom rtIhahts ulnlfl Krm It Illy II plrltln Nice and Iulomllle WI In llclllLIIr In uIylmflflt months rec rent PA ROOM BOARD ROOM AND BOARD or young lInIlrmIn Queens Plll Itll TIIT cphnm PA oolte hooM AND noAnn Ior lentlr man Central loclllont clone to downtown Tllephcnl PA N273 noon AND ItoAnD systlabls to downtown area Psrklng tsclllllcs OInIIltIlsn preferred Nclr bus stop Telephone PA In stter pm or luther tnlomltlcn ROOMS TO LET swa rUanlllxD Dsdmonu or rent Plcnty nI Darllnl llcllltl Gentlemen prclcrred Telsph PA M237 Ior lurthcr tltIorrn loll rvnNrsllln Bedroom Central location Ilrdlltlllt ll dulred To weekly Apply on Drldlord Strut Dorm IUIINIIIIEII Ind stttlal Room wlth kitchen as DIhu Ilnen rsnssttt Ind refrlgrrllor supnllsd Ctntnl location nglbla hullncn wo Tellphe NW LEIAN med II Iurnllhed room Ior rent Vrry cen trally Ierllcd Good cIrIII home Is wrslly Tel hone PA aml In Iurthzr dcl ruanslIln ltoutekzeplns tlootn wlth rangstll and un 01 rstrlrm Itor Wllhtng Iacltltlss and park Telephono PA MIDI to rent Relrlgrrator and stove 1n rluded Plrlttnl Ivllllble Talc phone PA neat or lItthsr Inton TWO noszrAlltIr mms Antl sbls lmmsdlststy Unlurnlohed pull Suitable Ior mlrrlrd couple Telephone PA H030 or turther lntormsttba =5 SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGES WANTED on nannoml cottage wantd to rnt all Aulust am In Close In or on Islunbrs tltunwood prtrs sad lorstlbn New You stun atdgulru An to NY SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGE FOR SALE EAha aIIIcoE nut Oro smtbn Insulated summer cottage bedrooms lurntshsd hot and water Iwn In bnaa ussol Ier Macklcm su tum Street PA sous ARTICLES FOR SALE Used Ranges Refrigerators Televisions priced Irom $4950 EPLETTSL ELECTRIC 147 Dunlop St East PA dam PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner It you would like to have ro prints eI any news pictures taken by our stall photogrl phars please call at our Bustsy Dcss cities We are terry we cannot accept ohons orders Glossy Prlnts $100 IO $l25 plus tax NEWSPAPER MATS Sizes 22s 10 Ideal tor liningl hen houses attics uaragcs Etc pertect Insulator 25c PER DOZEN Plus Tax Apply Tho Dorrie Examiner Barrie Ontario CLEARANCE TV Sets $35 up also Vacuum Cleaners 020 and up Limited quantity Repairs to all makes ol TV rstr and vacuum cleaners ADVANCE TV AND VACUUM SERVICE PA 60043 v11 Anal Nam Mo equ pmen Ru an AD TIIIDPIDDI 9155 an Ior remfitdn room Liner IursI tot Slovlnl front with loot rut Imund bottom should be Dunlap Street West In metal cm In Coat stoma will sell tor Ms Trlcphone PA 317 runny Ior ulo Coop Is Inc nor Telephone PA um tor luthcr Interm PIANO thr ule humbx pm Uprtm Plano my pllln modern deal II Apply no spin Annu em II TELEVISION In IIII Oensrd Eleclrle console model ms load runnlnl order Telephone PA 52917 Ittcr thL runn ncrt Bathroom Set In whlt mel Iron or II Will Iell remasbly reIepnons Toronll LI Moos tor turthar particulars lvrIwntnn tor Illc amltru Corona Typewrttu rllhls my wlth Isn urrytns In extollr Enl rondltlmt rsl AQUA LUNO with dlytts Ilydro Lung III Iltnr Aqua Lnnl Pl JD Athtnl 00 Like phons PA watts mt ItAcs Itutm and col zoo llllon oil Iantt IIolh uatts ttks new in White Sclgler Ian llne lully automatic controls Ind htswrr Inn hut out at ttbbr Isvel Tits other 000 mu wlth controls tear tans alteh mcnll tad Itulon tor lolllnl cublc loot In load condlllon AIR4 lmtllllnl natural ss turnsra Tlllphultl PA mot or PA tun BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY TELEPHONE PA 02414 Ask about low Rules by Month or Your HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING GORDONS HEATING Sud AIR CONDITIONING Gas and 011 New Inslhilhtlonl Conversions and Renal Free Estimates N0 Obllgatlon 100 RAVIHELD PA Til INSURANCE INSURANCE ALL TYPES For personalised service Contest MR VERSTRATEN Ml DUNIOP ST Ilul PA lWII llrs PA Hm CANDSTAPINGd ANDSCAIINll IIOIOIIIIIRyISOIItIlIiK15IOtI lng Iertll tiny Lawn and laintennnce Trees Shrubs etc Toll ARNOLD DEES PAINSIVICK Planting PHONE iA tlztlttl rum tzerIIATtLs NUTTSIND NeMEs ARK EDEN NURSING Itona Ilallt lot this until Aflmltlto IInllms tor bed had It patients Mal smt tumult lturv Iotul Irla ovlslon llIn tt not up Call Stroud IIIIIIA PAINTING AND PAPERHANOINO EDWARD SMITH AND SON Iatntlag anu IsIIst Ilsarlng Dray IIltlllnl Servlrs Since 1910 Nil name PA 66950 PLASTERINO PLASIERING REPAIRS NEW CEILINGS ANI PATCIIINO Fm tnatcs SIUCCO SAM CRYER IA 61075 rowEn mowers SALES SERVICE Mman liqulrrtthnt tactory trhlntd lochulr ans Ws pair all make smell ettglnu any matte llh sharpen an be hurt tool or rotary ty tttnwets hny Illt RENTALS llIKrlll ANI DELIVERV lilIIlVItiC ANVWIIIZIII IN THIZ IIAIIIIIE MILA SIMCOE SALES and SERVICE PA 0351 noorINo Highway 27 Modern IIng Improvements Iteotlhl InaIIlutloA ttltling Entraltmtghlnl Altmllnutll thtnus Ilootl IllilullllZNilAl COMMERCIAL CONVENIENT TLIIII Free Estimates PA Hui

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