Don Ann Lnnden My youngest brmhcr ls bclng mur rled this all to glrl who comes from line Iamily have never met her or her people They live several lhnu sand mllcs nwny Last Mek received lcr frnm he brideIubc and she has asked me be her matrnn humor would like to accupt but sumclhlng ls huldlng me bnck During Second World War ran around with lost crowd bunch of us glrl who worked In the PX won out me nigh Ind hnd our arms inlloocd cs pocluily admired Skinny Vmn wright hi hi lime so his name iailoocd on my icii arm my right arm is an eagle cm in slrcnmer which any Buannf Bome All those years Ive horn wearan Inn sleeved dresses btmusu nm nshnmcd Ihu nunos mnlmn honor has to wear the lawn schth by the bride and such gowns nrc usunlly slcevclcss Shnll all her cant nrccpt and glvc no NEONSPINNING HEM AN LANDERS Mrs Patricia Cnnllng uradumn Montreal Gener ul Haspilals nursing school wean her awn cap and holds talto be removed See dermatologist nhnul details It you me Im nhle unullling to nttord tho um and expense 115k your tut ure slslerJnInw or IE prlv Ilene nt sclccllnu your own gownInvltlnz her suggestions about color and fabric or mum lhcn mm dms with slum or Mar Inn glam lldr Ann prnnlo lhlnk HANDOMS COOKSTOWN Sptclnl Fu nml Icrvlcu wcru hrld from 1hr Huihls Funeral Home Aprll 27 or Bdunr Jan Slmmum who dlcd April 25 Slurnxnn Memorial llmpilnl Alllslnn Mr Grny Jrlmvnh Wllnm comluc Ind lhu mvlcr lnlumcnl In Alllnlou Unlnn tmclrry The pnlllxenrru wrw fltmflc llwn 1th lihy Vlrn thmldl IJunml Vrlnlll lllll Iulltr and Dr Iltldur hm Flrml mu trlnllm nurnd Inl llw mvlce urn mm lnwu Tumuln Alllnlan and Woodhrldzn II ulnn uuvuul Ivy 1i 2mm rthmI um ranluumllhll dvrn Funeral Services For Simmons Tattooed Attendant Needs CoverUp nu ma mm mm In ummm mu um nu pmmmn ls Erma rum hllnnd ma CUSDENS Imndrn Why do that Jusl htcnuao NURSES CAPS TELL STORY we have eluht chlldrcn we need their worn out faded d1 cnrdcd clnlhlnz Ive made lunr runs out at huller cloth an lhnn blend and neighbors have brouth over hm lar my chlldron Io wear arcnl wealthy penplt Ann but my husband has steady job and we can nflnrd to dress our chlldrcn lalrly wall Evcry time sec nclghb lrlcnd comm an to the rch with box under her arm want la scrum My temper has Jusl about run It min and Im nlrald lhnl lhe next Umcl nntnhullén 1m luluu lluï¬tell somebody on Cnn youéiggnsk huw to put slap to this lnsulllng prac ICOTNOT PAUIlIRS Dear No These nonplu nrcnl consclnusly lnsulllng you Thvy dont know nn halter and 11 lllmeyoun1 hcm lwo halonglng ln nurses un duly wlm her Cap 1m ls from Vancouver General Hospital and the olhcr from Slmply let them nuw you arr preclude lhclr klndnm but you dont need any clalhlng or your chlldron Sun In Ion call are ho local welfare ngcn as HOLIDAY GUEST Dear Ann Lmdm Lust nlghl my pmnl were dlscux alnl our summcr plans We have collage up nnrlh and In lhe lust llve your my lolkx have let me Invlla bay lrlcnd up or couple cl wctks in July Tm year lnld Ihcm Id like to lnvlu girl nnd lluy nlmoxl hll my hand olL lly Illa way ouzhl In Icll you llml um hoy II We have we hulromm In our collnzu wllh lwln lch ln ench mm The xlrl cauld Iltep with my mnlhcr am my dad would bunk with Wu are well bcharcd kld nnd wouldnl Mnk 1an nnylhlnu wrong oxides Ann my lnlkl wnuld bu wllh Ill awry mlnulu Im puny dll nppclnlcd lo lhlnk my Mk dont lnnl me How can Md behave lhalr hm when mm pnrcnln expect lhe won Plume help ma lenn lhll Annle You were youni anal ll WILDH nur ll Sorry lluslcr you rnulcxl lhv wrum can nm nul nbnul lo unml ml pub mu lrrnnum provhla In my lhlu Inn on rm and kldl nnd hnu nu Inlmnllnu dulnl nnylhlnu mIHL Hm wnl inA dud mm mm and hnnw Jul night and day rxpoxuu II pmly nlronn null Under lurh tnndlflonn chtmlllry Inllhl uLllConmfl mum HARDWARE BAMBOO DIIAIFJ VENETMN IILINIM WINDOW IIIAIIE PA 61777 OI herIII mm Draperies MAL TODAY DUNCAN Robert FOR TOMOilROiV lhls dnys stellar lnllunnces while nnl overly slimulnling are on lhe whole cheerful and encouraging You should nchleve much in the woth while endeavors If you wlll cl Iervo but one ndmunlllnn Dont let yourself he talked into liv inx eilher lime or money to on lcrprlsu ol dubious nnlurc In vestigate nil sullcllnllons care fully II lemonow Is your blrlhdny your horoscope lndlcam lhnl tha next 11 momha should bring lnllsfnclory nehlevemenl Bus iness and career mnum with whlch ynu are now occupied should take an urwnrd spun In October wllh slll further ad vnnccmcnt lndlcnled In Deccm bar and early 1064 FOR THE RIRTHDAY Crcnllve Worker vlll ha bienud by an addlllannl ï¬ne planetary cycle In Ju Toronto Western Husplml Mus nurses wear he cnp mm the hospital where they were lralned CP Photo nest Hnnnclul pcrlndl or all Taurenns mldAuuusl Inla Na bumber and early December Re cnuuous In monelnry mu In midJune midJuly mld Septemher and late Oclobar nnwevor Social And Inmlly anIrI nhould he Kenernhy hurmonlnu fur must ho yunr nhnnd bul or guard nznlnsi enslan and dumosllc frlclun or lhe next week and In mid September Snnlhncnml maucra wlll ha governed by urcpllnnnlly line nspcdl hm lhl month In mld July lnle nugust curly No vember and mid Dctembur Goon pcrlods fur lmvnl Luu June early Annual my 51 lcmbcr and the Int hm week Dmmbnr chlld horn an lhls day will he endowcd with him cnmpnr lion nnd rent amount 01 dlz nlly THE STARS SAY And lo your lniormnllnn Buddy Buy mnyhe your par cnll have lame nollovu about spendan two wcclu ln Icpnmlo bedrooms rrnve to be mnr orcu lhnn Judxmml By ESTRELLIM mm puwcrlul lly IDA JEAN RAIN What do you vlan to do Ihn Hm quarler hnur lollawlnu dln ner tonlzhn The best way In break habit In lhls nslnncc the Mb overeallnz lo plan somelhlnl dlvarllnl Many hahlls ura ln large part the result of boredom ll you have In mlnd upccllic acllnn to take Immediately nllcr dln ncr ll wlll bu surprLIlngly easy la get up from the table below you have eaten la bellbuman prgpurllans Break your raullnu Too much lameness ls deadly dulllni ynu always clear all Um able rlm alter dlnner ask aomcona elsa to vut awuy Iha food Go nlo lhu Hvlnz mom and read Ihe paper Play new record Walk around tho block By da inu somethlng dlflcrnnt you so your mind all food Youll cn change Wllllnm James who was great Iucher and psycholollrt advlsed that It In lnvluorllln lo alrelch your mlnd wlh new Ideas Expcrlmentl Explore Change Growl ls exclu mcnt Ideas and allurls lha restore enerzy Ind vltallty to people he yromlscd You know youmlf lhnt if you ill and unlll re late you eel dull after lha men WI mlsluke to an unlll you eel lully sallslled for lhen you have overealen Fllleen mln um lulu you haw to let cu KEEP IN THE TRIM PARIS RculnrlIngh hnlr style with false hnlr lwlaled Inla loops and scroll lowcrln eight lnchcl abnul the crown oi the head go with Iarmn fash lnnl or he sprlnl and mum 01 10113 Alexandre one of he best known Purl hnlrdrcsscn has evolved whlmllcnl new hand reflecting the prom ltndency In nbalmct ark It all alnncd with the dig slzner Yvn Lauren Int lummer Wanting to Inlroducu lnncllul hnlralxleg wlqlcr uvenlnx he ask Alexandre la main abslrnul elkcl comblnlni chnr nLlcrmlu Chlnnsc pagndn wllh pmch lhu 1m unlury Paris loved IL And as often the case olhnr dcslgnm plckcd up lhe lrcnd lur Ule lullowlnl Icunon Thln Iprlnz Alcxnndrc hm mnlod mumv llc hnlralylc whlch are lndlvlduul in bath house ench dulkncrl own Inuhlun thWEllC IW chu lulu hnlr no lomr manqunmdo ul he wcnrerl own hnlr nlmouuh lho mos expennve uddmum mid to order and cnrclully mnlchcd In Color and mum AmllTlEDLV FALSE leu wll aha hnlr hnl lho advanlnn of being able to bal Loops And Scrolls On Miladys Head Change AiterDinner Routine To Take Your Mind Ofl Food THE BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY MAY ll 1m your he nnlch ur two To make manor worse overeat lug lessens rcslstanco to over eating or lhls prncklcu en ugxcs yogr 09513051ch epnri dramatic change in helr loud upncily They Iii describe the empty icuilng experienced at the slur diet But alter short period few day or cw weeks at most limo dlol era begin to col quite content wllh their smaller mealsand lory be this In ailmmlnz prac tice It was Jnmel too who pointed out thn vaiuu oi actiun Always translate nod im pulse into action One middle IICd woman who had been in to diet or years sudden wanted to take action She was eating restaurant with her husband when thadaasert Iha had ordered iavarilc wna piaccd in front 01 her on the afur oi the moment the da tried not to eat itl Looking at her husband sha imnlurcd Darling would you think had last my mind it dont eat this utter taking onlr nna Dita That husband bass him in mediater got up irnm the table gallantly oiiemd her his arm and they ML The wiie in reporting this Instance assured me that she did slim down Slimming can he an lnvlumat has challenn Coma an youve not Inch lot llvlnx ta dol Ian la Ihe hairdresser by llself or revamplng job Designer Marc Hohnn polsun ally made chnng link dreams this lesson The Mall wn Dlor lormarly omploycd Gulllnumo lo Ilon lha manne qulns hnlr Bul lhls sprln Al nahnn collaborated wllh Illu nndre to evolve the newest new head look The mull mm hard mug bun nlgaut the 11m and shape nlin lnvnrtod Mcup Olher IIyIcs use mlll Ilka zlnnl annll Ahclh or cfllule mm wide In bum ml hair whith areMnrn Jusl nbov lho bmw or law Al the nnpc ho ncck NW EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA IHl Skilllul handling bread dnulh ls necessary at the he glnnlnz of knendlng any Food expert at Mucdannld Imlltute Gglph The mass is collected In ball and he sunlace In come with the board should remain rec mm wrinkles and crack help prevent sklcklnl We lpol on tho oulslde xurtacs requlro dusting with llaur unl lhc dough become 91ml enouuh kncnd enslly How ever tha use of no much flour wlll regul at 10th The kneading movement is rhythmical one In which the intern Ire used tn uii the mass over intn postiun or kneading and the lower part oi the hand is used or applying pressure to the dnugh Too heavy pressure tends ta keep the mass at daunh sticky and diiiicuil ta handle it my also give product with thick cell walls The first knendlns is con tinued ion enough to obtain smooth dough but excessive me cnzazemen has bun nnnoumd Will Joanne Benn Bell anly dnuthter Mr and Mn GuMon Bell of Barrle in David Charles Proper Kneading Needed For Bread PLUSI SOMETHING NEW HAS BEEN ADDED PLAN JUNE WEDDING DATE TANK RENTAL ONLY IS BAYFIELD STREET RATE ECIRIC WATER HEATER BARRIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GUARANTEED ALL THE HOT WATER YOU NEED WITH 9mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm knudlnl lemns the capacity lb dough for rlxlng Thu necund kneading ll ur the expulllon requhes shorter period time and should ha punching motion Wnsl son Mr ind Mu Bud Wan nllo of Battle Th mamn wlll uke lace at Cenlrnl Unlled Churc name an Jun 15 ll ml TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA um AGAINST MOTHS HEAT FIRE AND THEFT only urrler who makes and nails excluslvdy know haw like can at your urinal summerl WIGGINS FURS lnqulra abau modelling CLOTH COATS llvo B49101 Elulylully All WEARING APPAREL Box Smnue Cull fur nr we deliver large carlon box Flll ll up with couu dresses mowsulu swcnlcrs blankets Ila we lhcn store It unlll All or $295 box Maximum valuation $15000 phn dry claunlnl dune FUR COATS 88 DUNLOP ST ran FREE PICKUP DURING DAY on EVENING FREE GLAZING AND MINOR REPAIR STORAGE WAYS WRIGHT CLEANERS lTD PROTECT YOUR FURS FREE STORAGE 0N REMODEL JOBS CALL TODAY ANOTHER DO NOT PAY UNTIL FALL Do NOT PAY UNTIEFALL aur low Iummer price on repnln and re DO NOT FAY UNTIL FALL EXTRA MU nmuurmu ammme EXCEPTING FURS PHONE FREE GUARANTEED MPRUDFING VICAII STODD IN STANDON anlann 1P Village mllkman Dave Barker dldnl than hl marrlau would arln in many problems ShorUy belura he and hl brlda ml all on lhclr haneymaan he dIMOVElEd here was nobody else In deliver the mllkl The day was saved by the local vlcar who donned apron and cap and look over the round DIG FOR CANCER TAVISTOCK England CWr Amateur gardeners ln Ulla Devon 1awn are zrnwlng cum bid lo solve the commu nltys high cancer denlh rile Medical omeers wlll collect lhe leave and send lhem the Unlvenfly oI Brlllsh Columbia when experts will try la delu mlne If any poisonous Auhsllnce in the monk null 13 causinu can cer PA 84868 Burl Eumlner Emma Slreel Rllrl In orl Elm Individually 27 ul ynur All unn Minimum hlfll 00 My tlnnld thin and lndlvmuuly or your mr uluu L105 um mlnlmum ylu PA 61825 PA 85531 Per Monlh