$1 $3 Township Assessor Attends Convention FIRST SHOW STARTS AT 700 pm In rm xlp Palm Inn1n llmled In Imprnvlnn public ro lllXanI Vllcn Md Wllllnm Drown mum mm Hm Inllco Col pd hq week Slanantr mlnlmr mnnlclpnl nfnln Ipnkn on Vcdnnnlï¬‚ï¬ He Ilrnmd lhrco palnll nid 1mm hln Depnnmcnl far Ilnnnclnl nnd upurmllnn tho lrnlnlng mum he lmtllula Municipal Ammrl um pm mud Hunting or nunan In Onlnrln nnd hpr In mllni up uounly nummcnl tnmmmlon or nr lhn lmnrnvrmrnl nnd unl Iormlty nmmncnl urnnrnlly lNVlTF UIIIJC Tounn By RGJ Robert 59min of innlliii was one ni levmi cauniy pcnpie who mended he Assessing Oiiicm Conveniiun in Toronto insi week Fivn mnmbm oi ihn equalizing commiiico oi iim couniy wrro also there Tin nruidcni ai lhu insociniion for in caminn your wiii ho iiuiph iinmharc num mcni commissioner or Drill Fourlcen ni Slmcm Cnunl 32 municipniiilu worn rrprmnla ud including Couniy AmImr Eric Simp Chairman inr Dil hm uuumull If Ill mmprlul ï¬lm can County Mulkoku and Parry Sound Dlllrlctl Dun McClunK nummcnl cummmianor Mldlnnd Counly Aumnr Erlc Slmpmn member ho la mnn Board Guvcrnnu Inc Imlfluto Municlpnl AI IEIIMI utnhlllhrd In 1052 or cducnlinn nnd lrulnlnn nuw with 39 xrnqmlm INNISFIL NOTES NEW SINK In lho kitchen Ind bum1n cupboards nro Admired by Mu Buckle th tully furnished the kitchen POLO um ELECTRIC HEATING up nlalra In the Elmvala Com munity Hall mnks It posslhle IHE MUSI FANMSIIE SIGHIS 0N HIM IUDAY ACADEMY AWARD WINNER Tnp bull hrnuum WA and on cmnlo 500 Sum of the amnch wcro loll In pnln wllh he huf tr mm bolh anlmnln nl dvuh hid ulvlnu Ith numb and buym lullluclary relulu TinIa bmdeu n1 pulml Hm nrdl hlvu been Impnrllna hard Ilm and Itmnlu 1mm up 1an km lllrvulhout nu Unllrd Elnlu and are now allnlu Ihhed and known or II clr unl Ily Ilnrk Imlmn uy Tho producllon Inle hnld In Banlo Falr Grounds Snlurday by Cyrll Cook and Calvln Ira land mu well nllandcd Ilmuzh lho bulll ollcrml dld no reach any alarlllnl prlcu ulllch lhnlr quallly and broadlnx mlxhl have warranted The main helpcd to balance all and In nll ll mlghl well be called warm lul lalo rguo Igunprnnns Frldny lnclnu list of charm Anyone who had too rcmuv cd ram his car rcccnny mould look over he collccllun at the police alum Th mu week ht Pollen Dcpnrlmcnl Inar has been uran with lush recovered nl In car mom lhrouzhout he owmhlp Twn yauug men and juvcnllo wlll appear In Court Frldny lnclqu charm Ice eslnbllshmen Iar linden group and olhm doslrlnx In Inrmnllon Visitors will be ahnwn lhrauzh the new unicorn mud given parlunlly to hcnr pol lco Iron mils vlslt tho nollco can and lnlk with the olllcm wilt ppernlq lhcm mun here 710 prepare their own mlrcshmum Examiner photos will enable in control he lcmpcrnurn In each mom with lndlvlduul lhcrmoslnlu Hem Mrs Grunt 11 newly dowran Lulu on the Ith of Luke 61mm wlII upen non weekend wllh dnnco bnnd Snlunlny nluhl Mild owmr al lhl Snvnnnnh wllh lama dflllll ol npcrnliunl pnrly uvnnnnh Lodge Cedar llnrlmur on Salurdny mm rim lam pcapla an op nun in mm Herman and nrolhy nclnnm who wlll Ink om llm opmllnn cl lha Mn whlch mm arcnmmadullan mud and Ipcclnl uncllmm urn wurkly Salurdny nlxhl coyylcl dunno at In went Snrnla Ind north Inln the Mnnlluulln HAVANNMI LODGE The survey due no Include known nuIcIdu or Human In dualrinl uddenll or nnlurnl denml Quebec and 0mm euch had tug dmwnIan Cnnndhm Fran lurvuy from pm local time Friday la mldnluht Sunday ahawnd lhnl pmons dlcd an Ontario hlxh wnyl nd 1311 Quqbec In Qunbcc lwaAcur édlllllon on rural road near anrbar Saturday klllrd our pcoplu Ind Icrloully Injured threw In Onlrio Imn nmom hm of them American nuns dlcd In twocur collision near Chnlhnm Saturday The nun nnd an elderlymnn were In cm which Win In colllslnn wllh nnulhor car carrying marfled touple nnd nnolher mun wnuiArx mumm Ontario and Quebeu were heavy cnnlrlbuwu to tho mn Cannda accidental denlh loll of 37 during his weekend Thlrty 111 ha death were In highway nccldanll or bylaw amend ment concerning he Hudson drain Io change iguch on he original bylaw to bring it up data since government rant game into ciicct Road accounts passed or pnymcnl lataucd $322880 and genernl nccounll bylaws are In prcpnrut Ion Mr Hnrvcy said One con com ï¬le drnlnnue 1n the lawn shlp where residents have up piled or loans to Install fleld drglns mm By THE CANADIAN PRES Weekend Deaths In Ontario Show 14 Died 0n Highways Road superinlnndnm Gren ville 1chch la ndvcrllso or lender or weed spray ma lerlal Tenders submitted wlll bangqu May 22 DEETON sum Tecum soth Township Council hero de nicd request for location oi an additional wrecking ynrd wllhin the township Councll felt tho Hal dozen or so lots nircndy operating In the township were enough wlihout letting any more in This along wiih other rou tine business matters were con sidertd at lhe regular my meeting to clear lhe decks or In special budget meetingoiiiny 11 to set thn i963 tax rate sold clerk ilnrvey Wrecking Yard No More Please lclpnl oIHce 51321 he dlnls HAD TO 1N DEEP RIVER Onl CW Ollnwn Soonan m1 two learn to onodny rumor Iournnmnnl hm Suurdny and look all the glory Dam mndu Um Inn cvonl Bonner deronllng 800mm 11 mo Thu Iolnnm tompcllllon Included Hum hlbl lmm Imp lllvcr Ihrco mm Tom any mm Ptlarbar vul ouuh lllrd Ollnwu Iqund umonlelle 70 and Lynne anlolcltu elmmenu old dnulhlcr of Mr and Mn Joseph anlolclle In mum colllslan near Lnlnlvre nbnul 50 mllu ml Ollnwn Elxht nlh wm Injured nu um 09m Mm MINI III uu upmuxwm Prndynczuc of Point Edward drowned In lhe Snmll hnrbar nllor lenvlnz Ihc can of hi nu nnd rqlnllvu Widavrhlrl Mary Conlea about 60 In In which do Jahh Pater Vuii uci oi Olinwn whnn true by 11 car while walking across Chuudicm Bridal which iinh the city with iiuil Que Widow Mrl Mary Comics 60 iiru which do Douglas Henry ï¬ll 21 of Sault Sle Mum Ont when MI car overlumcd on 01 Trans grinds Highway near San Ste CHEER Gnrbufl Inn at Mr and Mn Gllherl Gurbull London when almck by car on HIKhwny near Pmspcet my om Ontario nIaHUm summv DRIVE1N THEATRE Another innnvntion the in4 stniintiun oi cicctric hunting up stairs replacing the oil and pm pnno an spncn hcntm In each room We find working con dilinns much more pleasant since the switchover clerk iinroid anh mid With individ ual thermostats in each room it give more contrni over the lemperuluro than we ever had beiorm In he Board ni Trade room also used as council chamber ihu hardwood ier have been Handed and coated with special preparation to withstand heavy traffic encountered in public buildingsi Ml the wall and ceilan hav been Insulated making the building Wanner In the winter and cooler In the summer Whut stands out most oi all is he trnniormotion behind Iho municipal ofï¬ces upstairs Here in previously uniinlshcd raft urstrewn ares workmen have built smuil board room pro lection room kitchenette and two washrooms all with walls oi plywood panelling andiiied floors an extension of the ill pattern used in lhe other oi ilcos at lho front The kitchen has sink buiiIAin cupboards and canopy containing an ex haust ion nbove the stove syncu llllo An Con 97 PEN was harried MON TUES New lighting ï¬xtures want In the main hall downslnlrs and in the Beard Trade mom ahuve luguuuur Plywood nneiling on ihe stairway an in upstairs niilc cs took an new shine nilcr varnishing New brawn risers on ma stairway replaced the aid ones which were dirty while shade wnslnirs when the curl Icsk par of lhv project was cam plelcd the main hall got new colur scheme Now the main wall are turquoise with red trim and while calling Ad jolnlng washroom were alsn npruccd up with new cant pnlnl and retllcd ELMVALE Swill $5200 winter works prajccl recently liniahcd here has transformed iha Communin nil inn building wiih more the com torts ham Cnrpcnlers plumbers electricians and painters haVe been busy sinc cbrunry Besides giving the older sec llons lnceiimng they tackl ed the unfinished mtinn up slnirs translurmlnu it inlo ac lilies that add to Ihu halls ver uagiliy HURONIA 1° Mm In mung Oonlrnl 50 KM 50 TOMORROW NO PM Klll Well Wll Carter Johnny Wright nlll lmlllpn EXTRA EXTRAI Clmldo Klng Finn Slag $100 Jnrkmul Grill and Frank Tnylorl Inn at war council II cullinl special meeting lo dim lhl lhrundbnro pmhlem SEAT 0P PROBLEM SIMFIESDURY Enzlnnd CWMember ml Dorm Iown band are ulwnyl cmlul Inca he lmnlbecnnw Ihe sent their carold unl Iunu 2w 1an Frank Scott President oi Sicvcnson nnd Scull Limited or many years rcsigncd lrom ihnl ipoli earlier this year but can linucd as consuiianl in the inn and will retain this posit ion under Um new sciup Keith 11 Crumble Presid cnl Crnrnbla Advertising Company mind and Ralph when and Gray Vien Pleaidcnla From tho Stevenson and Scull group Harry Smith will 10 come Senior VicePresident and Director of Crumble Advcrlls mg with Houghlon and Young VicePresidents mu wmpuly Limited The merger will provide lho Iirm with consolldnw olflces In Manncal and Tamnln as well as bruncth in Halifax and Wm cogvcr MONTREAL Merging of all luclllllc of Wu wellknown advertising ngcncle Crumble Advcrllslng Company Limited and Stevensan and Scott Llrnll ed was announced here Execullvc and personnel of bath agencles wlll be Inlegral lnto the comblnod orgnnlu lion which will operate 85 Crumble Advzrllsing Camplny MNM Ad Agencies Plan To Merge Clouds Klng Columbia re cardlng must will be present ed with golden record dur ing the naunlry music show at the Barrie Arena on Tue day May 14 or his mllllon seller recording Wolvenon Mountain Kitty Wells Vlll Curler Johnny erghl Bill Phillips and nlhcrs will also be an the walry music pm gram Thu hali boards share the expense comes out ui Ila own re venue not out the village tax money iiiri Nash emphasizedi The hull humd raises its funds through rcnlal ii the facilities or such adivilies banquets meetings and bingoea Dlrlfl From Nnhvmn Tum COUNTRY MUSIC We are now lna poslllon to use the hall or groups we he ml or ng was un der lhn wlnlcr works program 30 per cent of the 011 labor costs were paid by the federal and pmvlnclnl govemmenls This amounted tn about 31680 with the balance Orbe paid by Ihe hall board Mr Nash said CLAUDE KING ihrough by commilice up painted by the Community Hall Board Chairman was Percy Stevens with councillor Hi gym and Mr Nash mem4 era upmtuuovgnmmm VOLVIIRTON MOUNTAIN BARRIE ARENA IN PERSON World Wide Trml Imlco Dunlap it Im lmlp own 0mm HalI 1ka In IL IO DUNLOP STW shown at 815 mm Bax olllce Own pm colfldnt accnmmudnle hefnrc uhh said He winled nut lha hs smnll board mom she kllchencllu and nlhcr lmpmvu menu would encourage mun ggï¬unlmlon to meal In Ihe mtg and touruoul on youn hlnhd me Ind amtth mu the Atlantic No and to Man planulll 28 night In umrp AM nice ha my And thin Iummor thm will bu to nuulop IIIth wuk from Amigo Io Imam Soc your Tnvnl an do when you plumuh our pltk of 28 DOAC Ind TCA Hg from VAoronlo In Hump week Go Aaw mu lmu by run gaéxtngoaAé musk 734 or In fldunnlll WIIHDWM1IMI Go In you pleouFlrlt Cllu of Economy al In nJoy nlmvh nu nu on munm DNIGHT TUE WED COLOR HITS SHANTY BAY Mull Entertalnmenl Inuit So let yourself go EARRIE TRAVEL SERVICE Hwy II It Gnlhrle Say when 28 BOACTCA flights week to Europe this Summer Jpnusdhi ébjiiï¬ino For lnlormnlon and Rmmllonl mom Cull an MARCO POLO STARTS pm CRUSADER lllF THRva EXAMINER FMIDAY MAY ll 1m llh AAMINER WAN ADSl mmnmnimuunq 602 hum ms nu TODAY TUES PA W74 PHONE IA mm OUTSTANDING COLOR HITSI a4o 31