Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 May 1963, p. 1

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513 Mr nnurlir Iruuly Social Lmlll lvmltr Inlll rnlrmrl wlI In Irlquml nlllnrvnllvfl uuummrm Iml Imn mnmlml In lvm Um HIIM Mllnl mlfl nmnhvu hunhrvl In minnnl lnu llw nllrnvplwl nnlnmo db nnl any umllvrr lhr Iluu 8min Ifmlllru mm MKMIM ng nn lhrlr nun lvrhnll on rim pally ll nhu Inle hlnnloy Kmmlrl IInII lvmu uuuml luv wmhl Ira Hpmkrr nr llu nlmnmu In In lulu luv Kurlnl mHlNrw mm nrmllc lmly IuppurL Mr Knuwhl II NIH llllmlvrl lmllnmrnl llvr lmmvrn leh Cfnll lly JUN lMIUII QUHUIIII lllllrn Cnuu rlh mm Sumlny nlx mm mlll mrmlrm now Mr munpml In mmmlly um gmruunrnl lml 1mm la rmck Imulhrr mun ulUHn Um mly lu mnlntnm mmnhakar gov mmmu MrClWfllI uld lhu 11 En Thu Hrlllsh nvlnllun lnlnlry rumrll Pun Am Ind IWA Sun dny Hull failure In comply wllll llnilml Khule lbgnl rrqulro mruln mlld rrmlrr ymlr n1r mm llnlllf lo lclcnlltm llnm optruled 11y Pan Amvrlcnn World Mrwnyl and Trim World Mrwnyu mind and Id wllhoul Inchlml on lrnnwllnnllc lllghh huuml or lrnnkfurl vm ficynlnny LONDON mentors All lrnnxnllnnuc lights at Landon Airport wan normn lodny dc milu nrilulna nlnu Hm plnncl n1 lwn companlcs mlxhl ha nrmlul my tnlml lo Iumuxe lrnnsnllnnllc lnm Says Six Socreds Supported Liberals IInrry llcwsnn Ith unluh mun In lhe nlr force hulldlnu laid the bomb went nl 238 am EDT whklo ho was on he Hxlrd our It also broko window In he fivestorey commercial building across he street and In npnn mum building In lhu area Vlldmnn and Wes nond JI norlhwu Monlrcnl at us edle Nu suburbnn mm or Muunl nqynl 11m born cvlcu lure hula lwo Ice ln dlomclcr he rum 1m Inumtorey brlck RCAF lllh Tnchnlcnl Service Two Airlines Wont Up Fares Britain Warns Possible Arrest mini MONTREAL CPIA dyna mile chnrgu was plunked or thrown at the rear an RCAF hulldlng in northwest Moan nrly loduy and drHlLd hole through the bulldlnnl wall but muscdfia Jnjyrlcs The llrxl 19 Canadian lo re Iurn from lenslongrlppcd Hnlkl were reeled by anxious RCAF Building Shaken By Bomb 9WhYur No Fur Examiner le Ads Tele phono PA mu The telephone number to clll or flu Bmlneu or Editorial DepL In PA 66537 Our Telephones FIRST CRNADIRNS RETURN FROM HAITI All le lllamlnl1 Amlllrnnl Ho ml wllrn 1va late and dunl up no lll noun Ill In lhlough or lb my HI InM Dr 0ny Malawi clnl lell puny uhlp nml munIur lnr qurmc Munlnmfi wry wm um IM mom Ian ho nlirnIMrd nlllnnrr Dr Mlmmx Mmmmuvl anur clnl leilcrl mmla Ihelr Iur prhc muw nnly zo mlnulu ha lun NIH Lemhr Dmlnhu wnn In cunllrm Ivy rlqvhunn am ulllnm thlwcm llw hm mlnnr Ily pnvllu la wmmll Hm Con IllVflllVfll llu tlhlnl my whflhnr Mr Douulnn mmln 1w cal Amrncnnl wnnl lulhlny nlr um mm lm III llw mm In TWA ml cable Irnm Ncw York unylnz had wuuhl lhu vlcw n1 lhu v5 llnlo drpnn mm nnd lhu Us Clvll Aun nnuUu llanrd 11qu HI ohllxn lulu and mmmlhlllllcs TWA xpnkumnn hm mid TWA will mnlm nddlllnnm rcpllcs lo Hm Ilrllllh nvnlnllun mlnlnlry win has nhlnlmd Um Vluw lhn Unlml Slncl uvncrnmcnl nullmmlu no Unllcd sum rnmrlmiol npllcd today In he mlnllry urgonl cable PM American London atllco was Inslructcd lulcnhone lhu mlnlslr lhnl we ar not nhlo campy with llm dlrccflvo nl lhl Mme nice nrnnnhnllan Severn armnrles have bean bude and cdcral rmenua bulldan was damaged How ever ml was lhe llral bomb hum at an RCAF unit Thu gcchnlcnl quI II resular nlr Ono death was caused two week ago when bomb went all nl the rear nu army re crulllng centre on mid lawn Shurhmku Slrcel Lo Fronle do leerallnn Quo bucols sclrstylcd lcrrnrll ur ganlzutlun which say it wnnll Quebec to secede 1mm Canada has claimed responsiblllly or all ma oLheu Including us 000 holdup or an army my master The explosion was the latest In serlu that has occurred In the Manlmnl area In recent weeks und culled relatives and Mend Monlrcnl Immat ional airport Eight those HERES ONE Mr nmwllel rrmnlhl II mhlnlalvl pm rnnmrnrr MI lamll ml at rlnml mm lnll llmlnl Iho wrwkcml In which hl mm or an dly he nu qulm Um Soclnl mm unrly nml ulll In In Part llnnunl Ill Iln lndopomknl Ra rlnl Crnlllrr ll checkout Mo Sunday Mu my cveryono expected prcr look In nlrlde lnuxhinu and Jmhlnl wllh he dodan An nbmvor nl he medlcnl Icsslon Inld mde pcrhnul It ucnom or at any rule prwccnplcd III he Ihlllcd ob all mum on rink whlla 1c make on lulrphonu lIvcrylhlmz wm fluinfl no wrll van recovery nolwnrk lMpl Ind plane will wroud oul luck man In historyrandy lo nmund tho alabelho realest mulch up Cooper It becomes ncccunry to flop lho mm In lnrc 22 orhlll any comylelcd you lhywopoonflojo Coo will hindan in Pnclllc may My pllnliwuy hlqnd And everything appeared In Do an or lho Ichudulcd blast 011 Tuesday mamlnl that to gut Cooper lnlu orbll longer than any Americanmm lhan BI huun 111 mark rlnhl Im ready ho mild All we have to do now load LOX and launch AP Cooper qulelly entered lnnl prcur hilnl dny lodny already caught up in the complex checkout of mm nnd machinelcndlnx to 21orbll vault Imo Ipncc BUENOS AIRES AP An xcnunn President Jose Maria Guido appeared today to have survived the ninth crisis MI yeuMId rcglmo ntler manoeuv flnx conlrnveruinl th Enriquu Rnuch out the key past 1n erlor mlnlsler IXstroncifif Réddif For 22Orbit Ride GuidoPasses Ninth Crisis he Earn Examinér Iangm CANIVERIL In return were Frenchspank lnz Cnnudlnn girls serving 1an teachers In Roman Calh lc mission CP Vlrephotob Slnnhy Knuwlru for WI ulw Nunh Fruity MM Rounl Donny under llul Cmuellnn MMHUMI mu Illuml nlll mm In Iln llul hlu hurd IL HTMVA ICI llmlrl nun lnr NW4 Dvnmnllc lnly tiny lvunded um and Mar hnnIrnIu Sodll mlll rluhm an Allrmplnl HIM lwlwrrn Ilva mlnnrA My pnyuu SocradNDP Union Sheer Nonsense Ho uprllrd For nnml urllrl rum lho pmly uellrl qu Muller nnnnunrrvl 1m wauhl qull pnllllu and munNI nllwr lmuhlrnmk with Hue mun lulu lmurl nnd In mlnutu Al one palnl la lhu ll rrmnlnlnl enlA ml mrmhm mm Quebec and nbqul Idlpu domain Three men wtro men In drama cur Sunday on Um hack land near lcrmnl lame mm ncnr Ynmnchlcho loo mllal nurthml of Montreal lallcn llllpccl ll wnl lhuy whn rnlmd Ferronl llmuu by the back door whllv lm nnd hln hrolhar Lutlcn worn nl mm and look Germnln lormnl Ilrnnubox YAMACIIICHE Que CF Ncixhbon of 41vycnrold lnrmcr GermnIn Fermn urn ICIMCMUK their head In wondcrmnm lo day nller robbm made clcnn nuwny with Invlngl 650 000 Sunday Hydro owhchlho Ashnnnul uses to manoeuvre tho capsula In spamma will In pumped lnlo It reservoir and plnhm mum and mo Iully observed for 11 hour In final test or leaks will power Cooper Fallh Mercury capsule aloft The only loading provide more limo nnd leeway check ourlrolhcr elements lhnt high grndu keroseno fuel LL pumped lulu Iho blu Alla mind day ahead $50000 Stolen From Farmer US newnpnpau which watched the Pearson Kennedy inlk with kcun niienlion hun nered mulls news the iron pages emphasizinl the mmenr decision and hailing ihe mount as In hazinninz Other sIeps balng Inunchud Include speedup In Cqumhla Rlvcr power negoIInllons prep arations for new air transport Imkn Ina comd Increase Cnnn dlan IrnIIIc rlxhu In Ihu United Sum 11 huddlo by labor lend In mempls to settle Great Lakes Inhar HIer and new look In flow 01 us produc Ilgnshnrinl conIrncIa to Can an CanadaUS dcienco negotia tions to pave he wuy ior ship ment of tha warheads tn Cann dian buses are being undertnkcn Immminieiy ialiowing twaAdny summit talks between Prima Minister Pearson and President Kennedy at this Cape Cod re snrt where chilly rnin con lrnxtcd wiih the warmth and iricndship between the two inad er nadlan Eomnrc anll nlrcrntt missllu may be armed wlth US controlled nuclear wnr head by next September May Arm Bomarcs By Next September By HAROLD MORRISON MYANle PORT CHCn JFK SENDS ARMY T0 HAlT RIOTING amio Onhrlg mm qudly Mny3la was 11w home Un In RIM In mumbl um ham lollr lnunch cnr ryan wamm and chlldrcn lnln mvlcu Iownrn on the pllktll MILWAUKEE AWmm Ca nmllnn reinhlcr Jnmcl Norrll llcd up In Mllwnukco Sniurdny Mlzr police wamvd all ban cnnylnz plrkcll Tho Humor arrived from Clrvclnnd uhm Ilm had been lnvohnd In 11 um Incident newspnpcra quoting Ida sources culltd Jundl Iron man nr unmhm £chan to mnln full power They unld Ms nppclnlmznt in no wlullon DAMASCUS Syria ANVII lent Mlnckl from Cairo on Syr lnn PremIcr dellznnla Saml Jundi Indicnlo ha ha Illfla chance brlnxlnu nco hm tween the wrath Soc nlhu and Nasserlm the key to the pro posed Unllcd Arab Republic of yrin and Iraq Police Wam Off Freighter Pickets earxnn describing lho Intensive lwodny dlscuulans an model at lnformnlme oth lkms laid ha ha no den when tho nuclear warhead ac lunhy will arrive for the Ho mnrc nnllnlrcrnfl mlulle North Bay 0nL and La Mn cum Que and or Voodoo alr mil By ARCH MncKENZIE OTTAWA lCPNexountons should start In week between Canada and tho United Slnlu lm apolflIcn agreement or db Ionslvn nuclear weapon on Cn nndlnn null Prime Minister Pearson anld Saturday on his relum from hl flynnnll For taps with mldgnt lfqnncdy Cairo Attacks Syrian Choice Ifq Premier No Hope 01 Unity Thu rpIrlt Kennedy accord with Pearson ranged from North Amerloan defence to world anlrs In Ihelr Friday and Saturday talk hcfam roaring flru Ihe presidents summer home they agreed la cooperMo In seeking mum North AHAan unity and lower tar1m In thu free world They spa of hair cammnn dreams and common nsplra Government advisers on both aide were relieved Relations between Kennedy and former prime minister Dlefenhnker had almost ground to standsllll 195mm uum haw In crosybnfier relations That will depend nm on Pearson Feels His Visit Set Friendly Foundation NEGRO mumms HOME 13 mm mr wins 1an nd In rcllunlnu Snlur dny lhnl In new lovcrnmcnl vm nrcdcd Io Impllmenl the urn mm Inrm ho nuw UAll flul Import the ow chnnuu that we made wnl not clear nrlu Ahmad Hnmn Balu cunllnuu Ill prcmlcr under new xavcmmcm nllhouxh ho qull tho old on Saturday But in mm In Syrln run power ml with lho unllanal rcvnlu Jonary muncll and there no hangs In II mnlrflllcd lhumuxhly by he Dnmh pnrly summon UNCLEAR runrnncc ol lwo mombm ho Isllqlnl pnrl who unlined 1m waokontz chnrlfni he Unnlh with manopol zlnl perqr Mcnnwhlle Baghdad rndlo unnounccd lho ormnllon new Irnql govnmmcn un dom Innlcd by tho Hnnth puny Thu la the power Ilrunle which prnduccd week riotous dcmomtrnunns In Iho major Syrlun CHIC of Dammu nnd Mogpo aka mu time of tour but it In lalng to be proceeded with without delay Ind It will not be hrouzhl lo conclmlan helara Parlia ment has had chant In lnlk ahoul dclenco policy In general 9ndflnuclenr policy In pnnlcu lnr Then lhe political agree mam ii and when it is new linied will have ha iuilowed by technical arrangement re gnrdins lho actual custody and mniroi oi the ammunition ior imam whether wo can agree on po llllcal bilateral arrangement which we will begin In Mullah next week or the week nfler ha 01 WHEEL huned over to them by Ca lfornla oh operator the ShaunA mansion and 20 acre wlll be estnhllshcd public meetlng place to loner beler Cnnndn US nlnllans On behalf of the govern ments they accepted tho Ill an old summer home of this Int president Franklin Roosevelt an Campobello Inland4 NB tlonu and bound their triandshlp with an exchange of nuts and creallnn ot now pioneer rack tng chair faund tn the Ottawa Valley Kennedy hauled down the presidentlnl colors from his home nnd resented them to the prime min star um la binning Ibo mum at Rev Mmln mo Mobmi um mm ur mum Lulu Ian Mud luau mmLN In mm hwouunfuwwéow MOSCOW tllculomlluula lodny nnmul Imxr Unlfnl 5mm cmhnuy Ilnfl mrmbm prunnn non urnln unntcvplnhlo pmnml and drmnndfil lhnl mlllsh llplomnl and Ms wlle lvnvo Iumln mum Tho nctlnn nnnnunrnd by no ufllcinl 50le nm nurncy Tnu um nn outgrowth the my lrlnl Ilrlllsh lyuIlnrumnn Gruvlllo Vynno and Human mun nulclnl Olen lcnkowky WINDSOR Enklnnd AP Quccn Ellznbclh Sumlny Inml her husbnnd wlxh trophy nu lhu cuplnln of he lanm ml won the la Ilnnll of lho lnynl Wlmhnr mo Show lrlnru Phlllpl In nor Park loam dctcalod llurkcu III The prince Icorcd we ha gonll Iour Americans Persona Non Grata NEW YORK AP nuclear lea ban Irnnly urxcd by 17 Amcrlcnn Iclenllsu lncludlnz lllrm Nobel laureates In lhu but lnlnrm llm Unllcd Slnlc and cl mrld pram In Ilnlcmcnt luuul hcrc Sunday lhc Iclonllslx snld Inch lrenly cnuld rennonnbly he expected In delrr lhu Savlcl llnlon Irom even Imnllaculn chcullnl n1 well rcduco lhu likclllmod ol nuclcnr wnr Queen Prgsgnls Tlophy To Philip MANCHESTER England incuicn British astronamcr Sir Bernard Lovell today criticide new Unllcd Slnle spam needles cxperimcnl The dunnze lien nnl with lhin cxpcrimml alone but with lhe nllliudo oi mind whirh mnkcs it posslhia without inlcmnlionnl agreement and Inlnuunrds snld Lovell director lho inn rndiu leicscopn Jodrcli Hunk Pre mlnary steps worn taken fur bringlna under ed ernl control the Alabama Nn llonal Guard The paper hnvn no been Ilgned Dclcnco Secretary Robert McNamara wnl ordered to alert riallrnlncd nrmy unlla and to deploy them In Mnhnmn Troop moved lnlo Maxwell Mr Force fine at Montgome 80 miles to lhe auulhmnd FL McClellan Annistan 60 mile lo thereuslr TherfiFesidcntl aclluun was lhfcegrgnged Scienfigtg Urge Test Ban Treaty Helmet tale troopers ally policemen and owner ram nu merous surrounding counties and lawn patrolled the car dnncd mm In shlfl today Abnut 50 persons Including pa 1ch afllcera wen Iniumd In the rlullng EPLOY AMIY UNITS Ciliromciilsmnnd Negro Iééd Issued strong appeals or lay and order eorze We nce nrchscgrcgatlanlsl who once dolled federal nulhnrllles aver voter reglslrntlnn retards chnL longed the presidents right to send In lederal troops Ha In slslcd slate and local nmceu Rsirpiipiner Criticizes Space Needle nne sent army troops Iwn Alabama bases wiih rim warning that they wuuid move into Birmingham ii newivioience erupt Thousands of Negroes riuied early Sunday niiur bumhs blasted Nauru minisleru home and motel BIRMINGHAM AInI MP cherul troops werepoIsed day to move Into this Ienslun chmzed city 1200 poIIce oI Ilccrs clamped vIrlual maxIla law on WM section scarred bynrlaglnz an nIgIn bumblnxs NEWS BRIEFS Martial Law In Him Hiter Weekend Violence NotMm Than Fir CopyI4 FagI Cloudy with thunderstorms to dnyr Clearing mesdw Low lav night 43 ngh tomorrow 65 For Ml summary we pagu two filo Local Weather He urged Nemu to pass the word alalmt mklhmwlns and 31702th type of violent be 01 the hlraclnl Igreemenl all naunccd only Friday Dr King said have all In lho per sons who did the negotiating believe lime agreement will ha carried out mass church meeting about 2000 Negroes Dr King snid he considered Kcnncd statement strong one wil ch sham iho ndminisirniiun is and is willing to lake inrlhright action in preserve the citizen ship yizilia of Birmingham No me He added have not re quuted federal lrnopl Mayor Albert Bautwnll look look the dnmaxn and Eledxcd retribution there will elefl stern and In MI measure Every resuurce he said was bent to apprehend lhusu who planned the bombs Dri Martin Luiiler King 1n head of lhu desegregnilon drive urged discipline remaim and non vioicnca of Birmingham Negroes and insisted shaky biracial agreement to settle the segregation dispute reminéd in eiieci r3 Asslstnnl AllornnyGeneml Burke Marshall was sent back to Blrmlngham to consult wlth clllzen and work wllh other jusllca department alnclnlar In other developments Shorlly beloro Kennedy spoke rllle bullets rlppccl Into the home of two Negroes and Negro church Annlslon Alawhere some ol ha troops were sent 1110557 nusmum pr

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