Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 May 1963, p. 9

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fzfifgéi Chibago White SOx Find Working Great ITMIT MIIHIII DH MNIIIIIU Ilmfl FFM TMIH IMIHI dual lhv Lrllllvrldu Nullvm III mm lhmclly pllyn Inrln Rumlny la dommlnl lb ummrm Mm will Indium dmmlln rlmnwlnn Dmll In nlrlml mun thlny nflor MI vhlp mm nwnlml hm Mn 18 The Cunmllm lrnm IM HuiMd an Iha mnIuII In lhp lnn Amnlrnn umu ml tmlrrl nil Nkrml In flan lnnlm Ilurl III mum mnh In lluv lllninnlhm ruund minl Swill Unlun lMlI IN FAST SILVEIISTO II II AP irnhnm H1 wmlvl rlIImylnn luln um cloth1 lInlnIlIc Inn llmu of HM ln nml Frldny In lime lrlnll lor MurdnyI Hrllllh InlrmIllunIl lrovhy rnre Drlvlnu over ruck mu nvcrmd no mun Ill hour llln llmq wn mt oml Inlrr Ihnu Jlm vi llrlll rmml hul nmnd flower illnu llu llmu ul hy Inan lmnml In IIIIMmllnul Imu In dry mndlllnm 11mm tiny UMP OPTIONED BOSTON nunm Amlrl an LI optioned umplu Cal Drum lo lhl lnllrnlllnnll Lullll ledag Ind Amerlun Prul cnl Jne Cumin 1w Innuuncrd lhl opHam In umplu Jim Odom In lhl Inlanullonnl Mum owlMd um the mum Hun vl In hmuum Hm numbn IC llvn hnlrlmll ulhllru In ll one over lha nwlrd number Illhind Jirn Flynn MI been an In Alulln of tho Tull All Ind HIMhinder Dennll mm nu In Donur In IIcfllu Cnul League Flrll mumnn ENC 51mm who mm In In mlan tmlpll ago with thlnllun wu rt ud ouMth WRONTO UP ananla Mlpll Lam al the Inlernl null Huehlll Lenua Frldly noqulrtd new Flicker on 24 hour mull ban and NI lwa nllthm And In Intlnldcr mm Iholr mater Thu mwromu II Curl Boundln rllhlhnnder HI 11 record ullel nllcher wilh Wuhlnllun Brnlb on ol the Amrrlun Lulul lhll on lllmnre Orlnlcn kip pncl In mend phco by whlpplnl when Wu lhu outh mm lou Iur the world chumplonl lhnt ll WA on mlnuu Innur than Sax look he nllht More to trim Ntw York Yul km by um um scare They va now won llvn Alnllht xlmu durlnl which my hm allowed the poslllnn Hvu rum Ind In ul me In Iron In DIE Mnlrlun lfegxue Sax took only 112 minute Frldly nlnhl In pnlhh 01 Lo Angelo Angel wllh Junn Plum llchlnl lhreehlller Ind drlv nl in both mm on wllh hnmer OI mum thlnu kllp up llko lhll Ihe boy will hlva In an extra week In October would be or the World So riu But ynu cant beat lha mgneyhlherc By JIM BECKER Auoclmd Pm Spam erlu 11 um worklnl far Chicn White Sex You un but lhl hoggl The nlndlrdbredx chum Around the turn at Montrelll imcheliau mum1y rankEd LEA CUT TWO SCISSORED SPORT LOHT MW FOUND WIIMUIT IM llltlur Hm Muulul mm and mil nulllulrlr IIHII lullm lulu mmm hhen LII 1th lo TAMPA MUN TWO MJIMW ltll IIIMY Klnmwl ol lhc WOHI rn qum Lonlmnco rrldny mm Innounm lhu Illnlfll n1 Kllpll Fund Impound uud mm the Unlvmily nl annnw nu luh ulna nnnnunml II 1mm lullllnrk Um Woman In hll lmulh Inum HAVE NEW IIAN LONDON MllTrnnln ld mlnlllulou Frldf nhlclwd new plnn lnr he Mll Cup In wind Eumwm lam would he lplll lnla And was no mu mlnllemml commu ha munHum Lwn Ttnnll Frdrrullnn draw up pen pul lem unmml mullnl nl lhu MIulInn In lnll July I0 wu untalled an new mulch mldl In In In In ury Champion John mm will blend hll world box lnl crown Ann unlnu WIlllc MAY WITHDRAW WINNIIEO CmTho Unl vmlly mum Columbll Fri dly mud nallco to he Vul um Clnldltlnllflollfilllll Alh lvllc Unlnn um ll mly wllh mm mm lhI nulniullun lHrr Im 1m mnm The nu nnllnn wnl Khan an nllm nnllvc In UIIC mum or Ihnmnod mm In lonlhlll um hIkrlhlh herIo In Imm cln hum plum dnuhlc rmmd Mn Mon In lhul mnru Down GMEF BOULDER Colo IANBoyd bowler linker buck on ma Gmn Ely Packer nolhlll turn pludld no lullly In mu nlclpll court lrldly nmr hll men on run dim um oull llm dormllory It the Uni Colorado Campul pollen muted nawler In hll car ouuldo tho dorm lnr AIM III III lhm lir mmplllned min hld In lmd Lho dormitory lell CANCELLED M8 VEGAS va AWTM Harold JohnsonHenry Ink HIM hnvywtlml nu ed for M151 Lulu Aplriclo Ind Smllh Ilumd Iolo homm all Yank uumr Whitey Ford Ind Balu mon Inner Mike McCormlck Wu nunlnl twonu lend whrn his arm lllflened In lha lxhlh Inninl Relic pllchu chk 11 mm In ml More In hld hold up or as egengun 1y no up lworun ilnlle l3 Plum the uyelmld noulh plw4 Itruck out le Angel Ind Wllkld only one II lined hll lecand victory Ha homered In third lnnlnl Ind halted home Ihl lnlurnnto run In tho HUI with Ilnlle lfler cllchu Uhld lrlpllcd KianMcBrlde who hid never lflal to MI old Sax mum wu thy 19m Phil Flllll lhnw 1th ler Inr Detroit film who bombed Olevallnd Indians 1+0 Ind Clmllo Puma did the nme Job or Minnesota Nlns om Kama Clierhleuu 10 Baslnn Red Sox dropped Wuh Inmn SenInn srnucx our SIX mud5 lulu hIIlmlle mk Montreal In tho centre human min In an coun HARNESS RACING BOOMS nlmw up Mr fluolnnd lndlm ulmlulrd llllhl rum WnIMn In Frldny mlved hm uvml huun Inlr Ml ml lwlflv um my null ll vmnl Lnyl hull ll nnlnulyn 1mm jml Im llunulh and mlmd lhl plmu mnl llll mm MI ho ld mm hm fvcadn nun mum um lmlll ln ply flu mm mIL tail on hurl 1w an and lhvlr nun llmu they nnl In Im 01 he pruhlam ll Ihll nn I10 ulm In linulhh mm In puvml plann hnm hrnlnl hrnrllrv lhunulm udn nun Mun and It rm In lunglnml than In Uniltd MullI nllhnulh nr filly hnu nmnly udmllud wtllyuld rnnluInn plmn lhnl My lnnk lmhu dullnl lhrlr plnylfll mum Rn hr ll hu produced mm but lhn Inrrnllnnlnrl he an hlllllnu wu dnnl by lyntllllllfl run to dun up lml mm Ham Wm lumnflrd And In nmflnllnn Ilnhrd mamemlrd by bookmaker Mm Illnll MI In mml ll lam no Ilud Dolh mm In mtmhm of II Enllllh Luqul Third DI vllIonwo Ilm mm lhc ml nr lulu IMI mm dlflmnu Inu hnlllnl II final ll huvy an Ihlrd nlvlllnn rlubl on nm DIYIIOD mylrhel lg mum Thu lnvullllllnn Illmd all two pllym wllh II Brlllol 110 ml nld In nuwnpnpur Ilnry In Sundnx Ihuy hld Icclpltd brihel to row llmc Iulnlt Drudlnrd LONDON HumanA roun lrywldl hunt II on In England or lhl In of umbhrl who but bun Imporinl with on ol cmxnlryn butloud In IlllullnnIlhu aturdly mm much chk McAullfle draw In Ill mm or Tum our on rind slam homer and Rocky Cala vllo and mm also homered It Hellnl flnl In Ihl mn Jnra The Tlur rlxhlhlndur working In Mum wulhor struck out duh and allowed Orlolel rizhl ck wlth lhrce mm Ynnkn relllvar Hul lefl In lhc elzhlh on we wnllu mho Erlndll nunpra ducln doubla Ind John Al tlnnn lworun Ilnlln qurjhll Had he ICDIL Country Hunt For Gambler Gang lry bellon It 1110 city two rick nccounllnl or marl 0131 01330009 mum on ROCKY COLAVITO Hullmnn and ll 1Cupl MtCrruy Olin look IhI mun mm mm In Imlllrr huewa plumn Huty had Iumd H14 and um Uni with fltllltrhy Iml Hunth rnluxrm mm Md nnd Juhn And munm Dlnnlnl huurln nl Munlml on ma wun lho QMMC Clll llllu In uhAqlnll ullml Mnnlrulm Harry WIIIIII Ind L1ny Tum Thu un lwlvmm um III in Dumum Conlnr Ind hrl Crllu who um rbm blnnl IDJ Mucky mu mmm up In mmn In In Am wllh and llw flumitu In 91 Mann Cantor of Drlroll Ind John Dlnnlnl or fluxlon Mdv Inn ml In lhl Ahnnln Illrr lylnl Hcdlnky will mm 100 ICfllll Arlmnn that nu or pal IIMI In win aunh uu chm whm In Inn vrry hodyl hunky on luv hlrdl Bedluky lrmk Um Zonuln Ivml In Inflowy Ihoomll ll dunk wllh Inow bczlnnlng lo Alllthlchyt Sealerlry won ll IuI yur In IhrlIIlnl lhrnmnnd moon Iournlmlnl Ifldld In INIIIIII rnund Hull yenrl thumplnmhlpl lhry anII he Imnnu In In Ilnl wu unallun clmu Close Rivalry Among Champs 81 MNVIIH Qum CF Tho clan rivalry blunt BID my Mann Olllwl Ind Ken Hodlcuky of man erh for lhn Cnnldlln opul 51ml dumplumhlp II on mln nlnu nolhlnl llku lhn ruh that In lulpomlan Amul tln aolblll It nul Humunl Ind Max Klml than to In hlbll lhlm Larry Olbomol leth homer Ind Ilnllu by Chem and Chutk Hinton dmvn Wuhlnnon null Frlnk Mllzona lhlflzd to th cIunup apol In Red Sox but In order mpondad wnh UH hlu Includlnl tworun dou bll In broke mm SonIon In the tlxhlh Vnhlnp lanl Tum Chenay mm Iecand Ion mlnlt our victor Iu durlu lha It In pllched hmh unr Ind umckaut In Iho Innlnn In worked Mllzonu doubk cum til Rnn KIIM flookla le Wm doubled homl halh run or nvlm In nu Iecnnd lnnlnl alter Jimmie Hull doubM Ind Bern Allen mlked Pucull who ha only lhlnl keeplnl an cellar Mm 1mm dmpplnl camrletely out 01 Alzht pllchld fourth Imle complell pm or hll ounh vldary In WW It wu the As llllh nulth deleal Ind only lho lhlrd triumph or Twin In their In 10111 lham by PucuIL ninth Then Wil lle Kirklnd doubled Ind Ru mann fluid but ludlm lulled to Icon mm inf wins mum nudnrdmds In 1961 Him ulchmnnd nl Rivmic RomKer 1mm lilmu mu Llllln Mk II fllllllln lmllunnpollu II Allnnln lnrhnmnle nl Calnmhul glchmnnd ll Emma mum rumy DMMINHI Allnu running Tnlumhul nm at numlo Md told llirhlmnd nl Hymn mkl In nmhulvr ll Tormm vpd mu HHHIIN Hothnlrr Kymqu llkhmnnd anunlo Ailnu Ill Ilork Imunmqmm Jldmmlllc Columhul mmn Ilundy Clnrlnnlll ll Nnullnn sun Funrhm nl Ln Marin lntlnllnll ll Nrw Yulk 11 Mllwnukrv Shllmrlphln mm at huuh Hum Monflu NIW at Hnullnn IN Only me Irhedulrm lnlunnllunnl Mum Raulle DIVIth 5m thcfiEO Pleru Lei ninXIIlVKnyhx ln chklnnhl and Koonn II Nuuuon Brown om and Drotl Rnulll lrldny Clnclnmll New York Mllwlukel Phllndelghh St Loull Pllllbur Chlcuo Newton Sun Frlncllco Lol Annlel Inhlbln Pflclml Tody Clnclnnlll Uny New York Ulchnn Mb SI Vlmfii Wuhburn Iii Illubullh Law on Sun Frlncluo II 33 SL Loqu 600 Chicago In 571 Pllllburlh 13 Ml Lo MIqu 15 15 Mllwnuken New York II CIncInnlll 12 fihlllflelphll ll 16401 HoullBiI Wlsfilhhnn DafiIelsrom It Huston Mnnhud 10 Gnmu Sundny Clevellnd It Delroll Naw York ll Balllmurl Kln City II Mlnnunkl Lu Angela Chlcuo Wuhinglon Bunion Gum Maudy Lox MIqu Chlcno Only um Ichcduled Lo Angslu Erllmky Wanna PalmH Cleveland Donovan Do ltnll Agglnje lplr Relulu lrldly New York Baltimore Washington Boston Clzvelund Dem 14 Lo Anneles Chicago Kansll Clly Mlnnuou Probnhls Illchm Tady Klmu City Hawlaid 10 Minnmla Rnlnnd 20 New York Gallon 1m at mm Chime Ballimon Baslon Klnm City New York Los Anzalu Clevalnnd Dzlrnlc Wuhlnglan Mlnnzma Davis meanwhlie at his lira look It the San Francin Itching he fled 452 clip season And lucked two hlu in three latbuts The Dodger uu Ilowed by it iniurles produced DDIyI decisive run with third inning double oi Jlgk Sanford The wyenmid righthinder was brilliant in the ninth as ho Ginnu put men on link and third with no on an on an er mr and McCuveyl hit Dns dala finished with flourish uriking out Orlando Cepeda and Tom Mailer hemo zeilinz pinch hiiier Ed Bailey to hit mil ppp or lhaiinai out Thu victory pulled Dodgers lo within our game at tho paco By MIKE 11mm Amcmed Pml SvenII Wm wu DDay Anxelel file National League chm plon San andm Giants and the runnerup Dodger mat Fr day mm or flu first limo Inca last yearl playofl and Lo Angelo came away with 21 victory on the explolu Elan Drysdale and Tommy Da Dryxdale wlm had been un able to past vlclory ln almnst month checked Glam on six hlls and rellred 15 ballen ln urder ono slrelchl The only hll allowed allu he laurlh lnnlnz wu Ilnxle by Wlllla McCovey ln thenlnlh THE CANADIAN PRESS DrysdaleifiDCtvis Pace Dbdgers On DDay anlhml IllIon Amelien Lulu BASEBALL RECORDS cm In ITO 10 ll tfi 13 1310 1H 11 II 15 10 ID Pct GEL 10 12 155 11 15 11 l7 ll 18 107 M9 Moll HF II Cnvlnnnn PM M15 11 361 ironl 114 20 II 110 PM 21119 ly 10 111 dwlrdl Cln II 11331 HunFlam st mm 29 um nnlhd In Anon lmwulm um Alum 14 lbF MW Mnhlrl Cardenas Clndn null and Mon 10 leluClldanl Ilnmc NunMrnn 10 Hlnln nmWllll An cIM lfl Slmmnnl ll Mull mrlkooull flqn lrlnrlm TxInIuHinlun llama nun Tmh Nuw York stolen llmkAplrlclo Ball more In Plkhlnl Finchr KIMII Clly Ml L000 NIflkrouu Chmy Inllnn ll Cnusey KC 73 11 551 KnIlnE Del 11 VIRMI LA 10115 116 Robinson Ch 11 330 Boyer NY JJO HumIllnlun Wuhlnglnn 1L nun lulled HKIHM Ind Allhnn Minnesou 2L lllllKlllnu ll Doublu Yulnemnkl BM on Ind VIIIIla Mlnnuoll By HIE ASSOCIATED PRESS Amman Lulu Jackie Puke flth 01 ha Toranlo Amman Foot ball Club mom with two Ot tlwa naughtMar appoan It the first St Patrick Colleua Iiiowed only two hiin as Houston Coil ended Chicago Cubs winning streak ni six New York Mail won their iiilil in row by deioni inl Cincinnati Reds 32 on Jim Hickmnnl homer and iiulwnu ken Braves downed Philadp phi Phiir 41 in game clilod inlilo levtnth inning dun to rain crowd oi 60407 turned out It Lon Angeiu or me first meeling beiwecn Dodaern and Giant nlnco inst Oct when San Frlncisco deiuled Lo Angela 64 in the third and de chill Rama the mine play Dodger look 14 lead in lhn lira on Jim Giiiilmn dou ble nnd Vniiy Moons lingic but Hniinr gave Giants in when he homered in tho second In ha third Ron Fairly reached hm on iiciderl choice and came around on Dnvil double lelllngGlanu Ind cur Glanls edgn In one nmn over the nec ondplaca St null Curdlnala whu edged Pittsburgh Pirates 14 an Curl Simmonx pitching and Game Altmans nlnlh Inn ing homer Lol flul on N01 Ill ALIONMKNT III MMerNfl MCI noun IIIVIUI COMM mm IND IlIPINIWN lle 27 TORONTO ST STOP COLTS MURDOCK BALL LEADERS PL 831103 HARRY PM Wuh l1 Pct uvwi mm mu E23131 at lndlnnl mhlpprd Mlnw Illl mm dlvlalan ludrrl In lhl only olhcr nmc llnlu Ind told an lamd mm pollponemenll Ind wipwl out all norlhem dlvmun Ictlvlly nunlll Ml um only Jel hlnw um mm or morn Hun lllllle rimhinder Jon Schllmnolh mulchd lhnm la our hIlL II I1 Mu Burdll homer In lhl lelh lnnlnl mod oul like nolnl lo Columhm Larry Shfphtrd whole Intern lnnnl League no mo vlcllml of man xlr ham blows and fltlflfl by Jude mnvlllo Sum mnlri he midsl all um Awesome chkwnvlllo powu Friday nlzhl Columhul nulflnlder nob mm mm hnvo ell nulully conxpllruopl with hII one homc By 1111 ASSOCIATED PRESS Hm School mnlnn hold In Ollawl nursdny nlxhl Con Ind left llnemln Klyl Vlulhnn CF Wirephoto Burdas Homer Sparks Suns Altman homer wllh two out In tho nlnlh ended pllchen dual belween Card southpaw SImmnns and Pittsburghs Bob Friend Simmons acallered nine Ml or his mu vlclnry without loss whlle Friend absorbed Ms second defeat In fivu dechlnns despite Illnwhm only flvo hm WALLY MOON 10 YEARS YOUNGHR IN 10 SECONDS Thu new TAYLOR TOIIHM hu lhl Space Age Flrxllzlo no No Not No Oluo No Fun No Mun um rIOIIIUIl RECEDING BALD uu Bram put Isl hinder or the first time In nlno trial by shelling Phlls slarlcr Chrll Sh cut all theirloslng streak at alx Donn an and Roy McMillan homered In sup port Denver LeMnster In winner with threeMiter Hickmnns eighth lnnln homer snapped In an provided Mela wllh ho James wlnnlng streak In lhelr two year history also ended Jim OTonles Ive lame winning streak and handed Hndl mum paw his tecond doles nuniml le Victorias Carl Villny touched fur Johnny Edwardn Iwanm homer was lhe winner with liverhlfler Chm broulht his record to Farrell pIIched purlect ball or six Innlnga buI Cub put bolh Ihelr hlLs Ingelher far run In the aavcnlh Innlnx on Mu Brock aInuIe and lrIpIa by My WIIIInms nusly snub yearold Calla rookIe collected Ihree single In Iwr aIhals and drove In two runs In support 01 Farrell who struck out Is was tho first llme Flralex had been shut out lhls season BENCH BOTH HITS COUNTRY MUSIC Klll Wells 11 Carter lnmlo Klnf lohnny Vr ght Id $100 SLSO 50 MAY BARRIE ARENA Dlrm From Nuhvlllc Tonn CLAUDE KING WOLVERTON MOUNTAIN IN PERSON

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