Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 May 1963, p. 7

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NOTES ANNIVIHIMMW SIH HOOKIL luv nm Schubert Mllllr mh luumlrd In H1211 nu hr Will Annlvrnnry nl IE drnlh hp nrrM nnumrr rtlrhrnlul WWII mmlnr nmnlhly nwlluz wilh nvlrvl Inullcnl prmmu mmlnz mm IIqu In Illnml waylull klmlwt Tho new nwnrr xlldnl mm fnr Hm Mrn hman llm Innpnzlnn on hll vrupnly and mkml hcr lo mnvr 51w mnnnunl In llnc up luo Alla nan lel anmhl Imtl mmer In thchurc Trmnzhlp wuir nrrylhlnn nprn nmt almm Imam urn lo lho mumlll In he luru lhm Mm Mnrnlnx lnnk tunr Hm hunlnrsn In Ihla Inwn lnllrl nnrlh nl Tumult wlwn hrr hus hnnll Ilcd In two She ran the huainus mull lhe Inn an NIH the slum lhe rxplmivo nml de lmlglnr cap wus mld Thu mule Krrylmlrcd widow Mn crud ml at Inuinm dyunmllc rrlnllcr uhrn two tnllnclll refused In npprmu nllu lafu mmznxlno yuan MrL Wllllnm Mnminx wo rk will dynnmltu nnd nnvnr hm mu ncrhlcnlnl dclnn nllon nut now hccmuc ulhm lack cnnlldcncu In her nhe hm hm In uxrrrmltr hrr llrcncn hnndlc uplnslvu The hospital film shop has been in the long range plans of the Auxll ary for at least 15 years But lt re mained dream because of lack of available space When the new extension was built members again dls cussed the situation with the hosrltal board and after much dlscusslon the space was al oted by the board In the £13m for the renovation of the oldwAlng The official ce commences pm and ii is open to the public Master of Ceremonies for this momentous occasion will be Mrs Jean Gable who like Mrs Eplell has served in all capacliies oi the we lliary and also sat on Ihe hospital board for num ber of yenrgz 115 off to he women at the Hospllnl Auxiliary or job well done After years of hoping and dreamlng and months of planning and hard work the hospltal gilt shop will be ofllclally opened on Tuesday afternoon Mrs Fred Eplett past presldent of the Hos ltal Auxlllary and member of the Hos ltal Board wll have the honor of olflciatlng at the rlbgon cutting ceremony Thls honor is justly deserved by lllrs ett who has served on all commlttees of the Hosplta Auxlllnry and devoted nfirnly years of faithful service to the work of the hos The Mothers Day card cherish most is made of pink aper 0n the cover is womans face alnted with enclfcrayons and rlnted on the from in arge letters To My Beauiyf 11 Mother It will always have special place among my souvenlers AT LASTI In North America Mothers Day is credited to Miss Anna Jarvis Philadelphia Sunday School teacher She held memorial semce or her own mo ther at the Methodist Church in Phlladel his in 1908 and the idea of honoring mothers sprea rapidly Six years later President Wilson signed Congressional resolution settin aside the second Sunday of every May as the offic a1 Mothers Day and its celebration soon became popular in Canada too Though it is stiil fairly recent dgreeting day in this continent it has already develope cherished cus toms Greeting eards and gifts are often 5th to the mother of my friend godmothers wives sisters aunts and other relatives Naturally mother and grandmoth gr are the ones most oiten remembered on this special ay In Milanl Imm IA fiml Widow Surrenders Explosive Position Centuries before the birth of Christ mothers were held in awe and reverence Chinese families accord ing to historians Ancient omans showed their re spect for mothers by celebrating an annual festival in honor of Hilaria the MotherGoddess Mexicos Nahuan Indians held flower festivals for Chicomehuail the Earth Mother Goddess more than 1000 years ago Dur ing the early 17th century in En land boys and girls working away from home were lowed to spend Mo thering Sunday with their families special day for Mother is certainly warranted As matter of fact the acuce of honoring mothers EusPmJPE 5°95 31 153 ITS HER DAY Even then her job ls not done Our problems the troubles of our frlends and eventually those of her grandchildren all fall on her willing shoulders Her lnvalunble experience is sought on countless volume ls And often oh so often lt lslmposslhle to expressflthe full meisfire 6f ilianksrrafid gratltude her Not enough she must hear us she must also rear us wipe runny noses chin unpleasant diapers hold lrlghtened hands She pun hes when we are wrong and raises when we are rl ht On he falls the responc sihll ty of Instllllng in us moral and legal princlpl as that make of us strong and worthwhile adults ALWAYS THERE AUROHA 0M ICI lnr Mothers Day 15 very Important day for Mom and is an opportunity for all of us to make up for the little thank yous we forot throughout the year Motherh hood ls often called blessed state but tts problems mustptleast egua Its rowgrds um um III on nu mm pm NWT WATT umumn may HAIdcufssmo EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE PERMANENT 550 IHI SKIRTING THE BAY Mr Mommy llll elmr ln llnmlllnr rxplunlvn dlll molt Ike hm In clrnrnncn work In the annnlu um nHrr Hurrlnnu and In 1051 Hu wru ollen cur ulnyrd lo Ilrsxrny dnngrmul mlldlnun nml hlldkrl nml re mmo xluxnxu and bouldcrl My Imslmnd used In my lhnl dynnmlle wnl nulhlnl to worry About In Inn III II Wu lad wllh mml lv Alwyn Inl lowrd lhnl mlvlr Unlh ochclcd Klng uld the Ilo war on men propoch mldcnllnl subdlvhlm Whll church lull It would be Iluln an lho nervgl mldenll RIer Momlfignnd mncun ln undrnluml lhvlr hurl worn na ohjccllans Mn Morn lug TAKEmomERfamumémluuig BY 0n hlnlher Buy nlmw hrr yml wprodm hrr all her up la lellrioul Mulhrrl Du xlln mt ll Hm Nnvmumly when mvlcc pm food no umwuuunum urrllenu SPECIAL MOTHERS DAY MENU DIXON mu rnrnd lhnmxh than prnjrcll well In roe wlll olitrlhu he membcrl IV AIIMIE WOHK Thu main are mmprlscd dcvallnna period proxrnm sludy or loplcnl lnloml period and bullnus The varioul unlu than In lhc cnlcrlna Mch manlh la Um cum munlly Chrlnllnn mulnm Mrnn Cammflm xuyaprr mccllnn nml onyx pnlcring mvlcu Wurk meant nrnrhrld to make lrllcltl for min II llm Innunl Full bazaar Tum 17 general meclinz held each monlh and lhn pur Ilaunlu my monlhly To dnle tho unlll have llud led Japan on Kong Koren nnd olhnr counlrlcl on he rlm of Em lulu FUND mwmr An inhunl imhlon Ihnw ll pre upjcd uch Spring Various commiilcu Chrls llnn Cilizonshlp and Social lic iion Chrlstinn Missionary Edu cnlion Flnnnm Flowers Lil urnluro and Communication Manse ngram Membership Nominations The memberhip was divided Into iour evening units and on afternoon unit with the vioxiawing executive appointed iionorlry President Mn Rocvo the mlnlmrl wiie Pres ident Mrs Linyd Foster Vice President Mrs Gordon Ranch Iucurdinu Sccrctnry Mrs Gnuthicr Correspondan Seer lury Mrs Gordon Couitcr Trou surorn Mrs Gwyn Gray In January 1962 all existlna roupa ol women In Burton Av enun United Church were nmal unmaled Into on group 01 United Church Women The bridegmom came to Bar Ha from Chatham Ontario 52 years ngn His trade at lhn lmc was trimmer and he was em played by 111 Canage Factory which was lalcr known an In Clarke and Cllrke Tannery H9 uyl ha ha now lradunted from lrlrnmlng bugqu to rlmmlnl 1h bride rwnx the former Mary Burton daughter of the me Mr and Mn Thoma Bur Ion The couple were married 5L Marys Roman Catholic Church on Mn ll 1913 Father lgy pine sled The special oven will be cola mated In the ham where th couple have spent all or their married life and the home in which the bride has resided for more than so warm An open house celebration will be hexd the home of Mr and Mn Junk Belukey ol Innlsfll St tomorrow afternoon and evening 111 occasion marks the couples golden wedding anni vmary Wollnm cdmmmu ml UCW Activities At Burton Avenue Couple Will Hold Open House To Mark Golden Anniversary ME AND MRS JACK BELESKEY WORKED AT LOX MONTREAL ICP Sculplnr Armnml lelnnmurl enjoy lull work mush In 1an money at ll He won an 1000 commlulnn Mr cnsl llfll Imlpiurrn or Hm Slundnnl lo hulldlnu hero lml my he Ipcnl 011000 mi mnlrrlnll nml cnnllnu Thu larger mxk welalu lunl The purpose of Ihc UCW II to unllu all wan of the confirm gallon for ma lnlnl mlnlnn Ike Church nml In provide mcdlum lhrnuzh Mulch lhcy mny txprcss lhclr Mynlly nnd dero llnn In Jesus Christ In Chrlnllnn wllnm Aludy lnlowlhlp nnd Icrvlcc An nlzhbyearold Kanan child llvlng In Seoul Karcn hns been Mole by the UCW and an wull being mnInlnlncd re toms hlrthdny nnd Chrlslmns Enrcels each year nnd morn cn correspond wirh her make he unlls pre unl is the mnklnz or hand nxes dressing and hospllnl lawn fur the leper comny Tho ynnrly budget Hocnlu monly to he mmlonnry and mulnlcnnnco fund ha Unllod Church Canada and to lho locnl board nlcwnrds Approx Imnlcly one lhlrd the lam budget or he wurld mlulon good used and new clothing an bedding and distribuio these ar title to local and oversea nici This cammillca work with lhe local Public Health Nurle 1113 0mm dupe 1m recclv ed 1012 pounds and 00 pound have been sent in link Frcd Vic ior Minion Toronln Four my one ware sent to mission in northern Manitoba act Ind lpend wherancmlry The brldo has ono brother and two flsleruurvlvlng They an Cal Thomas Burton Mrs William Harris of Barr and Mrs AHce End of Lindsay Mn Beleskey la the youngest In the family Thelr chlldren are Edwin Barrie Vernon Strand Dorothy Mrs 1MuNeII Barrie Doug lam Harrie Tnelr on Charles II deemed Tho celebranls hnve grand children nnd lwo greatgrand children Mrs Beleskcy attended the West Ward School which Is now the Prince of Wales School Sh remember zolng to chool Ilonu flue board wnlks and the stud lamp along Bradford SL Tha bride mam their honey mopn which was train trip In Guelph The couple spent week there the homeless carriage Mr Bob eskey does car upholstery make slip covers and does gen eral auto trimming Tho pm fnl Ind hll Icnllnr hrnlner hnvn mmer home on Squaw Inland Am cl Iboul le lummcr lulu Iccmlhlu mm Ina malnlnnd only by nnmzw cluuwny unmet by Iun mllce Tho Kennedy Inmlly lmdltlon ally hnl gnlhmd ll Hylnnll Port Mm New Englnd mum roxorl town or no Iummer with In canxlanuy 1n cmnlnu brood chlldrtn Ihal £0951le reach nlalal 11 Thll mm or umuxh It will ha Mdolwly from he Hmu Ugh all lhm upocllnl math mull hm when lhey In wmlnmn liwry rflldtnl rm Squlw II llnd hm nrlvale lclrphnnu cnnnctml lo Um nunrdhouw Their slark wnlchlng hus bnndsPrcsldcnl Kennedy Al tnmeytheral Robert Kcn hedy and Scnnlar Edward Tadpkenncdy nl Massachu IcmWHI be weekend com mulerl Bolton and Wmhlnflan have been chosen he bnhplncu But as everyone know with blhlu 1an In he mm Inylhlnl wgu numusn WASHINGTON AP Cape Cod will be mludtd mllnu place lhll summer lux Ihreo Kennedy wivesexpect ha hles In June Auxusl and 521 lumber WINNIPEG 1CPIThe Wln nlpez Chlldrenl Ald Secler II planning an experiment will view to making life or Ehhdflm without famlllel mm Ilka home The plan calls Iorv develop ment of uric group Iosler homes or chlldrm they are unable to place In prlvm Iamlly groups The socieiy now has only on receiving il0m0 for children removed irom lhnlr families and the mliiiie here In taxed lo the iimiL Plan Experiment For Homeless Child Among me BanIa guest who attended the Ninth Annual Gar rison Officers Mlliury Ball Owen Send In evening were Captain and Mm Harris Steele LL and Mrs Miller and IA and Mrs Dixon The gala ball was held In the 01 flcera Mm of Grey and Slm coe Fomsterl RCACCMM and unifiedch Compnny ECAM MILITARY HALL Tan program will he of Ipedal Inleml to Grade aim Ilndanu who am Invlled to mam the meeting Mn Hamhmoka commit tee will be in chma rdmh meals SOCIAL NOTE HOLIDAY IN ENGLAND Mm Margaret mm Centlv 81 leaves the city on Wednesday or an mended hol ldwy In Engllnd with relallves Mu Millhouu will travel via NA jet airliner lrom Multan Almanlh tha 11m lake 11th nppmach leave no doubt the minus predicament of he oungsler who cannot meal the ncrmed educational standard Inch mpluyer The film is designed to IIIOW students to explore In their awn way the reason why It win Io llnhh school and much training and educallan pou lbla helm looking for job The Mny meetlng the St Monical PTA wlll be held on my 14 at 530 pm film en tllled You Can Go Lon Way will be Ihuwn durlnz the magnum Kennedys Await Thé Stork At Secluded Summer Resort 44 DUNLOP IT IAIT PA Mi OPIN IDAY UNI 900 PM For The Bridesmaid For Tim Mollier iho Bride In the group homes vlsull Drum For 1110 nrldo St Monicas PTA To Meet vTuesday Fashions For Your Boauilful JUNE WEDDING Clmom From Our Vldo Selectlon of Barrio Sumo Secret Service men Inukan lurwnm In In umu period IllyrpuInm wllh lha Ilnl Inmll re Irrlnglnn or lummtr coll on tho Cum Im In In lho Kennedy dork mt Euul fihkel Kcnnuly wllo lha Illnmcy 1mm com um She II oldul ho lrlu mvlnl jun lurntd so mud he child my oxpccll In Junn wlll be Mr rluhlh About hillmile may the 1mm Kennedy cam ound when ma pmldenll Ilher Jouph Kennedr former nm blunder la mm hu big Ionide home amended by comm uxually occupied by hll Inn and dluxhlm nabm Kenncdy will conllnuu In use III while collue In lhe compound close In mid ml and ullboull The departure 01 ha Kennedy wives and children rum Wash lnzlun to he Capo II expected to halln IOmIUMI urly In Juno Iler uhuah let out The Hum mntharlmba Ellie Mn Ruben Kennedy Jnczuellnu he pruldcnll In Jann Mn Ted Kennedy Ilmuly hlvn lulnl ll children who arm rendyvmnde play group rnjoylnl lhu cnrefm lllo by the Ihe uuuway enlnnce And no caller ml in without being checked um Ind will be home parent ur lemd by lhe community and six eight children of pr adolescent and adolescent um in that thou homes will prov do home atmos phere contact wflh lha cam munlty stability guidance and acceptance the chlldren con cemed Der Drundx It would be slums mlu the pram why not ask your clam zlrl lrlend ll oh and Im date will pick you up You could then walk or your boy friend there Since almost everyone would know the circumnancar you need not eel uncomlombln My boy friend said we could met at Ihe prom we mk with but hhlk Id eel out plan until he arrived since the prom or couples only Please help me Iolva lhll one Its bigger than both of us All Drum Up Wlth No Plus To Go In no In ldul alluatlnn but mm mm at home PEACIICAL PARTNER Den Ann Linden Yau hear lot about exlrnvazan wives and mm husband In our maxmu the nitration In He said he would be Illd to let lubslltute take his pllcu on the lam but on the night they bowl 101 the Ira hy He must be there heceueu en tho but bawler on the team and they are depending on him He oilered to take to um Prom altar bowling but It would he 1030 at he earliest My par enu ny lth tau late to in any plnce Du Ann Our hll prom In comma up mm mum was all have Ilrendy bought my own and lhDEI The trouble In my boy Mend found out JuM yesterday that ha has to bowl Hut nlghl ANN LANDERS Dolled Up For Dahce But Date Is Bowling 01 he lrIu Jacquelino Buu vler Kennedy hnl had lho mosI Imublo In chIldhaannz and uh appear In he lnklnl lhe must prccnullons 1n llmIIlng her ac IlleIcl She hm decldcd Io have IhIs Inlusl mm In anhlnnan but Jun where rcmnIm IccrcL Juan DenanI Kennedy lho unllorl wlla hm IwIIchcd Iho limo Ichedulo XIII and new say her baby duo In Sc lem bcr not Auuunl rev burly Innuuncod Nuw 23 can loo will observe hIrlhdny her awnSept zbclora her now chlld ll barn Wflh lwo younnlm already Knu and Ted Jr ll monthJoan my 3113 randy ur AI many an came Man pmclnlmlni an hum Jncqucl no and Elke law chlldrm End at lhu exnrclnnl lnlhcu hm hm Imubla keeping up with he Ith llw an nnd lhh limo lll liker won more difllcull wllh lhclr buly nfllclll duHu In anhlnglnn una clully nlnco new mm un llkely lhnl Conlrm um Adjourn brim mklStnlnmmr Jacquellne Kennedyl third hlhy due Illa In Mind BK then nhall have passed her Ml blrlhdny whlch In July 23 gcxu cwnovs Den Ann Lnndmx It nac cssary to send written thunk yeu not or ulna received at hrldal shower say It not essential Io wrllo not or every nhawer glrL Belle sald your word wlll be final hope In no lllnnk yaulExhlullcd Too Denr Toox Relax because the ward II No verbal thank you when um am In un wrapped uumcienl 11 he totally Irresponsible It would ht disastrous or you to mend spend spend he don In most mmlazn one partner is usually moro precu cal about money than lha other look lo me an youre It Tookur VENIAL THANKS My daughter says yes dont urea Bella la business IIL By lhu time she gnu home from work Endhas dlnncr 730 rm She In so busy addresslnl nvnallons making the church arrangements and having clothes lied that he girl In txhauslnd trying to keep up Since we married alx years an Its been constant battle My spend money lreely buys whatnver he laku fancy lo with no though 01 prlcc need or nnythlnn else He nyl hes going to enjoy Illa and ha urge me to do Illa lame ll Hind an Hula for money as he did wed broke hum lime Den PIan cant be of much he became dont know how muc your human make how much it costs you to llve or how muc hg nppndsv versed am firm bellnvcr in budlellnl llvlna wllhln and mum and min for lhe lu um Am ml or Ilvlnu thi loplxded existence Should spend spend upend ho dam Perha did hed wnka up Ill la your advice Plnch Pegny Why no lull lo yuur hullumd lhl hl lllk lo m0 nboul Sun UNI hm lly Inromn lollty Hm an unnomlcl plan uhlrh xumnlm mw lnr 1mm or you and your chlldnn thank your hunkmi die garminnow omlowlyry TOM HOWLETT 14A Clippovlm Exclllngly Dcnumul Extremely Ecanamlcnl DulIMn Safely Trud TmublaFrre Easy Immin llan Dhllnctlvu WrnuzhHron flaillnn Mullahls In nunmoul dllerrnl Ilmlheml on far your homi DOUGLAS CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD ll Anna Tu We ple an apexr look Home Economxm Macdonnld Immule Guelph mazes um you bnuh the lap crust wllh mllk beaten egg yolkl Hall shiny or glazed lop You can however maku good nIrIdel or hm period In mid June midAugust In Now be andearly Depembgr Romantic travel and social micsem will be generously gov emcd during the next 12 month hawovcr with emphasis on to manca Iata Ihis monlh In late Auuust and midDeccmberz lravel and social pursuits In July November and December Monday should be day gm lamiacllon aim lob on which you have worked long and patiently wlll iinnlly bring their Just rewards it will be day In which you can count on lha iavar oi aupcrinra ii Monday is Kour birthday you Ihouid mi year ahead most iavorabla mm material slandpolnl and for iurihlrlnl ailniru oi rcamnabla nature will not ho iavorabie period ior Iaklng risks or some mlv leading innuzncca are up In make Illeir appearance and you cannot count on he pmmlm and opiimlsllc prophenlel Diners Astral Iuencu lhls dxy flavor the mill side of 1m Sportl recreation mun Icflv Men of ovary nor Ihould b0 excepllomlly pleasurable and dealing wllh olharl on union hlzhly tummy to an FOB TOMORROW ll tomorrow la ybur blrlhday be prepnred or unexpecml channel durlng Iho comlnl year In Jung August lulu No vemher Indor early December on may be ollmd solnu excel enl monetary opporlunlllel These mny lnvolva mma oullny ol th on whlch you had not counted so look wall lnlo all proposllloml Pmonnl Illnlrs promlu much hagplnesx In um coming year wll romance hlghlightcd lutu um month In late August aner mldDaccmber social ruraulu unusually sllmulntlng June July September and December child burn an um day will be Imaginallva and relllstlc but may ho mo opinionated n4 4mg Tomonnow my nummn In July November or Decem ber you my ex cl to travel but would be to look Into com lhomuzhly balarehand Plan well ahead and do not no Into debl aven lhaunh trlpa may reault In exccllcnl opportunlllu for the future llullrml Phon IA Ml THE STARS SAY PHONE PA M642 ron FREE ESTIMATEH SIUN llFE ASSURANCE COMPANY NA Chppovlon lmlduu CANADA I7 EHTRELLITA TIMELY TIP 0F nmll LP

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