Sowing Time IsIHere Plant warn Ad And Reap Resultsl PA 82414 TEE DARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY MAY 1171961 ANNOUNCEMENTS For Flowers And Plants Call BEZZANTS PA 60247 BAYVIEW TERRACE DINING ROOM SHANTY DAY ROAD at Blake Street NOW OPEN Ior your dining pleasure MOTHERS DAY Treat MOTHER to fine Buffet Dinner on SUNDAY MAY 12 from pm only $225 Also catering to small groups receptions and parties For reservations call PA 68534 MINESING MOTORS NOW LOCATED 9th Coll Vespra Twp Mile North of Hwy 26 TELEPHONE MINESING 213 BIRTHS GOOD NEWS STORY When you announce the birth or your child In The Darrin er clippingr oi the pulled Able Ior Dabyl hook Tree Records and to mau vour irieody and relative In those far my placer Place In announce merit alter hirtb Call Tho Usrrll zxaininer clarilhed PA Milt GOWAt the Rays Vltloril lies pital nitric on Thursdly May 1m to Mr and Mrs Albert flow at till panic ton Wile Ilam cnosstev Abel and Arlene nee Prilenard announce the birth or daughler Karen Elaine porn tIly trio hromun iiosliltat io Into blsicr ior Daln George cowsMr and Mrs Howard Cole oi as sleei street narrle wish to announce the birth ol their daughler on Thundly Mal ILHIIDN at the noyai Vicinril Hoe ENGAGEMENTS uLLLwltss Mr and Mn Gordon Dell oi harrit Ontlrio announce the engagement at Ihelr only daurhter Joanne Item to David Ch lee Wars tort or lflud Wan The manhle Is to uh place on Saturday June 15 ms at three oclock In Central United Church Darrin DEATHS Iron Ahhle llnahelh At the home or eon Anhur Prank ideoulre 111 mamberiand sizeei name on Thnrrday May 19HAnriie inlaabrih hianrhard wile ol the late Erwin storey an our mother McGuire oi Burle alater oi Mn ilarry stone ol liamuioo In her pain year Rooting al in ienneil runeral iiorne Dmlc hitterI emit artueday May II at pin Intcr nacnl palIon Cemetery NDMLI Elmnel flea Sud denly It hia homo zoo Codrlnaion si narrle on Friday May It lees Samuel ti Nobir beloved huahand ol iiary ida Noble dear Iaihar ol Ruth Mn Millllun ot lleclori iirlth oI IIrltilord dear mndlaiher oi Jimmie and hobby Illulran Dauaial ttonnlr and IIgrbArA Noble iovinl hroinrr ol Aime Kerr ol marboro Mkht lln Resting at in ennrlt Pun eral Iinme liirnr rnnml arr vie Monday iIay Is at no pln Interment IIAHIA Lnioil cmeiery NEWMAN nev William sunueniy at hla home hural linlar Ito liev ma helmed ilu Ma ollirr and Milbath IMrI tc timers and Philip iaoih hl Clalghunl and nubla IMra Muiry tielli oi himlarllle him will grandchil rinn InII Inur giea grlndchlle lire iitrle alrierl and one hrolh chillnil In hi all ur llniinl ai the lrnneli run out Ilomr arvtc runrrit rer vir on Mlmill slay Is at no pin al lihhnl Anrllran Illnlth itialahorat Illlrriltntl Idlnlltlltl rrmtlny IIiIiI will he open in ritulrll Innn nilMI unlli lime 01 make CARDS OF THANKS Ic with in ulonil Ihank aml apple vlailnn Inr the III nl kin auralm nI ltmlliitV and iwanll lliI ilnul iiillliils rmlaell lmm mir shut Illenlil and mlllliwtll lililllil our mani lwravvmeni III Iiur hrllnul run will llrninrr than will Niillnm III aphvll iililwlt and Ann COMING EVENTS OPEN HOUSE Mr and Mrs llclcsiley nt iliIIr lirlilrliin 135 Illnlslil Slice Sunday May l2ili PM 10 ll 71in IM 0n Illl Us on ni IIer will Vlniitllig Alillililiiiiy AFTERNOON IIIA IiAZAAR RAKE SALT Wednesday May 15 It to lull ALLANIIALIi OIIANIIR 11AII impure Golilrn Iaiiir IliIlA No iiri BINGO ltlr SATURDAY EVENING at 0ClliiK IIIGGINSDNSI HALL ANllUs JACKIOI 3110 Alllltlul 101 Jill Every day thallium md tho olnaiilird page thats why you can be run oi quirk no coMINo svele RUMMAGE SALE Wednesday May 15 to pm SOCIAL CENTRE RCAF Camp Borden Amieml Protestant chapel guild ANNUAL MEETING of the MIDHURST UNION CEMETERY will be held on TUES MAY 14 1983 at it pm IN THE UNITED CHURCH All plot holders please attend REG MASON SecretaryTreas REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE GARVEY Real Estate Broker RR BARRIE mLPImNI DAY on Nicur PA L795 HAROLD FORSTER AND COMPANY Photo MLS Realtors Mortgage Funds Available 60 of Value IliIo Interest No Bonus No Hidden Fem FOR RENT Three bedroom bungalow at 32 Marion Crescent Call any oi the sales stall lor your appoint meni EVIJIINGS CALL curly Kloorierrnan PA Lsies Ella Dewey Drill PA HMO Glam Knsntx PA ems John II while PA 170 uh BAYFIELD ST PA 66453 ANYTIME Plenty 01 FREE oilutrect parking available CARSON it Next door In Iha Imperial lhcltfl 45A DUNLOP 51 PA 66481 ULTIMATE IN GRACIOUS LIVINGI In modern way To see really beautilul threehedroom brick bungalow with attached garage and patio locach close to transportation and schools call Dill Ilomillun IA 6641 evenings PA 65315 IIInINr barrio and nlalrlct ul LIIIi Dosld Keith Marshall MAI tsTATz annith PA $1591 It CLAIIEIITON sT ltAnnir rnANK Nhuls IA um $700 DOWN PAYMENT Mmltrn Ioilr MIIOOITI brick Intu gnlow close to scliooLs and shopping nrea Curries tor $9188 monlhiy on one mortgage CGI ARICA $3000 Iull prlcc ior this hiurey hnd IuIII bedroom home Terms arranged Call now Ior Iurihcr Ihlormntlon on this one 0000 FULL IRICIZ Spacious hrdroom bungalow nclir Codrinillon Street School Nlmly Ireed lot low dovn piiymihi lialniml on easy terms TlIFIN STREET Indroom brick home Inigo living room Iti1ihrilto dining room modem kilitien hchutlliil sun room lull size Iinscmonl This home It In lntmhclllhio iinilillml Iriccll Iiil It quirk mile FARMS II TO IiAlIRli AlIIl good buildings nlollcrn cohirnlcncra 170 ACRIZS good buildings modern mnvcillrllcrs 50 ACRES Knoll liulliiillgs llIlNillII ronvriiitiiris loo Alflllnb gnth liilililingll liioilcrn ritntlliilnCtI urnhe name and lilnilel lieI mate nnani FRASER LTD lIlitL Ill IillOKiiR tilA Iinlluln II Tlirmlii lIilms ï¬llinlrimh Irnpcltirl Ilollirs ltilrinosrs Apprnllall Represented by ARCHER COLWILI iinl ll IA hint Il AIIIIII liIiIlliI IItiiils lIiIalMIncs IIIIIIIZIIT HODGES ltiAI IZSIATIC lIllUllIIII IIUNIAW 5r I2 IiIlilill IIinlls lA him manila mil 15love TL CORBY REAL ESIAIB Ilroker Itvmo IA Hill in iiilntnp 54 uniilm tianrr AnnMI Ann unlislliu IA um wm ItAilItII rA lttii rim alum nil mi Allele llflmlauii Moved lull REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE ROGERS CONNELL PHOTO REALTORS DUNLOP smear EAST PHONE PA 85568 Save Miles With our Photo Files EVENINGS CALL Mrs MoorePA 85181 lingersPA aosaz CouncilPA 39755 MEMBERS BARRIE AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD SMITH CAMPBELL REALTOR 32 HIGH ST Joan LangPA d57ï¬i PA oozii Home PA 37389 diaries ReadPA 817 Del ColePA 34987 Member oi errlo Ind Distrte Real Esutl Dona HENRY gELRICK MICHIE MLS Realtors 15 Owen St Barrie PHONE PA 85583 Mhilaerl 0P Till tlAltltIr AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE noArID SAVE $1000 MARKET VALUE $12300 Sevenyoarold brick bungalow in excellent condition with mortgage payments only $04 including taxes Can be bought Ior $11300 Inspect and make otter OWNER MOVING TO LARGER HOME Beautiiul landscaped bungalow in one at Barries best residen tial districts This home has living room with ï¬replace nine large kitchen three bedrooms and piece tile both This is one 01 our best buys Please in vestigate 514000 with terms NEW HOME storey brick home with at tached garage tour bedrooms and tile both large living room dining room and kitchen $1000 down balance to he ar ranged Phone PA 5551 allcr hdilra phone iinb Pieweillng PA asset or Paddy Miler IAMW BARRIEVIEW CUSTOM HOMES BUILT OVERLOOKING BARRIE BUNGALOWS FROM 516195 UP hirn south oii Burton Ave at William or Reid Streets GORDON SPRINGIA Il5007 HOMERIA 0439 NO DOWN AYMENT To Responsible Employed Purchasers Your Choice 1409 Blake St duplex mort guge sole 312900 AIM Blake SI level 50 lots commercial $3250 en 50 acres and unlinlsitld house close In tlh Oro $7500 IA 66371 Null NIIA Approved ltv room home Ihm bedrooml my bitch elola to both public lrhoï¬il s1 sleet sneel Cnniari owner Ind build at IA uzei AiriIAcTivl ntw bungalow on edge oi rill our Irhnol Tao iwuroorna Illrd balh ilearnnahly priced nlih low down piyrnrni Telephone IA neioos Tilnu IIEIJRIIO bungalow with good riled roolni attached ar en tire an ilrlrh Good arr Clo arhoo Corner tot lull llndxlped paved driveway creation room IA suit loNATIIAN co mam brill bull garage Irnreo land atml etc In aehnoli with no Ihlrtulh tulltr On our route Telephone IA Hm rouli ltlltlitiiitis twp rrrinllon mm Altruile it til back will In Nrar Irltnoll Ind loo Iliahway 900 down lie Ilon MINI Telephone IA sotu IA ItritJm Clltom huiii Spurious III hedmilm hnnaalnn wlih dining room in llfllllilm Mm WIIII llfltllrl Landraped lot riiiuIiiI mm and Iiniaho tour imllnnln alile new lair Iaillally twist it Iiinl Iocailnn lor ArIIltliI ucd lltllill tum llnwn will tuni ma huNilAt aIw ihm iwrimrna Ilvlnglllililll lnnm lllrhm alin healllilnl cur Iiiitt bulil iliplwilldl IAiw Ilnwn palmi Tn Ivlvrillinl IA eeini ALInus IIKAI yiva lnnn innrra lnr nI iMIIIlcil hyrirn uni we Irr InnIu palmnani hnma Arlllil tla mm in art inilmivn lt Ahhuly Aunne Trit nnin III liin liiillil nnnarlnw ihm imllmnu hlmm IIevl nirlllrl rIniI aimi It iliil mnnihll rinwa payment tian mullall MillyAmy lA nnillllIL WhiIa lllirl iani ml irrl itiml rhtllywnml 1min Illilirir learnt and ianml Il Ililt IIIVIII leiplum iA alIiI In Two AIITI MI n1 rimai out Int nl mailav lliyllll rnnnan illmlvr In IIIIIII hum All III in um InIIhI miian an will rnr lillNii Lem lllllil Illhen hIIIIlMM Ialgl mmliim room In he mull Aiunllnn himnii arvunr on lemva Ail olieln eon eI eled Tater rA cooii art Iilvli Ilom nn lam lot In eariianl Imlllin FrolicIn IIvtnInIhlna alnne Iiinine roman IIIrII In Ivllnnnu nine nailrat lien Milly ma laanhle me FIIMIMIIIII elmn pramni Iillril ta IL MIA mnlilllr Totrhini It 7still ltxshllnnnflmhr Ails PHONE IA All Milo all nit lieled siIANNoN sT lilsoo arlalr Bungalow llvln room with Am place dlrllill en hedroorna carport pliln lam rencevi yard nut and shade trees NHA Min Payment soil PIl Terror amni ell on my equity or taboo July occupancy By appointment PA LOTS FOR SALE AhlAcLNT wTa IA 155 Tot lennaln town convert and water won each or will uade In on home and is acre lot under VLA within in miles at Toronto Tele phone GRInlte 34168 Queenrvllia Ontario MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE lst or 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere BRICK iNSUL FRAME HOME AND EARIIIS LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS IF YOU NEED MONEY consolidate debts all existing martlllel mortgage coming due oml Ithovlmcnts ny worthwhile calm Write or Phone PA 60981 Mortgage Funding aver Sim sonsSears 125 DNLOP ST Member oniarlo Mortgage Broker Auociltlon MORTGAGE Monty Available You an Invited to discuss your mortgail lirnhifltll with us with out out tlon providins the one pertier era on Rlillercd Pilnl In or out oI ciiy interest at and list rates Cali Couth er Co Owen street Barrie PA Mina INSURANCE MOVING Dont forget to trhnsler your INSURANCE and 11 you need extra coverage of any kind SEE STEVENSONS lizt Duniop St PA 64301 MOVE RS MOVING For complete moving service snim rind easier call COOKE CARTAGE E7 STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT 110 ANNIi ST IA Milli BUS OPPORTUNITIES sllnvlcl sTATmN liar Iun with goon prom polenllel living quar levv Included nrmilneraliun duh Iris Iwo werk irllnlilg couna Ina vctlmcnt required wrue Ilpl iiarrl RIHALR Fit and CRIN irocctl unaii lnwn iirai mo ney maarr InlllIllinl huiidinr tan siplel live loyer moms built In runbnamr olI Iurnlrc Thla lnin rqulppld nualneu build Ingr iao Iryrrr grill honlhl all fully rqulpllld GEN pill MI WIII emu Armll inn nrrl plymvnt Ill Iearh hnyev Apply irnlgs rvicr Crlrmon ml RENTALS OFFICES STORES RENT Olilco Accommodation VllbON BUILDING Iinrrlo Ontario Decorated iiniI phrtitiohed io Itttlt your requirements nir mnilliioncd it you lelr At pritls you tIIII hiluld Tele pllnnh IA lZZJJ AiiiiIiT to IT olltra Iiiice on urciml itool oi moduli build Ina iroIlIe Iillut Nlltiui rm Iilailnn lighting auillheo with two loomn IA out during Iiullniu Iiouu hHOUSES FOR RENT Tillin lisiiliiiiiil illicit lluilaa inw wall III nur Illrlil abate pins IIl 7nd Ave IA Anew riIlIrr nhianlnlai linilie tor lrnl in Aillstiilt Iivina an amine IIVIH llIilIvlt Drill IillIllIaitm an innit ilclhiil Iirln II Illill Allliliiil InlN iiiiilil Iiillb ml avail ALIi lly II Inlral Ian iwl will Inil hltlr amnanl III rimmed 1lplnma IA hi alarm lmtl hum In rmmlly in human Ilvllil mm and slimn Iltlilutrtl will uni nailhlila Trlrrhimp ulna Hill my Inllhu net ARARTMENISFOR RENT Ii INIWIIIII IIcIIIIAIJIl 5N1 IIIHIIINI twrt laollllmlit nlinlliiirlit Litiliz Iiaalli hlliili It iiill liasrttiitll ullll ltillltilry liIli Irlitinl liicnlloll Ille limiting in Ilihhtlily Iillilinl PM twwnumn Toilplhme IA IVZM illo Goltiell Telloco tiirlill QIIHVI and Itlltlvnlllli Modem home two lmlliwimi large living lrwan tIIiI Illlihelt pith lilIIlItl lier till he lllt All tlillililiimlhs liili Iiasrillenl Inltlirli Ianiilraiwi gilnmlll DMIIIKNI IltfllN tho tltllnillt IiIONE IA 02740 RENTALS APARTMENTS FOR RENT niltsis nnoM Apartment rillninth ed and healed Aduiu only lole phona PA was Alter pun Two nmnooM Apartments only 150 including janitor uni Ila Btu Imp II door Close to lcbnoll Telephone PII 12570 sMALL Apartment to mt treat end water supplied Apply us Dun lop street East or toiephono PA Mast or PA um Tlinzn RDOMID Ieitehotalded apartment close to atom and Ichonl on Prmtlnl Street Avail May Telephone PA 50310 ISDED Bachelor Apartment Private utLrlIth Illle Tulane tea new mmiiureCentru Espec Iatty gultAblo or two atria Apply innate PA 65501 noolu ArAnTIiIaNT tor rust range and Mrilerltor nipplled kimono Fl downlown location PA oottt llIRNISIIED two main bachelor Iplrtment completely loll cone Allied utilities Mid Plrklnl Avllllbie Immediately Crnlni Ion cliloxL Telephonl PA 91 Kitchen with in RV rooms and hrlhroo Laundry and phrllnl Ilcllltlzs CentTilly loch ied Telephone PA Mm Two usoltoohl upper apartment Iur rent hot water heated siren centrally located elm to urinals Available immediately Nlephone alter 531 pol PA uoiz ruRNIslIao three room apart ment ground floor private en trance and bath Very central 70 monthly lnciudea liable and heal ideal Ipr newlyweds or bus lneas couple PA M054 UNFURNTIIIED Aliment our mills and lounpieee hath IelI contained urn mDmL Apply It ApL at Puget street or telor Phone PA 35068 Two oatlitoohi Apartment no hllcrltnr glove warher and dry er lanlinr aervlee new buildings Close to all Illnlly IIcIIlIics Tale phone PA was LAnoa Unlurnlshed Ih bed room apartment Av able Imme dialeiy Hut and waier rupolled Centrally located Telephone PA merit lelnl room bedroom and kitchenette Parking space Moderla rchi Leliephona PA amo Ior iurlher Tilnhil Room and bath Lam kltchcit Rut Ind wlter Auppiled Arnple car parking $65 monthly ImmeolIn possession Apply tto Collier st Telephone PA Natl MODERN Upptr Duplex unturn lahed two hedroorna iivlngdining room kitchen utility room bath room On Iioigaie street Avail able aillltl Telephone PA um rhcnl heat heavy duly itove and relrtgeralor prlvltc hath room centrally located AduitL Telephone PA earn uNrIJItNistItzn Apartmenta One with room and bath the other rooms and NHL Both have rlovn and reirtgeratdv centrally located hellcd and clean IA merit1 aelleuniained private en Irane newly decorated Ianhing and plrhlhl Incllltles Very cen iral Ono wiIh atove and reinsera inr Telephone PA 111 TIIIIEII nooii eel contained apartment wllh rerrigeralor Ind atore am rllng Dal end to cello Ava Immediately TII ephcna PA runNIsIIED three room Iputr merit utth bath clean and mod erII tiei hydro and water Park Ins Itoonr lor garden liaby we come Ahllllnerl oi inniani SI IA Mite ULTIIAAMOIIRIIN hirhelor apart lnenl avallahlc immediately Liv ing room bedroom kitchenett and our pircl balhroonl In building Iaved parking Telephone IA ule Tilittts linuM ground lloor ApArIe talent iloa lo Ilorrl rhurch and ark Ntu ldr penuanera Alia trrheinr Anrltmcnl and one bed room Tvirphane leu alter noon ruansIIIttI modern apritmeni in new home Living rn loom hltrtirn and pit room Keririte enlranr tog Iarillile aai rim Available immediately Telephone Milli IIILPCDNTAINI Apanment mums and hi Willi NIVII nil retire and me an oil hutwl Adnlta vrrirlred Immediate nilon AIIndIe dliirlcl phnna IA sharia rm clo nv mama and iith and um aunpllrd ranri nIIIlrlll min rark htmt or I109 All prn AVAiIAnin Immodlltllyi New and mod In brilloimi aparo menu in earl rnd IIuL not war Ier sup liel Stove and rrlvirm hpionai Janitor amira and pavrrl lliit Tlwhuhe rA still or PA Jill 0N IIIRINHI heeled lplllmn mt mlln floor In modern Inlll pl llllll lsinr and all no nutth Ilahle Inim AdIiIII or gllll prIrmo TIephonr immenlalclvi line llmenl end In Ie TVAIIA Ilritmom ArAnTTKN lilvlnminl llllilllrl Ii inttern new inn and laundry AIII1IIIIIIP to II In hyillvi ItIlaliilIll lira nl nil aaulvn lti iinninn annl WHI nAiIIsIIiii Alml nuairln mum alliing annm Ithvv lml immi Irnival nlltl Ilaiilnil ltiiiia AM Inrninmi ullrnnlaiaw mm lna Iiplblnnm lllt mmthll iin Inliav RIIIrl Avallrhi II nilltaletv TIplllml rA anon nr IA iiivli UTIle lOl nanan incl er Imenl in Ialpia Newly ham Iint lam vII tinting min lirevmnriai rIIIIVI AVIIIINI ltmv UL lawn pawnt lslrwvl Ihm 1mm healed II rnrvimaal aepaule en lame amn we Telhaw lilo or iiiii lnr Ivivinei rt Iltlhvil wlttl Ilriptnl lnii llta mum IA tl lfilllifirhiitlg WILL IIIUNU RESULISI RENTALS APARTMENTS FOR RENT roun nonhlhn Aplrtment un luIulahed heeled lllirvdry lchlI till Ind pArIInl lru Clan to kley Plrll St Schools 1er or children PA 7380 IItcr pm AVAILARLI June Clean mod ern fluted our room Iplflment with bllbmnm de Ind water nippiiod Parking 1pm available 6387 MODERN unlurnirhed three room apartment newly decorled living room bedroom kitchen Intll plecr hath lan at alarm and parkinr lacuitiev cnllo wet eome PA with NEW AND Modal one and ID bedroom lplruncnu overlooking Iconic Kemplrtlelt oey Hut wr ter Parkinl more service and Iulouiatio war Ina ireiiluea an ilozywzflnt months tree rent PA LARGE iiehled completer Ium tahed upper lplrtntutt Private ru tnhee tiled kitchen stove and Idlertor Livinl room dirIIIIl If two hedmoml tllod blw min Lola oi cupbolrds Ind clo set up Garage Very enmlort able Quilt neighborhood clai to downtown Adults preterred Telephone PA lrIiBtI liter p111 or Weekends ROOM BOARD ROOM AND noun or younl gentleman Queens Park area Tel ephnm PA Mm ROOM AND noAnn ior Irdy Dene alonel or young lady Privlle room with uplnte entrance iionta cooking located at as SAnIord street Telephone PA 6615 ROOMS TO LET Two DDWNHTAIM rooms rhte immediately Uniumiahed Near pull Suitable or merited couple Telephone PA sziisrr tor IurLber IrtInrrriItlnD ROOM WANTED LAnaL iiouaekeeptng Room went ed In vicinity or Elsi head In AllandIz Telephone PAIIell0 SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGE TO RENT ilohan hilly roulpvrd coltre three bedrooms dock eaelnrlvr mvony Iill nay Point Road June to Auguit to tune eri nua It harri Illminer COTTAGE FOR SALE and along Triephonu PA AVAIIA LAttz slsicae our on station insulated eupiuier cottage threo bedrooms Iurnished not and cold welcl two galam aala hatiung unto Terms It Maeilieln us Dlhko street IA sous == ARTICLES FOR SALE Used Ranges Refrigerators Televisions priced irom $4950 EPLETTS ELECTRIC I47 Dunlop St East PA 515411 NEWSPAPER MATS Sizes 22 in Ideal tor lining hen houses attics guragcs etc perien Insulator 25c PER DOZEN Plus Tux Apply The harrlc Examiner Barrie Ontario CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensld and cthsslticd ndvcr tisements hro Inserted nt the rule at to per word insertion tor one and tile llmcr 3e per word lor three tour or live times and tile per word tor or more Insertions lnr nrldl tiohnl cilnrgo It not paid within I0 Itnyg THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY ClASSIIIEII All VIIRTISEMENT IS 00c FOR It WORDS ll IAII WITHIN 10 DAYS Oil 00 FOR 20 WORDS II CilAltIiliD IiIll SINGLE INSEIITION tilllullt on connncnnNt an reminded rtlun order roitnntnlre In no lo llndly 1m menialiv Ilch nu Inmllon In order thI any mm ru hmle gtnnl nu he rrpn am In order that larliM ill in Inllllim an qlli all the Luth out Hill the Ilslllo nun nu II rrounaihi lnl nail one Inliiliully ruiniru lilullliln on any liaameni lull Ihrn only In the llml or rmllnn at in ian lllvlllm IIII rnia lInl mm wllirh nil nai Iman he value ni iha advIIIimni aiirihla lnl rnllIrIIoltl by nuke gaoda Cnnllnl EIIIIII tic pol worll itnlnimllm tiIRllI 11541 Iliilit and Iiialll Notices 50 Inr up it 17 limit ilivrr Ii ltilllt or ill williit Ill Molliinirillt ntlcci Ilflt It Will iiml so per word cilial liltllli Irrmi mu inlnvvaIlnn IIenling Idvullull living nllnn III nav Nmniwii lot In lieu ti rid aimily row Meniia nepiiI io lolll on will In natal Milly in due IuI nu oi pohleatlon Cinisilled Advertisements Mill notices till then pages mili Iiv melml ii pm clay pro coiling nnhllcatlnn with Illa rilitioll ril LlIwiIIlwl lilerrlay lidverilimonia which Innl In In Iiy 00 Mon tilruling its III III hr IllI IF Marty rlalnv4 Inn he no mm in 1M lllnilml an muuog dipmoot ARTICLES FOR SALE Specials At CLARKS ANNEX WAREHOUSE 3335 Bayfield St 130 Electric Range automatic clock oven 112 cu ft Refrigerstor 18 cu ft Refrigerator lHeavy zIOdd Chests walnut lOdd Dresser walnut Pc Chesterfield Space Saver Po Chrome Set PA 82843 7050 8950 Duty Elements Rangette New Flllery Cleaner Polisher and Scrubber 5950 FREE DELIVERY PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner It you would like to have To prints oi any new plctliru taken by our stall photograv phere please call at our Bus lies Oliice We are sorry we cannot accept phone orders Glossy Prints $100 IO $l25 plus tax CLEARANCE TV Sets 535 up also Vacuum Cleaners $20 and lip Limited quantity Repairs to all makes at TV sets and vacuum cleaners ADVANCE TV AND VACUUM SERVICE PA 6W3 IRPTIC TANKI pumped Modern equipment Robertson Angus Telephone MS oil TANiIs Wow ion on Tanki 32915 Telephd Keri ruela PA oolsl IIle IIIArnl Piston Pulirp with flllllon link In flood condition Telephone PA OHM RAISINET tor sale also Baby Bath Roth In good condition III the both Telephone PA Mill MERCURY Tow Trucl100n winch irarne rur controlled Also bench Drill like new Apply Lloyd Phelpstml Ontario LAWN MOWER horupower itrigga Strltlnn rotary lawn mower Ilelhdt rut meta run Irolx $15 Telephone IA NW7 one coo mo alova tour burners door in oven cine trlc timer eaaonrhIeilo Also uaed warher e25 Tklrphono PA Help alter pro ADMIRAL TV 11 picture Iloor model Milt root Antenna Ind III utilngr s95 Telefhonl Cam Dim den Wu ow Llrir CAP ANTIQUL nnDAN ranll built in Urbrtdge Ontario last wllnut cabinet selling or Telephone PA HIII TIA WAnoN Queen Anne rtyla walnut In pcrlecl condition For iuriher Iniorlnalion telephone PA um held pin rubber garden hose In load condition Allian SIS Apply Collier Street liter pin semialorrnll site Junior Colt Iiae II Junior boyr clothing yehra All very reamnlble PA was AuTo ATIC Whining Telephone PA Mail MOTEL uNlTs complete Must be moved In Alan springs inelirerrer doo nd odd iurni lure APPly Motel PA Hus AquA LUNG with reaerve Us diverx Iiydro Lung supremo relue Iltor Aqua Lung Pae Sells ior um Aatttng list Like new Teloe lian IiouLpans ior ule lull color ranrir tie per ton delivered caii Northlahd Stone Comps Gravenhurri ontarlo Teleph eslzili venhuri collect nhrnlalmATun Servei lion Reuonlhie Iri price Tole Elton Lelroy iilliti tor turther Iorrnatlnil BINDER ZigZlg Atorv demonalra tore reduced to clear Save as Sinlel Sewinlicmln Duhlop Wrrr harrin PA with lsmPonttALs lor nie sin is tie whlte while in Only worn couple tinsel Good Condition Priced very rolbonlbly TeIODitonI PA 4401 IIIII In siNGLn spring Ci nlng Special Vacuum Cleaners Hoot FOIL anera on aale ea you rprlnl clean Singer log Centre to Dunlap West Demo PA $7750 slPTIl TANttI pumped by the most modern IQIIIPIIIIHL whorr only us Now equipped Iiiiio truck Ken Winter telephone PA Wm Ton sALn its zag sewtill Machine does mcndlnl emhmtda ely work makes huilon holes ttalanc owing turn or null rr month Write hair at barrio amincr nmrnhw Cream Separator Ilk new Ior live com or more up aim burner toihch heavy duty nnge electric its 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