Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 May 1963, p. 1

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Briton To Jail For Years JnlMNNEFmHm lflmllul Fomlun perm um lnulwl hlllny mm In mm rlllu mum mm Mnul um um lvlnl m4 uhlrh allow pulch lo hold mum 90 day wllhoul queu bully TlillllAN Ml filly Inldlnl wprp HUM Am 49 no wumlml in rlmh with null nwrnmenl HM In lha mllmn pmvlnru nl Fm Ind mnnlh If nnny uvmlfll lndny An Inn ulmllunlull uld the Min lml plnu Apvll In 1h Nokn lnulvoml KMru MKMITIL Imlnnuln fltulerll Youth lmmnl m1 Immh ml Mnm Ihup In Hnnllung Friday Ind Hm 13 cm Troop hmke up llw vlnlm flrlnl hull In It Ilf Am mm Imlmod nlahl 50 Soldiopz Reported Killed HANTA MONICA Inlll Mlb Blunt EM lruley In bclnu um lnr mm dnmnm by Ike Mdaw nl gunkmt Mm lull Iv lmltyl rnr Mu Loon llrnllln lllcd I1 cumnlalnl Fvlrln HAM Muuiu Iuprrlnr raml lllchnnl IIAVII 13 Mm mu nlvlnl nln mu mme Idrnlmni II nuplnyro lmlry 11m Ilngrr Wnl ml In tho at Al lhl Ilmu cl lho Murll nrcldenl MNDON IAPD womnn Ind hm children um mind munlrml In In home filotklrury ncnr 5mm bournu Imlnn Krnl Cnunly polltu llnmrdlnlely launched hunt nr hrlr klller The dam unmnn wnn Mm lhyllln anh Ind mm rMIdnn um um or Mr duughlrrl and II Ind 11 Ind lrlndmn and In mnnlhl Floods In Iran Drown Over 50 SAIGON AI 11m Cambodian unvtmmrnl Ind Frldny It hml unmycred nn unsuccmiul plat In klll Communm Chlnuo lmldrnl Llu Shun and flu nmbodlan Chic 01 mm Prlnca Nurmlnm Sllmnnuk Thu nunulnnllon plot wnl lo hnva uvnlvnd rxpluslm planml In tunnel under UK hiahwny bclwccn Phan Imh Mum and In tnpllll WIHI In mm the lwo lender tossed the prnhlnm lnbnr slrIIe nnd shipplnu dlsmpllum on the lake to lhclr rupccllvu lnhnr chiefs Cnnndlnn Lnbur Mlnlllnr Allan MncEuchcn and lnbor mrelnry lle was lull In Mr MncEnchen Ind Mr erl In ul lhc llmu Ind plum the mcclinl wlIJI lIIHHAN lrnn MP Mum lhnn penwnl drowned whcn htuvy flood Iwrpl lhrnunh lmnl thld nvcncnl porl Khurrum nhnhr an lho Pmlnn Gull Frldny Eycwllnwu Inld many bod lu Mm Ionunu ln lho Knroun lllvcr whlth run lna ha null 11 he pml Hy Agsasinalionfitgempt Halted E1213 959910 fined BY Widow 14 Anestod In South Mrica The Idea the our way mman camu mm the In round of talks hclwnnn Prim Mlnlsler Pearson and Pmldcnl Kennedy llynnnli Port 1155 Friday Indonesian Youflm Riot In Streets OTTAWA CPlA truce In Ihu vulenl slruggle arlpplnn Murillme lnbur on lhe Great Lake may emerge Irom bu KennedyPearsun proposal at hlghlcvnl mncllng Canndlnn and Unllcd 5mm lnbor mlnlx km and lnbar lenders sourch my Woman Children Found Dead The court president reading slowly completed he Judgment In about 20 mlnutcs The Wynne verdlcl was mated with some murmur loo 111110 on llllle Vynnes Mir Sheila who has Bllendcd the lrlnl ram the heglnnlng was not court to hear the var dlct Her enlry was barred by crowds throngan around the courlroom dnor and It was pre sumnd she want la separate room to meet her husbnnd nfler the verdict was announced SOUGHT CLEMENCY Wynne for whum Ihc prose cullon had asked Hear term had usde lhn court or clemency snylng It was the nth blrlhdayo hls son Andrew The crowd of Rusélans broke Inln 30 seconds applause as hhn sentences were read Vynnes sentence was broken dawn to lhrcv years In prison and the remainder In correc dvr labor cumpv Penknvsky was stripped ol all hk mcdnls colonela rank and chgnd Vnrld War demmklons JFK Pearson Suggest Talks To Solve Maritime Troubles Wynne 44 earller ndmllled ficllng as courier lnr 0an seems between Ponkovsky idenllllc warker and British intelligence agents Thu two men were convicted after liveday Irlul Verdict nnrl scmences were read out In the final sesslon by the court president LLGcn Vlkmr Bar lsoglebsky UP imn APReulm MOSCOWA Soviet mllitnry lrihunai today scnienced former Soviet government oiiiclal Oieg Penkovxky Io death for spying and urderad his British aceam piice businessman Grevliio Wynne mniincd or eight year 99th an No Ill Soviet To Die NEWS BRIEFS For Examiner Wanl Ad Tole phnna PA azm Tho talephonn number to call for ma Bushes or Editorial Dept II PA 531 Our Telephones unco and he nurieifinlc III at tho conference hm ye been decided One Invited ha discusslon was Mr Justice Norm who spent seven months Invcsllxnllnz lho term violence Ind power play lhnt have dumlunlcd Inbor rclnllons lhohlpplnl Indullry on lho Ho Md he melvnd cam munlcntlun 1mm Labor Mlnln lur MacEachcn nxklnu he wllllng lo pllend web onion President Clnuda Judoln 01 lbs Canudlnn Labor Cnngresn and AFL CIO President George Manny The lwo labor lendm hand the ccnlrul lnbnr bodm In mnlnrnspccuvn gounlrrlui Al Vnncnuver Mr Jndaln said Friday ha he named mm with Gnome Manny president Um AFerIO to discuss lha chnt Lake Inborldlqpute In In tense sombre utmos phm somo 2500000 Kenyans me am anarlly cl lhem Ne nmx wlll ens their vom be tween May IE and Mayze to elect the government which will take them lurward lo full hr dependence lame llmu next year By RONALD BATCIIELOR NAIROBI Reuters Clubs sucks knives and memos Ihu Krlsly weapon of mu Man Man rebellionthe been haw ned or Ihe dwmlan of this monlha zaneral election In Kenya Anynne round In poslosslnn on these weapons 113th to we years in prison £500 line or bokh It said this was contrary tn the rule oi international law and the status at dipiumatic stat should he brought lo the natice oi tha ioreign minister an that appropriate measures could be taken court judgment iald group of stall members at the United Slate and British em bassies had Std their olflclnl positions to aid Penkovsky and Wynna In their spying Penkovskya dellh ienlenc mean ha will he shot The cnurl president read his judgmanl Illtlng on his central glamun chhf 4171an of lanroolwida gilded hammer and lickle His voice boomed cm In the name of the Union of fiovlet Socialist Republics Ban Weapons For Election 112 £an not Henlldl Illll ma lwln alum mm llIl anrry In tn Itqu IlmpIuI Mme 10 me In rlllrnl rnmllllnn all dvlnb In woml nlruhol Iml mm nun Immvn lmn lmly Two lmnlvuun Ilmc clukl hi bun mum and nccuml ol ulHnl puInl lhllmnr In now lry dnmlmdn conlo pIM The Mum cnnlnlm uwl ulcqhnl um Inrm hm lur II lilhll cnnrmlnn 0n anhuln vm Ilmm UII vldlml who In dled NEW YORK Ml 11an more drama wm ullvlhulrd In woml nlrnlml Friday hrlmlng lo 19 he mnwa ol nawvry dmllcln Mm hm wrmmhed II May 111 unit Alarm hrnuxhl onl amuunu ol mm In lurk mllnnl ham Irovlncc II movrd nun Mnnllnulln Illnnd In Hm norlh ncrnu llu mm mm lhn Muxkolm Lax lhmuuh Inulhannlrrn Onlnrlo And ncro Iounmn Qupbec Evrryulmi ll rnl If linol mwl wenlhrr Mllory nml le mldcnll Ilnpnpflrnd mlddny bllnnrd uncalled up on Quebec and Onlnrla lIl dny cnlchlng bolll provlum wllh lllclr woollch ln malhlmlll And lhllf lunlnn all Al lho may In tho anrou htuun nlhm InI volunlecrl or oarm dhnr registration cnmpnlxn clly lender were ndnmnnl In lhulr mlcmcnu lhll tho nmcmcnt wu pol bIndInu op hem Pallco Commlulonnr buxom Bull Connnr Ilmmch Auro xnllonlll who dlrecud lhu ur mll and repulsed the crowds Bowery Deaths Rise To 39 lull however mlch at blrncInl citizens commlllce nzrccmml on pm Email to end the conillcl whlch seen more lhnn 2000 Na men arrested and Ira ham and pollen dag bmuzhl Into play to conlrcl seethan Mann Negrodcmonurnton Inlexrnllon mu Itd by Rev Mnrlln Luther Klnx Jr MlunInhnd kept he cll vlrlunlly under IIrze ulncu le OVér Agreémenf BIRMINGHAM Mn AP Jubilant Nelm lnlcgrnunn km on mapped plan today for valor rcglslrullon drive on tho hoe of whn Ihcy considetcd an overwhelming vlctory In Blimlnghnml nixwcuklonz in lenrauon It Freak Snow Fall Hits PQ Ontario Tho annual Cam Borden Alr Force Bay WI be cele brated May 29 between one and Ive pm Display wlll PEARSON JFK QUICK TO REACH HARMONY AIR FORCE DAY AT CAMP BORDEN 0N MAY 29 Mnnlml exlverlrd holnm our and Ill Inch nl Ibo whllo Illl Mon lha ulnrm ended mly lmlw Olllil Mlh YIN Inrhu MINI helm mlan ht Eunhlve or myth Inch In on Tmlnyl wrallm Ihuuld firml uully Imrrnvr any Hm menu In Moll nmn wIIl be 1m nlly rlmm um um wlll nun bmk n1 lhmugh Inltr In ha day lnllu uple minnr ard drnll am uch lnllll Ivy lho mm Wllh mm lru lurk nwny ek uu rm on many mda Indml lhmulh lhv pm In mm or Ilhhlod lnlo dilchu n11 mama 0n Mlhrr lho mow hrll INDMHIHHI mam jun IMVO Hm lrrmnl lmu hut rhlll Inln uml raw wlmlx um In nnlvr lho day Amwlor an milrn um 01 nllnwn Mlh lclmul Ilhlrlu hrnvnd Um Nunulnl temptm um hut we llnnlly omI In rnll nfl lheir lurk marl Mun 1de wII Mud hy hm III Hundred mum nmuml lhn Nullonnl WM Memorlnl In Ol lnwn wm burlml lo lhclr vnrl colorcd hullu In Inovl Cvmpclllflll at tho Cnnndhn Ind Quoboc Iktrl Ahoounl thnmmonnhlpl St Jlnvkr 70 mllu nurlh cl Mnnlrrnl ram plnluud lhry muldnl the day Mn lhmwh lho Inuw IMLT TRACK Communlcnllnnl hnlwcon Neuron nnd while llflflnl to be Malnhlllhcd wilmn lhu um um wtrka Arrnnncmcnll for Ienso all pcrmnx nmslcd during rnclnl dcmomtmuonl an bond or perlnnnl recolnhnnco Thu upgradan nn run Neuron on nonducrlmlnm to bash Including tho hiring time clerk and Inch men wllhln tho next 60 day Ducgrogntlon ol lunch counlcrl ml rnnml mum rooms and drinking nunlnlm In downtown alum In plnnncd alngclwnhln thg next I20 Connor ho would not Interfere huslncu mun wished to lMcgralu their lunch countersone ol the key points Kin xnld wax ngrcnd upon by lha zruup Klnl IBM Iho nxrcemcn pm vldcd Wavo licked the and Ilclud 01qu good hu dqcrlnrqd Inld Ihc agreement was lhe lxlngul Mauvan statement ever was Issued bu up or public inspec Iian including HINDU types or aircraiL Highlith an air show which begins at aum Ontlrla Cunldl sinusy May 11 Eunirm iéek mum nllul lhu urdml Icllon mm wen mud Iv MONTREAL CWA Frrnrh var horn who mm Cunndnp lmuhm wnlwmllry and lwo guard Mu lwn numl rrhnl nully ummnl by rvmucrl Jury in In mm nl um xrnhhod mull Mn hr Iwu whrmrrl llalh mum um nlm lnund ulmlnaxly ml lluenl Vnnlrn Mum Ldarre holder ml llu hunch Crnlx n1 1mm and Inn uunrdn II Vincent xlu lnul lnnflenlllry min crlmlnnlly nolllaenl Fllllly nlxM by Ilvomnn cor morll mml Jury Them lnlormnnls InXd Hm un demanding was rmchcd at Fri dnyl lnllu And lhnl lho Jain communlqlm be qued lhll nunan wlll confirm the Sn nndlnn cammllmcm lo rampl lho wnrhvndn MI hsuo whlch Ioul lnln anur pollucnl cunhovmy Ilurlnl lhu lull Cn nmlnn altyum MINNIE Tho wmhcndn wuuld be flared In Canada lvr use on the lia Innrc null nlrcrnfl mlnlln bnml nl Ln Mncnzn Qua and Nunh Ilny 0nL and at Um We normu mums Inld Prlmu Pouron and Presidrnl Kennedy hnvo mer Irm undonlnndlng on tho rovlslun of nuclear war hvnds or Cnnmln npcnlnu ha wny lnr lochnlcnl negollnlionl on custody nnd control nnrw mrnl 111i wori 72st reception In the sun room he numrnmj Mom at lhu presidcnll hrolhor Whllu uldu mm both lldnl used terms llko swimmingly or very very vat1 Pearson old roponcn Wu mndo prol ms nul In the press corps Interapcrscd be tween the discussions Prime Mlnlsler Pearson and President Kennedy lndlcnted by bndinago Frldny hnl thclr lwovdny ulkl II cxficodiqgly well YANle PORT Muss CF They had nuclear lssuel wllh lhclr lunchtime chowder and world prnhlnml generally over lhg brqllcd lobster ll dlnncr Two Leaders Are In Agreement Nuclear Warheads For Canada Th9 Chowder AndLobster =TW6Léadérs Made Progréss pm will ho ho nembullu the RCA Golden Hawks shawn in lormnllon An ad leonnl feature wlll bo tho warden Two Guards Are Ruled Negligent ymms pom Mm cm Wllmuu mum he Inlrr or In all wan nlncurrrl ulm lhahnu were mrml wllh hlnnhlln ind Mu um um um lho unmi av The Jury mar minimll mlnulu found hnwerrr llml In Him blhnvnl In llly Am Inmul mlnu cnn lhlmllon In onlrrln lur lunlu mod wflh pain norm II when mud Ray mnnd Tolller 33 Md bound IIM ml tool Allen Mnclml lrdml mm mlnlumr nl penlloullnrlrn nml llnlnml LIFIMCMI pmlxlrnl CM 5ch Almlnllnn lo cal ropmenllnl mo lumlL Tum would he no Cnnndlnn call or tho wnrhcndl lhcm Ichu but nccoEllnu llmm wll rcqulru ncw 1nd at unlvr or Iho Voodoo 1m Cnnndn would hnvn lo huy hm war hcad mm mm the US The con but upeclcd lo lm uttmlvo luman lndlcmd Friday mm undmlnndlng on Um Wnrhrlull IIqu hld been rrnrhml wllh Kennedy hul do rllmd Io lpcll onl dumb my Ina ho didlmlwunl lo troop lhu Commllnlqu Voodoo 1n Imamplan Iormln pm of North Amcrlmn nIr db Icnccs Cuxlody would nmnln with Iho US but llnnl decl Ilon to whclhnr they tvll Would ho had would ml with he Cnnudlnn Monuman NEED NEW CARRIER wm key adlecu before bInzlnz replace lho two land HI rnngcd mm chnncca uclu disarmament lrlcky Grout Luke wulnrlmnl dispuln Hm subjects some Cu nndlnn vessels to union hum mcnl In Amerknn pom Whnl omnme hnd been Ichcdulcd II mo Han wilh Pearson orAlhc 400d Canndiun ram an nvent featuring both leader halfway pom In their first mull since Panrsnnl elcvn llon to prime mlanur Allnmcy General Robert Ken nedy bright with bluemen mg painting and china IK IMan FEQTURES BOT MEN appearance the Red Knight an RCA pilot who le fly red jet lralner Dmrmuml hnl you wlem nun Ind llnlh mumr ware Mm IHIM mlnnlli nrlligml lllPr the Jury hennl Ive 11er lullmnny llnlllnllu mowed an we dead men wm muck by xuuv IhaIu Ind by Alphonu lm nrmngux one yl IM mm Trlllrr ullul llosr ml In dld on the wrlmnm Mam Manaux The nthor pm nncr Marmux mmln CIude Mnrrnul wumlnl lurkul In Ihrm wmn pl InIl Inmlnl The umlllvo mm mm on cr mm dmrmlcd to uulh Ind came nu la Into wllh plnnn In Alorg Mndawv khy yuu Vlnvnrlrd wipe nun nmly grin your rnvndl Ihu wl In nn lnlcmhc day dimm Ilom beginnlnn ovu tho lunth con able hm ll lhls cold wlmlnwcpl mun Friday lhn pruldcnl and lhu prlmn miull den with Tho prospctll lnr dimmnmcnl and lhn nboll lion cl nuclnnr wunponl lullnr UsCnnmllnn dcfcnru mu Dclcncv produrllpr PM aonal exchange between lha lwo lendm Pcnnon InId he rc nllzod Kcnmdy was he butler mun luuullnu lhmby lhn ha 11le have In cull morn ollnn on Konnndy lhnn Kcnnrdy would on Pcnrwn But he mused the need um 01 uuklnu channel commu mcnuam oulnldu the dlnnry came of govcmmenl ihnnncll Kennedy smoking wnnniy oi his conversation with Pearson said they had made good my ms in discussing six brand item during the day They added to tho list Friday night with dinner inbin discussion on EnsiWcsl miniinns nnd lhu Allunlian in Laos Cnnndn in member oi the lhrccmnn inter national conimi commiuiom slnlinned there Pearson spokn specifically of lhe need reviving and lnlem llylnz chnnncls communist Hon between the two zavnm moms Includan lhu vnrlaul do lance cconomlc nnd other com mmm whlch had been set up resolve Ipcclllc Issue but which had not unclloncd lo nny extent In tho Ins year lho DIeIcnbukcr zuvnrnment Pearson did rm give nu do lniia sayinz he didnl wnni in scoop tho Joint communique ia ho issued About pm EDT today But he cmphusixed than was no waste oi limo in the discussions lie was extremely pleased with ihe warm iriendiy recupiion he had received irom Kennedy and the speed with which they were movinl in eliminalo tho lnrrln period disharmony that characierized rlnlinna in pmginus months Saying he plans lie see the maiden in the future as oiien nu possibie Pearson indicated at press confluence Friday night that lhe twn leaders have reached an underliandinz on ire question of providing Cun nda wiih nuclear warheads iar ii anrc nnii aircraft mis riieg and Voorioo ici iianierr omclnls who attended the first day the twoAday nummlt mks said more agreement was reached between Canada and the US 1n nine hours of discus sinns than hnd been reached 1n Um Ins lirmonths Dy HAROLD MORRISON RYANle POBT Mass CF Prlme Mlnlsler Pealsun and resident Kennedy have moved 9wmly toward the decision mklng stage on major Canada US Issues preparan tho way nr new era in Intensified per sannl diplomacy between the two leaders To Issue Ioint Communiqfie As TwoDay Parley Closes HERES ONE vilrdlh Muiutvl Io No Man Than Par CopyM Pug Gear and eald tonight Sunny and warmer Sunday nlght 27 High mamrow 55 For lummary turn to page two Local Weather Warden mu Mld in nu mvlnralwtnn he an Iln mm mm In wanna Tflllpr Inllmd from um um mortal Bowman and Annie Muriel 39 tin um luund mmlually namlrml Th Ihlm unrd Ulllu Ammjllu he wllhhcld hl In by cnuu he mnlslnl clurly luklc Ihc an An uulnply nlw nlmwrd Tel Hrr lullele number slnb wnundl um Imlmnny nl lho In mwl Invnrnlod wry mm nlmd by IM dud 9115M mm wovmmrAm mnulvlrnd Inmllhlnl Ihqrplhojvlth 11w dmm wm nmmunwl by Dnmnlcul rndlo mm 0mm nllnlghl nulon aI Um Icnlullonny cmmcll Jundl nou drnlhl wnu mlnllltr lulrlnncl In pupa lnxlunntlonrlddlcd only Incl DAMASCUS AP Syrnl Nullonnl Revoluuonnry Countll amounted today It had c4 carted Um mlunnllon or film Mnlslcr Sula mm mm up polnltd pro Elypl Dr Snml Jundl lo form newgovern maul The move nppcnrcd nImcd at endan wack pollllcnl cri Ill Ind Ilotoul demomlrnlinnl lhnt lhrcnlcncd Ihe romlng In Milan Syrln wllh Iraq nnd lmldrm Nnmrl Unilcd Arnb Humbug Today they mm to possihlu way of resolving dlflcrcncu holdln up ha CanadaUS Co lumMn River power truly £an Wes rclnllom and the Lulln Amlrlcnn INHIUDIL In cludinl lutur Cunndlnn plum or joinlnz Ihc Orzlnlullnn of Amtrlcnn 5mm shnrlng Thu development and lurlher ullliwuqn chan non of consultation and cumer nlcnllon betwccn lhu lwn ov crnmentl Fonhcnmm 1n larnnllonnl rude negnllnuonl In Geneva and The establish ment of an Interallied nuclear am under NATO and mull Inlcrnl nuclear larce Syria Appoints ProEgyptian PM LESTER PEARSON JOHN KENNEDY VIM

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