Graduation Ball Is At Central Mcr lha pertarmnnu wu warn lorlunnln to him Ihorl mull Mlh Min Robin and rum Gorqu In lhtlr drcninK mom 17 won nmnml in ï¬nd lth Mlu llohlnl nppllcd her own makeup Wn enjoer play which wu well lulled In our purwlo of min how Hm aclou ruled cl lhnlr volrcl ulnpluye lnrlnl and uyu upunlnnn mnlnd al moaphrrn nml mmcd mound he Alnge Thrn we ml up In an duun lawn and MIT mtl nnd had an nnhynhlu dllmtr lam Arlrr dinner an all went In beatnik mum home whm Immch Amrnl cxnllc mm OHM IIrhh coll Cnh mvmw Cnnndlrn unlutlv lo mmflnn Jull law ncmuumnlml by lhn Inlul lull lupu uni mullellghl 0n Salurday Ccnlrala acnlnr relay loam Bruno llcnry Bob Skrypnychuk Ray Thompson and Math Shannon Irnvcllcd lo llamlllon lo compolo In Iho llam lllon Relay Carnlval Thl track meet ll on cl lha lama ol By MICHAEL JACOHS Elmvnlo lth The mornlnl Wednudny May low by qulckly or hu nlno Iludenu Ind three leach canneclcd wllh lhn HDIIS Drama Club Mlcr hmly dcchlon an lho preceding day group dccld td In ICD llw mnllnco pulnr many of Cut on Hot Tln Roof ll mu pInylnz n1 lhl Cm Thcnlm In Tomnlo unr llnR lllc lnmnm Cnnndlnn ncl nu Toby Ilcblnl Throughout lha school year Barrie Norths Polaris has spon sored Junior and Senior Poet ry and Prosa contestr The winn ers have just been noililed In the past week Tho winners cnma irom the Senior divlsian They were Judy Batsiaae or poetry Tina Cameron and Jana Rooka lied hr the prose aarcctions The prize was $5 to each and was awarded by the English Depart men of the collegiate Al Mr Ross presented the winners lhis contest with their prises Tho prose and poelry selections by those senior students will he ubiished In our annual your Polaris Today Barrio Nurlhl Science Club will be sponsoring ils ann ual dance called Supernova You must admit that it is very unusual name The dnnco will begln at 830 pm and price at admission is 35 cents wlth an activily card and 50 cents wlth out The dress will be rock and swealer For really enjoyable time attend lhis dance Students Enjoy Toronto Trip North Names Winners Poetry Prose Contest ny gammy Asnvnu WP CONTESTANTS In the meny and prose contest Worth Collegiate are shown Cuml Collulnl COLLEGIATE CAPERSJ lrnrllc mdrr uny lur Cndcl IIIpcrllon ulllrh wlll lm held on My to In nrcnn Tlcktll nuw an Inlo mm all llnnlo Crlllml Iludtnll nm ml Iululon mm xr pumn 11w Imyn wmnum lnl alllm Mlko Lunwlm land he IMI In nnrhnrn Snuw 11ml nu our flrll YIMUDHI III yrnr mm plnlmm 11n Innpccllnn Mr Iml nl mm urkxk Trlul my now bran hmd lo dnlcrminn he member of Ihn mm which will rtprmnl Dar rlo Comm In the Genrainn lay Secondary School lrnck mm Cnnlcsumn mull mun or bub lcr Um llmm or dlslnnm pou cd to qunlfly nw mulln he Ctnlrnl Dndmlnlan Club Tournnmcnl arc bayl douhlu on by Bab Skrypnychuk and 10h Scrulon mlqu douhlu on by Mary Luu Mum and ob Sermon and WW duublu won by Mary Lou mlhDIl and Curt Bdmundn The ban IIHRICI Wfll wan by Ilnh Skrypnychuk nnd lhu erlI ï¬nale Mary hm Iflngp Tonluhl the annual Urndunllnn Dnnro wlll be held In Kl Ar thurs Coun llllc tnklnrln Thu mlmlulon ll 50 per cnupln Thu dnncu buln nlnu rlock and end ll mldnlxhl Im 11de nllmllnn an nrdxum Fofxl will be nrvrd Al ll uclncll In the grade 11 boys badmin Ion laurnnmcnl lho wlnnm were lollowa mm lhc lira place was won by Tom Arnold and Gordon Carrulhm second by mm and Huwlhnrne and lhlrd by Peter McDowell and nlnlr Kyle From 11 llnl wn lnken by Gray and Pnll second by Jim Irnm and Stanley Elliuhon nnd lhlrd by my and Vuwyl klnd In Canada wllh over Inur hundred dmcrcnl school mmpcllng Our team Iinlshcd illh nul 01 acnlur school wilh llmo lhrce minute and seconds In lhe mllu re luy Conxrulumllonsl Well the tension over The boys and glrlx cadat ofï¬cers have been chosen From nnw on practice wlll be held rcgumrly 1n preparnllon far the annual Cadct Inspectinn 0n Mundny nnd Tuesday the grade boys and girls were given basic lmning mm the ofï¬cers From now an all grades will be Involved in cadet practices Lust Tucsdny North Colleg lale held It annual Career Day 11 mst two periods of the day were devoted tn mmtnulo loc turu Ench student tram grade 11 and la ntlcndcd two lectures at his ar her choice ram mu previously provided Excellent la arlh Graduallan Dance wlll bu held May 17 In lhn Raund Room The dress wlll be semiJarmal The dance pro mlses to he the most elegant event lhe year Muslc wlll be supplle by bandr ancmbcr graduates lhls ls your damn nd your support lr ncgdcd la make ll success GRAD DANCE will Mr Ross Head of Ike from Ian linn Cameron Judy Enlllsh Dcpnruncnl They are Dalstona and Jane Rooke The Sprlnu Formal wnn mid May Prlnr la the prcunln Ion of Ihlu Drlcnlul Evmlnu lho Ichocll wclol commm men many hourl drcornlinx the gym wlm lha Orlenln molll Ln Dellnmy who dlrcclcd ha prcpnmllom Ind Mr nldlc In be thanked Ind congralu alcd or the Iuccm lhclr el um The following zvcnlng they rehcnrled or lwn hour in Call lngwmd randylnz lhcmnlvu or concan on May ll Thll concert will be In our school nnd will unlum same work publlc schnol sludenu we The Ipcclnculnr nccnvry vldcd nn Impmslve hnck rop lor lhh lmporlnnl mclnl event ELMVALE ISIAH Collan wocd Sand Ind Grnvrl wnn Inc Flm Township mnlucl Ior trulhln Ind Imullnl gnu Towmhp cuuncil unrultu nlud led the our louder unlllrd nml mmlo Ill rhnlcu III on Ildmhlo dluunion Conlurt Nch 90 mm pcr cublcynd Central accuunn pane or pnymnnl lolmlrrl 17M 1119 my mullnu look pllfl In Hm lownv Ihlp hall hm Turxdny nlnco luwnnhlp cmk IIoMnIon had In an In Toronln Mnndny cnunriln mulqr mum 11m Ono enmurulnn nolo or can rll In llnw cl pymcnu In Dmk Iner mmlnl In 50 hr lllll your Iboul mom In luck lam lmn been mllrclrd ll wu reported Activlly has luhsidcd lately at school perhum ln rcnllznllon at the approach ï¬nal oxamlnn Ions now Just month nway Nevtrtheless several evenLI dul he Iccnu enough In be the existence of In mid May doldrum or spring lever syn dmmr The band stayed in lune wllh ll pcrlormnnco on April 23 hefora the Pence Research In slMuIe In tho Collingwood Scnlar Publlc School Do not large the Talent Mghl whlch wlll be held May 24 Re hearsals are now under way more new durlng the next two weeks Membera ol the club wlll bo helpan wllh the Annual Gym Dlaplay Io be held this Saturday by Ike YMYWCA They wlll ha ln chum ha pnrklnl and dlnribqun pm grams Thu mm al also Tha publlc ll urged In attend speaker lpokl thelr vmlous uccuppflonx such an doctor psy cholnllst social worker business ndmlnlstrnlnr and many others Thl Career Day was arranged lhrough Norths guidance ofï¬cer The students grade 12 and 13 an vary grnlcful lnr this ap portunlty to attend than talks and at least be given ha opportunity to perhaps make chglce ï¬hclr lukure cmcr Collingwood Gets Gravel Coniract Stayner Band Stays In Tune By ROBERT HAWKINS Ellyn Cnllelllle STROUD Special innisni police are investigating new twist in the old saying Aprll shuwerl bring May ilawers Thats because tho flowers brought here early lhil ring by Big Ely Pain dent have disappearedi COOKSTOWN Stall when comes to the problem village council has to cope with Coakstown council his week had to admit they are endless leckens on loose brouzhz the ï¬rst shade of the aluy sea son hgxpa most some embarrassment Innnce dualrmnn Norman Bro ley raised me subject Some one asked me to council to mend the do bylaw to keep pouler from running at large he explalnmt These hlrds have already stripped several guidenszunppyrenll April Showers Bring May Flowers But May Drivers Remove Them Highlight tha ailernoon pro tram is the presentation of cer iiiicntea pins and spoon to girl and leader who qualily Four nixl will receive provin cial honor certificate and pins on completion 12 4H Hame making Club proiecia home ec onomist Mrs Marxian Taylor nngounces lhay aroMary Lynn pla gale Ivy club and Lois salt Shirley Dixon and Gloria Jen n19V mm the Thornton Na cu BEENN sum The South Simone district Achiavemenz Day Homemaking Cluhs Ike place here moiraw at the Com munity Hall Girls ram 15 clubs will be panlclfallnz on display will be the art clan made by Illa girl In lhelr Sepmlu of Summer project sewing come conducted thmulhoul the Aim mun Ali lhmuah the recent siege oi cold and now these artificial nlo ullnrl nlchard Charles Slcvnm nnd Kellh Wrigluwnnh said they law the tank parked ouuldu lho Lnku Oswcgn National Guard armory and thought lhuyd up how worked Their tin down he highway covered about lhrco mums SBILOBS TRY ARMY TANK turned Into the campus of Muylhursl Audcmy man Catholic glrll school and Ilallzd swim concrete lnunluln really dont know whll thought aald Sister Ursula Just called the ther SherlIlI dcpullc found tum ullou on leave 1mm 11ml Beach lef hiklnz along no In awny They Inllcd lhum vaganu PORTLAND Ore ANA 25 on army tank mmblcd down hlzhwny mum 01 Port land In durkncu early Thurs day It turret gun lwlnxinz argund ulpglsslng motel115 mmmn llll HAVKN ll 73 SEGA Poultry Running At Large7 Should Dog Catcher Be Cowboy Held In manor Jack édney weed 4H Club Display MTIIRIMV YMTUII TIMM Ill Run Ml 110 ll tall TONIGHT AND SATURDAY Cum mil nullurnnl la alluring Ipccll menu or Mollwrl Day CIII lw day for further nlormnllan FOR MOTHERS DAY RESERVE NOW MILES NORTH OF Mm 27 HWY III PHONE PA 66043 CEDAR RAIL Ho laid the nuclqu flux lund WHI bu formed by 310000 donnllon from lho Clty F41 monlon $1500 conlrlbullon mm the Royal Bank of Canada and an undisclosed nmaun mm lhu clly Medlclno HnL Gordon Robcriwn dnpui minisicr oi norlhnm niinin nnd commissioncr ni the Northwest Territories mid Thunduy tho ruliei iund will be needcd lo supplement aid imm iii icdcrni and territorial Invernmcnu OTTAWA CHA mile fund for ma mldcnll two north cm communities devnslaled by Iuddcn Hood Inst week ha been cshbllshcd ha lame Mme lhe cabinet mundch whnt Korma chml am lo Hay River and For Slmpson NVT will lnka The afternoon program slam at 130 pm wlth comments on club exhlblu demonstra and skits comment by visit In home economist lashon parada and presentation wards an amendment was in order also that IL wanilng be exlcad ed to pruven domestic animals from wandering loosn whim melvlllage llmllg So whnl happens nextl Who In chuse the prowlan dxlck cns And ll may are caught do they cello the wand qr tho roasting pan Asfor the Mg ger boasu wlll the dog calclh er have lo urn cowboy loo Only Lime wlll tell beauties placed the entrance oi the mldcnl home flawed lrafllc whlle passan momma took closer lnok Exhibit oi the garment mode by the 150 club membm in South Simcoo will be set up in lilo hnii tomorrow morning aiiu registration at am Jud gin and ociivily period ioiiow until noon Clubs participating in lhe ia Ihlon show will be Benton Band Head No Knock and Thorn ton No Girls receiving pm vincial hnnnn will also be mod elling their soparales Clark Jan Cmth was in suucm by council to draw up the neatsury clung to he bylaw However nothing we mentioned about enlmemenk Huge uma filled with bright led geranium 01151 and ir aiiing ivy were placed an the alone piiim at the entrance to the house Bu Tuesday til lempialion was loo much ior sumo traveller who must imva slapped looked and taken them away Nothing wn left but lhe urns Ind the can lnsida them innisiii pai ice are thinking this one over Mn Melville Dixon Thorn ton and Mrs Sltphen nuyk RR Birth will be awarded leadership cerllllcalcs or seven and five yem urvlcc Beeton Flood Areas Aided By Relief Fund CONTINUOUD SHOW MT teacher commiilec had been Authorized in aliend lho board meeting Thursday even ing and make suggestions it prnposcd span program with nil pupils nboui 1200 oi them taking part in games at one limei The program could be held with the children divided iniu Froups ol 10 each loam perform ng part in relays with lime allowance OK 15 minuies when new groups would take over In this manner ever child boih old and young wau hnve some purl in the prizewinning possi biiitics The teachers suggested that his could ropluco march ing school yells majoreiie and other eiiorls which hey all 0ng ion much trnlning When he heard ol proposal to cancel the air parade he said this waa hlg public drawing card and the teachers should consIdcr hath pupils and rule payers Frank Keil who had been In Invar oi the parade rather ban the sports program win In agreement with Mr Spranla vote taken among the cammiituo dnclded In Iavnr ol the parade with no trimmings other than matching dress it was also agreed that malaretles were an asset even If some at the teachers cauid not teach the twirling The secretary was In4 airucled to get drummer or twan help keep marching lime No decision was mnde on he dale since this bus to be set by the agricultural representatives offlm DISPLAYS WITHDRAWN Formerly lnhle space of up to elghl lee had been allocated to schools or dlsplays on Health Engllsh Soclal sludles sclence am and cralls homo ecnnomlcs agriculture muslc and rellglou education The leachers comm THE BARRIB EXAMINER IBIDAY MAY 07 The lawnship schol fair with iew changm will be similar ioinrme1j yam Chaiiman Sï¬uule ar rived during dlscusslon VOTE TAKEN INNISFIL NOTES flux 0ch Open am pm Shaw Slum ll Dull IAIIII luv Lvmhr Co Lid DRIVEIN THEATRE La Tlmu fomcï¬r School Pair Gefs Boards Goflhead Llllle Road nl Con HURONIA WHITE ON YOUR CHOICE OF EXCITING COLOURB yuuwjmmmmm unlit Mum punyundulme Mm Shnwlnl Pmssunan flflï¬ï¬‚w mas te that these dlsplnyu were more he£r altar Lhnn the pupils and asked that the space he allocnled to other displays FROM SEEDS 10 SHOW Frank Kcll sald lhal In hl day auendlng school lnlrs the uplls had received seed and pm uccd lhelr own garden and ï¬eld cxhlblls lnr the Held crops cgelnble and flower classgs ll considered no late lnr hls plan lhl year hut ll wlll be suggested ha school boards ngree to coveran the cost 01 supplylng seed another year At present the puplls exhlblt at the sclml lalr may bu rum the lamlly garden wllh llllla at no elltgr on the plan grilhe Euplll Hunter now owner ol one of the largest poultry hatcherle In the Province got his ï¬rst start alter purchasing selling eggs hnlch for cxhlh the school Mr and went on rum there In his successful buslnesso Just Where the pupils of today would get selling hen was mutter of wonder The schiwl air will agnln bo held at the township park starl BACKACHE rtï¬mown Hum mlth Lumbar Handy In HEY KIDS mumunmmm noons OPEN 1115 mm PLUS CHILDREN UNDER 12 Yn 25¢ COLOR CARTOONS Fu ulld Inn buhtho Ihll lluduul lllllnl 10on un um In 80th 789w245 AW al pm Evenl wlll lncludl the rhowln nl anlmnlx dun livestock poultry cal and pet by school puplls Teacher ln urban school tell that puplls could wln more era In Ihun clly puplll Frank Kell ugreed and slated that lho munf hours required In mung In an rnul would rulo nut ouch ellorl as collections ul nullve woods forestrun and wzeda clam whlch aro upon lo Any chlld in my ï¬lm pl DOCTOR ï¬alIousa SPECIAL MATINEE STARTING AT Ta rull pastry Evenly food expert at Mncdonald Institute Guelph say to rull dough mm the centre lnlhn oulsldo edges in all our dlrccllons Lin mllinl pln you reach Ihe 011an get an even thickness throughout Tomdilfma snunï¬ï¬‚ Box 0qu Open 300 pm DOCTOR Ihown II Mi pm DIRK IDGARDE KENNEIH MORE DONALD SINDEN DONALDHDUSIOM Colorpy ncnmcmonfl SHANTY BAY DRIVEIll Ilwy II Guthrie NIAVII 2an Comedy HI TIMELY TIP MJIG mm on mom NEE SAT NOON