limnnn ran gum Imam mum Illetmhlldll 0m Alhuml mum Allow am my Alumlnlum Mlmh an ma Mm Im IM sml am In Mom lllnl NI um on nu lnwvr canxmpMCuu um can unu Mr run can Null gm mm 4m nououll Ill Ion um ludumIh ImMm yum Immmnd mmllu mun 01 mlam IlOtI lltllmll lndunmln dawn ll Nor up IV lum aan MI on dawn Thou were but few com ments avexhcnrd It the Harris Art Clubs annual emiblllon In Cemral United Church hall list may The majority bl Lhe nearly 200 who allmdéd lhe even In dlcaled the art show was great lmpmvcment aver he prgvlwslfew yeara var My paintings were displayed by mennch 01 Inc club The predominntlng theme seemed to relax in the blue hue There Wm law modernis design lew portraits and nne nr lwo abstraction of he human head The prom us ycnrpcu we glvun what wede to he an honest nuempt But one had to look bird to ï¬nd the few pictures doc or cats Unless the ward mu was In urprelcd to mean pct sub jed lilo project wasnt all nwcd oo closcly But ln view of ma brim Mmosphere cw med by he paimlngs this par llgular discrepancy was innar Long Ill and equally broad pldurc It was closeup mm al lhrec trunks mn dtrcd 1n mlyvbrown palm wth ycllvw backdrop What made lhn plclurn lonk unlquo was me grid pnllcm Mr Finlay supnrlmposrd over lho tnllrn canvna It was like look Inz lhrouuh wlndow 1n Iome Beautlful great improve mm over last year Really something on Mme 0M he more outshindlnl pltmrc Wu Finkys pm duct or jSlmllinz lhmugh um Mods In Sprlnz came upon llcarin MRS EARL COX president the Barrie Art Club and guest spuker Alan Collier dlx ms Sam the art work on num Annual Art Exhibition Said Best In Years IYOCIQI PA 82412 MRI rmm um In H041 Mflmzllflunn Mllll cuum Ila Inh llANCHHCM COIN II CMMI Nil Yell llm RESEARCH ADVICE lï¬m IllII AND counnv uan mmwr In TODAYS STOCK PRICES Cumpllcd by Han Dunlap st mm rl Ilnlr Am nom Cum nu Cnnl row Inm my rum thlml NIBIII IIIOMION ENTRANCE MEMORIAL UAR 4m UH my any Ah DulluM dnlh mu Amu Inuwl mm Nmumu Helm umu munu anm nn Mil Dom round pom gem lAhIII lav nu Ham on Mud nu uln lmv ronmo on In 1mm lnllnd Nu hm mml nlu mung nlrvmv lpl cum Yam IL Lulu PIN NDUlnlAL MIND MUTUAL HINDI One picture of birds 1n winter scum was noted for ll stoflncss nnd delicacy Yet Ihe painter mannged to Inject nn lmprculnn the snows heaviness hnldlnx the grass dawn er tan or bricks And still the canvas gave lhu nppcnrunce sercne mung light in color and quite eye pleasng WASAGA BEACH Nearly 80 residents have pelilluncd the Chamber of Commerce here Asking Ihnl the size of Wns nu Beach Prnvinclal PM ha reduced Chamber ol Commerce um luls snld 79 persons 38 lhcm cammcrclnl pmpcrty flWnUl anch hp pcmlorr ways and looking through screen in others great majorfly ol the picture displayed had that natural lackas may were camera scenes captured at the moment vlslon and rmlned in one sqspendodAuqi pf lme lihc pm ï¬rmed In 1962 take In 11 mile of beach on Nallnwn Iain Day Thu pclllinn whlrh wll he presented with In brief to Wasngn Beach Council or approval be fore belnl 3cm in tho pmvln clal lovemmcnk asks that tho park boundary be lcmpornrlly adjusted la lake In only In men from Mnln Street nonhcnsl lo lha moulh of Um Nolanwnsuxn Rlvcr Wasaga Beach Residents Want To Reduce Provincial Park exhlhiLion the An Clubs annuai exhibition at Central United Church The iwu pic And lhere were pictures of Pruldvnl at tho IN I19 In llnnlnll Lew Nnuna Nor om Mu Mam Corp mm rm wxnum mud LIn Tulnam Tr Cm Inn Tum Unllm DII wmr OIW mllh Nw Ilmca Ncnnun i1 Immelon van ma Mum wnlu mm BARRIE Chamber 1mm 1m 11 11H nl Iai And there were more Almost 100 Some lacked ï¬nesse in de lalla omen were overburdened wiLh heavy bnuh strokes But genera mood thM nellled ï¬ver the audience must certain ly have been caused by the reshngss ol Ohc nalntlngs Commerce Gena Lnngevln nld businesses along the beach had been antclad since he park was Iormcd became fewer perm slapped the bunch Ho znld Ihn lhe pnrk closed 12 n1 Um 36 street leadinx In the beach leaving only our open pnrk cntranm Mr Lanxcvln nld tho pdlllon mks lhnl lhe boundlrlu of KM pmk be reduced until such Um Ihu norlhmt area is lully dcvclopcd park Unlll than he rcmnlndcr wnuld be open or mum usn and development nnd he succla would also he mopennd Inanl pullrc were called Hm home Mn Ilnrry ï¬rm Lclmy on chneldny or Mr husband had lnlltn Ilrewm had attempted to doctor from Drndlnrd Co lawn and Battle And wu Ill Iy rclmcd la he hmlvlllv when wu mgmltd me call II lummp pollu 0n nrrlvnl nl llw home with nu lnhulnlor he comlnhlc Marked on tho mm or over In hour orontr Dr FIrrlnnon who mind nboul In hour lam do cldcd um dull wn dul In nnmnl clutu Mn nnwtu hm been uheduled lo Into hmpllll lh lollowlnl ny lor rm opmllon was palmd IvyFred Rob lnson hit Iky wu leatherpink which seemed to just flan above tho solid black ho ï¬r trees am or stElvlng Vin de finitely noticeable in the works llc anld commercial property ownm hnvo properly nl he hunch wnrlh more lhnn $1500 mountains wlmer scans lnIl scenes still111 and one lun acl pldure WM particularly lhfcedlrnemhna pspgcl tum in the background form ed part of he exhlbition Er umlner Photo Police Tried To Save Liie W00 000 I1 it or 1000 I2 ll lndullm lloar IV ul or manulmullnl awruo or Imlu bullneu mw prom lln Inn bulldlnl In ludmuhl ml rlnllmd loadlnl 1er mp puklnl Idmln mm lor mumlnl IIr vim In In um bulld bu II nqulnd CONTACT MR THOMAS 61873 FOR RENT from tho Yukon to Alukl In an malt huuflful pm at Can11 he aid The road Ire mosliy arm though wide enough or uh travel rim with Trailer wu hued op hll Wkon trip 70 antenna H11 primary mum In nor mally done on lzInch by 10 lndl ham Ind lrnnmmd to paints In Ml stmjlg In lo He has molally commot 2d box which an Ilara up to so wet plinthu 01 hi supplies tnkm with him be tm he leaves or lummer trip along with Ill mu let In to cop with northern He brlefly described few northern dues inch wmw hem Yukonl Cflpkll which in npldly bmmlnl nllmd and commerclnl centre and Damon City le or III gold nuh dm now min 1140 houta He rumMd um the Yukon was not as nearly expemhl Ilve In In wu Alnkn thin in Aluh unlonlud Ind gain through wrlod of lull ton suncn rowrung ML Collier noted am In spite this mnny ml mlzmlnl more in lurch 1mm 1th ha oppor He Ihowed Ember slides of the WIN with end It luccullan of 21an He mentlone um ha onen worked with Akelchhook with presumed or precolored pn over whldn he outline with charcoal perky ml in la mlly will no to Nwloundlnnd or threomonlnllkaahlng chnl Tampaum law Tulm In sumy Wludlor 5L Thom London 50 65 Kllchum 65 Wlnlhlm lmlllon Cnlhlrlnu no 00 Taronlo so Kumoi 2111 BMRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY MAY 10 ma Alan Comer mud Clilidlin mm wu meat maker It an BanIa 1m Ciwl annual bun mget nd exhlhlllon It Central Hugged gym lut night Mr Collier Ind MI Amity hm travelled 1cm Cnnndn and hnvo vmm lhl Yukon Tenuoflu Ipd Mush On trip well Al MI mourn do many 00 70 lbetches ha nld Mr Comer Id be alwuyl tried to locate good camle Mud Ind then lpend weak or two pglglanI mbï¬xpmnd 1hzlr hop but he will relurn wlh the faults Mp Synmln Rlln Ind muned Ihundmlarml moved lnlo Inuthwutzm Onllrlo lodly in ldvmce mutant centre that Ippronchlnl the Gm Lakes Cool utterly wlndl will produce temperum Iomewlul lower hm on Thunduy In wumem Dnlnrlo whlla mollly lunny but cool wnlher wlll prevll In Ionhem mlonl ha prov IICQ Lake Huron Lnke Onlnrlo Nlum glam Damion Him lllon Toronto Claud Ind cool wlm shown In Iclllered Ihundermrml Indy endlnl lo nluhl Pmly cloudy Saturday wllh Hula change In temper lure Wflndn guterly 15mm 15 Sauthnm Tlmluml axiom Norlh I7 Sudbury Mollly cloudy lodny clmlnl lonl sunny Bllulflly with llllo chum In lempenluu Wlndl nanhem no lo 30 Nnnhtrn nmlllml Whllu nlver Cochran lam Moxlly Aunny Ind mlnuln ï¬nch lady md Snlurdny Wlndl Georllan lily llnllbunon Cloudy today wllh Ihowm llIII Illemoon And urly lonluhl lmly cloudy Snlurdly wllh Ill tla In In lempenlun Wind Mrmzm 1510 15 Deseribes HiaTrip To Yukon WEATHER LOCAL GENERAL KNIGHT TEMPLAII Degrees wan conferred at special ceremony In Barrla Ma ronlc Temple last week of Mount Calvary Preceptnry Knllhu Templar It was the nt llclnl VIII the Grand Muler Erma Gordon shaler 109on and Grand Chancellor Charles Welll Vlallorl were recelved by Hulh Grahlm ol Orlllla Preli dlng Preceptnr mm was dlr eaten by Rlchnrd Street ul Tor onto banquet war held uncr warda In the Bartern Star mama chin Gull and Conn Club to obtain licence sell mm with or without meal on club balls were heard In County enurt home Burn Int week Daemon were deterred by ï¬lling mem ber of the 11qu Control Baird ol Onurlo No obkcllanl wm placed any of the Ihrca Ir pllcnlons SEEK CLUB LICENCES Appllcallons by Orlllln Brunch Na R0 Canadian Legion Qrllln2qglnxCI 9nd gogchl MINESINO BALE Glcnaflon Fermi Alllilon lapped The Elkhom Spring cm by telling Fayuon Tml Maple or $2000 Bred by Harry Foyuon ol Mlnulng lhl Homeln conl men our yearold Map daughter from Hillacrufl dn JUNIOR CHAMPION Jam McCazue Alllslon he sold MI 1m Slmcoe Junior chnmplon Haluein bull to Ihu Cenlrll Ontario unit Ho In hr dum Ra Apple Herald4 Signal lrnm the Honor uu producer Lodulnr Roxla GP who law 770 recordar Ml hmer Jo Lodw Actor murve AllAmeri cnn nIor yenrllnl bull 1060 Lodelln Symbol mm VG who wu third mllklng ouryear old the Royal In ol Ihc 11mm AllCanndlan Gal 1962 Lodeslnr Symbol Raxlc Lu OP rum Junior chlm plon at the m1 Simcoe Black and Whlle Dny Halon Fnlr and now aver 16000 lbs we 5cm JAMAICA DIRECTOR Syblhorpo Backcll dlrcclor the Jamnln Phllhnrmonlc 0r chulrn will vilil Orlllin next week He will direct the Orlllln Dimlet Collcglm and Van Iannl lmlllule Canccn Hind In prolrlm May In ll lho Chlmber cl Commerco Wel come Io coll1m celebrlllon Counhlchlnl Park Mr Bock ell wn cwrdinalor or he Eulzr Week vllll In Jlmllu by Iha ODCVI Band HMCOB PRESBYTEIW luv Mm ll Mcouln mlnll Ir ol Pull Unlltd Church OrllXII ha been lltcfld ch11 man Elmm Pmbyury flu Unlled Church Cum Sculon wan held lul wrck In Callltr Slml Unllm Church HIrrlu luv MlcTnvilh Bradford wu rhoun Itcrcury and luv Mordeu Mldllnd Imlunr IPECIAL MEETING Tho mm Dlllrlcl Coulqml Bolrd wl hold Ipeclll mm In In In Board loom ll Cen lrnl Callulm Monday lo con Ilder lhl Iddlnon In NDYIh Col lulnlr Ind my nlher hmlnru Hui mly bu proprrly brnum Mort lho baud EMPLOYEES OF THE Bell Telephone Company who lath mmurlnl Ind lollvhona Inm In urvlcu provlded ll dulr Mu or unnl mlmlor mt who do not nquln down lam Iccmnmowlnllan nmpla puklnl pmlm locallnn OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT CONTACT MR THOMAS PA 61873 Awards relenlallve up to 15 year sale driving were presented to an employee the Bell Telephone Company last night John Klaehn Plant Super lnkendenl or the Central 0n tarlo Dlalrlcl tongues that the driven resented 201 year of sale der ng by Bell truck uperalan The lolal mlleaxa driven bythemenanheawards nigh equalled 7D llmes around the equator wllhou woven able accldenl Mr Klaehn congratulated the winner on their constant alm nm and ablllty In make allow ances for tho unpredldnhlu ac tlons the other fellow The Barrie City Police Da pmmenz was exiended the Beill thunk inr maintaining ha reguiaiiom lawn and Emmi atmosphere that aiiuwtd us in this kind oi record by Doug Luna Pianl Dapnrimeni Man Iicr Northern Division In replylnL Police Chiei Ed ischlrhnri mind that Barrie had recently been awarded citation by the Canadian liizhwn Sale Iy Council The award Va nu cam for complacency he laid bcceuee Ilium ior 1W1 Ihawcd that the Incident rain in the Iin was up pet can aver MI ll expected lhni 1963 will lb limllar increase lInl prm cl Moo wu wan by Mrl Mme or Mlnealnlv Secnnd prlm 50 went In Mr Run Nehon 5L Ir rloknndrerd prize nl LL mu am hi mm cquanmymuous wish the comely the Bell Tclephnne drlvcr wnuld rub on he Burris driver Inld the chlel It would help our accident Ilnllnllc ll lho com pany brought lot more my ï¬loycu Into ha Barrio non conllnucd Md ank Hersey brouuhl Money camel ram bunlnosn lrnnsncllom but when wmo money lull and Inner mount laund nearby lho ltnd engy Iqu High cup Ron Hrknrd Harrie Cil Pal Icu damn lnvutlullnx lhe dllnppcmnca of about mo In currencY and cheque lrom Tn got HIM clbn Mr Plcknrd luld lhnl Ir nobler In ovmmctrm movnd 1mm Dunlap Ilml went 55 Dunlop St Cabinet wen put Prhu lnlnlllnl HIS hm been Iwurdrd In Thu nnrrla Exlm ner Hnmn Impmumml Can ml Where Did His Money Go ï¬nd Whose Money Is This cm at the Sale Drlvlnu ward banquet lut night were lrom Ian George Walton Announce Winners 0f Contest Bell Telephone Drivers Receive Safety Awards ank Hersey brouuhl greetings ram City Councll and he clllzenl of Earrle He can grakulalcd the driven or thclr alertness and the company or provldlng Incentives for good driving The winner were told by In specim John Clark Iha OPP You are Mp1 us to enlorcc ma law by kecplng out ac cldenla of many prospeclva wellarc beneï¬ts due to the 45 million loss that was whim of alnlml pro any damage In automobile ace dents last year The speaker sald but In OPP was plunnlng nn lnlenalve crulllng cnmpalgn In order gal Ihn rluhl type man nr our work It Is hoped to ln mm lho number standard at personnel and lrafllc control In cllllles wilhln Ihe next law you he lflld In prescmlng In award to Ihe Hell driven or lhulr Inler records John Klaehn attended the Ioremcn the crew lo hun or their men George Walton Dun Cordy Gnrdun Scull Gonl Ilnng he wml In Mr Bablcrl alum lmlda an or lhv draw miyvnl 11 um box Tmn whcn Mr nobler wont to plrk up Iha cm box nld Del Picknrd he found mlss lug but In the lame drawer ha 10qu 365 lhm $20 bill Ind one 35 NH Arénrdlnu In palm Mr Bob Icr cant uccaunt or tho extra mggcy He noted that Ihe community whuln was hqgng depljlyed This ï¬gure represented an In crease of $5 million over m1 uld In eclar Clark mm tallllex Ontarln Increased by 115 In Iho Mme pcrlod There wnl one fatallly every le hour and 20 mlnules on On lario roads ha said Last your driver lravalled nimast 19 bl llon miles The rezlslrnllan mntor vchlclu Increase by 50 000 each year Is everyonal rcsponslbllily to try arrest the growth al accident death and accidents he nhdknce was old Tno lncldcnl In llll under In vmllullon orvllle Stewart Jnmes and Lawrance Orvllla Stewarll Iward repu at Bayview Terrace BAYVIEW TERRACE Now Oven rnr Your Dining IXruuu The lluyvluw Tcmca Trul Mthar In dellcloully prrrlml meal an hrr du uquhne nod In mm In In popular bu Ilylo An honour lnr mulhar The Cnmplclr Mon Fur Only For Reservations Phone PA 68534 Shlnly DIV load Illa SI One year award Sty Collinxwood two year award Crnwlord Har greaves manage lhree ynar award Asmll four year award Jardhl Ad am Ive year award Hoffman Hughes Brown Colllngwood Stun den alx year award Bummer Dnvldaon Hart Couinzwood Lelmgartlk Miller Coll nxwood leon Collln¢ wood Skinner Ward seven year award 11 001 ner Dunlap Law rcnce elght year award Mklrlson Duker Rohhlnrd nlne year award Burnle 12 year award Graham Mcï¬lbbw ll year award La Planlc your award McLeod 15ycar awardY Stewart Mlllcr John Mukran and Ken Epplcu made tho presentnllons Orville Stewart lapped the poll wllh 15 year accldent tree driving was given an engraved fountain pen and clock desk set to mark his achievm men The Sale Drivel5 Award wen given to the following all winners are resident of Barrie unless otherwise indicated Mr lllrrllnn 10mm on 00m puny 115 ml fvr ha mnmn nu um and In nd trlll Enlrl Vulrrn Cnnndl mm In hll nnw lunclon brand knowlrtlxa prnducll and rrlrme In hudquulerl In In Toronlo scnled 15 yam of 61de tree drlvlnx or the Company Examiner Photo Blah Thu Ehuwln Wllllnml Compmy of Cumin lefled nnnuuncu Ihc Ip pomlmenl or John lIrrlmn lndullrlll Dlvlllon Enlu Ilnnlur for ma lrovlnc nl Onllrln SHEHWlNWILLIAMS APPOINTMENT JOIIN lMflnlBON