OlTAWA CF The federal mcrnmcm has wurknd out proposle lo the provinces far rnyni cummlssion sludy of bk culmrnlism but may he week or II Iuyx before they are mudc publlc Prime Minlskr Pearson said the mmmissibnl terms 01 rclcrencc and lollcr lo the provinces asking mopcr mlan in Hue smdy were dls cussed by the federal cabinet at scssions ginyinn hp day ThoBoston Strangler has noihing nn Eurlu NEISMI in set lhe Strangler oi Iho 1920 who was caplumi near Kiil nrncy Mm niicr murdcrlng women In Winnipeg Nelsnn was hanged iur the slaying oi or before hty nra mudr publlc vrud want the premier lo see he lcllcr ï¬rst an will have nothan to say about it far few dnys Mr Pearson said Slnco Premier Lcsnge Que blu Mill nu rclurn mm Bum pcnn trip unlll May It was unlikely HIM lhc governments ï¬lms for he LummlssIon would bu nmdg numlc Wore lhcn Thursday on at Mudy name on the hrcls or an un nmmccmcnl 1er Quebec that ha pxmlnclnl nonmmcnt hns our lundnmcnlnl demands bnsls or toupcmliom Govt To Study Biculturalism Plans Discussed In Cabinet Quebec Youth inblcr Paul GcrlIILnlolc mid In lhe loam luxc WmImsday lhul hillnxunl 15m um hlculturnlism mud he cxnminml IL hi1 extent and In nll Its mfg MI clleruJuic lishd fur ther tundillnus mm of mm MURDER HOUSE DESTROYED BARN EXAMINER FPIDAY 10 vlnclnl auonnmy In he scope Due inquiry and In recom mendnllans and mm French and English represenlallnn an the commisslon lncludinl cn chnlrmqn Mn Pomnon was asked ther lhe conditions could be Just before lhn cabinet slumd work on he Icrms ol reformed 0n royal cammisslon on hlcullurnllsm dealing wllh hl llngunllsm any member of um commisslon would naturally be Inmlllnr with will lnnuuazcs ho mulled lhink you can take that or mmch WONT AFFECT PL 14yeamld glrl In the house shown here Thursday wreck cr started min to mnko way for parking 10 Nelson slrunglcd 22 woman and girls in the Unlted States and Can ada In his twoyum cnmar lrlvy Council President lrlau rice llnmunlnnne tlw lcdcral minister responsible or Iculnx up the commisslanl lndlcnlnd lhnl um Qurbec condlllnn unnl nllecl curran plnnl lor Ill cammlsslnn was an elec llnnrcumpnlgn promlsu ol the lllhernl and the xnvemmml hoping lnr lull caoncrnllon of All 10 provlnccs ln lhc study However Mr Lumomnune hns sald lhnl ll all wlll not men In pnrllclpalc he lcdernl uovemmnnl lr prepared ln no ahead will onlvauehec Onln rlr Ncwllrunswlek nnd Manl i515 phrllclpnllnx THY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE IA lMM Two valan records were set in the April lcdcral election mom Cnnadlans than ever he lare wen lo tha polls and In dolng no not mark for tho per ccnugo ellslhle voters who cast Hols Unofllclal mums from 50008 50310 pull showed voln tom of 7000338 more than 200000 above lhn prevloul rec ord 7690134 In Jun 1962 The two unreported polls In re molo areas Konurnnnlny River that cannot be reached unlll lhospring Ice breakup havu lower than 200 votes be tween them ole Included 91335 bnlloll cast by scrvlcemcn and lhelr amines and reprcscnled no per cent 9815171 eligible men The best prcvlous per centage was 7M letln 1958 Last year 793 per cent the electorate voted Record Number Go To The Polls By THE CANADIAN PRESS guru eligible voters an unofficial Tho nfllclal guru likely will not he nvallabla unlll In sum Province Nlld PEI N5 N8 Que om TotI 149431 70881 420840 $12788 2118307 2781573 Llh 96210 3303 106315 114565 $64878 113 Province Nlld PHI NS NB Que om Mun 535k Alla BC YNWT iotals Pct VATICAN CITYPope John whusu health ha been lha sublcct speculallon his wank la scheduled In play key raln lnday and Saturday In lhu nwnrdlng the Bnlznn Founda llon prizes nr l953hnlh wlnner and an unloakcr The Roman Calhnllc lrndnr will rccclve the Sultan Pcaco Prize today in he throne room or the Vatican rum llnliun Pruldcnl Antonin Scum Snlurday olhcr prlzc wlnnm Unilud Stale lrlslarlnn Sam Iul Ella Marlaon lnr hlslnry German born composer Paul llindcmllh or muslc German zonlogln Karl Von Frlach lnr hlalogy and mum mnlhcma llclan Andrcl Kolmogornv or mnlhcmnllcswlll rccclvo th prlm at the pmldcnls Qulrl nnl Palace on Roman hllllnp AMor Ihe prim are awarded Snlurduy the Pope will drive ram he Vallcan In Joln Ihc cer Pope John To Get Peace Prize Plans To Visit Italian Head For SMITH STUDIO Own El CP lrnm neulerml Commercial 0r Industrial Photos Passport Fllm Dcveloplng $93017 WI 153 546313 1384 10491 7900338 Porlraï¬s CALL IA Mm 96210 3303 106315 114565 64878 1135360 139354 101199 120162 139481 5082 3134825 417 mgr or early fall when Nahum Cnalanguny Chlel Electorai OI icen completes hl detailed pollbypollreporl or Purlin my The lecra party wlnnlni 12 235 seats receivad 3294 voles or par can Ihu lam Prozrculve Camem lvu received 15956 vntea 328 per cent In winnth BS seam SocialCmdn won mu lo 17 or tho New Dcmncrallc Party but NDP sup orlerl out vnknd Social Credik 1039170 to 942331 total min vnlu were cast for Independent and Communist gangldgtca 1116 when the PC won 118 ml and the le ernlx 1004 the Conservatives re cclvcd 3711 per cent 01 the vole 111 372 for 11w Liberalg NDP rccelvcd 135 per cent the 1962 volcaJn winning 19 lent and Soclal Crcdll 1111 In wln Mn 10 lndcpcndcnla received 1295 Hum mm per cent of the vols ha1h years The Canadlan Prcu parly ana by pravlncu vc ac mm was 1595834 32 many the Hm llme Papa has visited the head he Ital lnn republic Pope MI was awarded lhe Hanan Pen PrizeIbo nm at he ncwly cslflblIshud Swlu Ilallnn awardsor his efforts to recnndle the nnlluns and allhn of the world in bmher hood of peace The Poncl haallh known lo he cause concern at lhe anlcnn although he re turned nn acllve nclleduln alter lullcrlnx mlqu lllneu last Nnvcmber The exact nature of the N0 vcmber Illness has never bun disclosed The only Valium mmmunlque describing ll anld he had Ilnmach dlsordcr um caused nnemlu 441170 16433 17214 98376 414475 932354 168211 1241199 247914 172534 Speclqugqg ln suMcoz morons RAYS aopy ism npnu to All mun II Tlllll PA lIJIT MECHANICAL SERVICE BODY WORK 70937 570471 56742 73281 16192 HI 99591 942331 1030170 119 132 1167 261714 8910 151942 442712 70km 35717 222911 mm 1948 7141 11906 815 443 1217 L786 MONTREAL CF Emile Boudruu Ipokumnn or the United Steelworker Amtrlcn CLC nld Thursday Le Front do leemlon Quebecalr 11 ex plolllnz the unions strlko agnlm Solbec Cnppcr Mlnea 120 miles an Montreal for in own endl ILQ VExploits Copper Strike Neither air unlnn nor lha Snlbec strikers need the Inter vention ol tho llula bundol Ir respanslblo calllni hemsclves the MA to seal the Itflke he Iald Frenchlanguage Ilalemem Issued by mull garner Thurs day and claiming to speak or QUEBEC CPCharlcsEd nuard Cnntln Quebecs deputy allomeHencrnl IBM Thurlday hLl lmpruslon the Fran dn Liberation Quebecala In that smack nl adolescents playing revolutionaries He said he dounl lhlnk ha Aeflnyled enarm urxanlzallnn in composed of more lhan tour or Iva Indlvlduall dont lhlnk rcnl revolution arIen wnuid be anxious drfdw Enllce Inward lhcm he an Im Inclined ca name wlth what the ramler Jenn Le law said London Thu wt shouldnt exaggerate the impar unce nl lhla movement Believes Only 45 Are Operating FLQ In not than precisely whnt lheyre ueklnx they are trying to pnnlc people Theyre trying lo mnku tho publlc believe they have lhnu sand or member with or ganhalinn and method that tha OAS were army organizallun had In Alieru lhlnk Its more wordslhan anything else Whats your pleasure mxnomq ozz rpmmm mmmx Nu laid the mmM separatlu group was mpnml blo or plnnng lme bomb near the Monlml ofllcu $01 bpg comm mlne InnnMay fr Mr Boudrenu lald Um stale mcnt II lnued by the FLQ showed the organlzallan we not aware or the Solhec Illuallan when it spoke of workers ox plgllcd 33y Iarclxn ca The Steelworktrn spokclman said Solhec belonls In the Beau chemln group Frenchspeak ln qadlan cqplujlm lhm nnlfvubnm capital 15 accorded our wvrkers the Twn Iinahmws Maison Export Ate and Motsnn Canadian laual hear in ona Molsun Plaasule PakSavo money too Costs less than lZhnttla carton of nachPickupa Maison Plansuw Pak lodayand gut the pluasum at both ul laohlu lhll LONG OVER nUEWfllIHlma all mmauon or ply Inclllll Ion dim mum Inlnll In SNAW HOME SVUDV COUR$E NOWI tum madam mlhad SluflylnIhltnmmlalyamwnham lluuy Im II sum Slul II Audm Ill Mm loo IIlI lo mm ï¬lm mun hum xludy wall mu munmumllnyumlu Wm nun lav Sumn lulumum ham uudy comm as mm w1mnus SHAW SGHOG Did mu get Enjoy both in SGHOOLS IIMIYI DROPPED mar BOMB 11 hum limo mpm In wen nbuln from Unlud sum The lint an in 1549 campnnln exploiflnu Unzavn wu In 33m when Austrian vm uvyuunl Ilrlka by tomorrow mornln We Suggest LuvI Floral Amnggmonl Chalet Pomd Plan Fruh Cu Flowm or Rom Grun Pllnl Dllhli Ron Emlm Ind Glrdon Plum ern Flowm Anywhm FENDLEYS FLOWERS 74 BLAKE ST MOTHERS DAY SUNDAY MAY 12 FLOWERS FOR MOTHER Lager ON HER BIG DAY PA 35975 mm