Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 May 1963, p. 14

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AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CAR FOR SALE BAY CITY MOTORS LIMITED MAY SALE CONTINUES WITH OUTSTANDING USED CAR VALUES 1002 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE PARISIENNE Automatic transmission cus tom radio white wall tires 7000 actual miles In black with red Interior and white Orion top This car Is as new and can be yours tor only $317500 10 DOWN 1961 GALAXIE CONVERTIBLE Automatic transmission cus tom radio all new white wall tires padded dash window wa shers backup lights while In color with black top and red and white Interior one owner car Intop condition An out standing buy at $259500 I0 DOWN 1961 MONARCH DR HARDTOP Sahara Gold with matching In terior power stcerlng Dower brakes new white wall tiles custom radio saioty padded dash window washers and elec trle wipers Must be seen to be appreciated $239500 10 DOWN 1000 BUICK 4DOOR HARDTOP Power steering and brakes Custom radio automatic trans mission deop tread white wall tires many extras too num erous to mention in Oxford blue and while with mulching Interior $189500 10 DOWN 1960 NSV PRINZ Outstanding economy car with is miles per gallon of gas pos tcl green matching interior custom push button radio over night heater tor the low low price of $69500 1073 DOWN ioso OLDSMOBILE 4DOOR SEDAN As new throughout low mIIo age one owner car power steering power broker nuto mallc transmission white wall llru custom radio In tons green with matching Interior $169500 1071 DOWN 1051 DODGE REGENT DOOR Coppertone with motchlng Ih terlor Vl motor push button automatic custom radio all new white wall tires Must be teen to ba spprcclnicd $l27500 10 DOWN 1050 SIMCA VADETIE door sedan with custom radio black with contrasting Interior Vls motor low mileage as new throughout $69500 iOI DOWN i050 VOLKSWAGEN IRIS iDIZAL FOR Till CAMPER Outstanding rondition In every way Color is red and while will rent 10 In cumtuit Clear ing at only $77500 10 DOWN 1057 OLDSMOIIIIJE DOOR HARDTOI Automatic power Ilrcilng and bull radio MIIIA walla many small extra iuu ltlillttltltll to rotation for only $79500 10 DOWN PLUS 00 MORE AI USED AIIS OPEN EVENINIIS UNTIL Ill 1111 ON IiIIIhP Mt FINANI ii SALIISMEN TO SERVE YOU PAIR DEAL EVERY TIME BAY CITY MOTORS LTD All IlliAllFOItll 51 PA 07031 AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE 1m oLDsMoalLl hydrormur radio in good condition All price Televhom PA M05 after 11111 may and III day Saturday DEL AIR CIIIVI tnll miles lilw whtto 100 mechln 000 mil stick shift condition and radio prtca Iraoutsllndlng Apply Codrlngton Strut itu bonds Re cut two door hard tvgp in roon the metallic and He with automatic transmis lion ror in low Iowprird or us down and per mount PA Host PERSONALS DOMAR INVESTIGATIONS GOVERNMENT LICENSED BONDED Privata Investigators Domestic Legal General is Victoria St Toronto Phone 3040390 OLDFASHIONED lily Ride Par ties also Saddil Hut and Parties leawnat Evaninl camp fire and refrelhmentl Telephone Oro 3710 In Thurim RR On Stilton WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSINO Goverornent Chartered School Thorough training to all bran char of beauty culture DERWIN rIAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 12 WORSLEY 5T PA 05952 nunn saor coicum Bats etc by rmneo ours in to your own born or on in 31 Barrilca PA was or LOST FOUND boa Losl white fernail doll with black on lost over week end III Elm lelrd Telephoto PA Mm WALLET Losr iliana wallet last saturday night pontiin IL Ilur nhll DriveIn Theatre Contains money drlvtril licence and other pane ltaward altered Telephone PA 377 10 HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP Experienced Dictaphone Typist Wanted for local manufacturing office PHONE PA 05584 THE LUFKIN RULE C0 OF CANADA LTD AVON OPPORTUNITY VACATION PLANS AHEAD Earn good in come close to home Friend IyI pleasant and profitable vork quickly puts In your pockets representing AVON Cosmetics Write Mrs Walkcr 18 Thomson Sl Barrie or call PA 06551 TELEPHONE SOLICITORS To survey at home by telephone tor health rid accident agcn cy Experience an asset but not essential llourly rate 81 For appointment write BOX 95 BARRIE EXAMINER NANCIAL Iiutitutton rcauliu young lady prrimhiy single lor lenerat oitirr duliu Apply lalt Oitlco nor in Barrie vANTng Young or Elderly wo man to live in Rexdllc Ior ltshl household duties Telephon 11 MM ticdale Ontario zxrnntriNch Vaitrcma want cd IIunrtt ttorllinl rondltlanl Apply iiuronia aleit House riradiord at Dlrrla or ulcphoM rA Iocso wAiTitnn wanted but um and full timr Unlinrmn nd Irantportailon piovidrd Ihbita ior lnInvIw 069 at him Gar MALE HELP WANTED INTERMEDIATE DRAFTSMAN for Inold Ivork and main talning records Should have 23 years drafting ex pcrlcnue APPLY TO MANSFIELD RUillllIlt CANADA LTD Rnrrle Ont GENERAL IIIACIIINIsrs aiitl MACHINE IIIlERS Must lie Experienced 00001 ltATtS OF DtillIAllY lIAIILOYM Otftlhlildmi WELW illZNtIlllli Apply or Write PlIltSONNlll lllZlAltlMHNT tiliand Asr Suulhl ltAlltIOtth warm AND 1011111 MctUll0tll LIMITED GALI ONrAIIIo YOUNG MAN inquiml Iar Junior ttltlln lusl lion III that lIIIIlIIctlIIII fliiilrol lllliarliiicnl til IIILL 11 CANADA LTD Telephone lur nptulinlnirnt PA MN All Illll IDIIIAIIIIII Iltl your mum Muirflan ml on tuluto town Am tylvu manned the possibility bf Hi In Undervillus The NorthTn rm AMItnrl nt rmntl nrlnlnl in II man who ltllll mnna ta my Imam pl lllt sir Irmr AIDIII MIMI Inlltr on nu UM All pitr man eiItIIL HELP within MALE HELP SALES CAREER Well established Barrie Branch Oillce for large National Firm desires to contact local man to 45 years ol age for sales position Sales experience desirable but not necessary Excellent staltlng salary with opportunity for advancement Group Benefits including hospitalization Liin Insurance and Pension ALL INQUIRIES IN STRICIEST CONFIDENCE WRITE TO BOX 96 BARRIE EXAMINER GIVING QUALIFICATIONS MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITY For Young Men Who Like People no you enjoy working with pr plei Are you ambitious for early success llFCs inten sive Management Training Program helps you becoi an executive quickly Nonselling Interviewing ls major part 01 job Age 21 to 20 high school graduate Straight salary with incmascs bascd on periorm once advancement opporiun ity security cmployca bene fits HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORP 28 Dunlop St West Phone 1A M5534 Opcn Friday till pm MAN Tim to work on poultry tlrm Expeilenea not can Telephona Lrtroy mitt MAN WITH Tractor to piouTh iv acres Alfalfa and Telephone Strnud zsitlol WANTED Licensed Body man will tooia Must be experienced Contact George Rogers at PA 1165 sALasltAN not high prcsiurc out rlthar the urncti man who will welcome cleancut permnn ent opportitnlty with an unplan ed nnanciai lrulltullnn Uur quali ftcltlnnl are high but if you can mellurc up no can xhow you command future with oppor tunlty to move Into management Apply In person to Mr Kelly NI tIonIl Employment Office to Owen si Barrie Ontario MALE Ur FEMALE MIDDLE Am Cniiplc Handyman in look ailcr bulltilng ror reduced feat Vriia isox so lllrric Exam Mr Tim PriorLI wntcd to train or full time rcai est ittmrn is to so yura Also lIlI1a salu nian wantcd for Ana am an 02 Harris izxamincr IRAN on WOMAN required im mcdistrly ror route unrk in Till rlr Steady Employment Chauff curl licence rrqairrri Apply lllgh way 11 at snonly slay Ilaud Tetr phone PA Mm EMPLOYMENT WANTED iAiNrtVn and Dccflllllng lira1i Itoiicr Law prim 1m Telephone IA scoot thinc mature willow dcstrc housekeeping post tlcn um retired family or one erron loin cook Itelrrences 1cm trita liox bl Llarrla Ennis incr YOU WOULDNT DISCONNECT YOUR PHONE COUPLE OF DAYS WEEK because you than that good prospects mnthl be trying to gtI in touch will you tJtng those oerlods whonyour phone service ls discontinued its the ramp with your RtiVCI Ilslng Pcnplu am having every day Dont Ict that rIIIsIIIlts pass you by because your advertising dlsconilnued northerly II LEGAL NOTICES CANADA WARNING MEAFORD TANK RANGE Firing will be carried out at Mcaford lank Range untll fur ther notice The range property comprises the following area Commencing at point being the southeast corncroi lot is concession 12 and ioilowing the southerly boundary of lot 20 distance of 360 feet to the foot 01 vertical clllf thence south eastcrly and following the foot of the vertical cliff to con crete monument numbered 1B thence easterly to concrete monument numbered 17 sttunt ed on the westerly limit oi lot 27 concession 11 thence south crly along the westerly limit at the line between conclusions 12 and ii to point being the southwesterly corner of the NI of lot 26 concession 11 thence following the southerly bound ary oi the oi lot 20 to concrete monument numbered 14 thence southerly Iollowing the westerly boundary of lot 26 concession 10 along the cost limit of the road allowance be tween concessions It and 10 to point bclng lbc southwestcrly corner at lot 25 conccsslon 10 thence easterly along the south crly boundary of lot 25 conces slan 10 and lot 25 concession to point being the souttg custcrly corner of lot 15 con ccssion thence northerly along the westcriyiimit oi the line bctwacn concessions 11 and II to point being the south caslcrly corner of the N11 of lot 27 concession thence East erly following the southerly boundary at the NA of lot 27 concession ti and the Nth at lot 27 conclusion to point bclng the southeastcrly corner ol the NWla of lot 27 concession tllcnce northcrly tollowing the easterly boundary of the MW of lot 27 concession dis lance at 1000 1ch to concrete inanlimcnl numbered thence easterly onll tollowing the south4 erly boundary aI lot 28 conces sion distance at 2200 lent to it monument numbcrcd thence northerly and following the easterly boundary of lot 23 concession distance at 2000 tent to concrete monument ntlmbcrcd thence easterly luiiawing thc southerly boundary of lot 29 concession dis tlincc at 3000 lcet to the shore of Georgian tlhy thence ax lcnding out into Georgian tiny Ii distance at miles thcnce and westerly still keeping distance of miles trom the shore line to point opposite the continuation ol the southwesterly limit at lot broken Iront concussion thenca southerly anti following the west rrty limit of lot broken Iront concession and lot concession dtttance at 4AM feel to concrete monument numbered 13 thence westerly following the southerly boundary oi lot concession distanto at 700 fuel to concrete monument 32 thence southerly distance of 3200 loci in concrete monument numbered thence westerly thchco easterly and following the mummy boundary of lot comes alon for distance 01 400 feet to concrete monument numbered 10 thence southerly and allowing the westerly boundary at lotn concession distance of 3200 feet to con crete monument numbered 29 thence in southeasterly direc tion for distance of 2100 feet to concrete monument numbered 20 lheuco easterly for dis lance of 1000 feet to concrete monument numbered 27 thence following the easterly limit at the line between concessions and 12 for distance of 7400 feet to the point at commence ment The land danger area oi the range ls clearly defined by dan ger signs Ailcmale description of water area Is as follows Beginning at point on share in latitude North is degrees 42 minutes and 50 seconds longi tude West 00 degrees 45 min utes and 20 seconds taken from Canadian ttydrographlc Service Chart No 1001 thence 315 miles s23 degrees to gas oline buoy at it degrees to minutes and 12 seconds 80 degrees is minutes and 42 are onds thence 51 degrees for it llItl miles to it degrees it minutes and 11 seconds 111 130 degrees to minutes and 21 sec onds thence 91 degrees for miles to it degrees 18 min utes and 27 seconds till de grees in minutes and 28 sec onds thence lit degrees for til mliu to 44 degrees 12 minutes 17 seconds 00 de grees 31 minutes and as see ands thence 230 degrees for an miles to it degrees as minutes 50 seconds 00 de grees 37 minutes and 38 sec onds bcing point on the shorts line about miles northward oi hleaiord The boundary will be marked by spar buoys ornngo yellow in colour STRAY AMMUNITION AND EXPLOSIVE OBJECTS Bombs nrcnadcs shells and similar explosive objects are hazard to tile and limb Do not pick up or retain such objects as souvenirs if you have found or hawl In your possession arty object which you believe to be an explosive notify your local police and arrangements will be made to dispose of 11 Extreme caution Ls to be ex crclsed whiLst navigating the water area and trespassing on the land area is strictly pro blbited The Crown will not accept re sponsibility for any claims which may arise out of damage or In jury tlncluding death to per sons or pro erty rcsulilng trorn disregard this notice By order ARMSTRONGL Deputy Minister Dept of National Deicnce OttawaI Canada HO tSTOl Vol IO lllay 117M CANADA WARNING CAMP BORDEN RANGES Firing will be carried out on the Camp Borden Ranges until further notice Ic range property llca with in the camp boundary and Is bounded as follows To the NORTH by the Sunni daio Tossoionilo Township line and to the EAST by Ira Fourth Line of tho Township of Essa and to the SOUTII by the llttccnth side road of the Township of Tossorontio and to the WEST by the Fourth Lino oi the Township oi Toss orontlo The danger areas are clearly 11fittli by danger signs on all approaches and indication that firing Is In progress is given bytha flying of red flags at art trances to ranges and at the firing point and butts STRAY AMMUNITION AND EXPLOSIVE OBJECTS Bombs grenades strolls and similar explosive objects era hazard to tile and limb Do not pick up or retain such ob jeots as souvenirsu It you have found or have in your posseulon any object which you believe to be an explos ive notily your local police and arrangements will be madato dispose oi it No unauthorized person may enter the range property and trespassing is prohibited The Crown will not accept responsibility tor any claims which may arise out of damage or injury including death to persons or property resulting from disregard of this notice BY ORDER Armstrong Deputy Minister Department at National Defence OTTAWA Canada HQ 45701 Vol 10 May 1933 12 TENDERS TENDERS FOR BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION SEALED TENDERS plainly marked as to contents will be received by the Clerk of the County at Simcoe until 1200 oclock noon DS on THURSDAY MA 13 1003 for the construction oi three rlgld frame reinforced con crete bridges over Bear Creek on Stmcoe County Road No 17 The work includes detour con struction nmoval oi existing structures unwatarlng timber piling constnictlon ol the now bridges and roadbed approaches and all other work necessary for complete job Plans specifications and forms at tcndcr may be obtained at tho Simcoe County Engineers Otilce or at the offices oi the Consulting Engineers in Port Credlt for the sum oi Nenty Dollars 62000 which will not be rciuadcd Bidders will be required to ten der on all thrcestnicturcs Ten tiers for each structure must accompanied by mark cheque for an amount equal to at the Individual tender and the successful bidder must pro vide contract bond for 100 oi the total tncder for each structure Failure to submit tenders for End at the three structurcs will result in the tender not being considered The lowest or any tender shall not necessarily be accepted CLARK Eng Slmcoo County Engineer County Court House RARRIE Ontario MCCORMICK AND RANKIN LIMITED ll Stavcbank Road PORT CREDIT Ontario Consulting Engineers CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSIIIP OF VESPRA TENDERS will be received by the undersigned clerk up to 12 oclock noon Friday May 17 1061 for the collection and dis posal of garbage from the Little Lake arch for tho following dates May 21 June and 17 July and each Monday there alter up to and including Sop tcmbcr Where holiday fails on Monday collection will be on Thcsdny it mu ruutitNIvn 0t EARL RICHARDSON Clerk 11 Owen SL Dorrie It 12 TENDERS coniorm with regulations ing capacity of the bus routes TENDERS will be received by the under signed for the SALE AND REMOVAL OF THE DRIVING SHED AT ST JAMES UNITED CHURCH STROUD ONT Tenders must be received by June 196 and work com pieted by 0d 1061 STEWART FISHER Stroud Ont 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Saturday May 11 at pm sharp for die estate oi the late MARGARET PIERCE Beside the Anglican Church hlidhursl Vlllaga SALE oi property including house and lot household furni ture building Equipment and butcher equipment Terms cash No reserve as the estate has to be settled JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer 01 Farm Farm Stock and Im plcmans for MRS WESLEY llUTCIllNSON At Lot 11 Con 11 Sunnldaie at Sunnldale Corners on TUESDAY MAY 14 at At the same tme and pine the form will be oficrcd for sale subject to resene bld Terms oi chattelscash Terms on farm made known day oi sale LIIARLES FOSTER Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Saturday MAB 18 At 1230 pm ST FOR ELWOOD JENNETI At Lot 10 Concession Essa Township miles west of High way 27 and ti miia straight south ol Ivy Village SALE of farm stock lmple meats and hollsehold lurnltura Including some antiques Terms cosh No reserve as the farm Is sold JERRY COUGIILIN Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Saturday May 25 12 Noon Sharp tor ED GRENIER Farm located on Concession 05 Tiny Township half way between Wyebrldgc and Wye vole 52 head registered llcro lord cattle full line farm mo chlnery Iiitc new Terms lJ cash on new machinery and cattle balance on approved joint note Interest It pcr annum ANDERSON PLOWMAN AND COLWIIL Auctioneers and Sale Managers THE RARRIE EXAMINER Interested parties may obtain the layout of the proposed routes from the Chairman and may tender on any number of FRIDAY MAY 10 TENDER FOR SCHOOL BUS SERVICE Inntsill Township School Aron No Board invites tenders for the Transportation of elementary School pupils Route No opproximately 2s mllu approximately 45 pupils Route No approximately likmlles approximately 50 pupils Route No approximately to miles approximately 55 pupils Routa No approximately miles approximately 20 pupils Sealed marked tenders will be received by the undersigned until oclock pm Wednesday May 15th lots All buses must conform with tho regulations of the Highway Tralitc Act and the Departmera 01 Education be driven by epiperz atora approved by the Board and adequate insurance carri by the owner Buses must be painted yellow with black lettering to All tenders must state the year o1 manulacturo and tha seat Lowest tender not necessarily accepted MR DON BEAITY Chairman of the Board RR No Lelioy Ontario Is AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Saturday May 18 pm sharp for MRS WESLEY STOREY Lot 15 Concession Oro Towm ship miles north of No 11 Highway at Mitchell Square at cattlo tall blood test edl Farm Machinery some household effects including dishes and antiques Terms cash No reserve as the farm sold CHARLES THORNTON Auc tioneer loo Noywash St Orti liaI phoaa 3206761 AUCTION SALE Saturday May 25 at pm Shar DST For the estate at late EL WOOD PULLBROOK on the county road miles south west oi Creemore 0R miles north east at Dunedin Solo oi prop erty room home all new od modern furniture dishes elec trical appliances 1057 Oxford Morris car and garden tools Terms cash No rcservo as the estate must be settled JERRY COUGIILINl Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Saturday June at 12 noon sharp for ORVILLE MILLER At Lot 12 Concession Essa Township four miles straight north of Alllston turn north at Jerrys Garage in Alliston Solo of 70 head of Duollurposa Shorthorru Beef Cattle tilgnr class Farm Machinery Grain Poultry and some lioiuehol Effects Terms cash No rcscrva as the farm is sold JERRY COUGHLIN Auctionmr AUCTION SALE Consisting oi performance test some with calves from and CALANNIRE FARMS pm EDST APPROVED PIIDIGREE SALE 3RD POLLED HEREFORD PRODUCTION SALE ed bulls Eligible for govern ment bonus Bred heifers herds of DARRIEVIEW FARMS at BARRIE PAIR GROUNDS Saturday May 11 Sale under cover lunch ovoll able an CYRIL COOK CALVIN IRELAND Coot It Want Ad Section accepted until pm Day hciora publication PHONE PA Mill GUARANTEED ALL THE HOT WATER YOU NEED WITH FLAI RATE Etrcraic WATER HEATER TANK RENTAL ONLY For Month BARRIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION III BAYFIELD STREET PA 64825 le0 Dollar Electrically on twsu um

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