Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 May 1963, p. 7

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mum Mil mafia Camilla ml kl In 1qu Dmunm Inbme hmlun Now only 21 Ilevcalinu sumo at the alarm Ing and dlscouraglng lncla ll covered during recent survay Mlss Yuck slalcd that in 1930 women made up 325 per cent members or college laculllex In 195m Ihls llgure hnd re duced to 22 per cent In 1920 women enrncd PHD granted and lodny they earn 110 llllla over per can Unlled Stale duelorn laday an women no larger prapnrllcn than In 1910 In 1901 15 pu can of Ill wo men wnrken were in tin yro slalom In 1951 14 per cent of all women workm win In tho 9999 mu Ynék remarked um whll mm were US gum she lull lhglalg ppply to Canada Yet Jusf varien 231nm hukwnrd revolution he world mony women are re Irentlnu la cocoon of babies bottles and suburbln Music that they will lose somnlhlng called Iemihinky they dare have serious houghL serious job or artisllc Interest oulslde their homes or serlous difference of oplnlon with anyone the es peclnlly mule said he speak Vhalcvnr ha pond to ma hrnve new work cl women en visioncd hr the xuflrngelles at the mm the century quel llaned Mix Yuck ALAIIMING FACTS Miss Yuck was speaking the annual dinner mccllng the Barrie Universily Vomcn Club held at he Conllnenlal Inn last evcnlng Her Subject was Wumena World Today backward revolutlum Tile den ihui all Joy begins in hamemukcrs own back ynrd is nonsense along with the idea that woman is aniy good decent wife ii she may at home sits buck and keeps quiet said Miss Jean Yank as sociulc editor of Chniclainc FHA MIMI IM ll ms WOOLWOMII 0M1 0N PURCHASE EV nunnu INAVII Illmm Immune mm IM CIMHING AT THE unnqu dlnner meeting the Barrie Unlverslly Womens Club are Editor Tells Trained Women To PrepareFor New Dual BOIe SHAVEMASTER TIMIde Rm Mam mum mm mm Sunburn Mule mammul hummus and save$ll80 TRADEIN OFFER WEBBS JEWELLERY BIG The trend or wva and mothers lo work if no whenlhu children are young certainly when they are In high school and later While today In Canada one nut or five wo men work by he 1970 EH prechled lhul erce nu of five will work Thus while research shows that lhe lrend ls or marrIEd women to return to onisldc jobs iigures also show lhal todays young girls are nol careeror lcnlcd but prefer lo think of early marriage and iamllles They do nut ar cannot believe that very likely they will nilcr marriage llliss Yan mmment ed They are lhercfore not pre paflnl or worthwhile work or career that bring them sal 151mm and also nerve mu oulslde ls neodan and beckon ing to them more strongly than ever In our technological use we need skills of all klnds some to be suppllcd surely by educat ed lntolllgnnt women who dont nuddenly cut oil thelr heads manluzc and motherhood sold the speaker from thé Ken Mrs John Lak ng Incoming president Miss Jean Yuck guest speaker 50 DUNLOF 51 EAST WALK There hlngs we can do lo make lhl revolution 11 happy one ML Yack slalod We can lunch today glrls what the world wlll ho llke lumunnw Teach sous la live In Illa world of evolullan of me sexual Keep In nur heads in the land no mlullan mo ucalors and publlcisls began to Icll young girl what their lulum llle wlll really be like and encourage them Io prepare lnr ll In letnag girl of today wlll spend 25 yenrs In Ihe labor orce ac cording to prescnl trend slal cdule spenkgr lion reveals the allowing chafige in the war women the 70s and 80s Women wlll get married earlier and earlier The average woman worker will be married and years at age having had her last child at 25 ciely they live In she cc ued FREPARE FOR FUEURE She suggested thnl Its llme society geared llscll and Its work In permit women In relum to flu Jab lorce keep up their and Mrs Archie Ross outgo ing prmdenl Examlncr Photo Inv she contin mum IIUUNF Dull am 10 pm dendlyl Ml um In 11 Man hlflul lll IIII One of her pet prujuds call ed The Last Word Is Yours caturing readers lcucrs which she edits each month Miss Yack writes the occusinnnl article or summary but scldum as ediling lsua 5111 IIch job asEisling in serving inéludci Mrs McQuay Mrs Savings Mrs Jvhmmne and Mrs Rnb son skills and brush up on pro sions during toddler mia stage VARIED CAREER Miss Yuck Is an hnnnrs gradu nle in history and economics Irnm McGlll University She worked as translator fur Mun real banks of French Spanish and German than switcth to Ivorklng In English and Journal sm She started as Irscdrdwl on Mncleans lhen moved to Chnlalnine as copy cdilnr MILn became nssoclaln editor in charge co nrdinnling all service dnpartmcnls the mag azinc fund Iashion bcauy homes crafts cons Villcrhubblcsn sknng snow and walcr gull cnéking mu sic travel reading Guests were received by Sar pllmlsl Past Prcsldent lrs lma Lee asslstcd by the Scn or Cltlzcns Club President Mr irlllith Presldlng at the on table ere Mrs Barron Mrs Rey nolds Mrs ll Smith Mrs JcKee Mrsv McBride Mrsl llllllken Mrs Collins Mrs Banting Mrsl Ross Mrs Prat all members or the Senior Citi zens Club Tea assislants Included Sor opumle members Mrs Amy Sargent Mlss Gnlu Finley Mrs Kay Stewart Mrs Hazel Beaumont Mrs Edythe Max well and Mrs Winnilmd Bmwn In Sminr Cifize lnwlhcr sisli in serving included llE BAlmlE HNER TYUIWMY MAY ma The annunl Tea or Senior illzcm sponsnrcd by he Sor pllmisl Club of Barrie was eld yesterday aIlErnnnn In the oyul True Blue Hall High Inset Humes First Lady Mrs Les ookc accompnnlcd by Mayor ooko officially opened ma tea 230 pm Mrs Jean Christie and Mrs armhy Vane were lea con encrs irst Lady Officiateb At Tea 70r Seni01 Citizens 0f Barrie The kitchen convuncr Mrs able Rey Mrs Mrs Mrs Pratt Jean Pratt wus assismd by Mlss Clalre Tillman Mrs Llew elln Machines Mrs Margaret Lawrence and Miss Lnllnn Mc Kinnon Clearing nwuy alter the ten was done by Miss Flora MCGN EDP Mrs Enld Copeland Mrs Helen Harris and Mrs Mary Wiseman Bnkc whlcs were convened by Mrs Bowlm Mrs Munro Mrs Britten Mrs Abel Mrs Headway Mrs Seal and Mrs Pratt Mrs 165 Canker VSIranvEm Avenue wan Hue antique bed spycad in 15363 the arm evening Tho slain Is as allows Past Prusidcnl Mrs Archie Russ President Mrs John Laking Viwlrnsidcnl Mrs Arthur Mo Loan Federation represenimlvc Mrs William Pnuiin Scholar ship convener Mrs Miller asslslcd by Mrs Harry noakc ngram convener Mrs James Kelly Membership canvaner Mrs Ross Adams Social Con vener Mrs Dnle Hodges RI nnznar rubles were convened by Mrs Campbell Mrs ch man Mrs Simons and Mrs Baron Mr Kcnnedy Mn Abcll and Mr Crass were in dunac or um CLupgry Stare Ticket convencrs or the an liquv hun mad bedspread ware Mrs McBride and Swap mist treasurer Mrs himIon Wallace Sale of llckcrs or in My dollar hlll were charge of Mrsr Walsh The draw for this was made by President Mr Griffith and won by Mrs Nel lln Murray hf Cdaringlon Slrcet The floral nrrnngcmcnl cm lcring the ten table was won by Miss Dorothy both Dunlap Street All pmcccds or the ten go he Saraplimists main prnjoct Tlue nelivilies the Senlor Cil lzcns of his nrca Mulch the Soloptimist Club 01 Barrie rounded Mrs John Laking Heads Barrie UWC The next execullve ollhr liar Universin Womens Club 1963 was Introduced 10 annual dinnnr meeting lask cording Secretary Mrs Marcel Rnclnu Corresponding Socrat ury Mls Nancy Smllh lrn urer Miss Jmmctlc Gilluspm Press chonur Mrs John stuw mt nw axmumnn WANT ADS mmNE IA xzm FOLLOWIN THE unichll opening the Tea or Senior Cilizens Mrs Ollvc Rcylmh puurs lea Inr he first gucslx Mayor Les Cooke Mrs Cooke who performed the opening so DUNLOP TH mm nouns mu WWI11 MS In ll NM Sklpnlos stylus of llahlwelghl Lycra power not with snlin Influx Iron and back panels and wail band 6ML 51109 In whlto Long leg punHo girdle llluslmlcd my $10 Puon slylo flag 50 WALKETRS mm EASTER snocx HIITCHLY England CIJ Mary rivmuy cnmplamcd lc hm lam hnkvry that mu th lxnl cross buns she huughl Radar hml swnslikn of cmss The aston ml baker muld after no ex pnnutiun or his hot swusfika bum ccremnny Grlflilhs lrcsklcnl of the Senior CM ZCnx club nnd Mrs Jean Chrisllc Convener or he event which is sponsored by he SorupliInIsL Club oi Dar at Spoclal Savlnga Durlng Lets Fall In Love Sale rle Examiner Photo Your In New Comm 85 Robert and Sams Collie mm Excllemcnl From Thu Lendan llnlr Styllsls AI 699 599 913

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