lknr Ann Lumlm us In lclmlrd III lthr mm ho mulhcr young denim llo had Jun lnuuu ln uruullcu and svmzll his rclmlux wrnl In Ilm fur xlrntnl nun WuII 1m arm lhrm hHlx fur hlh same they Hthd In my ThLy will my me helping him get nrlitluu and llml he should nnnnulnle lhclr willlnnnoss lnlc DIIHN Kill him intvmwl Yunw lusl nnlhlng and lhcyvc paintd nutlvim TIM which has made llm lum Ily look ridiculous TLMZHI OST Dear Dnndc Some nuwspap ers mfy Mich Incl hm llmsl nll£ps assumr Hull people me no gain In uhuul their education In diwppuinunu hm pvoplv nu dlslx mu why Ireyun check the lucLs Do they prim any thing hunde lo lhcm and as sume is cnrrncl Id like your cummrnta und sn wunld other In his lawnDUNDEE Tll DAD The girls fiance is young man from New YnIk Accum Imz In the newspaper announce mcnl be Is gradunln at Yale He says Pleased to mculchn and Id rader lunre duu don dnzc My husband Is Ynln nnd he minus Dcnr Ann Lnndm The whole town ls lnlking about Ihis and most pcupIc are as lnccnscd as nm The approachng mar riage young woman was announced reccnlly In Ihc news paper The girl lunde out of the Unlvursily of Michigan hnd lhc Inllnwing your returned hnnm after attending Michigun State or cw monhs Then she won east and got job wurklng in department store The newspupcr announcement dcscrlhcd her as graduate 01 Radcliffe DUNLOP EAST PA 04104 OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 900 PM For The Hrlxlmmnld For Ihn Molhvr the man DI 05 For The ANN LANDERS on up on boat cluh dunk Philadelphia he wrigglcs Princess Grace Monaco righl tells her young son Prince Albcn to slmlghb College Graduation Via The Printed Word Fashions For Your Beautiful 9n WEDDING Ilrwrx Our erlo Solarium Iho Drldn TRANSMAN of Barrio Auk lwr haw ynu can help lhu Inuy In In Mllll nnd inqnlm nlmul Mran union what can do la not my hus hllnd In my nmwns EM Drnr 12nd Nolhing pmhuhly Hut you run nu lo when and lnlk ll rather Au she will knmv lhul Junk has nl hum me mlIumII purvnl un tlmlr own wry hnuhl In srlmnl nnd we never Ind mcn one Ihmlu cull mm In leuclwr ar princinn Thu nunnml buy ms hmlnn Icr nhln limv with his studies My hushnnd mukrs mnuurs Wurst by arguing wHII his leuchcrs vslcrday ho no on Um pllnuu nnd luld J1 nmih lcucller Hm 51w 1111 In for him and HIM his grmhs Muld be honor it hu wvxtnl apilvlnl You can Imnnino wlml Ihl doc to Jacks rolulianp with lha nrnr Ann Lnndm My hus hand roads yuur mlumh cvnry day but he will not admit IL Home prim lllis lunar II he sans in lhc papur may help We have three children The older uncst1re gruwn and The C03 surgery shunld be disc sud advunce It may be lmpo siblc unlicipme comle cnllons which mluhl make lhn procedure must mslly but run wlhxhlu estimate should be men And lhn palicnl should not hosime ask Dcnr Anrmk Them ls nolh Ing undignilicd about money In ur suciely we need money In lixu lInrdly anybody barter illl llIOIL wnnld bu insulling In bring lha subject up What nboul lhls FINANCIALLY ANEMIC Jsmgzflgz under the hold 01 Ill alhcr Prince Rulnlcrl The royal couple here lo vislt Princes Graces mnlhcr Mrs John Kelly Sn pnrlicipaled ln chrly PERMANENTS SR PHONE IA lMl Allt For Th RUIN Miss Rulhmurlc Green wal clcclcd Presldenl and wlll succeed mm Margaret Good lellow who has held mu posl llon or lwn yum Elnclzd vlcu prcsldcnl were Mn Dan nld Campch and Miss Shurnn Hny 1mm Ml Gludyl Ilurl Corresponding Secretary mm Llndn DnHey Ilecordlnl Seclcnry Cuml McKmL buslnes meeting lha murle Venluro Club hnld hles dny evening at Um Holiday Bowl Nursery Flora McGrqar Sompumlsl adviser conducted election or mam txcculhc ii tomorrow is your hlrihday you should find lhe year ahead rile ol grout sniisiaellon on all counts Opportunities Io udvancn In career mniiers urc indicated in June October and December and financial upirtnds are promised in mlddune midAu uusi iuln November and enrly Decemberr Mnko lho most or all opportuniilos during lhe afore mentlannd periods and you should wind up the year on he righi side oi lho ledger Persona mallcn should run smnolhly loo Except for hrial pcrlnds Into 1h month and The planetary lnllucncc are osmlally hcnlzn lhls day In that they will help In the solu lions of many problems that may have bolhcrad you re cenlly ll also good day in whlchln launch long rnnle pmlecls and to look or some good new from afar FROM THE BIRTHDAY Ruthmarie Green President Of The Barrie Venture Club Fol TOMORROW lirrclnrl are Mrs Jack Ether toning at rowing shell on he Schuylkill rlver with tho form er Hollywood stars brother Jan Kelly nnetlmu sculllng chumplun In ccnlro AP erc phntal THE STARS SAY ESTRELIJTA TO MOTHER All your Evangelina gm In Mulhor hcnullfully wrapped no oxlra charge If youre nill pondarlna way Io express your love to Molhor thin Sunday lhon we lnvilo you lo lhll lovely gifl Iloopwour from our now lummor collocllom Franchmuld falhlom lhom In an onlyeuro blond of Nylon Dacron and Conom All booulifully dolullod In BanLon loco and loco appliquh llngorlo Corntry Hod Mln Clml Jlmu youlh ro pruenlnllva Irom tho Blrfll YMYWCA exvmned um the mlln conlcrn to develop the body mind and Ipirlt young pcopll Mill Jnmu Ipoka on haul of mu youth work In nupport ol lho preum bulldlnl fund clm palm The new xecullra will be In Ilmled It un muml Inaullnlion bnnTlel belnx held at tho Com mun ly House on June 19 which Ilmu Mm Loin ol CK Vnl Romper Room win In lpggkcrL MR lnlmn and Min Blrbnn Good chlld born on NI dny wlll he endowed with rut inlelrlly and wllh love outdoor In leruLI muld bmml huhly Iuccuslul urlcullufln early In September domutle nmm will be nnusunlly hm monloul Ind or the Ilnxlo new mmnnce indicated an MI month In Aunul or mid Dectmber look or lmel ponunme In July November andor December Vezellhle Ind ulndl pm vlde menuJ nutrients And the add needld bulk to Iva sense of ullneu mnlml calories his must be Hmlled 1m maxurine or butter when give he met pleasure on bread when you an II and all In ulnd mm To cull It In well to be lntherknow about potatoes and breed While the ntlety value at then loads ll relntlvelylow when elten with meat fish or chicken potato or I112 of bread addl tn the ntlety ulna ol the meal Thln dletltlln won der smoust dleterl dont get cleer all the trick by Ihun nlnl potato and breed On hlnh protein diet whleh Include smnll Amount Itmh ul orlel are released more Ilawly The etendy ruleue energy helps prevent undue hunter Ind the leellng or annual But no seconds on tale or bread lor the dieter or then you up the cnlbflee wlthout Iddlul Ilmlll cently ta utletmlon Mu held the lm Illckl Ola rlbl Exne for lat meat ha the hi ell ntlely value So with llsh meal add and much but cooked an Illced to the vumhln or mound of com chm an he ulad or hm chem or By IDA JEAN KAIN Come to dinnenltl no la lenlnl Heran lhe menu Ply In ho clear soup unify In win lean meat po tnlo or mll venubla or Imy men Ialld Ind or demrt fresh ml or am With dietary know how you can Illm down without going hunrry or lasing your bounce We leulmtlnz hot the eer lain lood Inpeue hunger more eftadlvely thin do other loodl quIle Apm lmm the cnlorle Itory The IANer value ol load the meuaure ol the axllnl to which load gives mm wellbeing end nullanon KEEP IN THE TRIM Slimming Down Without Hunger Requires More Protein In Diet mug gunman mummy MAY ma hllllnal Avallnblu In numeroul dlltmm Ihulhcnl one or your ham BumIn Salely Tread mubllFre¢ Euy IMIIUI Inn 39 Exdllnzly Bunlllul Exlrtmcly Econnmlcnl Mr Spémwoar Accmorlu 11mm 6111 Liver slice Lamb chop broiled Inn on lclluu Tamed rye krllp MrIllce rye bread Marnrlna or butter Hot beverm cum LaleDly Prottln Pickup Glass of Skim milk or Bu lerrnllk Dluner pholcg ol Mn Urlmlnlll hall 50 50 Smmbhd cw Ben cm with V4 cup Iklm mllk Pm try ln Thin mm Mr Ian llrltr portion no 100 Toast Mnz lhln slice 100 lInl lhln Illco ergnrinn or butter pa 25 Dietetic Jam Ha coma Clinic 38 Luncheon VCEEHHI loup 05 cup Collin chem ti Wlul about demml Sweats are inlaid burned ml the ra xull postden len to hunger Havent you lound that he more mull you eat the more you Will to all aweeu The phyllcll mm or lhll II conneclld wllh honnoun con trol Lem all mean or lime and on will map thc powerful Ilmulus ll cra llhll lhc unconlrollnbla Appe ule Youll wlnl hidden calories cut lull In thc kitchen PHONE PA 09642 FOR rnsz ESTIMATES PRODI Eflm Down or Dlel jamoxmows Dm 335 MB 100 100 110 HO 95 Mn Favero who has been pholo colouring or In past year was honored when her entry was chasm second The In plus winntr being an mm no ycnrl expcrlcncc Thlrd place wlnner an arm or 10 yem experience Tha canvanllon was attended by 150 Protcsslonal Phololruphers and Iheir wlvu Mr and Mn Bruno Favm nucnded the Prolenlonnl Pho tournphm Ontario Annual Convention held near Niagar FIHI on May Le Ind Mrs Phyllis Flvuw enleled hand colored pork and wnl Iwurded second plan or her work In compctlllnn with 20 0ng campelltarl and ItElp 15 Molon 50 Ho bevelm cum 415 15 Nil enlorlu or the day 1165 1075 Lunch Pnllem in Order on Bmlled or baked lun melt sh or chicken oz lervlnz cnlorlea Cholcn of Toned teen ulnalam 25 minu nl lap 60¢ om Cooked men vegetable rye bread Illce 55¢ butter at 25c lella or mh null 35¢ at homage Total cx 50 NOTEX Womm dialer mull flmll um um trim of 0r Haddock baked Infled Hat 4160 Bake Ito or butter in Alplllflll mph m5 Wins Award At Cdnvention because she loves beautiful lingerie 105 105 100 100 DUNLOP IT IASI Dr Phllr nld the work of the committee one of tha hulc ullvltlcs Ike Red Crou Mm Trovllcuck nu llonll chairman flu cumin Dr John Phlln Icllnz commlnlancr the Canndlnn Red Cron laid at the macaw cemnl council Innqu men hero that ha womenl wor commit operate under drab ills and mneoled my in the inrnr urban centre in the In in point or Ihosu who prov du this material which he the Weltem World In polilon in meat pm vi ll responsibilities holh real and implied In than who have lrgm lljiia in le VANCOUVER CPlA Red Crosl ofllclll naked Monay that vulunmr women be ru cued from drlhnm Ho nid the commute kee Red Cm hand umm In Imnller communt from balm magelyua you alce address Suggests Change In Drab Title Wall nhlh gown 5698 Slupcoaix $798 No SHOWN MAYCNING Baby do pylama $698 AGAINST MOTHS HEAT FIRE AND THEFT Only under who mum and sells tun Exclusively know how in take can your furl durlnz 1mm Inquire about our law lummcr prlcea an rcpain and modelllnz FREE STORAGE 0N REMDDEL 1011 CALL TODAY WIGGINS FURS VIUUIN IUID PA 84868 you FREE mcxup mmmc my on EVENING FREE GLAZING AND MINOR REPAIR In pink or blvo the mall modlum and largo lhvouuhoul IOUMI mm In ym Cloud Mimiy Alluum OPEN RllMY 10 IM This lovely gift sleepwear sel from Evangeline PROTECT YOUR FURS PHONE IlId Um llncu 1h enlabflshu men In 1909 tho womrn olnu commltlee produced 30000000 nuclei and prepared 71000000 PA 6052 DICK STEELE SON See Window Dllplay sxzm JEOLons AND PRICES TEA POTS Eulhh Chinware and GI shop Collier Elm