Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 May 1963, p. 12

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723 mi Evening was spent by the alliccrs and wives elm sugaryerd unlour of the Inn SL Riva officer cumm mg 551s presented her whh copp er covered bullcr dish with R0 AF Crest and inset cngrnving wilh her name years with SSTS Mrs Smith Inld her host how much she enjoyed her five your Mall 01 SSTS Jim Wilson is still pallan than 100 along with Max Good year and Garfield Gordon On Saturday evening lhn five learns In he Sath Simcoe Inlcr nzedinlc Hockey League met in Alllslon Community Centre or evening dancing to Ernie chcrns Orchestra Trophlns were prcscnled hy the Lenguu presldcnl Frank lo Um winners Thu lead ing scare trophy Mun to Dun cnn Campbell lop goalie trophy 41 Fred Inusflnnd Individual lrnphlu Wm prcsmlcd In each mgnbcr or the Strand loam Timmnuuc lrnphy will be on display nl Subins slun and tho chumplnnship Irnphy Younul IDA Cnngmlulnlinns no to me boys or good rmlnr of hockly YIS DRAMA flood cruvul nllcudcd lhn hm micm1 plays put on by Thornton Gnlhrle nml SAmud Vnum Implcs meltlies 1n Slr and Community Hull Sulurdny nlnhl Mmlc hrlwrn ncls wru suppllcd by Mn Jnckson Cooper nnd Vunl mm lhclr lnA tlrumvnu nml hy mu Mullwllund with old lime muslc rEarl Shannon Ur has com phlcd his ymr at 0mm Ag ricultural lecgc Guelph and has summer job at the exten iinn branch Department of Agriculture at Squlfnrdn On Saturday evening about 15 oMIccrs and their wives gather ed lhv Conlincnlnl Inn or banquet and goingraway party or Mrs nuv Smim nee Patsy hulhollandb who has been em ployed with Civil Scrvlte or the past Hwycars wuuim GmElrLs Is find In Royal Victoria Hospitm Bar tic HOCKEY LEAGUE DANCE Sahme nllunmu Strand Unllcd lllth Wu lhu 0an or In Unilml Chumh Vamcnl aprlng lrn 11w bmrmrnl was dccornlnl wilh ml lrccx How on while mule In cnlrnncn and cvnylhinu In make It Imk Iprlnx llkr nm alum ullh ur by Slraud Womens lnslilulc has been completed and ma of 57860 collected Mrs Brady nudlhlrs Wallace Spring who were In charge thanked all tho lgdics who took part ln canvas 3mg The hockey bays euchrc and dznca lakes place Saturday night May 11 In Slroud Com munity Hall There will be variely of prizes both In draw and for cuchre winners Congratulalions Mr and Mrs William Givens who cele bratcd Ihcir Ills wedding annl Vcrsngy 9n April BIIHNH TIM Douglas Johnson and Friend John cum 01 New Toronto vlslled the farmers grundpah enu Mr and Mrs David John son over the weekend Mr and Mrs Bev Smith were guests of Mr and Mrs Wllllnm Moon nee Carley Smith 01 Parry Sound on Sunday WOMENS INSTIJUIE Miss Gillespie from Ihe Mam inl Henlih Branch of Bnrrie will he the guest spunkcr at the Slmud Womens Institute meet ing May at p111 The roll call will be Bring or wear something belonging to your lehEl There will be sale ol plants wllh the proceeds going to the Mental Health Assoclallon CA CER CANVAS Residents missed in canvas Call still send their donations to Barrie the canvassing commu lcga said WEDDING ANNIVERSARY By MRS ll MULHOLLAND Lewis Gordon of Windsor Ipcn the weekend with his par ents Mr and Mrs Garfield Gordon iMlTCHElLAIRE EDGAR our AROUND SIMCOE COU7NT BA 666 INTI 10 STROUD Steven and Sandra Sheardown Barrie spent Friday with their grandmother Mrs Cecil Shear dawn and neattgrnndmothcr Shamdown ll McKenzie has remand to Tomnlo after spending few day wifl his daughter and son lnlnw Mr and Mrs 11mph Recent vlsflms Gnrdml Lnudcrl wer Mr and Mrs Woodrow Mr and Mn Cecil Ban and children Drillln and Mr and Mn Burroughs oi Oshawa Edgar Unllcd Church Women will mm Wednesday afternoon my 15 at the church or the annual cleaning ol the church and Sunday School Dont or gel to hrlng used clothan or lhc blue In be packed lhls monlh Pol luck supper The regular meeting oi the UCW Unit met in the church basement with 17 members pre sent Roll call was answered with verse irom lilbloonlime bale is being repared to send in Oversea lei Guod used clothing excepthnts shoe and purses is needed Mrs Hamid Wallace was in charge oi program Mra Roy Goodiellow led in the worship period Lunch convene were Mrs mm and Mrs Goheen GAE 49 CLUB ltdfin or the Sheltered Work Shop are to be brought to this Harry Horton attended un King Edward Old School girls lmh annual reunion it was held lhls year in Ban1e with luncheon at the Continental Inn Entertainment was In the King Edward School Burton Avenue It included the King Edward Lndies Choir singing few favorite numbers and lour oi the school Mr and Mrs Cecil Shear down and Mn Shear down spent the weekend visiting friends and relative In Ingm soll Slralrord and Woodstock 5215 Hayes vislUng her aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs 605an plckngle Cooksviille leilou rcccnlly at Charles Slmpsonu were Mr and Mrs Irwln Cmrkc 0m Station And JIIPCI anyjord prllll direction olUnll In the kitchen was Unit paring um plate for table and lakemul orders The salad plates were dmrallva and much ad miredjy mu BOARD nucumf About ulna table of euchre were played Monday night In Strand Han Winner were Mrs AL Marlin Elhabeux Smith and Mrs Addie Black men Anna Gould mini Mr Cleary and Mr Smith 111 May 18 meeting of tho Gnu 49 Club will ba held at tho home of Mrs Allan Gurdlnor Roll call will be Name lha mlnlsler who manled you and where Mr and Mrs Allnn Pnrlrldn nnd lnmily Oshawa vlsllcd lhelr parents Mr and Mrs Lee 1an rldxc rcqequy Mr and Mn Scull nl 0m Station vbllcd Sunday wilh heir duughlnr Mrl Norman lennnll am Mr and Mn AL ha bake table Unl had dlspxay of homemade baking and variety of rolls bread plus and tarts UCW Laval Florll Arrmglmm Choice Pound Fun Push cu Flown or Rom Cum PIIM Dllhu Ron MIMI Ind 65rd Phnll We Win How Anywlml 74mm We Suggest FENDLEYS ELPWERS By MM LAVENDER By MRS HAYES CLOWES MOTHERS DAY SUNDAY MAY 12 EDGAR FLOWERS FOR MOTHER ON HER BIG DAY Mn and Mrs William Sturg con and Mr and Mrs Hobart Donn spent Sunday with friends at Kleinhurg Friday night visllors with Mr and Mrs William Gallop wm Mr and Mrs Huck Exell and Mr and Mrs Dan Weir oI Enr rle nnd Mr and Mrs Andy qugnlox of Mg Mr and Mrs John Muir nnd Inmfly of Angus vlsilnd Mr and Mr Thomas Excll Sunday ev cning Mrs John Ellls Sr and Mm Earl iron or Ivy spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs John Hlmns of Scarborough Mr and Mrs Irons brought he ladlcs home Sundny nflcrnoon and span the cvcnlng with Mr and Mrs Hrucc MHICT John Percncz and Tammy Harris at the lennells Mr and Mrs Lennard Hutch inson St Catharine and Mn Andrew Burtholmow Guthrie mm Sunday with their Inlher Alfred Hutchinson sale of bulbs and plants and baking for their roll call my 14 the home Mrs Lawrence Fraser 11 HI Club homemaker will glve demonstration Mrs Gor dan Shellswcll whl speak on the motto Ladies or lunch are Mrs Orma Leesan Mrs Carla Boy engm STEELES CORNERS Mrs Dales Mr and Mrs Earl Dales John and Belly Ann were Sunday guests or Mr and Mrs Waller Conk at their summer collage Buy View Bench Mr and Mrs Evencu Knee shaw and Garry wan Sunday evening dinner guests of Mrs Wilford Neilly and daughter Barrie With Mr and Knncshaw and Bob were Mn and Mrs and sons Dalston Mason Slroud Mm Grant Brillan Tammo spent several days with her par ents Mr and Mrs Willlam Slur geon nn completion of year at Tommo Unlvcrsity Mrs Bril lon will be on duty In Wellcsley Hqspilal Sunday Mr and Mrs William Gallup and family vlsilcd Mr and Mrs Norman Inrrudl In Trenton WI TO MEET MAY Luiie Bosch And his iinncee Miss Marion Oiivur Tnmnio find Mr and Mrs Tom Spencer oi Downsview visited their parenu Mr and Mrs John Lavendcr Market Mrs Jack Rumble attended the 65m Womens Insllmte an niversary at Maple Wednesday evening number from here attended um dance Frl ay evening at Churchill Mm Venan left by plane Frjgay fox aryacadgn In and Mr und Mu John Jcnncl Hard called an Fred Mchnn nnd Mr and Mrs hIchnn Sugday Mn md hn hen Buah went Sunday nllcrnmn wilh Mr and Mrs Humid Parker Canksv Inwn hydro sysum In water he mus has bum lnsknlltd nl lllchhmk null course KY EXAMI Il WANT ADS By MRS ERNEST DALES We are pleased to report Mrs Jackson improving nice after her nperakian last week York County Hospital New By MRS KEN BUS UTOPIA and Mrs Ernest PA Mm on Sudan Allen Brown Miss Donna Sunday visitor with Mr and Mrs Malone Included Mr and Mrs Roy Mchcken Cralg burst Mr and Mn Elroy Wood ward Barrie and Cecil Colqu houn Port McNichull Mr and MH cm Rldler Georgetown were weekend v1 ltors ol Mrmlb Perrymun Mls Susie Pearson Guthrie visited her friend Terry Gong an Saturday On May Terry entertained six friend on the occasion at his tenth birthday Mr and Mrs Bill Bulmnn Long Branch were Sunday Wests ol Mr and Mrs Stan Watson Huain Wurslen Ayr visited his brnlhcr Wumtcu on Sugdny Sundé May 12 will he Fam lly Sunday at Dalston United Church FILMS 0F NEAR EAST Unltcd Church Women met May at the hum of Mrar Handy Sr Wonder Valley with good attendance Warship service was In charge of Mrs Handy Jrr who chose as her subject the Ive books of poetry tn the Old Testament letter from the Mtsston was read acknowledging the receipt of sweater and layette material Mn Brown gave treasurer1 report atsn message Irom Bob Ball thanking the society or By MES SPONAGLE HM VMIIK Ml III grizrrhéwxi 9r DALSTON CURTIS BEVERAGES LIMITED Yowlooolflonhollopltfihondhm Imy mm mu bum rml mm mm um Iv II Ial mum mm mum wnmw my dam uIhlonnmlm nunmum vuwmnahmhummuulm nanmaul IIILIILMynWII unwillth Inn at mm mm rm yaw mum 1qu Mmi qnmm 1w IHWIMLI hm nowum In ml lull Mum wminnmvlnumtw whim WI mu IM yn 1qu ml lunch help Plans were made In cater Iovn bnnquet or Rs hekah 10de In Barrie The special program was 0116 shuwlnz Alldes by 51 R81 Small Bardel11esa were pc lures he had taken at Haly Land Gaza Egypt Lebanon and Cypnra while slammed with the Canadian Forces with the Unl led anlons 1n the Gaza Strip There wcra excellent and much enloyedby ghamembm Baking and Innis wera nub tinned ihe use oi he meet Ing by the president Mn Stan Watson Delicious rairuhnwnu were served by this hostesses Mn Forbes and Mrs William misled by Mn Handy Sr TORONTO CHThe Petra leum Assuplnlion of Ontario Wednesday advocated removal 01 munlclpamyu power to 11 cense and regulate service uln Non opcgafilops In hriei presented to the legislatures select committee an municipal law the milk ion maintained existing provin cial legislation amply protect public interests in the operation oi service station The brlel clulmctl that the withdrawal llcensinx power would not slgnlflcnnlly decrease munlclpnl rqv ue The Don on suggested an altcmatlve would be to rewrite the Munlcipal Act so munlclpnl counclls would have the power to reuse stntlons but not the power to restrlct thelr method at operation Péiroleum Brief Wants Act Change Born the son of the late James Maw nnd Elizabeth Ansopp In 1393 he mended public and secondary school In Hauler young man he was memher of the Presbyterian Church sec retaryrtrensurer of both SS No 10 Vespra and the Canlw SI langhngenghssnglntlan Ems anlrlor so years resident at the Edenvala div tint died at hiuhame tn Brook fltyz Ngy Jersey In 1923 due to ill health ha moved to Bmkxlde New Jer xey where he was ConnMint He and his wlfe the former Gwen Melon celebrated their 40th wedding Anniversary on Feb 1963 He leaves brother Herbert Maw and sister Mn Kenneth Glflen ot Bradlord No bmlhers Franklin and Willred predecea sed Mn In 1910 and 1m Ha survived by hls wife two daughun June and Mary and non Ernest Jr An cider son James died In an lecidenl in 1944 nurm look plan 31mm Cemetery Meudham New Jen soy MRS IIUNIIINSON Mrs Hutchinson or 13 years resldenl of Guthrie din Al the Princess Margaret Hos pl Toron Lilllan Hutchinson nice Dgr rough was born in Toronto and moved as cth Io Edgar where she lived wiua her uncle Samuel Lester She returned to 20 mmacmz 2=u mom 26 Huh Lquzmz vol Van In Ilrml law olyouv ummwouv an mm mini Ilmu aloud Ar IIIllfllh1lllllhlwlllHll ll mumm muy Illll II II and mm In on low Inlm tumble II In my Inhan um umm puma my IM OliviaU MIIILIWI IlMMlN Ill MIl mummuv Mllllllllmno mum uunlmuymm um ll you In my ml mm mmu hum um um Mr 01mm MM IIMMNI ERNEST MAW MERE EXAMINER THURSDAY MAY OBITUARIES Tgrontn to attend high Ichool and worked or the Toronto Board 01 Education She married In 1945 and rnnv ed with her husband to thelr urm It Guthrie For the 1m Iva years she had been employ ed by the Departmental Nat Jonal Defence RCAF Edgar Sh laugh Sunday School at Ceulrnl Om Presbyterian Church She is survived by her My hand two was Laurence and Michael and our daughters Hemmer Jacqueline Katherine and Margaret She leaves two slum Eileen Mrs Clauda Ten gue of Georzeluwn and Fran cc 1MB Edge of Tomb Thu mum service was con ducttd byvfiev Baulch at Barrie at the Doollme Funeral Home Oriflla Burial was KIMHCemetury Ora Pallbearers wera 13 xx Hast ImmmuwmnummmcmnW on mm lmu mu cum unmmua MflmHmlmqluzy mm munm mm ul mum Wm Mum IM MIN Ml lily rm mm mm ht mum mummmmm mum vu ovum 70on uwomm III mm My mnymml unwindn1 rm cvulwm max ulfhomm 9mm IIDMVVMI IN N01 1M IN mm YOUR TDUR YOU WILL RUUHM To PARIS 70R VOUfl mam OM AND YOUR CARAVILLI WILL Bl INIPPID RIGHT Q0 VOUR OWN DRIVIWAV OMFIHILV Ill CMAHGII $1000 AND Ihll um TORONTO CHThu M1016 sale price sugar mu cent nr loowund bag at Toronto Wednesday at $1380 bringing the wholesale price of five pmlnd has an 12 In 1m Mel Jnmieson ngn 0min Min NitArthur Earl Lander and RalphHayu It was the wholesah price increase this year Thu ro tail prlcn large Toronto au pennarketswas unchanntd at 69 to 73 cents EXPENSE MONEY Sugar Price Goes Up Again SPENCER Thomtau 11105 BOWMAN Stmud SIMCOE DISTRICT COOPERATWE SERVICES Innla or by writing to CANADIAN COOPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS UMITED 40 St Clair Avenue East Toronto Ontario Realm tho highut return or yam wool by patronizing your awn Organization SHIP COLLECT To Our Ranlxtmd Wmmm No1 Wamn Ontario Obtain sacks and twin Wuhan charge from

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