Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 May 1963, p. 1

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Our Telephones Bor Examiner Want Ads Tele phone PA sure no telephone number to call ior the Business or Editorial Dept Is PA 537 the om exam 99th Your No 108 iCanadians Are Given Orders To Leave Haiti SANTO DOMtNGOtAPThe immediate threat at war be tween the Dorrdnlcan Republic and Haiti appeared to roccde to day but tension remained high as Canada and the United States planned to evacuate some oi their citizens irom Haiti The Organization or American states and the UN Security Council called meetings today to discuss the situation between the Caribbean neighbors shar ing the island oi Hispanlola 50 miles irom Cuba The Security Council was ex pected to leave it to the OAS Dominican President Bosch called Haitis Dictator President Francois Duvalicr madman Tuesday night in radio television statement on the crisis but indicated he is moving cautiously Bosch said it the United States tound the crisis grave enough to order the evacuation ai US citizens irom Haiti we shall continue to think the prob4 lem is more serious tor us We have to he cnretul and vigilant he declared HINTS AT ALERT This sccmod to hint at state oi alert rather than lullscale mobilization or any intention oi imminent military action against the Duvalier regime Earlier Tuesday Bosch do manded that all 22 Duvalier op nents In the Dominican Em assy in Port au Prince be at lowedto leave the country But he set no deadline Previously the Dominican government had accepted the Haitian promise that ii would be allowed to leave and seven cordd be trans erred in the Colombian Em bassy which has been protect Ing all 22 since IIaltl broke rela tions with the Dominican Ite public and Dominican diplo mats leit Port au Prince The Organization oi American States which sent investigators to Hispaniola last week sched uled special meeting in Wash ington today lnlarmcd sources there said the peace mission would seek broader powers In Haiti to make suggestions tor settlement Canada announced it would start evacuations today Do pendents at Canadian govern ment employees were ordered to leave and other Canadians were urged to do so More than 600 Canadiansmost or them Roman Catholic missionaries Iivo In Haiti US AmbasSador Pearson OTTAWA CPIPrime hlinis ter Pearson has schcdtdcd an other meeting with United States Ambassador Walton But terworth today in preparation tor his flight Friday to Ilyannis Port Mass ior two days oi talks with President Kennedy Mr Pearson said Tuesday that no new deicnce commlt ments are to be made in the Kennedy meetings though or gotlations on nuclear warheads and other matters may be en lercd into as result at the dis cussion dont consider It primarily meeting tor negotiation Ilir Pearson told reporters alter de tailed plans tor the IIyannis Port trip were announced Its too an exchange at views and an exchange oi views might In deed lead to the beginning oi negotiations when we get bac Mr Pearson will he accompa nied by Iiitchie Cana dian ambassador In Washington who came here last weekend to all In on the preparations Illr Butterworth Is expected to be present on the American side to earn tete the picture or contin utd Ialson between the two gov ernment heads The status oi Canadas de icnco commitmcnts become the aubicct oi three corridor inter views with the prime minister Tucsday nitcr an Ottawa dis patch In the New York Times said that Mr Pearson was likely to give Mr Kennedy commitment tor the acceptance oi nuclear arms HAS NO FOUNDATION Them In no inundation inr that story the prime minister Iitlil havent tndlcaird any thing oi that kind nnr hovel hren nskod hy the president to give such mnunitment Illnimratlng later he raid he lilllttil Innndn nirrnliy hnrl nuclear commitments on tcred Into hy the Iormrr Con rrrvntlva governmentIn North rtrrmrn dropped through manglul wreckage oi this irtrcltrallcr in im lwo cm plngrrs trauml inside when dramam sun cmrmuua Confer American and North Atlantic arca deienecs What he meant was that he would make no new commitments at Ilyannls Port An later departmental com mittee has been examining the nature oi the existing commit ments and how they can best be implemented he added It wouut report to the dcience committee at the cabinet and decision would be made by the whole cabinet The dcience committic met ior 29 hours Tuesday but as usual with cabinet committees there was no announcement att erward Tax Group Hears Distaii Side Women Want New Social Attitude IOIIONTO iCII Canadas income tax laws were blasted today inr their skeptical and belittling attitude toward the economic contribution oi mars rled women as the Canadian Federation oi Business and Pro Iesslonal Womens Clubs made recommendations Ior general overhauling Thu orgnhiznllon sold com No Need For Blast Says Dieienbalrer PRINCE Alllllllll CPI0p position Lender John Dielrn hnkcr said Tuesday that criti cism by the Liberals at trade policies oi his rccrntlydcicatcd Progressive Conscrvntlvu gov ernment wnn unioundcd and tor poHtical purposes lit pm roniercncr hIr Ilieicnhnkcr raid that although the Conservative government recorded the greatest trade In Canadian history the Liberals said the I901 trade politics were an modulim hit the lit law reocs Srigar Itetlmrim In eartch hinnirvnl Thr lln mm were loading the trailer Barrie Ontario Canada WednesdayMay ti I963 Local Weather Partly cloudy and warm Than dershowerson Thursday bow toth 50 High tomorrow 65 For summary see page two Not Mm Than PerCepyTO Pager TO RCE CRISIS Negroes Plan TopContinue Until Demands Granted BIIthliNGliAlli Ala AP Heavlly armed state troopers swarmed into this raelel trouble spot today ready to aid Biro mlngham oltlccrs lacing heir seventh day at massive egrn demonstrations Governor George Wallace milita nt segregationist an nounced Tuesday he was order ing 250 riotetralncd highway pa trolmen to Birmingham Al Lingo state public saiety director said early today how ever that the number was be ing stepped up to 575 troopers virtually the entire manpower oi the state agency NEGRO DEMONSTRATORS SHOUT AND YELL DURING RACIALPROTESTS iN BIRMINGHAM YESTERDAY 12 Derelicts Die From Wood lilcohol NEW YORK iItPlWood ai cohoi poisoning has killed 11 menmost at them Bowery der elietsand the death toll In the city in the last week may be 17 The bodies oi live suspected victims are In the morgue awaiting autopsies Ten wood alcohol deaths were certiilod by autopsies mesrtay These were In addition to two previous deaths to Brooklyn plcle industrialization to Can ndn cannot be nchlcvcd until there is change in the tradi tional social attitudes towards women The Carter royal commission on Inxnllon hcord requests irom tho tedcrnttun Iur Immediate changes In the Income and Estnte Tux Acts coupled with suggestion that on longer range basis the commission consider ouch things as iint rule oi pcrsunnl Income tax in stand ol the present graduated rote WOULD CilANtiH PLAN The prcscnt marital exculp Ilon could also he replaced by no income splitting plan he twccn spouses and direct tax credits could also replace the cxlallnlt scheme at exemptions irom nct Income The icdcrntion also recom mended that ihxpayrr and dependent who nrr hath over ixr should each get an addi tlnnnl exemption hi I500 lrrs cnt lawn allow such an cxrmps tluu tor the marits taxpayer but not tor the drpcodcut when the hinrt came The trailer In rrrnrmd irom Invl or the ruhhic tiny alter the blast ltfl tArvhutul Briton Says Was Only Espionage Chauffeur dilOSCOW tltcuicrsl Sell ceuirssed spyloleg Icnknvsky today rejected dcience de scrlptlon at his British code icndant as merely an espionage chnuilcur The ca dctcndnnt tendon businessman Grevliio hi Wynne tt munlercd that he had not realized Iully my no tual role until he went to Moss COW Pcnkovsky also it and So viet scirntliio oiilcinl and Wynne hnth admitted at the start at their Soviet Supreme Court trial Tuesday that they had spied on ltusslu tor the United States and Britain Wynne pleaded guilty with re crvntlons Tho Iinsslnn accused nI pcd dltng secrets to the US and Britain with Wynne acting as his liaison manguvas asked by CourtPresident LtGon Viktor Borisoglrhsky he agreed with statement by Wynnoa lawyer that the Briton morer had been chouileur in the transmission oi material No rcplled Penkovsky READS FROM NOTES icnkovsky apparently read irom notes said Vynna con stantly handed over matcrtnls three times showed me photo graphs nI lnlelllgcncc and had invited the Itusslon to con spirntive meeting place This appeared to ho rotor once to house near Ionrinn whcru Icnkovsky has said he met Vcstcrn Intelligence agents during trip to Britain and France to root Pcnknvsky testliird that ha did not want to attack Wynne Want To Rebuildw On Another Site IlAY lllVlllI NWT ICII linltcrerl buildings wrcuehed irom their Ioundutlons and thrown nskcw in mixture oi mud Ice cakes and debris pre xrntert monumental clrnnup task today for residents oi Ihla tioodtlctllsllittti Irinan tlillliitlr nity Illnynr II hicilrynn in tclrgrnm In Irunk Cunningham nanlstnnl rio nty minister at northern nIlnlrI said in oi I00 tntrpnyrrs Interviewed In roo cInI poll invorod rebuilding the town on another site Iluy River on the moth rhuro oi tlrcnt Slave Lake in 500 nrhrs north at lNllitnnlnn it was unrlrrrtorai that the new site might he on the main lnml about seven miles up stream Irma II nuavid town The Illt lrntrn Iiay Itlvrr NEWS Tolstar ll Termed NIZW tlilK iAlI cuurc oi the lloods that wrcckrrt the centre section at the town liowcd awiitiy through its duty Irehordch channel Into Great Slave Lake On one street house mtrd on top ot car in another the Legion iluil lliltt rcltlrd on an angle about so ich irom the lllltrliil oi its original iounrla on The ilurtunrn Ilny hturc stuii huurn hart popped irom Ils Ior hnrcrncnt nnll all and was lllterl lawnrrln the sky lioum were snuggcri on the edges at several roads and the main atrcct wnn hlockcd at one point hy displaced building You hare to sea It In hcilrvn it said John Morin who hnri atrrtrd building new house ha ion the town was Inunnated week ago BRIEFS Magniiicent Tho Telntar Ii runnnunicatlunn satellite willml Ihrnurh Ihr huvrns today nllrr wnrklng pcricctty In rc lnylng trlctlnlnn plrturrr tntuern Ihs tlnltrrl States and Europe The pictures Tuesday night were drscrllml sirer thnl Imuncrd hack to the arnrhng Italian at Andnvrr as lltunlltnnt my very Freighter Lands With 12 Survivors lltiltllN MM llrlllsh irrlghler that rammed null rank the small itutth ship ilnta oil the New Jersey roast lnndrsl hrro today with IT rurvtrnra Iilonn men and one woman were phked up irom the int Ioot Ilntn liter It rollitlun Tuesday with the ttsimt tuy oi Ierth miles south oi the entrance to New York Harbor Woman Husband Found Bleeding TUIIONTO tcir wornsn binding horn knlie wound was iman In store doorway on immune Avenue hm early torir It hushmi also cut and hlecdlng rm inund minutes later it his home hail mile away whose attractive wlio Shielaflt hero irom tendon was in court again today lie wusnot only chaui ieu Ienkovsky added he must not minimise his so Asked by Gcn Borlsoglcbsky whether he agreed with the chautieur description Wynne replied Chieliy was to help Ienltovsky during his stay in London Illy actual rolo did not iuiiy realize until Currie hura Court sources said the trial will go into secret session Thursday and Iriduy The court may reach Its verdict Friday but Saturday ls more likely they added USE CHILD in Tuesday the court was told that llrlttsh rtlplomnta child was used ior espionage cam nullnge Icnkovrkys testimony and the Indictment named Ilvo AmericansIncluding the US cmhnssya iormrr agricultural and assistant nlr attachesIII ILS Contact at the Soviet do iendunt Icnkovrky sold thnt in Au gust IMI Wynne his alleged Ixalron man gave him box oi candy Into which he was to put rnpiumlgo illms and give the box In one oi the chlhlrcn oi Airs Jnnct Ann Chisholm wile oi inrmcr llrittnh crnhossy oi llclnl lloricrick Chlnholm Three Girls lire Bitten illTON Int mg girls one attacked by rngell hour and another Ivy dog are rcptrrlrd In good rendition hnrlrvttc trndliock nl Wanhnnnhrnr Ont who was nttackrd by Inuryrnrnlt hear regarded as prt hy rhlhhrn was sent home Tumlny attrr treatment at horpitnl In liarril It miles east at here The hear was ltrpi caged Ior thrre years at router untlon here operated by Ito lturhton iollro Illlrl itunhtnn red per mit and no action Is Ilkrl in he Inkrn although an audit nnal harrtcr will probably he built llrtly ixul Inlmsr nI Or tIIIn required extensive rrrrfery to her turn ailrr heIng hltrn try nelrhhnrs ring Iihe Is In gnml rnmllilnn in hospital HERES ONE Whats the last way to teach girl to swim Well that you put your right arm around her want Tram you hold her right hand to yours This Is my sister rum wtol now5 islet Cil Lingo said the troopers were under direct orders at Wallace They are equipped with tear gas grenades riot guns carbines and submachlneguns he said The highway patrolman bcgun moving Into the city late Thos dny and continued deploying Irom distant areas at the state through the night SAYS WONT STOP In the taco oi this develop ment the Integration leader Dr Martin Luther King Jr said This movement is get tlng bigger and bigger Theroll be no stopping until we move scgrcgatlon mm the city Dr King president at the Southern Christian leadership Conierencc said more than one demonstration was planned dur lng the day lie said there would be no end to the demonstrations until Negroes had gained these our things they wanted Better Job opportunities dc segregation at all downtown Eubllcdaellitles iormatlnn oi lraelal committee with author Ity to solve all racial problems and the dropping oi charges against the arrested dcmonstra tors The Negro leader spoke at Inmmcd mass meeting In Ne gro church In the wake oi day during which thousands oi No grocs IniIIIratcd the downtown business district and milled about the streets in the heart oi the city lira hoses ngaln were brought Into play to disperse the crowds Police appeared almost pow eriess at times to cope with tro surging mama but there were no serious incidents Authorities said at least to po Ilcemen were Injured none BLOSSOM tte bioum tlnw unto mm Omnid Niagara peninsula Plum rhvn and nprltota nutnay bloom aim the traits badly Most were struck by thrown rocks There were no coniirmed re ports oi any Negroes being In Iurcd There were these other devel opments President Kennedy and Air tomeyGcncral Kennedy kept to close touch with the situation the president said he hoped that the racial problems could be solved by the people oi Bir mingham Governor Wallace in speech bcioru the Alabama Icg lslature threatened murder pro secutions it the Negro demon strutions result to violence and death The governor said he would take whatever action ne cessary to preserve law and or dcrperhaps Including calling out National Guard troops al though there was no otiiclat word on this Too White Iiouse reported that Justice department rer resentativc had succeeded is bringing Negro and white lead are together In Birrnin ham tor their that meeting on racial problem This could not be continued irom sources in Birmingham Iioy Wilkins executive uc rotary oi the National Assocli tlon Ior Advancement oi Colored People alled on NAACP branches throughout the coun try to conduct peacelul sympa thy plckctiaglslp support oi the Birmingham demonstrations Jackie Robinson Will Protest Too NEW YORK AP Former Brooklyn Dodgers star Jackie Itoblnson said Tuesday he plans to go to Birmingham Ala in the next week or two to take part in the mass protest against racial segregation there More than 1000 Negroes have been arrested in iilrmlnghsm Robinson said he did not want to Join the protcslora in tall but that he would iind roma way to take part in their movomcnt The Negro Iormer baseball star mode the statement at back our brothers luncheon attended by more than too Ne rhowoi gm and while public olilcilll and civic Icuders sonar Iscomnc bel Mir 0min Brad ld It gets clam oi thll mum blossom nur tsthrrhm 00L Win um

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