Strong Pitching Staff Leads Rochester Crew IT IA OTTAWA ICI kIInllmlh nhI Llntln fyr In rd MI IIhII IkuII Irnrlun qun muck ha thIu lldlng In mIIy muI nIII rIAII Id Mnmluy IIMI her rnn nlllnn II nlIurlmy Ilmln dunlhlor aI Mn nnd Mn AI cIdr van IllUnK on Ivrr molhul hm In the II Imy Inld pull Iw mu pmrlIIIM hllllnl all hull mm nmhy Inn II In Ilmo II lul drnl rnlmntnn WIIIOW 75 Hwfllulnnd IAINnun MMI ï¬e va Mum wlllaw ha fuumlfl HI modm lblymrn nnmu din hm Manda AI Ihl Ill er hulhnnd ann nun Plum In fmll ulln INVEHIGATE BRIBES LONDON APlEnsllsh 50 cu ndminlslmlnn probnd legallnns Monday that player have taken bribes to ï¬x xnmcs Rochester Red Wings strong pitching stat prevullcd ngnin Monday night as John Miller pilched livehll 24 shutout over Richmond Virginians in in temationai League action was lilo inurlh straight iuilgnme performance by man ager Darrell Johnsons pitching staffand fourth win in row The scnndn grew during 0m wcckand Twn mm named in the mmarIuonlkccper Es mond Million and lnsidMor ward Keith Willlnms bath Brillal Roverswere suspended by lhelr club pcndinl an In qulry The caudal broke when Mll Hon 25 told newspnpcr mun had ncupled £50 Inc the angrs lime agalnal Drndford Afggu 21 He was quultd as laying that he would have colltcltd nnolhcr £250 Bristol had last flul the plan mlslircd and the game ended In draw and he Ion lh money hack William also told newspnptr mm he had horn cnnmntd In Icccpllnz bnht Munnwhllc lhc Enullsh Foal bnll Assoclnllon up com mlulnn to Investigate he case TADHM LOVE METH WEST POINT NY III New York NC hnschnll hc rnn Wes IoInII com tndcll Icnrnd nll lhtIr run In Ihc MI Innlnx DI sntnllnnlnï¬ ethhIlIon game Monday nnd Irlmnml Army 70 The MC we no bmy basking In In mlulnllnn at In loldim Ihnl lhry wrre unnhle In IIunI pIIrh JcII Dnvln nnd Ioh John mm or le InnInKs The Ntw ank lenm hn Iyrrn ananrd tn mnue by he wmm IIIcI mum nnnnuntrd nl In chcl dInInl hull nnd Mel vIrlanu greeted wlm mInhly churl IIAIIONII CUT nnnnnN IlJIVIIIANI IMlClcw land Ilnmnl mnIIrmHI Monday lhnl Inrk Innlnn Imn brrn re Irnwl nu flrntrnl Innnlxtr cl lht AnlrrIrnn llnckoy Luau lIIL Ionlnn Inrmrr plnycr Inr Inn IIMnnn Iml Iurn wIIh II Inh IIInrc mu Ila Iwcnmo rnnch In Ivan and Added Inn 1an oI lrnml mnnnlrr nIlrr Immrr mnnlnrr Ilm Ilaml IIIrII In IMI Fm Invtr Inn um ha rnnthlnl In Iul urn DETROIT TIGERS Inï¬eld er Dick McAuHflc gncs over feel ï¬rst after sliding in on sacriï¬ce hunt in Ihe filth inning of gums against the ud he mlvnl at UM mml Owl mymm mm In pputh Nnv 25 Im Fnur yrm Inlor hp WNMHI Mr um mndnn Olymplc Guam ll Minna By THE CANADIAN PRESS SCISSORED SPORT In the iourvgamc sketch Red Wing pitchers have given up nnly ngven runs Monday Jack mnvillc Suns rallied or four runs in tho ninth inning lo de ieal Buiiaiu Bisnnn B45 and slow down the northern division lend era indinnupoii indians de icaied Arkansas Traveicrs Columbus Jets dnicaled Alinnm Cracker 21 and Toronia Mapio ALLOW SUNDAY SPORTS VINNIPEG CPIA bll Irn vlding or limited commercial Sunday lpom 1n wlnmpcz nully emerged lrom lhc Mnnl loba legislnlun Monday after floundering lhrough mics cumminec dcbalc during he weekend The bill allow bowl lng and 10mm other sportshut not boxing wrestling or nuln horse and dog rncingbctwtcn 130 and 530 pm FIGHT IS DDUflTFUL NEW YORK AWThe pm poscd lightweight chumplonshlp llghl hclwccn mlcholder Carlo Ortiz of Cuba and No can Innder Kcnny Lune or Musk cxnn Mloh became more Im probnhle than ever Monday when Orllz ndvlsor Inld he hnl received no oflnr or xuch thl hnvc received no bonnflde offer In llxhl Lane Inld nlll Duly who hnndlu or nflnlrL Imp hcnrinx lhnl Lune warm to Ighl us Whom II lhc oller LAYNE RETIRES DALLAS AWBobby Layne he nlly nld pm who qunmr bucked Dclrnll Llons and Pill hurxh Sleelcn wllh nn run hnnd when on the mid hm llred Thu nnnnunccmrnl cams Monday mm Slrrlrr conch Budd Parker who Iavlirr um hll qunnzrblck to quIL WOODALL DIES BOSTON AWChurn Lur cnru Larry Vondull G7 or mer Delmll Tum rnlrhtr and member ol In nuslnn 11rd Sax nmnnlwlian Ilnca 1m died Mondny gmdunlu Wnku lmnl Cnllrnc In 191 ha mu with llxa Tlum mm 1020 lhrouxh Hm Bnltiomorc Orioles yesterday OrMes second baseman Bob Johnson steps out of the way am making pumul on Mc Aulme who successlully ad vanch leammale Jake Wood DUPAR T0 FIUIIT BALTIMORE nail mun promnlcr llmny Tmlu nunouncrd Mnmlny In chum Inn Huhvh Dunn Ind Drnny Klnycr will mm In wnrM unlor mlddlewrlnhl lllle Huh mu June Hum lnok lho bnxlnn crown lrom Mnyrr April In who unmllnn mlvllnrwrwhl hnxlnu rllnm Lou wnu wlrnml hnm lumpiln Mmhlny um lrll lur 0mm uhrru hr II will unmlmllonl xllvlnlly In donl lllllmnlum Sun Dar NH lnkrn 1o howllul In rhrckun IIIOHI Illrr III lrmlnl III hllv unlnll Ill mm lIdmvmlnn mul lip In Enhmlay Inhl llltlunh mm who um umnlnmm I1 mud duelInn an badly Imlen by In hullrnm In lht lllo mundl Xnyl KImdlIV luraled no bud Inhale ml IUrhmlum mu In holpllul or mt EXAMINH WANT Alll IIIDNI PA mu Blair Richardson Leaves Hospital HALIFAX CPDHm mm Lean delcalcd Syracuse Chick ï¬le Rochester win left them M5 games behind Buffalo Sam Bowen doubled In Rocheslcra ï¬rst run lhcn slolu third and scomd on an lnlicld out or tho other mn WINS IN NINTH Buddy Barker slammed threerun humor with two out ninl nlng to wipe out 55 Eullaln land and give Jacksonville the win llnrry Chill also hit threevrun homcr or Jacksonville lnc Chris lephcr hit one for Buffalo wllh he buses amply and Tom Cal Ion one with in pm tun Don Buford homer and doubleahy Ramon Condemnd Gene Slaphcns calmd lhrce run eighlh Inning by Indiana polis and gave he win In In dinns Atnrler Frank Krnulzcr who survived shaky sun and histh wllh strong Ivehlb ler Orlnndo McFarlane trimmed both Columbus smrlng lnnlnzs against Mlnnln 1le single led to lha ï¬rst run In the second inning and succusslve doubcs by McFarland and Pancho Her ma produced the wlnnlng run In launh Toronln Jumped an Syracuse pllrhcr Cllfl Adams 01 our runs In the flu Irwin and col cctvd mm ll hlln 01 three pitchers Neil Chmlcy hnd lhru hlll hi and tho mull Curl Grccna pllchcd llx hluor or he wln blunklnfl Syrncuso unul lha alxlh Inning Luna flood lhe wian today In old lumllln spot or Mm wnlllnz In In he wlll Am ll Ihe lehlwclxhl llllt while ward new In fly around he boxlnl brnl Champion lenl om and he hnd no mild nfler or Lam llxhl He added hu wnl lhlnllna nl dclcmllnn nuulnxl Junlor lluhlmlgm dmmrlan Fluh Elardo In lhu lhllpplnrl lu second Umpire Al Salerno makes the call Youre out Detroit picked up seven runs In the Inning to hnmk lie and go on to win 124 AP Wirepholu Lune lnld ho lnrw ll CMI mm wlld oflrr ml Mndlmn Squm mnldunnker Tnhly nrrnn manner Inld ha mmle lhu err lml wlntrr lull om lurned ll ulnwn Lam NIH Hum nrr told Hm null 00¢ Dlvld Guxlehky erhlgnn Ilhlrllc rnmmlulnnrr MM hl innw Iwn Mm lo promolo Inna01m 11L udmly Illa Inld he would pull Mlth hum mu of Uw Wollrl Hoxllll Aunclnllm Um VIM Ilorxnl Ion th wlwrorrr Itll II U10 Iml Mlh HEM Duly Mivl Thu WM duunt mmm my Illum Aml WI MM ll lmv In nlml Hun WIIA lay why hm mnmsru niuwm Ill um Oxlll cl II II hl donnl alga In 1th INN by June WANT N0 IMITY rum mm lmlllll Mm lo Ill lllrlnl um unnlml any pm wulhmw Ipniltr NIH erh Lane Ignored By Champion Lana IIM nrur Inrrn popular wlm Ilahtuuhl INIWIKmI Im lhvvm duer Mm of WHO lime Mn llnllly In Mm nbot In 1m and aulmlnlod ï¬lm Lam MAI On In 19 MAmmI NNM In MI Ilnmml the mmhpnl nn rull In in rmlmh unlnr nuamw uu lulu hmd va f0flK Ammay lmlllll NlVlnr lo umml hp pmt pl Lani mm Mur By MIKE RATEEI Analled Pm 5pm Writer The mnvlng ingcr write And having wrii move on And did Jim Brosnnn Brosnnn the well known anihur and Vweilmgged rcilei specialist who wrow hlmseli inio Cincinnati Reds dol house made hi iirsi American appearance Mom day night and preserved Chi cago White Sox victory ovér hr place Kansas City Alh eics Brosnnn lunnd himself In Imu ble with Reds lb smon whenever he picked up base ball nr pen He made tx re tlel appearance or Clnclnnnu and had been bombed or 720 earned run average In IV In nine The author at The Dung Sen uon and The Pennant Rucn also ran Into trouble over hl writings in Cincin nati owned Btll Dewitt denied he had put any gun an the 32 yeurald rtgbthander who posted 104 record when Reds won the pennant in 1961 NEEDS PERMISSION in every baseball contract explained Dewitt theres clause pmhibfllng players from Pilsturxh St louls San Frandsco Chlcaso Mllwaukee Philadelphia Lo Anzeles Cinean NEW York Houston AuthorJim Brosncm Preserves Sox Victory Mandly Ruult Los Angeles leburgh Only game scheduled Pmblbla Pitcher Todly Pittsburgh Cardwell 13 at Chicago Jackson Phllndelphh Mahmey New York Jacksnn San Frunclm Mnrichnl at MHwaukoe Burdeue 132 La Angela Koulnx 121 at St Louis Washbum 50 Houston Nollcban Clncinnall Jay Kansas City New York Boston Chlcnxa Baltimore Cleveland Lu Anuclcl Mlnnewla BEN OLAN NEW YORK AWPu down Vu Covlnslnnl name amanx lhu player who found new lease on llln alter lcuvlnl Mll wnukeu 13mm Covlnmn plnycd or lhl nrnm pennantMun mum nl m7 and ma They sold blm Chicago Whlln Box and he mu ulso wllh Knmuu Clly mnvlru lo lhnlndolphl Kn July HIM lha hardhlulnz Phllndclphln nuuiclder has lnkcn nvrr an National League ballinx lend wllh 333 average In cremd Ml mlrk 41 polnll In hut week uqu whlle mllecl In 10 Nll 1n nllempu 455 pace By THE CANADIAN PRESS Fauna Alnu San lrnnciuo rem11m In ltlond plnm do lpllu uvmlnl dmp la 373 Ill Wlxlln ol Mk II lhlrd wllh 011L7qu hy Prank Ilownrd cl Angela nnd John lid wnnls CluclnnnlL Huh Edwardl ha lrndrr writ my Inn 59 mlnln wllh anly lwn Inlolm In lrlu WAan Canny nl Knmnl Clly runllnell In llrnl Nun In Hm Amrrlrnn ltnzum Ilo plrlml 1m All lllflll in wilh In blim lnrII pulnmunu lnl wrck Carl Yulmnuhl nl llmlon held In mnnurup pmliou Il lhoukh Im ell 10 polnll lo M5 Mm warm la Annrlu mnwd up lhrm nlnru In lhlul ll 15 Vnflncr Knlnml Ill wlnll wllh 10 MIA In Hum nl Ival Douvupprfl ol Wuhlnllnn In low ll JIM hm Nlrlmlum Hrgo Whlln 54 wIHnwvl 1qu lmmrll In Vumr lml NIW mkl LIlnn Huwnnl lnr llm Amtr Inn lAHllll humnun lrml Hath MI le Flnyd llahlnwn In Whllu rm dum In to NM Iml dudlncld nob AIII IMI Minnow or lull kml ll II mm Al Covington Finds lllnk AIM Mllnuiu hll lwn ham and MI pun Ihc Natloml Lulu with nlm Mum ml Ken nnylr nl RI IDUII up NI hr the Inn le mm Imllcvl In with 21 CW mm mm mu an New fease On Life Gnmu mudy Pillsburgh at Chicago Philndelphln nl New ank San Francisco at Milwaukee Glmel Wzdncidly Philadelphln at New York Pillsburzh at Chicago Houston at Clnclnnall Sqq Francisco at Milwaukee Héuslon at Ciilclnnafl In Angelo St Mull anlonnl Amtrlcln Lulu Pcl GEL City 15 I0 600 BASEBALL RECORD an 12 10 515 13 11 512 101 AB 07 18 Hi Id writing without the clubs per mission merely called his to Emma attention He prom ised me he wouldsubmit to me for approval anylhing he wrote He did not live up to thal promise whether that or his lack success on he muund was the reasqn or Brennans departure II guess But In the words Omar Khayyam Brosan moved on Red shipping Mm Ida lfhlcago Sunday in wulver ea our allcr Arriving he was am on the mend taking aver or Gary Peters In the ninth nnlng Brnxnan struck out two the threa men hu laced pre served Pelera Hrs major league victory and gave himself omclhlng to write home about The loss put the As into llrsbplaca llu wllh New York Yankees who got home run tom Mlckey Mantle and Tam Trash In 104 walloplng Dr trqll IIEern In Eh 0th other American League gamc Lo Angelo An ge edged Mlnnesnln Nina Pillsburgh Pirate retained Hm plncu In the National League healing Ln Angulel Dodgers 74 in the lone gnme Minnesota Peny Mb Lo Angelcs Le zn Washlnllon Dclroil Mondayl Baum New ank 10 Deiroll Minnesota L0 Angdes Chicago Knuns Cily Probable Pllchln Tvdly iNevg Yrqunsuflord Dégfpxt 1105511 Boston wuson ziz Balli mole Roberlg MLHN Chicagn Bumnrdi 01 at Kansas City Wickershnm 11 cDkoell 21 or at Wushlngian Kmlick Oslccn HM Gnmu muday Minnesota 1415 Angela Chicago at Kansas Cily New York Dem Cleveland Wshlnglon Huston Balllmorc Gnmu Wednesday Minnesota at Los Angclcs Chicago at Kansas City New York at Delroll Cleveland at Washington Boston at Bullimorc Duifnlo Rochester yracusu omnlo Toronto Richmond Arknnsas Atlnnln Indianapolis Columbus Jncksanvlll lndlnnnpoll ll 11 $00 Columbus 10 12 455 lncksanvlll lo 12 Mondlyl unnu Richmond Rochcslm Toronla Syracuse Columbus Allanln Bullan Jackmnvllle lndlnnupolll Llllle Rock Ollln Ill Dunk II RENTACAR TRUCK SERVICE lnlunnllonll League Northern Dlvlllnn PA 61412 DAVE Nlrnouum FRANK HOWARD Southern II III Mlndlq ID 15 400 15 375 Dlvhlw Idan 12 5667 5V Brosnan made mans mt preasion In his antInnan work nul against Al Ila stmck out no Clmofl gal Ed Charles In hll grounder to third and In gshed by striking outNonn Sie Charles hnd pravloully stroked two of lhe our hit Peter Peters and Mlku Hurshbcrger homered for Whlle Sax whlla Nellle Fox and Camllo Cnrreon ï¬lth collected three hm In lend the attack Trenh and Bobby Richardson each stmked three hit is Yankee pounded out 15 against TIgers starter Hank Agulm and his successors Bolh Mantle nnd Trcsh drove In three runs The victory wan to Whitey Ford who needed reliel help from Jim Boutnn to hill histhhd straight vicgory Al earllcr had battered In two runs with double produced another two nIn double Intlhe last of the nlnlh Angels came mm he hind to heal Twins and and ourvgnme luslng streak Mlnneu sola had snapped In in the top half of the inning on Zono Vefgallespnpgaduplq ngyer Johnny Logan glc with the bases loaded In the sixth Inning capped mum Phale explosion agnlnst Don Drysdale and the punchless Dodgers who have last seven at their last nine games fielder Geno Green Cleve land Indian jumped his team Monday and said he has nu In lenllon of relumng know Im no bad ball playcr and cant stand not playing Green said Id rather quit baseball and do snmethlng or less money cant stand um any more Green who will be 10 next month was used as pinch hiller by the Indians man of Los Andes he was hoping um Indlnns would trade him to the Angels during their series here last weekend love play hm he thlnk theyd appreciate But no deal came and Green decided lo mlsa the piano when the Indians tank at or glpn Mpnday morn lhlsulsa unny grime lie sald Im not good enough to play or Cleveland but Im too good to he traded undtralnnd the Indians turned down Green lumps Team Birdie chbclls 1CXcveland manager told me the Angels wanted mo as pinch hiller and ha snld lhnts whnl Cleve land want me for Never To Return Green ballad or the Km diam last season He hnd only N3 ball but hit 11 homer and draw In 73 runs Your taste ygs ANGEIJES AmOut qunmy control chock Try light Imoolh Cnlvon Old Rye Evory drop of Cnlvon Old Rye mun pan no rigid boron lonvlng our dllmlory Your um ho 91m chuck Calvert 01d Rye is the 9721 check NEW YORK AP Walter Alslun Job sate Waller OMHHEY pruldenl lho slumping Lo Anaelcs Dodgers has no Imentlun Illins his mega THE BARR EXAMINER TUESDAY MAY 1m Walt Alstons lob IsSafe Receives Vote Conï¬dence Breaking long silence Olilalley told The Assoclawd Pres today he did not blame Alston for tho clubs poor show ing had never considered the possibility of dropping Ml mun nger and gave what amounted in vain oi contidcnca to Walter or the balance ni the season dont want to be put in the paslllan of having to give Alston win of mniidenca snld OMaliay Thats usually construed as kiss death hui wan to answer yau as directly and honesiiy as can Alston Is my manager and have no lnlcnllon at making aghang Den Durocher admire him as baseball man always hnve Thats why hired him coach and thats what hell rcmaln There never has been any Inlenllon and there is none now to elevate Leo to the managers Job For that mullet dont believe Leo enlcrlulns nnyllhoughl of war managing ugmn OManey senile nl reports of dlssenslon on the club hut uc knowledged that there mlgh be several Dodger who were not nulliï¬ed with lhglr manager SCOFFS AT IDEA There liar mmmger In bayan who has all the play ers behind him he said cannm remember team that didnLhava somg unhappy play OPTION TWO CHICAGO AP Chicago Cubs sent catcher mum Barra gnn In their Salt Lake City arm club Monday and southpaw pitcher chk Lemay to Allanlu Both players are on uhour op ion Thch liar alivnyk géï¬ae dly Mifllfluï¬ï¬‚ï¬f ll COLLIER STREET gnmkled bench warmer as daily veteran who lhlnkl hl should be playing That condlé Mon 13 an aid as beam alley blamed clubq low posmon ln he standings Injuries rather than on any fric tion between the manner Ind his players MURDOCK an WHEEL ALIGNMENT WHEEL BALANCING ABSORBER SERVICE COMPLETE FRONT END SUSPENSXON OVERHAUL 21 TORONTO ST Let check Your Cu PA 82202 LEO DUEOCIIER HARRY