Vollul or Impth II done Iuy 1mm wrllml mu lumlrulrrl In llve Nlll rlllu lllllnll um pmlnlrd In all ll lhl lqululml ul lllm Thu nmhy ll mum 000 In lllulelllm lnr bring lhn urnAll lend mo lur lrmunl all the nu hall In It uml vollnl and I300 ur lamb In the nerondhlll Imllnfllng Mob nullvc Krnozuul Qua hm plnyul mm mum In Thlcum Ila played Junlvr hockey wllh Canvarlnon mm and lilmrr ul hlunin vunnn Im All Inrd llnn nlnln mnn win as Tumlllnl Cnrl Hrrwrx nlm Mum lo llm llrnl III Ilnr lmlm Wu ummi In lhu hullvlvlunl how Illqu Irwl Mm lny Nlnll In IL Tumult Tlm Ulllm mumI In In mwmd ull nlnr lrnm wm lhln In In ll mllnx ultll Thirnxu And rumm anla huh ho lwn NHL cluhn ruled having llm lml Irlnnco vnm ltd he vullnl IHMo vrulmuly wnl mum lo Ilw rnnuen llrxl nIInlnr lnnm MONTREAL CPLHarm Il lnle cnplnln of Thlrngo 1an llnwkx Inn on Hm Jnmrn Nar Il Mmlmhll lnvphy m1 Iho anlonnl Hackry Lenuueg mu Ilnndln drrmrrmnn ll wnl IIII nullntc Mommy In spite of the general cellng ol dlsllkc for Richard Bulldog Brewer there were few small cw who fell the vlllaln had been slruck foul blow But rules are rules and these same ans could remem hcr many nl lll when Brower had been on tho long end of poor cclslon nh whim The real problem turned up when it came tlme to relleve Brower ol the old belt no easy chore Fol lowlng scuffle lnvolv ng slx strong men lens ushers and promoter the belt was torn from Browers mam moth mlddle The hauble vns relurned to nowcheer ful Buddy Rogers while the exehnmp ranted and rev ed from one end of the arena to lhe other Jolly Joe Gollub had no other cholee but to count Brower out the latter dldnt return Bulldog dldnt IO Gollub dld Figures doesnt ll Before Brewer could flex hls smallest muscle he was no longer the chem plon ol the unlverse The Bulldog unlmpressed vlth Hndys gallant speech refused to return to the ring lnslcad he stop ped to obll Ineg autograph grcyhalred old ladys Frogram ter all what ls more important return ng to what coulthrove to be slow palnrul death or nlgnlng an old la ys program No bulldog was no bodys fool He stood pat When Brewer pinned Buddy stated Hady his feet were caught on the middle rope Like this quick demonstration followed When vrestlers feet are outside or touching rope time is automatically called You know lot at these tough characters got out of pin by grabbing or kicking the ropes all the time Causas us heroes lot of trouble So the match has to go on and Brewer is not the champion Chicagos Pilote BeSt Defenceman Suddenly out came pleasant chap by name of Gentleman llm Hndy gesturing wildly as he protested the declsion Leaping lnto the ring Hady proceeded to prove to referee Gollub exactly why he nslsted Rogers was still the champion While Rogers groveiied 6n the bloodstained enn vas mourning the loss of his precious laurels the new cham ion lea ed through the ropes and began thread ing way rough his many admirers towards tho dressing room GENILEMAN JIM DISAGREES uucu ummfl he stricken lltleholder could lift his shoulders away from the mat Bulldog Victoriously umped to his feat seizing Buddys gold belt clutching to his middle and waving spitefully at the hoollng crowd The fans on hand and those all over the world had no great love for Rogers but their affection towards the Bulldog measured even less The champion Rogers launched determined ei Iori in ing to subdue his stouthearted challenger via his in amous and matchending spinning leg lock But alas it worked to no avail Time and time again the beadyeyed Brewer escaped the fatal hold finally ginishlng the king with ghty body slam and press near the ropes Referee Joe Gollub unable to believe his elves to start count egg gasped flhree be are The two playmates had been engaged for about seven or eight minutes in what originally had been billed as wrestling match but turned out to be fight tothedeath They smashed each other to pulp first one and then the other it was certain bv this time that this affair was not one for the weak Thats why its hard to believe that there was night when this 273pound cutthroat actually had ew sympathizers on his side Naturally this had to be he eve February 1982 when the Bulldog wrestled he Heavyweight Championship from Buddy Rogers another charming character only to lose it back on technicality just two minutes later its sure bet that most wrestling hugs around the érea are familiar with the name of Richard Brewer or norq becoming to his ap enranee the Bulldog In al most every locale fans ll mow each other down just to see Brewer to see him get killed BULLDOG FIT TO BE TIED THE COMING of professional wrestling to Barrie iomorrow night brings to mind an interesting story éboui huge hunk ni grappier who wont even be ap pearing on the opening card at the Arena 50 actually jusllco had been served nller all SPORTS CHATTER By JERRY GLADMAN tvauoKuk nmmw yum Han Flanmm unummlml Yrfnmn IVII IBM LII uu Nun 10 munmrnlvv IIIL Fm llml mm up lnlrmnu runum Van Man nlnl lhllmlrlrhlm Ilnlvrnl Ilmflnnl man my Wanna lmL 1M Ilmrull FIGHT RESULTS llllelIli IIHYTII L7 nqu Alhlu lrnrmn Im am nlrnlml pnlr lwnrun tluulflm Hu nomml vrlnllHnI DI mm lmnl hrhlml vlctury Mlnnrufln lltri Im nIInIld my lvmr um um olnhl Inn mu In um mn rr mum nlnll lolllnu rmhl yr Il Ilumvh uwr Knnm II THE AlileMTED Mm Thr Imn Me In Scull Um rlmnlllnluhlp You puma lo Ier In llm MI Inrn ml mhrr hnn Manchu llnHU Mm Dukr Iidnumtllnu Mun Mlmlhn nlnl Dunny IIE FM Mauls win all Knlmufln luu mul Jlm luwrm HAN FHANUISCO CPI0r lnml Kurlrnhnch Icnml In Mr mu Mnmlny mm In aim the Sun Frumlxm sum wit my wrr Svnlllu Tvlrnu and lie Vulem wiry Leuuo clunmmgmhlu An nIlllma lrmnl ow lnl mo llmkry mml IN mum llwlr uplirlwnl Kur lrnlmh mm inerhlnh sin Mn um um llw Hull IflerE lnlrlck up llllly Walker and Don McFad dun pnlr of loans held Jay cm In llvo lull ln le lnnlnxl John Manor and Wayne lupmnn cl Inycm wcrn oven mm mm nllawlnz only low lulo UM Clnrkmn mom mm In tho outh lnnlnn of human nl Don Anderson bun nllcr hclng hll by pllrhcd hull and Ucmla McLnnn linrl McCrono and Grotto lawman followld Mlh alnulcs Mchne Clnrkson nnd Mul oney of Jaycm lust ynnr wllh Cmrksan md Iwo valid 1ngch apiece Tomorrow nhllll Clutkwn the relxnlnu Inlnrmullmn Lemma chumpmn plny hlcwnrll inr nucl Icnlor champ nl Shnnr lnrk Fm uc or looked lcrrmc Clurkmn Hoth nipped Bur nu Jnycm 24 in an txhlhillon lens lwo lnlnrmcdinle SOIL ball League club discovered that the plchm Mm nm In thcr playing condlllon lhlln the bullets gycg Kurtenback Paces Seals With the ucqu in of couple of pitcher good one an uuuicldcr or two and maybe catcher Lakevlew Diary of he Burrle Inlormcdlale Saflball League could prnvldo or In thrilling hull gnmcsAln 1961 Minding runEs that Is on do lo boner than last year replied anI when asked about Lakevlewa chnnm nr 1963 Wu had lot of tough luck last season In lhc lnler Innings We lost nlna in row in the last couple Innings Thats not an gnnd plan go work on this The present Infield llncup hn Al Malta at ï¬rst Graham Wll sun at second Don Jones at shortstop and Ron Rlnnerd on lhlrd 0m sure Ilarllng pllcher lx Vnyno Klooslermnn Llndy Knupps wlll no relurn as player this year Instead lnklnl uv mnyggcy Chuckers Tops In Exhibition 12 nd early just yet In talk cl too many changes he sald All can say ls lhul we are hopan or ballot pllchlnl slnll In 1963 and were also ank lug or couple uulllclders We have practically the snma ln lleld although we could use in spite ol the net Lnkcvlcw Dnlry ï¬nished In last place in the Intermediate Softball League Ins season coach Ed Law confident hls sqund can turn up yulcnder In 1963 Ed appeared qulle pleased at the turnout at Ins nights pm Mcc at Queens Parkbut was sllll In the dark as far as too nngu wego poncemed Lakeview Dairy 1963 Contender BALL STARS COACH ED LAWS anhnml ownerconch Niagara Falls said he had no allhlshlx club was oulsknted and healen fair and square But he wasnt happy about Ed monton crowds In prcvlnu games dlDSSA In rooms were closed to r24 porters But this dldnl step the coachï¬lrom talking Cenlru Butch Paul lwlce fur Oll Kings Max tlnsck Bob Fulkenhurg Rngcr Bnurbonnnis go others Gary Harmer and Bill Glnshnn scored for Niagara Falls Oll King look lead after scoreless ï¬rst period and the team split goal In the third period Edmnntona nrcchccking was the dccldlng factor the same pattern which helped tn produce 73 vlclary for tho Oll Kings last Saturday after absorbing an 50 lacing In the ï¬rst game COUNTS TWICE Fourth Kama will be played tunlghl wllh Ihe llllll scheduled fnr Thursday Mondny nights 52 win over Flynn before nearcapacity crowd 11424 gnvu lhn EdmonA tun club It Hrs series lend In our cansecullvo Memorial Cup ï¬nals EDMONTON CmFrospccls Edmonton on King wlnnIng lhclr Hrs Memorial Cup looked brlghler loday wllh lhu club holdlng edge over Nlngnra Falls Flyer nthe bestMsevcn ï¬nal for the Cunndlnn Junlnr hockey chnmplnnshlp Qil Kings Prospects Appear Much Brighter IN EVERY BA PRODUCTTHE PRICELESS BENEFIT OF QUALITY LA gasolines are Hmnn separateiï¬s to make your car runbetter CLEANBURNING Ilntll and on mlmn umuin qwme Innqu inpmlrufl Hm mulan mn mimmm luvnMIvlmnt dul hqu man hmgn mm ll pamlmu Wally rmmulalnl mnmm engine lumiit Hwy lnp yan nmnin hum uim purumume in pal CAIIIIIVIIIll RHMN Only wmlum nlc IHMH Iluml 01va thchimlumhnlumnpwlmg Iin mpmc pulunu mu IINM llill HAN Fag sqqrcd Ive never had am like lhls my the young right hqndgr Ifrpm Buybank Wash mum uqu uuumnn m1an who In giving up lower hlts than Washhum 25 In hls second year with the Cardinals la IE Nullannl Leaguel leading pitcher with live vlclnrlcs and no delenls He goes after Na tonight against Ihe 10 Air zelcs Dodgers ST LOUIS APlRny Wash burn or the St Louis CnrdlnAll who has mum wilh nohlllers twlce lhls spring eels with lhl start think can win 20 Emma Indlcnled he might move Icnm captain Teny Crisp between Ron Schock nd Vayno Mnxner Domhoeler was carried ram the Ice In the lhlrd period when checked by defenceman Pat Qulnn of Edmnntnn Qulnn was given majorfor charging The Flym conch mus thufllo hls lineup or Ionlghll game due knee Injury to centre Gary Darnhaofur who might miss the hnlancu the series ClfllnlAEDV FROM ICE Asked how the crnwds were treating him on and all the Ice Emma replied Id never like In brlng club back In Edmun Ion nxaln Washburn Thinks In Terms Of 20 in ins sum against cm cage Washhurn won six in ning helare giving up hiL Before that lacing lha Dodgers he retired the first 30 men and did not allow hit until lhe eighth many pitchers hllow runs In 41 23 Innings he has allowed just eight runs and 25 hits and has 1m earned run average 160 H1 40 strikeouts loud league Ive Improved my control and gamed confidence sald Washburn who had 129 mark last year with lhe Cardinals of Edmonlnn Referee Frank Dnlgnnull of Montreal gave Iomlnulc ml canduc pcnnllles to Cusp and Dornhaelcr In the steam period Ior dlsputlng minor pcnnlllcs Gem1e Gnrdnur made saves In Niagara Falls goal cfmparcqwhh 19 by Russ Klrk nrnyshnw snld his club are checked we hm he didnl thlnk 011 Kings lmd Flynrs an the Irn Tnnlghla gnmc will dcclde Edmonlnn conch Buster Bray shnw snld he thought Qulnn de served penalty but dldnt lhnk he should have rccelvcd Iva mlnulus Nlngnru Falls scored whllu mm and defence mnn Butch Barber wcru 01L nllow runs In he has allowed and 25 hits and run nvgrnge Aal In an Mung rnr of in driving your cur lnku In nlmul 05lXXJ gnllmn uf Ilifmmll ufil runlnining Ininuu III myilin To lulu uImlm lll cflrcn 0f lhil niplvomc dill lA Inmhnu slum mm wa lo luring yml umth unuhkï¬tc pulmmnncc lltry anr your rnr um Ivcnrr IMI lungcrmlvilr Ininginn ii any wnlmhlic ndmwc lmmn Iu he gnwlmc imhnlvy To 1an your my run lcllrr HIM mm in nl the up kcf Ih big IIA and gtl hr dtnnnl pnwlmu you um huyl Johnny ancnline vlllalnnus heavyweight wrestling chnm plan the United States mnkns his ï¬rst appearance In Barrie lamnrrnw nlght In Ihc xeml Haul of Ihe profcssionnl THE MIME EXAMINER TUESDAY MAY 1961 HES N0 VALENTINE wreslllnz card Valentine will battle Tony Marina Main av cnl of the nlghl pm Sweet Daddy Slkl agnmst Gentleman Ilm Hady Opener 845 has Billy Red Lyons galng gnlnst rugged Stun Slaslak my an an untrue