Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 May 1963, p. 6

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NM lllmmm ll ourml In olnu mm And In poHnry mm nu Inmmlnnl Im lull nl Illvlm rumpmy luck nuulna Thll Wu Irmmpllllwl III luv Minimumm uumnyma whleh Mr Illp hvll In III Im ulmulun with new nu Mm lmpuunl Illmull vmmlhnwulhlhluhlllmyvmw mm In mlnlnlmd am pried vimn1 monlhu In ram qu rnlly In Iflllllllhltufll ML mm ImW 41mm in nownml vwmh InIlllul In lnuml unlvm hullnfi lulnllnn IMlHy um nk human lruly xmllnm HrMn mmlun In mlnum man up hullnl Injuml lnfllmnl lluul One III III IIrsI lmIIu Um fnnnlllnn Ilwnlrt Mlu ItId mann hcr IInI Fullml lppCIP nncn Inur your nun IrimllIn In OlncIIo nmI rIIn In Al nu IIIw SIncn Ihrn Inn Inn ilnycd Um Nurxo In lInmto nnd Jnllrl IIcIenn In II It nunmrr Nluhl 1mm Inque anIn In an51 Lnbunrl 14m Qurtn Knlhnrlnu In IIrnry III Knlhnrlnn In 11w Tmn Iml he Shrew nnxl InIIy Mnc lwII In Inn Inllrr qu Aha WM lhu IInI NmIII lIanrnn ntInu In Im urn uImnIInnrnuIIy In Iwn InmlpIum ulwn 1an mm Mlu field has boon Ilnrrlnu on nrnndwny lhls wlnlcr In the million pcrlarmnnm Edwlrd AIhKCl hll drnmlh Whnl Mmld Vlrllnlu Vonm To take part In mu Fullvnl unson nhc hnl turmd down an alter mndc by tho Vlrulnla Vool rmluccn to lnku ovnr lhc cm nlno lrnd camplclcly when Ul llngcn IUII Nu awning pn xrmnnrcs gun on lummcr nc nuan STRATFORD Kme field will return to Slrullord lhl summer or he Shnkcspnarenn FDSUVAII lnh mason Thu volnlllc Ilurne Imlrtd aclrm who has been leading member ho levnl company dnco 1959 has bran finned lnr he rule Adriana In The Comedy Errors so the bnkrrl wlte Imd Slsm Mnnhe in Cyrnnu do Demonic and Cassandra ha prophnm in Trollul and Cussldu Hauling Suhslnncc Shrmlm ilcn The mnlmn of honor wax Mrs Peter Sllngcr slstnr at the bride The bridesmaids were Mlss Jac queline Banting at Ivy the brides cousln Ind Miss ea chcr Mncdonam Barrle The nlltndnnls wzro nlllred ln nimllnr mm length gowns of nylon sheer The drums cal ured lined bodies with scoop nockllncs nnd bouffnnt skim arr gr by her broiherlnlnw Polar Sllnger he brlde was gowncd In floor lengtls dress nylon sheer and lace The dress was lashloncd wllh filled badlce accented wllh lace ynke Irlmmed wllh 5c qulns and pearls and llly pnln sleeves The sklr of the gown was hnullanlr Ham seed pearls held the elbow lenglh vell at nylun net and lace The brldo carrlad banquet red mas and whlle button mums AllENDANlS The solnlst Mu nrucs Cum mings sang Eccmlse nnd Iha Lords Prayer accompanied by the orznnlst Mrs 11 Black The bride ls Ihe daughter 01 Mrs Arthur McQuay and he late Mr Mch Thornlon The bridegroom Hi son 01 MN Charles Webb and he late Mr Webb 01 Bracebrldge TRADITIONAL GOWN First Lady Of Canadian Theatre Returns To Strattord For63 Standard of yellow and while mums decorated Thornton Un lted Church or the martian Miss Norma 01cm McQuay to Mlchnel Arthur Webb Rev Loo nard Wnrr officiated at the alt ernoon ceremony April 20 Thornton United Scene Of Rites Announce New MR AND MRS MICHAEL WEBB Hark Slrnllord or III lec oml Mr 11 Joseph Shaw who has can can In Helenul and Cnlchn In Trollm Ind Cm nldn and Llnnhre and Cudcl In Cyrano Dunne Mrrvyn Blake will mum lo the Fullvl or hll uvcnlh ton Ircullvo Mon Anneln ln Tho Comedy of lIrron Senv pronlu In Tlman cl Athens nnd III In Pamr and Journlh In Cyrano da Bergerac Claude node mu pnvlomly lllronuhl Iain Cyrnno Mainline In Murlha Hmr prevluusl In nounced la pay Cmsl in Troilus and Cressidn and caurlmn In Tlmon Alhcnl wlll nnw play LULIMII younler mm Adriana In Comedy 01 Error wall Dlnnn Maddox name In Cyrano du Dunne will aka wen llrlcn Troy In Tron and Cmnldn with lhu Ilznlnz an fleld Michael Lungham lllllflc dlr eclur or lhe Fullul announced lurlher cnxlinx mm Macbeth was presented llve ram Iho Fesllvll Thutro alnge an lhu llrll lnlerconllnenlul Tell broadens lull July 23 Gum nllended from Bruce bridgc Toronlm Purl Cradil Ranscmvillc New York Niag nra Falls NY Mllston Mark ham Guelph Oakville and Bar rle For travelling he bride war gnidenrod caiared linen sheath dress with matching brie Jack 21 and accessories in goldenmd and bone or corsago was pink roses Ori rclurn Irdm he wedding trlp to Florida lha cuupla will regde Thurman Assisting the brldezmoms mother was attired In tea blue gown wllh mulchinl jacket While accessories and comma pInk mses complemented her costume The reception was held In Thornton Orange Hall Receiv ing the guests the brides moth er wore sheath gown of beige lace over Inflela wllh muiching jnckol Beige accessorlcs and corsagc Talisman mu com plepcq her ensemble best was William Webb Markham Ihe brlde grooms brother Ushers were Terry Webb of Bracebrldge also the bridegroom broflrer and Walker Hunter RR Barrie causln of the bride Thu brides nephew Guy Sllngcr was ring bearer RECEPTION 44 DUNLOP IT EAST FA I42 OPIN FRIDAV UNTIL 900 EM The matron of hunora gown was yellow line bridemnldA dresses were llmo green All the men dmta mm white flowered huts and carrlcd bouquets ulmnn colored carnelian Dmsol For Th Brill For Thu llrldolmnld For Th Mother HI rm Fashions For Your Beautiful JUNE WEDDING Choose From Our Vldo ASolccllon of Barrio Garrick pp Al ma boy In the Feulvall 11m son 10 yam no and whn hn linco progressed to lend Inks will be ucn Patroclu In Trollus and Crusldu Cnphll In Tlmnn Athens and Iop and Cndct 1n Cymnu do Eugene Olhzr membm last year Fesllvnl company who hnvo been fined nznln but have no yn bun lullmd lo lplclllc ralu Ira Ttd lladncmnn Lcn Curiou Ind Adyjnn Iccknold The chllvll lllh non cpenl on June 11 wllh lha llm garlnrmunca nl Mlchul Luna nml producllwn ol Trollul and Crmldnl1lnlollowlnl evenlnz Cyrano dc Bergerac nlo dir eclul by Mlclmcl Lnnghnm wlll hive II we prcmlenl On Wed msdn tvcnlnz June 19 Thu Comtdy Erma dlmled by Jun Gucnn wlll open Timon AIMnu dlnclul hy Prior Coo Jolm lhl reprrlory on July ns Antennr In Trollus and Cut IME Bullhmr In Tha Cam edy of Ernm and Slate do Bumac and Senior In 11rqu of Alhnns At present Ihe 30000 mem ber voluntary organizallon re presenting about 70 per cent of nurse In Ontarla can make recammendaflom but has no bymninlnz ngqnt flle nksoaatlon reconzmgldx Ilarunx nulary 1325 month or antral mu nurm or on hope In chinve standard pay rnlcs hrouzhout Ihe province sny Darla Gldncy assistant execu Ilve seemingly Miss by my growing number nurses are in iavor oi turning Iho organization inin bargaining agent OnMVA The Registered Nur ses Association of Ontario will consider the advantages oi form ing union ior collective har gnining with hospital boards at its annual meeting willrll com mgced yesterdgy Aske how he happened In gel Into what considered among the toughest of Jobs she explllns almrly hm ahe wanted to mnku lvlng Ellccn Lowe hears hm stor le abuut women invading fields of business formerly occupied by men she chuckles she cut up alhbs mm mill and deliver the fuel or $20 jrucrklnad Until few years ago aha regularly wen lnlo the wood to ell her own trees Now she was llly occasjnnqlly She crushcd real male nronghold years ago Mlu Lowe runs onewoman fuel wood business She has truck Iraclor driven buzz saw and homemade ch vcyor to load up the truck To Discuss Salary For Staff Nurses Woman Invades Male Business NANAIMO BC 1CPthu All we can do new II tondutt ounelve with dlznlty lry to hold our head up and wall un ma busyhodlc llnd some lhlng else to talk nboulnEEN THERE Dur men Thank you or he Itllcr Your mnl bmer ex cricnro cmphulm llllfl lhnl pm to Aelecl lrlcnd cnre ully COVE LUI our Ann lehm The mm lhe poor up who wlla tht cmymvtr mlxed league howllnz nnl ammnr ball In our lmlly wasnt he linxnlt was captnct hrhqu We know about web lhlnns Ann Our son lnnoccnuy no ceplcd ride with lrlond no kmwlng lho was Ilolen Ill name was spread all over tha pupm Several month have passed nnd even though our non ha been cleared 01 all hlnmc Ml mm In nlll on averyonen llps My Wm WM alwnyl hol Ihnt It cards Hm It wn lrlcndly llllle lama wllh lho glrls Then no harm In You said and juslly no that he parents were nutrazcously unfair to discriminate against me glrl because of her sister mistake You should have ado dcd however an the younger girl had butler expect to carry the sllgma in good many 55 because most people rei sh uandnl and do their best keep it going Deu Ann Linden Your ad vice today was good but you didnt go In enaugh Im tnlk In about the uniortunnte girl who was unable to get date because her sister had child nut of wedlock The parent oi the boys at school wnuidmot permit their sons to associate with any member of we family ANN LANDERS Smlh are Lhown lollawinx their wedding In St Marys Roman Cathnllc Church April 21 The bride Patricia Ann Duggan the daughter at Stigma Of Scandal Kept Alive By Gossips MR AND MRS Brian THE BARRY EXAMINER TUESDAY MAY You Still Cant Beat Natural GAS Dur Ann ll am 11 year old Ind am feud with tenlhlo problem wlll be com Ilrmed In few wuksl Altar church mvlccs wlll have In Hand In the Iccclvlng llnu and shnko hands wllh la pcopln My problem llml whcn nervous my hand lcl all Iwuly am turn they will ha Ihll way allcr my cun Ilrmnllan have already called our hmlly doctor and ho My nothing can help dummy hands He told mo no to worry nbcut ll Haw can mu worry 113 In cmhnrrnsalnfi Maine lull mn ME to do HHOOK UP ALREADY Imr shoal You dont lndl rm whelher you In hay or Dear Slammed Vhy hlnme bridge or yuur wifex Itchy foot and loose morals The game was nnly Kimmlck la get her on 01 own woman znlng ducal Ihell dream up any txcusu 19 cover RECEIVING Ll Today am mnrrlcd woman who doesnt know one card from another and we him two children My first wife wnl too busy to think about kids And might add are very happyGRAND SLAMMED Stories Hunted hack me but me bridle players were glaylng bridge five and alx cum and lust playing Ihe of lhc time So aner three year eating out of lhe Irce lot blew the whistle on her Shu no lo be such at Mill and he lncal Inlcnt was no chnl longs She had lo gn out of own or tournaments Io meet real competition Th lrlps usually lasted three days volvcd in tournament bridge This hrnaduned the field to in chlga bolp pay and glrls Mrs Arthur Johnston and the lam Frank Dunn of Barrie The bridegooml par ents are Mr and Mrs Charles Smith also of Banlo The newlyweds will reside at 61 Sophia Street Ensl You ll worry kn whtn discuver um mnny hand you will bl nhaklnl be clnmmy on lid Thil iniormnllen would ilnvo helped me with my Inl worn girl can wear dnlniy whlto Illk Klom boy can have an extra handkerchici in his pack and WIN his hand whgn he lei brniher 13th annua conlercnce Business and Pmlculonnl Wa mcnl Clubs ln Rczlun was held at the Brunswick lloml ln Pnrry Sound at Illa weekend Raglan No lncludes Battle Colllngwood Orlllla llunlavllle Parry Sound Mldland and Bruce brldzo Burrla club membm Il lendan wen Mn Dorothy Ay cllllo delexale lllrl Lllllln Donald Joncscu who Is on ha leaching stall at Sultan West High School wu weekend guest the ham hl brother and lislerlmlaw Mr and Mn Slava Jonescu and dnuzhlm weekend gnu at the home Mr and Mrs Arrn strong 01 Shanty Bay Rd We Mn Armxlmnzu father Alex McCormick London Ont Mr McCormlck was in the ally to attend the connnnallon hll granddaughter Miss Robin Arm strong at Trlnlly Anxlkan Gnuch an Sunday evening ATTEND CONFERNECE lelllng at the Sunnldala Rd resldcnce of Mr and Mn Eh nest Bell this week are Mr Bells parents Mr and Mrs Fred Bell Toronto HQSPITAI PATIENT Mrs Doug rallck SL Paul pallent 1n roam 5L Mlchuall Hospital Tor onto Visiluu on Saturday with Mrs Franck were her parents Mr and Mn Fred Kelsey of Gowan Street Meier and Mrs Howard nre IakIng up resIdcnce at tho end the munlh In Ottawa whore Major Howard will ha workIng Major IIownrd Is IIccr Commnndlng Squadron Grey and SImooe Former Reg Imenl 0n FrIdny cvenIng May 24 Iha acllve hanornry and Ar wcian members of the OIIicm Mess are pInnnlnz an evening In BarrIe Armoury In Major Ho wards honor On Sunday aIler noon May 20 ten qu be held at the Mess In hunor 01 Major and Mrs Howard prIor to lhelr departure Allan Stanley delence star of the worlds pmlesslonnl hackey champions tho Toronlu Maple Leafs was welcomed warmly by the large nthzrlng whlch at tended the openlnl mlal evan lnz Saturday at Barrla G011 and Country Club Mr Ind Mrs Stanley were guests of Mr and MgAl Stevens This was the earliest opening dance on record It the Barrie club was Informal Danco murlc was provided Gama OConnorl Barrio Qu niei So cial Convener Ros Roli kept things mllinl Ihrough the nveninz with special and lucky 5113 danccspnd auilalgie prizes 69pm 10 OTTAWA The lormal opening dinner and dance wlll be held on Saturdny and May In Thls Saturday ls the mm openlnz flag Noni In Intendua lo cum lht unenl Ioulnl Ill cl Ind dlllrlcc Weddlnl In alvemrlu hlflhdbyl brldn pull womlnl olua pm He vllltnn Ind lrlvellm In ll Hum 01 Intelcu tn women mam oi thll Your help In Inpplyln um will In mllly Imm clled Plnn plum Th0 Bmln Enmlner PA um um ult lnr Elleen Dixon or Andra Coullon II lln wom cnl Deputmenl 1199ng 5w ma SPEAKING OF PEOPLE AND PLACES wlli ynu lha Miss Grace Porleous ol Tor nnlo has Joined the stall nl tho National Em noyment Scr vice of the Barre oiilce She assumed her duties as Special Services Oliicer an May llliinz the vacancy left by Dick Boer illu Pomqu came to Barrie iron Scarbor ough NES Oirlce where Ihu wnx placement oliicer ller experience aim includes live years with tho Dcpnrlmenl ol Wellare lor the Cily oi Toronto in har new post Miss Porleous is responsible or Adult Train ing under Program Flvo oi ledernl provincial schema lundllnz plbbllml contronllni war veleranl counselling youih 1nd placing handicapped pcrv WM She has laken up resi ganca on Cook Stl Examiner Phala of menus Avenue been entertained at several events prior to her de snurt or Oskvlllc next monlh Em Chllllck ol Alllslun enledalncd al dosserl pnrly Guesls wera present from Shan Bsy 13ml and Camp Bor en luncheon nrly was held the home 01 hrs John Richard son of lhnlslll slreel In honnr nl Mrs Way Guests Included members Ihe Wednesday all enmon sewing group the Hon pllal Auxlllsry Among maso prs sent were Mrs Allan Gerow Mrs David Canwrluhl Mrs Ralph Snolurave Mrs Rosser Mrs Fum Colvln Mrs Jack Mlluhlnnson Sr Mll can don Lelzhlon Mrs Ranch Mrs Pane Mrs Douu Tull and Mrs Blll Merrlam Jnnu premium Ml Ruby Mc Cartny Mu Grm Murphy Mls Evelyn Kiihuey and Mlss Constance Wilson Feaswam Penman To feel your best Jgfn garrick em 3134me PERMANENTS SE99 puma mu Mlnle Mine 0pm EVENING PICKUP AND DELIVERY SERVICE DUNLOP WEST ll DUNLOP EAST NEW POST nvnuéi subs For Um nnnd welldruud callnm lot un glvo your clothu proallow Sunl wnu Servlco Unlnz Um moat Advanced methods our nklllml npernlnra carefully clean pm and mllnpo clothes to lhclr minimal at Try us WRIGHT CLEANERS lTD nm xlm wlllzzul Plolnulonnl SANITONE Dvyclumlnq Guaranteed MQIHEROUFING LLOOK The ienlll annual King Edward School Old Girl reunion was held In tho city on Saturday Tlo even commenced with luncheon party hold at lhe Con tircninl inn followed by tour oi the rchom The Kin Edward School GirlsI Choir periormed under Ihe direction oi Mn Jean Dohron Ourolcily guesis ln eluded Mrs Dora Anderson Knight Willa wd nle Miss Georgian Blair Toronio Mrs Evelyn Bowden Hill Toronio mm Ilene nu wilmwdnle Mn Dalia Heusllp Cluie Tor onlo Mrs Ann lye Gmldoi Toronio Mrs Dorothy Kenney niddeil Toronto Mrs Ran Klu Looker Toronto Mrl Winnie Malcom Bloggi Coiling wood Mrs Mabel Mllchell Rid dell Toronio Mu Jean More rlson Wilson lhomhlll Mrl Madeline Mclniyra locklrarii Owen Sound Mn ilelen borno McBride Toronto Mrl Glodyo Poole Lelliel Toronio lilrl Dora Smith Jay Town Min Mildred SUnmn Tor onlo MrL Violorln Wmlbrldn Bernard Bollevllle Mrs Evo lyn Summer Peck Toronlo Mn Marjorie Ilnsiinzs Job son Mldinnd MIL Verm llooey Green Buwmmviiie Miss Beryl Reynolds Si Calh alneo Mrs Mao Schmidlio Reynolds 5L Cniharlnu Mn Laura MIcCronI Maker Tun onio Mr and Mrs Morris Chambers oi Jonathan Cour entertained Saturday evenini arr he accaU lion oi their 25m wedding an niversary The lea Iablo waa centred with an anniversary cnka lha sin or their dauzh tars Beverley and Gloria The couple were pruenled with silver lea aervico by the guesu ailendini iho event Party gum innluded Mr and Mn Sher man Bouiier Mr and Mrs Merle Endicoii Mr and Jlmes Elliott Mr and Mra Frank iekaie sansinlnw and daughters ihe celebranla Mr and Mra Bruce Murray Mr and Mrs Fred Oakley Mr and Mrs Gerry Lyons Keith Mc rasker Miss Mariorle Fleur Mr and Mrs Barry Miila Mr and Mrs Norman Edward Mr and Mra Allan Porriil Mr and Mra Max Rhlndress Mr and Mrs Lewis Gauii and Mr and Mrs HarryDuiileid REUNION Mn Wny will join her huabnn Miter Way whn has taken up hla nawwntnt Cenlral Cam mand Hendqunnen tn Oakvllle Mr Howard will be movln to Ottawa tn Juno where her hwy band has accepted In position NEVER AhtNIYERIARV Mn Wllren Wllnar omenIn er luncheonparly at her Paul St mldence In honor 01 Mrs Way and Mn How ard oliATorornlofit

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