Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 May 1963, p. 5

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mfg 11 xx CREEMORE Stall Cree more councll last nlghl so the 1963 residenllal mill tale one mlll luwer than last year and dropped the commercial rule by 83 mllls The 1963 rule are 26 mllls residential and 8441 mllh commercial Our mlll rate has been 10 In up 01 the last three or our years Reeve Gordan Valsan laid lls nlce to 5m il uo mg the nlher way or than nny weather brought runny people In em lo Innislll lnrk They were surprised find the ales sllll locked Flnnlly as the ad clogged up wllh can somn handy man gal wrcnch and look the Rule nll lhls enabled lrco pnrkingl Councll wishes lo hlrc new ulrcrlnlcndcnl wilh carpentry nblny who would supurvlso Inch jobs So lnr lhoy have re cclvcd unly lwn nppllcnlians onn lmm lhc lormcr superlnlcndcnl The nulhorily nl lookan nllcr the park and muklnx sprinl hooklmu hnd bccn lull ln nhcy lance lnclmllng gclllnn llm gnlcs Councll Mundny nlcd In IIC crpl lhe applicnllnn Cllflord Cnrscmldcn Mmcr park super intendcnl an hourly ml 1130 The nppllcunl Tm man mu had much In tx perlmce Dum Mler me to My nld $105 per hour and are to nvnlluhlo when rcqulrcd Expendllum In lho park lhl Um have Men cunnflcd by now There II bnlnncu 11000 lcn om 1mm Inst ycnrl wnlcr lnslnllnllnn Miran al the park will find KM 0pm now and dmncu my llmlr dollnr ndmhalon ARCHIE RIDGE WM ur mum Brnch prmnlml Cnundl with wrlllencd pclllluu prolullnl PARK GATES OFF Oouncillor Bruce Melville ob mrvcd Ihal the villages new housu about 20 lhcm would brlng ln some extra lax revenue lhls year According clerk lrensurtr Jack Lemmonl cal INNISFIL NOTES QUADRUPLET lam lhc rarest 31L This quamx was born May the farm Harold call three miles sou Creemore Council Sets 63 Mill Rates Lower By 1169 Recve Joseph Mane Announced yesterday that Ms Innis arm Md been Chub en the Illa ol the Inter nallonnl Plowing Mulch or 1067 Cnnndnl Ccnlcnnlnl Your 0nl¥ Burt lancastoiahd Judy Garland mm tell this untold storyand make your heart tell It over and over agaln fiUfiTMNflflSTER JUDY GARLAND lcgum WAITING AM rv mm 11 FM 67 Plowing To Be On Innislil Farm oi Would You th 16 sacMm Way2i ydIoéiCm Héled Ir lava II IvThJ Wm 7051 You Hos1 IN AID OF RETARDED WORKSHOP BUILDING FUND KEMPENFELT KIWANIS CLUB OF BARRIE PRESENTS llnralarl VMcl mile south lambs are This lively TonigM Wad Thuu IIILIT Elm BTMITB 700 IM 1ng argued Erldlgegegruhig property Counul decided that tho besi thing in do would be Io so and look it This dark wnn instructed to win Roy Goodlcilmv owner of the sub division asking but lilo mnlcr in now on lhu township poh lion oi lhe rond be mmovcd wilhin lwo weeks The pciliiun ing raiupnycr south oi iilu bridge tiuimcd that the struc ture would pruvcnl mowpiowina oi Ihcir road and main in dun gcmus exit in the bridge Tho qucsiion mny he whnro doc nu township portion oi ihu road boxin1 Innmll Pollen wllh Ihe ns slslnncn ol Dnrrlu Conslnblu Sulwood have mavcrcd $175 worth good which disnppmr cd from lho Sandy Cove num mcr homo Melvin Marshall cnlauons by lowering the mill rate by one mlll the cslimalcd increased revenue will be $1363 Ono mill worth $66221 Total assessment Ls $662234 with residential accounting or 270 and commercial 5157 Toal Year is 053943 Divided Inlo calegoriu those are as lolluws wilh the 1962 figure In brackets Counly genernl ralc $621555 516163 county mad levy 8180139 5261827 Cflillnl wood District Collegiate dnhcn GOODS RECOVERED Conkslown They are Hrs quad born tu any of Mul cnlli sheep one time Mr Melcall had about 60 ewes but now there are our IN IS NUMBEM ll REGULAR ROUND SHARE THE WEALTH DOOR PRIZE Jackpot $340 lEGION HAll COLLIER ST WEDNESDAY estimated Ievenue lhls £1901 computed to lEGlON BINGO EVERY PLAYING WED THUR FRI lure levy $262398 $275438 Slayncr Callegiulc Inslllule de hcnlure levy $153351 32700 00 CDCl malnlcnnnce levy 355254 $563599 Crccmnre school levy 315120 same 1m ytnr Cmemnre lire de partment $236150 $2400 Craemore public library $671 92 same as last year Cree more arena debenture $1332 $1386 vlllage general rate $1 66 51204674L 1th ycnrs age tale is campukd at 2m mills cum morclnl and 1906 mill resl dentin The unconditiunal grant pvaslons require the 505 mil spread bulwmn he Iwn Mr Lemmnn explained complaint lo pollen brought Inwsllgmlon in Bell Ewan the disturbance was laund to be caused by do and ox having hurklng can4 test However the fox did disappearing act when the pol lce car have inlu vlcw The dog was finally removed CLEAN UP 0R ELSE Chief Police Brown is scmi in uni wnmingu la garage and wrecking ynrd owners lhnl lhcy have twoweek period to get their premises inin an orderly shape or summons will be is sued This is pun oi zcnurnl cinunup campaign which pollen are being instructed lo curry oul lhls summer SAFETY OFFICER Innlsfll Tawnshlp dccldcd lo wllhdmw from lhe County In the proposal bclng fostered then to appoan County Salcty 0H lccr They have nppolnlod hclr building Inspector Gordan Mn wn In ad In tho luwnsMp at Tomnlo resident Ills claim was pending or sctlcmcnl with hls Insurance company FOXIE FOX each pet one of the chil dren Here Ihe lamb are seen wih Susan Mclcall Their mother Duchess be long her nu OHIu mm Nun mm In nun Lasl Tin fliiglit DRIVEIN THEATRE Pluu Color Culoon Plul Color Cnrloon Lllllc fluid um Con fiiiknsli JibKIEoLmsaN buyflfiwmfl HURONIA Alla Playing Ind nuv 11 mm mu Alllslon Mayor mfchcn will glve the welcoman address Sawyers ahnlrmau salary lu be arranged or he llmu he will spend on he work Mr Mason wlll be expected to procure the regulnllons covered ln lhu Act and be prepared lor nctlon ll any necksin arlscs The special County Council met lna held rccenlly dcnll wllh lhls mnltcr when it was decided lo hear the valnclnl olllcer on tho subject The Act llnln that munlclpnllly shall Iappolnt on these olllclnls ALLISTON Slnfl Arrange ment at opening cercmuntes Wednesday night at Ennunl Altmortal High School are now complete except at lastminute detalls board secretary Ernest Cumberland said Monday Pre parations for the tnur of tn spectlan of the new wins are continuing This Inspection by he audlcnce takes place alter lheopentng cpremonies Guest are on 12an Rowe LIeulcnnnIGnvcrnor Ontario wllI be inimduccd by Ellwood Madill Orange vllleI member at parliament Int BulletinSham He will be hanked by McCague vicevchnlrmnn of he Allistan High Schoolinanrd FEEDING IIMEIOI such large family In cumpllcalud aUnlr since Duchess can feed Alliston School Opens New Wing COMPARE ALL 1963 POPULARPRICED AND COMPACT CARS WITH THESE TWO FREE BOOKLETS Either ham or In dealer showrooms mu XHny booklets will provide you will an excellent checkIlst Thoy will help you do cldo or yaurscll which car bust 5qu your rcquimmunls Illuslmmd with phologmphs nnd charts lhu XRny booklels am you all the inlormnllon you mm to make the wlsusl cholco Howlntwoconvenlontbooklolsnrenlltho tools about the 1963 cars These booklets am called XRnys bccnu5e they look rlght through tho nulomoblles vevcallng dololls you could not see The easytowed text shown you clonvly nnd slmply what you get Inoverndnndlnncnrcompactorpopulap priced llyou mu consldovlng the purchase of new car you need these valuable Roy booklets Separate fact frOm fiction before you buy any new car VIAU MOTORS llMIYED the board and Owens BMHS principal no the other spegkerg Rev Downer MLA for Simon South wlll conduct Lha Mlnga mm the Depart ment of Education will name from Lnkle asslmnl superintendent secondary schanb ram the archllecl Adamsan and from the canlmclnr Dennis Hawley prey idem ol Konvey Construcflan mum II lIfll Ltd my two time Home feeding 11 the Mekcalll an swer the problem This DIMENSIONS Youll find comparison the exterior moasuvomenls ol overall length whoolbnsonighlnnd widthnlmlordlmon slonn covor logroom hipmom nnd hond room In lho on and rum seals Now you can gum oanryourscH how many people each corwlll actually soutcomlovlnbly MCI Tho XRay booklets take Hm guess ENEIMEERINI Mulhodsolconslrucllon rusl proollng and flnlshlng nro descrlbod In de lall The type 01 oqulpmunt provldod standard toaluvos cnglno alto and spccl cations hlddon quality and survchmo features and mainly ioamms Comparativu lmndllngnnd vldlngtoslsarolullyrccordcd In chanorm deflation of the new nddllinns Thronghwt he program mu will be provided at Interval by the Scnlnr Glee Club and by the Banklng Memarlai High School Orchestra directed by EXPORTS MOST Venezuela the wnrlda lmz est all exporter and ranks third In production behind the Unllcd States and Soviet Unkm Vowden way they ham to keep them allllhdvlnl Examiner Pho tos THE BAllmE EXMHNEII TUESDAY MAY 1M LUDINGTON Mlch AP The hardluck Canadian lrelghter Drelax resumed her twlwdelnyod lrlp Monday nmr being freed from ununderwntcr obstrucllon In narthcrn Lake Agghlgnn the US Coast Guard The Rowen Sniynge Company oi Sturgcun Buy Visr said its equipment was used to remnve 500 tan the ships cargo ni clay so that the Loonton ireighier cuuid manoeuvre her self ireer The enrga was re turned and the 535th vessel handed ier Septlies Que The Oreinx ran aground to miles south Munlstique Mich Saturday severm dnya uiier being damaged by gule iorce storm on Luke Michigan Three at her 21 crew members required hospiinl treatment at Ludington Freighter Freed In Lake Michigan TONIGHT ONL TIIEIMVEN 709 Ind 10M EGGAII Iun workout olyourdoclslon by separating fact lmm flcllon In all cars Youll even find chavt Ilstlng all suggoslod new car prlcos as ndvunlscd by tho manulaclumrs Now you can son or yomsolf exactly what you got ogrgn manqyxou pay Got your Xftny booklnls odn lrco chargehomyourncnmslRamb urdealor ll lhnls lnconvonnnl us ero to May Amarlcnn Molors anadn leltod Bmmplon0nlavlo srAms Iomomnow own rm www rum low THE LAW AND SAKB WADE lllE PASSWORD IS CflURAGE STAYNER HULLmu mum WI Amyw Wm mva mu£mfifwumm mmmmmmmm Mlme Unul narll us pm Box ofllce Oylnl II Nu ONIGHT and WET DRIVEIll SHANTY BAY ns wbMEN FELL BEFORE mm 1H qum AND Hwy 11 ll Guthrie COLOR HITS HIIAIII in

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