iï¬ 5H Unlmlunnlrly many over Welthll Ilnrvn their hndlu lhe Ynmln lhty nml uhllu nver ullnu nu lhu lnndl Hwy do um um 111 am at ml min II MI ynu In Man ynur pub cm rmlnl III an In her II nulrlrnln up uml tho tn nrlrl down W1h nmlcln the Mary not quHu lhc unme speciï¬c lmnunt ul prnlcln rmulred by he lmtly all mil with nul ndcmmlo moltIn Ml mlnrrnh mmer are Ihadd and he bndy wllhm leu prnlrln nlnrr nl cnrh meal The lmulq uhlrh lurnlsh cumplrlr prnlrim nrc Lam mrnl llIh 0M run choose will fluer milk Iklm mllk thl hamm lo ucm um Thu curbnhydrnm sugar and llarchu are slornd glyco urn In In llvnr nnd name In the musclu Thu hodyl nlnr In cnpnclly lnr glycnsrn bclnl mail It docsnl take much ndd up In nn excus 1n the sumo lnshlnn lhn and In whirh not rrqulnd or lmo mgfiiqto me also nlnnd For thus wha tuned lnln ll Ierlu lnlt hm ll the new con up ol ullng In control wnlgnl Science has found Ihul nature handle lood mosl ellccllvely ln lmlll dlvldcd loadx 9n the Idenllcnl number calnrlcs three modtrule meals plus ro lein plckup are more alm mlng than one Mg meal Over ullng to bellrnrcsslnx manor llnm lullrnlng pfltfltt The overload shunted lo nnolhcr enxymnll pnxhwly And In ll rprndllcl By IDA JEAN KMN amlllnr phrase couldnt on another mouthful lrighllully allenlng particu larly as an utterdinner speech Add mm the In that this In the lens aclhe pm of the day than ll another aclor wilh which to reckon When an ex cessive mount nod In con lumzd It any one meal Ihu body In lurczd to handle the ovenloan in an nbnormplway SARJEANT INSURANCE AGENCY lellol hum llmk The UCW membch were re mmdcd 01 the annual Spring Tea and Bake Sale planned for May Mrs Knox asked for nssis lance or he Messengers Tea he held May 75 Donations hnmcmnde candy and small garden flowers for mrsagcs were 3ch for Mrs RuberlSurle the Social Asslsla cho could place drawers dresso dishes pols and p1 KIYHM garrlngc The preiihcnl Mrs Bruce Johnslon called on lhc conven ersfor thick momlhly rcpans MODERN large gmup Unllcd Church Woman me for the general meeting held in Collier Street Unllcd Church Mrs Cody Wasaga Beach was the guesk sppaker Mrs Mnyes led Ihe am Nona service KEEP IN THE TRIM PERSONALIZED INSURANCE SERVICE Imm Visit To Orient Is Described At General Meeting Of UCW Mrs Wylcs lnlmduccd Mrs The engagement has been announced at Miss Sharon Clara Alicla Fralick daughter 01 Mr and Mrs Harry Frnllck of Mineslng to Duncan Nicol Slevensnn son at Mr and Mrs Help Nature To Handle Food Divide Meals Into Small Loads hr all rlnm IIIMMZMIVE OHIMNHAHON lNlllflANll Rgï¬Ã©rg jeanlllreporiEd COUPLE PLAN JUNE WEDDING runull AsslslaME place chcsl 01 dresser table an pans baby MAIL EARLY IN THE DAY Celery htnrll Frth Hull 75 75 Hot lcn or cnllce Cllnllel Prolrln Pickup Has sklm mllk or nunnmllk as 85 lint rnflce clnnr Cllnlltl 110 235 lunchron Brolltd like of heel002 255 155 nn 1th slice broad Mn nz been 50 50 Margarine or bullnr pal Tomaln Fresh or mwa Punched 5g on small round heel panic oz 100 100 Mr Thin slim least 50 Mamnrlne or buner pat BEAT THE FIVE OCLOBI BRUSH Al the Ilnlsn wallbub anced modamle meal say to ynursuif Anything ml hr yond this pain nddx lo lhc ovuland and goes lat Lean against your backbone and get up from Ihu table before you eel replalc Sllm Donn lur Lllc Dlet TOMORROWS DIET Bum Mr Grange Julce glass Mrs non that he nexl mcellng wlll be me first Monday in June and will lake he arm Panel 1115 cussion be arranged by Miss Gililcspie 01 he Simcoe Hcmlh Un Cody who showed slldes her trip In he Orient last full This was lnur arranged by the Unflcd Church Mrs Cody rav elled 1mm Vancouver to Tokyo and visiknd Japan Korea and Taiwan Th Is the area being sludlcd by the Unlled Church Vnmnn and Mrs Codys benuIL ul snide were of parlicular 1n lercsl to everyone Mrs Cody pointed out that he work he mlssianary has changed They nrt nnw specialists who are loaned lo the church 01 other lands Mrs Cr Parsons expressed the npprchallon the group lo Mm Cody and presented her with am on their tathall John Sievensan oi Cumox British Columbia The wedding will take place St Peterl Anglican Church Mincslng on June 2mm Film By Faveroi social hour allowed Then by hum Mn nnl lea or com Cllurltl 414 393 Ton cnlnrlu or day 1269 105 Mr mnyAadd ISO cnlorlu lo Dinner nmllcd chickcn lb braller 100100 Chain of Asparagus or hroccall wllh lemnnbuucn lsp 25 25 Rite cooked In ummmme Mr cup 100 Mrs cup Buncrscotch DZcrln Blngo will be held In Our Lady at Grace school June win lh proceed In go toward ur Oman hind Plans Vwcri ulscusscd for tendnnce at he flexinml meat lnx lg bghcldnln Harylc May uuu mum may Splrilunl Bouquet was com pleted or lhn Archdiocesan Director Rev Gcrnrd Bree In gprnclnllon Ma work with ma ï¬eéllngéb¢ncd wllh lhe League prayer and recHBUon ollhe Rosary The regular meeting Catholic Womens Lraxuc gus was held Thursday In Lady of Grace school wilh members ln attendance The slnle nl cars or 1963 is lnllaws Honornry Presl dcnt Mrs Brown Presldtnl Mrs Smith First VlcePre nldcnt Mrs Stoddarl Second VINPres Mrs Eateman Secretary Mrs Willlam Suther land Treasurer Mrs Knee shnw Dlslrlcr Dlreclnr Mrs Kncnshaw alternate Mrs Hannah Branch Dlreclors Mrs Brown Mrs Reynalds Mrs Roy Dixon Remembrance Secretary Mrs ll Harvey Press Secrelary Mrs Brown lwecdsmulr lllslory Mrs Green Plnnlsl Mrs John Lloyd Llhrarlnn Mrs Bradley And llors Mrs anl Mrs Suther land Agriculture and Canadian Industries convener Mrs James Andrews Cilizcnshlp and Edu cnllon Mrs John Lloyd lust mlcal Research and Curran vunls Mrs McLean llama Ecnnnmlcs Ind lluallh Mrs Rohlnson Resolullons Mrs Mrs Kneeshuw presldzd during the demon ol ntflcm All member lha present ex eculive were Vwelecled The apeakEr Mrs Alex Mc Taggnrel ol Beelon wu Intm duged lgy Ignaflg Choosing the topic Educaunn Mrs Menus stressed the Importance 01 education or Mr mg as well as men szsfimwn read poem an uzggd 0gl Age golden CWL 0f Angus Plan Future Events Ihe regular meeth Bond Hend ancn Inslilule we held the Community Hall with 20 members allmdlnl Pre sident Mn Smith opened lha mqeunl request or donation to the Honor Gradullao Banquet was reclved from Alllslon Hilh School This was volcd on and donation was sent thankyou note was received from Bond Head Junior school or door ton out commute was appoinled to convene the dance Lo he hlld the kit Salurdgy inflay Thu ofllcern Cnnicrence to be held Guelph June 20 will be allended Zlmemhm Project or mark courses were dlscusud And course In 13 lem wu flu whole with Accenll on Flnlshu as lecond choice wmi lnniledrnlmunds le Ofï¬cers 1Reelecjted For SeCOnd Term Our lhe SAVOY MOTORS BARRIE LIMITED Iaï¬agzavmfl 218900 era Smllh cloxcd lhc meal lrlq and luncheon wa served by Mrs John Lloyd Mrs Edam Lloyd and Mn Wllllam Brclhel William Brelhcl Public Relat lona Mn Annoy HE 5HOWDOWN BOOKL VaulChlyuluCnnAdld 1h 32 plfll nulomnlm ampllllufl boul III lnryouyilth up you onyloon Like tiger on lie road CHRYSLER cANAbALTD mumon I49 DUNLOP smear EAST WATCH 70 TN TOllOWING TV IHOW WHY WE ON THE CIIC NHWOHKI MAVDAHYNUHBDAV WlMMIDAV FURY 2DOOR CONVERTIBLE FURV 4DOOR HARDTOP FURY wood HARDTOP 5L Gllos Womanx Auxlllary held their Spring Colfee Party Mny 14mm 930 Io 1130 am In the Church hall Th evtnl proved lo be hug moms The Altar Guild had dis plny of ha boxes The baka table was resplen dent with homemade bread SAVOY MOTORS Barrie LIMITED I49 DUNLOP STREET EAST BARRIE ONTARIO Coffee PartyHeld By St Giles WA vér on road Ir umr I45 DUNLOP STREET EAST IARRIE Large Mex warn decorum wllh bouquets aprlnl flowers and lacu place mats Calale come and baskeln of assorted breads completed the plcture MIL Carson Koasalz Ottaway Drlem was Ihn winner 11 he door prize cup and saucer cakes tom pin and other de llcjous memo lhls aven was made patslhle through tho efforts of all the WA members and parishlanefl whn donned baking Whatever the mood whatever lhe loadlrom sleek converllble 10 passenger wagonPlymouth has lhe model to mulch every lasle every pocket And people who are laugh lo please llnd lols to like In Plymouth Plymoulhs powerlraln warranty lor example5 years 50000 miles of unprecedented prolecllon euelnel coslly moler repalre and Ihat Includel both parts and labour Every Plymeulh model comes equlpped wllh lho allarnelor keeps your battery lully charged and ensures lesl poslllve alerts and selladjusting broken and rattlevlree Unlbody conslrucllon and Selely le wheels On lop ololl lhls Plymouth ls undouhlsdlylhe eneleslhandllng most comlonable car youll ever rlde lnas reeldrive wlll prove Do as so many other parllculnr people doroedlesl the popular 03 Plymoulh for all lls worthat your local Plymoth dealers eoonl Hottestsellingf car in its class 63 sales up 661 the popular choice of Particular People Plymouth OTMWA CPlTllo Cnlhnllc Holpltal Association Canada wlll undertake research ar rlvu at proper dellnlllun of the phlloypny palhollc horyluls Delegazcufln In inrmmal con ventlnn whlch ended hm Wed Hospital Offers Best Environment THE BARR EXAMINER TUESDAY MAY ask Im Incoming executive Iludy the mullet nuer several deleialaa expressed that Cnlhnllc phllnsnphy was be pushed out of schools 01 nurilng by olher subjects During mum dlacusslon participants nxrced hospital aflm lha best cnvlmnmenk or nurses rnlnlng nuday unanimously named to BARRIE ONTARIO