Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 May 1963, p. 9

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Jack Nicklaus Hasnt Reached His Peak Yet in WIN IIANDHM NEW YORK lMlAthnlr Ill Vnylno won this mrd rnn nlnl nl mum CmIrr llun dlcln ll Aqurdurl Snlunlny nullan lhu wlnl Ihrrmunvlrrn cl lennlh noun For 11w Hold my llrouuanl purml Frld Honprrl hum um um mrn urlongl In 121 11m vlclnry nrllml Mmrnln Voyuu mam Ila pnhl now bum um um Hmmlymmvu Fnr TM and yrlunml 70 Int 40 mi FmMnm mm In mow lenzllu hrhlml Hm wlnmr well ed Mm pound and mum In Innd cun yum nolhnct wrigth Burke Emary Canndhm Ham henvywelxhl chumpiun knynrrl Bllly endmnn or Pnllcrsnn NJ ll 1le 01 Hm lhlrd mund Emrry II nnllru nl lunnx vllle Qur lwa milu mm Shuhmckr who now Mm in London Ont PMHMNO IND LAN VEflm er er firmly Wllllo lulmm MI nml nllylnl mm My mm mumL mm will duhlnu am Wm Thornton ol rum IIHN VIII lllillT LONDON IAINunlnuh Mllrnl III unrlvl In Imllmz muchDH Tlfirrl ylrlrnro hll mlddlrwrluhl mun nunhul Ion Fnlhnrr an Jonlmh Ill1 ll lhmlnn Mmrnurm Illnrd hm Bnluuluy Tim qu thiran MI lllle lnrlmo an wcltd mud nl 1m ll ll Ilnnl lleMly filmlhnu July 11 Nlmlnn luvrmmrm Hm HM Inwmmrnl lm numi am In lmln pmllmllmv umrunmlnl maximum mln mm lm nmmnlrr Jmk vvlnmu Rnlnvunnl MIAI Tlurr um 11 mom or mm IIan moonmu with uprnm lddtd Roblmon who lurncd FM lnycd on he dnlcnsiw In lhl In round but tlnxgcml Hm Itotky Mnrlnn mm with mm tn the mm In the locum round Thu trnlly vmran loyal Mm nolbncl In lhu third mum he lm oorlna hlm Thu Idlldulcd lo roundrr druw 2300 mm lha lamst crawd evnr In bnxlmz mltch In this lnrnulnnl cily it mllu cm of Monlrwl SUGAR RAY WINS SHERBROOKE Que CF suur lily Rahlnsun making mod us at his 23 yum of mm experience look nn my mini round knnckom nvcr nllkmmn Mluflc Rolbncl Algeria Sal urday alum Melaus capped hls brilllunl round 646572 Mm threw under par 69 Sunday nnd won by five strokes with 71Ahnlu ficore 271 Blll Cupcr Jr was forum wilhdnw because swollen Eyebrow raised In surprise he exclaimed cmalnly hope ml Incl Ind hope can Improve mm want In Improve at Ilnylhlns he docs That hnw feel about my future In golf LAS VEGAS AP Jnck Nicklaus who owns vlrlually all the prized possession he omnl game well as the most dohm or the year has unplmant new nr his fellow pllyen He lsnl even at bl peak ycl Nlcklnus richer by 513000 Illcr his nlmusl casual vidory In he Tournament Cllumpl Sunday was asked he Mnka ha at UM top at his ma CLIVEMND PITCHE Jlm Parry lie on the ground lull cluldiln lha ball after being 11 by line drive at SCISSORED SPORT lllitMJ lllllelW TUNIWH llll Thu MW unukrn mu lm Nulluual mmwa lrzujw mn lrmflml vvlWanr IN mm mm Tn loIIIfl Maple ul hr mm IIIUMH MIHM IHIKMH IUI Mmuu UIHv FM 1le Irfir lnhlm qu In 1n hum Nu humll Huh 1mm mul lvl lmn Irul Iiur lhIII IHIYIII In llln Huh Mllhl tlrnl lllmnml WI LMHHII 1h NIH Hl rm ml luwmm mm mm 7mm Im IM mm HJIHZ ILILMIJI DIITIIUH MI tlflun Wu trimm lI1Ihlw IIy Drllvfl 111 nwl lmlml llmxl ml nlhr In nhw th lhv AIIHIII 1mm LIMIH IMI mm Au nmh llu mm mu mu In In ml mm In lhn mllm luu IMM mu IMHHI mu ml hnn dun nh Ilh lull Hum lu llml Inr uhIIv THIMIHJZ ILH llllHIIJI MONHIIIAL HII umh Hm Tnlllhh vl HH llmlrrll Mnurltu uIII hmlrllv th hix rullmu 514 um um In Ill hulmul nl Hmhy llurL mu In pln In Inl Um mw lmrllmll Vun 1111 llem In mlmu rlluhlu luhl ln nlunu IWIv llm In mxl Vr IMF IHH Ilml mm 1va Iml VH1 IN KIM My In nunmmnh khnl lmw In lb 0N IlHlen MINES mm 11ny mm H1 ml Sléllrs lnlilHlWthhl lln FHII nILr hmlhcr nf nnmr wlld lhumpiun imw FHHHH lul ll Hulys nvvhu Mummllvi imr day Iry mnuiml knmIuml In the nixhlh mum 01 sclmlulrd lnnumd lll lwu TIHIIIN DUKE DEALS DICTHOH llhhml Tl gm uhu hum mm In ulnuw Hu Amran Lr II mum pmhmx In $Ilunhy hy mllunin mmhzuulvr Tnlu Shlnlluml In III Inn VIII MI Nullnuxl uv lulu lllc mlnILIMI Hw illyml nhl pihllrr mm IIlhlunnh Il wll lldrnil lull MHl livhlrr llan MHIlmI Hi1 flHkIfl llrmm lur rul HM pin in mum Idlrr athln Inn hum unrr alum hLIlS on the last round CIl llvrn Muiml light nlurdny nigm lcmcu any human scrum jl 4745 and Judnc Ilnlpll UNI 47IL hum Inr nn Juvlm lnl I7ikll mllwl Ill 14h lhr cmml llml ulnnnr hi Nltkllu Hum mummi larx ch Arnold lnlnu the minor Run of he pru nnd the ha of Kama Cilys Jose Tarlnhull In the seven in nlng at rcccnl name As il Lth wamt cnoqgh man logs Nb5Lnger AJoleJP CubjsiIn Fourth Spot lnhnxhuw 111M MIIHHK Iullnu Humillun Elummtr LIMIrlII Iullmllmn HI IIUIHIII hlkllnll llullymrnn Nnnuvx Mllmu ImLk ILII Hrk rlllr AIMHIM Nurlhllm wlmlnn IKhl bum entry lluux nclh Illrulfnrd hlhmn lmlluuy ldw Mnmllcld Mule Chvlsm Sumhx lnml Newmllu Immla Wulaumv ollu ham Hm Inn Tumhum lmirnlm Wolwrhlnn ISuI nlcy nannnnl League Thu Bravnl bnuxm Jnlmsnn from Tano hue Inst season and had armed him hark the Maple Lent unly few days ago LONDON MlSlnndlng of up Immx In Old Country sow er lnrludinfl names Sulur day Included wlll ho Don Jlnunry Tcxnn who was key figure in row which unmask led lo player hnycnu me laurna mcnl Spnnsurs and PGA tour vmcnl commillecmcn met here Saturday The rusull January was lnvllcdhls non lnvilnlmn lnrlcd he ramu nllur lm criliclzcd aspccls ha Colonial he laurncy was re slurld 15 an olrlclal PGA lour naman nnd lrom now on the My 40 money winners ul the we laus your wlll uulnmnllcally lnvllcd lo the Colonlnl SRLLYS SflLLIES Tuny Lorna whu surged Into the picture with 66 and lie wtlh Palmer at 278 Patmer tinlshcd with 6L The golfers their feud with sponsors at the CalmAla nnttnnal tnvitatlon tnumamont at Fort Worth thls wcck settled headed tuwurd Texas today Nicklaus lhv 962 Cutout11 wlnner and must ll other star pm wlll cumnclc them SOCCER RESULTS belong to teammate lhlrd baseman Maxie Alvis who stumbled aver Perry The Alhlelks wan he mama 113 IIMI Inn 20 10 whom 20 IO 11 try 1715 nclh IS 10 Dhlllan IV mm In Inn II II may 11 910 Ilcld 21 ll MOITNI LEAGUE 78 III 71 50 BB 231010100 6056 55 51 69 50 II 41 G7 57 53 50 57 53 55 $1 00 51 ENGLISH LEAGUE llllelnll II VI IN Hill In in ur US LIMGUH Hhlslnn III Illvlnn llhhlnn II ll 11 ll II 1012 In In 10 MIMI 2111 2012 1011 In 10 om BHD 60 46W Ill 77 SI 77 55M 71 I7 AN 78 57 III 575 78 552 90 604B 71 SH l7 ill 27 18 TI 17 1141 dl 1140 to 57 53 50 57 53 55 $1 00 51 Hum New Yolk Mlnnuoll Wuhlnum Chlrua lI llllllmarl Dellnll ll llMlon KIMI Clly Clammi 1m Annie lns Mlle Mlnncmu to Ii Wuhlnxlon 10 I5 oo Dulmll ml llluriul llulllll Ncw York human WIIhlnll Chluln llnlllmor to 0an City Cluvrlnnd Annlu KAnm My Nuw York Boston llnllimorl Lhltuo Clovelnnd lns Mlle mumm Wuhlnglon DIlmll Problhlc Pllcherl Tod bun Anzllu Dryndlh 2D Pillburn Friend 13 tOnly um uhcdulcd Glmu nmdly Phill NW York Imhuth ll Chitlo Nauunn ll Clnrlnnlu Sun Frln ll Mllmulu Anulu II balm Sllllfdlyl Ruulll San Franclsco l7 Ncw York SI Mull Clnclmull llomlon Phllndelphln Lo Angela Pilubumh Chlcnn Mllwnukca Sundul Relulll Snn Frunclm Ntw York 5L Loan Clnclnnlll Houuan Phllldclphil La Annie Plluhurlh axleno Mllwnukca The loss kepl Yankees lA nmes back of lheAmerIcnn Lugua lendm Kanm Cily Alhnatlcl who were Ilsa bonnetd by Boston Red Sox The Sex lumped lnlo mom Pilllhurnh Sl Lou Sun Franclsm Chluuo Mllwnukca In mules Phllndelphll Clncinnull New York Houston No unill Sunday did he round into his normal eye popping iorm as he ID New ank Yln kccs down with six hits and beat them iI Roger Maris homer in lha uvenlh Inning ruined his or his nvcnu career shutout over the Ynniu He Iimdy lop lhe ma Jars in blinking 1h perennlni champions Iluhbarn huidout In 1962 Pam1 didnt aixn until iaie March but threw shutout in his first rgxulnr season slut and WI iHby July 21 when he hurt his am He finished 29 Th Icmn Nins aimed him right aner New Yen1 Day ancual lo plenty min work but he lost his int three regular lesson darts He won his next lwu but wu not It his but Minnewu Nln may not lend Camllo anl contrch unlu lhl dly helm ha lesson open next year Th mr right handcr apparently does not thrive nnlprlnx tralnmx By JIM BECKER Aman Pm Spam Writer Sunday Menm Rafi once Brave Ind more recenlLy Hnumn Comm homer Ind WeIIIlIIIIL Something strong has no Cuba arent Iunn any more Whether hen coach Bob Kennedy the nthletlc dIrector or the weather the little Cubec are bl boys now They Ira In fourth place only two glmcl oII the pace In the NAtIonaI League when they beat MIIwuukea Braves Sunday 32 It was theIr llxlh vlctory In lthr Inst soyen mm cdupll pkyenwfilcked up ngi dld the lab By THE CANADIAN PRESS mm only yenlardny um Chicano Cuba were tho blunt lnuzh in baseball Everybody made snide rcmlrlu Ihaul Iho rovoivlnz conch nymm and uh Ichaol oi bmball knowleder When Phil Wrigluy nppoinlcd In athletic director it was cu mted he try for In ivy Linus Ichednie NA MAL IIIVIG llvIu lo lmIQI nu TREE Pinup Dtllnry ny JAcxlflAND Much Fun 51mm erlr Camila Pdscual Mbvés Into His RegularForm IIMI TOWING Amerlcn STEWARY GARAGE Nlllnnll BASEBALL RECORD Id GM 579 II 170 II II 10 MI PctGBL 11 16 10 £15 15 10 615 li Hi Hi WI Alllnu Ml Indianpoll Syncuu Richmond Tnmnta Rochellcr Elma flock uumma Eolfimbul lochhonvlllc HW Indllnlpolln loll Columbul Jnckwnvllll 11 snlumul nuulu Mlmll In Indhmpolh Bulll Llllu Rock Syncuu Richmond Tomato Rochasler Columbul ll chluonvllla Hullnln Rocheslnr Syntqu Richmond Toroulu Llllln flock Allanu Indllnlpolln Columbu Jnckwnvllll Probnhla Illchen Tody New ank Ford De lroll Aguirre Mlnnesglm Rallnd tzot at La enny Green hit homer lam Rllph Terry In the Int And We Power doubled horn run In the lhlrd Terry had beaten Nlm livu Ilnllht Umu helm Suqday Mmhud Memld whom other vtclory was mutant over WuhInxton held hardhil Angela Chlnca 22 Mum Palm Ml or be bunch 100 ll Kan Cily Bawalleld 13 Only umu lchcdtund InternHon Lulu Nnrlhem DIvIIlnn Id GBL Hullnln 706 In Salurday names New York damned Minnesota Chicago clubbed Washinglan 51 Balu mora dclcalcd Delroll Knn nus Clly detcnlad Bolton 1H and Cleveland Ihul an L0 An clog 64 Cublnvborn Pucnll now Mlnml mldznt wan ll his thnrpu alum Yankee In the lnurth Inning when Tom Trash hlplzd wllh on out Ha lhon Ilruck nut Mickey Mnnllv And mm END SLUMP In other games Detroit Ti ger mapped out at slum wlm vlclary aver Ball more Orlales wilh $100000plus bonus camber all Fmth clubbing two homer Ind dou ble Clubland Indiana won their north umgm over Lo AnlechAnnls Ind Chicgo While Sox aplll wlh Washing ton Senators winning Ind lasing 57 plnce wllh New York Dave Horahead 575000 bonus rlghl hander got his xecand vlclary or Boston SPORTS ll Dunk WA PA MN In the other Ictlom Holman Inn won am from Phil vndelp ll 1211mm lying their recoxd lnr llsl team when hey look lhe mend liter bowinl In the opaner b5 llmm fnnlyl lull lmlu thud While mm were edglnl up the In on were loltorlnz Pltuhurzh Plrote remllned In llnt plnco by our percentage alum deoolte doleot by Anneles Dodgers Son Fran cllco Glut hopped lnlo the lead momentarily by heating New York Met 84 It the Polo around only to drop back when they loot lho mood some balm sum the seasono largest crowd St Loni also mulled chance to ellmb when med loot Ihe opener to Clncln no Red 54 Ind had to come up wlth lour mm In tho 10th lanlxazo tho lecood elm 14 alnxle Ind drove In two runs Lin McDaniel Louis Ca Ina lustfyclr cnma inw complqteIhl In min avery name In lha Ulreeqama squlmgm GARNERS EXAMINER WANT ADI PHONE PA um WHOLISALI Southern Dlvlllon 15 55 mm um hlélmrdsam 160 South nnr NS outpalxllrfl lllle arms3 15911 Dclroll Mllnn llnly Smulm Mn zulxhi 156 HaLy Muppcd Dnn Fullmrr 158 Jurdan blah Lu Veg NamWillie Fur lrano 173 Mlam outpolnlcd Wayne Thomlon 175 Frnsno CnllL slmhrooke QuaSugar nay Robinson 1611 New nrk knocked out Muuricc Ilolhncl 165 Algeria Brucll ItalySmile Amnnll 194 mm and Vnync ncHIcn 2l9 Ncw York drew By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS may Herbert pitched three hiller over Senators In the first game and Dan Nicholson and Run Hnnscn humcrud lnr Chl cazo Hoyt nppnrcnhy didnt knuckle at Chicago The relief pitcher came In with Iwo out and an In the ninth inning of mu 3mm gum and Chuck Hinton Ml his llrsl pllch lur Mann buyer rum sunk Sax Angels 10 the Iourlh straight no nelinsky record Id In Dick Donovan had lead In the ninth vhm An grls not two but Bany Lalmnn stopped Aln rcllnl Tigers had last our straight hvlnr they hand their hllling eyes nzninst Orlalcs Freehnnn double and an error pul Delroil ahead in the fourth Tum Surdlvanl picked up dca with Puls hunzh wns tho wlpner In rum ET In Kansas Clly In one run and two hits over the first seven Inn lugs but needed relch help from chk Rndnlz In the elghlh with one run across Frank Malzono and Chuck Schlllinl hnmurcd or Baslon WED MAY 845 pm RFJWAIN LAST iIMLIllonq ll Ilrvull nl Idem mm by cum Mhlruc Onmmlulm Ground Ilnally gal chunco lo cheer when Carl wllloy mapped Glnnls sixgame wln nlnl stran In the second gum with aevcnhltlcrl Vlllln Mnys threerun homer ln ha first and Fallpe Alous wonm blast In the fourth hunt Galnn Clscu in when Jlm OTooln of Clnélnnali he cnme Inn mum first sixam Cnl Kooncu was Cuhs wlnnor Sundny wllh help ram Jlm Brewer and McDaniel Lnu Brock had htcu he alx hlls on three Brave rllchcrs nnnew nurth Iho storm with 470 mm humor his first In Ihu lhlrd lnnlncnnd drove in Ron Snnlo with thirdInning ringlcr EfiIDS IYINNINQ STREAK In Salurdny games Cubs hunk Milwaukee 754 Plllxburnh dc lcmd Ln Angolan Clncln nan defeated Louis San Francisco wallapad New York 74 and Phllndalphla dclealod Hquswn 70 FIGHT RESULTS WRESTLING VALENHNI STAN STASIAK vs BILLY RED lYONS TV STARS FROM MAPLE lEAF GARDENS HNNY LéNTINE mu HfififfiMEIGHT CHAMPION 31 I°°nlm aim BIG MATCHES mnklnz hls ut ond nm or he Indians In the nlxhlup drew MI Iccand Iou nflcr walking our ballm In the llrsl Inning and yieldlnz lhrec run double to Doug Clement long hnmmd mun nr Allnntl In lha Iccond mm SCORE LOSE Allnnla map duuhlchcader from lndlanapnlls Ind 111 and climbed Inln lie with Al kansas or in plan In he Suuthcrn Dlvlslon Arknnm de lcnlcd Bulfulo lhe Nnnhzrn DI leion leader 551 Columbus lrnuncud Jacksonvllle 101 and nchéslcr mp mom an tworun homer In lhe nlnlh Inning by JN Lou and Jnhnny Lewls hm empty homer dccldtd lb encr Inr Allnnln at lndllmpoln In the nlnlh lnnlnl Syracuse shaded the Vet 52 In an lnlemullnnll League baseball game when the Chiefs plated lhree unelrncd run In the first Inning Down Inx Inadveflcnlly klcked on he Icarlng door or he Ch all when he kicked rnutlno play Kim hue no look throw one slop from he bag and never maved my clnxcr OPENING NIGHT Manager Pcdro Gomez ho Richmond Vlrzlnlans wnuld up prccluln ll very much pllchcr Al Dawninxa foot and Hm hm became better Acqualnted By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Inn In Inc on Iphln chk Fnrrell evened mutton with sevenhlller In lhe sec ond gnma All wax all over Phlls We Cavlnxlon was Inad lnz the league In hltllnz WM nvmlm Dodger managed lhdr sec ond vchury In Ihelr IIII ellht names on threerun Immcr nlnch hmcr Lee Walls of Harvey Hudde IinI pitch in he nlnlhnon Parrannskl was wInner In reIIeI over Vern Law maklnz III In um alnco III mull mm Ina ml non Uneamed Markers Count For Chiefs Evp Demeter knocked the first Humegut ol Colla hands Ho slid lnlo rooho catcher John Batcmln nndlurred the ball lam In wlnnar In Ihc opener against Cardlnal nllhnnzh he gave ll hlls and Ian the game wlt none on lnlhu seventh Gena Ollvcrl tworun homer ell mucd Cnrda tourrun outburst In lha loth lnnlnl ha Iecand nine ROGER MARI MARENO vs TONY VS SIKI in SL Louis with only iour games remaining in lho 1920 season whcn the scan dal broke on Sept Ken calicd ll nil came out in the paper bcfnre nnyihinz wu laid in the club Clnclnnnll wan U19 World Se rlLs lhal year 51 The baseball chnmplonship In than day went lo mm mm wlnruni fiv games Tharlmpncl nf Kcrrl lwo vlc lnrlcs wasnt ell until almost yup Inter nun Unawaru that gambler had bought of tho Sax nan Kerr pilchcd lhn Ihird name Ha shut out Clnclnnnu 34 on three hlu He pilchud the sixlh gum and won it In 10 Innings Kair pluycd three year In tho majors all With Um While Sox 19192021 H15 major league pllchinn record was 51 won Ind Inst 1n the 1le anan that racked he baseball world Ken1 While Sax Ins lbs first lwn names to tho Reds ad dream Um never cumn truela no numed In In baseball llnll nl Famu llu wux lnellglbln lur the hunor because rules Kovemlng ndmlsslon spec lly player must have been In tho major league at least lo yegrs Whllc manager 11 Dayton Bench St Loul Cami nnl farm chm Kerr ndvtsud Muslnl lhen surearmed Car dlnal rookie to oxgut about pilchlnx und cnncculralc on hil tlng no encouraged the young rookie Io mnllnuu playing lha oulncld Kerr lcllhnudcd pllcher won lwo name ln ha 191 World Serlcs nllhough mm of hls Chicano Vhllc Sax team malc lalur wemhanncd 1mm baseball or havan consplred lo lhfyw Ihg sprlcslo Clnclnnall Km dml his humc huuso lhnl had been xlvnn lo hlm In 1356 us birthday pres en Stan Muslul HOUSTON AP chklI Kerr hascbnus llllle glam player manager scout and honest hum the Inlnmou Blnck Sox scandal died Satur day cancgr no WM 69 ma mum mumer MONDAY MAY Black Sox Hem Dies Of Cancer TENTS FISHING TACKLE GOVT APPROVED LIFE JACKETS FOR 8150 We carry 10th In lhc camper at THE MANS SHOP BARRE GOVTSURPLUS Dunlap 9062 SWIM Dddy Chlmplxm nl

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