Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 May 1963, p. 8

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In llw mm mth In llny lull Rrpmnlw lllrlmul Inn Hunting firm wlm Illul In lllmw Inna punch nml 1mm rrlnlhrly Imflrrllvn lnu lmlluwl Guam ironvn lIdnumhm nnllve whn meln In 11141an nml new Ilom uwnmlnu won um Hm II ilncn lny NR lml July wllll IMII mum lrrlmlnnl lnndnul lo MM MI llllm W5 TIHIKI HUNT was lhn llllnl limo Hm hm flhllrIrflcll an uwmnl camplclely Ilflerrul Ilylumcl lnr lhu thmnululuhlv and lint Huh ul Illa mm In in HM Hm lulu Richardson bl oudln and hlmrynycd wnl poundvd by he cxclmmplun 1n Um lZlh round as inum nncmplrd la Icon knockout lllclmrdwn wn lnnglcd Hm nqu lhu rm nnd rcnvrn llnudlcrl an hlm buck In Hm 1an Just nllcr ho brll wundul Ila nppennd dated or neural lnlnulus uml 1w our qunmr pound mum lhnn Xrnyu shownd no hem anuD In II Kpoktsmnn sald fllcll udxon will la be kw in hospi ln urlhtr tip for fut Illrhnrdwn wxu ndmmcd lo Vlclurlu Gumml Huspih lur huh Imspilul olllclnl anld Sunday night lllalr In mrlcclly well hes gelling mum via Me ruuvnrcd my qulckl HALIFAX CF Canndlml mlddlcwniuhl rllnmplan Blalr Illtlmnison was udmlucd lo hospllnl early Sunday few hours nllcr rulalning his lille by unanimous Around declslon over rough Willie Grcnvcs The zzycnwld divlnlly stu dam 1mm South Bur NS was badly lmllmd by Grcaves In Ihe lnlc stages lhe gruelling gm Lakeview Dairy of the tnterme practice called fox 645 pm at Que Took look at the adjhsted 100 Park and have but one thing to cellent This can be attributed to that did the work The softball tournament on the 20th sponsored by the senlor softball league is on the lookout for en trles Anyone vlshlng to enter club should contact any of the executive pronto Guess what The grunt gronners are back at Barrie Arenastnrtlng Wednesday Ive had the good erune to hear of some of the names coming throughout the season It looks great JUST NOTES Barrie District Senior Softball As soclatlon has meeting called for Wednesday even ing seven oclock at Dangerfields car lot unmad ord Street The sitting will llkel 10 in cbnneciidn with an outoitowns thinking to ards joining the loop As of Saturday past noo Prattlliiotors ap parcntly have not reentered the enior softball lea guer Noon was the deadline to entry fees Lakeview Dairy of the lnierme jnte league has practice called for 645 pm at Que his Park today Took look at the adjusted loo lights at Queens Park and have but one thing to ieport Theyre ex This can be attributed to the vglunteer labor Whatever the welcome whatevexlhe celebration no one who knows the most minute fact about the sergeant could ever say the red carpet was unwar ranted One could go on for many ages citing the blue rlbbon performances for Wei er His credits are Army Bordens credits and that is prébably the reason for the proposed Welcome Home Because he did not have the papers few rfmnths earlier he was unable to compete mthe world cham pionships at Prague in July And it youre looking for more records consider the following something amazing vIn both 1961 and 62 Weller was awarded the Norton Crowe Memor iai Award It is farthc Canadian male athlete mak ing the outstanding contribution toanyAmateur Ath ietlc Union of Canada sport taking Performance char acter and sportsmanship into cons deration He wonthis while NOT Canadian He received his Canadian cllizenship papers Nov23 of last yczu at the County Court in Barrie His latest claim to fame is his superb showing at the PanAmerican Games In Brazil last week He won three firstplace gold medals three silver medals and one bronze record in ltsell is lthe fact that hes the first Canadian to win agold medal in the mens gymnastic competitions Champion Spends Night In HQspital Wilne just happens to be to ada what Gordie Howe is to 11°C IuI imnnstlcs in Can ey LIIWonder The man is Sgt Wilhelm Weller of the Army Physlcal Training Centre Hes better known the world over as Willie Army Camp Borden is going to roll outthe red cair pet for sergeant tomorrow And if there was such thing as key to the camp hed probablyget that on AaIimi SALES Ind SERVICE All Typu Of HEATING EQUIP SPORTS TYPE Gym Bce Weilet Merits Welcome BOWENS 24HOUR SERVICE By STEVE JONESCU THE BAR EXAMINER hiQNDAY MAYfiMIMJ iA um The Harrie Inyrtu Mthlll lcnm mll vlny an cxhibillm name tonight mulnsl Clarksun Hoch Lune Inlrrlmdlnlo Sun ball Hague Thu miinc will gel nmlcmuy pm thr Park cloust und scored an DIRIIUI lound TK04 Judge Don Kerr am it 10 nlchnrdson 7+ Alex Nickn son had it 5H And Harold Johnson had 0H Iaycees Meet ClarksOn Hotel Ay Wihner Chafédugav Three Cnnndu um lfl Rum mcduls Includingv Ils lim Hve lun Amrrlum track and Ilcld chum plunsllixv and uddcd 26 50mm vluce xi crs and 27 lhlnIplucc Irnmrsn cmlilnblu showinx or Hm mmcmhrr mm lhnl did ml lnrludc such nutsLImL Inu mumn llrnce Kidd mu lllll lehrrs ol Tnnmln null Hurry lemma Vancouvcr Thu sprinls ch lakLn Ivy Cuhnn nnd Voncmblxmun in dimllon or lhe lmpmvinn mll bro compemlnnnnd llm 800 mnlrcs hy Cunndinns wlm lin ishrll meInn in lhc final hpr huml Cunmhll WM Icwzr than In the 1959 name In Chlcngo and among he msing wow jhusc or the mens sprlm and the BCD mclrcs wlllcll mUS Ims dam inatrd for years WIN SllllNTS The lourh Games Wm dnmi nnlcd by lhe huge United State loam as expected But Cnna dian nnd LallriAmurimn cum pmilnrs made dofinim lnmnds on the mnnnpuly Thc Cnnudmnwcarfi Hy home Indny mm the Yourlh Pan Amcrlcnn Games darryjng with it medalstho vbiggest bag or ns hlelcs since lhcsc Games yoga in 1951 The re day spbrl festival which brought pelilars here from 21 Numb in Nurlh jund Snulh America nndlhc Cur Qn ended Sybdny bclore sooob persons Pécacmbu SL dinm when the ymbaUc Games flame was extinguished In closing ceremonial will be nkindlnd III 19 In Winnipeg which madc suc cessml bld hm to stage lho mm PanAmcrlcan Games Ambush Stable On My Honor finished Idurth and Greenlrpe Stable No Robbery the other momhcro fihc bi Cain llayx Slrnblcs Navor Bend maklng all the pans and runnlng an excellent mcc lin lshcd second 1V1 long back of Chnlequguy Rex Ellswarlhs Candy SpolS the 32 Invorito nnd unbcnlcn going into he Derby was IhlrdY neck back of chcrflcnd Chnloaugay Inken wall 01 lbs pace by jockey Brnullo Dam had so much 1e or the stretch run in the mile classic that he passed Never Bend and Candy Spols With no effort LOUISVILLE Ky CF Kengucky Derby winnn Cha tcnugay sold by hls Irainer to be months away ram his peak as ayenwld may make Iho public large thesocnlled blg lhrnu of the triple crown so Conway said Chatenugny lm provcs with every race and ar mm peak He run better every time he goes to ho post We thlnk he ivlll hl hl peak next all some llmebnr ring mishap VSApVIVAUDO nrdzu JCMP The son at Swap carried the Darby Dun color Into the wln nersclrclu Churchill Downs Saturday alter he bowled aver lhe big three if Ihuy were not even In lhe $151400 rune The derby wnsthe callus race hes wan since his first vic tory us twoyeamld trainer Jimmy Conway said wasnt surprised that ho won ltin fact thought he had real good chance lo gel homo first Canadian Squad Bags 63 Medals At Games Ahhy Halnmln of lnrunlu mm lhu wnmrns nno nlclrrs Alex Oakley nI Ushnwn Onl look no 20000nwlru wnlk um Ilcr nln lhu nlcnl n00 muns Nancy Mtlele IIIlumld schnul glrl mm Urummun cm was the 1m lrnck and Hvld win Mr or Cnnmln lukinx mm Incdnln ln womvnn hhnl ml and discun nnd swing hums nvc urds 1n mm main flu nonmetre chum piml finished lhlrd In the 1500 mnrc runlhu mmic mIIeIn which v5 fmnlilc Ilm rally wlls upscl We linish by his lunmmnlc IIm Gnllc Thtlr mcdnls bonslul Curl mlaa lrnrk mu inld nulls lo golds he 5ilLr md lwo Immmllle bra Cnmldn has dune In luck mu Icld In lnlrr nuUnnnl nnmns slnrr it an clxM gold In lhc British Em pln Cum Ivan Miss Vingcrsan missed by inches giving Canada its iith gold medal in track when sim finished strand in Jn Ann Terry oi Ihc 15 in lhc tinmum huri HES Miss Terry was limvd in 113 socands Mlss Vingcrsgu in HA in the last major inlcrnnllnnal mumthe tougher Drlllsh Em flu Gamcs Perth Australia an yearCanada wan Inurv golds 12 silvers and 15 bronzesf Includnd 1n lhe Canadlnn to slauhnrc were diver and bronze won Snlnnlny byJnnnli lcr Vlngprsnn 204 of Tommo and Don Bertola 23 or Rossf land ml respectively MISSED HY INCHES Canndax prcvlnus Ines carnc In 1959 when l75mnmbvr cam wnn seven golds 21 sllv us and 29 hmnzusmnny of gICm In shooting Vundyymnas cm thren wilh Candy Spots and Never Bond The first four inlshcrs now hendlpr Bnltlmore mud hust CIIATEAUGAY who gave headsup performing Snt urday afternoon by winning theKcnlucky Derby boating not cums played slendy Hrs hull UH unnle xlurlml In my nhend In the Iccond hnlL Tin locals will plny lhclr llrsl home game um Saturday nluhl the null Fnlr Grounds Gumu me pm Hurrlc Cny Snmr Club opln ml lhc nway semen by blunk Inn Aurora 120 Aurora CnnndInns won 15 medals In swlmmlng we In dlvlng and two In synchrunlzcd swlmmlng In the chilly Pun Amerlcan Gnmc puolz look 14 In gymnas llu 12 In trunk and Iicld elxht In shnnllng Inur In wrestling mm In wclghllIIIInx Iwn In ynchtlng and um In rowlng Ior Ihc Inlul £3 They Inllnd lo mnko lhn mcdnl clrclc In mens and wnmuns hnskclhnll mcnl Icnclng box Inn cycling lcnnls volleyball and water poloand hurl nucn IrIzs In baseball cqucslrlun judo mudvrn nenlnlhlan and SlKCtr Tom Dinsley at Vancouver the three melra springboard champion and the Unlverslly at 11C crew from Vancouver whlch won the premier elght onrcd rawngcvcnl ware he olhcr Cnnndlnn gnld mednlllsls Bluest wlnncr at all the nndlans however was Vllhelm Willie Weller Germambam Canadian aoldler lmm lhu armys Camp Borden ln Oma rlo who won lhrec gold In mens nymnnsllcsthe am In lhln sport or Canada In nddl Ion he won three silvers and bromp and log of Ihc lrlple crown lho Prcakncss at Pimllco No Rab bcry who bucked shlnl may 011 one ouL Barrie City Wins Opener lhrnu favorites lo we ilnlsh llnegnve all the appearance snflsllcd call as he gram conlenledly yesterday morning at Churchlll Dawns Hndy while nu unkmmn mm modin born Dun been mu umplccn llmu Illmun ho hum mnomy she than at anlo Lcnl Gardens The umlHnnl pm United Slnlu rhnmplon Johnny Vulca lno ngnhul Tony Marina and tho opuntr has popular Dilly Hod Lynn gulnu Igulnsl rullllcss Sum SILhink The aptulna Ilncup is Mill lng my grand Ilnulc Guru the ans In Ihe Hm 1m mnln event will be Gentlcmiln Jlm llnJy mew Dania nml wcnl Daddy 5ka one lhu lnns chlt pct pvva You guvsscd IL Ilx prnk Hana wrestling lime Unh Ihu all mnny or Ihu Mnrld auLsMndlng mnlmun ill making regulm appearances hero Thls Is sccund human or he 11mvywuighls In Mr rlc and lhin mg on me llncs of H102 heavy and Mom Lly pmh uill be beam In the mree or our mannu Milan entertainment commm cc al Harrie Arcna tdms day Down the back sIde they sllll run in his order with Random ourlh Grny Pct mm and Chat caugny sigh When fly hit me much Ennzn had Chnlcnuguy flying on the nulsldc About 100 yards Into Ihc Ashetch Chntwugay hnd lung lead and was runnlng ensjly The victory wnrlh 08900 was Chnlenugnys fourth In our slmjls this yeur He has 01111 enrnlngs of $114770 Never Bend Ins years chum plon Juvenile coll took the load right out or flu gate and main tained myth margin over No Robbery when Ihey came by lhc slund the Mrs lime Candy Spou wns third nl Ihls palm He bore no lnjurlm from he bigrace and Ihe groom snld he acted no diflmmly hnn rum any other day AP Winphoto Heavvwt Wrestling ii IsVHere Wednesday 5an uznifi rqlmjncd returned 320 80 lhu linh choice Frnm repnrls oul he clly ancnllnc could chnllulgc Slkln nnlurlous papulmily Any com puriwa hulumn Slkl and Val cnllna or own Bulldog nm er and Vulmllnu anger lhu US thump Ls opponent Slkl one local Inns will never forget husky Negro 51k gorgeously ndomcd wilh blondc hulr and hurd His ntllrc Is as color Iul um Jmchuw or other Swotl Daddy just doesnt up pml he sud tongue of he pulmns Emma said Oil Kings dc sennd their 73 margin They oulskated ua uh evcnlng they kcop up they cauld wln his lhlng In then more names up Emms ownercouch of Flyers said he was worrled his plnyars might gel the slufling knocked out lhcm Ita prelly hard lo gel bunch of klds up or sum nllcr lust wlnnlng lhlnk they fully rcnllua now that isnt going to be any walk eslre and re mendoua lurcchccklng were the Mo Ihlng which brought his club victory Saturday just Iold them to gn out hero and orcchcck and In heck with the crowd nnylhlng went wrong lhcy could boo me RIIALIZE NOW It was lack lcnmwork and sporadic play which resulted 1n the western ghnmplons making record outh appearance In lbc Cnnndinn llnnl taking ha 105 In Ilhe opeper rmw fimyshaw wasnl counting out Flygrs Theyve gal nod club Il gauum glmil EDMONTON CPNlazara Falls Flyers and Edmonton 0U Kings resume thelr best ol suven Memorial Cup junlor hockey series tnnlghtdhe anma waythcy started last Thursday on equal looting Fourth game In the hardAhll mg series will be played Tues dny with Ihe llhh Thursday Ad dMonnl games If needed wlll be played Saturday May nth and Mgnday In Centre Eutc Paul pnced Oll klng with two goals and three assists whllc Roger Bourbon nnls Max Mesunsck Harald Fleming Bulch Barber and Bob Inlkenhurg uddcd lngle Winger Blll Glnshnn stepped up from hls ycnallykllllng role to scare twice for Ryan Ron Shock so lhe other Another solinuc raid ol 6645 was on hand for the game and II many wero expected or the hlrd tllt Said couch Bustnr Erayshaw cl his clubs Saturday pertorm nnce corny It maysuund guess ld have to say wax mm etfnrt Evcrynnu had lheir momma CROWD IS SELLOUT Flyers Oil Kings Resume Playoffs IMPORTED FISH Tho nary nnllve of Hart wn lmporlcd lnlo Canada about 1680 when anlmon Ishan in Lake Onlurln wn declining The ropes fly open Inr first lime at 845 pm HawNd own Ihcres no guarantee thal hunks humanlly wont hum the air even helm that npM polnlcd hnur Rangers Ired by lcflhall Jlm Baxlcr plled an the prestw sure In Ihe first hall and wen Into the lead on gun by illam side 10 Ralph Brand In the 415 minute lens 13 people wera rented or alnklng and mlnar Injuries Du trouble never de velopcd on My scale and police spokesman said he Wal happy about the way lhlnuw went Bll Murdoch led the Kori ggr cum on the stroke of half Ilme police ofllcinl said Ihc 23 fans were arrested or breaches of the peace Most of the ar rests came the huge crowd streamed away from the sta dium nflcr the game The inn were careiully seg regatedflung an All one end of the stadium and Celtic fans at Ihe other Scparnto¢ buses were used In take ham to undrom the stadium Nelther club ever has wontha Hue Ihaunh Flyera wan lhe Ca nndlan lltle 10 year ago when they played out Barrie onL Edmonton clubs have came ur empty handed In six previous nnls dullng bngk to 1034 when the EAC last to Toronto St Mikes 2E Bath club will bc run3 strength for tonights game though captnln Terry Crlsp at Flym sllll limped from char ley horse he suflcrcd In the opener Thu menus Ihn whole lanslnnz charged aflnlr will have to he gone Ihrough againIn Play at the sums sladlum May Police to unprecedented atep to prevent troubio among the cruwd oi 130000 There is nv long tradition of ending 1w tween thn two sci oi inn with Protestants supporting Rangers and Calhollu shouting or Celm GLASGOW AmWhile soc police patrolled the slndlum andu 23 runs were nrrcstcm Glasgow Rangers and Celllc ought In at 11 lie at Hnmpdnn Park sud dlum Snlurduyin lha tinnlo the Scottish Cup Fansflrtestéd During Game In fact nnylhlng angers him All your present Mr war riu Gel an OK Um Car ram DANGERFIELD MOTORS ERASE

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