at Illrnni lnr Hum lmun uh nulllnnl her It yum nl mmlur ducvllml hla ucv Ilu mlnllnl lnlml mlhuruu um lem er and Immn an Hm ultloolnrfudlnl I7 yur nld hnliy ulmr Now urnrd vuu II he llnrd um milumlm mnunor Fly Wu rllmmly Inlrllllrn nd ldul Ml llucllpflun ul lluy Ann Llndrm Ill du prrllriy In hm wllh wml mun Tun wrrh helm mm be mnnled MI Inn mer wun lrlrphnnml and mm me lo hnvc lunch wllh her ï¬lm hm huh um luv yvunl mmum An wnnlrd In In lnvnr mm on mm liloIL Imr Molnm Flam 1m mnulhl nl hubu Eon martini plnpll Mb III Illnl Ftp dun really an my Inca math lllllhfll urlql Hm He made my mlnL IIIT MOIHKH Ahockrd nl lhl lllll mrnl And mink Wnll do you mun ninl mudy1 Wpm do ygu lo1 mmnmnnN 31mm uxnmmluoxnu MAY The mm mm Ihrcddln exampla run Iva you rumd yulrmny Our Io nr nhl daughter Dom Mme mml 1mm Idwa and Innnuncrd lhnl lh and lmlrlln lhu reckle and kld Also an who llrn nul dnor olnl Mendy 11w phruu golng may do nol mum lha Inmc lhln all people When win In hlxh nchool yoan ngm lug nlrmly mennl vlrlunlly gaud Today run mcnn lha hayIr mmbinnllon that walk hesl lhnl week Dur Ann Lindmz In mnlhcr hm prcAlccnn who Inflow your column clearly Yuu make lol mm mm be me but yvur View on 1111 nlgndy nred IclnrlIylnu GOING ETEADV 11m woman has been pro mnled In lhe Inn and mining beller than ever And the word in around lhn she now mlslrcu or nnnlhtr execullve whinin ply Not Il wanF001 1th whnl home Ham numu lylnl Mm two yam the changed her mind and tnslstnd he tel divurca and marry her or sh would ruin hlm He retuscd The wuman then an about harassing him at home wilh telephone calls at all hour of the night She gathered every scrap cv Idence mrelully collected over the two yearnthe cards nntcs leltm and plcturu She handed it over to the president of tha company He lost hll jnh huh double In Ipadu whnl mnku you lhlnk In home Into The Jury 11 um am an lhat doll Check htr In nboul Ilvn yurl II 1110 1le around lhnl The rensun woman who lccepled luxurlcs love and were shed wall louver or God to tree hlm no lhey could may and enjoy thelr lava pub In 1961 my salary wax $13 000 plul generous hnnul In 1961 wlll mlkc 315000 after several months uncmploy men In Chlcagoand lllcn only due In the loyalty of An old rlend who also dlsxraced exlle from New York Den Ann Linden So Its In wnman who pays In Na 51 ways Mr and Mn Blll Judge en tertalned Salurday evening lmusewarmlna at thelr new Napler Street residence Party lineal Included Mr and Mn Em Brydxu Mr and Mn Ernest Burlan Mr and Mm Howard Failweather Mr and Mrl Harold Orlweln Mr and Mrs Ralph Green Mr and Mn Gordon Peacock Mr and Mn Albert Gran Mr Ind Mn Chile Bunkn Mr and Mrs Fred Coulson all of Harm Mr Judge Montreal Mr and Mn All Vlllln ol Painswlck Mr Bur ol kalpez Manltoha Wu guest at the home of her son and dauzhteh inlaw Mr and Mrs Burke of Caroline Street last week HOUSEWARMING GUEST FROM WINNIPEG Mrs Lindsay Gnlhrle Man Jazz Mlnllobn was gun the homes of her nieces Mrs Tom Pallenden 01 Grove Street and Mn Louls White of High Street during the weekend WINNIPEG GUEST ANN LANDERS anel In Intandud in tour the null mm Illa law any and alum Wedding Ill nlvennriu Mflhdkyl brldn pullel mnlnl olngn pn llu mum Ind nvellm In Item of Interns to Human mam pl MI page Your hnlp In Inpnlylnx ll new wlll be xmlly Innw elated len phone The Bunlo Eumlner PA um Ind all or Eileen Dixon or Auduy coullpn the an enl Depnrlmnnt Loss Of Position Makes Man Bitter Phone Eileen Dim Audra Coulsou PA 531 PEOPLE AND PLACES nsplel In 011 one curler went through our mm In one day curllnz mm mm to to pm But even though lbs 70 wlth 12 grandchildren Mn Chilbera Gooch look the tlrinx day In her strlde Shnl brn curltnx or 28 yrs Dur Also The woman who has been here In bound tn know something that future wife can never knaw Such lnIormn Hun might be mend but wha stem and dimmed averylhing Ihe had am Now Afler lwa yum manm everything Ihal uppened to her hn happened me woman who wants to learn all about divorced man mould talk lo hll exwlle Who know beller Ihun ahe1ALSO AN AUTHORITY Bradlay Glllham son of Mn and Mrs Keith Glllham Mar under Avenue belebrated In birthday on Sunday V131 on It bl ham or the our aim Inchlded hh grandmother Mrs Henry zrealvaum Mrs Mace and James all at Hamilton President oi tho social com miliee Ros Kent Win in chargu oi arrangement nssistcd by Graham Dixon and Mrs Rube irviile Among the guests were Mr and Mrs Clam Kraemer Mr and Mrs William McCurdy Mr and MrL Ross Kent Mr and Mn James Kelly Mr and MrLGraham Dixon Mix Grncn Porteous Mr and Mrs Jack iiepplesione Mr and Mrs Jne Carruuien Mr Ind Mu Jim Pearson Mr and Mrs Joe Ber geron Miss Edna Hardacker Mrs Elin Caulheir Mr and Mrs Rube irvine Mr and Mrs Tom Nuiiycombe The annuni social eveninl or employee and guests oi the Unemployment insurance Com mission and the National Em ployment Service of the Barrie omen was held at the Oiiicera Mesa oi the Grey and Simone Foresters the Barrie Armou ry on Saturdny evening FIRST BIMHDAY Highlight of the evening was mume dmclnl with the has caller bulk lunch was ser ved at midnlxhl mman EVENING Mr andMn Harvle Weber of Slroud Mrs Jamel Jenklm Edgar CURL AT 70 HAMIQKQN ICP mum my 1M Water relentlnn not tuned by the amount you drink It well to plcnly water hen meal or help ln cc oat Slnce waler welth more than the la la hudilplaccd the stale could evcn rcglslcr galn Fallura to scale down at the 9an of die ll not due to any rcslslanconn Ihn part 01 lha AL neluse to be discouraged The wnlcr balance nlways ad jusla Youll catchup wllh lha last laseral Heres the explanation In Ihe process oI reducInz Ihnre ohm lemparnry shift In wnlcr balance Pal stored In body In Individual cells each or thch conIaInsa drop In You have been burn Ing AI Ior part oI your He needs but as Iho In used up some Ihe space rcpInced by wnlcr Thl water may be reIaInnd unIiI In In globulc Is almost wholly gone when Ihe water reltased slmuIIane oust In mIIlions ol culls Ihe pointer on the scale wllI plunge Try an experiment Dmp Earn 12 aloha glagoluwplen Hy IDEA JEAN KMN When you step on the scale this mnming the pointer shows satisfactory loss youll eel lighthearted and happy But its blue Munday or poor lasers Hold an If youve stayed on the dlel lhe raglan tlon lost at merer post poned KEEP IN THE TRIM Chatting the social employee Loss Of Weight Is Postponed Until Water Balance Adjusts elcntlnn not Innu the amount wnlcr It well to drink water belween ll helps ln counter Mommy during evznlnz held or and guns of tha EXCHANGE VIEWS AT SATURDAY EVENING SOCIAL Toasl lhin lIice Mr 2nd slice toast Margarine or butter Built of naked chicken liven 0r Boiled Cnnadinn style bacon topped with pnachedAegK Diclellc Jelly at centre clur Clluvlu Brullul Tomato Juice glass la counteract water retention make sure to hulld each meal nrnund one or lwo protein loads and use lhe least salt you lllm mu than he most Leave 01 sweets Shlfllng ram hluh car bohydrnle to hlxh pmlcln re lease watch Do not weigh again until Thursday morning It that the 11th day or your diet and you have lost little prior to this chances are the pointer will plunge abruptly As rule the morn over weight ynu are the more you are up to lose at the Man diet With mnsidarnhle so at there In llkely to be more sub plus water In Ih ussues and Initial weight loss can be du mallc ncl the tendency Inward consti paklnu 11 you are bolhcred an lhul some have more bulky fruits Ask your doctor about he advlsublllly of using wmu bulksupplying substance Barrie Branehcsmf lb Un employment Insurance Com mlulon and the National Em ployment Service from 511m Down or TOMORRDWS DIET MIN cluckcd oHon Ind Arnol Illovl ll mm Ihlvl SImSML J98 lac lllmmnd dun and plnlv ul ol Amnlwllh nylnn ovu InyPuulIhndulnllmzIoJX44198 ï¬lnflum null drain wmu mind pnlln Pluto In umy dopnrlmm youll Ind utlllng Aml mklom humu Aml would Mill lo hi you mvyvhm In cool mind swallmllonad mm AMP smmun In whm allow ar Swrmlullwlm plnlodAmulIklvlmolhhod canon hullHop NHL 598 flu or bluu with whuo Slm to aqul In Iii410M LU Die Mr Mn 290 210 V5 WALKERé Tossed green salad is French Dressing 11m Mrs Tbsp Melon or fresh pineapple so so Ho beverage Cularlu 505 425 Tau calorie or the day 1135 1105 LUNCH 10 CARRY PATTERN Sandwich Mn slice bread Filling choices Lean meat501 Lunch Chicken rcansanpme gm Thin slice brgld Mr Hard roll large Buuer margarine Ilp mast V4 lb Baked potato Mrs potato Marianna or bullet String beans libelalga Fm plate with coltuggfldxgeso Calm cheat cup Fresh ar 14mm Calodu 8g nggn Pic Gigs skim ximk or buuemink as as Dinner R4155 beef WW the loll Kramer mt Inzer And Mrs Knemer and Mn William McCurdy and ML MchdY The annualv PAINSWICK WITH COMPLETE SELECTION 1F MEAT BEEF pom LAMB VEAL and POULTRY WE SPECIALIZE IN QUARTERS 0F BEEP CUT AND TWRAPPED FOR HOME FREEZERS WI Sell Only 6017 lnlpecled Red Ind Blue Brand Bed QEFNS THURSPAY MAY xlNSWICK PA 35374 Free Delivery on Order of $300 or More to Ilnrrla GERRYS MEAT MARKET Mb 110 canned mum piam Na dressing 210 pa 150 150 BUILD FOR WOMEN VANCOUVER CBCA $200 000 apaftmere hugldmg for sin 519 and wuiowed women has been dodicaled by the United Church There are 40 house keeping units 112 Chicken Sliced cg 50 Cheese 0L 105 Bo 2d ham 01 85 Avenue 100 Mayonnaise tsp 35 Muslqrd no calories Tomaso celery curls or carrot suck mm mm Hot beveraxo Canrles Nola Mn may add me calorie in extra sandwich ï¬llinz awn was heid Al the Dlï¬cers Mess Barrie Armonry an Saturday evening Examiner Pholob PERMANENTS Jsmggag MINI Hillle OPEN EVENING PupyE 7m Hen nvnczisALim fir Til Swrmlullwlm plnlod Amul Iklvl polhhod canon ha Hop flu or bluu with whuo Slm lo ll 390 Shlll new at Aml mm wllh appliquc Mm Pink or bhn InMorLuu J9B Slip wllh 35mm nl plulud mm Amcl Illcot wnuc blnck or Iqul In 321041 196 Amul ny dun comnlml mnmnl pl In mm vlul whllo and buck In Ilu 10 In 15 ql IIOUIII hill 50 Dunlop Im HodInn my ll lll Nam 00 pm donallon of $35 was gIvcn to the Park Committee for It malntennnce The election 01 olflcera was held Ind lh rlala as ralluw pruldeuh Mrsr Texas Wang ï¬rst vlce pruldurl Mu Tom Morrison second vim president Mn Paul Holman mercury treasur Joseph Luau Dlstncl Duectara Mrs Jm seph Lea Mra hnmpwn Branch Directors Mrs For ler Mrs Dunn Auditors Mrs Tom Murrlson Mrl Rawat EValu lb the area concen tions are Mrsulvl Frawley Mu The rezulnr meeting of HIM dale VI was held at lhe home Mn Drennnn The roll call lips on slorlnn clothing was answered by 10 memhen Hillsdale WI Elect Officers offmoon cloth Slnilma waywit Clean PICKUP AND DELIVERY SERVICE 44 DUNLOP WEST BB DUNLOP EAST Ihem you in our ï¬npmlthefl inmer mm Theyll be returnedexpertly prmed Indy war II your nqum 1an In your offmoon clothes the profession Smilwna waywith upedal fhrio ï¬nilha to keep than soft Ind nipple Store wwxwxpj 5N naminmnfl Lu plank Mm wuuam Douglas aulslanl CPnr ler Press rcporlcr Mrs Dunn Standing cammlllee and convench were also voted In Refreshments were served by Mu Nelson Mrs Hnlman assisted by the hostess TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 82