Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 May 1963, p. 9

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ADDITIONAL SPORT Its FightingFiSh QUEBEU cmWhether you all ouannnlchu or landlocked Inlmon Its all why MW um Ink Jen leaIlka ex vlme teeming with aide and cklfm II the unchn lenlgd Ontflnm hotel keeper Ind guide we much lhelr llvcllo hood to tho allvery oulnanlche which rum mm to aim pagan lqll yunuuu And when wahnnahnmh mm rolls around 11mm everybody In the mien 135 mm northwu Quebec seem to held or the Ink with thglr huvyyckle Connqunmly when Inylhln ulrentens the ouanmlche it thrulens thu reglon And nah and gums assoclallon helluva they hm lound sevml thrull 1th II71 II the numbar of xoldeyl and don compullnl for food In 11kg Much II about 20 muu wldo Inf palm nior LONDON CHThe Berlin Wall provln too high hqrdlt lo rqlegllsl119r in April the Em German unity or Junior new loumuntnt here wal turned down by the British min oi iice in compliance with tho NATO hln on vim for Em Germum the name llme pennlnlon wan refund or um mm In Gummy to meet Brluln In swimming mm at dug Wiles hi xymmer Then an only two of mm tncldenu 51m tha wnll wen ur world welghllmlng chim pomhlpn luve hnd to be lwllched mm Pennsylvnnh to Burlap bmuse ha Em Glrmln tum couldnt let vlm to enter on Unllcd Slam And nlmillr canluslon hu occurred In nkilnl mm umh Ind Ipeed akgung Regardless Of Narng So fur the Communlln hlvent rammed Eullndl new team play Em Ger mnny In Leipzig In Jun Ind my in allowed here by mud dlvm to compel In an lnlemnflqnal t9le The mum Fnuunl Amen llun probably wondering wh happenl ll Eu Glrmany By JIM BECKER Amclntbd Preu Sport Wnlu Jo Nuxhlll bmh lnlo mum lelxua bmhnll Ion no hnl when 71nd Ill fled broukhl th buck In your mm lolkl thouth hi wu Ml Ion Aclullly ll wu dmertm Nuxhlll Gone was the wild Mly who pllched nus lnnln or Red ln Hm ll Ihe Is in younznt layer ever In pm In um ume Nuxhlll um buck II control pllchor Berlin Wctll Too High For Sport Legislators demnnnlrnlnd lhn again Why night In ha dawn the Mxhnylnu SK houll Clrdinlll so on le hill Ind dldnl walk mm mubuuh leu cloud In wilhln lime of he Cm Ihay bombed Annie body In 13L Sm Punle Glunll 11w mnvrd to wllhln Inn HM ludm wllh Iclllon um Iw York Mall CUM DEM BRAVEI Oxlcun Mu mpKod Mku 1m mm 1M Ind PMer ll Phlll downrd nuon Colu TIIINKK Hlll TUHNI TORONTO Cm 01h rlch Ind poor munlrlu at 01c world In huoomlnl lnrrmlnlly mm ha pllu ol hlrm con uu Imd urnln pmltlrnl ol lhc nillllh Illmmi Iman MunchHon mm mm III Id In In lnlervlowl lhlnk wholc um hu Iumd Im 81 unln Hrlh mm In on Mam now Mill lo no 590le II um on lichmlvo MEAD AIR CONTROL NOIllll MY CII Dirk Cnmphrll cl Tmonlo mu olrctul pmhlvnl lhl Cunn dlnn Alr Tmllc nnlmnm AI InclHon In Mwnllnn hm Furly MEDICAL PIONEER MNWHOM Onl CII Fumul rmu II In Iva MM Ellurdly or III noddch lif CIIIMIIH 1mm llulmml In mulmll am Wodnudny In Klnl Ilm hm Hal when In Im ad lar hurl mm and um nth no 94le M1 OKAY wmmr InnWinn Veteran Nuxhall Blanks Cardinals uh Imflu Him iiiiun Nuxhlll who bud mm SCISSORED SPORT mochuonl Mum My my beA Iqueezlnz the oumnlchu out Anolhnr Inh hellvet hurtlnf lhv klnl la tho burbol van on elm Accused ol dlnlnl on oulnlnlchu ry an Ame lociIons Ibo Eli the uwuuI from mm lion shore II clown thl I11 ounnnnlcha and null lllnul Imong lhc flab mun columnarpo Th3 upmr pmmsnl ol hum Ind llnherlu to und in Iologm mm mer unduly In ll mmmu clul mm for zoldeyl Ind don could am an plight the cumniche worked om lnlrly well but It wunt conclmlvl uyl Dr Loni Lemlaux director oi Quo becl In And wlldlfle manm men senlei Wu did mane in ulch uvnll thauund rde dun which were sold Monkell wlmout mun Men or the 1966 World Cup mien being held hm The Berlin government nlready ha domnndcd guarantel um Brlmn lend Adlvlng team Lelrxll In Easl German mm wll ha Allowed lnln Brluln or ralum mm In 1965 by heaven heyn rlxm wrltu London Dnlly Mirror columnlsl Peter Wilson You dont to la someon home and new thelr hnlpl tallland then ny you wont hnve hem 1n youn Amcxa mimic Tim up ihl can ol the buned junior Iocclr tum wu Ionyrilp ow In ha nnmo Irorllnl or my other con In can you conceivably blnmn the kid who wcn ll or 16 when lhl wul wu erected or flu pr llcec hollnmh What Brlllxh ofllcllll our man Hut Iha NATO ban will mubmla through the chm hen lb lnlemllanal Olym plc Commute which llkel dlm v1 pollllul dhcrlm Inallon Indonull 10 In Olympic plnca Iller reluslnl to ID Ipnmmen from lul unon mar tho Red cued th mm Sln mega pollzd hll Hm vimry ol tho Flt Leo Clrdenu Ind rookll cl no bucked hlm with homerl Bonn blby Bob BI 0y banged ml homer nd drove in live runs In the Firu Ibund llvo Dodler pllchlrl cran ms the mIJorl lhll yur Ind tho blues Mm hnvn drawn of Ilnlla lime iumrd out or May nlnht the Polo Grounds WHHI who Irled hlrd lo harm or In ht plrk when ha burl In lmtnm win the old le Gllllll to nllll or nm ubu In our lrlpl to Roy Sclvm dellvmd plnch hll doublt wflh lh bun loaded In lhl mu Irmlnl to ark mo mum Howl Gou amend or lhl Calls Whey Imlshtd hm him an by non 5mm mIIy Wl Hum Ind End mm Hunk Almn hll hll nInlh homer nr Buvu Wlmn Splhn mm hut wu Ihrlled In In 11rd Although Raymond lock lhI Inn pmhulnnul Iporll Sundnfv Ill nmoom Iml th Ilhl wI run Iblo la mavlu or II lvnd nu lhulu nn mullah Iulnlllunh In nmrndmrnll mmmluu FIIIIIY nlm an Ipprnval Fundy lporil bu lwnn mo pm Ind I150 pm 00 EA 0N MCIKIHI WINNIIEO CPLTho Manl lob lulAllluuI In lmtmh menu mvnmluu Frldny nl hl lumod damn urnpanl Ill mmumm llvon rommh nary All luml upon mnvlrl an Nluhlllhlm pmnnl tho huullnl nl nllhl lulny film In ullml And 1mm lambIn lllaul arm hununl NAMED AMIHTANT OTTAWA lCll MIIIMI FriIr lnrnur llculvn lumnvr ol Nnu 5c Mn Iwulnlrd urcullu mm lo 51M Mum Plrlmllll lumd many Mr mm cm or Nulle lullhnl LIbml 1M In lho In m1 and lurmvrl In newlle Iluunl In Inn Jumu Mnnulr Llhml lIhulu Inlnlnlu 1m This year wn Twill11qu the experlmlnbundor batter Maya mgny ounnnnlchq in John Iporll moch uom In lha pm luv larced lhn lovsmmont to blll com eh mum on nu lnke cy chimed ouananlcho wen balm alfllhl well loldm In an nay luv mod the lovem mem to stock lhl llktwflh ounnnnlnm Bu bloloxlllu eel commerclll llhlnl better Inluflon They Illa Iludylnl tho mu III turbo and flu nw dust on mg guaqmlcha By next 11 tha depmmenl hopes to know definitely whelhur hm ID ICHIII mm l9 flu Ah whether can combat by com march mun thme of IXHMCHHI 1h um um hi ulunu ad in Dr LenMump0 Dlplonull mead to 1m ban combined Gennun tum apply or the vim hut the two actions hm only go together ar on he Olympic and thn Elgapnn tuck chlqplnnhjpx lionnllsl China compete In last yenrl Allin Glmea nt hm The can nuw hn been llktn up by th Allpnrly Pullmen tary Spam Alwalaflon whlch hu asked the Elrl of Roma oreln ucullry to mhw ht an twininl 1min and diving Gupe Highway perched pro clrlously on he euurn Ihaul def oi the continent wlll tea in skiil oi Iboul 100 min ne on thin month The occulan ll ch mndly nlmed Flu lnlernnllonal Gu peslnn Aulomoblla nully hitoday 600mm Inca lhnl wlll like plan Ml MM nu um mm of Qua becl mu rumd Ind mule country oomplrlhh to Capt Brdonl Cabal Tull or In mounuln Mlthyl muthem Brllhh Columbll 11 men will out from thln om product team an mllel nonhzut Qutbec City driving west nlon thl mlh short of 1h Lawrean to From them they will rm dawn the handful Ind vnswrll Mnupedin Vllloy Iumlnl un nnr me New Bnmawkk border Ind llnllhlnl 1h Hm hp at Bonlvenlurm crummy 1mm nd lap will Uh them weak In In New Rldlmnnd than lnlnnd Ilonl Cuuo pcdll anlay lo Mount Lynll They wLIl vat en lo Mur dochvlllb ha copper mlnlnl centre And Um no on In storied Gum 0n pclurnqu lourhl mum tho Up at tho penlmuln Soaring Diving Gaspe HighWay Will Test 100 Auto Racers ly JACK SULLIVAN CalIn Im upon ldllu Jlm Norrll uyl lhll wulthlnx Nlllnnnl Hockey Alma mu In annnln MIMI Lu Dlrdlnl nmlndl hlm Iannll much lllml Trumbull uhllc uln llnnl dlmlor mall fled wlnn nyl tho plm In Him ulhrdnl ohurvnllunl um midi nu lAHflld ma Elan Cup player when lhu wrlrped lhl nu In xlnm ul nvcr lhl ludjvllgu ou know nIrl Novrll lulnlln hll yr ukhtd 10de ll lhl lur Ilnl Ind lhry wll held In allow the Ipcclllnu do ll mlltlL Nunll mownlr wlm Allhur Wm 01 Chlmn Nut Ilah Hddlnl II my pf thvlnr ol NanI ll lh um Ind ll Clurnlo Klullum ham lhn llnwlu whm Jun llmul ornylhlu Incl In hm Mal and lmllvr hunkIll lmm Ihmwlnl mm mm lho In II Mr nunlvrparu In hlcua ml mum muully remrmhor vulchlnl 11 In lhl Gardmu on mm film unnhd up In In Imm Ind Idn dmppod hlhhcr onln lho kw Nanll huzlled mm uvnpynnn ru bull Tmqu Mrkry wrllru nod Mum llelul tllh MI unu Kn Ihq Gumn ralhrdul MATANE Olga CPI111 Gardens Crowds Like Net Buffs Cumined vwilh Ihl rowdy JAM EXAMINERI SATURDAY MAY 1m MONTREAL UP Mora thus 300 default ram 0mm Ind qubec expected In It end weekend meeflnz of En llxh Ipuklng Roman Calhnl lAymcn tilled Jo encoume mater fianlclpluon by hymen In the lbs church Paatsoh JFK Chart Course 01 Co0perétion WASHINGTON 1GP Prui dent Kinnedy Ind Prlmu Min Inter Pelruonwlll attempt to chm eoum of CMIdlU5 mpmtlan In In llvlnl room the lummur mansion below In to the residentn father It wt taqrna Friday The two days or talk nxt Irldly Ind Silurdly wnl llkl gm Hum Port Mm lhrwhlu clapboard home Joscph Kennedy onatlml us Amhlgndor go BrIan All of HE lféusu clnu to gather and the Iwu leader will In able to movu gully hick and 03h le Includl tho Mam Join Imemenl II the end 01 ha ulkkto cement good uln llonl la doubtful um tho Imeth will includl any db or dulnlom on IMCUIB The pruldem wlll my ln Ml own while trlmo residenca ln than God resort am whlla Pumn wlll lake over nmby mldenca belonging to ma pruldanll bmular Aller noyfiulqal lloben Kongnedyz Amen he topics for discus Ilon are church unity Iaclll Ic unn the teachhlx catechllm mysz And nmhy We Most new Alexnnder Cum Who of Slul Sle Marla Out In Iddreu the closing union 5qu The USi Idminlsluiian ll necking cleanu 01 Inch problem In pmvis an U3 nuclear warheld or Canndiln Bouner minim and Intercep iar aim Ind elimination human Cnnndinn ralliiuiiou the Columbll Elva poviir truly From hm they wlll run Ioulh to Penn with amouu pigcadurloqkjusl um hp will take them back lo ana 1nd than IIOIII the mud match com to My Thu mmmlnlnoua Gum hllll way was hull by men who lully believed alulght llne II the Ihoflesl distance helween two point Ind Ipplled this ml to rondbulld1nl 300 Delegates Rt RC Meet 9mm T0 CLIFF mm may took the roqu over mounlllnl khnl modern him my enllneerl wouldnt cllmh Ind hunu don the odm cl cum that would makt mel workgr dilly It It ahullermpplnx thrill hzhwny lhnl problbly wlll le lhl mm In much satlmcuon ll doe lourlsu no um belnx lponmrcd by tho Junior Chamber Com ment lune Ilong wllh olhar chamber Ihroughoul lho union and open In Ill type of urn wllh cut 1939 model 11ml wlll ha mum lu or lourinl rand wurlnl Ind Iporu cm bxcllrd Malno 11 MI plin ned Ipedll eronomxc want or In week lhl new Specllllud French Cunn dln llhe lrom nylon whtn ht nlmon recipe nlom cm mm man wlxh cvery any wn hldy will tenured halllmul crnwdl Chltllo Mudlum um Delml Olymplm anlu Lu Sudan nnnlly nu nominl mm ltnllvu lhln prouurru And hi on llm Ice In lhu Amulc clllu holllu 12 Ink murk llvo hImlerl lluuu purer hlll IMO and Ind 1m hnyg hll he In Inhnny lulu puhllc uln llnnl dlmlnr the Mn re mrmbm llmu Mun mu clulr lhrown Now In lllknnln Inwmuhr lm tom up with mnllun mklnl mu ml muhlnlnl nuln mnk II nlhlellc urnll Ht xnl mnllon pun1 In lhl mm Judicluy rmnmllln lhl ny nnf pennn Iulnl lmrhnnlud 1m mmlur ll IN Hm up In IIIHZNI COWMJJH fipulllrnlly uhlltln Tluric Wllhor km dead Ilm II the null who lnhuml Ourla mulhlm Im MI lulvlwlmhlr In lnM millmlufll what you Ihnnld hum Um mm In Ihulxl hln l1 rum ylll kill in umpll ml In hm Inmn uk In lurk nl you wl1h Ilnn nr cunbvll mu Imlll Ih lnll lln uld uulhl b0 lwml In an II bath um who lxlnllw am In IINIIII out 01 mt lnlly noon mmmu will then up milk ullkme mom gmm ihllll llepr IIIlu Mnund lhl Nlll tlvrull know umly Ihl ho mum YELLOWKNIFE NWT CP Seven RCA lanes were ordered to Hey iver Nrwrr or mother Ierlu nl Ivaweflom Madly hut conflict nr report left duuM whether mIdanu wnuld lem um nond hlgered qggnmunily Gran mutant nnrlhem IllIn ndmlnlalrnlnr hr the Mackunzh Dlmlcl nld Friday nlhl Ill mldenu lllll In the Mind own would be en coyInd lo lgayg However at River 500 mllu north Edmonlnn Mayor Man In nld lha remnlnlnx I30 mi enu do no Ilium 97 call the filament Hny River town 1300 MI one of two centre Hooded by want Ind lco this weak when lca 1am backed wile from mlnl than The ml ha Hly Rim climbed 10 he ubgvg norm II it penis Friday lha level dropped lhm feel but pullullon 01 water up pug Ind unsung dam on Itgd Ila huljh hazard Far mile rlh Edmonton Ind mulled onnn lxlnnd the confluence or ha Mutual and um Riven wu lmmdmd Thundny CARRIED BY COPIEE Mm Him 700 penann were Ivlculled tram lhl town by hellcupllr and curried mllnland Airport that ill tum Iwny About £0 per cent OchlAlI mnled today In tho cmh ol Bmllhn IIr llncr whlchplnwed Into heav lly mm up nu but hlt an In unoccupled Iputmznl bull lent 10000 Mrmnl nnhed to uene unaully hlmper In nuuu alluru Seven reported killed when In lmck Ilummed Into pm cl th InnInn cmwd In Doubt All Residents To Leave FloodedArea Dosplln the throw 11 90mm wm mllched Allu lrnm um hlninu wrncknu Ind taken In Implll Ono perm mlu LOUISVILLE Ky APlOnl of he rllllhsl mm lines 1951 whtn Imn Us GI nl Man Round Table and Hold Ruler mm In pollWM tn MM In not runnlnl nl lho tulurlkyluhylodnyL Cmdysiou New and Ind No Rohhery In lhll yenrl run lllril Opened lhn cIIgI 0111 Int Clnd Spell Ind No Hnllhuy Iwo coll wllh unhlumhhul rm nrdl lhll umn handed qu lodynw Iwnroul Candy Emu MM lumll lor lh mrcnlll Down wun mrl In Mhlrh ho IIAIINI and would Ihr Immd Ilnluhl Ilflorlfll mll In up turn llu lxluerlen rlmlc Do chlme won In nmnl Hm nit Inn Nmr llmi lnl ynrl chnm ulon lwwumld In lhc Unllul mm lmm Hurry Unmnhrlmn 07 Slam Iml Jnhn lllllllllhl Dm uulny um holll Ihm MI Irwm Nrwr cum Mu II In Min No llnllhery nul II lo If Jumuuy II In HELD MM The oUwr unhulm mll III Iloblmy Ipmly hlg tnmer who won Iva nlnllhl or IM Imnlm lllhl John llny Whllnry Ind ll Illlll flmm non Rave About Derby Field Md muml In Ill yun MI Idmlulod In lo lh pm Mon film mom pm ED mmam mm nu DH pol IN on OIIMN rm mm or vim mi and cmlrd In Fund CMJV mum II pm ED 34 awful Gun mi mpmuuq mud II damn Count 31 Dead In Plane Crash ANINDMN BOY letmay for deep In ovenmom ldlooll YollofiknmNwT VSAQPAUU Juli AP nl th lawn wu under wnler and Ica WII MM 20 act Ibnvu min week Mr uld Axlhur Lam nonhom Illu mlnh tar decided to uk mldcnls lo lelve my Illvu 111 mile snulhmt ol here Iflu In eight hour am or the communlgy Ho Iddid ha mlnlsler mud hl decll an alter talklng to than mtdlcnl Ulcer who said ha enllra hllnd wn unme due hgllth humus mued by ha 00 Ahéu 400 perm in the town Mr Wanner Mlyor Mauryn uld per lflnl an in my Rlvér and added lhak ML Lam It nn tlmu dimmed complete Ovacuaunn the lawn HI uld meetln wl bald tnlls lhl lupport Ihc mlnhler to null us In gelling our own moved on to the mninland south ul Vale Island dlmnce lipea mllu mm the pnsenl alle monz repmenmlan wn nude that lhl move shnuld be mud man as poulbla and nut to spend Inga sum money rennrinn the damned bufldlnn on ane mm they are nub to load condilinn could happen ll the next breakup mm or Any Iemn In lmm Um pnunzm Ind live new member Iboml lht lwlonglqtd Cory1n 11 pllne pinned to cum thonly liter um Friday nlxhl WIlnum nld lha pllnn belonxinu lo Cruulro do Sul clusm llre uploded in he nlr mg plupnd lo elmhl bro ouphl Lh Ind pm of It rimmed Ill Ipmmnnk bulldlnx undcr tnmirucllon Il Ihured hm ledkm ol the Ilnmun and reducrd It In nibble 0no ol Chou who died wu Jamel Gall when Uru luaynn citizen who wu dlree lor Genenl Electric Bu KV COMIC DIE on pmznlcrl um BmH Inn Drpuly Mixuel Enhury and lelevlllon comic null Con who 1113 plan wuln lmuhlo lrom Aha llmu look oil lnr R10 300 ml to lhe northeut ollhon In hupllnl II um fporttd lo In In cmlul candl Ixh nnlinc wn bum ln um wilnm mlllnn mum Ind ll unplayu mm God to pl Thy llldld Mn uld lhu pl won llgllhl flown 11 up mm mum mud out In Im mm lhgn 00 pm ll wnn lhn with major Dra xlllnn plum tr Ilnco Nov 24 1001 In mlmu lccldmh perum um klllod Movement the lawn from MODERN AGEECY mu it am Cnmmuclul lndumlal INSURANCI lnm SARJEANT INSURANCE IIIOOREIIIVK ORGANIMTION Caulk flu MIMI hu been th Inbject debug among lawn mldenla for norm Umt Mr McBrynn mud 0m ro cenl lnvull Illom muled lnr In am In my River clrdedliva virus from our ijilern the hind We hava requested mu Iup on the lovemment In mov ng the lawn or pmkmnn peep who In vsl HER moneyJ Mr Wm nld those re malnlnl on In Inland who have no dlml buslnm Intern there will he evacuoled to Edmonton Thus with bullnm lnlemu who wllh ln remIn 1n the area will he qulrlered in lull camp ll Enlurprlse laden government camp on lllo Illne kenzle Highwly 1a mllu Ioulll nlllly lllver Mr Lalnl nld In In ll vlew here After his relum from my River Our chlel concern or lately Ind helllh cundh lion Ind um the llluns made comforlahll may alble WINDSOR om cmA year old Iuburban Sandwlch Em annshlp pollen 0mm dled curly Frldzy from heart Illlck Iuflend IHII chum one two men uulhl trying toh drug Igore Constabll Hurley Hyland died About Im Police nld he and Cpnu Glrllnd Hum we Len lrylnI lo bruk lnlo lb Conn Hlnll Irmled one man ha Arena and Hyland chmd he second on ooh Noll Lester one two 11th cm who Inswmd call or Issmlnce Iound Conn Hyland Iunlnl unlml the wall nurby bulldlnl complllnlnl of be Ilck Lulu conunutd the cm and apprehended lulu mnn Canal Ilyllnd wu mun lo hol II when ha dlod hm hour Iler Oiiicer Dies After Chase PnIlce Id szn Vlnctnl 18 and Dunlld nrechun Mn or Vlndwr hive been charged wllh Imk Ind enler Nylnnd ll InnIVE by MI wile Ind chlldnn Th0 Blrrlo BI hon Amtllllon Innounn In In emu or IhIlr urvlcu to Imam OHICHVO an Moldy Mny 6Ih I961 Halrm Mull Thuhlf IUII inercaln Ior Oh Harbor Ind In Bmll wn March l9 Tho nuw prlu 1m II II lollowu Brusheu Adulll Hllrcui Chlldun Undur yuu Man On Thu Hllrcul Chlldnn Undor 12 you Frl Bruihwl Chlldron fihlmpoo Hooplhl or own Call Slnno or Tonle Mon to 8130 to 600 pm Cloud All Day Wodnuday ANNOUNCEMENT EU 13 HOUR TORONTO cmMamm Bobby defended num FIFE rcpnrlar Friday lnr usin also identity to uhuln lnfnr mallon or new whlch ed charge against No man heln lald under the 0mm Secuh Ue Act David Scull of The Globe Ind Mull mulled that he pond clvll Iervnnt to gel imormallon on old an Shamrock Mine Limited Alter clmlfled Id verlisemcnt lppuled In the pa per OclJ seekan partner wllh mnlmum at 5000 inane Edam mlnln properly in In In floodslrlcken Furl slmpsun wmphnw The firm ll president John Lang of sum Ont and lean represenllllve John Brewer Toronto no chance wlth lrldlnz 1n lecurmes whllI not roxmmd Investment brokers or dulern They act lecbnd chlle nl nmrlnl to purchase Golden Shamrock hues wllh Intent effecllnl mic 1n ha company curb es me he was eyucumdnnm The mnmnu delended Mr Scan Alter deYentI cnunlel Mahnn nld Mr Scott mad to entlca I0 men to mlka npru millions to him whflu posing dle umnl Deiends Method Used By Reporter WANTS TO EARN But lhs maximIa Interlected um Mr Scull wu mlrlly nan mun Idenllly lam he men Ind I9 amp HI Sumo nuld have bee dartate he Ind wnlktd In In nld Im 61th and MIX reporter The book would hm folged Elusrd rll qy Mr Scan mums ho hm cred 15000 lhlm In And wu attend trip to Ireland In lnmflnla the mlnn alter exnrmlnt nu rlu III In woqld bu to buy Vsfiareswliélofiiutlnx pr Ho rclurned brochure ml 1pm to Mr Lang alter hnvl n1 coplu mndo Mr Scull Id Mr Lang phoned hlm alter the Ilory wu pnhllshed oflerlnl to borrow 31500 for mm mum and den lhll mul lull nxlnsl lha Glnha Ind MIU wquld he firnpped My Mnhnn uqu lhnl lhl Crown lacked can bccnnn prlvlln company cnnnnl offer Ia xell Ihlru to flu publir Ind lhn admllsemcnl wu dullned In lame pulntn not than hnldcrl Thermammo Adjourned lhu can unul May to hm ur lher Irzumlnll $125 $150 75 $100 $100 $100 75 up 75 up 25 up $300

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