WI Is Hobby Of Alliston Area Man Purthmi Holslrlnl In tho herd Jam MchKuv MA Han and Snnlnnl Frnnkllu Colllngwood hnvn wmnldcd cmptlonnll lnrro word of Ilgrformnnce uh can think of no better place at ihis time oi the year or any bodyoi any age to spend few leisure hours than amidst the reimhing scenery oi ilsh ï¬iiod rivers and woods carpet ed with coloriul wildflowers and teeming with an amaring variety of wildliie sliii to be discovered In score oi scmi wilderness areas and even just ordinary couniryside wilhin the mint Here are few suggestions that may help persuade owner oi private pmpcrtlu to keep their land unpostcd Leave all gates open or clnsed you iihd hcm units It Ls evident that sale you find open should be closed Dont clnmber am nnd break down fences nor trample dawn crops Avaid approaching and frightening livestock Never tamper with implements left in the iiclds Dont lltter garbage or in any way mniamimte water sup plies We should all make real elf orl lo assure that owner these particular private prop ertle who klndly tolerate pub lic lnlmslan not given good reason to erect any more of hose loathesnme No trespass lng signs whlclr already bar from some of the me ln turullng mncry and best lisll lng hldeaways FEW SUGGESTIONS 0M 01 the most Intending nature areas Ind one that up tract thousands of visitors and ï¬shermen In lhe NlcoL Km area cask of Mllslon when it the mill dnm ln be found aboul um only plan in Simm uhcre rainbow trout all their colorful irridcsence my be observed at close qunnm lonplng ln glittering arcs am at the mclng wmnr Ind far up the spillwny slopes Whno mas us think about counlry recreation low give conscrvnllon our nat ural resources thought pm lerrlng lo leave that lo some body else ta wnrry about For lunnlcly for then an cw concvrntd about the pmcrvu llon he nnlurnl Inmhrhve and Nmurcm nnd wlldlllc lodulnr Huxle own ed by Jnmu Mchrua nlnmd her mom of pedom Mm lrsl lrnlnl lhrcoyrnr nkl mnldnu In 306 dnyn on wlrendny mllklnn ohl of mm lln Ihln remrd Rural clnu nvunzo rallnu 10 cm or mllk and 1M per clout In lnlt nw RnnfnnI Frmllln row loamy Vim Snowdrn Mllulnm In an rightyrnrold In In any on lwlcen dnr mllklnl Iho pm flucul AM In milk llnxlc mlmu recordl two mod nm lhrwycar ohl wlt MM Illellmo hrml rlnn mic rnllnz prr ccnl lnr mllk and pvr rrnl lor In Clnulliwl le lul Ihc In dnuzhm ul 541m 5mm Mu nll4lnndnp IIle lxï¬l THREE ALLMON LABS warding through heir tat lde bum prepare to try their District Holsteins CompIete Notable Performance Tests BEAUTIFICATION SCHEME 1mm 01 mm mm Ab ANIMIVINI WlnMn Mnnlh Ill Alvle moo MRS IIEESMAN Wlllllm By BRIAN BAKER 509 Mn TllnNMM Ennnll FL nmh ml KEMPENFELT TRUMPET BAND BOOSTER CLUB Ink Ml table place of woods bordering the steep Nouawasaga valley sides over the Inst three years since they awncd is andhis year last week planted an acre red and while pine on sandy Mll top overlooking the river Next yznr Hwy 1n 51190 plant as may more 1111 pro rally sort hobby with us mmarkll Mr Abbott Our chlef aim is to help beautify the countryside and 1hr sum time contri lzum something lo conscrva ton lhls reforestation project which like my colonies of bees wa consider as hubby is really quite lntercstlng work when you begin to see the re sults of your efforts say Richmt 0N BEAVERS Richard gme an interesting account or haw the heavu often scramble high up the al most varilcal sides or he ru vine to out down yellow birch and Mint trees up tn many in ches ln dianrcler uslng urelr shnrp flat Ieelh lhen roll twist and drag lhc felled trees to lhe waters edgeu Beavers are insistent and seldom give up on logglng opetaUmI IN nbï¬tnfd Du one night they were forced lo give up after they had cut tree right or the slump whose brandws were securely snagged in the surrounding recs Nolica how neatly and flqUhcy navn cu hp slump Yes Lhcro are other nnm nix like muskrnu squlrrnls dulpmunks rubblts raccoons ponwincsv and have cvun scan full grown door slandinz beside the liver There Is nu old owl In oflcn hear but hnve neverseen may soon 1y raising pamldzc chick or rclensa In 1an hunllng nrcn Jusjï¬s nAhobb leurd who exlrndn and mnrkcls lhn honey producrd by boa colonies lock lhnt the best me lo Ink lho wln Ier Insulation wrapplngs from nwund the hives Ls at le about he lImc ha dnndcllonl commence to bloom when ncc lar bccamu plenum Many awn ruldcnla have inqulm lo whcn hc best time lo Into the counlry lo Beauty Vch has II II lncln Inn nmlmu mord made on lwlcendny mllklnn 1329 lb mllk oontnlnlnu UTE lbs In nvtrnzl 359 ccnl butler lnl She good plun flnulh tr Glmnflan Mllnlnm Her dnm ll lha noted vzry nod mw Denuly Vch Snnwdcn Tnl lllm Mann wllh lnclnllnn Ilmlmu lolul on lwluMlny mllkinu ol 210465 lbs milk luck the Nollawasagnimv er near mm East year Peter Abbott tint hooked TM mu dnlu Ilulunld ll MI yw hon ynvr hmlll Mumn pulva lull ma mum yum mum any In In um NAME TELEPHONE NO INTIA ARINO IIIVICI mu mun IV muowuu owl van Mu my TV boll rim and hman Ir ï¬lm um 00 olvhcr Umk Monty Imul ADDIHSR Av in mm nnrnn Iv II MEHVW IV ml gun but A¢ mlmu an II uur lama II Eor the hard of hearing only HEAR BETTER 7A7 s495 Valueflny s1flu lrma see lhe iriiliums and other wild flowers iriliums bath the showy whites and the rod wake robin shwid be at their peak within the next iwo or ihree weeks Unfortunately this year the hepaticas which occur as flowers hearing from six to 12 petals cniorcd in pas te shades oi while blue pink have already passed their prime One blunt spring miung fungus from one to two Inches across thrush 1L5 vividly or angered colored convex shnp ed head above the sumber lur 95 debris wth search ing for but do not hues another dontdon pick or dig up wildflowers espec lally the rare and unusua kinds leave them for other lo enjoy Lular In the sprlng will com um blazing yellow marsh mnri golds blue water hyacinth blue gallium and luluHas and rams 01 all lha blazing rod splkes cardinal lower nlso labella all be mind ln he molslcr and mumps Simon In lhe slugngh canals of Holland Marsh may be seen the huge nonllng lluw er of both while And yellow spatialdocks boiler known as water lilla lnlctspcrstrl most nllracllvcly with blue hynclnlh complcmtnlod by he hluu ham orgnlmanou flourlshmg he walors cdgm Among mm or the nallve blrd mlde from ha 30th are Included Ihe crews hawks red wlnx black birds boat billed grucklcs ducks geese teal curlcw killdccn meadow lurks rod headtd waodpcckcr klnzlishm hemns burn 1m and bank swallow and lhe bridgelovinz phoebes mes have tammnnccd ncsllng alrea dy one hnving taken over lnslyonrl hnwk nest bull In the lop wellarmed hnwlhom lrte Iiullcd mouse iha mnridne xnme birds with lho strikingly banded an shaped ails may be hunni ln eimmi nny bush this lime ol lho year en gaged in drumming anm min produced by aroma beni ing their wings silifly anlo dmmminx log to nnnounco their ownership parilminr trad oi hush rimu llnwiy bump bump bump blimp he cominz rapidly inslor unili ha bumps meme inio Inding niur Few people hearing lhn xoxmd or the Hrs imc nan IL originniion believing ii in be producui by name pumping medunnism or mm by their own henm mmlnaly going on Kim mmpnuel This drumming hnl an amazing vaniviloqulni quniliy 11ml mnku ii impossible In determine 1mm whlrh direc uan il ll mminu end how int dlainnt mm lhe ilniem i1 ll hm nnoiher drilghiinl mung ol the xrcni oui wind plke at the same spot other lads are tram left Steve Montgomery and Wayne Nicol wlvy Immo ml null Harald Walker 40 head of the English department at Barrie DslrIcLCemml Colleg late dnco 1962dled at Our Lady of Mercy Hospital In Top onto Son of Oscar Waiker and the late Emilie Walker of Reglnn he graduated in arts 1mm lhe Unlveulty Manitoba Winn peg He qunllflod second ary school teacher the On tarlo College of Education Tor He was member he stall ol OeMnl Collcgma for our years In Battle he mad Ills home wllh Mr and Mn Maxwell He survived by his father two nlstcn Lorene Mrs Ludlnm of Restnn Manitoba and Sylvia Mrs Wu of Saskatoon er nephews and two nieces 11 body was accnmpanled to Begin by Ralph Dom mnto Revï¬Frnesl 13pr 61 Knox Metropolitan Uni¢ed Glurch conducted Ihe funeral afrvlop the Brenner Funeral COLLINGWOOD 17year old Collingwood youth was charged yesterday with break lnz and entering and arson In 6140000 lire Ins month hat all but destroyed the Calling wood Hbrary and Huron In stitute museum Dennis Weathers will appear before Magistrnte Stew art of Owen Sound heyday but not expected that the case will go on at that time said Slmooo County Crown Attorney Thompson The dimgm against Weather all were laid after an lnvesliga lion Into the blaze Apr In one rash has that has muck Collingwood In recent months inspectors from the Onuro Fin Maxshah olflm have been looking Mo the circumstances all the flux Weatherall has been charged in mnnodlon with only on CANADIAN ROBBED ANTIEES Franc AP Mrs Catherine Darlman discov ercd Friday lhal lhlevcs had broken Into her villa and stolen nbjccta valued at 100000 rants $20000 Mrs Dorlman wian 01 Andra Badman Canadian mapper and gold magnate ro ccnuy sold the vllm Ind plum lo mavu to England Harold Walker Teacher Dies To date the campaign behlnd IL objective 1n wmpar Lson with prcvlws yem Un loss wn put on spurt he re search program will have to be curlnllod Mr Squam lrlm anld Ontnrln campaign chalrman George Squnrcbrlggs can corned about he promos the Cnnccr Fund cnmpnlgn Barth and dismal in bchlnd previous your at lhb point In tho program We nerd he nup part every householder nnd buslnm if we mu tn ranch our objective Wu have rtcclmi Imam hat 5mm hmehuldcrl have been inadvertently ovorlookui or hnvmc been home and lhc cnlrnivnmr dldnt call back In In Gordon Larklm nmla unlt mmpulun chnlrmnn mid any person hn not been con lndul ha WI thnu me sum willï¬ci up the donation or havo lamb on cnllf In $140000 Fire At Collingwood Youth Accused Tempo Of Campaign Slows Down Badly Ila nlm lulu Ihnt cum ll COLLIER ST SUITI 301 um BRIEFLY BENTLEY SUNDAY 1245 PM To 100 PM OVER CKDII Who Soy lnluu Yuur PROTECTION AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS HOME BOAT LIFE mm cm Imn mm nvznum um BENTLEY and CO HIM hlvphm nationwide program to pep up Canadas visllor reme services Is in full swing The Canadian Tourist Assoc lallon is sponsoring 15 ragional short courses in in Project Har pilaiily designed to raise the standard of Canadian courtnsy and service to tourists SIX at tho seminars will be held In Ontario In ctroperation with the Ontario Chamber Commerce 0neday conlercnccs Involv Imz Intensive group study ses sion are being conducted moss Canada The semlnars are be in held in lhe sprlnx to help prepare taurm associulioru chamber commerce and business men lo give ï¬rst class service to the million of vacu Ioners who wlll surge across Um land next summer Tho program also lnlcndcd to strengthen the home Iron and mm Acrvlcc or lhu lhousnnd ul visitors whlch are Vassar complete their calls and um Kn the money as soon as pmslble list chairmen captain nnd canvassm or Wink and have been publlshld Following Ls the list or Wald CANVASSERS mimaan Mn wfarb ham CnMnln Mrs Laxkin canvnsma Mrs Baker Mrs Connell Mn Fanning Mn KnIgN Mrs hicKcnzle Mrs Pudflold Mn Smith In LL Slandrbrmoktllrg ï¬cphmson Mu VCISlcw MIL Slcwnfl Mn 70511 Muirl Wlsqrpnn Cniinm Emvko cnnvnum Mm Noy Mu Cnpuln Mrl Nplinl canvnmru Mm Dash Mn Drlslnw Mn Gordon Mrs IL Hodge NH llldmnlxon inninln mm Damn unvamrl Dnznunlt Mu Jnrmun Plan To Pep Visitor Reception Coming To Barrie On May 22 Neulrlhreeyear old Shelia Mcxeown 111 and Nancy Mc Keawn 21 have that look relaxallnn In their cyc Sheila who graduated from Univer siw of Western Ontario came to her hams at Kempenlell Drlve come ol days ago She Iefl today or London or non mmï¬ï¬ SERVICE nutcu PA um BARBIE GRADS RELAX expected lhls year from the Unllcd Kingdom and Europe It In hoped they wlll come to Canada the result of new pmmnllon ellarts abroad by llm Canadlan Government Travel Bureau the lransportallan com panies and provlnclnl govern mental grant lrnm CGTB or Pro Ject Haspltallty has been ap proved by tho ledurnl govern ment and Illa prolect ls belng supported acms Canada by provincial travel bureaus and chamber commerce Tourist scivice expert will lecture at the canierencu and lead discussions on such sub jects as how in set up inform ation centres and reception ser vices how to select and train employees how to strengthen local tourist association and how in conduct hospitality Icmlnar SCHEDULE Hero thn schedule cam erencuzx May Sudbury Cnplaln Mn Rankin canvwem Mu Wall Mrs 5150 Mn IL Rodgers Mrs Dykr Mrs thm Mu Glllilnnd Mrs Chrcllcn Cnmln Mrs Buick cnnvnucn Mn Mlle Mn Parkcl Mn BBhA up Mn Brown Captlln In nmr burn ctmvasscrn Mm Ad ama Mn Appleton Mrs Sutton Mn Elllolt Mn Captain Mm ll anlorlh canvmsm Mn nae Mrs McFadden ceremnnle but wlll ballad in week Nancy recently graduated from McGlll Unl vcrslty In Montreal left today for tralnlng as In occupational llteraplst 1391113 graqugtex oi SlfJosephE School and Gen tml Collegiate Banla Exam Iner Photo Cnflhln Mn Donny cnn CanT Beat Natural GAS You TEE BARBIE EXAMINER SATURDAY MAY Use it or lose the use oi ltl la win that applies to the joints and muaolea ot the body according to Dr Richard Luck president at the Ontario Chiropractic Association we allow our young people to bocoma nation at viewnra be lnre television and spectator spam lnatearl of participants then we shall reap the harvest oi the physically unlit and the pasturnlly unlit who will be prone to develop the conditions that araan accpmpunlment of our modern way of life he warned Correct Posture Week is be in sponsored again this year across Canada by the Canadlan Chiropractic Assudaiian reprrL aenilng moo chiropractors or lha purpose admonish young people that lack oi al ienllon la postural ilinm my exact an expensive payment in later liie Nerve to all parts oi ymu body pass ihmugh nar row opening in the spinal cul umn and misalignment ni lilo it verpbran oi the supine result ing irom panr posture or strain rnuyllrriiuie these neryes sulfi The troop went on cook hlka Apr 30 From murmurlngs ram Grenlel way even the burnt tackles were thoroughly enjoy dilly In An Item of local lnlcmsl lama Bmce Allan Sulherland Eddle Tracy and John Ellloll were lnvesled lula Firslï¬rgnlel Scout Troop thl week Bruu Taylor at be same llme receiv ed llls leaplng wall badge mm Akeln One more note on First Gren Assistant District Commls slancr Reid letu the Group May May Lnkehcad May 10 w1n nlpcg May 22 Barrie DOCTOR WARNS Cangratulnllons to our Scnuls from RCAF Slallan Ed The Barrle tomnrence will be held In the Continental Inn an nghw1xy 400 Eonlcmnce dam and vim or Quebec and Saskakchewan will be nnnnunced later vassus Mrs Wilson Mn Lee Mrs Johnslnn Mu Younl cnnviusm Mrs hrown Mrs Mltchcll Mu llumphreys Mrs Cmnmn Waln Mrs Lowe cnnvmsscxlL Mn Martha Mrs Moore Mm Gordon Mrs Synnou Mn me lcr Mn 11 Yorke CapKaln Mrs cnnvnssm Mrs Mrs Mltchcll llumphreys Mrs Mrs Synnou Mn me lcr Mn 11 Yorke Cnptnln Mrs my Mum slon canvassm Mrs Young Mn Turbush Mn 11 Ellls Mu Ml Mrs nichlck Mn 7an Kirk Mn ForsterY Mn Mchvtn andrdivinrd Cnpluln Mn Noland canvMscrl Mn Frcd Naniv Mm Ernest Holman Mra ll Rodgers Mrs Puma Mn Alan Wood Mn Enrl Stephan Mrs VJohn Fair Mrs USe Muscles Or Lose Them SCOUTING AROUND Still Prompt ACtion Curbs OUFbreqk cause distressing anolds symptom or outright dlsnï¬u lty said pg Luck Some ol the common condi tions resulting tram such iaulty body mechanics are arthritis neuritis sciatica headaches angina and direct pain to var iaus parts at the body These conditions and others are re sponsibie for many thousands at lost production houra in Can ada annually much at which could be prevented by better postural hablta said the chiropractor He advises that all Canadians decide during Correct Posture Week to take an adequate amount of health tui exercise and toilow through 111 whole year outdoors it pot Most irnporhnt pay attention to your posture This word posturc ha been sadly ever worked and misunders ood it should probably be re laced by term such as body mechan iea which may come closer to having some meaning to the man on the strict Failure to recuzlltwihatr mlr hndlu are mechanical machine well as chcmical factories can have disastrous results he said hoop Leader Polar Rcld 15 and Scouts Bren McLean 12 Robbie Dumpster 13 and John Wyndham also 11 were working on Seoul project on lhe Station ground when they smelled smoke Below we proceed lurlher why In DndcnPowcll numc did tho guide from Flm and Third Dnrrlu pick such an cur hapr to guy Nlnggra Falls gar Their qnlck ncllnn and thinking prevented what could have developed lnlo serious forest ï¬re last Saturday They Investigated and traced the smoke to campmmenl 60 tho Relorcslnuan men where lhny lound an extensive area on Elm with flame heginnlng to tench up Into the trees Tho Troop Leader sent one buy back to reporl and directed the wu other Scout in controlling tho Maw null adult ï¬reï¬ghter arrived The boy continued on assist unul lhe blaze was om Accoriilng Id Shllon Firs Chic FS Fulkcnon he Scouls ncllan arivgnledlgnnlqr ages by oclock um momma took their pldum Peter Rcld anemia Bum North Colloglnlo and ho other boys are pupil at tho AVMCR URI3y School ought nllon éhaws whit Uitlé Scout traln In In woodlore can 10 learn ednnd adequately Laysh 9J4Mtiizéé garrlck and PERMANENTS $1199 PHONE PA 661 OPEN Evnnmaa Min VAveSmy For 11 nunaar mou