my mï¬sï¬ VA story on the sports ages of yesterdays Exam iner noted thatthe Barrie istrict Senior Softball As sociation was waiting for the Parks Board to notify it of the playing nights at Queens Park After the sports gages had rolled release from the Parks Board rea not in these words that the senior league would not have Monday evenings as In previous seasons Havin been associated with the senior loop since miv ng in Barrie felt this would cause some kind of fuss it did but as far can ascertain at this moment last night not officially When asked of the situation Jim Short president of the league said No Comment The rest of our chat was off the record Mrs Parker felt that taklng Monday from the sen lor cireutt was unfalrl She noted that It was the me or summer sports attraction ln Barrle and should treated as such She noted that lt was the oldest league in the clty and that the allotment by the board appeared to he favoring newlyformed loop the intermediate However Mrs Dorlari Parker secretarytreasurer of the league would speak or herself and not or the league She pointed out further that the senior league drew the large crowds She said that rarely in 1962 had she seen more than 25 or 30 persons watching an industrial or glrls league game Mrs Parker sald that the senlm league had been In contact with the Parks Board slnce the allotment release and felt sure that somethlng would be done Its possible that the league might gven conslst of seven teams she conclude The senldr league as of yesterdays release was nlloted WednesdaK nlght for two games and Saturda tor 013 game latter part of Saturday was let open SPORTS TYPE Roy Lacey president of the Intermediate Softball League said he was satisfied with the nights at Queens given his loop We would have preferred not to have ad any games at Morrison Park but were happy with the Queens situation he said Were going to try to move our Wednesday Mac Morrison games to Queenson Sundays he said Mr Lacey said he did not feel Mac Morrison Park to be lit ior the calibre of ball played in his league Mrs Muriel Phil Lamb force behind the girls league said she was quite happy with the girls el lotment for Queens Park She said she hoped that her league and the inter mediates could solve their Thursday night unrest with out anyone being hurt Larry Wood managér ol Stewarts Garage reign lng champion of the senior lea ue felt it wasnt right to deprive the seniors at Mon ay night Weve had the same nights or several can he said feel bad that things should change He felt that the senior league had set and ex ample through its iine brand of ball He led last years two plnyoit series in which his club was involv ed as exam les of excellent soiiball and entertain ment With his no one can disagree And so it goes Before you can say Queens Park something mlght change Dont be too xurprlsed elsewhere on these faxes there is written piece about peaceful solu ton or dnmmlng of the creek that flows through the park MONTREAL CPI LllHI Dave Mon Toranlo anll Lem hm bun picked the Na llnnnl Hockey Leaguol mos Ipommunllke plnycr uxnln lhll gear the NHL announced wun ho Lndy ynz Trophy for hl mend IIHIIKN yur and polled more llmn lwlcc mnny wlu Cnmllln Henry cl Nrw York Rnnun nw lroplly or IM plnycr adjudged la hnvt uhlhllnd lho lml lypa rrl Ipummnnnhlp uni zcnllonlnnly conduct romhlmd wllh In high nunan plnylnl nhlllly mm In he ho exclu nho pmporly ol renlm lhm hul low yrm Third and lounh ln ha €in vullnl were rrnlm Mex Delvuwhlo Delmll Ind fled Kelly Torunla Kelly cnmrrlnl In rrnlm mm In drlcnu mHlun on or flu MM unum Kmnl lrml In wlld nml um lelcul In hullqu nflrr lhq Irl lmlt mo mm mm mlulm err lhu no and bull In unml ow polnu nunm palm mm wuuld In lan polnll IAN year Kum you he Inpr llh lulu Hull LEAGUE GIVEN 000 Alon wIIh In lmphy MI 000 mm Hun Nlll lnr In in In no or mh lull umn tnd Kenn II he mnnd Tmoma In rr lo wln me All he NIHI ndrvmunl hum mmmmn yth DmyllM won flu Culdr Hill ullqu Ind 151 up up wlnmr In M1 to ma mm mum Du vmhla winner In mm Ind In Ihll RM l0 only ana mm Illqu Ind Iain II In Itm Igl In lift9n Ind Little Dave Keon Gets Lady Byng Kean An ZJ cnrold grnlfe Spring Fever Is Sometimes Hot mm the 59°45 By STEVE JONESCU flTE mum EXAMINER FRIDAY MAY ycnr In NIH and hll lhlrd Hgmfknplu ï¬an no bad le mlnum In penul lu In Ml llnl ycnr but only one minor pen11y ln nch of the next lwa Icnlonl In 1900 ha Rookie nwnrd wnn lho Lady mum to lho mm at ccnm 11m mum lhnl In lhrco NHL Imam ha ha nol mm mm lhnn 10 mlnulu In tho penalty box 11mm nro player In lho Imam who hnvo dune wnm Hum that In ulnnlu period Kean hnl nlm been In con mi wlaanl mnn In hXI yrar ho had an anal And 15 IIIII In moml 74 goal um 33 nnlsll and hut Arman null ml 141 ml Kevml mun ll nll lhn man mnnrknhlu cnnlld rlnl MI Illa III In only In NI nlnu lnchrl 1an and wrluhl 1w poumh AmldulA ln mxppnrl NllllleInyarl Adams Elected Hockey Captain In uni of MI mush plny um ha mull Imm unev lkm lmhy Mnml MImIlnl ml mu nnmni Incruulu uplaln lnllnn Todll IWM hock Hy luin II in iï¬munrfl yr mlnn Wlhlnum nl Thmnmn ulna an Illmmlv Thu lhm unlor link mm ncnunM lnr all and 70 mm lflll mum dmlnl whch finkon won 17 um Inn lhm um um two In pl In yugduc 91fludqury lhn mummy of GermanBorn Soldier Canadas Golden Boy wnn Ihe Calder In milm ha lynx and WM lcnuul lllllfll SAO PAULO Emil CFAP Germanham Canadlln Iol dler rom Ihe urmyl Camp Borden at Alllskon om Ill be com 1h golden boy Can adas elm II Ihe ourlh Pan Amerlcan Gama Wilhelm wlllle Weller won hln mend and thlrd sold med al In menl gymnmtlu Thun dAy len ecucular er grmnngn lhn up broyxhg lip And Wllllal powerful per lnrmanca pushtd Cnnadn old medal total to elmthe huh est ever lines the game started my will The best pre V0ll Ihowlnz was seven gold In the 1959 games at Chicago Weller also was the llnt Cana dlnn competitor aver lo wln gold medll In the menl gym nastch competition Ind third place bronze In IIx events His performance and the Canadian mantle mm to 10mednl harvest tor lhodny and medal output or he gngm dn Ilsa won hmnta medal In Iynchronlzed swim ming Thursday and Min cammlltermnm battle to have 15nm yachtlnz lumed to in TWO CHANCES LEFT with nothing Ichednled in tha rack and Heldprogram where Canada has won three gold medals so far the gymnast and synchmnlzed swimming enm pelllm were the only Cann dInnu wllh chance In boost their countryl medals total Weiler Myearold physian rnlnlnl Instructor made the mm of II he pushed his per sonal medal bag In eightthree gold our Illver and one bronze The livefoal anlnch 150 pnund native Ram Ger many won tho floor exerclm nnd longhone vault champlom ahlpa to go with 11 goldmedal vlclory two dayl earllcr In the menl all Iround lndlvldull He llnlahed econdIIn Ilde horn parallel ban Ind harl zontal bar to add hm nllven In the one he Ihmd wllh lhu Cnnadlnn mens team In la plus lplahljlyglglayz And he wound up third in rinn In In bronze 33 HOUR TIRE SALE Hurry in and take your choice from thousands of brand new factory fresh Firestone tires Our warehouses Ire ionded and were priced for roll out Best lire deal in town for overyona from compact in limousine all sizes and types while will and black walls Big Ielcction oi like new original equipment take low mileage used tires Factory Method New Trend Ind limited stock at new tires with last yearl tread design Were lrndlnx ahead youll get An extra blg lrndn In allowance on your old unmo tlrca Dont rlak llra allure swap cm now for lnmoua Flmloncs Coma In or your free all no ohlIgnllon Come In and bring ynur lends NOTHING HELD BACK THEYRE All ON SALE Pick your tlro price And wo guanntcn youll lava plenty money FREE No down plymcnl with your old worn out lrMIuIn Hm Pay weekly blmonlhly or munlhly Wn handle our own accounts Dont miss lha greatest Firestone The Sale In years featuring sensational values on avery Firestona tire In our Inventory SIurIs THURS mm Ends SAT pm CHOOSE YOUR TERMS SAY CHARGE IT SUPER BARGAINS for PRICE BUYERS anl cllccllvo union by Ira oxpcrli unlng iho mml modem cqulpmun In lawn SPECIAL TRADEIN BONUS FREE TIRE MOUNTING And um womanl tum plckcd up two Alive and hronu when Susan McDonnell lo Searhnmuzh Duh flulxhed lec ond in floor exercises Doralhy flowanh 10 Snklloon wan ucond 1n balanced beam and Gail Dilly 1a of Sukntonn llnlnhed third In balanced beam Richard Monpctl Verdun Que Ilnilhad Ihlrd In aide honor tar another bronze or Canndn WIN le0 SILVERS SnndraMnrkl 1B Quebec City gal the other Canudan medal Thuudny with thlrd place llnIIh 1n synchronized lemmlnl By he and ol um dny Can ada bid Intel of 13 silver medal and 25 Name In oddl tlon In the gold or the game no with the track and ï¬eld prognm lo he completed today Ind Saturday The US tollla mounted durc In the day to BB 0M1 all vm Ind 31 human with Can ada lecond In elch cm NYLON and RAYON US competitor picked on all IIx gold medal In due wom ens zymnmllca and tank seven the In mid In the men compellllon Dom Fuchs yearold bru netta lmm Seattle to pad thu lndeual winner wlh our gold medal 1n the womens eventIwlnnlnl the allaround tltle tho balanced beam and uneven parallel burn and mat lnl In tho US teaml cham plomhlp And she did it In who of sprained loot that caused her consldmhle pnln duran Thursdays evenllt Roberta Armstrong and Bar barn Burke the US ï¬nished one¢wn In the womml lndlvld ual synchronized nwlm wkh Mlu Marks third and 11year nld Marilyn Mnlmlnm also Quebec City lounh Tho com pelltlun conclude adnywlth the duct event v3 TAKES TOP TWO Cnnadn committee room th In ynchth developed over the placing In the szon clan where Canadas Argo Ill manned by Dr Snmud Mnc Donlld ol Wenlmounl Que Ind Peter Dorlon and Lynn Winer FREE FREE of Montreal was placed pond Argentina war awarded the fold medal anhough flnlshed dc with Cnnada In linnl Illndinla Gearle Parlona manner of the Canadlan yachunl team here laid the lemon Are xentlna dld not allow Interna Ilanalvrelulaliona which he aald would have liven Canada the gold medal Ha aald Canada sent II 12mm to Jha Interna tional Yachllnz Aaaoclndnn In iondon min or In Interven on when in United States won the old medal In individual and team division of the modern penmh ion commMn riding lencing pistol Ihnoflnl nwlmminl and cross country mnninl Robert Beck Boston In the 115 entries in 124 sweep oi the aim amusing 4934 points to BRAZIL IS IN EIGHT Brunlun boxan qualllled for eight Ike 10 boxing ï¬nals Icheduled Saturday while Ar gentina go thru men Intn tho finals Cuba and the US two each and Chlle Uruluav Pan nmlnulemalca and Peru on cue Criilcirm nrare over the judg ing in the boxing Illd A1 De curls oi Montreal conch ol the three Canadians entered hem and eliminated In early unlimi nnriu added hi1 voice unieu the 50th Ameri can can adopt International boxing rules and interpretation lhere II little to ba ained by including Ihil upon In ihu Pan Americnn Games Canadas water polo team won Ila second match ln seven mm by delenllnl Mexico 52 but allll lulled lha lop lluea connlrlasl Chlla grabbed the bronze medal in women hankethnil whipping the Canadian Ieam Vancouver Maids 5946 The loss Wu the sixth straight im the Maid who hava completed their scheduiei Argentina look the bronlo in volleyball with win over Chile Thu US and Bull will decldu tha gold and silver med al In both volleyball Ind wom enl hamme when they mac In the ï¬nalround mulchcs FREE The Barrie and District Mens Sallhnll League is acccpllng en tries to he lnvllallonal Sultbnll Tournament to he held at Queens Park on Monday May 20 1963 Any team interesled In enter lnz this tourney an asked In League Acdepting Tourney Entries If you can lift finger you can start the new LawnBoy WILLIE WEILEB The 1963 hwnBoy Is my to start In drnwinsz window blind LawnBoy engineers have designed new ignition nynlum nnd neared alarm thnt redum Hurting effort nn lncmllblo 94 FingerTip aim in Jun one of mnny way the new LawnBoy gives you your moneys worthhero nro some others Lllhtmllhl LawnBoy In emlcr to push lhxm conventionnl aloe power mowrrn because Lawn10y ln mndc of xnnuncnium mom llghlcr lhnn MNI It in unusunlly tough and is rustwool Unlqm Guucucmr annHoyn Chute ling Grnnlcntcher vacuum clcnml your Inwn nu you cut rllmlnntm raking lta clouprool holdn bushcllul 40 BAYFIELD ST ll DUNLOP ST Exclusive FingerTip Slarl Reduces Starting Effort 94 DIVISION 07 OUTINMIH MAIIINI CORPORATION 07 TANMM LT lugubumuw Cumul CHOOSE YOUR LAWNBOV FROM THE SELECTION AT SEE THE ALL NEW LAWNDOV MOWERS AT CANADAS MOST POPULAR LAWN MOWER LAWNBOY BARRIE HARDWARE lTD ROBINSON HARDWARE EDMONTON CPINiagara Faiia Flym shut minimall ion OiiKinzl an the score board but Edmonton huudod out the physical punishment In the opening oi the I963 Memor ini Cup uninr hockry chmn lonship Thursday night iore 0705 an was gruelling but spnuy Kama which ï¬nished with se ries oi near donnybmks as both clubs arm about scorlnz fund concenirnled on bodynhunk HE Second game of Ihe hcsloi seven urles wlll be played Sat urdn with the third and aurlh Mon ny and Tuesday Ted Snell and Wayne Maxner each scored twice or the ens ern champion from Onlnrln and 51ng went to Gary Darn hoefer Bill Goldswurlhy Gnry Helmet nnd Rgn Hcrgntl Niagara Falls Flyexs Triumph Over OilKinqs In Donnybrook Nelmlnde Gcoixe Gardner myeamld native of anhlne contact Mrs Dorian Parker secrelnrylrensnrer nl the Senior Leanne 36 Marcus PM am or appllcnllan form Last to is Wednesday Mny BARRIE BARRIE detaches xmd empties in womb 23pm Mowlnl annlloy has apcod ihmlllc control High speed inf wuxll culling luw Hpcfll for quielu more economical normal culling New Enllno annIloyll nuw en gine has homopnwor working honm power noL benchruled honwpowvr will even cut through wet gnu without willing 1Yur anmly 24 months inguinal drieclivo parts nntl workmanship Let your LawnBoy Dcnlcr nhow you lho new LawnBoy soon are for your 511 why In Inmulunl mllinu powm mower mmlcln lo ch rum Quc lurncd nslde 28 shots In gelling Ma shulnul hul nnly six nll In the sccnml nerlud when he Klmls dnmlnnlerl nlnv Wm danmrnnx Hup Emms ownervcoach Flvcrs whnemered hlnnke protest an the series because hr nlnclng the gnu llnrs 15 feel from the and boards in slend 10 as allowed by Ca nadlnmlsmntuur Hockey Asso clntlan rules xald the Klmzs Just had badznm CRISP IS HURT ynr cum cavluln Teny Crlsp the clubs lop scmr In lhe regular season suffered severe churlc horse In he second porlod but was tun curly lo any whether he would miss game Dclcncemnn Don Awrey was checkrd lulu um Nlngnrn Falls nets by Edmamona Max Mes unsck In the third period and left hr game He is uxpccled Neither conch allnwed report erg into Ihe dressing room tailor the game giving their charge chance ln coal oil alter In rough penaltystudded iinai pe riodi PA um PA 84654