Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 May 1963, p. 4

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Alta Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 10 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Walls Publisher Brian Sleight General Manager FRIDAY MAY Juli Federal Scholarship Plan Sh0uld Be Of Great Help Details of the federai governmeii plan to award 10000 scholarships of $1000 annually will be awaited with interest throughout Canada There has been great need for such program to in crease the percentage of Canadians with higher education regime recognIZes thtsrfact and is pre pared to do something about it in the most practical way Arthur Northern Affairs Minister Laing who made the announcement at Vancouver said this first major move by federal government into the edu cation field is aimed at reducing future unemployment by educating and train ing future generations for the age of automation Higher education he add cd is more necessary in world in which the maniwith test tube is rais ing heck With federal assistance of this magni tude every high school graduate will have good reasonto consider higher education in the past the economic The new Liberal tion has been their greatest factors involved were the principal rea son why many talented young people ended their formal education at the high school level Then too there was the onceheld belief thata high school education was adequate to make ones way in the world Today many young people have learnI educal andicsp in their progress Apart from crsonal factors however the growing emands in this complex world are widening the opportunities for the well educated The everincreasing need for talented adeni ists has been apparent ever since the first atomic bomb was detonated Now automation is developing by leaps and bounds with the demand for more technicallytrained staff Canadians have been forced by the realities to raise their si his in the field of education fact at the govern ment has recognized in its new scholar shippian cd that the lack of universlt New Day For Mentally Ill Scores of Barrie and district residents toured the Ontario Mental Hospital at Penetang this week They found the Visit both interesting and informative There have been many misconceptions about mental lllnesshnot the least of which is the method of treatment The visitors found vellrordered institution with skilled and sympathetic staff Many of the patients are seriously dis turbcd but with the help of modern drugs and other forms of medical treat ments they stand much better chance of full rehabilitation than they could have hoped for decade or two ago The public must realize what is being accomplished at institutions of this type if person cured of mental illness is to receive the acceptance to which he is entitled The en house type of visit is an eyeopener the public and help to patients litany of the inmates have no contacts with the outside world but they deserve and need visitors as much as any other hospital patient The facts that many peo le with men tal illness require hosptaiizatlon no longer means that they are being put away They are getting expert medi cal care and growing percentage of them are findin their way back into the world as norma useful citizens The improvement in rehabilitation is one of the heartening signs of treat ment DOWN MEMORY LANE is vanes aoo iN Town Harold Scott and Miss Beatrice McQuade Barrie Examiner Apr 39 19qu Cree Three HCI students spoke at Kiwanis more United Church Young Pcoples Un lon won Simcoe Presbytery dramacon test in which Stewart KC was ad indicator The Crcemore production dir ectcd by Mrs Eagle was entitled ills lirst Shave Jack Graham had the lead role with others in cast being Pauline liicArthur Lois Perry Bev Iiiachcsney and Kathleen Latimcr Cookstotvn YPU presented She We Only Farm ers Daughter in which George laris Earl Gilroy and Edythe Gilroy played leads Judge liarvie administer cd oath of citizcnshlp to 165 South Sim coc New Canadians lloward Naph iall managing director presented report at annual meeting Simcoc County Child rens Aid Society George liicConkey elected president Jolirt it no KC appointed campaign manager or Progressive Couscrvativcs of Sitncoc Cen in in forlhcoming provincial clcctlon Dr liIaItlouti Collingtvood surg con chosen Liberal candidate for Duficr inSimcoe Among those who have on tcrtalncd in honor of Miss Dorothy Graa cc prior to her marriage to lloward Gt inns are lilrs liogcr tlollhigcr iiirs liarry Young Miss ican iiamilton litrs Club on vocations they have chosen and why Patrick Poland Jr ollce Ted iiutchings music Val Van Wall me dlclne iiiiss Cay Moore daughter of Mr and Mrs William Moore of Barrie had her new book published She Skat ed into Our Hearts about life of Harm bara Ann Scott Miss Moore is social sec rotary for Royal York Hotel Violinist Elie Spivak concert master of Toronto Symphony Orchestra featured in Can adian liiusic Celebrities Series at BCI au ditorium Jacobi and Graham team of Barrie won Georgian Bay Iadies basketball championship led by Mario ilenry who scored liii points Rotary Club held giant bingo Barty at Barrie Ar moury Lions Clu Minstrels in last rchcarsals under direction ofCraig llam ilton prior to twonight performance in annual OliA Junior ailstar selec tions ilap Emms of Barrio Flyers ickcd as coach Also on first team Pau lifeg cr lcrry Reid and Hay Garlepy Oh sec ond team goalie Gil Iiiayer Chick Guar ds and ill St Pierre of Barrio Stan Long of Fl crs defence selected on third team ARtytlctlllon for mens bcvcragc license ilarrie Legion opposed by local minA Istcrs OTHER EDITORS VIEWS MUTUAL TRUST DESIRABLE Quebec Chronicleielcgraphi Pope Joint has pcolcd for peace and on cm of goodwill In his most recent cocycilcoi Vo wondcr whether Itis op pcal falls oti dcaf cars The up out is timely There Is no qucatlou tint the world uccds an era of goodwill perhaps more so titan at any other time In human Itlstory Yet there Is nothing to suggest that mankind is ready to respond Goodwill rcmuins rc Ittotc Pope John has ludlcatcd what would rccm to he the one way to erect world society capable of maintaining pcrtcc and lie docs It by expressing the Intro that the United Nations might cvcutua ly hccouio rt strong world authorii Mankind being what It is It Inovit The Barrie Examiner tnr Uflta not for My All whys and It Irwnnn lutt noun sittotn 11 II turltxunn null It walrus nanto mum nor mm at fr mu In in man in two im mnnlhl turf mo nnuo lmnouton um ym mom on Unlvnllt rmta llml almimn nu dmu llnol stop of in Canadian mlly Nunw cut tInm Amtum 17 InIIiIl nut and III nun ham or instum is tallnbifli ntth in inflow or um man In um rm or non II smut4 hm out on also in on newr bitched tomtn unml amo able that there be strong authority to control if we look back ovcr the many recent attempts to achieve agreement we find that the major area of inaccur ity ccutrcs nroud this question of con trol llow does one control disarma incut ngrcctncntt ilow docs ono con trol nuclcnrtcst ban These have been dominant rucslions for years and mankind is no user to tilt goal than it was whcn first Itictition was made of tire possihliliy of disarmament WHAT INFLUENCED THEM flail Evening Itctortcrl it would appear that the cohesion of the Social Credit Party has been cort nitlcmltly weakened by the action of six Jtlcbcc members of that body loda they appear an almost ridiculous pos thin as rcsult of giving pledge of sup tort to Mr Pearson and than withdraw up it within it few days Close ohxcrvcrl of the political tncrry gotrottnd will not he xurptirrd at this TIME TO GET OUR COUNTRIES MOVING AGAIN TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Weight Iluctuates During The Day By JOSEPH MOLNEH lint Dear Dr lttolncr am only so but have been told by two doctors that have arthritis and that thcrc is nohing they can do but give me pills to ease the pain dont believe in living on pain pills so dont take any thing have tried applying heat to my legs and they feel fine for while However someone has told the heat is bad for this and that should use cold packs instead dont know whether should ucrclac my limbs or nahMrs II If by pain pills you mean sallcyiaics tasplrln and similar ones you are overlooking the fact that they are antllnfleni matory medication as well Yes they calm down headaches but they also combat inflammation in the joints and over years of testing thcy still prove to be the best thing yet found for arthritis 50 for your own wclIAbcIng as well as comfort abandon this notion about living on pain pills iicat also is excellent for those stiffened painful joints hot both hot pad hot water bottle any means that applies heat will bring relief it wont to be turn he cure None exists But rcllcf docs Why dont you forgct about the advice of someone who has told you the opposltcl llcat Ia not bad for tho joints or arth ritis lit to exercise on Motcmcnt ycs hope this distinction is From its lltcclptlon in Quebec this party was never wo lulcgralcd with the other members who cotno frotrt tho West Al matter of fact the Quebec wing was largely protest roup of rcttlrsa IrcnctrCansdlntu wm rrprcscrttrd faint echo of the Illipltllnll attitude to ward nihllc affairs The liltclltc grou had little to do with thcAltcrtn and lrlllrh Coittmhla are lieu of party which was operated on much more connorvaiivo liner following the departure of Albertas William Aber itart from the scene lie was more of the Qucbcc ilk in his mixedup economic theories nwrd in In clear Sitccr cxcrclsc Inst for the take of lhc cxcrtlon will not help and may harm the arthritic Joints in the other hand movement of them to tho fullut dcgrco possible ticttltll them from brcomlmt gradually Itlffrr With an ankle or wrist movn it II for til possible In tho directions It Is supposed to so Willi the knees of course the dlrccllon of movcmcnt In mort iimitcd Iltll more the knee II for II It normally ithould lo More dont rxrr cite Youll pct rnough exert cite In ordinary dolly activitch anyway Dear fir Molnar Could yoti ciplaln why in tho mornlnl weigh 110 pounds Mill mayhn ill or 111 In lha afternoon or eventualTLC Easily Tolu nlhlrirl such as football plnyrra rllhrr In it Further Trouble Feared In Haiti lfllll All llllNCII llnlll fAIllplntttnil from llnloy that tho lllttrllllllli front thrill of an lulrrAmcrirnu lntrtlllhllng cortttttllslon would he followed by now and bloody rrprrnlon of Imitlcnt Francois ihtvollnrl political fool onrrrn Ilm upload bcrnuto Durnltcrn mtlmo and olicrrd ul rnruiuci out of lhr country for only is of 11 Ilrtllianr who look nlylniu In tho ilomlnlrttn llrpubllco cinhhuy tlurlntt rt writrid warn of ltrrlt lho Dominican governmrnt or rrctod to hoist that all ha II prolonrinl tho ctlnlt between the two orlghhora on the island of ilttnnnlola Thr IllMUM mluinn from the rOrllniuIion of AmrrIcn hlotcs planned to fly today to Annlo Domlnro the Dominican capitol Io dlacuu tho question of the refugees with Imhiont Juan Bosch and continue its in yutiutlon it game or in practice They lose five pounds quite readily and some even more Most of this is in loss of moisture Sweat By the next day they have gained all of it back pound or two is 2115in ex plaioable in terms of moisture alone You expel little moiy ture every time you breathe You can ace this when people breathe on their glasses to clean them Lets say you breathe 3000 times or more while asleep it mount up into ounces of moisture Than at breakfast and lunch you not only eat but you drink coffee mllk water You are constantly gaining or losing little Thats why for people who keep track of their weight we suggest weighing at the cams time each day Preferably the first thing in the morning Dear Dr alolner lily hus band rcccniiy had terrible pain in his side The doctor called it an Incomplete hcmla Picars explainMrs liC Sure he didnt my indirect ilemlat are classified as direct or indirect depending on loca tion in the groin area There is also the situation of re laxed lnguinal ring which is what some of or refer to as potential hernia formation The doctor may have referred to the lattcr so uncormleto hernia Canadian Industry Delight To Buyers in mm monotsonl DiiAWA1Ttobfggest trade promotion ever launched by any country has hist swamped Can ada from coast to coast with buyers and exporters represenb ing an estimated SIEMWOMO in anan international trade Operation World Markets was proposed by former trade min ister George Hoes many months ago and was planned by his pager and efficient staff of de partmental officials led by As sistant Deputy lifintstcr Len Brown who has accumulated immense know how in that field Part One which was called World Markets Machinery brought 171 buyers from 54 for eign countries to tour 152 Cana dian plants to see what we have to scli Part No the National Samples Show brought 598 buy ers from all States of the Union from Western Europe and the West indies to ace the prod ucts of ass Canadian producers displayed at the Canadian Na tionai Exhibition grounds in Toronto Part Three brought tad Cana dian Tr Commissioners from their posts all round the world to confer together in 0t lowa And as the final program those trade commissioners held 12261 interviews with repre sentative of Lilo Canadian ex porters to explabt to them what they could sell in which foreign markets BIBLE THOUGHT Take us the taxes the little foxes that spoil the vines for our vines have tender ngpu sm of Solomon 215 We must beware of allowing the smaller things in our lives to usurp place that may ob literate the identity of Christ who is the Vine and we the branches Copter View OI Hay River Shows Floods HAY RIVER NWT CF This pioneer northern town was described as scene of desiruc thin and desolation Wednesday as result of flood from the Icejammed Hay River Jack Dcakcn of thc Edmon ton Journal save his description after flying over the scene in charter plane Until demolition crews are able to dynamite the still ice bound Grcnt Slave Lake there appears iittlo rclicf fromrtiii further damage Dcokln laid Flyth over the town pre sent birdseye view of nature at its wildest Whole sections of the town are under water Trailer units easily valued at 520000 were literally picked up and tossed onto their sides or turned completely upside down in some Instances only tho wheels of these huge trailers can be seen out of water 0th erI are half buried under four to six feet of muddy murky watcr the domaro toll mounts well over $1000000 REPORT FROM UK Coinage Changes Interest Britons iIy llirlNTYltE HOOD LONDON Tito report from Australia that decimal colours is to be adopted by that coun try and that it will probably have the cltangcorcr completed In about three years has amul rd considerable him In firi lain This Intcrul ll hrlvhlrn rd by the strong possibility that within the next two or ihm months the firltlih aurrrnmrnl will announce that It is grtlnl to do Mnrtly the some thing Thin expectation ll hand on thr fnct that mlnmliicc unurr lord ilnirbury hot for tho post to months heart making it riots study of the notation of flrlinln changing to rlcclmnl currency its purpose bring to ndvlro till government on the various Im portant nrpvrln of the change lord lloiahoryo comutlttro It Is trained has now finlrhrd ilI fork of collecting Ivldcnto and Its report is now In the promo of completion Th rpporl will In rolnntld to the Lhsnrrllor of its Exchequer who will full on normal pnrllnmrnlory pron lice ity puitlllhlrll it in tha form of Vhiil IItper It In rtttttnrc rd nmtmd Wltiirhltll lilol lit Ilnlshury ommlttro will rrrtoit stroneg In floor of llrtttlfltll in decimal curmtcy and that only thing that main In doubt II the method to be lllllpl rd In doing on hot Il may well he than whrn Australia makes the chance to ticcimttl utrrenry some time in Ihl yror tom nrillln will he doing In at tho urns limp ll IIIIIIINITH UNIT Evrr Ilnrr lhtt Ilnlshury com mittee It Itlltlnltll ihm has been much speculation and not lltllo mmmcnt on what form the new currency should take The most popular plan is that of making to shilling the mo Ior unit with one shilling tenth and with it new coin ro rrscntlnr onrirnth of Ihll It in Killthl otlt that lid in roughly uhol Atntrulla plows to do II also exactly what South Afrlrlt did with Iuccru two year ago There has nlnft horn httlltc tits cuulon of the names to ho usrd for the new mllllllfl tru Inc cited hmuo for the new HP rh it shilling unit It Iloynl with Noble as Irtoltd ploto choice Under this system 100 poriner would make ur iloyal and each rmy Mood havo value of Inoui 123 of tho pre unt poorly ITANKHIIH IIZW In the rlly oi Intulon honorcr hnukm ltul floonclru would prefer to rctnln lhr pirtcnt pound In the unit Iltun It is an Imyvirlnnl lntcrttttlionol nym Ito my would litralr It down to ID fluvial and 100 cruls main in cent In thin rote worth 70 of the present prttnlrl This unit might unto ho hrotrn rlowu into Irtinl Illilllrt tulm but that cxtrctuoly amount llul Iltnlctrr mclhod ll owl than II on ihittl rcrlnin Thl rhongmvcr front Illlllng rur roncy to the decimal ntiom to going in mi well over 00 mil lion lircnusn It Involm rhahl Ina ovor atrottniiltl tnotititttt roin horn rflllt rlglltoll and the whole lylltm ol honking ilut thou who favor lhn change are wnrlncrd that this Itltiltl ho monoy well spent and would hiiiliy itself in the ion run NEED TO EXPORT Broads must export or die economically For emit years In row in the 19505 we bought more goods from other coun tries titan we sold to them On top of that trade deficit we al ways have substantial minus signs on our balance of Inter national payments for nonetrade items such as tourism and the payment of dividends and inter est on foreign capital insur once and shipping payments and the Ukc Any country in our position with substantial foreign capital intcstcd here must achieve surplusof ex ports ovcr imports to pay our way And we must sell abroad as much as we buy otherwise we are exporting Jobs and im porting unemployment The George ilees era at the department of trade and QUEENS PARK mmrnerce began to correct our unacceptable trade picture In ml for the firsttime in nine years we sold more than we bought But still not enough Did OperationWorld Markets achieve still more it is £153 too early to assess its suc but already individual success stories abound here Bostlundliamps rm mmpany established by Denis immigrants in Oak Ridga out for example has sold its entire output so far ahead that it has cancelled future trade exhibi tion participation and Evin of Montrefll teamed to Its surprise that other countries will buy the special telescopic sleeve which it designs for Aw tic clothlna TCA TRIUMPH Ono entirely overlooked suc cess of Operation World Mar kets has been the imntcnse sucs cos of the quite staggering lo gistlc task of bringing all those buyers and trade mmmlsllon era to Canada it became for our stateowned iranstanoda Air Litres Operation Worlfi Travel Some buyers were flown to Toronto from just across the border in Detroit But others came from so far away that they completed worldgirdllng trip coming to Canada one way and returning the other to arm pleto the world tour Total mileage covered by the men of Operation World llfar kcts has been estimated at ap proximately cquivalent to one man making five round trips to the moon or to one astronaut making 100 complete circuits of the earth in his space capsule The bill About resumepm by the Canadian government This achievement makes nans Canada Air Lines the proud possessor of the record as the worlds greatest travel agency for any single expedi tionand they achieved this trade officials tell me without losing even one piece of bag gaze So 0pcraion World Markets served to delight and amaze foreign buyers by what they found offered by Canadian in dustry And they learned too that iransCanndn Air Lines is right up among the top Ilriiltcs of the world for comfort safety and customeroonsciousness Havent Clue 0n Vote Outcome 11y DON OilEAltN TORONTOFrankly dont know reporter here these days get asked one qucsiion and it seems only the one oucs tlonwho will win the elec Iiont And this reporter at least has stock roply Really havent clue Last fall would have given odds that there was good chance tho govcmmcnt would be turned out or at lcast that thero would be minority gov erumcni probably would have bct the same way as Ian in his month ago liul then the situation changed radically CAME TO LIFE govcmmcnt which had been dawdllng Indsiowly It ucmcd ctilnl nowhere ltld dcniy comoto life in tho last few weeks of the session it brought down whole storm of legislation included were Iomo very significant airpa medicare minimum wages portable pcnslont foundation plan for school as alliance slow Ind plodding Idmln IIUIIOIT turned overnight Into an hurtsalve driving rotcm mrnt Attd all considerations had to change with this The itohnril guyrrnmcnt still isnt going to win any general election In walk iha bitttlesl difference prob only tltot the torsion made was lhoi Il rhowcd tho gotornmrnl had vigor and negrmivcum 1hr urinal action It the nor lion prohnhly wont have too much loflucnco throughout the province WELLINGTON HOTEL CLUB 20 HONKY TONK ENTERTAINMENT Thursday Night 800 pm to II pm IATURDAV pm to 30 pm Action In the house here does not tend to be effectively com municated to the voters More important is the fact that there obviously spirited government ready to go to the polls And in addition government which thanks to the closing weeks of the tinro has an effective record to take to tho huttlngs Against this there still are other molar considerations main one is organization The byclcdlons have shown that tho PC election machinery is weak and that the Liberals are in their best shape in years If the gnvcrnmcni has not hccn able to strengthen Its clcctlon machine It could still be in minor trouble Thcn lhcro Is the question of candidaics The Liberals havo been getting out good men Ami word In that they will hold an exceptionally ntrong group of candidniu In the election Everything is really too much up In tho lll to he even mak inn Informed gunner at this turns 0000 on on too IIUII cum ominfionmnhuunlow mumt your snowman on In mum blunted Jam in Inmlmtowo woumonimmn Man cut to Iufldlu tauiy unortuqotu flll SARJEANT co mu PA 82461

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