Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 May 1963, p. 18

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ram 4W Last Friday Barrie Norths orchestra sponsored dance cal led The Chopin Shuiile Great credit should be given in the members tor the excellent Job they did with the decorations They used strips oi fluorescent aper in give the lighting lum nous eiieci The Charleston contest was won by Diane Huxlnhle and Norm Quinlan Diane glam uuruus in an authentic Charles ton outlit nnd Norm nttlred in racoon coal and straw hnt Duo the biggest crowd the year attended this successful dance Thm will he anmhcr hup Ihis Friday dross opflonnl and the usual ndmlssion chmgen 35c and son Emphasis will be placed on called old records The auditinns or the Talent Show have been hcld lhl week by Ihu Student mlnriL you me Inmrcslcd In beinfl In park 01 lhis show Io he hnld on May 14 you can still try out at lho auditions for Ihe ml of lho Mck WINNIPICG 1CPA Zflycnr 1d Ghanalnn Mudcnl Will have in wait No your before being nhle lo show her xnld mcdnl lo rclullm nnd lends Agnu Aldaa nn mlmcllve su niur Pnula College hm Mn lhn LiuulcnnnIGnvcrnorl awmd lnr Achnlnxllc proficiency with nn nupcrccnl nvcrnga during life 1961112 sghuol ycnr NC0 and nflicm courses have been held this week or Mlss Altluo who lhls spran wllh HA xludy In In Cunndn mullr Cnmmun wcqlll scholarship Slml hfixlous show all liar medal to hot InrrnLn nix hmlh rrs and our mm but that will be Xml lwu yrnn rum new Allzr xnulunllnn here nhu Nun lo muck an MA the Uni vmlly ol Tornnlo nml lhcn re lum tn Glumn tn lunch Shn mm nrlulimuy Munll 10 Ilygv nwln Cnnndm Tlmu Yuck my and dfllrc AM lunrk humo inlltr enrrd my llrthlnn nho Inld lml mnxl lmxmrlnnl lcrl lhn can rvvnlrihuh mmo ln mun hy lrnrhlnl him by prndlIng lnw Ghanaian Student Wins Gold Medal LONDON lAlllumlrrdl lirlllnh rollrrzr Ihllhnl mu Mmllnl Io Nnrlh Amerlcn lhln nummer Vn hrlipm lhlI MI be II lmul H1le or lurnlun IN lulln cvrr lo vlnll Ilu Unllrd filnln nml Lnnmln nl llw Imno llmv unld liluinlnphrr an mm 21 Nullmur In mmmy ul Hm INN lllllvrnlllrl Nullll lunar lrnn llull II nuk II IrIlrr umlrmnmllng In llmnln or Hm Nmth Mucrlcuq Nlmi harm In wlll dqml 1211 lmlrnln In New ank and mm mm wan no la Mman Mmi Am In Mr nu musk On an In II In 1er Mpg In mm mm nuth In NnIIh Amen Ivm fl lhvm mm and on lum I7 11 mm Ilmlrnu mum mmunm on lummwr uV umm Mm lhryll make me mnuurmrnu In Ilummh reluurnn or lrlrmh lell llsnnur 1qu III llnl II grumble SOME OF NORIHS pmm inenl curlers are back row from 19 Murray Feldmnn Chopin Shuffle Tops North Plans Another Students Come From Britain By SUSAN MIcLMlEN Burl Nnrlh COLLEGIATE CAPERS on Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday Next week cadet training or both girls and boys will be in full swing There will be bays and girlsI hnllallnn consisting of our companies nnd 12 plnlnons For each battalion lhcre wlll be C0 2nd lC an RSM CSllls l2 lleulcnnnls 12 sergeants 12 mrporals There will be over 400 cadets in each hullallnnl Walch or um into of the inspection Barrie Communlly Concert As soclullan holdan ll annual mombcrshlp campaign at me present llme The mnxlmum membership may be and up Tuesday lhcy had sold 755 Sludcnl rule are nvnllnble lo members of both mllcglulcs This or the ImGI season nnd he concprl that plan In come sound very lnlcrcslinz The annual Graduation Dance at North Cnllcgmn will he held on May 17 Tickets are now on sale 1mm member 01 um Slud mls Council The Guldnnce Department sponsoring Careers Day all My Sludcnls will have an up porumuy nlond lwo 4mm ule lectures an loplcs they have chosen from suggcsled Ha various occupation the Cadet Inspecllnn and prac tlcnlcxunlnnugx15 wcge glveq Brenda Johnston has provided he following new Item from lhu Curlan Club Iur whlch wo hunk hcr CURLING All curler Hnrrle Norlh and Ice lhnt lhn curlinfi season hn nncn mum come In an end but am sum we all enjoyed nursnlm vry muLh every Tuesday and Thursday nl tho rlnk In our llrst schedule Don Dempalerl nnk mm Narlh won and was presench wllh medals ln he secnnd sehcdullu Km Green skip mm Cenlrnl nnd Hnrl Morris from leh were NI lor lira place Oul nl llncc nnmes wllh lnlnl polnln rcunllng Kcn Gram won but only wllh lhu help nl Dnrell llnrncll llll second mm Nurlh Cur rnk ccnslnlcd lllll lelg Gary llnnneucr llmb Turner and lloh Slephenwnl Tho bnyl rlnkl from Nnrlh enlertd mnny bonanelx ln lllll nnn Gail Jackson and Larry 01 olds secretary and Brenda wn Front row Dave Reyn Jahnson president mix you with your plum for lhnl all important wedding day CM IN AND OUR comm ILIJLIION 01 IARRI IXAMlNER The last Sunday cl curllnu 1mm yum Iw nh In ELM your mum Imilllimu nnnnummmn Imuvin nunko mfidenu gulin ml autumn of tom mntnfi rrMhr 12m Jim rQFzrdy flit$153 INIINHUNT ANNUlNCKMENU INFORMAL JCCKSVMIH WM WINS EDITORIAL AWARD TORONTO CPIAn editorial in the weekly Val dOr Qua Star by Winniired ziemnn nilncking Vni dOr council for innclinn In rccrcullunui devcio mcnl won firstplace honor in the annual editorial competition the Cnnudlnn Weekly Editor magazine puhilsher 11 hir nnr annnunccd Wednesday the sludcnls and parent curled logclhcr on mixed rinks Mmr pinylnz two games we had supper and he awards were resumed All the members uln mo In glvlng spcclal thanks to Mr Don Morrison who has spent my much time making our curling worlhwhlle DROP Ill Do yuu Mk IN Inwde Ind Imam Mmmylalmcma nhx Mlh BID PM Ind SlEURE MD mun whu cu um 11 v0u may UMDIIONS mm In Mp Sun Hnml SM Baum llaqulnn Amunun lnlamnlndllln mm Simon Imam In Van mlw mm oh lalulnl MORKI SM ll Mm urnmu wining Md my III In SD mm mum SHAW SCHOOLS An 16 mm ml or harm muly connu munum nu ma Did mu II IA LII Congratulations to 11D for wIn ning the NW hndmlnlnn tourn ament First David Young and David Hunter secund Ken Green and Leigh Ransom third Jones and John Jazcnwln OnSunday May 5th ono ullrly the Battle Plaza the Banla Junior Chamber of Com merce holdlngwlls annual ante drlvlng RandM There wlll he my per cent wrluen and sixty per cent drlvlng lest lhmugh tough obstacle cam56 plus llrst second and lhlrd cash prlzes and trophy En try Iorms are available In the front Guldunce office or mm llm Brady Centnl boilekliie The French Club in holding Toy Drive io collacl toys or the Ontario Hospital Oriiiia Son cuddly lay with no sharp edges are preierrcd box was placed in the main hall from May lira in May him and ev erynno was urged to really search hard and bring many 10 as pnsgibie Tickets Jot the GraduaLInn Dance went on sale lhl week he cos $150 per couple and the date Friday May lolh Bring your Queen Guinevere to King Arthurs Court and demo way those castle school blu vFreriCh Club Is Holding Toy DrivéPof Hospital Practice for Cadet Inspm llon stunted Ins Thursday Pla toon nnd ufllclals have been formed and chasm This year the lnspcctlnn will be held an May sixlpcnug CADET PRACTICES In the boys grade twelve and thrtecn intertorm basketball playoffs 135 came first with four wins and 123 came second wflh three wins Sincu the dny for the annual Cndcl Inspection is drawing nearer Ivu asked siudcnu pur iicipniing in ihe diiferen activ ities in givn their vinw about Cadet inspection Linda Richardson who will bo doing the girls exercises gave lhusu opinions Cadet inspection is just as good or both sexes but it has more ndvunlngn or the boys it is good training in CENTRAL COLLEGIATE Igéqunn RUGGED RELIABLE CHORE MASTER GARDEN TILLER Mnnm IMIIDWAIII mum on mu In am dlsclplino uni shows parents who happenlng in than classes Everyone on learn uomelhlna from Cadet and the girls are reculvlnl good exer clse Cadeu also provides neodnd break in me school day an gogdulmlanll Hawever Cadcu does take up school time and is ulte embnr tassan fur the 11 It gym mm who hm to do melruxercisu helnre lnrge crowd at Ipectali The unllorma are good ln all the acllvllles hul perhaps more school colour could be adopted or the xlrls dnlng exerclsesr If all the girls had red sklru they could use lhern when lhéy en tered lhaglrls corps Thu boya unllorms add In to tho xen crnl appearance but they are quite heavy and hot and ll hl er unllorms would be more ap prsclnlcd The minch through the town atlmulates crowd Interest and provide an impressive dsplay oriogtsldiem Cndel Inspection has enough In it but there could be more vnrlnllan or added lnteresL Thursday night In the best one for mwd nltcndnnce but by FH day morning only the hurdles students can keep all their men Tho SanHum 40 popular lwouum It bom rho Imoul Johnson mm II hits nll um runul dopamllblllly qululnm Ind qunllly Johnon aulbomll noted or And year mam you ml lh um Johmlm mm warranty Thu hut ullm nrn Ilwnyl llm hm lmylr Johnnnn Ru llurnn 40 In utopllonll vnluo when you rumpus ll wllh ullwr nullmnnll Inll no how murh nullity Iml pcrlurmlnco your mmuy all you Jnhnlon 40 nlvm ynu lot pnwnr for your monuy 0n lhn munr boll In much lun II nullmnnln mulnx hun llmln IIOIIMI mnrn Almml avrrylhlnz lmnunl hu nfhr yuu un do with Juluuon 40 Fllhlnu Ikllni uulllnl 2m mwmmmyozmm 2446m rozo ammomm AQUAlUNG STAflON Why the Johnson 40 outsells every other outboard in the world wumu union Divixion nl Ouibouu Mnim waullun mm Pulubamuuh Cmd DELANEY BOATS Ltd Johnson Ilon on schoolwork The Inspec tion held in tha best part of me your mld May Thu wlnlar In on cold and 1115 all has loo Bunny other actlvltlu like Field ay RichardGnlés band memkr er thinks lhern should be Cadet training allyear round jug or the boys with the lnuncllon held around the bcglrmln May or when the temperature rlm to so degrees Cadets doe leach dlsclpllne and doesnt wnslu school llmel However there no purpme ln marching dnwnlown and the band members ln articular are needlessly compe led to carry large Instruments larlher than really necessary The Band doesnt lurn any new valnlbla muslc when plnylnl or cadeu vnrled murlcal prngrnm marches and pnpular musln woyld barbeuer The glrln uniforms are lull nble but the boys uniforms am much loo hot or this time fix Snmmcr unllorms consist of shorts and long socks would be much mm easy on ma boys The Cadet Inschllnn does have good variety hut tha exer cise could be varied more The Flbcrglm Wood Aluminum Bom Govv Dock Hayfield 8L Barrio Gayle Tucker mcmhu ol the Olrla Cadet Corps express geolpa other yam Inspection as been can close to axams thll yur II centered between Enter and June Gala II bull or he malaer of um may pot on mhgd The prlctlce should alert rlghl aim the Easter holiday ed lhese nplnhns Cadeln In all right or lha boy but he no real point at he girls erg cpncerqed It In change school rou una and slve discipllnuy unin lng Preclslon Is also learned along with the discovery our own number lelt lee ar gm the use may be does wgte ubgol Mme lhgmgh The unlfurms are cute and easy In march in However they dont null everyone and the occasional students may eel centered ant For um Cadet Corps grade welve girls would make good lieutenants and grade elgen xlrll xogd sergeapkah The march downtown fine long flu weather In good give good duct Interesu he people and In fun for Io pafllclpantg The wrather is not too warm in May and this month is tha bcxtvol all for cadet inspection it is little too close to exam though Thursday night is all right but Friday or Sainrday wnuid be better because the student In loo tired on Fri mayl However most people can come on Thursday so this lhe best night to hold Cadet in median TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA lHll thuyro Ill In my dayl wovk or am to The 40 II 1h Inlul mltch or whln vulcty nl ham Everylhlnl mm lml Ind mullum lunllmuu hounhom pontoon bow and nmnll to medium day crulnm For lum boat and armor mu Inn Lwln combination the pur lcct pawn puck The 40 011an wldu chain of mmlrlu You run chm tom the Hllclllmnllc Drlvu with Ilnllfl luvm control Ilmclucula mm or th mnnnll Ilunn model For lhm Mom Hi mum lhaflomllorm 40 Hllm wuvldl Imam 1an ollflmlrll ham mum about MI mumr uuv boanl won It yum Jnhnwn Denim xsm BARME ian FRIDAY mnr 51 Trade Schools VANCOUVER CF There Is alignm attached Io lradu training and Col Inzlll blames stamsconscloua parents In secqndgyy ghouls Cal Inglis Is lenclpal Lo Burnaby VocalIuna School In suburban Vancouver re segmsja ha 31an on part of BM today that vocallonal uh same thlnz that Ian respectable by mm an Interview His Ichool has excellent Indo trainlnz mum which an not being used to the fullest be cause parents want lhelr chil dren to no to university1 he mm alums Col Inglis and For no long person who has gang lnlo trade has been regarded as ailure whcnln mual lac load tradesmnn must be man with above Ivgrqnuablllly And lhe secondary schools didnt help the slluallnn with their emphasis on university ucallon Students think that Hey Ire to be successlul In life they must have unlvmlty educa ion Ill vlnsmuuon had dmlculty attracting students at Ma enough caller to become 09d tradesmen Look Down Noses We shnuld have people hum mnrinl at our dour to get In Col Inglis said MARINE SUPPLIES

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