lAIIIInAV Mu 00 lmlvuurl Tutu fl 00 MIL lnnnll mo Amun Imsz Iloo lmunnon Illa rum rn Mm nu Mn Almln mm 00 mm hmlhml no Wand Tumu Ir rm mu 1mm mi In an WIIn lullrl wmum nm mmmw In mv ma nu GCMIMII Jim uwnnu MAY II IllnAL MAY too aSEBESSaSS Eumu lrfllrl up mm um wb Lu nr mlam Country llaldowl no Tommy Amhmn mun Mra Albert ck Inn and dnunhlcr Margaret of Amprlor ware rm vlsllon Ihu ham ma tormtrl Illler and bro therlnlaw Mr and Mn Harry Train Mr and Mn Jnhn Vlney And girl 01 Banks went Sunday ave nlnz at the home of Ihe arm era parents Mr and Mn Fred Vinny mg Blll ML and r5 ayd Bartholo mew Brian md Judy Hawke Ilnne And Ennholomew ol Gulhrlo vlslled Sunday the ham or Mr and Mn Cllnc REY angimmlly and Ann Pickering ni Tamnio wen sup per min Saturday oi Mr and Mrs Hurry Train Mrs Mind Scaddlnz and Min Joanne Scndding Toronlo spent Sunday with Mr and Mn Haz oiiiSmili and hqxs mm No cunbl IOR mlhlnwcl Mr and Mn Ernie Martln ol Sudbury and Mrs Bower and Elaine Sunnldale visited Sal urduy wilh ML Ind Mn Steve len Mr and Mrs Larry Cnmemn celebrated their Mlh wedding rsnp Splgrday Miss Susan Hancock Van Vllck pent Thursday night with Nb Suzanne Finlay Mr and Mrs Waller Hall and nix were men vlsltnn wilh Mr and Mrs John Viney Ind lalnlly Egan The Edgar Womenl lnslllule wlll meet my ln Ihe Oommum My all Members will be bring lng Lhurlgalls and mops this will be annual cleanlng of the hall Roll call will he ex chann of plants and flower tut llngs pot luck supper wlll follow Mr and Mn limes Shells wgfl 511mg ELENA 11 HornALuKe Cook Toronto Vspcnl weekend with his parents mg MrrntNormnn Cooku Mr Ind Mn Lawrence John Ion and girls spent day Allan Gardens Wham during thy Eula llolldayg Tth ram lhll communlly Mrs Sheardawn Mr And Mu Cecil Shemdown spent Sunday vmllng Mr and Mn Baxy 0133155 mg family Qoyy Roll call was What Easter mean lo ma Membm ware asked lo bring good usubla clothing for halo to the next meeting It wlll be In he arm cleanlng bee It Edgar unlled Churan Mrs Keith Lou wan In elmn of the program readlng the Easter holes from an adult wor ship Iervlce booklet and from mam law ll put em mm by The Edgar United Church Women held thulr April meeting lho home Mrs John Mac Loan The president Mrs Eveb ell opened Iho meeting readln the lesson thoughts and Mn John McLun the Scripture rudlhz all TIIM Imrmm nulnnur Iranmm Nu mu lyolh rum man an AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY lout my mum unnum IIIMI cum Tu Tm mm um nun wm mu Mn mm mm NEW PLOS By MRS WANLESS DRIVEAYOUMILI CARE AND YRUCKI fIELEVISION PROGRAMS 901mm TI any nun By MRS HAYES CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU VAllEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL EDGAR PA 82433 rm nnl lam CTV AntIII luv luNnu MA Iloo Mm luunl $1255 1030 um mu LII éonuralulnllonl to Mr and Mn John Farrell an the hlrm thelr mm Pulor Frank Spnln enlercd Sunnyhrook Hospital or lumeny community wu sadden ed by the sudden den well known midcnt Harrylmappel Mr Chap 01 wu Hmong re Ildenl 11 will be missed by all Sympnmy gm lo with Pearl Ind daughters Bath and Shlrley any Ion Blll MRS ROSE NEWLOVE The ouchm the Legion lull was well Allended Prlu Man an were menl hlgh Willu Mme 10w Gerrnld nlnkeman ladlu hlxh Joan llurnl lad In low Flo Ruve The lucky draw wan won by Tom Kerr Mn and Mrs Cola and Mr Ind Mn Cole attended the Iuncral Chappel in Barrie Monday Mrs 11111 Toronlé visit lngiher lpq erlrssu1leyr Allan Momey Sundrldze lel lcd his grandparents Mr And recenlly Friend of Mn Sulley wish woody recovery or bar Mr and Mr William Walton held lucccssiul inrm rain Sal urday and expressed llama thank In all who hel in any way Members ai Unllrd Church Women had boolh there which proved worth while dibri Prhe winner at the weekly euchre were hlgh scam Mn Scan and Lea Hulchlnsan lone hands Mrs Gllfllam Ind Maurice Mlllar low scores Mrs Panelson and Tom Wheel SUCCESSFUL SALE Friends and neighbour nih ered In tha hall Wednesday evm lug to bid farewell to Mr and Mrs lelor who have sold their arm and will be moving to Barrie thll week On hellnll in oommunky an addrm was read by Ross Harris Maur ice Baldwlck and Gladys Colt presented Mr and Mn Taylor with set oi dishnl Carol Spark E79301le Bonnie Taylor with roach Calvin Ford presented lle clips to Harry and Bruce Taylor Mr and Mrs William Mo Arthur Bond Read visited Slur day Colqn 29cm wmnans Mlu Anna Rnwn celebmed her eighth birthday Apdl so by Invlllnx her mum chum homo lo flipper who Iucnd Knox Church Imu land or Elmvale Presbyterian Church were nddended on the weekend In learn at the sudden dellh of their minister Rev nglm MglquulAElrmvfla Mr Ind Mu Jack Cameron who have resided in um com munity or may yum Arc mgglnz £le wash to Var yin mn Mn mm Ino BELLE EWHRT mam Au my rummm um um nu pm IIInull Mnm Now Irma Amwnlnl hum 1v TORONTO BARRIE H1 WIY mu com GRENFEL Pnasl North wlll uuunlly have or polnl and bal anced hand In lllll sequence Prosmcla ol mlklnz game are lhnrclon poor and Inn only real rrohlcm ls lb delermlnu who Is iknly to ha ha has pnrtscnru contract Thus no sound has In or hlnklng null comm wlll work out boner nnd Iha £31 Ihcrclom likely to pmvn In the long run No nolrumpl Oh we oc uslons planner wlll hm only polnl or nolrump old Ivoldlnl lho lumpmlon my lnz dlrcdly lo him No my lmmp In lhll uqucncu howl 11 or Inn rec nolnlmp It In not enough In bld three clubl ufllch would merely urnn nnrlner lo bld again but not compel hlm to do no mnller Incl manner will pm mbld hm rluln nmrly lhlrd ol lho llmo Thom II flood reason lo bo tommm mm lo Oomrlll ï¬lmuml IN nuuw lnml l1 nmm MID In An uror Month DAILY CROSSWORD What would yun now bid with each of the allowing Ive hindn Am unauqrml Ken vqauauwm um HoAqule 44M 41mm muons 41mm mm numlnlnl mbmu mum gull cnnlncl Junhr thun lo mm umw ltflml £000 am gummy 0mm July Illa 1L To let UN In mol out AOBOIB Lmnu of Inï¬ll 0an Kuhnm nu ma IlJunI mm mono Had You no South bolh Ildc vul nerable The blddluz ha been Conzra Mar Ion Home who received her pm vInclAl honours having com pleted 12 units and lo Caroline Sum Kalherlne Langman Rose Ann Tnorne and Marion and Linda Horne who received cert lflcales achievement and to the other girls In the club Ind High lager qr their work The Women Institute will meet Mnyï¬ral 315 pm DST at the home Mrs Eric Scou The mom will be you plan MRS JOHNSTON Thu 4H Achievcmanl Day or homemaking dubs wan held in Guliuia community hall The girl and their leaders are to be wugrnluialed on their project Spuraig qr Summer Diavld Salisbury had number of school friends his birthday party on Saturday M15 Veï¬nlca Héuden An en Mills visited Carol Prophet avg the rweekend Mr and Mrs John McElmy andllmfly entSundnyin Ton onto and vailed Miss Ru bdgp 53 Etoplmke Mn arid Boulua Ind lam Ily have maved In this com mum Mlu Holly Ahdrewa visited her Ilslu Mn Sallabury over the ygekmd Mr ahd Mn SInnaxhan Ind family of Hamilton spent the wedge nl Hangy The Flu Ball Ewart Girl Guides Mended church parade It Leflvy United Church recant Iy Many munm Brownie frombalmy St Plull Moons Ind Stmud mo nuanded Ems AID COURSE Thu Indie0 the dlnlrlct who have been attendinx the SL John Ambulaan In Ild come It the 5m Hun taboo will be taking thalr WONDER VALLEY All church member and Mendy wlrh him weed recovery Friend and new born of Mn Purl Baxter will bu pleased to know rho In mum good pm urea mar her new lunar gnmui Vimwil 31 MM HANDY Went RUGBY CONTRACT BRIDGE tho Im nimMI NIUVI food Ind mm mm Huddlu PM tgoqg imam New Eu Pu By JAY BECKER Chan king 01 hum to Imuu heart and lb prom It bld would bu lwo hunt The dnlrlbullonnl drawn would ha ha lame but lha hlxh card mnlant would bu clone to rockbottom Tnmnmm Tho um pm tnu Nnventlon mm mm This Ibo plclum Did that describes balh the distribution and lho hlxh cnrd uluu at the unmovtlmc ï¬lm we hive by now hld mm lulu he dllmond nhomge by name obvious Indllnco wa jumped he blddlnz wn Ihnw conxldcrnbly mum lhnn mlnl ï¬lm hlzh cud value or our IerI lo lhll palnl that the one lpl obla was based on livecud null He probably ny waned haldlnx of our lpndu In ellhsr our le3 or II nlubm The Ipada rebld guaranlcel Iva curd null Alnco would be loollsh lo rcbld In unsup puma fourcard null Rmhnr mom guarantee lust llvo or II clubs Ilnm ll would be highly Ibnonml to open lha blddlnx with club on laur urd null holding my Ipndu also The lvm apnde bld lhcre are palms In excellan picture lha dlslrlbullnn held lnrtncr than carrlu on In accordance wllh his hand Ueve three nolrurnp can be made and the way In he sun Mingling thqm 15h bld It in £45551 Mr and Mn wuunm amok visitked Mend Snelzmvo last we féï¬vnssm for the Canadian cut Society calleoud $5650 The United Church ancn will meet May at the home oi Mrs Lame Handy Sn Won der Valley Roll call will be donation to he auction salt plants and baking in he held lbs end of the maxing Mem ber are Inked lo bflng item about the muntries studied Thu prnnram will he special one in which visilou will be wel comedi Cungnlulnllons to Mr and Mrs Douglas Reynolds on flu birth son In York County Hgspllal Ncrwmnrrkcl Vlsltm at tho home of Mr and Mn Allan Brown for the weekmd Included Mr and Mn Edgar Sturgeon and Mr and Mrs Allan Todd and Janlce all Churchlll also Mr Ind Mn Ernest Kpccsllayl Hannah Mrs Don Hart with Knud Lhlldren mills and Wendee were In Dalmn during the weekend Remember the date May 210 pm the place Mrs Delbert Emma lhu event Dal llgq WITea 311d BakeVSale By MR5 EPONAOLE The Damon Sewerellep Wok part in Achievemen Day II Gum1a and made good Ihnw lug They were delighted lo have In many molhm and Mend prgenl The United Church Lervlce Sunday morning was In charge of tho Dllswn HI Cl who dev nerve muchcredit or the In qugllly they elfon need In character in tha home It wm bloom In the mmmunlly Roll call le9 name rose and program Entertain Girla Club All mother and woman In the community are invited lo Attend 0n the lunch committee are Mrl Kelth McLeod Mrs George Lanzman Mn Bdwnrdlanl man Ind Mn Don McLeod BOND HEAD DHLSTON IL Wu 51mquolln Emmy In mm ugh11 7M 40 Tï¬fï¬ BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY MAY ma WOUll with 15 onmr ONE OF TM MIN Mill muml ml