Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 May 1963, p. 1

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OTTAWA lClY lluulnn Itlrnlhl wu Hllul lodny In an nma nrrldcnl lolirn MM ucunrl lluullm dvlvrr nl Hug tar mu nn ofllwr Hvr llllninn lrndo count IIHI lwcn chumd ullh Impalm driving lead Vlullmlr Trlmnuhnlnnv 31 an urhnnfl umnnn Inrvlnl nl Cnnulnl Nullonnl mum lnnn ll hm KATMANDU Nlplll AP Vllh lhu Stan and Stripes rcndy plnnlod on the roar of he world ward wnl candy nwnlltd lodny whnlher nn Amcrlcnn cxpcdlllon hnd Inc Irecdbd in wnqucrln Mount Ev ery or mom llme Info In 11 den rlmvlulvln nu MIle used In unth Il uld l1 hut ylllml running from CHICAGO AP nm mm nporlul Inlay Hwy hit an mmoth bdrmUh vllmnuy at new mMullon mm mm mm nl Mm ltmldethl man nlln Inlecum nut mullrnl mm ukl dlmv glmy ndmlnlalrn Lglyghoglulyln 95 inliblmeruud In mu AMSTERDAM lilmirn Gen Imiel Fnulhu nrlnrr dmlnunn vi to Cnnndlnn him nu colllpmi whlia nllcmi Inn Incnmrlnl Imlre hm lodny He mowml and annual Hm Lullurm chunh mvlu In mnllmw lml mu lulun lo 1mm Amiaim on mwllcul mlvlrl Russian Scientist Dies in Ottawa Na mIm lho Amul cnn livvml upcdlllon Ylnlllld lho 20025 MI lummll or he wurldn hlxhut muunlnln Wrd rrldny nn oxprdlllan wok mnn nnnounml nmmlny nlnhl Pmumnhly llm lwo cllmbcrl rmxrncd In ll nunult mm 1216 rtl holnw lllu lummll ho Iore mummy Iqungndny Ilium May Northern Alluln Mlnlslcr Ar Uuu Lnlnm In office only two weekl was lying Inlo llny River Iodny to lake perlnnnl chmu of rescue work and can Ilderwhfiher lo have he lub ch communlllu declared dlmler urea All 750 men women and chil dren For Simpson had been evacuated rem that lauded hamlet 621 mlch nnrlh Ed monlon More than 600 wcro pluckcd from my Illvcr 125 miles to the south In the Inn wa days Nlncly per cent of Univ River will under water Iwolcn by spring lhnw and packed with Alrlmad mpnglnl Mntktntle film cm wal more Khan 1300 residenls two hhmd communmc mailed out ndeslmcklve spring flood an the malnland today while nnolhcr 1200 stood by mid Hay Rim5 dcvnxlnllnm New Modicalion For Heart Trouble Queen Names Pearson To Privy Council Gen Foulkes III In Amslerdam Did US Climbers Beach Top Confirmation Being Awaited In the springtime 11 young die and Rene pair of Iivc spr mnna may turn to love yearolds enjoy the warm Int True Io lha old laying Fred nm xpu lanl bum rump 99th Your No104 1300 Are Airlifted 1200 Stay In Hay River mvzn 9mm cg mNDON Rnllfm The Queen hm Appolultd Canndnl lrlml nmrr Iman mcmhrr 01 lb IIlvy Launcll ll wnl nnnuunml NEWS BRIEFS For Examlnnr Want Ad Tele vhvno PA Mm The tellphono lumber to call or the Euslneu or Editor Dept II PA WM OurTelephones THANK HEAVEN FOR LITTLE GIRLS Lnltn third Amrrlcnn lunn mu lo try lor lhn Inn nm In Knlmnndu lodny hm mu no on bcyand lho lmrn nnnaunco mrnl Hunt the llnl lenm hml dud he pcnk nnd plnnlnl rndlocd Knlmnndu lodny all personnel were well nddrd no delnlll Tho cxpcdlllonl plnn cnlInd for mom loam which hm lvccn cllmblnl day mind he ml group to mm on lo we lummn Thll would mm Swing Ml In 1050 MINI lun lcnm rcnchnd flu ycnk on cmlvo day llw v5 flan Mr Lnlng lndlcnlcd there would be rnrly declslon on dcgnrbliq glmler nrcn wllh plum and hollcoplm hu IPthDndld he ovncunllon mediumslim helicopter plurkcd he mldcnll 111 new northarn attain mln lstcr law In Yollnwknllu NJM lrom Vnncauvcr Thun duy and was to fly the Ins mile to my Rlvcr today In mall plum HI purpose was lhrncnlm Inld Thursday nl Ynllowknlk Tn lake chm any cvnrua lion procccdlngs In ensure all my ncccunry were taken In prcvcm an cpldcmlc and tn wr vcy he dcvaslntinn caused by lhc Hood and report In the cnh 1M on whether the region Ihould ba declared dlsnslur nren grindan Ice Damage was exll mated at mare Ihun 000000 Sins cl Fan Simpson was suh morxcd 5111 Earth lhnl but lollrn mid mlu wm llnuwn Al mm duran Hm drlmvnllullnnl Ivul nml mm Ml 111m um no pull MhrrA rlnlrnre are drllnllply nlmlnl Ilrmwdup rumpnlln la lay an gllunnm Imlon the mn ulrnre the rmnmunu Ink Dr Mmlln Luth nl Jr Irmlrr mnhun Inle MUM MM lluze drlllna of Ice some mm In our thlck nml ncrosx lmvu ImmII rd lhrlr way through my Hiv ur pound by Um Hood wmm Irom lhe Ilny Iver 5cm mum nml homo lrnlleu warn nveHunud olhm wm dnm ngcd IIIIIMINOIIAM Mn Ml lllrmlnulmm lull worn mm today ullh hmldmll or Nrnrocl mnlrd In uhnl Inlmnllan luulm dclcrlhrd II he lnlllnl Ihnnl lnnulvo rcnuwnl ol pmlrnt dcmnmlmllnm 11m numlwrnrrulnd In 11mmlnyl mm ol march and plrhellnu WM ulhnnml nl 700 hr rlly lnlltr Chetr Au lln Ha uh nmru Hum 300 wru boolud nl rlly JAIL mnlmn NUIHMId 300 In 00 mm lmlud Um lurrnnc Irmullnn lwmo nnd rnunlry nll mmrlul nlmm loo vrluur um luluu lllm Inlmlny plunnrd when mum lnd vltlrla Mayor Mcflrylm Rhnr mld 1200 lbs lown H100 mldcnla nmnlntd Thur day MIL He doubled man would leave but wnl happy ho women and chlldren had been lawn lo dulysome uolnu nr south nu Edmonton An nddlllonm $10000 wn minkd Thursday mm by at mnnon city council It wnl lo be mm In tho form of many supplies and pmnnnrl and he um dlmlcd by he Red Cross Addlllnnnl lund weru prnmlscdll more wna nrcqrd For Simpson 300 children were Included among those cued when the Mackenzie Elvar jammed mllu dowmtrcam and held ibuck Ihu wnlcr Frunk nun deputy nonhem nnnln mlnla Icr who flew ram Ottawa to Join Mr Luing ha been nu lhorlmi by Gordan nnbcrtsam dmuly minluer and Icrrllorlnl commissloncr to mend up In 050000 or rcllcl purpom GRANTS RELIEF FUND It overflowm the Inland or lhe first me In memory When he wnlcr hunnn lo climb Wnd ncsdny the call or help wn mnde Thursday 80 per can of flu lawn yvas under water 01 Fort Simpson from danger In aflvumur apernllon Thu mldenln were carried lu lbs safely malnlaudnflrport 1mm where Ihcy were in an to Yellowknife Negroes March Over 300 Jailed spfing nun Examiner Pho Mr tin Uw dlul Am Nu MAM LI wunlu la in mum or Indy wllh rd Hon Trnchrrl nhmxlnl rnrnuruev mrnl mm mm nnly llrnl rndm mmml In In mm lvxl ndlul My hall UM ruuv almul 20 pupil Ivy pallrn lluu Ind hull nenr lm rlly hall mm lo urn Mml mm mm um lo hnul llxu Nmm to Jan nllnr llw Hut hm um um Ar mlnd OTTAWA CHGordon Chur chlll armor vulcrnm mnh or my ho wlll lack an lnlrn Ilvu Invullxnunn by puan mcnlnry wmmlllco lulu lhll monlh lbs ncllan ho new vclmm mlnlllcr flour ml lnl In velmlnzm pcnlhm com mlnlnner nbruplly from his mommym II Mr Church who wnl lint lrndn mlnlmr and llnnlly mu mlnlller In lhe Canmvn llvc xavcrnmtnl whtn Ml kn last month uccuml Mr Tclllrl nlmuhny In clenrnm lernrclul nu nnd nn Wnlklo lnlhlu wrm um In no onllnnle he Ilmullnnwul drmanllrallanl nnld tho luv Wyn Tu Wnlkrr Mule nm pr Hm muvrmenl lnm munlly by chlldun who nklvpod Ichnol clamI male willmul wnmlnu Ten Ktuupl mnvrrscd an city hall lram Ill dlrrdlnnl Imnicniiy iim two convict naked and received irnnaicrl In St Vincent d5 Paul Penlu iinry mmive maximumse curin prisan on he north nu lkirll oi Monircui third 10 prisoner wn trnnsicrrcd lo Siqny nionnlnln Just lnsl any two prison nt SI Vincent do Paul seized when Instructor knilepolm and hzld him or Ona ol the convicts was killed and th other hi5 cousin woundedi was the third time within two weeks Canadian convicts have tried to get transferred to Mather penitentiary by hoidinl gumq hgsinge Guard Raymond Telller as was lorced Into cell at knlle pol nuer supper hour by two convlm who demanded they be given lranslen tn Mnnitnhal Stony plouqtg yegllgntlary MQW THEM DOWN The convict were mowed down by hullcla Marcel Mar cnux S4 was lied and bin cau aln Cluudo 21 III an the arm 7y buil Telller died within hall an Mur hum has of Mopd The warden said in had been fished twice in he legs and bed In tho abdomen No week ago two convlcu 1n the Bdlkh Columbln Pani tcnUnry at Nuw Westminster BC started 110 and mad nulhorfllel lo grunt lhtm gander by holdlnz uni has MONTREAL CF Guard at St Vlncenl do Paul Penilen Iary stunned the cell 01 Iwo xebclflnl convicts with pistol llre Thursday desperate unsuccessful sump um fellow guarda life He died after being stabbed Warden Michel LeCorre ar dered charge on the cell llvn minutes Inter when he saw blood oazlnu Into the corridor from he call He said he knew It must bu Telnerx he was unnrmbd Terms Dismissal Disgraceful Act Guard ConviCt Die In Prison Stabbing 1th In the Home HERES ONE FOUR RESLAIN BYSHOTGUN FIRE Blrrlo OhtnrlofCInada FrldayMIy3 I963 WI undenth lhll Amltn Mum Cm mmw do rIdtd mu la build lb Maul In Calida lo IN mun In whim nllul on It ulrl nlvoruy Covwrnunn fnnulll ud of nmhy cum nrm old In Cum Mllmfll mlulnn on union lhll lb In luau aural oumdl Muhflur nu mm plantMidlu In Cnnyln nn mwnnl Inmmo vm Iup urnlnI lndny by Cnnullnn mnnulnclurlnl Inn whlfll nld ll Abome NM lha ulnmvl nukwanl mummm IMH clrnl Md NIH Mm In In Morcnvcr Mr mun loId Mr Churchill Ihu MMKny vncnncy would be lllled by French Ipcallng tommlnlnner to lloru lo hm lhl numhu FrenchCnnndlnnl an the board And lllul znnhlo It form quon lo Aludy pemlon cam In Punch GIIIM dllmhud Mr Churchllll lurlhrr complllnl lhnl Mr MncKu muml loll rrprurnlnllnn or vulmm Finl Wmld wnrl 111m were llu mmmll Ilunm who were mmm bull lhu Flnl and Hemnd World Wm Mr Telllrl Inld Mr mm rcpllcd In leller that Ken MncKIy who hnd bcnn nppolnlcd In lhl Clnldlun Pcmlonl Cummlnlon by lho Conmvnllvu zavtmment Ilm Rly wn not rcnflwhlcd when term cxplred ll wttk ML Trill Inld lhc lama IIIan hnd happcntd durlnl Illa Conurvn tlvo Invcmmoml mime to tame member who had been wpolnkd by um pmvlou up Kavrrnmrnl llu Inld lhe reorlnnlznllon whlch unrled with Mr Sllka appolnlmenl Mny 3a law day More Mr Justina Ranchl report on hlr onwman royal cammlnlnn lnlo eman Iznd crime In Ontario was ur bled In tho leglslulurencludcs completely new mum 01 pm mollon Tho program also Incluch re Ihaplnl nl lnlnlng pronrnmx and the nppalnlmenl per nbum at your mlnlllulnl nu hgffly nllonal makeup to pravln clnl police has resulted ln more than no promotion In tho 1m month Commission Eric Silk 301 pm conference Thuw ny Inur hours untll nulharllle granted them lrnnslm Io Dor chester Penitentiary In Naw Brunswick Attacks Sales Tax Suggests New One The warden said the two con vlcu slashed Telller twlce once In each thigh before annvune In their demundl They had walled 10 minute helm nn awgrinz yd qugsllyng 1110 lhn Eked or tram er and gave authorities 15 mn um Io make up unh minds MARCEL MARCOUX Silk Says Police Shakeup Has CausedOver lflfl Promotions TORONTQ CWA nu Vincent de Paul has no iorlous record oi primer out brenks The last we highly iurnnited mas rig lust June in which one prisoner died and 1mm than 1000000 damage was caused hyIin and conflict rccru mun cnmpnlm In lho Kllchc herOwen 511qu mu produced 50 new alflcm Tho campaign olmcd Increman the 1500 mcmbcr 10m by 500 men lhls your and 1500 In lhu next few yam Earlier Mlorncy Grncml Cnn told ha conference Um In ardcr In pupelunlu the hluh qunllly lho OPP dom at lcnllon mus ho nld to he chaln commnn nnd Ihm mull bu Imprnvnd knuwlvdxn ha larcol nclivlllu In he llcld llncr udmlnlllrnllnn and dim Ilan dullcl Ten sergeant and 45 curpar aII hnvu nllo been appointed he said 197m As row Ormlrv Emptan kn lmlml talk In nmlm lollowku lho dulhl at wk ruml dimtor ol Mm mud WWW WW mm whlk held MW WI 18L VIMVI by comm da ml luau but In In human or tum Tclller was married and the father of three children He had been worklng lhu peniten tiary for eight years Bald Mr LcCorre and wns good um wnnal diminer hand new pennnnci brunch Mr Silkfirst commissioner in receive the rnnk oi deputy minisieralmcd at making me OPP directly re nnsibin to the iagiriniure and mpravlng lini nnn with ma niiorneyzcnernll dcpnrimrni said 62 oiiiccrn hm iicen appointed to pnsin ranging from chic inspector in corporal They also asked Um no Iagal action be taken against hem for selglnu guard Mr LeCorra said when the hlaod was seenY We had to nnd act qIIJckly our man Me was at stake Marcel Mnrcoux kflled by the guards bullets had our years left lo serve any mycar sen encu whllc Mu cousin had been In prison Hula more than your segvlqg Mayan aeykence He said appeared the two convicts had subbed Telller again as the guards rushed the cell lhls time In the abdomen Dolhvicri Iipflson for armed mlgbeg alum NEWS or mson mamas LONDON CHPrim Minis lor Puraon held his nu con lercnco with Prime Mlnlncr Macmillan today and said he 15 highly pleased wkh lhe results 1111 Wu day talk with Brillah landm Enrller Selwyn Lloyd former chancellor cl llm exchcquer nnd Jo Grlmond leader of llrll lsh Liberal party called on Punmn nl hlx Dnrchulcr llolel aullo or upurula hallhour dll cuulons Lloyd who was ortlxnucc rclnry the llmn Penman wn Cnnndlun exlcmnl anlrI min lllcr Inld lhcy lnlkcd mostly about old Mandi Grlmond Inld ha and Pcnrlon dealt with lmdu problems BELIEVE 1UP mother her wwdaughten and slatenlmlawwere killed by aholgun in Thursday nlght and three men wounded near CM Halon rural village as mllc wt here Florenco Kllllns and Palsy were shot In their house Along slde the shack Pearl Campbell was klllgd In lhs hamalsho oc cuplcd wllh her husband Fred Campbell and Gladys Kllllns Bub Killlns ulster dled in hrr house next door where she moved week ago Tho Cnnndlnn leadér men 10 minutes at Admlmlly House Mncmlllnul residence Than lho lwo pflme mInIchrIwml lo luncheon zlven by Gram Drew fiunndlnn high commlulancr cm One tho mm young schoolteacher was helleved to have had hla hand shut away by he Mme sholgun that kllled Mrs Florence Kllllns her eight munlhprcgnant daughter Mrs Pearl Campbell 19 Palsy Kll llns and Gladyl Kllllns 404 yearold splnslcr Robert KHIlus 50 Flarenceu husband andtnthcr tbs two dend girls was found lying on road mile from tho scene at the shooting He was under police guard In hospital The shooting occured In Him homes all adjacent In the than occupled alone by Bob Kllllns armer lay preacher In Brit lsh Columqu whn moved with lamlly to Casflelnn 12 years ago Peaern Winds Up London Parleys Mother TWo Daughters Die Three Men Are Wounded No Morn Thin Par Copy18 Pngu Warmer today Scattered show ers tonlghl low tonilhz High tomorrow 65 For alun mmmzry turn to page two Local Weather Manchu Guarqu lnyl In ronlpnxo cry at tho luck of new from the tnlkl appear mark turn by Canada In thu Irudmon of le crcl dlplomncy In lho dd Commonwealth rclnllan rclrrs 20 Canadian reporter who new hero with Pcamn and lum been unable In my any wild In formation from he dlscuuionl 0an on In fourthfloor room overlooking Hyde Park and It Admirnlly Home Wounded were Pelbr Mlller local schoolteacher Tam Major In mkHOl friend of Mrs mums and Fred Cnmp hell Police rnld MIL Kllllns Ion Brlnn 1t and daughter Peggy 12 who were uninjured raced tram their house when their mother was shot Io Ilnnnobnn Money Now ltln lmumflm wu lulled IN MM wth whén mm I111er Ml mm main mm Whiphom Peggy scigamed to her older ulster Pent Campbell to lock the door because fmolher has been shot and hid under 1h beansho len alter tbs hoollnz Brian wen across Lh street to the home BIL and Mrs Jnhn Day In Asked Peter Mn Icr who boarded with Iha cw ple to accompany him hi molhcrs hnuse Ponce nld Mlllcr was hot and lull hnnd blasted away Eulllxlde the homo of Mn Camp Peggy Kllllnx who ran Ihmugh ho bloodsplnllered MV Ing room of her sisters home Into the arms of nclghbon wu lnken to hospital sulfcrlnz Iron acute shock Mr Killing diabetic bu been in III health or some lime Pnllco Iald here had been ra cent tamlly mile round the prime mlnlxltr full of Ideas and energy he mid but dccUncd to discuss any spcclflc uuflestlons made Pearson in Pcunnns third day ln London but no for than have been no nnnounccmnnls follow nu his mccilnus with Prime Mlnlsler Macmillan cnbllm member and political party leadcni Pollco are believed to havo lnlgnn tym ntgglguns and volver Vlrém Kim iécne pcclnlly Briushflnadinn Ind rclalions 35$

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