EANN LANDERS decided Io keep my eye open and catch ho culpritAl sus and was the wlle the ulldlng suvcrlnlcndcnl saw her Jlmmy thu lock whlch ave her access to all Lw mail the building we each have our own key but mm master key can open the whole works IsnL um mum What should do nboul ANn NOSE nwum Den Anll There are federal laws that clohhcr people or Iarnperlng with the US mulls Tho auparlnlendcml wife could be laced will somelhlnz Im mnre lerloul than noxe lmuhle you reported her Sevtml months ago nollced my man pcnrcd have been opened an lh envelopes glued buck nether though was imaginauon but when dis covered nne day that lh glue was mu damp Wu curtain lee hrr me break the dmnl deserve and Ian hcr yau are wise Unless she total nut youll have no morn Imublc LIQUOR Dear Ann lnndm live in an apartment house which has about 50 tenants Den Ann Luxde You are alwayl knocking llquor won der you havu he nerve to frth mm which pram lhnt lquor cnn do some good oncn In while Last wcekcnd my husband and ctlchralcd our mmhcr Inry We deddtd to do he own Huh 300 am we ended up at Chlnm Key Club which Him flight Allnr IEVHB drink Illrl In hunt or the powder room Since ha lur roundlnn Wm unlnmlllar tried uvnrnl doors Onu the door led to In buck alum ell down both nlghu When they ficktd me up ll he be wm didnt have nno hmknn bqqo qr qvenra ncrnlch No charming design on one Ieane for the Junior Thu popovcr has dolman sleeves is 13in tLrlpcd and tussled and mm in sizes and he pop slyllshly sleeve MS thshnnd my mdnl been boiled would have broken pw neck claim my ru Her Nose Trouble Is Federal Offense POPOVER AND POPTOP Dur Ann Llndtfll Just Iln lshcd parent teacher confer ence and am lhoroughly dis gusted have no puplls In my class Fourteen come from broken homes Every dIVfllCLd mother aIngs the lam gong Ivo memorIzod all the verses know my chlId Is Iariesomu or his father but hes better of without him Dont helluva everything the wild say about what goes on home Chlldren have Vivid Imaginations you know Ill no Id grandmolher can help Mm with tho work hes behind in Im dead llrod amr pulunu In lull day on my Job and who get humo nherl the washing and mm lnvurlahly the children from broken homes are ner vous and Mghmlmng They an starved for auccllon Ve cath cant he lather and mother In these poor kldx though hcnven know we lry less In easy to 1m stripes with ringed bottom and comes altos t7 10 and 12 Bath are quick knlu which the very young India will love to make for Ihcmsclves you would like Iaxed condition xavcd me Now in do youaray Bbout the evlls ol bnnzeGLAD To BE ALIVE Dur Glml Bully or your Dld ll ever occur In you that ll you hadnt been ballad you wouldnl have Allen down at all RRDKEN HOMES Pleusu print lhls letter or he bond pnrmls who my ha planning divorce Remind them thallparenls choose each other Gdldren didnt ask to be born any man and wlfo shogd sllqlg logclher and learn in min with their pFoblems wlmlcvur they may beDA KUTA TEACHER Dur Tuchm Your leller has cod bl In ll but mmu mnrllal sllunllons Ira Impos llble mlldren Ira belle wllh one Nan relaxed parent lhan wllh lwo nervous wreck who are comlonlly at nnch olherl Mom anmullmzs mom mcnd Irpnrnllun ml dlvarcob and wlll continua to do It wowlbuyflxe new amfysze Members declde that lha chapteru semiannual dnnallon lo lhe Barrie Association for Re lardcd Chfldren wauld he sent In the form two cheques one or $38 to be spuclfled or help lng lo send two children to lum mar camp and the balance $21 to he used where Ihe Assad auon ms Final delallx were dlscloxed ar the annual Founderi Day Dinner lo he held an May Cnmmunllylflouse The Golden Circle mnrrlcd cnuplu club First Baptist Church hold pmzrcsslvn dinner on Snlurday The regular meeting the Beta Sigma PM was held the home of Mrs Faye Miklla Argus The meeting was opened by presldcnl Mm Baxbarn Nichol Mrs DaroIhy Merritt called the roll and he treasurer report was presented by Mlsa Janet Mrs Nlclwl read letter from the Ontario Mental Health Assoc lnllon ln mnnecllon wlth Canad lnn Mcnlnl Health chk Alli 7W iiery lnlereiilng program Speech was presented by Miss Jana Burnett 75971165153 or the next rtgu lnr meeting on my wlllbe Mu Belly Mainen NaplcrvSL Inrgc group met flu home of Mr and Mn John Cockhurn Downavlcw Dr or hora doeu we and then progressed lo the homo Mr and Mn Ivan Slur gcon 5L Vincent 5L to enjoy dellgmml may ulndL the home Mr and Mn Harold Wallhcr odrinxlnn SL the mnln course of assorted cns scrolcs was mvcd and Mr and Mrs End Walls Hayï¬eld SL supplied the damn and Mice the leaflet with these drum simply send stamped erInd dressed envelope to the Needle craft Department of this paper rcqucsllng the Papnvur and Pop Top Leaflet Number 663 was p1 Beisex roullnx 5mg son wnl led by Harold Wilmer And devo llonnl based on Fulm 11 won led by Mr and Mn Jack Slhne Vlu thlcnl Mn llumll Mowlorlh conduclod he buxln Golden Circle Couples Club Hold Progressive Dinner Party Beta Sigma Phi Complete Plans For Founders Day ONE POUND ASSORTED CREAM biscuits Peek Freans flaked to paraction wrapped or prollcllon brPEEK FREAN Mulnm lemon bluulla send Eva Ferguson made her pmmlsa and was enrolled as Kuido on April 25 whlle number more advanced girls were awarded proflclcncy adxes Toymaker badges had bean earned by Eden Bell Mar garet Winger and Janice Feb kin and Needlewaman badges by both Marzaret and Janice who In addition received swim mar bad Alch much discussion It was unanimously decided to pur chase new duplicator to re ylam he wonmut model pros enlly being enduredi as alter which Rev Gordon Walker closed will prayer Thu Unlvmlly Womenn Club of Ban1e will hold II Annual Dinner Mulan III the Conun unlnl Dlninz Room on May 080 In Execulive or 1m will lake olllcu nl his time Gum weaker ll Hm mccllnx Ill bu Mlu Jun Yuck Anod ulo Edilar Chalnlnlne Mlss chkl loplc wlll be The Jour Vorld lo Women mm Yuck In hanauu IMIIX Me In hlnory Ind oconomlcl ram MCGIH Unlverxlly Halon Jolnlng lhn In of Chalclnlno It Promises to be must ex cltlnu experiment and it is hoped that more brownie group will lollow the lead these little pioneers GOLDEN BARS Commlulaner KI was ma of honour at the second Banla Brownie Pack when she prexenled golden bar badge to am allowing xlrls Linda Caid well Maureen Clark Patty Ju no Cathy buwe Marilyn Smith and Donna Yates FIRST BMRIE COMPANY The guides of ï¬rst Blame Com pany have lost none at lhelr eager enthusle the year drawsto close but still work tirelessly on ml and badge work On April 27 Janice Curmler took ï¬ve other guide on hlkn to Johnson Beach at which time Llndn Bamn completed her second Class lost work DIVISION EXECUTIVE Division Commissioner Gr cey was hosleu to the executive members of Kempenlell for tho rcxullr mgcling on April 29 Commisnioncr Graccy presid ed over two brief ceremonies an Captain Seiwood was enmll ed ranger and Mn Bury received her warrant as district commissioner or RCAF Em III wargannounccd ha ha Georgian Am Annunl Mtethu Ii group cnrelroe brownie are anticipating weekend oi fun and raining when Kem peniell Division hold it In puck holiday at the Bonita Glen Guido Camp In Hawkeslone My to Tawny Owl Hall will be 1n charge the ï¬rst Ban1o Pack Bmwn Owl EVMIIO the second and both Brawn Owl Granny nnd Tawny Owl Gibson will All tend with mind Farm group Three pack are joining for Iha venture wllh slx brownie algndlng mp1 £th By mum mum PACK nommw Miss lean Yack To Speak Here News Of Kempenielt Division Of The Girl GuidES Of Canada THE BABE EXAMINER THPRBDAY MAY Pracllm are held on her day evenlnll It 130 pm ll lhn ham the lender Mrm Marlin Steel 5L Ind In appmxlmnlely one hour ll expected Hm lha lmup wlll mot on nIlcrmte Mcan the MI but will luvs weekly prac usc lhll lpflnl so mm my bu prepared In sin Iho nerv lce allowing the parade on June The Shanty Bny Dhlrld Glrl Guldu ma Brownie upon uurlnu mm mm to be held Mly ll 10 mm In the flora and pan omce hulldlnl In Shun ly Buy Your Iuppon ll urged or hm Illltl zuldcl mm Milne zulderInchmo It Doe Lake Fmvlnlnl Camp has accepted Iha lnvlullon of the division to he guest speaker 10 the uvenk chides huvlnl Ilnzlnz Iblllly would llnd lhe chorul an op porlunlly or cunlcnlll Icllow nhlp nud raining BAKE BALE com Mrs Bobler Mn I1 Bell and Mn Sele wll ha in charm of arrangement for the annual dllelon dinner mealan to he held June 11 Thu tentative aka the main lhg anllnenm Inn Guiders and canunisalonerl are reminded to prepare their annual raped and iorward them to Mrs Martin 108 51001 St by May It so that they may be edited and lira re port book complied well More dinner combined meeting of guid and mute will be held on May al 103 Steel Street tur ma purpose of plannlnx In damn the parade to he hald on June pm Each dimM requested la send one representative to this mecllnz so um III mupa may receive their lnltrucclonl PRFPulb In their girls In parade routine or apedllc time at such meet hw that all may be wall art pared Ind present notable plclum gummy DIVISION CHORUS rolled member the Km penlclt Division Glrl Guldo Chor us but new member will be wafmlyl wtlcom wnuld be held In Colllnlwnod ln Octobar wlth the named dll cuaslon lople belng lha pm Ind can gold cord Furuler sua gustlona wlll bu walnude how ever and should be um In Area Cummlulnncr Lawlor An am trnlnlng la planned or ndvnnced blue and brown gulderl ln On lllla on Oct 19 Only llva lmm each group lbluu and brown will he invited from each dlv lslun so that early plum mull bo made to nvold dlnappomt maul May tha deadline data for applicnllom or the nmamp guide training at lekestone The Hands will be Instruction on how to teach guides the pre requisite for camperl bldza and pack hollday tralnlnl or hrpwn candidates The much new han pllul ten and two cot for mu In It was approved by the meet ing and Camp Advlnor Gray was given permission In order than Items PARADE PLANS mders are asked to hVe I11 applicatlons or the Isobel Car ter Goad mm Trophy in the hands 01 the division comm aloper no later flnn May It In most Important um cap tains realm that all camper badga leaflni will be done on Sept 23 also Hawkeatone and Um Interested zulden should walk wllhtha In mind WI ilElLACEG THAT AWKWMID HTOOPI comlort pnlio lhu tonvcn lane porch Easy In bulld dur Ibln cedar connrucllun modrrn nyl lnl CompIzI mlmlnl and plans for flxli porch paua only mum mum nf accum Blmply hiejun Your In and Mann unva or In Elllnuh EXTENDED OFFER 10 per cent all once order 200 or more Get Iazclher with your Wm 94d Am Avnllnbia to Barrie and Dislrlct ncnvcr wlll hundlu all your rcmodelllngnnd Im provement work Denvers oneslop aorvlco cover planning mnlcrlnl lnbor summits and oven Hnanclng Fri Elllmlm Na Down Plymtn W0 Do Our Own Flmnclng Calilarnln Redwood mod em Alyllnu excullcnl ch lign good enough to double as no room mm ï¬lm In the winter REDWOOD PATIO FURNITURE COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICE slngle Chilr L25 Rnund Calm Table 1250 Double Chnlr Ill $128 Call BEAVERS Homu Improvcmlm Mung MR BILL BALL Al PA 82535 Mr Illunlly mumm il PA IvIMI HOW TO CREATE OUT DIN LIVING MAlKl ourl he mm llemr mmpkle vlnnnlnl and Ink Ht duh ur mln ltucin urn Ion uluvt neurr llmn true In or nmml cunmurllm Noman In my tlll No vcmber and nolhlnl dawn on Beaver alxmonm dr lerrcd paymenl plan En Joy your homo Improve menL now luk or full delnlls nudge Term In low no munlh Beaver 210 1125 In shingle lupcrinr qual lly and pmvcn durability CASH Ind CARRY ll Your mam Man Than lo Yam old Time In Check or Rwllnl Column Guy Gnu nrd DEFERRED PAYMENT BUDGET PLAN NEW LOW RATES DEPENDABLE FREE ASPHALT SHINGLES UTILITY 2x4s MONTH 50