in Sanford Takes Fourth Beats Pittsburgh 51 Mnu MM he reached mm It mllel An hour durlnl the rmmllu by men drMng Igl mlnulu hr mnl drMnl Ml iylllm Irwnd th 30mm Wodmw III Immmclma wuh nllrr Du erah Iullmd mum brain Injury and In tho Inul low monlhl hll Mum mum lera In curs dencu III on mulllnn mm Ihl mnh Mun lung lunlrndfr Inr UM wmlll chnm vlunshlp Iml nrvrr ulnnrr in rmlud lull do clth whllu ho wuu 011an mman lhe Pmply Gmlumd lrnck whvre he menIr lnyurrrl In crud gear up LONDON lM ï¬llrllnl Moll JJyuruld llflllsh nulu mIn are nunnunml lulu Ilcmrnl Wnlnudny Iwcunw In runllmlr ml wuuhl dnnlrmul lnr mynrll and fur olllru Hunk mlrml lhu alum lxll llnu HUI 1M 1mm nnd nlx rum lmllrxl In Iln muhcd hm lhrco run Immm nml dnm HE LOUIE MOIPEI 1m lunrunmr Mnnlnz Imnk nl lhc lmuuulrmllnx 11ml unls wu Mm IXHUVIVNL IZrnlo 1th or JIIEIIMU Culu nlwnyu lrrmr III 51 LOULI dld mml nl Illa dnuulge in In Cub vl wry Jnrk mm In lmm nflnr Mic lmlxluul and out lhls mm In rlimlnnm lhal lnlk 1m point chmday night he lhrcw hls llulrd complrlo name the young nnsou sewnMl over llllsburnh mm or hII fourth victory It maximd ourvxnmo llrmcn Innan Ilrlnk nnd hhmrd Gl nnln lnln lhlnl pinto In lllu Nn Hunnl Leanne only luu gums out of Hm Moss Announces His Retirement Thm wns poim them San nrd Harm 20 name durinx hls ulnnlnu monk and com nlclml only slx nnd lmd Just 13 mmplclc Kamul In as start or he Acusnn 1an Sanford slapped down mmc Impressive Elullslics when he lulkrd contract with San FrnndscoGinnls Ms lprlnx such as 244 wonlost record Includina 18 row Vnrld Scrlcs shutout and man playoff oHon By JIM DECKER Auoclnlrdlnn Spam erlu Hut Jack said he mnnuuc men In an cflorl In krcp lhn price down yuu didnt Ilnlsh Mm you sinned The Les Angclns tctthnndcr tnishcd what he started for the first time this scam Vcdncs dny night limlting the New York Yankees In fuur hits while George Thomas hit grand slam humor that gave the An gels 53 Vlclmy aver the world chgrhplqns Belinsky lined and sucd so tan in his shim major league career he may wind up piich lug or nnhing almost wound up pitching or Kansns Ciiy ni lcr lhe 1962 season But an un dcrlhotabie deal that wnuld have sent Bu to Hi As was voiced by Commissioner Fnrd Frick When Minsky signed his con trpc thisflscnsqn he admitted get lhe pclurc If wm Ihcy keep It lose lhcy throw me out 11 my whn doesnt know whurc he stands Bo Seablscuitl Belinsky whu admits hes on ma way In the glue laclory II he mil to gel of to quick start has ï¬nally come up winner Assoclatcd Pm Spam wmcr LIN TYMCIIUCK clerk Yes thlnk so Its sum of sklll and women are lnr more relaxed and have good scnsu at judgment The billiard room an modern clear and brightly lit The old smoky pool mom almos phere ls gone ENQUIRING REPORTER Rsxs Bo Belinsky Finally Hits Victory Trail By mm 11mm Should Women Play Billiards bomrr mam IIInI In wluln one Ike ncnrd hll hy 1mm meu Wllh llrnm 11rd and Cnnllmls Ho Ml In the uvnnlh Innlux whllu Imlllnz or Jlm OToolr who my Hm vlclnry on that way lo the pennant lhey had 4221 mark on the mud and were aIzl In rlcndly Cxlfldlcslitk lnrl llouslnn at New Yolk and 47 Angelo nl Phllndclphm minus were rnInul auL Coll and Mel pluyui lhrce Innlnx More the min cm with Coll an Inn 14L While Sun as cslahllsh Inn hi new mulegoing pullurn hl mule wcm working an ntw winnbm hub at their own my me now 61 on lhn mad rm homf Lnsi ynnr Thrro or Cuh Jnfncd Hunk In the humor column Dick Herlcll Km lluhlu nnd Nglsun Mnllmwn In hc only other Nallonnl Loam game Jerry Lynch slammed the 13th plnch hlt humor Ms camr for Clnclnnull Rods vlctory avcr Milwaukee Braves In nnnllmr run with single Now hJs homer lain ls four his mu total and his balling nv mum 247 Beiinsky nicknamed Seabis cuii by Manager Hxil Rigncy be cause his prancing running style and the lac he has diflcrcnl wny of doing every thing lhcn avoided phoim finish by gelling Jack flood in ground out at lhc final on wiih Iwo on Orlando Penn Tum Chuncy and Ray Herbert also Iurncd In top pHchlng performances Penns ourhll pllchlng and 15hit Kansas City nltack sub ducd Clcvnlnnd IN and kept the As In llrsl place So with an record Belin sky strode out In the mound agninsl lhc Yankees and pitchtd probably his ï¬nest game since his nohfller against Halllmore Inst May 361 days ago TROUBLE ONCE lln allowed the Yankees ï¬rst llil when Rngur Mnris slnglcd wilh one out in lhc ï¬lth and run into serious kroubln once In the nlnlh when the Yankees scared Ihuir llllrd run nn walk and singles by Harry Bright and Tony Kubck BARRY NIPPERW KEAST correspondent dont see why my shbuldnt Practch makes perfect they prac llce enough they probably wauld make good billiard players No Zonl see why women shouldï¬t play he game Chum struck out 12 and al It was OToolnn HUI lrlumph In six decisions The leflhandcr is Um first major leagucr to go live vlclorlcs lhIs season Penn purchased tram iar onto oi the Inlematlonni League wun his fourth without loss as the balloon remained in flated The Indinns runs came on homers by John Romano in the eighth and Joe Adcock in tho ninth Wayne Cnusny lead ing the league with river on led the Kansas City ai ack with three hits one homo oii loser Gory Belli Thomas look care of Yankee slum Ralph Terry now In In the ï¬rst Inning when he lagged his grand slam follnwlng single by Billy Marnn Leo Thnmns and Man Vngncr Enlinsky look It from here before cruwd of 36937 FOUR IN ROW Cheney wlm also yin nu Inst lurncd 1n Ml nurlh complem lowed oniy seven hit as Wash ington downed Delrni while Herbert stnrlnd Chicago to doubleheader sweep over Enl tlmm wllh 70 ourhit job The Whlm Sax look the nighb cap 64 Boston walloped Mln nesola 1+5 to round out lhe schedule DARLYN HARKER Yes Itl spansomemng to do wouldnt trequenl some of the pool room be cause ho poor almos phcre But lhlnk its gnod for women because max Ing Women can he as good If not boiler than men Como Ann and Dunlap 5mm Bunk CLEANED INSIDE AND OUTSIDE TO YOUR SATISFACTION CAR TO YOU IN LESS THAN CAR WASH MINUTES game vicinry The Tigers 10 the first earned run oii Chcnw this season on Gus Trinndus run producing dunbie in lha sixth Cheneys halterymale Dun Lepperi provided lhukey hits ior line Senators with homer in the second and dou hie that snapped 11 lie in the seventh TRY GERRY DECAEYE auto motive pants hex puc llce month they should be on good as anyone else Billiards is game or anyone and lhcras no reason why women 0911 be good at IL DUNLOP BATSTONES TIRE SERVICE 10 BAYFIELD ST PA 66549 SEE US TODAY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA Mill TIRES BEST BUY THE BUY played here an my H1a the aggressive left wlng said just dont want to play anywhere else Moore ï¬lthhighest scorer of NW Nallnnal Hockey League player has declded to quit nucxey rnlher than take chum Ihat hell be traded Moore alter lenrnlng that Montreal Canadians were pro pared den hlm awan nn naunccd Wednesday he la hang 11 up his Ikate the age Mom Cdlls It Quits Rather ThanBelTraded Frank Selke managinl dim pm Dickig DOW uuquu uumuw LHMILDJORUIHJ Ho mm loo good plowJo reilre rom hockey Selke sold Moore twice Na tional Hockey League scoring champion and holder the NHL record or total points In one season finished the last sea son with soul and 213 asslm despite poor Injuryplauucd aim HAS BIG MOUTH The Sarzussum lsh has such large mouth lha can nwnl law another ï¬sh of equal slze lo Canadians said hn hope 19950 will rggonslder The one lager beef that tastes the way want it toalways KINGSBEER LAesE BER were In the wind but Moore had been Informed Um some players cauld bu lrndud and ha could bu une thorn mtij glECQNSIDER icénnsfï¬br IFCnnaaleï¬ decide to live hlm chime to play here again The hes your 01 Moores ca rccl was the 195359 enson when he and centre Jenn Beli veau who have never sincu nlnycd regulany together went on remarkable Into xeason scorilig splurge nnra lel the gate 3pm or possible Mun ho said he 10 TIME TIIUflaDAY MAY I0 Dims moon