Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 May 1963, p. 6

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vThuo notlm ap dnlly In Thu inflmrn dmlllod ldvm ulng mllnn 11w wpfltnllon cIudu the dressing moms he wlrlng henlinu or plumbing ar the InLcrlar me flmcture The mmmlllu has had prmn but from firm nnd lndivldunls of nulslam lar Hm Menu when Idluunenulo the hylnw have been made And lhe plans linsllzcd Jen nnolhnr appllcallun will he made to lhe llunlcipnl Bnnrd lnrn liming Ind anan committee was appolnled Io pmscnl la the council the revlscd bylaw wllh prmlalons mndo lo delm the am not In he Included and il Incale and the byltrw given two readlng ll will he rmly for he ponrdounpproml To raise the needed mum on the Revised am wlll require mill rate of mill Ihe first yznr which will Include the ln crest an the debentun Nn NEW CANVASS The commlllne has been numd lhnlglhere wlll nvl need In be canvass lor rulgninz the pcllllan as lh Illnalurcs naw rmcaenllng ovu 60 per ml willrslll be valid take about 860000 of assessment oi the 015i but would rilll have an area with an men men of 51401755 Aiier sum mer properties areremnved balance oi $125000 will be the iotal To construct the irarna proposed or rink 80 feet wide end 172 lee long with bulltup buses with capacity to withstand snow weight of 50 pounds per square foot iilu slrenglh required under the building code as pmposed by he mniraclar whu has made the eslimnlcs will cost 325000 This is providing the mmmit Re have the site prepared with excavaiionl inundation made cement poured and any sinel niniarciug needed in ihr ioun dnbions provided which they have been assured Following the discussions with the deparirrkent iha board agreed Ihat the bylaw which oulilnes the area lhmxld be ad lusted so that the portions whidr include the residents who objected to the vrvposal dmld not be taken tn This would eliminnln Lot 14 In the 6th 7th and 8th Concessions and Lot 25 in the Bbh Concession aLso group summer residents on plan in the loth Concussion it ix estimated lhat this will The mason or he rejecuui were that the are on which the levy ll be made should be defined in Ihu bylaw Kn and way that could be luld out on the mud by surveyor onca the are defined noth lng such as property of sum mcr residents can be ed lrom ha additional cosu not included In the contractor estaCe had not bean laken lnlo consideration hnd dismissed with ihe Depart mem of Municipal Aifnirs the proposed rink rejected at hemin inst winter my mum EXAMINER wanmnn my strand Communlty Centre 30 ml me In Strand Hall on mugsdny evenluzw banime mm the members Mm hnd nJlomnlq d9 esv They lNNISIIL NOTES TO PLACI YOUR COMING IVEN NOTICI Comln lvonll no hucnnomlulwly adv dug nbouv you IVOMI Iponlond Indlvldulln oralnlmlonl or am lerWlnl New Start Taken 0n Rink Proposal 1155 mm EXAMINER PHONE PA 824l4 THE BARRIE EXAMINER WMM COMING EVENTS AD T0 INFORM PEOPLE OF YOUR GROUPS Mullng Sodl Evonl Fnhlon Show Enlomlnmonn Dlncol lmtrucllon Clmn Spam Evcnh Elks And Other Occnlom sdnngmimemd by the IIIE would xlvc tlcclromnz ncuc rndlnllon lhu Norlh Polo there In Iunllxhl Ihe year round Ibavn an altitude 240 miles Ol1l cials anld good portion of Inlcrconllnmlal ballistic ml alle llrm lrom Russln Al Notlh Amuriu wnuld be Hlumlnnlad by sunlighl in mldrcoum over he p9 regjpm The lnvcsllgnllon being con ducted by cam 01 Denca Research Board Iclanllsu and 24 RCAF parsonnel flying lwo CFIDO jet plancl out or Thule Greenland OTTAWA CHThe use of reflected lunliuhl as menu to detect the approach Inlan conllnental blllhllc missile launched ram Russln being Investigated by he defence smmanl omclals laid her ay 2y Indicated then has been some measure of success wllh the experlmenls whlch were have been dropped ll nu Illlfi ms was achlgved in the list phase The expcdmcnla culled Operallan Blind Twinkler now urginthclrlhlrd $539 COMMITIEE MEMBERS The members of tile Commun ity Centre Board In an ioil own Gordon Rlx dudrman Lennax Block secretary Hon old Robertson Stewart Fisher Mel Cook with Mrs Mei Cook representing the Womens insti tute and Reeve Joe Cochran and Deputy Reeve Camp bell representing thaTownshlp Councii 1119 Rink nod Barre uiionni Committee Whose mem bers are appointed by the Com munlty Centre Board are ihr old Robertson Stewart Fisher Raymond Neely Jerry Sutton Hugh Jackson Ben Lee Bert Muiholiond Cliff Curseadden Harold Robertson is spokesman or the rink own PAINSWICK CENTRE The district around Palnswick is ready to present to the Town ship council proposailigned by majority of ratepayers in stated area asking that they be granted permission to cstoir lish Community Centre In that district This will be pre rented at the next council meeting 11 property intended to be used is portion set asidu or public use in the We nica subdivision Blind Twinkler Spies Missiles Qt gelling nehéw urn ure flare ll Io cnlnd In lhe prcmlm lormcrly operaled by this Home Appliance We are striving lo met to the middle class income with line furniture ni reasonable pri ces said Mr Kelly To his new stock and com rlelely renovated shop hlr Kel he added another service and lhis one will please any and every homumskcrl Fashioned Purnihlr provides temple homo decorsilng scrvic and Mr Kelly is willing lo give us slslsnce irce charge when the homemeknr dccldcs it decorate any room in the home WW1 will also lake customm Toronlo il they cant lind what they are looking lor in the flock we have on bond They can go through showrooms here Illd decide what lhcy want In Mylo color etc This is also one our many new services lei he menugcrowner The new store also carries complete line In the following furnishings Scandinavian lrn dMonal period modern Ind col onial Furniture display are al actively arranged In modern room selling complete with menlary necessaries Mr Kelly says Ihal theclasslc lines of Italian valnclal can be the answer or the woman whu looking Inward traditional heritage In her new furnishlnz and wthalso like conlcmpor My themes If your aslc Is for lradillannl furniture and yet youre not qulte ready to gn all out luke look at In fresh Canadian lur nlturelnsplred by ltallan Pro vincial deslgns Is the advlce 01m Kelly mnnngemwncr of Dames newnsl lurnllure store Eashlnnod Furnllure Canadians have wldn range umiture dgslgns to choose from today More arid more the artisans of thiscountry are pro ducing dlstlncltve creations for Roth Ihe custom and mass mur els Barries New Furniture Storé Canies Wide Range Design PA N7 Deceived deserted lriendiess my heart turned to bitterness wanted to die But the Salvation Army found me In their Home or Unmarried Mothers was well cared or And understanding hearts restored the will to live Its heartwarming thing to know that there is place to turn to in time trouble th door cl Thu hluuon Amm hmm hmylulu harm Ind homll Ind lo Mlle Ind Imp 1m mumwomm Ind Mldvln Mm hm on Ile dun Hyll work and your lunpovl Wonl ynu hllp lo km we doom 7th In Illflnl olhm you wlll him to you own hurl glvc from the heart he JUST ONE VIEWOFTHE BEAUTIFUL FURNITURE ON DISPLAY IN BARRIE BED SHIELD APPEAL SALVATION um CITADEL In um no said the zlnc and land In dustries Ara profoundly d1 turbod by the us govern mentl dulynation same month ago large tonnage oi stockpllcd lead and flnc surplus and It announced lnlon llon ol askan congress or leg lslnllon to dlupou of tha sur plum US Kolcrnmon nfllclal old the same meeting Um min lng mm In the UHHELI Slnles no beinl allomeo wither while other cchnologlos blus mm 111 00112105 and unlvcrtl Hon John Kelly Asslslnnl mm lnry the lnlcrlnr or mlncrnl resources sald the mining In CHICAGO Am1110 build ing of new smelting capacity has contributed In lilo imbal ances which cxisl in tho lead and zinc Indusirics Jui ircy told the American Zinc In stiluto and the Lead Industries Associnlion at joint meeting hare hresday Jeffrey president of National Zinc Company ll remInn pray ldgpt ofulhq zlnp lnslilule We hava guns out of applian ces and are now handling complete line at furnishings Thu reason for this change is be cause we feel personally that lhe city hn gmwn sn much in Ihe past 27 years and we wish to row with it We think that Barrie residents deserve mod ern uptndnta furniture store and this is what we aim to provide them with said Mr Kellyi Shop Banlb still owned and operated by the same man nger and so not chnnzlnz It pulley The store was establish ed 27 year an by Fred Kelly waJlAknown Banla bus lnes man whn turned lhe hus incs over to his son Cl ap aler yeaf Ago Zinc Lead Firms Are Disturbed 1m ocullcd nlnmnre fields of electronic and space lech nolngy um nllradlnu mm of he mundinn sludcnl thII he mlncrnl dlxdpllu con cerned with 1hr most basic of all the worlds sourcesfind thny nro wnmlowcra al lhe In only 12 yenrl we havn mn Due number of engineer grammesIn all fieldswnl gincerlngdmp man than an mlrd he said duslry am shortage of trained personnel sIluatian he described as perilous lo the nullon Keifiv mm mlninz cducallon not alone in this downtrend When we lived In St Johns where he was lish buyer we had small farm about 11 acre wherewe grew vege lubles and nlsed Inme puuluy He says he always wanted to 52er dawn to farming and rd ucallon In England gave him considerabla respect bar It Over there he says 11 mnller pride but new In Canada wcro up to apologize or being Inmen Member the Order the Brltlsh Empire yearold Mn Earle ls Iho only New Inundlandfnrmur who can put MBE afler his name That he ever became farmer In surprisan In Ilse Ho was burn the son 01 shaman on the May Island Fagu on Newfoundland north east coast PASADENA midi 1cm Sinca this ilinnd province hasnt any great tracts oi icrliio inm iand its something oi lur prise to icarn that Leonard Earle was once honored In George birthdny list or his contribution to agricuilure Burl Ruldomlll Bllll Mly Maritime Farmer Aids Agriculture In 1933 declded mm west and 50 mm lullUm farm lni bought 2300 acres al tax sale far 31 an acre and Ive never regretted XL He settled in at nenr Car ner Brook He ha llrst an 10 yam earller 1nd named it Pasadenaa Valley of tho Moun talns 0f the orlalnal acreage he has sold all hut law Mr dred And where no one lived In 1933 here new are 80 famlllen an llnd bouam mm Mm BEEF ROASTS BEEF BOLOGNA M49 All MEAT SUPERMOHT BRAND SLICED Vlrluln AGP Handle Only Mum Puntam an Mauly lnspomd Packing Ilouul Flu Qullny SHOULDER ROAST ANN PAGE BEANS 4mw69c AP TOMATO JUICE vvvvvv W99 AP Eéiiiribfi Vlgarmu Wluy Curion 0mm fibkxnsavgr 363 ms NIAYV ROUND IONI ILADI IIONI RIMOV BlADE ROASI ORANGES APPLES LETIUCE GOLDEN YEllOW NO GRADE Blueberry Pie 1112 49 BANANAS 5219 Mrkouch Fm fruits and Vegetables Arriving Daily CANADAS FINESY QUALITY RED BRAND STIER BEEF JANI IAHK ll en um um IAVI M4 in néuviph 6A5 OF TING IAVI CA3 07 TINI IAVI III DI VI YINI IAVI II Fr In HA fiDRINK 3°h1oo HOLLY slSpchll thflol Hlll Womens nulllute held Arid meeting In Crawfortj School Mn Slave Furyk wa llded Them Wm 10 member and hue vlsllor present Con venera repom were preseMed lhlr win the nnnun meaunl Rug Summary Day was day crlbed by Mr Dyar Mn Furyk Md the cancer mm drown lha previous eve nlna mosl educational aha uldr NEW OFFICERS Mrlr Stark Palmwlck was there to lmlall the Im slate of nfllceu These Ire past president Mr Furyk president Mu EhLackle flm vlcemealdm Mrs Johnna second vicepresident Mrs Dykstm Iecrelaryr Mrs Moore lrulurar Mrs Laughed distrch director Mn LuckleL and Ilternala din ecggr MM Furyk Colivénerl are nfrlcullum my rles Mn WUIII citizenship Mu Johnson Education Mn Fisher hullhi Mn Dylana home economic Mn Holly WI Elects Officers Mrs Lackie President Wlnuu Pmy end All Plum SHORT 0R ROSS RIB ROASI Iumn vImln rmy Ir11 ml Mo IS BABYS MONTH AT FAVEROS INQUIRE ABOUT OUR PORTRAIT SPECIAL Month To YulI Only callnmll 671w film Nudl and Pholographyr by Marc DUNLDP 51 PA lMM WILL TIIMMID MAY ALLDOOD won ILICIU HINDLI Side Bacon 59 All Prhn In 1M Al annual nah mm uh m1 $331533 slbégfiobuo 21 ends hubbn49 mm Nudl and munw Wuhann VII Prloo NM IHAVI nag Prlu lln floIAV minute of aflem wn ub Ierved In memory Mn Lowhud charter member who died recently Pllnl In pro run or flu Holly Wllr mkqnn gantry din Roblfiaon hinlorlul march Mu Srlglay cumm evenll Mrn Wd Morrow molutlons Mu Campbell vubllc ul allonu Mrs Grahnm Iudllon Mn Benlley MnwCallum and max Mrs Jgulghlon and director Mn Pryde Mrs Han ml Mrs Morrow and Schindlan The 4H Homemaklna pluH Ilrla Achlevemcnl Day 56 Beelon Mny Then In two mum mm this community For Ihou who wluh no 111 Iy cents er pemn II to ho given to secretary or thn tea at Guelph Jun 20 to hear lhu wanker Mr Beekoll pm ldenl Anaclnled Counlry Wo mgn ye World ner lolge held In June w59cr1 You Cu own New 2mm ma ROASI 317com 51ml Ill Bridle Blml RAMBLER For Only 2295 VJAU MOTORS

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