If Critical Housing Shortage as IsMajor ProblemIn Honngong In mu 1mm nml HM Imn lirllm out TIIUIIHAV MA Klddn In nomlno Hun Mom Mum llM hnl Inf Illa our lau andu liven nnNnnAY my rumMN luduill xmgo 7mm lam JD mu my Ten lmun flood Momlnl slndlu rm Nm gum Mom Johnny Mm mama mm Len hunt nm mum mm mm Human MAY no sculul mu Papa rmy llum mull llutlhbury Hound lnclll AllIII By the time he hall opencd many In he crowd had Inlnled or collayscd Iiyurold girl wax lumpled almost to death The ueue 10 do mud quir let long awallm lulu It was lhrlll lo with your mothur lo department store and ride on In em atar There was Imall need or lamu baby sitter man lamlllel had an elder mem ber urandml grandpa or bothwho could slay home 1nd mu cm lhe Imall ry Most of the people had gnlh cred the previous day and slept on ha pavamem Some hld wen we night than to my their plagea In In queue the Iun cllmhcd the crowd Ihlvered They stretched their Irma loaned each olhzr nw rullve and unruly cw ghll broka out lhe crowd Iwelled Ind auxzed lowrd the mem HONG KONG AMA crowd of 10000 hld mlleclcd nulsldl the memny hall AL Shu Wu suburb of Hon Kong when the wintry lun rm The height of clly kids Imblllon was live In an aparlmtnt bulldin lhal had an elevltor In It UPS AND DOWNS Speeding Sunday bicycllsts were Ieadlng trnmc hlznrd and were gravzly denounced by newsplper edltorlnl writ crs us searchers Ind road Nobody tank bath except on Saturday nlght unless he was going lo 1h doctor In horoulh medical examin Allan NEW YORK AN0n of the but way to melsurl math wealth In this world is by the lreaxurc trove 111 memorlu Yon re prelly well In do nuslalllcally speaking It you qu remember when You an on curbslone It dusk walling or the lamp llghler In come by flop lug helgl sayflhcll THE LIGHT TOUCH mark ll uur nuln In ulmlul pm we when And rm Im II nmmu rm mm THIRI NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE nnAnrdnn Gun Wl Tun wmmndny Nunu Movll 51m My lhm 5am uvlmunln CIC TV NI wumu lanm Nu Mum soul Mun Remember Waiting For Lamp Lighter DRIVIIVOURIILI CAR AND YRUCKI IELEVISION pnoamms CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU VAllEY TAXI popcorn and CKVR CHANNEL By HAL BOYLE Mnnlllr mw mm PA 82433 Inc an Mum Hum Iman Mull nun un loo Kmao 33 Noanau Kayo Klddo nurn m4 Alln In lkl Mnul 11 nu mo lry MM Alum II Imllnl AI nu nonvar III1 vuy Mada 3338 33533383338= Ina no mo 90 ms 30 HmLuw 1M chum 00 Th Bilmil IM Pllydlll M00 Untouchlblu 00 CBC TV Nlll lll5 Wu Sum ll 3le Dupenlt Memml nun MAY mm Tut mum ml noon unmxu la sludlu mm 1053 Nut 00 anwr Room 1nd 1130 L00 Ct1 Wall no Slnl Mn Around Us vmnaly CXInI no Lorin Vnunl Show no Tm Thirty no surlou ml 430 Pmy no than mom had only had lplces 59000 lived in leanto on whom 60000 In stalk girl who cuuld bake and had learned to play Luvcs Old Sweet Song on the plum was regarded as ready for rugrim government survey In 1961 Ihawed nearly onethird the oolnnyl 3000000 population In rnvely lnndcqnala Immmu Somelhlnz Innoccncc was last mover when Mnry Pick lord ï¬nally cut or her long curh In the month Ihnt allowed Almost 10000 hmllle ml lered or he Iooonpmmentl available The lucky ant wm drawn by lot Th1 II in exnmpluvnl crlllcnl housing then1e In lhll Ermlsh colony an an China can ammunn BAD The mosr popular wander drugs were epsom talks mus lug plgsllcu guy caslor 01L ion people walllnl 10 re Imr hr Inaparlrhenl In law rent lovernment nuanced hpull project You uyed up your spend lnz money secrnlly to take course In ventrllu ulsm by mall For some re son you never qulte mastered um um In Iummrr yvu couldn travel so mlles by roll with nut clllnz cinder In your eye was the mark of an experiencad traveller to call porrtlery Gem you tried to give the posh man In at Chrlalmu ha ell mulled lha pcnk of male devlllsh nm was to stand with group oi ynunu eilows aut sIde the carner dmslnre and call out oh you kid ghenuver prelly girl passed VOICES AFAR movlt llcke were Ihe um prjcplq cents Onl The lown mker kept hlsronllxoqrlaclged night Rémcmbcfl TORONTO hvhuoen um My Arm In mm um lo mumn nunmm Lur an lIrr um TV mm Hum Ind All Flwlt ll Conlllll um 171qu XIDE up Qupuyï¬maawn rmmy Amhrnu mumn um Wulhu mu yr ma BARRIE Them mpllcaled About lllo plny ml doll Ind ycl dm my mall db clams would mm the IM 11 hind was pllyed orlu nuly In duplltalu um Ind of he lwnlva South who Imv¢d II we cluhs only two Iucmdcd ln maklnz lho conlr Opening landnine oi 3pades Then Are my hands In bridge and than are difllcull onca Fortunately In any hand Inr outnumbtr he dilll cull oncs Ind beeuse ol lhll players rnnklnl dc lldl nol In much on cum on of ad vanced ulnyn such us mum grand coup And endplayl as does on his everyday handllng or everyday rlrnlllnm DAILY CROSSWORD Mon at Ihe legends Ibaut Richardl lyrannlul behuvlm mu traced back In such dnr pmpagandlsu l3 Hallnshcd who wrltlng 50 year alter the event 11ny wave mmor and lmnxinulion into fabric of up pawn lmlh ifnul hunt or Mt mlllm mu or mt mum ha been mughhr mated by um Thu conventional picture ol in man In that oi hunchbncked monster skniking tinbum tin corridor of power his bud trimmn with iratriddni blood his visage dnrk with fled Ind ambition How did his name KM drafled lhmugh Iho mlm hatred and comempn It was probably the work of successive Ndor mnnmh detennlned to cement Iheir own shlky claim to the lhmne by bumlrdunz lilchard and the Yorklsl 11M wig mpmgudo crimes an nah cl 015 ll AD VQ Early munn Who could love Ind raved £th Hun act uvldenco mam um Rlehard was not hunchbnnk at BIL He merely had slight dmop In out would Ho cut handsome even dashlnz Igurc and before the dynastic slrugile culminating In hll death screaming or ham al Emwarlh Field In Has he had good rumd genu nus leader and an enllgmened leglslakor MQNARCIIS GUILTY Thu bxddxnx Eu Bouu pm vor 16 an out Mann lumbar Vomml Shakespeare dewIbex the as In most Irch deed pl 20 massacre um ever ya this llnd was gum or Ind pins the rap square on Rich Ird In Most hlmr mu IBIOO wit him ACROSS 11lmu 1Dmu mama matll um up 11 BHHIIO nun 151mm ILEINXI Jam minuch 119 Am LONDON CF WM mur dered the princu ln Thu war my Mnm ï¬rm hm mum About £0000 hld no housing It all They slept on the tide wnlka More than 1000000 ulhm in Iqqnggur but 711w population hulncreaml by 400000 alnce Ihu lumy wu liken and tho honalnz mom that much wane Indln ucmm Ihopl 1mm clvu emF dog and our man EaslWnsl Acnis the year vnrlous peo Tower Riddles Who Dbne It war BouLh Wut Nnrlh Dbl NT 64 QQHOIM Ia vxu 0A mum AM um umnonz mum um nun an um CONTRACT 3m vulnerable nbhn 20 mum 1cwv6ui 21 um Mplldl Employ Docflu Axlerm Dndun zenu By JAY BECKER knu mun 31th mum Amulflll humum awn m7 mm 25 Hard mm 21 Knock In out Dul lo lhlnk at this ylay in no my since ll somewhat unusual In discard an ace nn III Ice II II lnrncly manor of lnlnlnx onel sell la lay All he benlnnlnz he plny pcrlod Win llfl defeat m1 Since lhe obvlou Inawnr that he made lend my be alnnlclon he delenu lullml IIIl mul blllly allow mailer mum 145mm Cemlnly lha logic of lhe Ill unllon demands that declnrcr should Mn lhc opening load In dummy In order In no rld the are or spudcs which is mllluone Hound his neck ow plnycd rlub luktn wllh the not their lraublu were over Ens re turned spade of name but hey could now rull high drlw the remaining lrurnp and mm wanted the ace of dlamonda lhu maklng he cnnlmcl Th mull was avoided al the we tnblc when South recon nlzed he dlngcr span rull These declare won the arming lead hi dummy with he kn spade Ind asked the are hum discarding tho ace oUpades on Ill The npnninz lead was invar iably Ihe nlne nl spam At most table won in spade with the ace and returned inlmp Em took it with the Ice and led back undo which chi mired Soth inter had lo 10 diamond trick and no dag11 on The conlroversy wlll cunllnue as long as men aludy history and Shakespeare pcrlurmed But perhaps tome day lhc label of crooked chk will come unsluck and line good Duke Rlchard atlll remembered ln ankshlrg wlLI rccclvu proper nun secretary of the society In cnnvinccd the princes were not murdered at Illhut smuggled out In Bur Kundy Other members are sure the prince were smothered but blame Henry VII Buckingham orlhe Duk Normlk mm In mcmoflnl lo Mm 111 Mid dleham Church In his nlllve Yorkshirc All the members be lieve ha ldnx lo have been kindly and humane man They took hem rmnlly whm In anatomist Dr ll Lynellrkls said unmlnn llon two skeleton round In The Tower In 1671 could not prove sclentlllcnlly the ages the ml or the year at dealh lhl contradicts an expcns ualunult ln 1934 that the skel eton were those of IM young boyslgmcg In ms Mls Tey pmvu fairly com clusivcly that Richard least entitled to varde of not proven In tho can at the prince In The Tower and sha polntl firmly to Henry VII the victor at Bmworlh as tho rul mgrderer hmomn lylv ple Inch 51 Home Walpolo and lemu Carlyle hava lried In clur Richards mme The lulu and most convincing at tempt was made by mystery writer Jouphlne Toy In her b03113 lhu Duuzhtcr Time Tho Rlchud Society mum mm mm hm avery month In determined to We and 2dr VWl uIIer lo find job or wlh pull decent plaza to live In Hm Kong lay Wu LlShenz relum from the nelahborinl South China Inca Kwnnxlunh Vu transport coofie rznu Iliad spgaln wogden sh wouldthava Man will lonz In had plug my nwnhl uld 1mm ï¬lm 51mphcl mm mpnu thnlo ph amid flynuly mm WHY Do HAVE TO 6010ka DNA BEAUTIFUL SPRING DAY LIKE THIS svmwim MY LIKE $9le gJflN air QM v3 NEW away Av on 401m mommy mzmmcmm WHY cer LIKETNAT LITYLE BIRD cumnan THEJREE $4 LITYLE BIRD 95x 25 193 Quin Eu 32d and 5c Pnzszon THE DAM EXAMINER WEDNESDAY MAY ll 1254520 ZU zovflzo no EX 124520 mZU 203120 no EX 40 Km MW AM of XIIM OOKIN mar WWI 0N1 LIX III52 KINDA 06 90W PAR 90 ï¬llM TO All I355