Although its certainly too isle new Alston could very easily have extinguished the hot flames which threatened to ltktt his glob tnstesd oi standing pet with the team they tints ed with he should hsve wip ed out the troublemakers This nsturstly sppiies to Leo Durocher as much ss snyone While the Lir was desd eertsin he could hsvl mnnnxed the Dm gen to the pennsnt in 1062 he was far at bnse it wasnt Alston who stopped the hit ting Nor it he atop pitching And he didnt open up the holes in the doience Duroeher could very easily have been in the same ponttion He may get the chance yet anurnliy when there is dissension in hnll club there has to be sit guy Alston was elected tor this category When the tlmlxiers continue to lose alter Alrten is gone someone ese will be chosen Thnts lite Thnls hanehnll ltut sooner or later someone will come up with the real reason tor the Dodgers downisii this our and lsst tt wns not Welt Alston it was nn ent rely 100 pgr cent team ottort lh ooner ronltsed the better nul lulu Ihlrmrnl vm II Iurd mu mell Ned Vilni HIM Inc mwul linl mommy which had Doo 11m 10m uld 7mm Ihnl Ml margin of victory our Down Dov milky III oven elm than trillnlny In Miami MONTREAL Ni1M NI Mom nuluy hum mm Ilrmtd nmduy lhul Tomnlo ddmomln Ken lehl won CIMII Tmphy lundln mil lq upon WT uuu Thclwcak defence whlch was much In evldence last season only three yolnts better than the New York hlcts conttnued to all They allowed 17 error tn games The pllchtng also tnlled to wln ball games Agnln Alston was to blame ll wal aald TOOULVATE NOW Lelgue Confirms Douglas Victory with the corn ng of the 1963 reason Alston knew romething had to be done or it was Outsviiie or him The Dodgers were an early pick to win the ennant They failed to come through Their hill ng was atrocious They didnt ciout their ï¬rst home run unlii the win game when Frank Howard turned tho trick During the first two weeks aside from Howard 477 and Tommy Davis 800 ha LA batting Iver agcugroppcdjo nmeagre1ii The explosl me about during Au ust when Tommy Davis and lion Fairly made runn ng errors against Pittsburgh Upon their return to the dugout Durocher rushed over from his thirdbase coaching Eosition and blasted both boys publicly Alston who ciieves baseball criticism for his players is best sav ed torthe locker rooms balkedi we MM numuu unIAvur You take care of your coaching Durocher and Ill take care of the mana ing shouted the now red iaccd manager itemem or we had to whistle at you three times to take some signs at third base This blast also came in full view of the ubllc Following this came an unhappy situat on with tho layers srlitiing into cliques The veterans es ecial the pi chers felt Alston was weak and side with Durochcr The young players unfamiliar with tho excitable Durocher their mgmgcr Cninn Arum nu LEO SECOND GUESSES All season long Durocher and number of the veteran layers made habit of secondguessing their boss ston was trying his has to do his job as the manager Leo worked ually hard as coach trying to be manager Walt epi quiet for as long as he could blew up Ever since the middle of last year whenSandy Koufax injured his nowfamous index finger Alston has been blamed for all of the Dodgers problems And they have big problems First theylost Koutax Then their big guns stopped hitting They blew fourgame lead with eight games to and were forc ed into playoff with the San rm sco Giants They blew the playoff and with it hopes of winning the World Series it was hoped by the Dodger brass that all the prob lems could be straightened out by the time the 1863 season rolled around Things merely got worse and the Los Angeles crew is still losing ball games They are presently in fifth place four games off the ace There are many reasons for Dodgers down all in 11962and all combined to bring about the dissension whi hangs ver the heads of the LA bosses runlvl QUITE POSSIBLY by the time thls column hlts the streets chap by name of Walter Alston wlll have been fired as manager of the Los Angeles Dodgers of the Natlonal Baseball League So much has been sald and wrltten about the d15 senslon in the Dodger club house that its almost cen taln this sltuatlon will come to head before long Needless to say Alston the qulet farmer from Dan town Ohlo is the man In the mlddle More preclsé Welt ls the all guy Everslncerthe mlddle of last year whenSandv It was predicted by some veteran observers at the start of 1962 when Durocher had been taken on as coach that there would be much cunfllct between the two They were opposites Alston was the qulet fatherly type Durocher was the excitable loud man Iger WV We would have won the pennant last year if had been the manager Leo was heard to say He later denied this statement after threatening blast by General Manager Buzzie Bavasi It wouldnt he too surprising that Durochers dislike for Alston caused himto make such remark was pointed out nbov main cause for the failure While nothing ls certain should Alston get the axe he wlll most likely be replaced by coach Leo Durocher This could or could not prove to he fatal move After all Durocher was as much to cause for the troubl ï¬lth Alston as anyone mu sponws CHATTER WILL THE DODGERS DIFSIBOYVALSTON Allure an mm Iimm EXAMINER WEDNESDAY MAY By JERRY GLADMAN ll lull Dnullu Ind Ill lull ml mm Ill 11 Ihm rm gvmuoflhmu like 1m mu iuid 111m Intnll won mud on lb mum mm nllujln flnl hull tho mm mm mum In the mom lull RECEIVED Ill flu wlnnlnl Ivy palm nr Barkley nu mun lalnll or Dou III In Inr Hunky xplnlnzd um Im llnm ml Inln ulculnllnnl lmnnu not All NHL ellln hm um um number mm Vounl In dam luy hocluy Irran ml broukntm Hui Talnnlo lur ample hn rnlm vw You In vv J1th NIH cenlm hm hm hm Tomlo Ind New Ymk mm mum planted mm hou rll In Inc mululml ol Hum Thu 2mm rlllu hm an In Mumu mm Ill Mu mull ll nn In In Illnn Hun kl Iho NNI mlmluiun lhal ufllrlnl nlnlnmvnl an Inn hullnllnl lawrm linvkloyl In luln nhnwlnl hlm lllh MIMI In he llm hull Ind In lh IrcnmL 11ml Ilrpup did ml log lh mllnp ham MidiH lnuUur lhl mull ullnl loo polnll lnr Daullu In lpr lk1 In In mum hull Dnuzl Mr 60 polnll whlrh Mum an omrlll 37 when taken to ht mum who ll In hit 1an vhlch hccnmn numbernonnl met llflrl Io nvnld comp ll pub unlnnlllnm lhll Ml Dou lln with In olllclll lulnl of Ill lay wllh IL Enclly our mnulu Illcr nut and lo nu lhl Burl lMMl In than two min ulu Inter dulenumnn hn Cu Ihflllll dva Illlu SSIMI Ahnl ll Ion Ed Chnllwltk nu ruck Ilnnck Chldwlck an no rfl Ihnuldor Ind flippld hula lho up Alter hm Imnlm pulodx Momon ouan the non with lel backhand Inuit shot whlth eluded ollll Dnnnll Jagdy at 1115 why victory ch ha henlrnhuvcn urch ll Th decldlnl mm will In ylnycd orglghl In Bunnie HERSHEY PA AP Clo Momnn Ind Lu DuII Icmd In Inurrmlnuln wall In the Mn pcrlod lo Icad Hch Ilem In 21 vitlnry over BuI Ila BIInnI hmday nlzhl In In IIth game the AmerIun Ilockt Lenguo Calder Cup chumplon Ith win In Ian their weight around duflnn the In xenon and the plnyoflx have won mm convert and Jon lineups nppeurnd nmsday or ticket lg Lhc in Imjumcl Oll Klngx tangle wllh Maura Full Flynn In Illa hostellav Cnmdlnn llnnl wllh the llrsl lame scheduled Thursday nlght 11 second wlll be played Smunluy Runalnlnz Wlll be played Monday May Tuesday May and ll neces sary Thursday May Satun dny llny ll and Mondny May WI co ERTS The larger club may take more Ume geulnl started Thls the biggest club aver nll that Ive lakm to the llnnls It has more welth because Ive found that our llth dubs in past yam have run out of 00mg the aepspn wear on Morison Dqu Pace Hershey By BOB TRIMBEE EDMONTON CF Eusler Brayshaw say his Edmonlon Oil King are the best hes taken In lhe Memorinl 01p ju nior hnckcy championship and the way an gobbling up ticket it appear he has 10 of believe consecutive In bring Edmonton ILI ï¬rst Caan Ju nior 6015 hes been nmmzhimi Kit131 701 three years to convert them to line Pncknd hmuu idrnonlan Gard Barber retiring pms idem of the Alllslon Mlnor Hockey Association la presented with watch by Buster BrayShaw PIOYd Of Edmonton Oil Kings REWARD BETIBING PRESIDENT ANNE WELLINGTON ST be more Ihan 300 Nlngara Falls 0nL fans who arrlvo lhls week by chartered 111th and special can an Cann djan National Railway trains The Fly ware scheduled la Gardens can squeeze In more than wooam predldcd or the flit logrjaryeg Danny Brown on hehnlt or all Oh member of the associa tion Mr Barber served president for two years 1116 TWO DAYSONAY MAYérEEflh BEAUIIFUL PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM MOTHERS DAY SPECIAL FACTORY QlEARANCE SALE FOR HOME COTTAGE OR CAMPING 36 39 PIECE SETS REGULARLY PRICED FROM 249 To 199 ML PRICI II JIM WM gimme 3mm to Camwnm ELF MAC DINNERWW SHOPPING PLAZA $I068 to $1458 parse maimflaclmgd £1 Madame1 JM flanuh Vchave been 1517516 um club for three yuan think wa arrive late Tuesday by plane Wcsi has won the title only seven limes since 1910 Brayshnw who seldom goes out on ihu limb to any haw series will go wen bnyund his normal 59 mos IAensue hockey banquet at he Alllslon Mem orlnl Arena an Saturday Phuln by Sylvll ï¬wln Through The qunesy Of The NEXT TO THE ROYAL BANK ln lhi Vï¬gsrlhoy clubs have me out on lap by clutchan and grabbing playing tho man Ind shooting the puck ht can play the same slyla ol husky any MSDIn loam The US team won Um gold Incan with 56809 points com pared with Clnadnl 55541 picked up by Weller va Bnly clnlr Sl Agatha den Monti Qua Roger Dion Quebec Clly Nlnn Marlon Windson om and Richard Munpcm Verdun Que 01b wu Ullrd with Mo Donald Tonry at the us was second wllh 520 points and Jay Werner of the 15 was my will man Weller ï¬yeahold German born gymnast who has com peted sumstully In 35 chum plonshlp in Canada Ind nbmd xlm me look the mens lndl vldunl gold madal In tho first ï¬nals Iha zymnasllc compel Hnn wllh point score 11567 mg WAS snconn Mcanwhlle Wllllam Galrdner of Thornhm 0n and two half mlleu mm British Columbia Dan Berlnln leand and SI Ohlemnnn Vancouver gave promise more medals to Canada In lodayl truck and 11151 Inals 5A0 PAULO Bra CFAP Canadian soldler Wlllie Wel ler Imlslon out wan lhu mans Indlvldnnl yymnasllc champlonship Ind shared In team sllver medal nlesdny night as Canadian picked up Iour mnru medals II the Fun Ametlcan Glmcs Thu Canadian menl loam won silvtr for second place behind the Unllud Stale whlle two Montrcnl bani picked up silver and thirdplace bronze when mulls the sevenday yachting ragMa were an nupnced Wellcra gold medal was the ï¬lth or Canada so tar Willie wane GoldMedal At Games 50 REDUCTIONl Salad Bowls Plalmrs Tumblers Cups Saucers Dlnnor Plalos Bread and Bulror Soup and Coroal Bowls anplol Cream and Sugars MAKE UP YOUR OWN SETS FOR YOUR COYTAGE CAMP OR PICNICKINO OPEN STOCK ITEMS AVAILABLE AT Gnirducr awnold Univer sity oi Cuiondo Iludent who huids tho Cnnadian decaihlon record 8307 palms wax close second behind Hector Thoma Mnrlinex Venezuela aim hesdnya iivo wenu Ha hnd scared m1 oi 3m Balm in ha 100mm dash road jump shoiput high Jump and woman to stay within less than 100 polnll oi Marli nel who had 8982 nusscil Hodge oi the Unilcd Sinlcs was third with 3734 More medal may he added luday as Ggirdner husky all mund athlete complelcs the second hall of the mulling ID event dpcnthlon and 13011015 and Ohlemnpn men In lhu ï¬nal the 300 metres BrnIJlu lhrcc Hold medal boosted Ila mm In seven acc nnd only lo lho Unlled Slulcs which has amassed whoppan lulu ol 68 gold so far Canada has Iva golds 15 all vqry and 20bmnzc meynchllnz allver was won by Arm III with vulérnn DrA Surnqu anchnnld at West mount Qum the helm nm us mashed mm WISH TO ANNOUNCE CHANGE OF LOCATION FROM DUNLOP STREET WEST to 53 DUNLOP STREET EAST BQBIER BA 00 AND To the Office Formerly Occupied by ROBERT SMITH BARRE FAAO OPTOMETRISTS BARRIE ONTARIO Nu Canadian women nmncrl wm ellmlnnled ln prellminar lo of the Ronmeer sprint Hu lher Campbell at Vancouver and Yvonnn Hrccden of lawn Vancouver weru Innd In their heals In which only the my twa qunlmcd Woman 23 worklnn on NI masters dnzm ul lhu Univer slly of Oregon wnsnl prmud In his heat and won It enslly In 1553 Lleut Emits Cunllflo the us look Ihe other heat in 1584 day Ihe llomulro hurdle discus polo vnull Juvelln and LWmelre rucu complelu lhI rugaegi evcnl ï¬iï¬alr 21 Washlnxlon Slnlo Unlvcrally lumd In lhn laslcn lime or he qualifying hcnu ha 800 mo mis llnlshann Guhducr turned In ha luslcll llmu 1n lhc 4W mnlm and Ill amnd fuslcsl In lllu 1101 cs 481 and 110 secunds respec lvcly and hi shuwlmz lhcse lwa evenlx halve uw hlm nunr hu lapsHzl llnlshcd 51th In tho brand lump third the shulpul nndllflh InlhI hlthump 00