By MIKE RATHET uAuoclnled Pun 5pm Writer Were Just no hllum our pllchlng hasnt been goudnnd nur defence has been spolly Those words rum Cinclnnnll manner Fred Hutchinson briefly and accurately tell why the pennanthopeful Red are In nlnlh place in the Nnuonnl Thu an In lhu nlnlmml lnr Hm In mu Ihul Ilwy MulrInl mmh of lhrlr luv mur lummmn pilrhn uhrn my wm nwr lhu plnh 5rlk In UK nlnr ml mlnu up nnly lwo hill lho mum lmrlrd he Trnulm lo Irlnly In MM mu flmlnlo nl vmnu hlmmlrM lllrlmwml Vlr llnlnm 1H Allnnln mluu unlknml Ilmlvrder NI Win In Yuhnmnlc Elm clawnrd sumor erl 51 ml lmllnn um Imllnm only mrrm lul homo lrnm WIN olum hug Jon 11 rcnlIh mlld mmmvl mm luhlml Irv HIM only In in lame mh wonl Inla ninth Illll lnlllnl 029 Body Mler mm by IIull ml lama ml url FlomL Whll mmlmm mm mm with trawl dont lmprm mm Al Toronlnl anlv Len Elullum lhv rlnh mlnhl mn Alder rrhlrlu um tllhrllmnli Smllh III In mm INF lnLom man 51m 13 ym nM mum um huh In the mud pml triumph Frlday mm In In nu rvmrly chlrlluhlt mood lrhlu lnr Mknn TrnulA In MIIM men Lulu In Mr lnlrmulmnl Leann Ell VunFrr Win with Turonln Mlplo Lenin In Ihe Inlunnllonnl Wunrrl hum lncrmrd hlx Mlllna nvunuc In 331 Ind um hlm Ill homcrl lnps In lhe lenxue We havent had run halted 1n 1mm our lhlrdhase posillon Gene Frees and Eddie Knsko nd none mm our xecondbasl Npol Don Blaslngame and Pele 1mm sald Hutchinson Vadn Plum hasnt bun hlulng ci er Wagner who has Ind Inur IIan runs In hl Ian mu drou In lha Anxels IinI Ihm run ml palr ol Immm nII llnlllmnre llurIcr flabln Roberts and had hand In Ihe wlrmInx run In Ihn mh Lu Thnmnx opened lIus InnInu wilh sithc and Imdcd or Ihlrd whcn Vngnor Hmkrd IIHEII Iur IIII IIIlh bll IInlllmaru mum IItIdEr nah snmlne mm In uIch Thom II IhIrd lhrrw the hall Inln lha fluent and 11mm lrollrd In with lhe winnrr Kansas City Alhlellcs had chance lo lake ll over but could munx only Hill in Ion lwlnlxm doubleheader Wash Inxlon The Mhlrllcx won lhe lint zume 1140 In lnnlngs but Tom Chewy shut lhem nul on lhree hill in the nlxhl cap Ihal wound up aboul mm Mlnnzsnln Twins bcnl Dtlrnll Tlun 75 In In nnly oxher llme Ichcduled RAPPED ROBIN THE CANADIAN PRES at ml the Angels had In no la Inning before heallnl Balllnmrc 43 In slam that knacde he Orioles oul of ï¬rst place In lhc American Leaguel The Idle Chlcmza White Sox backed lnlolhe lg 5330 Wagners scorecard hits including two hnmu and double and Ihree halted In Riverboat Returns TIaunt Toronto Theres any number rea son he Ln Angcle manager could be high on he moswing in uuuicldcr he rescued mm in minors but Friday nighls performance as good an Indi cMor as amp Bill ngney was once asked about the possibility that Leon Wagner wnuld he tnded The managgr reg Wï¬eré 112an Way gm miney joul Amelnied PrenVSpnrii Writer VSeven unearned Inns and he lhreehil pitching at Lew Eur delte ave Mllwaukee Bram hill at the lop of lhe standings St haul Clrdinals look sole possession at ï¬rst place when lthun douhla by Bill White and George Altmans runproducing single with two om In Una ninth carried hem to In victory over 103 Angela Donsera LOSE FOUR STRAIGHT The Ends have lost tour In rowMo by shutoutsand have scored unly Ohm mm during the skid Pinsan was Ihe only one to hit against Ihe Colts when he dn led sharply lo right Held In the lira Inning Bruce Wynnold former American Leaguer hit mm In the second then re dred 19 in new below nllnw in two base runners on walks in the nlnlh Housinn right handcr Hob Eruce undcriincd Hutchs wards Friday night pitching ha leaguen iirsi one hlller this season in the Coiia 20 victory Where Wags Goes So Goes Rigney Houston Ace Hurls OdeHitter CincinnatiSiuck In Cellar my you GREEN Anxels mlr ol Iluflcr hand Flve ml run Ml Mummy chm Red lhn uln an Ilum hlln on In nm hum by Billy Vllllnnu Wu Corlngion um lhmnm Mm In Hm num Innhvl ml Johnny Cumm wllh Inlo am In lhp NHL dlrl Ihc damn In llflllln Tn annion Iorlln hmmr In nu Inn in 1mm Ian MPII all Al Julh Ion Ind mm mm rucMn Ivy Hwy llmlrfll In tho Joh dun or llvatm Ilunlrlle tune up lunmn hullw In lid IIAIIIy In IIII Irr nml Innlnx hul llhmrll 1me an Hm ml lhu My dad Finhrr wu Hm om hmquva lwnoul war by Jim Immwl In Ike and Innlru npencd the door In llu mu and mm mm rum In Nam Imhr thaw In In MI mm nml mm MannM mil pnlr mun wilh flow lzlo Hunk Alum nluh Imvmr for Mllnuhrc nm Dmlxru hurl Ilnrmrd nhrntl an hnmo run by Johnny ammoMI mm In mm mm mu Funk llnwnnl plm nix er lmm lhrlr WI ul nunlune mm nlnrn 1w Mllio Inn lnla lhrco Maury WIIII ano 01er and whom mw omh lwn out Illlml nllem Hnn lerrnnmkl who look lho Inn noh Mllwnl homar It all liverun bum In In nlnlh um hen Hie Tlxm Gus Trlnmln Jnka Wood and may Collvilo had hnmm nr Dflrull 71m opener Mn nur hnurn and I5 minulcs and was mnrkrd hy elnhl error helm Klnm Cllyl George Muxlk sinulld In In run In the Illh Ed Brink mm and Ilm Klng humerrd lnr Ihe 5mm Ind Churk Em lllm ml Hobby Dc inm or Alhlrllu Chaney who mnl allnwed Ill earned nln In 21 Inninnv Ilmck out 11 en mule lo hll mm 01 he AlhkHu nl Wmhlulan Ho walknd only one nml didnl nllnw hil IMHI lhe leh Don Lock ï¬nd Hirer run homer In Ihe Hm League alter l2th San Fran cllco Glam 1nd St Louis Cur dinal had given up on him when Rlzney gave mm chance with the Angels in ML He Ipondcd wllh 23 human 180 nverage and 79 um ballrd Xn Lasl year he was lourlh In lhe vollng hr the musl valuablu plnyu nwlrd Her producing 107 RBI Ind homtu FANS ll Home run by Joe Hicks Dick Smith Sammy Taylor and Ron Herrscher paced the Ru lalo attack The Colts managed only six hits of Jim MaloMY who went the distance or the Reds but hey were enough Al Spanglerl single drove in one nm in the ï¬rst inning Ind Bob Lilli ushed the other across with In Inï¬eld single in the seventh rookie outï¬elder Itichie Allen who conule pair of two nm homer and double to the Arkansas cause Dennis Rlbant Detmit youngster who passed up hockey career with the Red Willy was lheloser 92 decision over San Francisco Glanu Pltuhurxh Pirates whipped Naw York Mets and Philadelphia Phlllles deflated nicest gun LEW BURDEITE LEON WAGNER mï¬uhnnmi In Mm Hm Ilmnum uhoxrmlwl bu Mu William Vmwn m1 Mm Noun lwnl rum wuk nl 1mm lulu wllh ML In Mu Fm Vonm Mr and Mll In inch nnrl Iamlly Inlply um MIML VH7 Hull Mr m1 Mrl Juk llqmblo Triuml IN Rum VIIIInrl ll linl llnlu vme Mln Muy UM nml Inn In Tmunla Mu In Mum Ind Jolnno Slmml Mln Mary All marlin upml lh wrdeml lm III Irr Mu Llnwood Sluumn Hr ï¬lurk STEELES CORNERS ll Mfll limit DALI chrlmllm Humhll nwnl uv till my In mm and mm mpg IIIVIL hlllu ulnllm MI Jun Culnn nrm npenl Suns7 wilh Mu lusll annrd Mn and Mn um Ellnmm Mr and Mn lllwu Ind Mn Mary lillxmul of Nari my wm rmnl vlnllnu with Mr Ind Mu Emul lemm WI urn Him In no IAy CHIrer tulips lrnm InjpfllL Mr Ind Mu my IIPI and rhlldnn Twain and Mn TIM Miami and rhlltlnn nl Anlm Mlllv on llllnrl Ill Mr and Mm lmwlx 2m mm In Euler urrk Mn inn owl And Shell In Tnmnlo durinl lhl week on bu lrlp lmm North Collu lllt Mr and Mn mm Indy o1 Crown Illll and Mn Smirlc of nude we can vllllarl with Mr And Mn Mu Dull Ralph Snlder llllh nlvtr Alhmn In ham wllh III plrenln Mr and Mn Arthur Snldcr hrs In um Gordon lirnckm nlm ofllnh mm Goorxouwmtnkl pnllanl In Sleumon Mermrill lloxpiul Mllsion Mr And Mrl Wells Ind hm Uy vhllcd lrlends 1n Sudbury durc In an pan week Mr Ind Mn And dluzhlm at Toronto vlsiled Mr Ind Mn um durlnl the wukend Mr nndr Mrain Armxtronl and Audrey vhlltd relallvel ll Ngvymarkgtt SundayA Mrs Albert Baker Ind llmlly of Schomberz went lhn past week hi home of Mr Ind Mr Hull Wheeler Tnmnlo spent lb was week wilh ulster Mu Sw1mjllay Mrs Culzln mm lnlive In 5L Calhlrlnu Mrs Wlllouxhhy Ind Mn Goddard Ind Imfly of Pambroke are In mm to visit Miss Anne villauzhby whn Is patient In Stavenm Memodll liqspilal ln ï¬lling Ind Mn Wlflim visited relative In Markham Ind Stow Hyljle ygginugny Bobble Hayes of Markham And ML and Mrs Wood Tomnlu were guests of Mr Ind Mn Kenm during the pan week new lam Mn Loam and lamfly visited McDar molt for few dm during to past week Mn HaroId PMlimw vlsfled relative In Toronto nod Olkvllh duripg pug wpgk ï¬lls All Muckle Blenheim and Mn and Mrs Klnl al New mnrkel Iormer tench 01 Bee Inn High School visited Mb Gunman on Nesday ï¬r and Mn Orwme spent Sunday with reladvel In Toronto Mn Hooper Ind dluxhl er Mrs Olpplge Ira v11 lng relatives in Denrborn Ml chigan and Mrs Edgar William and Mn Wiggins visited fri in htlbumflu1r yz Mu men Band use glslted Mn LWlulm on Mon fly By MR6 WRIGHT Dr lery wfllouxhby at Mon trul Ipenl Hm weekend in town and mind his mum Mk Anne Wiflouzhby who patient In Stevenson Memorial Hospltnl In Algmon Several from hue attended II hockay banquet It Gnthriu re cenlly held in honor at the why Lug 0m Sudan Mldxeu Gulhï¬e Junior Ind Gullula P20 Wen ll MM ERNIE CANON Yawlord We are glad to lee the Mc Gualr back In nu village Mr and Mn Higgins and InmIly Oshawa Mr and Mn Laurle srencer and children PIIMWIKJK riled Mn McGnnIz Sun ay Mr and Mn Hownrd Onw ford span Euler with Mr And Mn Loverinl Barrio Mr Ind Mu Andre Galina and Kevin Sunll mull levelll gay Wllh Mr Ind Mn flownrd Glad lo report Mn Karl G11 chrls Improving mch at home after her recent operntinn In the Royal Victor Hmplul Barrie Slan MIxIah manta visited Mr ind Mu Howard anlord Mr and Mn Howlrd Craw lIlnny grqulx Mr ma Mrl An Mount an ad the middle of the week CRAIGHURST AROUNDSIMCOECOEIW MRS JOHNS 030 STATION BEETON Mc llou Ilublml wu on Iny lulenirn ham lnmnln nn lrrrnn lulled Munh of nm hill nllmhnx Um llrll nallunnl umlnnr on Nurnl lmrtll ll XL Anduwl Collrio 5m hm lul uh wan lllllrlrd Ihr Unlvrmly cnmpm Al mnhrrnm roverlnl Cnmnl um roprrnnlul lhulrr lunly Mn Humming chunh and cummunHy Mu Inrv lionl on he Unllrnu nl lurid 50ml Ch nlo nw rurnl Trumln mu wllllnm Wal Ilu Ind Kenneth McDonald uhllo drlvhu In in on 51L unhy nlghl ml wim an ac rldrnl car nhrnd had Hopped and Mr Hill nlruck II then third wu Involved Mr Walla ha Madurai lure up ml Mr FlMl match on In and IvrullNl rlml Mr Domld lulleer mock lMKAmON Thursday evening 40 Including molhm xplorm um 9H and Mustnun they and Iris and II me In th blumtnt Slmud Unl ltd hutch or combined mul lnx Ind null 11 lprlornl mm on on Ron wan Ilmwn It being their mlulon Ilndy Tho wnrk the Iï¬xplnrcrl WM on dhphy Lunrh wu mud OAR MISIMI Mr Indilrl Finnk Coop Sutton upenl Sunday uilh Mr m1 Mn George Ball Enema Mzssmzns Fox of East Gen ml Hospllal Toronto mu with her FIRM and vblud htr Indmolher in Mldlnnd Sun Minus Evelyn and Linda Ball vlliled Ihelr lmndpnrcnlx Mr Ind Mm Llnk Rochel Euler week Mr In Ml Doug Readman and daughlcr Mu Exmn 5pm Sunday with Mr And Mu Vll ltrnAmm fuming Russell Brady and Mend Kathy Kull Toronto also urnnd dnuxhler Karen were Easter vl non wllh Mr and Mn Alhart Brydy Mr And Mrs Gltn Wright Ind limlly llillilrdmn Visited Ihclr punnu Mr and Mn Fmi Wright during Euler wuk oum guests wtra Miss Mary Reid Toronla and Joann Smllh Ngwmarkcl Recon vlulora wflh Mr and Mn McLean were Mr and Mrs Bob Mchan Lcslin and Devan at Ottawa Mr and Mn Brown Dulslun Mr and Mn Barren of Oshawa and Mr Ind Mn Don McLean and Inm Uynl Tyrogln Max Goodyear palienl In Royal Vlclom Hospital Gur lield Gordon LI also pollen than Mr Guzey has relurned home from hospital and re cupenflnl or couple of thanwlllAbe rondmllled WELLINGTON II Slx dies Strand Womens Institute parï¬cipaud 1n the Summary Buy at Barrie sing in timing composed by Mrs Jacksan and sun la lune ol Country Gardens These ladies ware Evelyn Wright Mar an an Lanore Cook Evelyn Brady Jen Rosa with Mn Barton at pllno They wore apron and 35in decorated pie plate hats and carried houqueLv Simon Idle who took the my mak an ovum displayed the rugs IN néspmu SUMMARY DAY Sympnlhy of he community goes lulu Mr Fred Jack son in the 1051 of her brother llnlph Bimini in SL Catharine on Monday also la Ben Lee and family In tho loss wife Ind mother Mrs Joseph Bowman spent Emu weektnd wilh hur daugh ters Belly Ind Marjorie and mgr llle lnuNonh Bay 71m in of ioronlo men week with her nisï¬er Mm Lila Gillillnd IT MIARum lume Il lwulpmul nu It Hm lmnnnn AIVIIH Bob Johnson New Toronto vi ted his grandparents Mr and Mm Dave Johnson for aw day last week Rev Elmer Goheen Ind Mrl Goheen Elma Mr Ind Mu William Galleon Mrs Carl Break and non Roll of Houseya Rapids spent Good Friday Geemgqbwa Nov rmla nu rennin Fun Annvll rumrt Smdn Wealherill 1m ralurn ad Alter spending weeks hol ldly with Mr and Mn Bill Bmko and Tefp yaodprmge By BERT MULHOLLAND ismed nurses usislan cap last Friday In Toronto and Wm spend lhe nexl nix week In Toronto General Hospital helm gain 0th Hospitalflor Sick Children Those Iuendlng Easter thank altering at Chmhlll UnIIEd Church was Mrs Jack Rumble Mn Ernest Kneeshaw Miss mien Gudener and Mn Ev er ri2a ummo on BRUCE PEACOCK PETROLEUMS flutamer lnyl Only IM rm maul PEACOCK PETROLEUMS STROUD lime cock Announ nuu mu lam nllrndnnct mman and mum Aprll mman ol Slwuu Wo mrnl Inuilum Ipnlnl Ih luxe Mu he nllrmlnnlt Um 4H luh III who merllml Ihrlr gmmrnln nqu In lhn pm Jrcl Scum lur Summrrf Slum In Muml mrcllnl lhl Icporll ol nlllml and mm rnru Mu ghcn Ammm lhu many full lulrml hllnl hy lhe Imrlnry Mrrn Im HIRED aurmlmllrnl HI MW mrmhm nml on new Illa mun lw thn um won Th lhnnk nfluln meeting of SI Jnmns United munch Wn mm was held In In church Aprll 16 luau were prmnl drum St Pauls Anzllcnn Slmud Presbyterian Churchlll and MA my Unllcd Worshlp on he Em lnr lhtma wm mnducltd by Mn Don che Mn Vlc Smnll And Mrs Clnylan Jahn Alone Joe Brown Tnmnln mm opportunqu or Chrslan mhulnnnrizI and lb nml ol lhelr work In Hm Ilu thaw ad mlor mu Hm llla of pmplu In How pllrrn nml walk nlmuly Mlnn lune My lnlulnrmrlu Mn Campbell lhnnkul Mr Brown Maria Inodr fur Karen Cowper Joan and Almln Small mum MI qnurlrllt ITROUD Conknown United Church was lha meetinl place or me our nuol Simcoe Presbytery conven lion ol UnilulChurch Young People Speaker mu lion Pang teacher Aiilslon lligh srhool on lite theme The Necessity of Dedication Unions repre wnled were Thornton Bond Head Churehlli Guthrie liawke none Coakslown Stnyner and Slmud The trophy presented annually in the union having the Iargest allcmiance full time was won by Stmud or the Ice ond sueeesxive year They had to lull time members At lite election le members of Stroud Union were elected in Presby Ier oilicu lime beinu pnst pruldenl Carol Comadden treasurer Mervin Wire inilh and evangelism Herb Siunnon mission and world outreach Mario Goodyear lendmhlp ed umtion Smnn mark recrra lion and culture nob Cumming UCW Saturday evenan lrlcnds and neighbors gathered at the harm of Mn and Mra Gui Puke who recently came mm Eng land and settled ln Slrnud fur housewarmlnx Guests were Mr and Mrs Vlc Palmer Mr and Mrs Julian Barley Barrie Harold Palmer and Raymond Lune Tulsa Oklahoma Mr and ray Frcd V055 and Mr and Mrs Bernard 1de Tor nnlo Mr and Mn llermnn Bel Linger Snrula Mr Milchcll Savannah Indie Audrey Emu Frcd McCarten Mr and Mn vaer NewmanJones William Varrlck and Mn Prilchurdl YPU CONVENTION Mrs Fred Burrows Port Ar lhur visited her sister Mrs anney who live wllh Mr and Mrs John Guey Other vlsll orr were Bunown Tor onto Easler Mr and Mm Charles Ayen Midland and Mr and Mrs Elli Seeley Toronto IIQUSE WARMING Th2 euchre In ai oi Naniyr Old Boys Reunion was held in Lakeland Hail Friday izhl and was wcli attended With 20 inhleaioi players Prim wont lo Mrs Devin and Mrs Hutchin son Men Mrs Donneiiy man and Rnyï¬ook Another evening oi euciue will be held Again this Friday night HALL BOARD EUCHRE Over 13 in cut re inns played Monday evening in Simud hall Winners were Mrs Dubzla liirs Wallace Spring Hid lilrll Lennux Black and Jim Penny Mrs Wallace Spring and Mrs Mel Cook served lunch Mr and Mrs Garï¬eld Gard on of Paulelx Saskatchewan have sold their arm and bouth the house Iarmerly owned by Mrs Ritchie and an movinx In the Mar future Lgumps EUCIIRE In basement Strand United Church auspice ol tha three unit at UCW Take on plates are available Sunud publlc school pre warm lo present HMS Pin anre May 23 and ln lha communily hall CONCERT About members St James United Church junior choir were guesls ol Minesing United Church Sunday aller noon They contribuled three numbers under the leadership of Mrs Elmer Frau Dont forget the Spring Tea ind fake SgleMy church deï¬ned Hi commun ll Populaliunof 2000 and under JUNIOR cuom IAIW Mn MrGulxe Elnwnlc MM lnrrnre fumminu Him He Ind Mu Cnmphrll Slmud In In Gull tar hm Inyl nllrmxlnx Ihr nnnunl mtrl Ina nl lu llulvyluinn Clnurh Cnnmln ï¬ynmllrnl Saclrly Tamnlo and Klnwnn Vhllc anlnm Cihlmm and Human Fullrk Wm In Tumnln for luo dnyl Inn mk allmdlnl ha an null fluul Tnulm Convention The thylerlln Ludlu Guild land turkey Immuel In lha Gulhrle flawllnl CuhI Saturday tuning In Iho com munlly hull Prmnmjun trophch Ind he Annual elrcllnn Inllowtd Ihe hnnqurl Then lhcrn wnl an evening of dancing In Jnrk thslnrl orchum mm Huhbm has been lend lnn the Miami Run we com mlllce 1n Suhlnon lhl past week Leavan Mondny ram Tmnmm complete math emlcrn delegates 1pm the lime making new lrlcmh They rrlurned Snurday Ind Ron re port load lrlp Guesl maker or lhr evmlnl was Mrs Hunler She was introduced by Is Ferlumn Sh laid at her rmnk lrlp lo Ireland England Ind Sculland nnd made mm Inlemllnx by mlor Ilides Lunch wu Irr ml by Iha hosleu and commit lee Mn non Fol Mls Mne Ferguson Mrs Leo Glbbons Mn Don Wallace Mn Rus sell Lowry The Gae Club Strand met It the home ot Mrs George Weatherm April 22 wlth prest dent Mn Gordon Rlx 1n drug and mercury Mn 11 Denny tttltnz her omnce Mn Bob MacDonald reporth on re clpu for The Harris Examiner cook book contest Ind asked that they be In before May Roll call mem ory at my childhood days bmuzht forth good response and laughter trom 24 members and mu vtattors Reportl wrr given by Mn chk Young MrL Funk Graham and htlu Mae Forwson The next meeting will be at tho home at hm Allan Gardiner May t3 fly MRS CAMPBELL ROBINSON Mra Rlx conducted election and Installation or the executive which is as lallawa past pres ldent Mrs Sprlng presi4 dent Mrs Cook vica pm identa Mrs Watson Mra Brady amrlary treasurer Mrs Thnmpson assistant Mrs Spflnfl district direc for Mrs Rix alternate Mrs Cook Branch direciora Mrs Black Mra Glbbins Mrs Lima public relations oiilrer Mn Roy Goodiellow lCanveners are agriculture and Canadian industries Mrs Mulholland citizensth and ad ucallon Mrl Nee histor ical research and curreni ev enLr Mrs Wright home onurnlcs and health Mrs Rlx resolutions Mra Hand international meeting Mrs Ross curator of Needsmulr Hlmry Mu Goodiellow welfare mmmillae Mra Mulnnlland Mn Goheen Mrs Pagan lunch commit iee Mrs Cowm Mrs Spring Mrs Watsnn Mrs Boyd Mrs Mulholllnd auditors Mrs Mullsolland Mrs Gib blns planlsls Mrs Barton Mrs Jackson press uporter Mn Roy Goodieliuw GAE 09 CLUB Our ropvmnlnllvo Mr Roy OHlnon wlll In II lhi pool In OMI lundny Io anlwor your qucttlonp on pooh sored bun trip exhibits at Barrie Fair loath entered in lnnislii Field Day The retiring President Mrs Spring gave her report In verse iorm Mrs Campbell voiced the up predation oi the member or the capable manner in which Mrs Spring carried out her dut ies during the past two years hire Rix gave the report oi the Disirict Dlreeiors meeting The district annual to be held in Bradiord May 21 Mrs Neely and Mn Gaheen were elected delegates Plans were made for aeveral member to attend the special session oi Guelph Conference June 20 Mrs Rix and Mn Harold Wal lace will arranxelor me an nual bus trip Roll call or the day was an idea to make WI more interesting mile prepared by Mrs Earl Wice and read by Mn Watson was Keep the inmlly yearning with in the iamily earning For whom we hall lhe plcusur olbulldlvj III that mudnrn rolnturted comm pool In lhlurol WE WISH YOU SUCCESS CONGRATULATIONS CUSTOM aumroou 449uzzlswnMMIN6 lOUIPMENf tolllnawbod Mum uoa CONTINENTAL INN To tho ownor and bulldm of tho Ulm Madam Mr and Mn Mulln Min Mavis Evan and Paul Marlln rccenlly rm wrrkml Mn erI n1 1er Ind hrnlhet Inln Mnnnd uln Bannle and Tim Mmln Barrle spun cw day has wcck Mlh lhrir nrandplrenu My 1nd Mn Mnrlln Km Hugh Graï¬ï¬m spent lalsi week In Orillln wllh Mn Alex Ross Cangrnun on Jr And Mn Gordon Slmpson on lha birlh daughter April 20 011 Vlnlorll Haspiul Bur tie Mr and MnJolm 0qu and Scan Ounwa men day wllh p113 Varllry The ladiu Guild nm Church held luccesslul lea Vednudly nllermmn on the communlly hall The In Inhlu wan unlred with daflodfl Ladiu In chm were bake lable Mn Mulin bazur table Mn Sunon In ablel Mrs chxan Ind hm chkllng kilchen Mr Whln an Worlley Sewn bible enlhuslntlc Euchre player wm out Ved nesdny nigh in Communlly Hall Vinnerl were Mu Moore Mrs Pnlk Mrs Slmpson men Brian Taylor Gwan Pelzmn Cecil Sutton Next weekl euchre will be in aid Ire FfpnflmEnl By WORTLEY WI EUCHRE Mr and Mrs Malmlm Ross of Guelph are rccelvinx congrat ulallonl an the blrlh of daugh cr Barbara Jane To Mr and Mrs James Ros lhl th in ngnddagghler Miss Janet Russ pen the hul ldny with her parent Mr and Mrs Jlmu Rosa Special mention 1003 In the fashion show put on hyihe 4H girl lhe April meellng 01 lbs WI The girls will help ni their leader made the varied aulfli tinny ware during their cnum Separates for Sum mer We must give Ihtm few words oi prain Not only In they learning newlnz hm also patience and persevmnce And in lhcir leader we would say You an mnmplishinz mudi in inslmclion Ind exnm Pie All were 501 In bar at the accldlnl to W111 am Willue and Truman Flatt last Friday mh 1n1ur1es hough pllnful are not as nations m1th be expect ed ram the look 01 Ihe F1111 car GM to report Mrl Cllflnrd Webb and Mn Dnvh In making sallslnctnry canvalu cent It home mlth or members Min erva Masonlc Lodz wen In Caldwnler or lnlerchange vhll on Thursdly evenlnl M¢m her have also mended Inspec ting ll Cgeggnnrarnnd Elmvlle Mrfnnd Mn Peter Randall and friends spent he Enter wgekand In Nzw York City Sorry in report numb mm the cummunlly In hospital These Included Max Goodyear Gm Sudan and James Wilson Wu whh lhem Ipeedy recovuy Pain wick Accompanied by her her Mrs SnMnKlnley of rlllllV wcnl by alr to Snsknloan last Friday In nllend the mineral lhzlr molher Mu Charles Chub ters Mrs Charters WI 51 and or the past three year was gem Invalid The sympathy the community 13 extended In he bereyved Iamllien there thuy heard In Iddmu by Min Basal McMurchy arm er Gollingwnodglrl who now worker and nurse on the Ehll mmun cl In 1nd THE HARM EXAMINER IATURDAY Alth 71 196 Cheri lvur Nan Wheel Allunmrnl thl flnlmclnl lillock Ahlclhtl Senlro omplrla Frnnl 12nd Enlpfllllfll Omhlul TAKE ICARE WINTER WEAR MURDOCK SHHNTY BAY 21 TORONTO If PA 82201 HARRY 52 Nowlun CIA You any humans In help pram1 youlnll mum lha ml In nulamohll ncrldenl You nerd Inulrlnto Ihrn you own Izol Ian lmunm lulp you lrtl yaumll uIml all damn donl Th npld lutrcnse In Ihc popu larin ol boaflnx hm brought pleasure In mnny lamlllul Bu ll Mu brouth tutu lrnuic pmhlrm loo Drlvlnl lml on rrnldtd urllon rlm ur lulu an ulmml hundaul In your ur on but mndl Warning To Owners OF Pleasure Boatsl nne rchool war tilled Vednu day evening in hnnor Mr and Mn Georze MtCmn win In luvlnx the More Ind post um lea Ilter ll year of xervlra Tha entertainment included monulozuu skills And wlu by an Mm Glbmn Mrs Crawford Mu Moore Ind Mrs anlmd wilh Mr Gibson ll he plano Mn Crawford read 1110 Id dress to he guests of honur TM prerenlallan was hm plerer of Innre on mm the comm unlly medy recovery WNWd Mu Bert anvom who ll under the dncnrl urn Hy MM JOHNSTON Jone Ind Gregory Graham Toronto rpm week with Mr and Mrs Garï¬eld Burton Mix Bertha Bell 0111an men week with Mr and Mn Karl Gllchrisl Charlie Roger DrHHa went ha weekend with Mr and Mn Jnhnslone Hy MRS MAW Mr Ind MrL Russell Mn and 5an visited on Sunday wllh Mr hd Mn An mm Tar onto mu the next meeting which will bl at the harm of Mrs Marlln May 20 The toplc will be lnken by the president Mrs Lila Simp son on The Work the Altar Guild Lunch was served by he hostesses Mn Packard Mrs Martin and Mn McCrak WILBUR WALTON The Aprll meellng at St Thom us Church Guild was held Moll day evening al the home of Mn Packnrd Thirteen mam hm were present All reports were Adopted It was decided to hold dlscusslon perlnd dur lnz he mucllnu an varioul subjects Fl one le be Nu yam bull Fnr lull man Jml tall qua vlllaxmwo new Iamlllu Mr and Mn Jerry Human and lamily who bought the late Mrs Hndgxanl home and Mn and Mrs Van Geffen and lnmlly who have rented Wilson cottage His 11017125 $ZE¢ low days recently It Parklnnds PLAN ID1CUSSIONS Mlch Llnda an Ecuy Taylor spent Emu1 weekend with their war ent Aï¬s ORO STATION EDENVALE ntmullnll lnlunnrl Annclnllal PA lOOL as