if Canadians Held Back By Strong US Squad lnulltmy I7III Knnsnx Clly unlpuinlul Dunne Iurllnlm 170 Chnllluld Minn ID Phllmlrlphlnlhllny lhiarne l5 NLIIICINIIII Klomhd Iuh Wlulc 1535 Allnnlic Cxly Mllr IMII Vinlrrl NI Mn mn knack nul any 159 MLIml Thom were 41 cars In he muting vald Mlun Illc rully hu nm nl Vnnrouwr last Saturday and 42 remain One lnmpm out Thursday II laugh llfllfh rnunlry nnrlh of hue broke llm henna many crm fly THE ASSOCM PRESS The steady ltndnrs driving Chevy II had only lvm pcnnlly points up to Thursday nlghl lnur lower llmn runner up George hlcrsnn and Juhn Wilson Toronto In Falcon Sprinl Flu Milclmnnnn and Art Dempsry also lrnm annnln and also In 11 Inlrnn Sprint WIpMd pnsllinn wilh the Mor IonVilson loam Thursday and name In Ihlrd wIIh mun pcn ally mlnlx Only Dick Doynn Milwnu kc and his nuvlgulor Clay Gibb Menominee Fall Vis were unreservcdly happy they slamd for 1h limshing palm nl Mnnlrenl TORONTO CWSualn len sion and uranium was mrling to show Iuday as drivernavi galur crows slartnd dnwn lho stretch ho 4000mile Crow Cnnndu Rally Canada the strandplace nlliun with one guld in he mens diving eight silver and tight bronze Thirdplan Brazil For om thing the Canadian ram is lot smaller than the am that travellzd Chicago whle the Americans have sent their blues gmup cursome 450 nlhlclc the current Games So Iar the 115 loam has provedlu be the pick qr lhg all wide margin medal of the 41 awarded in IhrI nines Nol that the Canadians havent bum winning medals they have 17 including one gold In divingbu the United State turn is so strung that there little chance for Cnnada to get its not In the door Gold modas apparenlly Mnl be easy In come by for Can adas Illmember team in he outh PunAmerican Games FIGHT RESULTS Strain Starting To Attack Drivers rléhl 11ycamld Louisville schoolgirl shown alter cap 540 mum mzn ï¬chm no doctor him lot to be hip or gruduub In mm dcnlnl Ichool ml xl Int pnllcnl I11 on thy ALICE MARY DEXSCOLL HUBERT Duvld Conn Slaulhillc lawyer nxld rhnlrmnn he nd lmry punrl mld Thursday lnilm rruurlrd durlnu llw um rll Imcsllunllon Ihnl hhmns mun may look Ihmuuh tav ll of Hm mnrlv mu My one mmuu will pllk up mexnl nud my um All In mml rum llw mumn um hrlurun 30 Ind mm old STOUFFVILLE OnL CPI Womcn helmm the am Ind 35 Ihc malar huym ol qumlnnnble puvkrl 1mm told In rclail Mom acmnflnz MI lnfurmnl Mln by Hm nllnr nvyxencrnll Advisory panel on ohmno Hltrnlum Olhcu were disgruntled wilh rally urnanlzcrs Such n5 lhc disappoimcd Mercedes entry of Hill and Myrna Williams Van cumer uhn um lnm navimlon problem on Musknkn back roads ahom 100 miles norm hcrc They had bum lending their class This nuns us sald Bill Weve come 4000 miles or nclmmz To lnkn you awny on In UK hunndwk and give ynu hm mam lu lnku iihnul lrll Ina ynu whlch way an In plnln silly It cost us 15 points The Simu 01 Derek ilniiim or Burnley England and Tor cnio and Dale neckcr Madi mn Heights Mich wn inrccd ant wilh bmken transmission pl all law swim mlng final Thursday night breaking three Games rccnrds and tank live guld medals in wraslllng two in weighllining one In womens lennls me in Lhe dressage yhase ol the eques Women 3035 Buy Novels Mary Sirwart 01 Vancouver the irrepressible swimmer who has proved in be lhe warkhurse oi the Canadian loam won two mare silver medals Thursday night give her lhrea silver in the Gamcs The US had it bust day the games Thursday vinning 14 out 15 champinnships while Canada picked up lwo silver and innr bronze mednls in swim lming weightlifting and wrestl ng Miss Stewart placed second In the womens Immune reeslyle and was member of the sec nndpluc mcdley Elfly team has 1310 gold medak nut silygr and Vthree bronze in hutunam ch medal standings HAS BEST DAY turing the 200mm hréasl make even at PanAAmcrIcan Games In Sao Paulo Brazil And llmuuh oprninx day mono lhml lhmy monlhl any Inlr wnw rme with rnmxlu cnmmrnla nn Ihl uppinfllnn Imlm mu pm In the linu nn lnurnrnw he Tumullnn mm mm OTTAWA CWColrh Frank Clnlr Hum tough nldon mriml hmk In Um tullllnl lhumlnv hringlnl wllh lllm llw Inwfllriul mm of tho 1m lmlhnll mm mmnï¬iï¬n mm Tumult Ar qnfllh nuliu ll Illnmlhrh Umlu nll pl coma lo llcenhla pause numch Umplm In the Amerlcnn Mnxue ndmllltdly have bun Dnlcrprelinu 1h ruIn dmnrtnlly from hair hrelhrtn In he Nn llnnal Lemma They have called nnly Iuo hulk Bl ngnlnsl by National League umplm prior to Tlluudnyl xnmu My chic concern unilnrm Hy he sald Al he cxeculim cuuncll mccllnz well limply have In dclrrmlne what mum by stapJ Frlrk was referring to the min uhlch my pmher musk come luI onectand llnp In pilchinz mmlnn when ha dulivnrinn lhu hnll wilh mn ncr nn hnse WANT PAUSE AVIS NEW YORK ANHaschnll Cnmmiuluncr Ford Prick said Thursday he balk rule which hns croalbd Inch Iurnra In lhe National League this sea son will he discussed at an ex ecullve cnuncfl mecllnz ta be held shunly Prick uhn has slaycd out he genrral controversy unlil now sald he wnnkd tho rum to he inlcrprclnd the same way by both major leagues It rr mum in Iha book Clair Ready For Opposition WWW my Canadian weightlimng Icnm our com poilars and coachwon lhreu bronze medals Bilfliarcn an Kï¬crlcan won the guld medal with Game Law Brls me record holder 1mm Belleville Ont wan um bronze in he middle heavy welgm weighllllling class wflh total holst 924 poqnds er compleled sweep of all eight champinn shipsa expectedthm Er nest Chamomde ul Montreal captured the bronze In the ban tamwclght this and Kurt Basso Kitchnncr OnL won another bronxe In In lightwejgh elm Canada tank swimming bronze in the womens 2mm re breaststroke and Mann In weighuming and Iwo hanle In wrestling Thursday ng nnoxzss Ball Commissioher Ford Prick Concerned Over Balk Ruling lrlan cnmpcmlnn and one woflmenpafn KegIcing run yeslerday Robby Whlbple centre of lhe us team was second and Marian Wilmlnk TIIM IIJ DUNLOP ST SERVICE nll Ivy In Our of Thin IINILETE INTI YABADABADOO AVIS 19 IJMHFI uHrl Im IIIHIUHI Ilvl Irmkr nmlrd nxlur that RENT CAR AND TRUCK by CALDWELL STEVENSON Thll World mumw Iirnl nllxlnhun And or lanHlnn Tlur nl Tlnlr poinlnl lml Hull IluIy um mum lhnmphml lrul yvar IIe Inhl Im Wm lumpy Hml Imlnh 1m hml Iwn nnmlnlrd 1mm II rrlvlnqn Trlmhle uilh ha by Ieru Am All Ibo loam In Can mln lhlnl llItym xunnl HM Ivrnl lhl 31w my mld 14 ml lhey no mynn In on 11ml he Ihey runhl mnkr Ilnlphl prrlly Xalr Imlllnlnl Hwy had 00d euoulh tlllh lull lhey Jusl didnt 111 under Tnhlnl Ham Nut Mnnlrml Alnuclm 11on hm no pemmnel lul Iawm and now Hwy have launch Jlm Trlmlrlo Ia nhnp UINIL anInnnl II Presldcnk Wnrrtn Gllu henamend by pralrsll of ï¬eld nml gtnunl mnnnxcru has mm in Iludy the mullcr lha Amarltnn League no enforcing It In the mm III nur umnlm now are he nld hbcrnllxnllnn lhu ruln would npprnr dexlrnhle Im In mar nforcmi the rule Frlck Inld but 11 mm musical think any mun can Iry Io lmn Itcond whnlher full ucond or nut said vulcran Amcrican League umpire Jae Pupurtlln Is no balk as far we are tnnccmcd The pitcher musl come to lull second slop insisch Auuia Dnnalelll hand the tourum plrc cum whlch up can In have hccn lhe mnsl vigilant In lhn anional Maine The Donalelll foursome has called many half Ihe NL halks 32 ll lclually has called includinx III In Vcdncsdfly nights game between Cincin nnll and Ihe mum at La An gnlcs One hnwevcr charged against Dodgers Johnny Pod rvs was nulllliod when Inmk noblnmn llnglcd and Icclpltd lllgopllon herb1w hit PLAN TESTS MONTREAL CPThe Mon lreal Alhlclic Commission an nounced Thursday um series or medical lest for boxer will be compulsory alter May over and above the nandard preJiKhl medicals Thursday Crnmplon was un sational with his Iron he carved underpar 64 out the 6775yard Oak Hills Counry Club course for zslmke lead over our other holshoLsPhil Tommy Aaron Johnny Poll and Pan January Tha man who had been ex pected to net the pace after wha nlng the Ioumament me last three yearsArnold Palmer was all an pulling and ended with 71 Impwn play In morn nur nnmenl than any other regu lar on the laurhewas In 33 xhalghl in 1961 and is In his lath straight lhi year SAN ANTONIO Tex AP The fellaw they call ilhe imn man the golf tourBruce Crampum of Australiatook Iha lead in the $30000 Texnl Open Thyrsdny Iron Man Takes Tournament Lead lull of Bands came in mm AP Vlrephnln vla ra dla mm Sao Paulo mnkr MM lnir mm lrlluw Imllrnlnl IMIHNIIOH new pmqmu Ilunul lhq lml mow PA 61411 Sphnn uld HI mm mm wllh only lhm dnl ml helprd Mm TMI ha Hut ununn In lhn lull lhmy or our yun lvI hum pcrmllled to walk all Mun II like In lhlnk do much 11 ll pflchmx Ivury lumlh wasnt real Ihllp awnl he Colll mud lo ml IIku ha Inld own nnly lhlnl Im Inuruted II the dlflmnce mm no on now hlva Ind he rm 0rd would lml had Ion Wm to wln and right now llxuro Im hreo vlclorlu Ihud Ichedule Ihc Brnvu nld try la mch lnnlnn tour game mnnl mm In Mny Everylhlnl wln In April ll I0 much In Spahn plmd no Ipeclll Ill nmunca on hll 33001 Nlliannl lugu vklory any me his and birthday wasnt real Ihllp awnl cant remember we good slutIt lens It Isnt Iumtlhifl usual Spahn Iald Thursdny Illnr sevenhit vicmry our lhe Mouxlnn Coll Wednesday nlghL Genliies lolhinnlnz homer wrapped it up and maintained Barbers ailwinning record against the Alhielics The iefly is 1041 against Ihem for his ca rm Minnesnlan Jack Kraiick hurled lhreehlller in he Nins 50 triumph over the Senalors at Washington and Lo Angelo Angels deientcd tha Ti gers 75 in Dalioil in the only usher game on the lighi Iched ll Barber wha had 98 record after his return from mlllrnry service last season on In one ï¬re holler stem at hl tour yenr major league curter He went lhe distance exalnst Kun City and pushed his record to He awn 153 earned run average and Iradr the league In luikeouls wilh 3L HOUSTON Tuxns AWMil waukua southpaw Warren Spahn at om or III lines sum hln career at the Ago 42 llen wall ahud his pcrwnal uhchon or 1th ahidory mason Steve Barber provided 1h pllchlng and Jlm Genrlla Ihe power In Baltimores innlnz victory over Kama City Thursday night as the Orioles reclaimed the American League lead and he Mhlellcs dropped to third place from ï¬rst By BOB GREEN Aamhled Pm Spam erur Porisider Spahn Frank Thomas cloutnd run producing single in the ï¬rst in ning then hit twomn homer in tha sixth Coupled with this was the sevenvhit pitching oi Roger Craig and headsvup play resulting in rare ihlrd toIirsturshmslop double play that anded the lame NAILED Ai nmm Lou Brock who scored both Gib rum singled with onooul In he ninth inning and al lemmed In no to third base as Charlie Nwi threw out Kenv Hubby quick lhrnw by that baseman Gil Bodies to Al Ahead Of Schedule In ha dluy Min of elghm place in the National League slandlngs Not only was It the in Thursday win in the Mels hia toxy but It gave them an almost respectabla 400 average this season on wonlost record But Casey Slenï¬els raglag warriors edged Chicago Cuba 12 Thursday or lhelr sixth wln 5° men we We Last seasons worn team did not win many games on any particular day the weekand never on Thursday New York Mela with reckless abandon have sheltered base ball in flunk lull season By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Barber Pitches Gentile Belts Baltimore Reclaims AL Lead SPORTS II hula IA um Thu 2tyearold my spaced llmm nmlyl lull umlu flood Outlfl lpnldlnl TillFill Woodl lmnl Whoml AT Wholesale Prices EQUIPMENT Mets Shatter Image Count Sixth Triumph GARNERS WNOLIIALI The Angel Ml our homers lwa by Len Wagner and pinned the rim loss the Delrolll Ink Agulne Home by Wigner Bob Rudy and Ken Hun powered the Angels lead In th llnl our Innings Ignlnst lha Tiger lefty Wanner also had homer Dick Egan but the Angels needed mild relic peflnrm nnte by Jullo vaarro In make It nlnnd up an Delmll mlllcd or five runs In lhe lillh nlch Rollin had homer and double by V1 Power and Bob Alllson produced lhe other Min nesota run Al Smflhs lwwun homer ac counted for the Orioles ï¬rst runs but Kansas Cily matched them on an unsuccessful dnuble play Illempl in he outh and Nnrm Sleberns nmscnring uln In he lem John Wynn lost In relief Kralink who had been shut an In lasing hll ï¬rst hm xamu hr the Twins blanked Waxhlngton on Just lhree ain xlu and noted the unly nun he needed when tripled and came in on Lenny Grecnn Iln 19 In the lhlrd seven Ml and struck nu uven men but was lln helm um even with Ihe tiredAup Alhlelics unlll Gentile smashed 12 pilch inln thelelmeld bleach ers an opposiltleld hit or the lelbhnndcd hitter The maxing Mei so their ï¬rst run all Dink Ellsworth on singles hy mm Hunt Chnrile Neil and mum in he llxth Neal doubled Ind Thomas hli one on oi he park Brock came ndros with the iirsi Cub run in he iliLh scoring on Jimmy Schaiierl doubla Bab Wills pinchiui uingie dmve in Brock in the uvenlh Miller posting nemnd vic tory wllhout loss has allawed only our earned run In so Inning or Ipaxklln 118 av nae WILL STEAM 1W0 John Rosebom Willie Davis and Run Fairly hacked Miller Elsewhere San Francisca Glam moved Into lie WM Louis Canilnals for flu place by heating the Card 84 Ind Hnuslun Calls bent Mll wuukce Brave 75 an line per Inrmmccs by three former Brnvu leburzh Pirates and Wells Ighln Phillie werenol icheduled Bob Miller whn survived In season with the Mel and was traded this year in Los An geles exceeded hi 1961 viclnrfl lntai he won his second wli liveillum in the Dodgers triumph over Cincinnati Reds ihe Dodgers have wdn iive oi Moram the shuflslop coveran thyd nailed Brock Mama Private Stock My CUSTOM BLENDED CANADIAN RVIWHKY Years ago Adam dlmllcd 19 greatwhlsklcs each with owndlrtlnclivc characteristics and then Aged them In pcchl oak mks NowvAdamshas married these 19 rare vhlsklcs to create he superb flavour of Adam Priwtc Stock So he run to ry this cunom blend prcrcrrlcd In in cryml dccmtcx at popular price great whiskies K1 933 044st 29 Ummdflnumu long double by Tom Umph Ieu with none nut In the lath Inning sen hume lhe wlnnlmz run for Richmnnd ngalnsl Bul laln The hlt was Umphlcul ï¬fth in six max at but lhls IEDSDH game lhursdny nlght Atlanta delealcd Syracuse 41 Indianap all hen Calumhu 65 In 11 hm lngn and Rlchmnnd edged Buf falo 65 In nnlngm Arkansas alï¬achcgteg val pgslpgllud Leafs Suns Almost BoIII teams Blhld two rnundlrlppera In the Ilnl Iwu InnIng Ithr game Tor onla Then lha gum Iellled down to pllchera duel be Iweon Tornntas Carl Greene and JacksonvIlIes IIayd Wea ver OnIy Green was around In the MM when Larry Brown powered double to driva In the winning run and gIve Jacksom vIIIe vlcmry Ailéhla rhohï¬sï¬owskl scal tered le hlu la beat Syrncusa or the sccund mt For the ï¬rst law Innlngs It looked as Jacksonville and Tornnto were golnx Io 1e name home run records Former Brave Don Nntle hart Don McMahml and Al Spanglnr dld most at the dam age or the Colts Nottebart won his lhtrd wilhqut long with help 1mm McMahon Spang ler Ilnglui In the run that snapped tie Houston came up wlth Iva runs Hob Aspromonte homered for the Colts while Joe Torre con necttd forhfllWaukee Set Some Records By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Bllly ODell was the San Francine starter but the vlc lnry went rellevcr Bob Bolln Curt Flood homered lar the Cardlnalx The Giant moved out iron to slay in the second inning when Qriando Cepcda hit solo lumen and Ed Bailey connected with onc an Baiiey veteran calcher starting or the in iimé his neasan also singled home mn in the lhird inning oi loser Ray Sadecki with humor Joey Jay who has lost our without winning Dodgm Maury Vills stole his ï¬rst two bases the Mason with An old Mr lhal Il wayl xhlnx you lrouble Try out an OK used car ram DANGERFIELD MOTORS STUCK Gold BY SIMCOE SALES ll SERVICE No 27 llixhlly South cl Burl Arrlr Onluln PA 571 THE BANK EXAMINEflU FRIDAY IRIL 136 IOQEA 5312 MFMIO mmaInwnmwuhwmhmmnrl lhlnnwuylmrdtyummlnl Act aw Ind mm mu 000 an my old mm umrm ol In nndillon um and on nilchu have ninwma 21 PawR Von Spamw 21 own vmuan mm cm ma raw can In cduoan um hung In mm ymum mow SAVE EXTRA 510 on TORO FRANK THOMAS