Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Apr 1963, p. 6

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lho lwmln Mmlc FnIlvnI JuM In OrlllIn local ynunmrr mm Irnplly nml wn nnuml Hm pulllnmlmu mnlulnul In lllvrn Inml In II IIMII mIlnn IlMIInrn lewnnm nun II flnIIghIrrnllnpl ml Mu Dn vltl Cullwrlnlll Nnvlh Imk MIL mud niJrIqur Mp dmlnlnl IIy Ilw IIIHII Ilnlc nm nunml nwnnl HI 2hr munu rompfllnl In In you In umlrr ll your and 3mm ml 10 yrm and umlrr 11mm Human mun Ilw lrml mllun May th Irlrtl lmlmlml In grmlcn me am allrmmlr ynunl mulrlnn Incum lully uvmplelld llmll lnur mu Ilr Him In Ninth and In JmulcWMl Mn nmrln Wil vvm n1 own SimI FM II lmd llu ruvrl ll Uahlry lnlk 0cth yurvoid Snnia Mnnicn Cali iomin iiighi insiruclor who iiew min in Australia siis ni ihe conimis of her Piper Ap Zache Just before leaving Sania Monica Wednesday or vSan Francisco where she hm xan her 7100 mlle Irip ycsicr dny Sho iinw vin Hawaii Cnn lnn llinnd nnd he iiji illnuds evening the mute ills Enr Ihnn was flying when she inst her liin in m1 AP Vlrepholo KEEP IN THE TRIM lllllnm Jnmu wxn perm 1cm mkcr nllvr 1mm Thu hroud psyclmlnalcnl mindle J10 hrnuxlll ln lthl npply nll of llvlnn Dlrlm you wlll lml Vll rxulllng In apply mm we lmslc lnlllu lllltilllfllly inward mluclug Take lnr exnmple lhl who nhscrvullnn llnmnn MIan um ulltr htIr In by Alltrlnt lhclr nlliludu nl mlnd All rlnlll Apply his dlrrdly 10 mm T4 In nll luun nu lam Flrnl llll Ix ymlr nlll lutle lnwnnl rnlurln curhllw vlml luml wllll ll lnlltnlnl 3Mnrllr In ynu In Wllll muld rnl llull Llllll ll lullmlxln mm mm nlvpnmtll mmer nr lulrr ymlll jun all culurlo llacrcllnxl In llm uulnx Iurrm Ml rm llnga nl uleNy crern ln Ta Imp mm lrrllml pul upon rrrnLnllr lllnl lhc rhulcc ynurl lllrn nud ullll llw llflllflll nl ulxrlllrr or nut to lulu nrrmul lwlplmu lnnlxlll nl dlnncr Iry rlumxlnn yuur All 1min llrnmn lhll my can Barbara Cartwright Wins Scholarship unshwmrmsn auras 45 shows surprise arm being finalnod 1963 Mother of the Year Mrsr Gulscll is Tor onlo housewife who acted as Zlasler mmhcr lo physically fund mantnlly rnlnrdcd chll dren Mother uI Iwo chlldren of her own Mn Gut sell has cured or 25 wards hnndlcnpped by nhyslcnl and memal defects in recent yrars CF Vircphom MISS BESSIE SIKES is docking at the first phnlngraph she has evzr anon Almost to ally blind since she was nlne WOMEN IN NEWS Decide To Change Your Attitude Towards Those Second Helpings MRS DENY MILLER 36 lhls wlll mmcly pflalpDM mo duy Ill be nble slip lnln lhul Aim la lly chnnxlnx yuur Mll lndo you um Imp artr lhe Wu Mllll nm chnlrc really II yuurl You can duh lhnl life II Inc slum nu In Indulge In all your ammo and In the nmnunu you clcsiru Or you run uko fmh unprth and make up yuur mlnd lhnl Illa won dorlul lo nllnw nvcrcnllnu In whrnrl mm Hm lay of lnnklnn um mllnx young null Imvlnx Iun lMs cumlmz lummrr 11w Ircnl In Ml ank In mm cl uhnl yuu wnnL III lhl wny ml uvo your lnlml new hlmpllnl lo nllow 11m miml II HIMxi Inn mnthlnc Elva ynnr mlml um vldum llm way you wnnl In lnnk my yuumll HIJOHHK llm hm lemminx lhln lum mrr II helm rnnruwmly In Imp nur mm mth In mlml Hun rvrr Ihm may urnl mnuy pound Innl ll pnyrhuln nlley mum hnvc In car unnl Thu Mar Kan muld ho your nut Imnllrr drcu lilf 11m mm In In nr wxilzly mmuh Mm Ilnpylly lo wnnlllml Ixnnllrr Al lilpul lu nthlma llInl null Me In mmmrr IrullIymlr Mll lmlr brnlnnlnn My Ixmlrrluklng mlurluu nr uny lhlnu rlw Inmly drlmnlnr llw mflmme on idling wunl In hul all enlhullmllc Alum MIMI tan do inr ynumll Inn Dolunlu In mnunl Intol lnl II We nurd fllurrh nl nn mlnl and of anon dermal me Ivlu Monllnl but In Hm on Cand wlh TUNDNTO Cll MINI lmuh muncn Armn lnmlI um Aulml In nlmly Mr and llumr mlvmlwlnmlu un MMI llml nml Indln wm lnlnlod 1humlny wIIh Hm InnInn slew ln ham nurh mlvovllm MRS ROBERTA MUIR say she doesnt gel much help lrom her lnmily when writing verse for nnllnnnl Jingle cun lnsls Thu lllnnirenl banknrl wile and mother oi ah ha wnn lwn bicycles lwo watcher mo palnllng lingln can lcsll She also gal trip to Paris by winning contest npnnsarcd by shortening cun esi CP Pholol UCW Of Canada Study Advertising weeks old Mlss Slkcs regain ed her agh¢vwhen dlslocaled lens apparently fell into place AP Wircphoml Mrs Jenn Gable pres report er or the Roynl Vlclorin Hos piml Womens Auxlllnry re port that tho nnnun Spring Rummage Sale was tremen dous success Gross rccclpt tolnllmi $360 Threw dolls received mm 10an merchant his contribu Ilon lo the male wlll bring fur ther assets for the maxillary Members will sell ticket on ma doll and add rummaga sale receipts Cohvoners ol Iho event were Mrs Graham and Mn Blake Lawrence Mrs Me WDHBndCII form er member of the Barrie A11 Club sonlnlnw and dauglncr Mr and Mrs Carl Campbell all llunmvllle vlsied with friends in tho Iin on Mines dny Mrs Volfcndcn who a4 year old is slill actively cngngnd In painllng One 01 her works at art Ls bring used to raise funds for the new hos rKnl In Huntsville Mr aha Mm Les Joiiiflc Humid McMnhon and Barney anp will represent Barrie in bridge iriais to be hcid in cmjunciion with the North American bridge wumn men at New York in the near fuiurei Tim triuis will be held at the Knic Buckman Studio Egiinion Avenue Tornnin Mon day evening THORNTON The Thornton Vnmcnl lnsllmle htId 115 mm unl meeting on 11uxrsdny Ihc home 011111 Curr wllh Mrs lvnn NW lmslcn 24 member answered Iho roll call bylhu 11 lens mumI Dlrlclnr Mrs Kcllh nmuy nllrrnnlc Mn An Mc Quny Mmmu Mn Elwood Hunt Mm Wu Cochrane Mu Hrrl Sllrlmrll Mr and Mrs Marshall and son Palll of nghland Ave nue hlwe murned to um city after on days hollday at Cable Bench Nassau VISIT IN CITY BRIDGEl TOURNAMENT No vlsllnra worn prescnt one of whom was Mm Gordon llllcy ml prcsldcnl ol chWe Gwlll who tunduclcd flu elm lon ol nfllml atlcr lhu nnminn Ilnn committee rcponcd Thu slnle of 01mm or mm Is as follow lnsl lruldcnl Mn Kenn lam Prlsldcnl Mn Mel Dlxnn 1m VimIrcnldonl Mn Lennux Second Vice Ircslrlcnl Mn Black Svcrclury Mn Cam Ar alslunl Secrvlnry Mn lllnck Trcnnurcr Mn Mcr Olnskcy lnbllc Ilrlnlinm Ollimr Mrs Gratin all Alulllnrl Zunnlnuhnm Mrl Allen All mun Ilnnlnln Mm Allen All mnu My lLI Smllh Imu Illmm Mm Emma Hull Mrs lvnn MAM Cnmrnrrl ol cmnmlllrn Inu hcrn Mu Jnuwl HNIIHI Mu Jrnnfl rnmlnmtlwrn Mrl llrully Illulmlcul llnvnlrh nnd Currrnl mm Mu Alllnnn Allrl llurr Mu lnluu Dunnng lemllnn Imluxlrlu MIA llnlph Rimmllru Irhlmnx Mn lluno hlnrnllnu Mn Ilrn Fltllmvl llunlullum Mrl lrd mun ltllrlnhlll Mm IHH filvrpn Ilmnu Hmnumlu Mu AIL flunk Dana Lyn daughter at Mr and Mrs Wllllum Hlnlnn Qucun Street was christened In Central Unlled Church on Sun day mnmlng Rev Waller 142 olllclnled Following the hap uamnl tiles Mr and Mrs Hinton paternal grandparents entertained at luncheon party allhelr Parkslda Drlve residen ce Among the guests were Dan Lyn mulernfll grandparents Mr and Mrs Ivnn Dick Orlllia Mr and Mrs George Bauldry and children Kenneth Peter and Gayle al Grave Street Span Ensler vncatlnn week holldlaylng at Myrtle Bench and Charleston South Carnllnn Mr and Mrs John Murphy and sun Davld Shane and Pet or Shanty Bay Rd have relum ed mm motor holiday tn Key West Florida Highlights the film weelu vacauon mm vvlslfis to Washlngtan and Gwyn burg en route home Mu fxlhlllxlnlxnln wan mann nmmlnlrd an ulnlnr fnr II TwmImulr lllnlnry or war ler drlonnhu lvvr llw Ilhlvlr Immml lllll mm Inr Am unumlnn Hm upwinlrd Jrnnrn WM mle In mrpm and unlnrr Hm roll call mqu EACH noumv vggmoN KEY WEST NASSAU HOLIDAY MIOINT UIMTOH SOCIAL NOTES Rummage Sale Is Success Mrs Dixon Named President Of Thornton Womens Institute ClleSTENlNG PERMANEle Joan arrlck aw Smnsts PHONE IA IO Mi For The may in arm EVBNINHI nvuunruimn Rev SymDns pcrlarm ed hn evenan cmmnny In St Andrews Anglican Church AIL lskon April 10 The organist was Miss Collins 01 Alllslon Basket of pink mum created the background suiting or the wedding of Miss Yolanda Dar lcno Shaw and William Brad bury Bishop Thu brlde is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Laurence Shaw at Baxter Mr and Mrs Sidney Bishop of Alllmn Blb parents 01 the bridegroom BRIDAL GOWN lecn ln marriage hy her lather the brlde chose Iradl lloual lloonlength gown ul or gum and lace over lallcln Tho bodice ol the dress was lnshlom ed wllh tquure neckline on crusled wllh aurora borenlis cry m1 and simulated pearls and short sleeves The 5km of the 1an was boullnnl inn of aurora bmcnlls cryslnls and pearls held the chapel lenglh vcilol sheer nylun mile The hrldc cnrrlcd cascade bouquet ol red roses COMMUTE lllZlOflTfi The report mm all the com mmm we In mm mm he Imldnnl Stcrclurx PROV and Tnnxurcr Indlculul ml lhn branch lmd betn very ncllvu dur lnl Iho past your Mrs Mel Dixon nnd Mn Carr prcunlnd Mrs IL luck with an Inscribed FWIC badge on lmvlnu mmplclcd ail yum Secretary The new Secretory Mu Ill wlll nllcnd lho Sccmlnryl nnlcrcncc In Guelph on June In IS 20 Five mcmbcrs wcm Inmale ln min lo Guelph on June 10 In moo Mrs Van luck hofl ACWW Pruidcnl Among lho huslnm discussed ware Arhlucmcnl Dny In Ilulon on May ll 12 Special Cook Hulda idlllnn Commlucn llclurn of Kim Yunu 0k Hum whom we um mlomnrlnz ll Mrnlnl llm II Week Mprll 29 My IIxrcullvn mael In Mn Md Dixonl on Apr 25 Comrncrl and lrnxrmn Mullni nl Mn Hmllyl an May 17 Damh Hun lo Adolnlde Noodles Humr Alvml Funndnllnn Fund Inlrh nmlnunl Schanrnhlp lmd Nnnh WM Termarlrl Fund IM Cookawn um Cmu nerd lew ul Illmd dnnom and runner luran lhu yenr Amyva the WIN Iclmlnln Mu Ill Illllulfd Ipy Ill Dialrlu lrul dllll lor the Dlslrlcl Annun my 22 to be held In Brndlord Unllcd Church MA MEETING l1m May mulan will hrhl In Um Inllrd lurch School Mom wllh Mu llrrl Shrllwrll hmlum TM mlnlnnl holl ruu will In Mwllmrl All mnu Dllnn Wilson and Hllflrl Vnuh lnr humor xlrlnlln Inlrr film will In wrlmmo This mule swnn brought to Regina ram Moose Jaw ar breeding purposes wandered away from bird refuge In the city nudity and was found shortly after Vcdncs BishopShaw Rites Held At Alliston Imuwum mmp duhd mm llllil II In mu will um CUSDENS FEATHERED TOURIST The bride was attended hy mr slslcr Colleene Shaw maid of honor The brldcsmnid were Dolores Mintell the brides slster and Yvonne Growl at Mansfield the brldegmnml sis lcr llne plannlnry Influtnrel nnw Kavcrn perlunnl rtlnllonxhlps upcdnlly vwhcro Inmin nnd rlom rlcnd nro concernedm you Ihould lmvn hluhly en oynbla day no canncrvnllm In llnnndnl mnllm however THE lllllTlmAY lamnrrnw II our Mrllulny your hornmw mlltnlrs Uml lhn next monlhn Ill be mm propulqu lor pmonnl rnnrrrm Hum lur Hum nlnnz Imulnm or mnnnlnry 1an Extepl lnr brlrl period In midAnnual lnla Ntr vrlnlnr And curly Dmcrmlmr lllm wfll lm cw opportunitch lo uh In nur hunk lmluncn and you wlll mu upeclnlly currlul In Hmmclnl mnllm In mklMny And rnrly Jum mlS July nllllSlnlrmhrr lull 0c lolwr and midDrmuhrr cupnllonnl Illalrl with tho reullun of pmmlml mm In October nml Drcomlwr Illnulll lm man or Inn un llm mulmo Ihla um In In no no The allendunts were zawned Illka slree lnnglh dresses aqua arganza over lullcm en hanced with aqua lace jackets Malchlng headdresses with veils completed their ensemble The attendants carried bouquets white baby mums Sidney Bishop of Toronlu bmlhur of lho bridegroomwns me best man John and Fran Bishop Alllslon also brothers FUR TOMORROW day an urge to see the sights of Regina sent him away again and he was tound at the QuAppclle Diocesan Schooll when two student ntyoducc themselves Hurry Jnmirson of Alconn Beach 15 shown nbovo surroun dud Sunlhrrn Dallas at the 34qu in ljnrgy held 1117 the Audltrnrlfimrln nrnhcnwlonTIlur ldn Appmxlxnnltly 500 Cunnd lam numded lhn nnnunl pltnlc op Wimphotoi WIEGINS FUBS lmlo Camp mum Inn IlllflllNfl mlmm mII mum mu Ilnl num Elcluln Ink IM mIn nnd ulll hm my mm In My GUESTS AT CANADIAN PARTY WHAT THE STARS SAY 10 1mm Dunlap II 12 Ml fly ESTREILITA Jim Barr and Wayne Mc Donald spoke during the evcnv ing on behali the YMYWCA and outlined In detail the facilir In that would be available in ho new bulidingi They also answered pertinent qucsiiom ioilawing the discussion Each mw guest appeared be fore different group at pan elim Characters portrayed were the first president of the Kiwanis Auxiliary Mrs Edith MacDonald Sir Winston Church ill wns partrayed by M1 Char les Rogers and Mrs Egbert Neixon acted the part of the mus singer Helen Kain known as the Boopboopadoop girl Mrs Harry Nutter played the role at the sex siren Jayne Mansfield and Laura Secord was portrayed hy Mrs Siessor The highlight of he birthday dinner party held ior member of Kiwanis Ludiu Auxiliary was the panel IGW depicting the program Flashback Pnneleis included Mrs Wlb baking Mm Jdm Rlddel Mrs Gordon Needham Mrs Jack Butler Mrs Frieda Wllsm Mrs Boyd Robertson Mrs Lorna McIntosh Mrs Allen Mrs Clarke Mrs Earle Little Mrs Frail Mrs Parsons Mrs llpy Christle Mrs Bernlce Thomp son Mrs Frank Perkins surprise package was won by Mrs Robert Nelson of Ihe hrIdcuruom we the ushers RECEPTION he reccplinn wns held at Al llslon Arena Receivmg the hrldel mother were son blue nylon gown with while accessor les nqdcounge roses Assisting lb bridcgmnml molhcr was attired in beige lace gown blnck accessories and corsagc of ellnw roses nllvo nrllsln who should have encrnlly llno ycnr For lhrm Juno wlll he an excrpllanully llna month In your prlvnlr Illav mmlm Ihnuld run nmethcvcn eh Irnonllnnrlly nlrmunxly mm lmvrl wcinl nud mmnnllc nlnmlpnlnll ncrn nra Indian llnm lrnvrl nppvruxnlllu In lulu June Mrly August tnrly Seplrmlwr nml Drcemlwr and mmnncu nhauld Hmnlnll In lnlu May mldJuly Inle Auquu early Namnhcr nml midnu crmher Iixrml or hrld po llmll In mleMny llml ka Erplrmlxr damullr concern lmulll prov ounmkmnHy hnnpy The nominee in charge of arrangemmfa included Mrs Slessor Mrs Fred Smith Mrs RBobivr Mrs Ros Stephens andMn Allen The 17m birthday of he aux lllary was held at the Confluen nl In last evening Foalavailing Hie Dildo wore plnk Ilnen suit with whllo ac cessarles On return from Ike huncymnnn to Quebec vaincvr he couple will reside at 135 Vlclarla Street W252 Alllson rhlltl lmrn ml IN My ulll 111va WWI utcmlunnlly mung prlnrlrlu lull may mm fill up nlnn If nlnmulr In he lulurd Innmnlln Membersforttay Famous Characters At Birthday Party width was held on he Tidal vlcw Emilia Vlrcnrnsldcnl ho Cnnadlnn Party Mn Dclln McCurdy Almnn Brnch Mrs Jnmlesun accom hzmlod her husband Io annual cvcnl Dunlan 51 Wed Do Ihllp Illhhln ulnIkIWoé on mfllyoulona mm or ownynuvlhlgh lcroulu 19 lollo on 171 MM Dur Ann Landau Thu lelter from he reader who com plnlned about his pet gripe sent savers gave me the cournue to air my pet gripeUna crusher SCIATICA Mm mm Valliu hum mmnmmm 1mm Even Ihe must stupid and lnxensfllve slnb should realm that people who make an wan to get in place early resent the crusher Invariany the late arrivals scan the head ol Ihe line or mum face Then lhey rush over will big hello In few minutes someone turns to you and say Do you mind And may elbow their way In llnc What can person my ex cept course not even though he In boiling Inside would Ilka lo have your answer In print because my sentiman are shared by mllllons who am so stumpcd ANTIPUSH EQUAL DIFFEREN Du Anll If you resent llnr crashers dont just stand here like lower of tapioca Say Yes do mind The end the no is down lhere ES The lintcrusher are probably the nnes who Iurn out to be seab savers once they get inside Dear Ann Linden Im student midweslern co Icge We have several Inreign studenu hem and ind them very lnkeresllng particularly MONTREAL cm Evry Saturday ultcrnoon more than so Canadlan bom chlldren Slovak orlgin mend the Cunn dlan Slovak Schwnl In Munlreai The school started our yam ago by Ihc Canadian Slovak Cultural Cenlre wnnls tn help enrich Canadian cullure by leachlng our chlldrcn the her lug nnd puslnms ol Slovnkla Mrs John vars pres en the wamcnl auxiliary the centre said many children had never heard he Siavak tongua heinre earning in the schnal which teaches them the lan gunge dance and folk music ol their inrciaihcrai They have grown up In home where lhclr amines In telmarried with lhe Eugllshv French German and Italian 0mm came from home when SInvnk was the first tongue Mrs Dvarsky born In Canada of Slovakian parents said very oltcn the children were wrongly luld In public schools that they were Cuthuslovnknut Slovak She referred to lha act that the Clcchs and Slovak were sumrm nuliom bclnn their unhn hi 1913 ANNj LANDERS Teach Culture Of Homeland AWNBOY ONLY POWER MUWER WITH You Can UH Flnqor You Can 51mm Now LawuBoy new slurler and lwlnspnvk lgnlllon makes the 63 annfloy 94 oaslor to alart FIngorTlp slur LawnBoy exclusive nu olhur powcv muwor hnn IL Unlquo Grasscnlclwr vacuum rmn cloansnsyou cutDnlachu5 anally ompllos In seconds canl clog Dunlap Resent LineCrashersll The Early Birds Bum one ynung man with whomI have become lnlatnated always believed my parents were demmnlic and broad mlnded but was mistaken They strongly disapprove oi my Eumance with Ihis ioreign alu enL nllly of any klnd So many peuple talk one way and live another Please print this letter and ex press your vlews on the subject It will be interest to many college students INTERNA TIONAL PROBLEM Ihnvc always had deep eel lngsmahogl brothgrhqod and Dear In mllunnl You havent told me whether an foreign student ls of your tau and religion but you Indicate he is not he Is we no reason why you should no oontluue tho romance am against lnmfnlul and lnlenaclal dating and thin goes for the hay next door as well the boy mm hall world away Dallng leads to mallng Marriage has enough hazards wilhou adding Ihe problem rellglaus and racial differences In the are civll right helleve strongly ln equaliLy But dating and marriage are mnlter personal choice bzlleve in he lndividuals free dom to make the choice but every study on marriage and divorce whlnh have seen indi cales that the chances for suc cess are greater when peopl slick to their nwn NOT INTERESTED Deu Ann Landm How can mrrecl this situation wilhoui hurting my minlaws feel lngs Jail in wonderful fellow and dont know what to do ahnul the problem he is causing our family Jeff has an unmnrrled brother whn is sweet on my youngest daughter Sally She does not care for Jeffs bmlhcr but she feels the must he palm to him In the meantime Jen brings his brother to our houm at least three times week have hinted lmnxly but Jen doesnt gel in Is there any lhlng that can be done short coming right out and lellinu Jcfl III brulher is nut welwme Dtu Cruwd Doesnt Sally haw vocal chords cant sun that this Is your problemor your sonlnlawa THREES main Your daughter should all the post slralght away that shes not Interested In him and to snap coming uvnr You and your sun In lnw xhnuld not become involved It Sallys responsi hllily For elderly and cunvnlu cnl pntlcnls Excellent facilities fur private or lemirprivnla llol and cold water In roams legislat ed Nuno In allcndnnce STAYNER NURSING HOME STAYNER ONT MARSHALL Rug PHONE 114 PA um

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