Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Apr 1963, p. 5

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11w Ihowl pnxlucm mod only phnned on pcopla but 110 Io Irhvmll tnllrc Ir of lluklnz rhllrn mm 530 worn nllrd Ind woplo wrre Itnmilng wodrrp ma lurk lhe 1an and In he Iludcnl Inhb ll MI very gnlfly Inn Immune And Hull nwrllmv nudlrnu wu no pulnlul llwy uw llm Idiotan Ind 11w nw Uu Dru Uulx They Prevlnuxly Ihc nudlloriuml Appllllmz Imuxuu had dh muuud roduccn Imm put llnz II to Fl lnlcndrd uxc bul wkh the menslve use microphone And he prmncu Iubsunllll Audlcnco Wu hoped lhll lhln dlfllcully would he ll lull mlnlmlzcd In Ullnul urnrd out ll wn mm plclely ovtrcomt lhc nlku worked nmhuorfly Ind vary whnnnlhl mumhm upnclly auditmo lumml out1 Ind hum evrry wan Till Vlrlciy Night should he commond mlluianc In the hlxlary nl aur Collegiate ll mlrkrd lhc iinl occasion the Iudiiorlum wu usud or public nnlerulnmcnl and also he iini limo nluricni were INC is periarm publicly on Umlr own nun My mu mum in the mud whirlwind our 01 indinn and the Vnricly Night producian on mine lily April 10 Sllyncr Collexlnle Ln wank was holldny al Ichool providing much nocdnd rust both mm the dull routine nnd Irnm lhe bustle of pr fly mm gvxTonights DanceGiven Cool Musical Theme MEMBERS OF THE For ulry Club IN blck row lwm Ion Waller Wardlc Variety Night Is Top Success Hy 391mm HAWKINS Plans are being made or the Graduntlon Dnncc to be held May 11 In Barrlc Norths Round Room We will hm more than lhls in he next few weeks Talent Show sponsored by our Student Conn all will be held an Mayrzd you In ntcrcslcd ln pmlc lpnllng ln lhlx be sure to at grnduntlng class wu unlonnlned dmner by lhc 150 Essa Rand Presbyter lln Church on Tuexdny even ing The special speaker was Rev Crooks of Parry Sound with Gordon Cowan student of voflce It the Royal Conserv IIltmy Music guest art By SUSAN illLAIIEN llmio Narth Today the arches It Bur Ile North is holding dnnce with musicli Uleme it is to he called Chopinl Shuiilu Dlncing in start at 830 pm Idmission 35 with Activity Card and 50c without Then will be prim Ind spLCili dances so be sure lo attend this iiist school dance alter the Euler holidays CELEGIATE CAPERE puma They even saw In cxclusivu Fashion Show Ind mlflul skclchu lhn current glut of lelevlsion All this and more they nw and hurd or cw ccnlx uw singers SATURDAY pm to 30 pm Thursday Night 300 pm la 12 pm Tom Wheeler Sltphcn Dine Rlchnrd Cnulls Art Garhnm Vlller RI dson Rkhud eupicnnuun it is etasponsored by the From the group two will be Bmla Rotary Clul Ind dim picked to tend the 4H Onurio Department oi Agricul Achievement Day at the On lnre At etch monthly meetinu tnrio Agricultm College II inslructlon in forestry is ex Guelph in October Here re partly given by Co Duckworlh prosentative from All the ior oi the Deplrtment of Linda cslry clubs in Ontnrlo will be and Forests Angus 10 club in competition lender is Rollason of tho 51m County of he Elrrle North Collexlue presi leldlng Comm wood dentv Hunk VIn Voorsl and development In ommo um It enemy Albert ranting is hoped um his club will help During the Winter meetingxicomlnue such worthwhile were held liter mhooi houmcndolvor HONKY TONK ENTERTAINMENT The Elma Norh 4H For estry Club conslsllng at 20 members wu formed In Nu vember The funcUon of III group is to further forestry and mnservnllon prlcuce In tha mm must own Have you paid 1015 our Po laris yet This we the list chlnoe to pay or your gu book which promises 10 ha best ever We would like to flunk Mt Rolluon lot the following count 01 Icllvlllcl of the Forestry Club lend the Audition which will he held In the very npnr future CLUB 20 THE WELLINGTON HOTEL dlncurl phnlsls Sunday vlsllun with Mr and Mrs Jnck lillls 5L wero Mr and Mn Denney and Inmlly 51mm and ML and John Ellis Jr and lnmily qurlv ML Charla Mnnhnll Mlu Ivy Mnrahnll and Mn Floyd Mrs Dcmpstur Harrie spam few days last week visit lnz Mr and Mrs John Elll nnd olhur lrlcnds nmnnd Utopia Mrs Dumpster plans to fly to Kcewnfln on Wednesday to spend the xummnr with nor daughter Mrs on Olsen and lumlly Dawson McCunn mm aan hlsllinslcr halidnys with hi1 nrnndpnrcnls Mr nnd Mrs Dhwsqn hnrrle Mr and Mrs Andy Lnknlus Jrl vlshcd In Hnmlllon Frlduy Humr and Allin MchIn Front mw Norman Sanford David llallmvav Albert Pant ing Hunk VID Voorst mend From group two will be picked lo lend the 4H Achlovoment Day at the 011 mln Agrlcultum College It Guelph In October Here re presenlallve from All the for estry club In Onlnrlo will be In wmpclltlnn For projects each member mus plan either windbrcak or onerqumcr acxe forest The any student my plan their tree an DepL waodlot All flaming will be Inspected dur the summer collection 01 leaves legs Ind wood will be shnwn In displly at the Enrrle Fllr In Septemhep and consisted An exrllnl lion 4H club work In Fiedge mono and rules ident ilmlan oi evergreen Ind de ciduou mes conservation at lhe onle and vniue of wood iau ranking of mlple syrup the planting of mu on their Inns HY MmL UTOPIA KEN BUSH Mcllllnn spent Friday afternoon with Mr Ken Bush And Mn mm llHl Wllsnn of Ottawa called on llho Gnllop and Exclls Friday evcnlngl Mr and Mrs Lloyd lnrdlne and Maureen Enrrle spcnl Sunday with Mr and Mn Amnll lllulr and lnmlly Thu pr mccllnl SL Georges Womans Auxiliary wn hold nlnsdny cvcnlnz Apr 15 at the home of Mrs llcclm Turnhull Prcsldcnl Mu Frank llluinsnn opennd Ihn mccllnu wllh prnycr no call Wu In xwmd by 10 mcmhm nnd om vlnllor with Scripture vmcl Mr nnd Mrs Jnck McCunn and Duwsan nnd Fred McCann vlsllcd ML and Mn Willinm Orr In Barrie Friday evenlnz 51 GEORGES WA Ronnie and GILnull Shnw al Barrie upon purl Ihclr Ensch vncnllnn ul Amnll Mulra Bowman Dennis Ellsmcm and Don Slddall Misslng are Tprry Stone and thhnd Huhbcrl llD won the bay Intelform bukclball lourmmcnl vllh record at our wln and no loucs Congratulallnnsl llF The exchlngo lrlp or Fund students Onlarla Ind Quebec nklng pllce ngllo lhls yen tom July to July 30 All Blrrlo sludcnts wlll be solo to St Fellclen on the slum ol Lake Sllnt John However only 15 Elma sludenu wlll be IHWBd go so any interested people should gel on Ippllcm llon form mm Mlss Smllh and Ill it out soon as possible Alnce the closing dale the tnd of Aorll BASKETBALL Qanlrnl 00112111th 51an Jim Fieweilinx hld won second prize in the district eight contest he wu able to mmpete in tho Lions Club uuh3 dixtrict Mi public Ipeaking in held on April 11 Jim won first prize and is now elig ibie to tnvei to Buckingham Quebec to spank in the D1 trlct competition an ivin This district include all of cm mic and Quebec Jim also won trophy Ind twenty dnl inn We alien our congratuil tiuns and wish him the beat at luck next Sllunily Jim Flewelling Earns Entry Tquroup Finals By RRSEMARY ASQUIIH containing the ward sacrifice Mrs John Ellis responsible for the eveningl program rend chapter irom St Luku The row inr ltev ii 11 Harper gave an intnrnstlng talk on lhe chapter iram he study book Mobiliz ing lho Manpower At the close at the mcciing the hosics serv ed dainty iunch Al the mnvenllon the new nxccullvc wn chnsen or the allowlmz you Ind Bruce was elcclcd director Over the past yenr approximately 5100 young people attended To Al pha mulcmnces or hand To Alph speakers Four hundred bgumc new members At the present lime pun Ire being discussed About hnvlng Too Mplu unit In every cmmly Simon Counly unit now be lng armed with II hud qumcn In Hnrrie It Is posxl ble hive ball wllhout Il cahnl Bruce Reynolds grade 12 student mended the To Al phn Euler Convcmion in Guelph Toe Alpha ynuth organiuilan whose prime pur pose is to supply young people will inlormiiun about alcohol and its capabilities in mm hora Ioef is and Il hi the Greek leiler far ere lore ii lnillnl letters sum for TeenAgcr Ind To Absuin During the Euler hulldaya some Ccnlnlilo engaged mamaIves In ravelllng The annual Graduation Dance last nppmlchlng King Arlhur Invite one and to the Court In be called on Friday May In in the Calew torn El Room Admission $150 per couple Humor McPherson grldn Cadet Inspection will like place Input this middle May this year The dmcrent corps us being farmed Ind udcl pncllce dlys Irv expected to at around next week camé second wlu Qhrea wlnl Ind one loss HEATHER McPllERSON 0n Thursdly morning they cni shopping Then at 130 pan the bus picked them up to in the Museum Nexl they wmdemd through Central Park until it Wu lime Io in for Barrie The bus left New York 510 pm in 81 Mr lhur llld arrived home At eizhl oclock Fridly mominz lri who could twist her body nta Lino moxi ianlastic shapes Around our pini lhuy went the Empire Sme Building Ind look the eievllor to lim 86in floor ihu wu about high we WIan lo goL Wednes dny night Ihcy miked down Bmldwly and law 5huw 0n Wednesdny they went Radio City Music ihli There they saw the screen version oi the stage pil Byel Byt Birdie the ockeiin who IN lhe mus Imuul precision Carl in gigs woriq Ind thirteen parlielpnied in the Hi Enter trip In New York The group lelt BIrrle It eight lmr Mondny Ind mived In New York Ii 930 1711 On Tuesday they ind bus tour oi the Bowery ChinnTown and Wnll Street in ChinaTown the visited Chinese gilt shop In temple oi Oanlueius Aiier lunch they look lerry trip in the Statue oi Liberty in New York llnrbour miter 01 interest it takes one hnur to climb up to the names emwn and hlck down Igain lhyden Planetarium was visit ed lter supper In this un usual building the spectators enter domeshnped mm which is then plunged into dnrkness ihen he dome shnped ceiling is illuminnted like sky whithgives one the impression ni being outdoors zuldegives lnlormlilon an etch rlnr Ind planet Appears BRUCE REYNOLDS TANK RENTAL ONLY l5 BAYFIELD STREET FLAT RATE ELECTRIC WATER HEATER BARRIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION All THE HOT WATER YOU NEED WITH GUARANTEED llva Bonn Elodvlnlly $015 Ilfllol 07 D1 mom The First 3Act Motion Picture Eve Presented HURONIA DRIVEIi THEATRE SAT MON was FIND GREAT WONDER DIvern have found fragments at the Phnms the ma light house that was one of lhe scfin wonder of tho ancient world In Alexandria harbor Egypt HIE BARRIE ilkAMlNERr FRIDAY APRIL 10196 Funue TnnIxhl ll 610 and MO Nun meu mm iii mugxofm YO me NOWI 13a 11 120 Am IFREE Kodlmlor film at Hf on our Membefl An DISCOUNT FRICRS on Ill cult rernrlnh Ind linemen To llolldny Camell Club Ba 1500 Downsvlaw um nuclei 00 PM lewd ma my In chlcalor Film sm Ind mu den on nvlnn am now enuuea Addreu cuy rmvmcu nemmuun WHAT LOOK Jassm LEij mun nvnu ummnu An Embassylnilmafinnal fithuu RI EASYMANCOlDR TODAY and SAT PICTURES iilis SUMMER TAKING Kodacolor numnouu Mung Mm FEATURE SAT MO and 910 Mallow Ohml crunu£xW TONIGHT6 SAT th Hupplast Shaw In Tamil MAE lllllflll 515 MUBHOI 15m Plul Colour Culoon Flu Colour Curioon amtm PA 64825 FIVE PENNIES In Colour SHANTY BAY nmnwma mnnm THIAIII MST TIMES TONIGHT AND PM Monlh DANNYRAVE Mtfinv ANDREW cum32 mumucalan PIER mumm mm mm my 900

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