l6 painted metal bod whlch am sure brnsl nflcr hav nu watched all some of the palm Row can we rcmnvo the palm And restore the brass under nnnyh ANSWER The pllnl can he removed with ruxuar nlnl ru nqurlullowlnn label lrectlon Many Excellent bran clnnnln and pollshlnx preparations am wldcly avnllnblu aupennnrlb Ila housewares nnd hardwnru stores lnllow manufacturer In alrucllonl or clean the bran wllh paste made of flour udd ed to vlncgar ln whlch as much an as posslble has been dls solved then rlnso wllh clear water to man all true of pnslm To retard larnlshlng alter clemlnz and polishing wlpe the metal with benzenu to remove any ram grease or wax and apply Coll of spraying clear lncqnnr maria enchlally nr his purpose avallah pnlnl house wares and name variety stares LINOLEUM WALL COVERING QUESTION Wu Just purchas ed on old house The kitchen has llnnlnum wall coming which we dont llke How can thll be removed ANSWER Pry corner tho llnolnum louse wllll blunt odnnd ml llko pule lmllo or screw drlvor Then mnlslnn the post on the buck of the wall covcrlng ll waterproof ndhcslve moisten wnlh nnplha being sure wlndows on open and the room well vcnlllmed and bclng corclul ol lire hnz ord he sure pllol llnhlx nro all An lho paste sollonx pry he covcrlnl loose from Ike woll STORAGE QUESTION What can be dono to prevent mold forming musi odors and mlldcw from allccting clothing shoes shou Ikalcs clcl whlch must bu aimcad niihcr in garanchama Ailnched slab ilonr or base ment complelely below grade In there any chemical on can use inside the containers in which lilac me aluml lu uld the rcLardallon such mold What type of container would be best for Iuch purpose which would be lho heller place the la lin3 basement ANSWER The garage would be holler than the bustmen or norm becouso undoubtedly him better vonulnllan and air circulation Ihnn lhe basement All Items Io be stored should Hm be thoroughly donned and Ilrcd Storage would be best in INPAINTING VBIIASS BEDS QUFSTION beuzhwels FIRST AID FOR THE HOME Dont Delay PHONE PA 85983 IHE BARflm IXAMINEII FRIDAY APRIL for muchmill lndudod In EATONS Pug Clvcuhr ROGER WHITMAN an airLight molstumprooi ca binet or chest installinlan cl cclric dam chaser in ihin wauld keep ihc nlerior dry and lho air circulatinz this in lmlll aluminum covered rod plunged into any outlet and mini cur rent the equivalent of 25wall bulb available at my house ware denim and cieclric pilnncn slam Moisture sorbingand miidbw prevent lnu chemical preparations are available at many hausewarca and hardwaro slam lhm us uaiiy coma ready to he hung in closeu cabinets air MOSS 0N GARDEN STEPS QUESTION Our house la hulll on hlll and we have several brlck step lendlng down to garden ln the rest The hotwm Iew slop developed mm on the surlnm and have become nulls grgry How can lhll bl rm ANSWER Scrub the bricks wllh all brush nnd slum detergent solution the rims thoroughly wllh claar water Then to the brick surface apply 11qu waterprooï¬ng prepara tlon available at masonry sup pllcs dealers or llquld mll dowpmollng prepnrnllon avail ablo at some large housewares departments or mnrlnu supplies dealers shrubbery or trees shade lhcso steps thlnnlng out to pcrmll entrance of sun and better nlr clrculnllon in he amp wlll Ihelp prevent moss develop men WARNID MOM QUESTION have blrch board nhom by 38 Inches that was golng to use to make low table has become slightly warped How can ANSl Place the board concave slde up on couple ul chnlr back or saw horses when It can romnln undlsturh ad or about 10 days The and should project ahout Io lnchcs beyond lho polnl cl support at each and On each projecting and plum heavy wnllhtu henA vy books all of wntnr largo stones on leave them lor sev eral days It um warp doesnt disappear in about melt stcomlnx preferably by pm loulonal cnblnetmakcrt may be nocnssnry to strnlghlun home method to clump the loo In llurdy llrm lrnmo ml by and slowly stem the con cav nurlaco with steam lrun llgllunlng lhe clamps Ilowly as the Monman mntlnucs unlll the board ls attuned Tllls at but ll somewhat haphnmrd ll worth lt to you have lt done rllhl SALE ENDS TOMORROW EATON Door 0pm lpldll GENUINE MOSAIC Patio Tables Mod on lelh Tab up In hpvmolor nnlyl fled Iml lmn nu mm MLE llllCE nnlylllm and hem nu mm s199 EATON MI Ill hp VIKING MOTOR Ft Hrberglus Boat Saturday April 27 ï¬nal day for Ihis great EATONS SAVINGS EVENT nlch EATON TransCanada Sale MARINE SPECIALS For he lamlly whn needs nur bedroom hue designs aim the maxlmum llvlng spat tor mlnlmurq 1109 Area nature all run spllllevcl duixns Utilities wllh an exlra washraum are lacnled hchlnd the double gar age and convcnlcnt to kitchen and rear entry There nil basement under the kilchcn llvlng nrca Thcre is also am ple room here or rccrcallon room plul Iurnncn and or the dnilyaurscll man lull uizcd workshap EXAMINER HOMEOF THE WEEK $134M ï¬lurd 24 haul In chlrmnl tn ond nked lnnmtl linhh EATON Door ournlnl flyerlll urh Hqulmud lIh ulrnhmvy lrnr rm ullh mljuunhlr Tlmkrn lnpmd mll¢r hur Inn llnmllrhnr lhrnlllu nml tlmrh mnlrnln um IMP drlvv tiny5pm ruwiml Ilnrl rr unhruknhlo llnu Ilamrlrr Vldlh mljullnhlo rum In III llIllml drnlh mm In 5qu pnrunmllc In 176 InL Runaod any Duiy TecoMasIer TlllERS 24 Barbecues Standard Builders blueprints lot this design No 302 cost $15 or the tin set Md ior ad diilonai acts They are avail able in Cnnndn by mlurn mail Ontario residents must remit per cent sales taxi Now available at tth new paper oiiice is the latest De ulgn Book entitled Canadian Guide In Homo Planning and Design price 31 and is tax free This new edition in eludes information on iinanc init in Canada building can atruclion details inndscapinz HP 4Cyclo Tacomulor Englna by Briggs SirHon VIKING 11 FT FIBERGlAS RUNABOUT llllm Il Flhrulu llImnlmuL lnluvlrlu WWI ulmlnhhlvl llnllfll hm um mu moo IATON 449oo nasnsNcoz mason ALMATEX Exlcrlor Door Openln RpmIll ll EATON DEPICIB CONIIUEST The Buyeux Tapestry pre served In Bayeux France de plcl ha Norman conquest 01 England and the death King Harald calur aelecllon Interior decor allnz furniture arrangement custom deslgnlng elc plus over 100 pnpular and new de tism chaasn from Also Included In his book are full details on haw lo urder blue prints House Paint Vhlto 1N0 AAIW BABYS MONTH AT FAVEROS INQUIRE ABOUT OUR PORTRAIT SPECIAL Month Tn Yuri Only Photography by Favevo 29 DUNLOP ST PA 491 All lvlrn 132 EATON 198 gum Chramelllinl Hum Indial4 1n HIM In nu in mm FEATHEIIWEIUIIT hm Illnlnlm OliAWA Special Advent oi Liberal government cauid lead la reduction in the cost oi iinancinl house While such reduction has no bun specifically promised Liberal my housing spokesman in hex as parliament kept pressing or lower tale One of the mart vocal wu Nlplsslnxr Garland who wlll have considerable lnflucnca on government housan pollcy In the month to come Several me Mr Garland asked worlu mlnlslcr Davle Fulton If the lovernmen would canrlder rc duclng Illa present 61 per cent Nntlonal Housing Act rater He argued that rcducllnn would help in brlnglng the banks hack into murlgm lending for huusa construction The government dodged the Issue but at one palnt Mr Ful Inn retoried that might my Ihat so far have successlully reslslzd xuggcsuonx emanatlnx from various quarter III the Interest rate should ba ln creased And think Illa honor able member wlll be glad tn know thpthas pearl don ouse mortgage rates cm In Novem ber 1961 when he government reduced the NBA raIe from an to per cenL When lhe hauslng CI became Inw In 1954 the tale was per cent Far short period It tell law In January 1957 it rose tn ab and to II punk of In Decgrnber less rhé ialelslmporlan to buy er new homes Even ha nutquarter on per cent Towel Poles Liberal GOVT MdY Cut House Mortgage Rates 49 Iilr uch nï¬ium mu of Picnic Table Sets At sea and ashore NV llerllnlnl CoOChnlr Elle clch lluvy chmmlum noel uh nunM Ihblnl mm mu mm mlum mm An mm Chmmwplllrd MUN Ihl Ivlr Jolmny Poles 36 Im lol dmp In 1961 meansa saving $10 for maximum NHA Ian of 515400 repayahle over 25 ycgr Liberal elecuan promlsea on housing include ekaded grants far urban renewal in order to clear slllnu Increased construc tion law rentalhwslng units pin the bruadeniuz 01 NBA 114 billion to provide monuagcs to buy existlng haum Horuan In one 01 lhe Inns vilal ecannmlc faclorx because at lha employment It provldcs and the amount or material and servch needs Last year hnuslng starts mulled 130095 an lnmase 01 16 per cent over msz Completion Increased 96 per cent In1266€1 Expenditur an mldenllnl enmtrucllon 359 33 per cent to 11531 mi ons The trend in Cnnldhn hour In is toward runlnl accumrmr dallun Thh rose from 48100 mm In 1961 52559 last year whlle slaru n1 homeownershlp dweflings declined 23 per cent NHA lendtug nctlvlty was down partly due to the em phasis an rental hnuulng The trends in lending are closely llnked with changes in the spread between the MM me and the yleld on longterm bonds The chartered bank were almost Imperative in the mortgage lield approving net loan lor only our dwelllng un its last year By contrast In 195 they made loans or 061 um Aimga Income NHA bor rowers rose to $6015 compared lo 10 an averale dawn pay PALM BREEZE RUMS Ordlmrlly 34995 EATON TumCan Slll uh Fl SEC0N NEVER NEEDS DEFHDSTINU 5000 OFF VIKING Big 136 Cu Ft Delï¬xe Frost Free 2DO0R REFRIGERATOR EREEZERS £¥3JÂ¥31333nd29995 Vprnlflrml Frrrm nml Alnlrn up la 10 1le ml Hold nod ll mumm lrmpcrnlum lnr mnnlhl REFRIGERATOR KEVTHIN DIIFIIDSTJ AUTOMATICAle Firming Cult um um dlnlnhullnn old III lnmo mrcclnln cnnmcllnl crlwm pullraul Ihrll Hp ulurnnu urnhie wllh mung III nn pnrknxu nn mruy MmInt irnyu inll ERIEpm Miler IBM nr lrlHInml dour WM uvnllnlvla Von um NAVY RUM Duh men was $2421 on hum Melaging 314815 monthly puy menu at mnrluaxe prmclpal and interest and property taxes represented 211 pence the borrowers Income compared 111 per cent In 1961 Average nu at lamlllu bor rowan under NHA rm and house also new larger Islnz to me square feet Spll lav1 els continued ï¬nd favor and accounted or no per cent and there was continued Interest in lwaslorcy nausea Bul hunza lows continue to in In must popular and rcpresenl 75 per gen of all single detached dwelV Conslrucllon cosh per anm fool dropped to $10 or bun gplpwsbug larger Iner IIIJdA higher land cnslx sen Iver esllmnled coslol single dame ed dwelllngs to $15111 compar ed to 314888 In 196 lull lml nnlvulnun nml with bmulm II III lnr rm any Maly Ind Nil Mum Allan 51 HIIVIIlud IINI Gubngo Cam lulu nth vmln Mai WHITE CAP VIAU MOTORS l7 Gown 111 Bradford 81 USED CARS FIRST 41 $3