Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Apr 1963, p. 14

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Inlm mm mm mom on amount Manhunt mlnl mnmm ma mam mu mmle MunI mm mm In lum sun rnl ml Iflmxm oulmm IN luluan WI cowlMM Ill mm rum my may nullnl ullh Hum vmy Onlml Nqu Mal mumIT mm mm tam Mnhiu Ivlllll phrm rA hull Tunm4 Inu WI NHhOI IMM III IN WIIUIM lflfi Nmm IM um um II Apply In mm mm my run méénnélummf my ham Tvlnmun n1 in mum vimm lulu mrnmum ml um my mm mum ruur mum nurnm m1 mm mm hnuulvqllnu um um hum IIuI mlllYlIUn llml Ifllmmvnl In mm mm uunm1 wr nunI Wm and may mu mm EMPLOYMENT WANTED imam mu mm Irnn mum1 hr tn uly pnlumnn mm In up mud IM mum m1 rmuml mull mm nun Inmu Io mu mm ruminu Domn rnmplny In mm vuy um hm inl Hy mqu nmumutlvm Apply flultm Mun Mn vrly mum In nnnnll hnmn ma mum unllon Amy wllh John mm mm ll Iloll umN or um no mu hllp wlh rhlldlrn mm 9mm um us WHUy wm un 11 mm Imlnn HucncAL Nun mum mealmy or mynm duty Man Dundumld nu thu um mm WANTED lor lunrh cuunm In aowmnu lunle xpulmcn diluted For my mum pmln uIu pl mepnan PA 57 mm on wmIAN mind MId nu ann mnmn nuk rm Ihly In Trlrlvhnm Hun or lunher Inlurmnum ivomi mm umm or houuworl In Telephnnl was In mum Inlurmllhm STENOGRAPHEIS Preferably with several years experience Apply MANSFIELD RUBBER CANADA LIMITED BARRIE ONTARIO you All Succuan nun Dnmulhunt your mun yen you mu hem mnklnl mm mm MlI Mlybo you me done well bun quu Inca1m 0n nu cum hum xnu my not hm Ichleved auxh uch month ma uchyur In an mun ya woum 1m in an an be you rudy In In lulu rear 11 m1 you nulllly Imhluuul Ind nmtwomnl human1 who hku people MI ma ea nllon mun1m um helwun ui interview wm be IrnnKefl Comm Mr Kelly menuv ma Proluslnmlv mmxon llonal Duployment mun Blnlh AVON OPPORTUNITY MECHANIC ed for Gene Melon dulmhl In my mm per ml nln hnu ma weell hol idly wllh ply elm nmulory halldm wuh ply 517 per cent exhllnl Onllnn llorplul Plln 60 Mr rent or nledlul Lila lluun mu Plnn plus othu banana eru or Illtphom 5mm Him nu unllsh Amerlcm Chevrolel Oldsmobile Lu 17 Avmue Rand Toronln or leltvhone hum IMMEDIATE opening or malnrc woman lo scrvice cxcallcnt Icrrilvry In Shun Iy Buy and Craighurst dis mm Start earning xlrn income rlghl nwnyr No ex jpericnce neededwe train you show AVON Cosme 11 For personal interview write lo Mu Walker 38 1110mm Stmt Burma or phnnePA 65551 Human Body Mun mum No Ealnunl expefimre new Humor N102 Anllfl mxu uuuy emplnymtm mum to expmence shm woxk Apply In unyd Mcbnuxlll 35 1mm sum sun nmrnm ANn Receiver lnr loul warehauxe In lvenlullly be wm hum mxnller Experienced nun prererrzd Wm mun previous experience can uon In tn not 30 mm Eurminer Ml mane held in urkl Cauliflle HELP WANTED uhecu um um nuponumly la lem mu won 1m um Tallphonl Cm mm mm fand and Gravel firm requires mechanic with fwelding and some lathe experience to look after fleet of shov Lels loaders and trucks etc y$alary $450000 per year Plus benefits Steady employmént References required 10 HELP WANTED MASTER MECHANIC WANTED FEMALE HELP MR HICKS Stouffville 6401402 MALE HELP in Dunnmm um wt mm um WILSON MOORBY BAIIIUSIER SOIJCIIOIK I7 OWEN HT lA 001M NIX Md mmlm lnllrllnu IIIm IMHI or Mllun nm luhllltnnnylmo GLADSTONE CURRIE QC IAIIIITII IUIJCITDII Ln umm II Wlllon MIMI hon HlInI Ilml lmlv MIIII hmhom fhlwl um WHan nml HIMle Chlvlu Wllwn rumm lhllnn IIIHIIIn MIMIMI nwm rm cmxnunn nml ml lunrlln II Cum mm rn IA 1sz Ir rlumi iA Mnnlstnu nus CUWANI ll rnlllm sr IA LEGAL WMLN HINTON BA Saturday May 11 at pm sharp for he cslale of the lam MARGARET PIERCE Besldc HIE Angllcan Church hlilhum Village SALE of properly inclndln house and lot household urn urc building equipment and bulchcr cqulpmcnl Term cash No mcrve ru 41m cslnle has lo be sclllod JERRY COUGIILIN LIVle ION 100 pm Riding horses of all typcs and ponies chlsicrcd horses sell first then grades and ponies Sale Indoors Lanes saddle horse sale in East ROY IONSON GEORGETOWN 17566521 SIECKLEV FUNERAL HOME Tender for Mon Truck Scaled lenders clearly marked as In contents will be received by the underslgncd clerk until 12 oclock noon May 1963 or supply ol Uzlon ruck Spec ifications ln tender forms may be obuincd lrom um under signed All bidders must use annshlp lender orms Trade In 1957 Chevrolet iton ruck Lowest or any lender not nec essarily accnpled CLEAN Road Supt 15 Ferris Lane Barrie EARL RICHARDSON C191 narrlsm Mn and Notary lubllc IA Mm 35 Owen St Corner Color and Owen l3 AucnoNsmss Tenders for Park Booth Concessions Tenders will be received the Townsth office Stroud un til noon Saturday May 1963 for 30001 Caucasians at the Township Park for ma 1963 season Main Booth to be open for business during the hours of am pm for June July and August and North Booth to be kept open weekends dand holidays Hydro be pald by successful Tendcrcr Lowest or any tcndcr not no essarily accep Mnmsnnm mummnn Noun IUIIIM mum IM 11 nuna AUCTION SATURDAY APRIL 27 um lu qc CJKulnmqc TOWySHIP OF INNISFIL TENDER FOR CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS Sealml lenders pmperly marked as in oonlent ln envelo sup phnd will be reczlvcd by the undersigned up until pm onday April 29 1963 or the supply land dellvery the following Nuns TENDER an analReady Mlx Concrae 1200 cublc yards TENDER N0 mosw crushed graveljclm 30000 tom TENDER N0 MooPill gravel Class 13 5000 tom TENDER NO 0738 stone chips 3000 tonal TENDER N0 sunSad ma sand 2500 tom TENDER N0 GSMEmulsilled asphalt 129900 gallons TENDER N0 HMODJ Prime 53000 gallons TENDER NO wllQnddmglawn varlely6500 square yardsl TENDER No salzTop soil5000 cublc ant Quanlllles shown are estimated quanlil as only Speclllca Ham and tender envllapes may be oblalnod from the 0ny Clerks Olllce Bl Collier 5mm Dame Ontario Dawes or any tender no neccmrlly accepted TRAUGHAN City Clerk nmmm khnmnn 1mm nmm Elmvllr um 0le LPI III CONDER SUGG novs smclfifié nown IOWANTCOWAN VESPRA TOWNSHIP TEN DER ruNsnAifibTAE MIPIIIUI IMWCI MGIIIIAII PM tumultmm tum mm 12 TENDERS CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SALE 11 Owen SL Bahia Township of Innism GROI rClcrk PROFESSIONAL nmncmfi PA 5177 Audionwr Dunlap nu ml 5mm mm WOW awn mm Him an mug1 m7 mum nu mmmx IUIDUCI no narrow or osmmnnv Fred 1m SUM mflmle gritrig whom WIUON OMOIATIHU CLINIC dun hn Munl0 And If Mum mm nnmml Mum rh mvur Ilnn 1mm nu mu In mm min II mm llmll VA no 5mm rm run an ulmmllanl onl Cnnurvlluly Mm Tnnmlm an Ann Mmlun mlhn mam mum an um THE DAVIES OF CANADA cnmma momm mum In lunlmmq 5mm Com EL Phum PA Mm ONuv1hmCA 6mm nulflllfl IHlnerl AUCTION SALE Saturday May 18 1230 pm DST FOR ELWOOD JENNm Lot Concucslon Essa annshlp miles was of High way 27 and mile slrnighl south of Ivy Vlllnge SALE of arm stock lmple ments and household furniture Including some antiques Tums cash No rester the arm Is sold JERRY QOUGHLIN Large extensive auction sole complete inventory stock at wrecking and demolition yard consisting at thousands feet oi lumber timbersv flooring electric fixtures oil burners furnaces radiators building mntraclors material of all kinds steel beams plumbing supplies portable garages other buildings approximately 100 no thousands other or ticlcs wrecking tools olllcc lumiture ctcl properly belong ing to the ESTATE OF THE LATE OSCAR RUTLEDGE at the yard at 62 NORTH QUEEN SI ETOHICOKE TWP bev lwecn Kipllng Am and No 11 Highway Sale at 1230 noon Terms mshfi No reserve Ken and Clarke Prentice Auction cars Markham Ont phone 2013161 or 6403085 Saturday May 130 pm sharp Sale of household lurnllure and antiques or the executors ol the estate or the late GILMOR REIVE ln he Vlllnga cl Churchill Terms Cull SPROULE Aunt Main St Cooknown 0n nghway 27 SALE OF house and lot house hnld furniture Terms cull on lumilure Home and property will be sold subject In reserve hld Terms and condillan nl prpcrly will be xlven time ta l3 AUCTION SALES vmm rlANo uMMA 11 NAME it 1mm MEDICALMAssAoE AUCTION SALE SATURDAY MAY 4th JESSIE BRYSON al Slcphcnwm nmuumm Dual II In II Mona FA Ill chumm Areoununu Tamnlu Ind mm llml nulc Wlluon um sum HARRIS NEEDHAM WRIGHT RQSE 8c HARRISON Wednesday Evening May at pm sharp For the Estate of the Late LUELL KNEESHAW MUSIC SEW ACCOUNTANTS OPIOMETRY OSTEdPATRS filoNr PA AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE JERRY coucgun Auctioneer IVlulnlnnnl In Auniioheu IIIH med hy In and mm who urnIla to he heard IMTED le MI day of April ML ML HAROLD HELL mg IMTawMLv ol Hui mlmlnry Km mm Sunlll In mumhrm II My llw rmul lmtwnm 10 and 11 In ha and mm TnMIIIVp And II MM nylaw In mine he mmrynnca lhm ha mmqu m5an land AUCTION SALE Saturday May 25 12 Noon Sharp for ED GnENlEfl Farm locnlod on Concoxslon 05 Tiny Towmhlp hull way between Wychrldgu and Wye vale 52 hcml registered on lord mule lull llnu lnrm mn chlncry like new Turin ll mull on new mnchlmry and Mlle balance on nnprnvrd Jain nola lnlcrml at per nnnum ANDERSON WMAN AND COLWIIL Aurllnmrm and Salt Murmur Lalo nn Israeli outpost could be seen an the edge of cnrpmcnl ln he Negev Thu RCAF docsnl fly over Israel however Brynn flow on to two UN Yugoslav aulposls Mar El Qusclmu vlllngn of slono l4 PunuWnce Near an the two larls manned by he rccunnnimnca squndmn of he Lard Slrnlh cana Horse Calgary Iwa patrolling Jeeps were parked Map In dune whlle lhclr crows scanned the horizon with blnocv ulnrs RARELY RAINS Occasionally lhcre was sur prising patch uLgrecn In de prasslnns but had caught somu moisture Jus much water can bring the page lo life l3 AUCTION SALES The sand below was slitched In crazy patterns by Ike wheel marks of UN Jeep palm and the haoIprInls of cnmels owned by the wandering Hedouins Fences desert scrub to break sand drift and wind surrounded Inc lonely Ezlapk nndgrnylents mm lied um and Hacks black goal that stampcdcd the scum the Ollnrl engine Ills alr patrol took him north mile Camp Rafah Ihe main UNEF base in Egypt and Hum south along the inter national lronller Otter also carries passengers and height and is used for lrnnuer recon naissance The units eight pl lols keep Ihe live planes In the air some uo hours month Bryan 53ch he and his punt can and do fly through sand stnrms In fact visibility is hit halter In them Ihan In angldinn blizzard Wing Cmdr uart Olson of Bellevflle Onl UN nlr staff of flcer at Gaza sald the de HavlL land Caribou has been the perv fect plane or Ihe UN opera Ilan It can lnnd discharge cargo and be nlrhome agaln In 10 minutes and Is an dependable as the old Dakota nle sand shill and the country constantly changes so Ihat the last thing we use for navigation is map The unit has about 90 men and live Cunadiammade nir crnitthree Caribou and two Otters The Caribou are used mainly to carry mall and par anger in and from Gaza lo cation of UN headquarters 60 miles north oi here Beirut Cairo Jerusalem and Cyprus and to transport supplies into UN outposts along the Em tlanlsraetl irontler RFEQT PLANE We navigate by few land mnr said Wlng Cmdr Mal Bryan 39 of Fort William om cnmmander of RCAF 115 ah lranspon unit heré just be fore taking all on patrol EL ARISE Egypt CPDThe Sinai desert ls just an unlnvlt in today as was to the la nellte In lhelr trek out 01 Egypt In the earllest blhllcnl times lheJewa called ll the wllderness Flyan by the seat of their pants Canadian punts handle aerial reconnaissance nverlhls same wilderness for the United Nations Emergency Force Russian Engifiéér Famed Canadian mm ylll my new umcrulnfl afl nmy vul Inbcl on mm or Olll lllm Um Ilnr Iluhl nl Alzltrl whirh rnmu out In ma II has bmn rm Imrdcn In me Far the current dmnzunl pncolnllnwlnu uvornl unm The dlllncllnn In hnporlnnl In Hoytr key rlcmml In M5 rnnllnnl rnmpulgn mlnlmhe llml mm ll puhllc Imago xclnlcd mm Imokywynd romnnm NEW YORK IANCharla naycr lsnl hlmxcl on Brand wny IhL seasonthen he find plcnsnnl lm of much more Inn41nd In man mmlorlnhlowhrn becamn clInrnClLr on lhu line he explains Im an ntlur nal pcrmnnllly She had known Taylor £usu any over Hm yam but had never warkcd with hlm before MM Then year later xhe an In dcnllstn chair and looked up hnndwme dentist She married Dr Robcrl 1L Puer aon Nov 14 1960 They have an clghlvmanlhsAald sun Please any lhnz since mar rlcd my dcnllsl cnnl get hlm look at my teeth anymore any Jann Im lhe uppolnl men he nlwnya wncclx when an emergency comes up Joan literally back ln lmr ncss Shes ploylnx her lirsl wcslcm Cullle Klng us the love Interest at Robert lnylor KEVm hon age suit In April at 1969 the prelly actress divorced producer Frank Ros few weeks anr the decree she lound she was WWW Charles Boyer Likes Being An Actor Not Personality HOLLYWOOD AF Some nclrcsse lay 01f wurk because they cant Ind nny Jnnn Caul ield the screen or three yum was just too busy olher wise Unll perm ncl miles from Ihe field Marina on lhe Mcdlter coast The RCA pmbably has the has living quarters In he UNEF Camp Ram living space ls so cramped lhnt postal work4 en llve In corner of lhe post office and eight warehousemcn Ive In the warehouse Malntennn hasnt proved the pmblem it was Ihoughl It would be Similarly lhere has been unexpectedly little turbu lence over the desert and fly ing relallvebf gmonth mn ennnce prob lem is dust Engine have to be Inspected and lubricated more often IlInn In Canada although It has been found that engine lag gust as long home mu duck you mm for tho poucunmgrilfi bounced rn probnhly has the hardest Uma herer It gets so In in Iho sun that too cant be touched And in tha hangar the temperature under Ihe corrugated lmn ruof aver age About 115 degree In sum mer mm 10 am it becomes laborious even to move let alone seyylpe an aircraft Actress Marries Her Dentist Now He Wont Look At Her Teeth The RCA unit here which the UN xcnta at $100 an hour air time share the rudimen tary iieirl with an Egyptian air tom MiG17 jet lighter squad ron RCAF air traillc control for the lieid run by live Ca nadian Army signallers ihe RCAF sticks pretty well to one runny the Egyptians to the other and there is little social contact DIET IS PROBLEM flattened In their lofimur cum pain pcyoss lhgigilna in 1956 The holes made by the smell unwary shells are null vlslbla near the cash where Yugoslav have pitched heir camp under palms Thu villagahas bean rebuiltout flattened petml cans In tha same area lhe roadhed or the railway built by General Aflenby far 1917 campaign against the Turks can be seen Further 50th are the remains of castle built by he Cm snders 800 year ago Wm wmen an lIII1 11 thg Isl311 the re HUBERT In lnlulo lo boll hll Imx 0mm lnnanllsm and Ilnylng powrr lhu prmluccrl Iklppcd nlunl nnnnucmrnu or Ilnmlhy rellnu nn muihlo anIqu could appenw Bayer hull ll WANT ADS hlxhly dlvmlllrd IliumBoyer nppanrlnx at Royqu In Lord lcngn qulclly urbane dmmn nlmuk an art rknlot nnd some rulluro hungry mmiun nlrca Thll mnn ha rvppmlle nl myscll complrlrly lhu Frtnchmnn remrlu Ila In an cxlmvm nn uhlhlllnnlsl II II When rrled lo Frank nlway advised hlm on Ms slack deals bought one Ilocthnl looked llku wlnncr nl $14 It soon went up In 3225 and Frank bouth 1500 xhnm Then we go dlvorccd us lho slock was momlng sold mlno ol My prollt but wllhuul me at homo lu ndvlso hlm Frank hung on to lll loo lonn ll look one the blues nomlim In Ill Yslump nnd ha 10 bun was so stock market Hm ncvnr though much about ncllng she says For year had been conservative Just buylng the bl ip slacks Then gal Independent and started speculating hadnt had that had my Inst year 1th stock market slump mlght hnvn becomu tycoon In ll an actress Here it my first plclurc In three year and wauldnl ynu know the Hrs scene is sexy smooch Howdld Joan us an nclrcss keep from suing berserk during he lung layoff Many students wlll feel the financial squme durlng the mman academic year snyn Bruce Wells placement olllccr the Unlvcrslly ol Western Ontario ln London An incrcus lng number at students wlll Whlle the outlook varies this seems to be the consensus universin placement olflccrs polled In April In CrossCam Eda Survey by The Canadian Many students are still scrum bilng for Jabs to help them meet academic costs that average more than $360 year im tuition in general axis course and mnra 101 course like engineer ing and medicine About $1000 is needed by residents at most universities or room board and tuition Indlcallons are that many unl verslty students will find ll hard lo get job thls summer 0r they do Ind work ll may be or only part or the our months from sprlng exams Io lull en Iolmenl By ROBERT RICE Cunndlnn Pnn SM Writer gelllng harder or univer sity studean to find summer jobs Main mason appears to he that unlveyslly enrolment ris ing aster than appaflunitiu or summer employment SUDBURY CPLA Capreal 0112 Juvenile charged in enn necunn with the shooting death 01 End McMahon 35 or can real 1a miles noth of here was acquitted Thursday In Juvenllu court The boy was charged with shooting with Intent to wound afler McMahnn Ihe father awe was shot and killed March He was tried April 17 but Judge Fncer reserved Judgment nlll Thursday Boy Acquitted In Shooting Jabs Are Scarce For College Kids Rum nnd llrllnln hold key pasluon In tho dlplomnuc strugon nvcr Laos In cothnlr man or nn lnlcmnllunnl confer mm which dcvrlopod neu lrnlfly armuln or Lnnx lnsl yznr they Ihnre mponslhlllly to see that he nmlrnllly nune mom currch nuIA Soviet an llnfscr Im drel Gromyko was described In dispatches ram Moscow ln aislan that the nccusallon nxalnsk he Unllrd Slates be In eluded In Ihn Jolnt SovietBritish dcclnmllon cnlllnx or menu Hm nrllnln lurntd down lho Ruuln Dlscl change In Moscow nllluxdc cnme wllh he publicallon lhrre Tunsday changes um the United States responsible for the recon nub break izhllnz South cnjl glml qugdam WASHINGTON APlA sud don hardening the Soviet no on Laos threatened loday In wreck diplomatic chart In prc serve that countrys noulrnllty and 5qu my clvll wan Whlle some sludcnu are will Ing take any kind at work wilh an Income target of least 50 weekhero are few who have specific Idea cl what they want to do Andnfl director of stu dent personnel Acrvlcc Hum llmnn Mcnlnster Unlverslly re pom that one smdcnl wnnu to be summer pllnt Best set students are the trainee engineers of Ontarios Unlversily of Waterloo where mpernch program provides or allcmntlng aurmnnlh pe riuds In Um classroom and In Industry Students In specialized Held such as engineering forestry science and mathematics have better chance of flndlng Job In their chosen teld But even here the situation varies across the country Soviet Line University students are find ing some poicniiul Jobs grabbed air by high school students Says one piacumcnt officer Employers preler in hire high school studean at $1 an hour raihcr than university siudeni $150 The Iourlst Industry take many universin students 1hr mg summer camps and resorts all have openings or student but Ihcsn Jobs are filled quickly Hotel and camp pay range Irom less than mo month to more than $500 depending an the lype work skills location and experience Resort earn less but their men and lodglng generally are tree T9mTTough mum EXAMINER mun 14mm mm have to borrow funds to llnnnce lhcir edncnllan casts That may not he the officially approved way or the law In operate but Terence John Car belt convinced that In NAIN Labrador CBHem magistrate Terry Coxbell often obliged to Ina people Being warmhunrtad Imh man he samellmen pays the lines himself Judge Has Role Of Social Workerii mm In lor MILES SOUTH OF 0N HIGHWAY TOLTON EQUIPMENT LIMITED Ilr nullm Agrlwlluul In Pleased to Announu flu Appointment of PHONE PA 485 Massey Ferguson limited Bill Toltan pvopvlolor Nu nullmlud lhrrlc Ind Aru Ills ints nunnmlly mm mm lo and mm paymcnk um flexible Mr Cur bells Ilnndnrd quullan nllcr mnvmlnn II Whnn can you pay The Hound usual works out payment plan wll lho RCMP olflcnr or this mit lslrnle lunchlnd Indumlll Vhy line all Eskimo or an Indian 520 or somelhlni even lhe aw calls or Theyll never be nhlo lo pny ll 50 you send mm Inll com um lmtmmcnl about $600 to fly lhcm on Io Jall And Iuppau lhuy mlss um llahlng lemon hncnusc lhcyrn In JAIL Then coup tho xovtmmrnt run more lo keep them an rrllc ull wlnlor year later he returned 10 st Johns long enough to Mary Power public heal nurw he had known or yearl and wine back In Labrador Ive never rcgrcucdll 1n Incl Ill be sorry to leave Magistmle Cnrbelll ap pmach lo law is pragmatic In 1937 We the lime for transfers came around he was asked 15 Ire cholm Halyrood lInymad and ng mod hu wrol Ha KM La xndor He returned to St John 00 work as welfare offlccr fur juvenile mun Ind Inter wu appointed maglslrate H0 served in Harbor Grace and briefly in Holymod MARRIED NURSE The RCMP tells me some limes that mutate them say Mr Corbett with chucke They tell me they go to gm lengths to make case and then all tell the prisoner In Now why would you be doing lhnt my son Why dont you Just try to give up Mr Corbett never expected tumor In the ludlciary much 125 am in Labrador Born and cducnlcd In SL Johns Niki he nnlclcd for lwo yearn wldx law firm but than dccldcdjo go Inln social work instead and studied he Hulllax School Social Work GAVE ux yNDEnwam um um nnnCl unnu ar Davl Inlet he gave an Indlnn hla sleeplng hag Nurse ln bleak outparll uk mm to brlnl in fresh ml and vegetables Companies ask hlm lo ind workers Schools ask hlm tn find ranchers lle seldom all them The result ll lat he ls loved asmlich as spectedl Ha gives lhem more Lhan MS shirt oii his back Once bl gave away his winter under wear Davis inlet he gave an Indian his sleeping bag His people number about 35 000 and um scattered over 112 000 squirm miles They Er indium and Eskimos mailing bare living an galnu and nah hnrdy settlan whose ancewm dolled the Labrador coast with ilshing village ccniuriel and highly paid skilled worker at the mining rim of Waburh and Carol Luké and he Goose Bay air hazel er arbitrator messen suppose that basically Im still more social worker judge he said reiiectlvdy after cleaning up bucking liqlmr case in Nnini 511 ml more satisfaction out oi finding people Jobs than flndinl them guilty To them Mr Corbett la magi llgpmmgiit tab placement pioneer area such as Lahrndaxr there Is sometimes disllnctlon between juallca and lava BARRIE ll Equlp

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